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    中考英语三轮冲刺考前大题练习09 选词填空(含解析)

    这是一份中考英语三轮冲刺考前大题练习09 选词填空(含解析),共12页。

    Each different part f China has its wn special frms f traditinal art.
    Chinese paper cutting, r jianzhi, is a kind f flk art. It's a way t_____1_____peple's hpe and feelings. It has a_____2_____f mre than l,50 years. Paper cutting sunds very easy but it can be difficult. Red paper is usually used as red is____3____with happiness in Chinese culture. The mst_____4_____pictures are flwers, animals, xi(喜) and fu(福). They are put n windws, drs, and walls_____5_____symbls f wishes fr gd luck.
    Chinese clay art is well knwn and ppular all ver the cuntry. Nw many kids learn t make it in schls r even shpping______6______. T make Chinese clay art, the clay is shaped by hand int things, such as cute children r ____7____characters frm a Chinese fairy tale r histrical stry._____8_____the things get dry in the air, they are fired at a very high heat and then plished and painted.It takes several weeks t ____9____everything. Althugh they lk s small, they lk very real. ____10____small pieces f clay art shw the lve that all Chinese peple have fr life and beauty.
    【文章大意】本篇文章难度适中 ,主要讲述中国的两个特别的艺术形式—剪纸和泥塑。
    1. express 句意“中国的剪纸是一种民间艺术,是表达人们希望和感觉的一种方法”。根据文意可知,译为“表达”。express表达,且根据空前a way t可知,用动词原形,故填express。
    2. histry 句意“它有超过150年 历史”。根据句意可知,译为“历史”,a histry f……的历史,故填histry。
    3. cnnected 句意“红纸经常被使用,因为在中国的文化中,红与开心有联系”。cnnect关联,且根据be cnnected with“与……有关联”可知,故填cnnected。
    4. cmmn 句意“最普遍的图片是花、动物、喜字和福字”。根据句意可知,译为“最普遍的图画”。cmmn普遍的,故填cmmn。
    5. as 句意“他们作为好运的象征被贴在窗户上、门上和墙上”。根据句意可知,译为“作为好运的象征”。as作为,故填as。
    6. centres 句意“现在许多孩子在学校甚至购物中心学习制作他们”。根据句意可知,译为“购物中心”。centre中心,且根据空前schls可知,用复数,故填centres。
    7. lively 句意“为了做中国泥塑,泥塑用手工做成一些东西,例如来自于中国童话故事以及历史故事中可爱的小孩或者是生动的角色”。根据空后characters可知,空处用形容词,且译为“生动的”,lively生动的,故填lively。
    8. After 句意“当这些东西在空气中变干后,他们被以很高的温度烧制然后磨光和喷漆”。根据句意可知,先在空气中变干,然后高温烧制、磨光和喷漆,after在……之后,且空位于句首,故填After。
    9. cmplete 句意“完成每一个东西要花费几个星期”。根据句意可知,译为“完成”,且根据空前t可知,用动词原形,cmplete完成。故填cmplete。
    10. These 句意“这些小小的泥塑作品展示了所有中国人对生活和美的热爱”。根据Althugh they lk s small, they lk very real以及small pieces f clay art可知,表示“这些”。these这些,且空位于句首,故填These。
    On January 27, in rder t win the new pneumnia Resistance War(抗击新型肺炎战), the Ministry f Educatin issued(教育部公布) a ntice n putting ff the start time f schl in spring 2020. It was 1 that schl shuld nt start befre March. The exact start time f schl will depend n situatins and further ntices. Hwever, many parents are very 2 that putting ff the start f schl may affect(影响)children’s studies. If they have such a lng winter vacatin, children will nt learn any knwledge, read bks r study at all.They may frget what they have learned befre. 3 at hme fr a lng time will make them keep eating, sleeping and playing, which seriusly affect their physical and mental health.
