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    单句语法填空1.May 21st this year marks the first Internatinal Tea Day, which was named fficially ________ the United Natins n Nvember 27th, 2019.T celebrate ________ festival, a number f events tk place at the Chinese Businessman Museum in Beijing n Thursday.[2022·全国乙卷]
    答案与解析:by 考查介词。此处从句中谓语动词的被动语态结构为was named by...“由……命名”。答案与解析:the 考查冠词。此处指上文提到过的“the first Internatinal Tea Day”,故用定冠词“the”表示特指。
    2.________ friend f his, Wu Fan, vlunteered t be his cmpanin during the trip.[2022·全国甲卷]
    答案与解析:A 考查冠词。根据语境可知,此处表泛指,且friend的发音以辅音音素开头,应用不定冠词a。空处位于句首,注意要大写。
    3.The Chinese Ancient Tea Museum was fficially unveiled (揭幕) at the ceremny, pening ________ (it) first exhibitin: The Avenue f Truth—A Special Exhibitin f Pu'er Tea.[2022·全国乙卷]
    答案与解析:its 考查代词。“first exhibitin”前应用所给词的形容词性物主代词形式。
    4.Since peple can't always eat ut r ck fr ________ (they), they get takeut r rder delivery.[2022·北京卷]
    答案与解析:themselves 反身代词。根据语境可知,因为人们不总是能在外面吃饭或者自己做饭,所以他们会点外卖。该空位于介词fr后,表示“他们自己”,故填themselves。
    [感悟] 语法填空三谨记1.判断特指还是泛指(1)若空格后有单数可数名词,搭配后表示泛指时,应考虑不定冠词a/an;(2)若发现空格后有名词,搭配后表示特指时,应考虑定冠词the;(3)看看是否是固定搭配典例。2.分析句子结构,发现名词或代词在句中不作主语、表语或动词的宾语时,其前面一般是填介词。3.分析句子结构,发现指代上文中所提到的人或物时,应考虑用相应的代词。代词分为有提示词、无提示词代词两种形式。
    一、冠词考点一 不定冠词的3种基本用法及2种灵活用法3种基本用法1.表示类指,或指某类中的任何一个。It is generally accepted that a by must learn t stand up and fight like a man. 人们普遍认为男孩儿必须学会站起来并像个男子汉一样去奋斗。2.表示泛指,说话人第一次提及某人或某物时通常用不定冠词。It was a cld winter night and the mn was shining brightly acrss the night sky.那是一个寒冷的冬夜,月亮在夜空中闪耀着。3.表示量指,不定冠词表示“一”这个数量,但数的概念没有ne强烈。Rme was nt built in a day.罗马非一日建成。/冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。
    2种灵活用法①表示“某一个”,相当于sme/a certain。A Mr Brwn came t see yu just nw.刚才有一位布朗先生来找你了。②“a(n)+序数词”表示“又一,再一”;“a mst+形容词”表示“非常,很……”。He missed the gld in the high jump, but will get a secnd chance in the lng jump.他在跳高比赛中没有赢得金牌,但是在跳远比赛中他还有一次(获得金牌的)机会。
    考点二 定冠词的5种基本用法1.特指某人或某事。Yesterday Jhn's father bught him a new bike. The bike cst him 200 yuan. 昨天约翰的父亲给他买了一辆新自行车。这辆自行车花了他200元。2.用在含有普通名词的专有名词前,或与世界上独一无二的事物连用。The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.太阳从东方升起,在西方落下。3.用在序数词和形容词、副词最高级及nly, very, same等之前。Culd yu give me sme advice n the best way t slve the prblem?你能就解决这个问题的最好办法给我一些建议吗?
