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    Features Editor

    We are looking for a talented features editor to join our team. We are especially keen to hear from those with a specialism in technology and consumer health.

    This role is based in London, but could potentially be worked remotely from the US.

    Main Responsibilities:

    ●Develop ideas for commission and edit at least 23 timely and compelling features each year

    ●Build contacts with writers and scientists to make sure we’re commissioning the best, most attractive and up-to-date biological-medical science and technology stories

    ●Monitor traffic statistics and subscriptions data

    ●Work closely with the art and design team to make our features attractive and work with the digital team to come up with the best way to sell our stories on digital platforms

    Person Specification:

    ●Significant editing experience at a popular science publication or similar

    ●Excellent writing and editing skills

    ●Excellent knowledge of the cutting edge, and a demonstrable experience of science journalism

    ●Great relationships with scientists and writers

    ●A degree in a science or technology, ideally, and a passionate interest in both science and technology

    ●A good ability to work together with others

    Package Description:

    In return for employees’ energy and ideas, we ensure our people are well rewarded. The longer are with us, the more benefits you will get. Here’s what to expect:

    ●29 days’ holiday

    ●Upon joining, you’ll be naturally enrolled onto the Pension (养老金) Plan

    ●Our Employee Assistance Program

    ●Discounted dining cards

    ●Flexible working policy

    ●Free gym membership at Northcliffe House Gym

    1What should the features editor do?

    AManage the design team. BOffer marketing strategies.

    CUpdate subscriptions data. DInterview experts regularly.

    2What is one of the requirements for the position?

    AStrong leadership. BA degree in editing.

    CGreat editing ability. DGood time management skills.

    3What is one of the benefits of getting the position?

    AFree meals. BFlexible holidays.

    CA secure retirement. DBetter medical services.


    I could not have been better prepared for the talk, my first conference presentation as a PhD student. I had learned my speech by heart, and I had practiced the answers to potential audience questions. The day before the talk,alone in my room, I felt confident. But as soon as the moderator invited me on stage, I felt like I was walking the plank. I was overwhelmed by a fear I had experienced too many times before — the fear of getting stuck because of my stutter (口吃).

    Looking for a strategy to deal with my stutter, I realized I could speak smoothly when I recited text I had learned by heart. But this wasn’t a realistic approach for the entirety of my university training. I needed another tool. I tried speech therapy(治疗), but the exercises I learned there didn’t make much of a difference. To stop my stutter from affecting my new career, I would need a more drastic intervention.

    After much hesitation, I decided to finally try psychoanalysis (心理疗法) to confront my deep feelings of shame related to my stutter. With the help of my therapist, I slowly realized the real problem was not the stutter itself; it was my fear of stuttering. I decided to get rid of that fear. It took me about a year to spit out during one of the weekly sessions that I love myself as I am. Stutter or not, I was going to pursue my desired career in science.

    My first chance to test my newfound confidence by speaking in public arrived at a departmental meeting at the institute where I was a research assistant. I presented my data to 25 or30 people — and received compliments for my speech for the very first time. I returned home excited, relieved, and, most of all, proud.

    Now, I no longer shun public speaking; instead, I actively seek opportunities to be on the stage. It is rewarding and inspiring, and I feel excited to have a good story to share. And if I happen to stutter along the way, so be it.

    4What can be learned about the author?

    AHe had a poor memory.

    BHe was often misunderstood.

    CHe was ashamed to try any therapy.

    DHe focused much on whether he could speak smoothly.

    5What really helped the author solve his problem?

    ASpeech therapy. BMental treatment.

    CMaking new friends. DTalking more with others.

    6What did the author think of his speech at the departmental meeting?

    AInstructive. BSuccessful.

    CAwkward. DRidiculous.

    7What does the author’s story tell us?

    AIf you think you can, you can.

    BThe shortest answer is doing.

    CAll things come to those who wait.

    DYou’re unique,and nothing can replace you.


    Cerebral palsy(脑瘫)is the most common motor disability in children. The condition,which affects about 1 in 345 children, can make daily activities like walking, eating, or even lifting a cup difficult. A team of researchers from the University of California, Riverside (UCR) hopes to reduce the daily struggles with robotic clothing that will allow kids with cerebral palsy to better control their arm movements.

