展开寒假: winter holidays 学习京剧: learn(learned) Beijing Opera
有点儿困难: a little difficult 玩得高兴: have(had)a good time
看望我的朋友们: visit(visited)my friends 看一看: have a look
打冰球: play(played)ice hockey 拍照: take(took)pictures
去玩狗拉雪橇运动: go(went) dog sledding 去冰钓: go(went)ice fishing
元宵节: the Lantern Festival 猜谜: guess(guessed)a riddle
观看一场列队表演: watch(watched)a parade
吃一顿丰盛的晚餐: have(had)a big dinner
去滑雪: go(went)skiing 去滑冰 go(went)skating 吃元宵 have(had)yuanxiao
加入列队表演: join (joined)the parade
像美猴王一样表演: act(acted)like the Monkey King
获得奖品: get(got)a prize 参加野营 join(joined)in a camp
渡过了一个忙碌的假期: have(had)a busy holiday
爬山: climb(climbed)the hill
在一所艺术学校学习: learn(learned)in an art school
在高个子男孩后边: behind the tall boy
和我的朋友一起玩: play(played)it with my friends
这是困难的,但也令人兴奋。 It was difficult but exciting.
你的假期过得怎么样啊? How were your winter holiday?
你享受假期的快乐了吗? Did you enjoy your holidays?
Yes. I went back to Canada. I visited my friends and took many pictures.
在假期里你做什么了? What did you do in the holidays?
我学习了京剧。 I learned Beijing Opera.
你在哪里拍的?Where did you take them?
我在渥太华拍的。 I took them in Ottawa.
那么多汽车: so many cars 横穿街道: cross the street 上车: get on
排队等候: wait in line 坐这个座位: take this seat 下车: get off
在下一站:at the next stop 在草地上走:walk on the grass 太多too much
很多的: a lot of 和你一起去: go with you 好吧: all right
你今天想做什么? What do you want to do today?
我想去动物园。 I want to go to the zoo.
我想去看熊猫。 I want to see the pandas.
咱们停下等一等吧。 Let’s stop and wait.
请不要大声喊叫。 Don’t shout,please.
李梅,坐这个座位。 Take this seat,Li Mei.
但是不要践踏草坪。 But don’t walk on the grass.
看,公共汽车来了。 Look!Here comes the bus.
不要推挤。我们要排队等候。 Don’t push. Let’s wait in line.
横穿街道之前要看一看。 Look before you cross the street.
不要把你的包放在座位上。 Don’t put your bag on the seat.
在你离开之前把书放回去。 Put books back before you leave.
看到他们李梅很高兴。 Li Mei is happy to see them.
李梅想给它一个苹果。 Li Mei wants to give it an apple.
李梅给了他们一些草。 Li Mei gives them some grass.
不要喂它们太多。 Don’t feed them too much.
与我合影: take a picture with me
起床:get up 发烧:have a fever 吃些药: take some medicine
康复: get well 准时,按时: on time 好好休息: take a good rest
为...担心: be(am/is/are)worried about 散步: go for walks
(使)远离: keep away 做运动: do sports
对...有害: be bad for 保持健康: keep healthy
缺乏营养的劣等食品: junk food 锻炼: take exercise
头疼: have a headache 玩电脑游戏: play computer games
你怎么了? What’s wrong with you?
我咳嗽并且觉得冷。 I cough and feel cold.
你患了重感冒。 You have a bad cold.
按时吃药并且喝点儿水。Take the medicine on time and drink some water.
王红,今天你感觉怎么样? How are you feeling today,Wang Hong?
好多了。 Much better.
我们应该有足够的睡眠。 We should have enough sleep.
We shouldn’t play computer games for too long.
一天一个苹果,医生远离我。 An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
我们去看看医生。 Let’s go and see the doctor.
我头疼的非常严重。 I have a bad headache.
你会好起来的。 You’ll be all right.
你很快就会好的。 You’ll get well soon.
我担心我的课程。 I’m worried about my lessons.
王红,你感觉好点了吗? Wang Hong!Are you feeling better?