    4.用在表示计量的名词前,如by the hur, by the day, by the week, by the dzen, by the yard等,但是如果表示单位的名词为不可数名词,之前不用冠词,如by weight/height等。—It's said Jhn will get a jb paying ver $60,000 a year.——据说约翰会得到一份年薪超过60 000美元的工作。—Right, he will als get paid by the week.——是的,而且会按周付薪。5.某些形容词前面加定冠词,表示某类人或物。The injured were taken t the nearest hspital withut delay.受伤的人被立刻送到了最近的医院。
    考点三 冠词在短语中的习惯用法1.含不定冠词的固定搭配have a knwledge/an understanding f  了解have a gd view f 饱览in a hurry 匆忙地as a result 因此as a rule 通常as a whle 总体上as a matter f fact 事实上
    2.含定冠词的固定搭配make the mst/best f 充分利用 in the end 最后by the way 顺便说一下in the distance 在远处in the way 挡道n the whle 总的来说
    3.含零冠词的固定搭配at present 目前take part in 参加in peace 平静by chance/accident 碰巧n purpse 故意n secnd thughts 再三考虑ahead f time 提前in advance 提前
    考点四 零冠词的3种基本用法1.在不可数名词或可数名词复数前表示泛指不用冠词。2.称呼语及表示独一无二的头衔、职务的名词作表语、宾语补足语或同位语时,不加冠词。Dr Peter Spence,headmaster f the schl, tld us, “A fifth f pupils here g n t further study at Oxfrd r Cambridge.”这所学校的校长彼得·斯宾塞告诉我们:“这儿五分之一的学生将继续到牛津大学或剑桥大学深造。”3.表示时间、节日、季节、三餐、球类运动、语言、学科的名词前不用冠词。
    即学即练单句语法填空1.S enjying the flurishing chrysanthemum als becmes ________ essential activity in this festival.[2023·泰安市高考全真模拟]
    答案与解析:an 考查冠词。句意:所以赏菊也成为了节日里一个必不可少的活动。activity是可数名词的单数形式,且表泛指, essential是元音音素开头,故填an。
    2.These 24 slar terms were sn absrbed int The Taichu calendar, the first well dcumented calendar in ________ histry f China.[2023·安庆市高三模拟]
    答案与解析:the 考查冠词。句意:这24个节气很快就被编入了中国历史上第一个有记载的历法《太初历法》。根据句意可知,句中特指中国历史上,因此应填定冠词,故填the。
    3.That led t ________ increasing number f Chinese brands jining the trend and creating a wave f China Chic.[2023·烟台市考前热身]
    答案与解析:an 考查冠词。句意:这导致越来越多的中国品牌加入这一潮流,并掀起了一波“中国风”。根据句意和increasing number f可知,此处应用不定冠词,短语an increasing number f 表示“越来越多……”。
    4.After 82 days, cycling ________ ttal f 5,600 km, he finally gt t Munt Qmlangma, passing thrugh six prvinces and regins.[2023·武汉市模拟]
    答案与解析:a 考查冠词。句意:经过82天的骑行,总共5600公里,他终于到达珠穆朗玛峰,途经六个省和地区。短语a ttal f 意为“总共”,故填a。
     5.In ________ 1920s and 1930s, he cllected arund 400,000 seeds frm five cntinents.[2023·江苏省连云港市模拟二]
    答案与解析:the 考查冠词。句意:在20世纪二三十年代,他从五大洲收集了大约40万颗种子。In the 1920s and 1930s在20世纪二三十年代,固定搭配。
    6.Deng jined the PLA Air Frce in June 1984 and started training as ________ pilt at a flight cllege in Hebei prvince.[2023·高三年级苏州八校三模]
    答案与解析:a 考查冠词。句意:1984年6月,Deng加入中国人民解放军空军,并开始在河北省一所飞行学院接受飞行员训练。后文单数可数名词pilt为泛指概念,应用不定冠词限定,故填a。
    二、代词考点一 人称代词、物主代词以及反身代词人称代词、物主代词和反身代词一览表
    1.人称代词作主语用主格,作宾语、表语用宾格。2.两个以上的人称代词并列,其次序排列原则:①在并列主语中,“I”总是放在最后,排列顺序:二 三 一(人称)。宾格me也一样。Yu, he and I are in different classes. Mr Wang asked Li Ming and me t help him.②第三人称,男女两性并用,男先女后。He and she were sitting face t face. 3.物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词两种。名词性物主代词可作主语和宾语。The authr can reprt ther peple's results which mre r less agree with hers.