    Wearable robotic units to help people with mobility issues have been around for many years. However, they are rigid and uncomfortable to wear. The UCR team plans to use light-weight materials to create a robotic sleeve that is cheap, durable, and, most importantly, comfortable to wear on a daily basis.

    “Hard materials don’t interact well with humans,” said Jonathan Realmuto, UCR assistant professor of mechanical engineering and project lead. “What we’re going for by using materials like nylon and elastic are essentially robotic clothing.”

    The scientists envision the robotic sleeves to have sealed areas that can be inflated. When filled with air,they would become temporarily rigid and provide the force needed for movement. The clothing will be fitted with sensors to detect small muscle contractions and anticipate what the wearer wants to do. The inflated bladders(气囊) will then help move the arm to complete the intended action.

    “If we can help kids brush their own teeth, pour water or open doors, actions that others take for granted, it’s a huge win for them,” Realmuto said. “And it’s also a huge win for their families and caretakers.”

    The UCR engineers are not the only ones working on soft robotic clothing to help those with motor disabilities. San Francisco-based startup CIONIC is on a similar mission. The company’s first product, the CIONIC Neural Sleeve, is designed to improve mobility for people with conditions like cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and stroke. Jeremiah Robison, the founder of CIONIC, was inspired to develop the product after seeing his daughter struggle with cerebral palsy.

    8What is the disadvantage of previous robotic clothing?

    AThey are uncomfortable to wear.

    BThey are not easy to carry around.

    CThey aren’t environmentally friendly.

    DThey aren’t affordable for most families.

    9What improvement is being made to the existing robotic clothing?

    AEasy operation. BAdjustable design.

    CSoft material. DSimple structure.

    10What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?

    AWhy bladders are needed in the new unit.

    BHow the improved robotic clothing works.

    CWhat material is used in the robotic sleeves.

    DWhat difficulty cerebral palsy patients have.

    11What can we infer from the last paragraph?

    AThe UCR is teaming up with the CIONIC

    BSoft robotic clothing is an emerging industry.

    CThe CIONIC Neural Sleeve is quite popular.

    DRobison made robotic clothing for his family first.


    Scientists believe they have found a new use for facial recognition technology: saving large ocean animals known as seals. Researchers at Colgate University in New York have developed SealNet. The system is a database of seal faces created by taking pictures of many harbor seals in Maine’s Casco Bay.

    The research team found the tool’s accuracy in identifying the mammals was close to 100percent. The researchers are working on increasing the size of their database to make it available to other scientists, said Krista Ingram. She is a biology professor at Colgate and a team member.

    Increasing the database to include rare species such as the Mediterranean monk seal and Hawaiian monk seal could help to save those species, Ingram said. Creating a list of seal faces and using machine learning to identify them can also help scientists know where in the ocean seals are. Ingram said, “For marine mammals that move around a lot and are hard to photo-graph in the water, we need to be able to identify individuals.”

    SealNet is designed to identify the face in a picture. It recognizes the seal’s face based on information related to the eyes and nose shape. A similar tool called PrimNet that is for use on primates (灵长类), had been used on seals earlier, but SealNet performed better, the Colgate researchers said. Seals and other ocean mammals have long been studied using satellite technology. Using artificial intelligence to study them is a way to bring conservation into the 21stcentury.

    “Facial recognition technology could provide valuable data,” said Michelle Berger, an associate scientist at the Shaw Institute in Maine. “Once the system is perfected, I can picture lots of interesting environmental uses from it,” Berger said. “If they could recognize seals, and recognize them from year to year, that would give us lots of information about movement, how much they move from site to site.”

    12What is SealNet?

    AA tool that takes pictures of seals.

    BA system that recognizes the face in a picture.

    CA database that monitors the behaviour of seals.

    DA system that analyzes appearances of various sea animals.

    13Why is PrimNet mentioned?

    ATo show the need to save seals.

    BTo explain the origin of SealNet.

    CTo emphasize the superiority of SealNet.