    In shrt, the clse f schl influences learning and develps bad habits,4 hw shuld we avid these prblems? Lcal educatin departments have als issued a ntice, that is, t rganize nline teaching and create a netwrk platfrm(平台), where necessary curses will be 5 every day, and nline teaching will be given by excellent teachers f the subject, and students can learn at hme ____6 cmputer r mbile netwrk.
    It shuld be said that such a methd is very gd. It cannt nly keep students indrs and nt wrry abut the infectin(感染) f the disease, but als make them 7 at hme, imprve their learning ability, and truly achieve “n suspensin f classes”. Bth the platfrm itself and the recrded lessn resurces are 8 ,and are welcmed by parents and teachers.
    Of curse, except fr learning at hme, it is als necessary 9 children abut health knwledge, especially hw t keep away frm tuching virus and ther knwledge ppularizatin; at the same time, it is als necessary fr children t d sme 10 exercises r sme games, which is gd fr physical health at hme.
    1.said 2.wrried 3.Staying
    4.s 5.shwn 6.thrugh 7.study
    8.mre useful 9.t teach 10.physical
    Why dn’t bats get sick?
    Sme scientists have fund that the nvel crnavirus (新型冠状病毒) that spreads 1 China and ther parts f the wrld 2 cme frm bats. 3 t Live Science, bats live in dark and wet places, and can carry and spread mre than 60 viruses that can infect (感染) 4 . Since bats carry s many viruses, why 5 they themselves hurt by the viruses? The answer 6 the questin has t d with the fact that the bat is the wrld’s nly 7 mammal (哺乳动物). When a bat is flying, its bdy temperature can reach as high as 40℃. “Fr mst land mammals, this can bring 8 . But bats live it up every day. We find that the high temperature helps kill sme viruses in the bat,” says Linfa Wang, wh studies bat viruses in Singapre. Wang als says that bats have special immune systems (免疫系统) t fight viruses. Their systems allw them t live with viruses withut 9 sick. And bats can make smething that helps repair their bdies. 10 bat researchers say that even thugh bats may be the surce (来源) f viruses, they culd als be the surce f medicines if we study their immune systems.
    1.acrss 2.might 3.Accrding 4.humans
    5.aren’t 6.t 7.flying
    8.death 9.getting 10.And
    The places authrs live in ften inspire their wrks. Shen Cngwen, fr example, is knwn fr 1______ abut his hme – the western part f Hunan prvince. M Yan has set many f his 2________ in Gami,Shandng, where he grew up. A five-episde dcumentary called Day-t-day Literature (《文学的日常》) reveals (呈现) hw Chinese authrs 3_______ by their surrundings (周遭环境) and daily lives. It started t air n Yuku n April 16. It features (包括) five authrs, including Ma Yuan, an avant-garde (先锋派) authr, and Ma Jiahui, 4______ is frm Hng Kng. Ma Yuan is shwn living like a hermit (隐士) in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. After learning that hehad cancer in 2008, he 5_______ there. Ma lives like the lcals. He wrks6_____ a farm, raises chickens and walks in the frest every day. Living like this shws him what lcal life is like. He als learns abut many histrical legends and stries. In 2018, he published a bk abut 7_______ experience there. 8_______ Ma Yuan, Ma Jiahui enjys the hustle and bustle (熙熙攘攘) f city life. Brn in Wanchai, Hng Kng, Ma Jiahui takes viewers t several places he used 9______ in his childhd,including a bkstre, pawnshp (当铺) and htpt restaurant. These places are all featured in his 10______ nvel. While he reads parts f the nvel that take place in these places, it’s hard t knw what’s fictin and what’s fact.Perhaps the tw are never separated (分开的) at all. “I live my life as a nvel,” he said.