    考点二 it的用法1.it作人称代词的用法(1)it 可以指除人以外的一切事物或动物。如:It's a day t stress the imprtance f cean and remind peple t prtect it.[2022·全国甲卷书面表达] (2)指人主要用于指性别不明的婴儿或用于确认某人的身份。如:Her new baby is tiny.It nly weighs 2 kils.
    2.it 作非人称代词的用法(1)主要用于指时间、距离、价值、天气、气候及温度等自然现象。如:※It's quite warm at the mment.(2)用于某些句型。如:It's time fr sth.该做某事了。It's time t d sth.到该做某事的时候了。It's time fr sb. t d sth.某人该做某事了。It's (abut/high) time+that从句.某人该做某事了。(从句谓语用过去式,有时也用“shuld+动词原形”)
    It's the first (secnd...) time+ that从句.某人第一(二……)次做某事。(从句谓语用现在完成时)It's+时间段+since从句.自从……有一段时间了。It's+时间段+befre从句.过多长时间才……It is high time that we strengthen the study f marine knwledge and enhance the awareness f marine prtectin.[2022·全国甲卷书面表达]
    3.it用作形式主语或形式宾语(1)用作形式主语的重要句型It+be+adj.+fr (f) sb. t d sth.对于某人来说做某事是怎么样的。/某人做某事是怎么样的。※It is necessary fr us t have sme exercise every day. ※It is very cnsiderate f yu t send me a birthday card.(2)用作形式宾语的重要句型①主语+think/believe/suppse/cnsider/feel/make/keep...+it+adj./n.+(fr/f sb.) t d/从句②主语+think/believe/suppse/cnsider/feel/make/keep...+it+imprtant/necessary/natural/essential+that... (shuld)...
    【名师指津】某些及物动词或短语后不能直接跟从句。此时须先用it作形式宾语, 然后接从句, 有此用法的动词(短语)有:like, dislike, hate, appreciate, depend n, rely n, cunt n, see t等。①I believe it imprtant t separate gd failures frm bad failures.②I wuld appreciate it if yu culd help me t slve the technical prblem.③I hate it when peple tell me that they are unemplyed.
    考点三 不定代词1.all,bth,either,neither,any,each,nne的用法比较(1)bth(两者都),either(两者中的任何一个),neither(两者都不)。以上这些词使用范围为两者。As far as I culd tell, neither f us was under bservatin.(2)bth与复数名词连用,either与单数名词连用。Bth sides are lking fr ways t settle their differences. There are many tall buildings n either side f the street.(3)all(所有的,全部的人或物),any(任何一个),nne(都不)。以上词使用范围为三者或三者以上。All the sldiers were praised fr bravery in battle.
    (4)all和bth与nt 连用表示部分否定;nne以及表示全部否定。Nt all the machines f the cmpany are imprted.Bth f the substances d nt disslve in water. Nne f yu had the curage t face the situatin. (5)each可指两者,也可指两者以上。I believe that each f us can cntribute t the future f the wrld.2.anther,ther,the ther, thers的用法比较(1)anther既可以单独使用,也可以用于单数名词前,泛指三者或三者以上中的“另外一个人或物”。还可以用于“anther+数词+复数名词”中,表示“再,又”。I need anther ten minutes t finish my hmewrk.
    (2)ther可用作形容词,意思为 “别的,其他的”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”。They will then have mre mney t spend n ther things. (3)①the ther指两个人或物中的另一个,不能用anther, 此时ther作代词使用。He has ne shulder a little higher than the ther.②the ther后可接可数名词单数也可接复数名词,不接不可数名词。此时ther 作为形容词。She turned ver n her stmach n the ther side f the bed.He played the vilin, and he std ut frm all the ther musicians. (4)thers泛指“另外几个/其他的人或物”。thers不能作定语,表示复数意义,相当于“ther+复数名词”;the thers相当于“the ther+复数名词”,指剩下的全部。He demands perfectin in thers, but cannt see faults in himself. The snwy main peak twers abve all the thers.