    DTo show the development of facial recognition.

    14What does Berger think of SealNet?

    AIt needs to collect more data on the ocean.

    BIt can be applied to more fields.

    CIt helps find better living sites for seals.

    DIt brings new opportunities to study other species.

    15What can be the best title for the text?

    ASeals can recognize themselves in photos

    BFacial recognition is an easy task for animals

    CScientists use facial recognition to protect seals

    DFacial recognition may help find new animals




    I’ve never considered myself a brave person. When I was younger, if it was dark and I had to go outside alone to fetch something from the yard, I would run back inside like the hounds of hell were on my heels. Then before entering, I would act like nothing had happened.

    ___16___For you see, I pretty much lived in fear. I was afraid of public speaking, afraid to sleep alone or to even be alone in a room by myself. And I would judge myself for being afraid.

    What I didn’t realize at the time is that even though I was afraid, I would never let anyone know it. ___17___ I’d fetch the ball from the yard, even though I was afraid of the dark.

    You see, I was more afraid of being viewed as a coward than of the fear itself. And so, I ended up doing those scary things without realizing that I was, in fact, being courageous for acting despite the fear. And now, I realize that by consistently choosing to face the fear and acting anyway, ___18___For example, when I used to talk in public, my legs would literally shiver. ___19___But when I got up to speak, I would do my best to hide my fear. Over time,I became known as a public speaker in my life.

    And so, this habit of doing what scared me despite the fear was one of the best habits I could have possibly formed, unconscious as it was. For you see, courage is not the absence of fear. It is not even the ability to overcome fear. It goes deeper than that.___20___

    AAnd that’s just the start of it.

    BMy heartbeat would accelerate.

    CI would do the things that scared me.

    DTo be courageous, one needs to be afraid.

    ESo courage and fear are similar to some extent.

    FI became less and less afraid of doing those things over time.

    GI would talk to people about my fear and seek their help.




    I should have been starting the second year of my PhD___21___, I was at my parents’ house, recently discharged from the hospital.

    I had been ready for the failures of graduate school—experiments, funding proposals, even classes. But I was caught___22___when midway through my first year I faced a different type of___23___. I felt___24___or worn out, every morning. My appetite decreased. The next few months, I visited the___25___often. My doctors told me to focus completely on my___26___for the next 6 months and to rest.

    I had never taken a(n)___27___before. I feared it would be seen as a sign of ___28___. Most of all, I feared I would simply be ___29___by the advisers I desperately wanted recognition from. However, I knew this leave of absence was____30____, for I wasn’t ready to____31____my school.

    When I____32____to my PhD after 6 months, I had to relearn my project and how to be a graduate student. I still needed to meet doctors and changed medications countless times. My PhD journey will be a____33____one, with more time away from thesis (论文) work than most.

    I’m____34____though. Over the past year, I____35____with others who also took time away during graduate school. Hearing their stories, I learned that a leave of absence is perfectly OK, no matter what the reason.

    21APlus BTherefore CBesides DInstead

    22Afirmly Brandomly Coccasionally Dunexpectedly

    23Achallenge Bglory Cadventure Dpotential

    24Aexhausted Blonely Cexcited Dconfused

    25Aschool Bhospital Cgym Dcompany

    26Aacademy Bperformance Chealth Dvalue

    27Atrip Bbreak Cexamination Dalarm

    28Aguilt Bselfishness Cboredom Dweakness

    29Aforgotten Btended Crecommended Dreplaced

    30Aessential Bnormal Cpermanent Dcasual

    31Aspeed up Bgive up Ctake up Dbreak up

    32Areferred Breturned Creported Dadjusted

    33Athrilling Bnervous Cslow Dsignificant

    34Aembarrassed Bupset Chopeful Dhonest

    35Aplayed Bcompeted Ccelebrated Dconnected





    The Fanjingshan World Heritage property is located in South-West China,___36___(cover) a total area of 40,275 hectares(公顷), fully surrounded by a buffer zone of 37,239 hectares. Fanjingshan is located in a monsoonal(季风的) climatic context and___37___(be)an important source of water for the surrounding landscapes and beyond, with some 20 rivers and ___38___(stream) feeding the Wujiang and Yuanjiang River systems, both of ___39___run into the Yangtze River. The___40___(high) peak,Mt Fenghuangshan, has a height of 2,570 m above sea level.