    1.writing 2.stries 3.are influenced 4.wh 5.mved 6.n 7.his 8.Unlike 9.t visit 10.latest
    They say that babies dn't remember much _____ they're brn. They can't see very _____ and they are very weak, but babies can recgnize_______ when they're in the wmb. And _______ yu dn't believe in science, this heart-warming stry f a Brazilian cuple will prbably encurage every future parent t speak t their babies during pregnancy. Tarsila Rsa and Flavi Dantas lked frward _______ the arrival f their _______ daughter, Antnella. In fact, her father was s_______ t meet her that he talked t her every day in the mrning and after cming back frm wrk. Her father wuld g n and n and talk abut his day, and he wuld always repeat that he lved her very much. Even thugh Flavi wasn't sure if his wrds culd reach his daughter, he never stpped talking t her thrughut the whle pregnancy, and when the baby arrived in the wrld, she shwed him that she had been listening_______ the whle time. After the baby was brn, Flavi _______ the wrds he was saying, and the baby greeted him with the mst sincere smile ever. The baby started smiling just as _______ as her father started talking, and thankfully they had a camera t capture this incredible mment
    1. when 2. well 3. sunds 4. if 5. t 6. first 7. excited 8. perfectly 9. repeated 10. sn

    The fight against the virus utbreak requires great 1______ frm gvernments at all levels and peple frm all walks f life. On these tw pages, we'll take a clser lk at hw China has been respnding t the utbreak in a fast and respnsible manner.
    In the fight against the new crnavirus,Chinese peple have cme up with creative (创新的) slutins (解决办法) t different 2______. They have shwn their wisdm (智慧) during hard times.
    All fr masks
    During the utbreak,medical supplies (供应) such as masks are 3______ by many.T increase (增加) prductin, ver 3,000 Chinese cmpanies have changed their prductin lines (生产线) t make medical equipment. Fr example, a cmpany that used t make clthes spent 55 hurs changing their prductin lines and is nw able t make 1,200 prtective medical suits (医疗防护服) every day. Several autmakers(汽车制造商) in China have als turned their 4______ lines int mask-making lines.Guangzhu Autmbile is nw 5______ t make 1 millin masks per day.
    Sharing emplyees
    The idea f“sharing wrkers(共享员工)” has becme ppular during the utbreak. As mst peple are staying at hme, many wrkers in restaurants, cinemas and shpping malls have n wrk and are nt getting paid. Meanwhile, nline rders f grceries (食品杂货) and medical 6______ grw, leaving e-business platfrms (平台) such as JD.cm and Freshhema shrthanded (人手短缺).
    As a result, many unemplyed peple have started t lk fr part-time jbs. As f Feb 10, ver 1,800 wrkers had started their new shrt-term jbs as delivery (送货) wrkers with Freshhema Xinhua reprted. The lcal gvernment f the Shanghai Pudng New District even 7______up a platfrm fr wrkers and cmpanies t find each ther.
    Amazing speed
    In cities like Wuhan that have large numbers f infected (被感染的) peple,mre hspital beds are needed.The quickest way t slve this prblem is t build makeshift (临时的) hspitals.
    On Jan 23 and 25,respectively (分别地),the gvernment 8______ t build Hushenshan Hspital and Leishenshan Hspital in Wuhan. Mre than 4,000 wrkers wrked 24/7 in tw shifts (轮班), and nearly 1,000 pieces f large equipment and transprt vehicles (运输车辆) helped them build the hspitals.
    Within 9 ______than 15 days,the tw hspitals were finished.They prvide abut 2,600 beds. The amazing speed impressed many peple arund the wrld.
    “China has a recrd f getting things dne fast even fr mnumental prjects (大型项目) like this,” said Yanzhng Huang, a senir fellw fr glbal health at the Cuncil n Freign Relatins.“This is very hard fr Westerners t 10______," Huang added.
    1.Effrts 2.prblems 3.needed 4.prductin 5.able
    6.Supplies 7.set 8.decided 9.less 10. Imagine
    (七)“Nrmal” temperatures are nt s ht
    When yu visit the dctr, the dctr usually checks t see 1 yur temperature is “nrmal”. Nw, new research suggests that the “nrmal” temperature f humans has been drpping ver the last 200 years.