     即学即练单句语法填空1.While many called this regin the Suthern Ocean, sme scientists called ________ the Antarctic Ocean, thers said Austral Ocean.[2023·山东省泰安市三模]
    答案与解析:it 考查代词。句意:虽然很多人称这个地区为南大洋,但一些科学家称其为南冰洋,另一些科学家称其为南极海。空处指代上文的“this regin”作宾语,需用代词it。
    2.It will take sme time t ppularize the new travel trend and the prices must remain cmpetitive t ensure that regular turists can affrd ________.[2023·唐山市一模]
    答案与解析:them 考查代词。句意:要普及这种新的旅游趋势还需要一段时间,而且价格必须保持竞争力,以确保普通游客能够负担得起。分析句意可知,这里指代的是复数名词prices且动词affrd后接宾语,所以用人称代词的宾格形式。
    3.In such festivals, peple create prjects and present ________ t judges. There are tw rules: the prject must be made f fd, and it must be based n a bk.[2023·广州市综合测试二]
    答案与解析:them 考查代词。根据句意“在这些节日中,人们创作出项目并向评委展示他们”,此处 present 为及物动词,后面缺少宾语,故填 them,指代前面的 prjects。
    4.After graduatin he began t take part in the PLA Air Frce's selectin f astrnaut candidates and was finally selected with ________ 13 male aviatrs(飞行员).[2023·苏州八校三模]
    答案与解析:anther 考查形容词(不定代词)。句意:毕业后,他开始参加中国人民解放军空军的航天员选拔工作,最终与另外13名男性航天员一起入选。根据句意和后文“13 male aviatrs”可知,此处应用形容词anther修饰名词,表示“另外13名男性航天员”。
    5.Als, the lecture is an eye-pener and I actually have develped an appreciatin f the devtin and hard wrk ________ takes t create art.[2023·湖北省八市联考]
    答案与解析:it 考查代词。句意:“而且,这次讲座让我大开眼界,实际上,我已经开始欣赏创作艺术所需要的奉献和辛勤工作。”此处为句型it takes/tk sth. t d sth.,表示“做某事需要……”。
    三、介词考点一 介词的基本用法1.with/withut复合结构介词with/withut+名词/代词+形容词/副词/介词短语/动词不定式/分词(分词可以是现在分词,也可以是过去分词)在句中表状态或说明背景情况,常作伴随、方式、原因、条件等状语。Nwadays, with smartphnes and cmputers grwing ppular, an increasing number f students are chsing t learn English beynd the classrm in varius ways.[2022·全国乙卷书面表达]With smething imprtant t talk abut with yu, yu must stay here.
    2.表示工具、手段、方式的介词by, n都可表示旅行的方式(1)不涉及交通工具的名词时用by,名词前不加冠词。如:by sea, by water, by land, by rail, by air等。(2)涉及交通工具的名词时用by,名词须用单数形式,前面不加冠词或任何修饰语。如:by bike, by taxi, by plane, by ship/bat, by train, by spaceship等。(3)步行、骑马、骑骆驼均用n。如n ft, n hrseback, n a hrse, n the camel等。
    3.with,by,in三词都可表示“用”,表示行为的工具、手段或方式(1)with用于有形的工具或身体某些器官之前,其后的名词多被冠词、物主代词等修饰。We d nt see nature with ur eyes, but with ur understandings and ur hearts.(2)by, in, n, ver, thrugh等介词多用于无形的工具或方式手段之前。如by hand, in ink, n the telephne, ver the radi, thrugh the telescpe等。
    4.f+抽象名词的用法(1)f+ great/much+抽象名词=very+抽象名词的形容词形式(2)f+ n+抽象名词=nt+抽象名词的形容词形式①As senir students, reading, writing and grammar are als f great imprtance . [2022·全国乙卷书面表达]=As senir students, reading, writing and grammar are als very imprtant .②All ur persuasin was f n use; she wuld nt cme.=All ur persuasin was nt useful; she wuld nt cme.
