高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第二册Lesson 2 Professional Rescue Team教案
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教材: 北师大版教材必修二 课题:Professional Rescue Team 课型:Listening 年级:高一年级 | ||
教学设计 | ||
文本分析: What:本课以“自然灾害”为主线,主持人与Mr.Wang展开访谈,访谈内容分为两个听力文本。第一个听力文本围绕灾后救援,Mr.Wang首先阐述了地震的救援工作(首要目标、工作方式、工作时长、工作的艰难和压力以及神圣的责任感)。在灾难面前,以抢救生命为第一要务,使用一切可能的办法,利用救援车辆及搜救犬,寻找生命。 随后阐述他在尼泊尔地震救援中,在逗留的12天内,60名搜救人员及6只搜救犬参加拯救了2人,并给近2000人提供医疗救援。专业救援队伍在自然灾害中,强忍压力,竭尽全力拯救生命,减少损失。 第二个听力文本主持人打断Mr. Wang救援经历的描述,并邀请Mr.Wang分享有关防震减灾的相关知识及理由:在室外远离建筑物和路灯,在室内远离易碎易跌落物品。若不幸被困,轻敲墙壁,避免嘁叫,以防吸入大量粉尘。 Why:通过被采访者的分享,使学生了解救援队的工作内容,体会到救援工作的意义,尊重他们的工作,以及珍惜生命。同时,引导学生理解人类在大自然面前的有限性,学习防震减灾知识,防患于未然。在灾害来临之前,引导学生学习自我保护的方法,有意识地减少自然灾害对人类带来的伤害。 How: 这两则对话是“采访”,采访开始进行背景介绍,第一个听力语篇首先介绍采访的内容,然后介绍自然灾害的后果和危害作为整个听力的背景。采访中通过问题引出主要内容,第二个听力语篇中,利用:Excuse me,MrWang, but can I interrupt you there? You’ve told us a lot about how you conduct rescue attempts, but could you please tell us more about protection? 引出灾情防护。 第一个听力语篇既有主旨信息的突出,也有细节信息的支撑。在对话的开头和结尾包含了主旨内容,使用一般现在时描述灾难救援的职责、装备和行动,表述了以人为本的救援工作。通过“for example”等连接类表达引出细节信息,包括用汶川地震和尼泊尔地震中的救援工作作为例子,对主旨信息进行进一步阐释。 第二个听力语篇主持人使用各种沟通交流技巧以期打断、维持、结束对话。 Excuse me, Mr Wang, but can I interrupt you there? Sorry for interrupting again. Well, we’d love to know more, but, unfortunately, we’ve run out of time. So, I’m very sorry, but we’ll have to finish there. 引导对话朝着说话者的目标方向进行。两个听力语篇语速平稳,语流适中,重要的地方有停顿、重读、强调,疑惑的地方有迟疑,声音减弱并拖慢等,情感饱满丰富,便于学生理解与接受。 | ||
学情分析: 本课实施对象为普通高中高一学生,学生基础较为薄弱。 总体情况: 班级整体英语水平薄弱,听力能力较弱,几乎无法完整用英语表达出自己的想法,有个别英语水平突出的同学。 学习热情较高,师生配合、生生配合较默契。 话题内容: 已学:学生对地震灾害有一定程度的了解,对自然灾害的认识较为深刻。随着学生接触到有关自然灾害的信息越来越多,对自然灾害的成因、破坏、影响都有一定程度的了解。 新授:通过带领学生完成两个听力文本,学生可以对地震的救援工作以及防震减灾的相关知识进行了解,同时提升学生听力技巧,增加词汇量,积累相关表达。 障碍:中英文语言、逻辑等方面的差异;思维方式的转换。 核心素养: 劣势:词汇量较小,归纳、表达能力欠缺;逻辑思维能力不足。 优势:合作学习比较积极,能互帮互助,效果较好。 | ||
教学目标: 在本课学习结束后,学生能够: 获取专业救援队职责、装备、和行动方面的知识。 获取语篇主旨信息和细节信息。 梳理在灾难中的应急和自救知识。 教学重点: 理解人与自的复杂关系,知晓人类如何应对自然灾害。 教学难点: 对话中得体维持、打断、结束对话。 | ||
学习活动设计 | ||
活动形式及步骤 | 设计意图 | |
第一课时 Step 1 Lead-in Guide students to answer the questions below: Q1: What kind of disasters do you know about? Q2: Are there any earthquakes you have heard of? Pre-listening: Step 2 Activate and share Further the discussion on the topic of “earthquake”. Students are to make descriptions on the pictures related to rescue attempts after earthquakes. Step 3 Extensive Listening Listen to an interview for the first time and answer the questions below for general understanding: Q1: What is the interview about? Q2: Who is the interviewee? Q3: Which two disasters are mentioned? Step 4 Intensive listening The teacher plays the listening again and guide students fill in the blanks in activity3. Before the teacher ask students to classify the main ideas and the details in this text, the teacher guide students to consider: How to find the main idea and details? Where can we find them? And introduce the methods of listening for main ideas and details. Play the listening again and decide whether the sentences belong to the main idea or details. Step 5 Deep thinking Based on the newly formed information table, students think about the relationship between humans and nature, and to identify what humans can do when they face natural disasters. Q1: Can humans prevent such kind of disasters as earthquake? Why or Why not? Q2: What kind of spirit can you learn from the professional rescue team?
第二课时 Step1 Review and warm-up Review how to conduct rescue attempts. And ask: instead of conduct rescue attempts, do you know other protection method when you meet earthquakes?
Step 2 Extensive Listening Students listen to the second part of the interview and identify the suggestion on protection from an earthquake. Fill in the blanks in Activity 5 on page 35.
Step 3 Intensive listening Present a Talk Builder containing phrases on maintaining, interrupting and ending a conversation from the listening material. Then, students are to decide whether the phrases are used to maintain (M), interrupt(I) or end (E) a conversation. Finish the task of Activity 6.
Step4 Think and share Students are to think about more expressions of polite ways to interrupt and end a conversation.
Step 5 Engage and express Students work in pairs to practice maintaining, interrupting and ending a conversation. Students can choose one following situation and make use of the expressions from the above Talk Builder in activity8.
Homework: Further the conversation practiced in class. Record the conversation for at least 3 minutes for one situation in activity8. | 联系主题,创设问题。引导学生练习生活实际,引发学生兴趣。
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英语必修 第二册Lesson 2 Professional Rescue Team教学设计及反思: 这是一份英语必修 第二册Lesson 2 Professional Rescue Team教学设计及反思,共4页。教案主要包含了Pre-listening,After-listening,Summary,Hmewrk等内容,欢迎下载使用。
高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第二册Lesson 2 Professional Rescue Team教案及反思: 这是一份高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第二册Lesson 2 Professional Rescue Team教案及反思,共2页。教案主要包含了教学目标,教学重难点,教学过程等内容,欢迎下载使用。
2020-2021学年Unit 5 Humans and natureLesson 2 Professional Rescue Team教案: 这是一份2020-2021学年Unit 5 Humans and natureLesson 2 Professional Rescue Team教案,共3页。教案主要包含了教学目标,教学重难点,教学过程等内容,欢迎下载使用。