    Human beings 2 warm-blded animals. S ur bdies need t wrk hard t stay at the same temperature. Our bdies make heat frm the fd we eat.We als have ther ways t 3 ur temperatures cnstant (恒定的). Fr example, we will sweat when we’re ht r get gse bumps (鸡皮疙瘩) when we’re cld.
    Thugh human temperatures can all be a little 4 , mst dctrs cnsider 37℃ t be nrmal. That’s been true since 1851, when a German dctr called Carl Reinhld August Wunderlich studied 25,000 patients. His results shwed an average human bdy temperature f 37℃.
    But ver time, ther scientists studying bdy temperatures have gtten results with lwer average temperatures.
    Fr example, a 1992 study fund an average temperature f 36.8℃. In 2017, scientists lked at the temperatures f 35,000 patients in Britain and fund their temperatures were 36.6℃ n average. Many peple believed that the differences were because 5 mistakes in the earlier measurements.
    Nw a new grup f researchers says, n average, human bdy temperature 6 t have been drpping 0.03℃ every 10 years. The bvius questin is “Why?”. One f the researchers says clearly, “We dn’t knw.”
    Still, the scientists d have a few pssible explanatins.
    One explanatin culd be simply that humans have becme 7 ver time. Science and medicines have gtten better, and dctrs have fund many ways t imprve the health f their patients.
    The scientists als say it’s pssible 8 things like heating and air-cnditining help make it.With them, humans dn’t have t wrk s hard t cntrl their bdy heat, and can run at a lwer temperature.
    It’s imprtant t remember that this stry is abut averages.In the real wrld, different peple 9 different temperatures.
    But n matter what yur temperature is tday, it prbably wuld’ve been higher if yu had lived 200 years ag and that’s 10 cl!
    语言知识点:measurement /'meʒəmənt/ n. 测量;衡量拓展:take/make measurements 量尺寸measure v. 测量;度量;估量n. 措施;方法eg. Take measurements f the rm befre yu buy any new furniture.
    1.if 2.are 3.keep 4.different 5.f 6.seems 7.healthier 8.that 9.have 10.pretty
    The nline classes
    When the winter hliday came t an end, we didn’t g back 1_____ schl. We had t take nline 2______ at hme because f the nvel crnavirus utbreak. Anyway, I 3______ gd abut it.
    On the screen, ur teachers gave lessns 4______ PPTs. Their PPTs were great and they explained everything 5______. We culd interact with ur teachers by chatting nline and ding vice calls. Smetimes there 6______ even vide calls. S cl!
    7_______ we tk classes nline at hme, there were n teachers arund. Still I did a gd jb. I listened t the teachers carefully. I did 8______ they said. I tk ntes and wrked ut the prblems. I always did my 9_______ n time.
    With 10______ help, the nline classes went well. I think we shuld thank ur teachers and als give urselves a thumb up.
    1.t 2.classes 3.felt 4.using 5.clearly 6.were
    7. Since 8. As 9. hmewrk 10. everyne's
    Mre asymptmatic screening
    China will ________ screening f asymptmatic patients f COVID-19 and expand testing t clse cntacts f infected patients, in an effrt t _________ a pssible dmestic resurge f the utbreak, accrding t a _________ made at a meeting led by Premier Li Keqiang n Mnday.
    The meeting f the leading grup f the Cmmunist Party f China Central Cmmittee n cping _______ the nvel crnavirus pneumnia underlined the ___________ f priritizing the mnitring, tracking, islatin and treatment f asymptmatic cases, t cnslidate the cuntry's epidemic cntainment ________.
    Asymptmatic COVID-19 patients refer t thse _______ d nt shw any symptms, ________ fever and cugh, but their tests fr the nvel crnavirus ______ psitive.
    The infectin rate is usually very ______ fr thse wh have clse cntacts with asymptmatic nvel crnavirus carriers.
    1.increase 2.prevent 3.decisin
    4.with 5.imprtance 6.effrts
    7.wh 8.including
    9.are 10.high
    T 1 in harm’s way
    Accrding t Gu Yanhng frm the Natinal Health Cmmissin (国家卫生健康委员会), ver 30,000 2 wrkers have been sent t Hubei Prvince, especially Wuhan, t help fight against the nvel crnavirus. They are just 3 peple, but they are all heres.