给你一个苹果。 Here’s an apple for you.
我们怎样保持健康? How can we keep healthy?
这使我们健康又强壮。 It makes us healthy and strong.
这对我们的眼睛不好。 It’s bad for our eyes.
We should eat fruit and vegetables every day.
垃圾食品对我们的健康没有好处。 Junk food is not good for our health.
它会使我们变胖。 It makes us fat.
她总是在早晨和晚上去散步。 She always goes for walks in the evening.
紧挨着,紧靠着: next to 带领...参观: show…around
好主意:good idea下中国象棋:play Chinese chess
与...不同: be different from 快点儿,加油: come on
大量的,许多的: lots of 过得愉快,感到快乐: enjoy themselves
练武术: do kung fu 过来: come over 拉二胡: play the erhu
他住在我家旁边。He lives next to me.
你喜欢待在北京吗? Do you enjoy your stay in Beijing?
是的,我喜欢。Yes,I do.
周围有体育馆吗? Is there a gym around?
一些人正在湖边打太极拳。Some people are doing taijiquan near the lake.
我可以带你们参观一下吗? Shall I show you around?
她喜欢跳舞。 She likes dancing.我们去看看。Let‘s go and have a look.
我们去和他一起玩。 Let’s go and play with him/
中国象棋和我们的棋不同。 Chinese chess is different from our chess.
他们正玩得愉快。 They are having lots of fun.
珍妮试着跟他们学。 Jenny tries to follow them.
多么开心的小区啊! What a happy neighbourhood!
我能够听到鸟叫。 I can hear the birds sing.
我们经常互相帮助。 We often help each other.
其他家庭会帮他们浇他们的花园。 Other families will help them water their garden.
多少: how many 我爷爷奶奶的村庄: my grandparents’ village
去钓鱼: go fishing 捉鱼: catch fish 菜园: vegetable garden
在土壤里: in the soil 乘校车:by school bus
在田地里: in the field 摘水果: pick fruit
在树上: in the tree 开心地唱: sing happily 喂牛: feed the cows
那么可爱:so lovely 许多绵羊:many sheep上四年级:in Grade Four
在周末: at the weekend 去他爸爸的果园: go to his father’s orchard
在农场: on the farm 去我爷爷奶奶家: go to my grandparents’ house
_它里面有鱼吗? Are there any fish in it?
_是的,有许多鱼。 Yes,there are lots of fish.
他们正在做什么? What are they doing?
他们正在捉鱼。 They are catching fish.
你有多少只鸭子? How many ducks do you have? 21只。Twenty-one.
他乘校车去上学。 He goes to school by school bus.
有时他在田地里上科学课。 Sometimes he has science classes in the field.
放学后他经常帮他的父母喂牛。 After school he often helps his parents feed the cows.
夏令营: summer camp 上国画班: take Chinese painting classes
周游中国: travel around China 大英博物馆: the British Museum
海德公园: Hyde Park 伦敦眼: the London Eye下学期: next term
你最好: You’d better 中学: middle school 准备;做准备: get ready
对……说再见: say goodbye to 交新朋友: make new friends
读一些中国故事书: read some Chinese storybooks
一些著名的地方: some famous piaces 回来: come back
乘坐火车: by train 在工作日期间: during the weekdays 学到很多: learn more
上游泳课: take swimming classes 游泳明星: swimming star
我打算去英国参加夏令营。 I’ll go to a summer camp in Britain.
这个暑假你打算做什么? What are you going to do this summer holiday?
我打算到中国各地旅行。 I’m going to travel around China.
我们将参观一些著名的地方。 I’ll visit some famous places.
你最好带一把伞。 You’d better take an umbrella.
每个人都在为中学生活做准备。 Everyone is getting ready for middle school life.
So it’s time to say goodbye to my teachers and friends.
通过旅行我可以学到很多。 I can learn a lot from the trips.
It’s really exciting to have a new school,new teachers and new friends.
美国小学生喜爱他们的假期生活。 American pupils enjoy their holiday life.
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