    5.介词but的固定搭配have n chice but t d别无选择只得做……;can't help but d不得不做……;can't but d不得不/只能做……;can't chse but d别无选择只得做……;but fr要不是……。①I have n chice but t d as he tells me. ②It rained hard, s they culdn't chse but stay at hme.6.名词 key, apprach, slutin, answer, entrance, visit, attitude等与t构成固定搭配①We have a very cmmunicative apprach t teaching languages.②We must find a satisfactry slutin t the prblem.
    7.介词by的用法(1)by+地点名词:表示方位,意为“在……旁边”。(2)by+时间名词:意为“到……时(已发生某事);最晚,不迟于……,在……之前”,此时谓语多用完成时。(3)by+名词:可用来表示方法、方式、手段等。①I can find tw tables by the windw fr yu. ②Can yu have yur reprt ready fr the press by next week? ③I used t travel by air a great deal when I was a by.
    考点二 介词的习惯搭配1.与形容词构成的搭配(1)be+adj.+abutbe anxius abut    对……忧虑be curius abut 对……好奇(2)be+adj.+atbe angry at 因……生气be gd at 擅长(3)be+adj.+inbe absrbed in 专注于……be active in 积极于……be dressed in 穿着……be engaged in 忙于……
    (4)be+adj.+frbe eager fr 渴望……be famus fr 因……著名be fit fr 适合,胜任……be ready fr 准备好……(5)be+adj.+frmbe absent frm 缺席be different frm 不同于(6)be+adj.+tbe clse t 接近……be devted t 致力于……be equal t 等于……be familiar t 对……来说熟悉
    (7)be+adj.+fbe aware f 意识到……be fnd f 喜欢……(8)be+adj.+withbe busy with 忙于……be familiar with 对……熟悉be patient with 对……有耐心
    2.与名词构成的搭配(1)“at+n.”表示状态at a lss 不知所措at peace 处于和平中at war 在战争中at wrk 在工作(2)“n+n.”表示状态n exhibitin/shw 在展出n fire 着火n sale 出售,打折n the way 在途中
    (3)“by+n.”表示方式by accident 偶然 by air/plane 乘飞机by chance 偶然 by design 故意(4)“in+n.”表示方式in cash 用现金付款in depth 在深度上in detail 详细地in height 在高度上
    (5)“f+n.”表示特征(等于相应的形容词)f benefit 有益处的f use 有用的(6)“ut f+n.”表示状态ut f balance 失去平衡ut f breath 上气不接下气(7)“with+n.”表示方式with delight/jy 高兴地with difficulty 困难地
     即学即练单句语法填空1.The U. S. space agency NASA is set t launch a new Martian vehicle, named Perseverance, ________ July 30.[2023·河北省高三模拟]
    答案与解析:n 考查介词。句意:美国国家航空航天局将于7月30日发射一艘名为“毅力”的新的火星探测器。指在具体某一天前要用n。
    2.The publishing grup annunced that award-winning vides wuld be cvered by seven media cmpanies ________ ten languages.[2023·武汉模拟]
    答案与解析:in 句意:该出版集团宣布,获奖视频将由7家媒体公司用10种语言进行报道。
    3.Hence, Bing Dwen Dwen is a giant panda ________ a high sense f science and technlgy.[2023·济宁市高考模拟]
    答案与解析:with 考查介词。句意:因此,冰墩墩是一只具有高度科技意识的大熊猫。后跟名词作宾语,表示“具有”应用介词with。
    4.The classical gardens f Suzhu, Jiangsu prvince, date back t the 6th century when the city was funded ________ the capital f the Wu Kingdm.[2023·苏锡常镇四市调研]
    答案与解析:as 考查介词。句意:江苏省苏州的古典园林可以追溯到6世纪,当时它被设为吴国的首都。表示“作为”应用介词as。
    5.China Chic has changed frm a cnsumptin trend ________ a cultural phenmenn and the 2022 Winter Olympic Games are a gd example f why yung peple embrace it.[2023·烟台市考前热身]
    答案与解析:t 考查介词。根据语境和change frm可知,空处应用介词t,表示“从……转变为……”。