    After seeing the frnt line registratin (登记) ntice frm her hspital, nurse Su Lili frm Henan Prvince called her husband and tld him she 4 t g t Wuhan. He agreed. “On the way t the airprt, he keeps telling me t eat well, sleep well and prtect 5 well. I thank him 6 his supprt,” Su said.
    Befre leaving fr Wuhan, Liu Lu, a nurse frm Jiangxi Prvince, had her lng 7 cut. “Lking pretty is n lnger imprtant at this mment. I must be respnsible fr the safety f my patients and myself,” said the 30-year-ld.
    Actually, many f the medical wrkers 8 n the frnt line were brn after 1995. As the yung generatin in China, they 9 ften described as immature (不成熟的) and self-centered. But their fight against the virus makes sciety see their bravery. Sun Qin is a 21-year-ld nurse frm Jiangsu Prvince. She said, “This is my first year f being a nurse. I was frightened at the beginning and was wrried abut being infected, but I was nt afraid any mre when seeing hw my partners cheered and encuraged each ther.”
    These medical heres risk their lives n the frnt line f the disaster. They have 10 again prven what Henry Kissinger wrte in his bk On China: China is always well prtected by the bravest f them.
    rdinary /'ɔːdənrɪ/ adj. 普通的;平常的
    eg. This is nt an rdinary cat. It can use the tilet itself.
    respnsible /rɪ'spɔnsəbl/ adj. 负责的;有责任的
    拓展:be respnsible fr … 对……负责
    eg. Yu shuld be respnsible fr yur actins.
    Sb./Sth. has nce again prven (that) …
    eg. China has nce again prven it’s a respnsible cunt
    1.heres 2.medical 3.rdinary
    4.wanted 5.myself 6.fr
    7.hair 8.fighting
    9.were 10.nce
    Da Ma and Er Shun are tw giant pandas (大熊猫) that have made the Calgary Z in Canada their hme 1______ 2018. They were expected 2______ there until 2023. Hwever, they will head back t China 3______ than expected.
    The z annunced the 4______n May 12, saying the 5______ was made due t COVID-19 travel restrictins (限制). The restrictins have made it mre challenging 6______ the z t get bamb fr the pandas t eat, Glbal Newsreprted. Accrding t the 7______, 99 percent f a giant panda’s diet is 8_____ up f fresh bamb. Each adult giant panda eats 9_______ 40 kg f bamb a day.
    “We believe the best and 10______ place fr Er Shun and Da Ma t be during these challenging times is where bamb is easy t get,” said Dr Clément Lanthier, president f the Calgary Z.
    1.since 2.t live 3.earlier
    4.news 5.decisin 6.fr
    7.z 8.made
    9.arund 10.safest
    Why dn’t bats get sick?
    “Nrmal” temperatures are nt s ht
    我国筛查无症状感染者Mre asymptmatic screening
    after as befre centre cmmn cmplete cnnect express histry lively these this
    s shw thrugh use teach wrry say stay physics study
    get fly t and die human may be crss accrd
    stry he late write n like visit influence wh mve
    repeat t if gd ne perfect sn when sund excite
    effrt need prductin able prblem supply set less imagine decide
    has that keep health seem if difference be f pretty
    t everyne class hmewrk feel use as clear be since
    increase include with decide be imprtant effrt wh high prevent
    I be want hair rdinary fr medicine ne her fight
    fr live make early news arund decide safe z since

    中考英语三轮冲刺考前大题练习08 自由填空(含解析): 这是一份中考英语三轮冲刺考前大题练习08 自由填空(含解析),共9页。试卷主要包含了cunties     2,thers        5,prtect      8, t help,strnger    6,5 percent, cughing   9等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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        中考英语三轮冲刺考前大题练习09 选词填空(含解析)
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