    Fanjingshan is an island of rock in a sea of karst and is home___41___many ancient plant and animal species which___42___(originate)in the Tertiary Period, between 65 million and 2million years ago.___43___total of 3,724 plant species have been recorded in the property,an ___44___(impress) 13% of China’s total flora(植物群). Fanjingshan is the only habitat in the world for Fanjingshan Fir and Guizhou Snub-nosed Monkey, as well as 64 plant and 38 animal species that are listed as globally____45____ (threaten).







    Keep healthy





    Gustavo’s favorite sport is soccer. When he was only four years old, his older brother taught him how to kick the ball. At first, Gustavo was never able to make the ball go where he wanted it to go. Now Gustavo is eight years old,and he has had a lot of practice. Gustavo’s brother likes to kick the ball with his right foot.“But Gustavo doesn’t. Instead,he likes to kick it with his left foot so that it makes a loud sound-thwack! Gustavo calls it his lucky left foot.When Gustavo kicks the soccer ball hard with his left foot,he can make it fly into the goal.

    Gustavo lives in Rio de Janeiro,one of the biggest cities in Brazil. Rio de Janeiro is on the beach and has very warm weather. All of Gustavo’s friends love to play soccer when they get out of school. Today, there is a new boy at school. His name is Felipe,and he comes from Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo is another city in Brazil and has lots of tall buildings called skyscrapers.After school, the boys invite Felipe to play soccer with them. Felipe says okay but looks very nervous,

    As they walk to the soccer field, Gustavo asks Felipe,”What’s wrong?“ Felipe sighs and says,”I don’t know how to play soccer. I tried once and everybody laughed at me.“ Gustavo pats Felipe on the shoulder.”That’s alright,“ says Gustavo.”I used to be really bad too. You have to keep trying.”

    The game starts,and Gustavo moves to the front of the field. He plays the forward position and is always trying to score a goal on the other team, Gustavo feels happy every time he plays soccer and tonight he is playing even better than usual. He steals the ball from the other team and runs with it as fast as he can. Finally he has scored two goals.




    After the game, Gustavo and Felipe stay on the field to practice.


    The rest of the week Gustavo and Felipe practice on the soccer field after the other boys leave.



    1B    2C    3C


    4D    5B    6B    7A


    8A    9C    10B    11D


    12B    13C    14B    15C


    16A    17C    18F    19B    20D



    21D    22D    23A    24A    25B    26C    27B    28D    29A    30A    31B    32B    33C    34C    35D



    36covering    37is    38streams    39which    40highest    41to    42originated    43A    44impressive    45threatened


    46One possible version:

    Keep healthy

    It is very important for us to keep healthy, because a healthy body will ensure a happy life and smooth work.

    There are many ways to keep healthy. We’d better eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat. Take exercise for at least one hour every day. We need enough sleep and rest, so it is important to go to bed early and get up early. We should wash our hands as often as possible to keep away from bacteria or viruses.

    In addition, we mustn’t drink wine or smoke. They are bad for our health.

    47One possible version:

    After the game, Gustavo and Felipe stay on the field to practice. Gustavo shows Felipe how he kicks with his lucky left foot. When Felipe tries to kick the ball, it goes in the wrong direction. Gustavo doesn’t laugh at Felipe. Instead, he looks and sees that Felipe is kicking the wrong part of the ball with his foot. Gustavo shows Felipe where to kick the ball, and later Felipe is a little bit better.

    The rest of the week Gustavo and Felipe practice on the soccer field after the other boys leave. Felipe also practices kicking the ball before school. The next week Felipe takes part in his first soccer match. Thwack! Felipe kicks the ball with his strong foot and it flies through the sky into the goal. Everybody cheers and Felipe feels like he is the king of the soccer field. Felipe opens his arms and gives Gustavo a big hug. Now Felipe looks forward to playing soccer everyday, and Gustavo has a new friend.



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