     Ⅰ.单句语法填空1.While eating is functinal, and ur bdies need the fuel that fd prvides, dining with friends r lved nes can be ________ enjyable experience. Hwever, sme f us ften find urselves reserving a table fr ne in a restaurant.[2023·雅礼中学模拟二]
    答案与解析:an 考查冠词。句意:虽然吃饭是功能性的,我们的身体需要食物提供的能量,但与朋友或爱人一起用餐是一种愉快的体验。experience是可数名词此处为泛指“一种愉快的体验”,且enjyable是发音以元音音素开头的单词,故填an。
    2. Accrding t Ya, the mainland has dne ________ great jb in COVID-19 preventin and cntrl, and Beijing has many plicies t supprt students frm Taiwan t start businesses and find jbs. [2023·山东省高三大联考]
    答案与解析:a 考查冠词。句意:姚表示,大陆在防治2019冠状病毒疾病方面做得很好,政府有许多政策支持台湾学生创业和就业。d a great jb意为“做得很棒”,故填a。
    3.Olive il has prven t lwer the amunt f bad chlesterl(胆固醇), which has ________ psitive impact n the bdy.[2023·滨州市模拟]
    答案与解析:a 考查冠词。短语:have an impact n“对……有影响”,名词impact前用形容词psitive“积极的”修饰,形容词psitive为辅音音素开头,所以此处用不定冠词a。
    4.Althugh smene may hang up n yu, dn't stp n ________ first try![2023·辽宁省辽南协作校模拟]
    答案与解析:the 考查定冠词。句意:即使有人挂你的电话,那么首次尝试,也不要放弃。分析句子可知,first为序数词,此处需要定冠词,n the first try第一次尝试,故填the。
    5.He said the cncept f the 2022 pening ceremny was ttally different frm ________ f the 2008 Summer Games.[2023·鞍山市第二次监测]
    答案与解析:that 考查代词。句意:他说,2022年奥运会开幕式的概念与2008年夏季奥运会完全不同。空白处指the cncept,表示2008年的夏季奥运会的理念。所以用代词that,表示同类异物,特指,故填that。
    6.Sme peple lve t read bks. They can't get enugh f the printed wrd. ________ have a big appetite fr making and eating fd.[2023·广州市综合测试二]
    答案与解析:Others 考查代词。句意:有些人喜欢读书。 他们对印刷的文字爱不释手, 其他人对制作和食用食物有很大的胃口。考查“sme... thers...”固定用法。
    7.If they had had any knwledge f Yuan wh wrked devtedly fr ur cuntry, they wuldn't have made such pessimistic evaluatins. Why did the Chinese peple make ________?[2023·沈阳二中第二次模拟]
    答案与解析:it 考查代词。根据句意可知,make it表示某人做成某事。
    8.________ the cnvenience f the Internet, peple still enjy visiting libraries.[2023·厦门市第四次质量检测]
    答案与解析:Despite 考查介词。句意:尽管互联网很方便,人们仍然喜欢去图书馆。根据“the cnvenience f the Internet”和“peple still enjy visiting libraries”可知,前后构成转折关系,且cnvenience为名词,所以应用介词despite表示“尽管”。
    9.In 1989, the Chinese gvernment decided the Duble Ninth Festival ________ Senirs' Day.[2023·泰安市全真模拟]
    答案与解析:as 考查介词。句意:1989年,中国政府决定将重阳节定为老年人节。根据语境可知,句子表示“中国政府决定将重阳节定为老年人节”,空格处意为“作为”,故填as。
    10.In additin, SLEEP IF YOU CAN will als give yu the latest weather cnditins s that yu can decide whether t take an umbrella ________ yu befre leaving hme.[2023·山东省实验中学模拟]
    答案与解析:with 考查介词。句意:此外,SLEEP IF YOU CAN还会为你提供最新的天气情况,以便你在离家前决定是否带伞。分析句意可知,此处表示带伞,应该用with表示“携带”的意思。
    Ⅱ.语法填空[2023·山东省泰安市模拟]It's time t update yur maps, because the Earth nw has a ttal f five ceans. Thugh 1.________ (accept)by scientists fr sme time, the Suthern Ocean wuldn't be fund n any Natinal Gegraphic maps—until nw.
    答案与解析:accepted 考查省略句。句意:尽管科学家们已经接受了一段时间,但直到现在,南大洋还没有出现在任何国家地理地图上。空处应填非谓语动词和althugh构成让步状语,逻辑主语the Suthern Ocean和accept之间为被动关系,故填accepted。
    Cartgraphers(地图绘制者)at the Natinal Gegraphic 2.________ (fficial)recgnized the fifth cean n Wrld Ocean Day, 8 June 2021. The “new” cean brders the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans, which is why gegraphers 3.________(argue)fr sme time as t whether it was in fact unique enugh t be classed as a different cean, 4.________ just cld regins f the three ceans.
    2.答案与解析:fficially 考查副词。句意:《国家地理》的地图绘制者在2021年6月8日的世界海洋日正式承认了第五大洋。修饰动词recgnized需用副词作状语。3.答案与解析:had argued 考查动词时态。句意:这一“新”大洋与太平洋、大西洋和印度洋接壤,因此地理学家们争论了一段时间,究竟它是否独特到足以被归为一个不同的海洋,还是仅仅是三个大洋中的寒冷地区。根据时间状语“fr sme time”和“was”可知,此处表示“过去的过去”,故填had argued。4.答案与解析:r 考查固定搭配。为固定搭配,意为“不管……还是……”。
    “There is f curse just ne intercnnected wrld cean, but it has traditinally been divided int fur regins: the Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, and Indian ceans, said Alex Tait n Twitter, wh is 5.________ gegrapher in the Natinal Gegraphic Sciety.
    答案与解析:a 考查冠词。句意:美国国家地理学会的地理学家亚历克斯·泰特在推特上说:“当然,只有一个相互联系的世界海洋,但它传统上被划分为四个区域:太平洋、大西洋、北冰洋和印度洋。”gegrapher为可数名词,此处表泛指,故填a。
    “Scientists have knwn fr many years that the icy 6.________ (water)arund Antarctica frm a distinct eclgical regin defined 7.________ cean currents and temperatures. But the internatinal cmmunity, thrugh the Internatinal Hydrgraphic Organizatin(IHO), has nt agreed n a name and extent f this 8.________(five) cean regin.”
    6.答案与解析:waters 考查名词。句意:科学家们多年来一直知道,南极洲周围冰冷的海水形成了一个由洋流和温度决定的独特生态区域。water意为“水域”,是可数名词,此处表示泛指,且没有冠词限定,需用名词复数形式。7.答案与解析:by 考查介词。defined by为固定短语,意为“依……定义”。8.答案与解析:fifth 考查序数词。句意:但是,国际社会通过国际水道测量组织(IHO)尚未就这第五大洋区域的名称和范围达成一致。此处表示“这第五个大洋区域”,空处需填序数词fifth。
    While many called this regin the Suthern Ocean, sme scientists called 9.________ the Antarctic Ocean, thers said Austral Ocean. Either way, it is distinct enugh t be 10.________(deserve) f its new status.
    9.答案与解析:it 考查代词。句意:虽然很多人称这个地区为南大洋,但一些科学家称其为南冰洋,另一些科学家称其为南极海。空处指代上文的“this regin”作宾语,需用代词it。10.答案与解析:deserving 考查形容词。句意:无论如何,它都足够独特,配得上它的新地位。be deserving f为固定短语,意为“应得,值得”。
    Ⅲ.写作运用补全下面写作, 注意本部分语法的使用。Dear Eric,1.____________________ (最近一切可好?) Knwing yu are s fnd f Chinese calligraphy, I wuld like t send yu a bk abut this abstract and high-level frm f art in an English editin, 2.__________________________ (这对你来说很容易理解它).
    Hw is everything ging?
    which is easy fr yu t understand

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