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    专题06 阅读理解记叙文-2021年高考真题和模拟题英语分项汇编(解析版)
    专题06 阅读理解记叙文-2021年高考真题和模拟题英语分项汇编(解析版)01
    专题06 阅读理解记叙文-2021年高考真题和模拟题英语分项汇编(解析版)02
    专题06 阅读理解记叙文-2021年高考真题和模拟题英语分项汇编(解析版)03
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    专题06 阅读理解记叙文-2021年高考真题和模拟题英语分项汇编(解析版)

    这是一份专题06 阅读理解记叙文-2021年高考真题和模拟题英语分项汇编(解析版),共46页。试卷主要包含了 【2021·全国甲卷,C】, 【2021·浙江卷,A】等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    专题06 阅读理解记叙文
    1. 【2021·全国甲卷,C】
    When I was 9, we packed up our home in Los Angeles and arrived at Heathrow, London on a gray January morning. Everyone in the family settled quickly into the city except me. Without my beloved beaches and endless blue—sky days, I felt at a loss and out of place. Until I made a discovery.
    Southbank, at an eastern bend in the Thames, is the center of British skateboarding, where the continuous crashing of skateboards left your head ringing .I loved it. I soon made friends with the local skaters. We spoke our own language. And my favorite: Safe. Safe meant cool. It meant hello. It meant don't worry about it. Once, when trying a certain trick on the beam(横杆), I fell onto the stones, damaging a nerve in my hand, and Toby came over, helping me up: Safe, man. Safe. A few minutes later, when I landed the trick, my friends beat their boards loud, shouting: “ Safe! Safe! Safe!” And that's what mattered—landing tricks, being a good skater.
    When I was 15, my family moved to Washington. I tried skateboarding there, but the locals were far less welcoming. Within a couple of years, I'd given it up.
    When I returned to London in 2004, I found myself wandering down to Southbank, spending hours there. I've traveled back several times since, most recently this past spring. The day was cold but clear: tourists and Londoners stopped to watch the skaters. Weaving(穿梭)among the kids who rushed by on their boards, I found my way to the beam. Then a rail—thin teenager, in a baggy white T—shirt, skidded(滑)up to the beam. He sat next to me. He seemed not to notice the man next to him. But soon I caught a few of his glances. “I was a local here 20 years ago,” I told him. Then, slowly, he began to nod his head. “Safe, man. Safe.”
    “Yeah,” I said. “Safe.”
    8. What can we learn about the author soon after he moved to London?
    A. He felt disappointed. B. He gave up his hobby.
    C. He liked the weather there. D. He had disagreements with his family.
    9. What do the underlined words “Safe! Safe! Safe!” probably mean?
    A. Be careful! B. Well done! C. No way! D. Don't worry!
    10. Why did the author like to spend time in Southbank when he returned to London?
    A. To join the skateboarding. B. To make new friends.
    C. To learn more tricks. D. To relive his childhood days
    11. What message does the author seem to convey in the text?
    A. Children should learn a second language.
    B Sport is necessary for children's health.
    C. Children need a sense of belonging
    D. Seeing the world is a must for children.
    【答案】8. A 9. B 10. D 11. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Everyone in the family settled quickly into the city except me. Without my beloved beaches and endless blue -sky days, I felt at a loss and out of place.(除了我之外的家里人都很快适应这个城市,没有了我喜爱的沙滩和蓝天,我感到迷茫和无措)”可知,作者刚到伦敦的时候因为没有喜爱的沙滩,不能很好的融入到新的城市,感到很沮丧,故选A。
    词义猜测题。根据画线词后文“And that's what mattered—landing tricks, being a good skater. (那才是真正重要的——滑板的落地技巧掌握了才是一名好的滑板玩家)”可知,作者掌握了滑板落地技巧,因此他的朋友大声欢呼,因此可以推出本句的Safe是赞美的含义,结合选项,故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第四段““I was a local here 20 years ago," I told him. Then, slowly, he began to nod his head. “Safe, man. Safe.””(我告诉他:“我20年前经常在这里玩滑板,”他缓慢地开始向我点头:“嗨,你好!”)”可推知,作者去Southbank这个地方是为了寻找自己玩滑板的回忆,故选D。
    2. 【2021·新高考 I 卷,B】
    By day, Robert Titterton is a lawyer. In his spare on stage beside pianist Maria Raspopova — not as a musician but as her page turner. “I’m not a trained musician, but I’ve learnt to read music so I can help Maria in her performance.”
    Mr Titterton is chairman of the Omega Ensemble but has been the group’s official page turner for the past four years. His job is to sit beside the pianist and turn the pages of the score so the musician doesn’t have to break the flow of sound by doing it themselves. He said he became just as nervous as those playing instruments on stage.
    “A lot of skills are needed for the job. You have to make sure you don’t turn two pages at once and make sure you find the repeats in the music when you have to go back to the right spot.” Mr Titterton explained.
    Being a page turner requires plenty of practice. Some pieces of music can go for 40 minutes and require up to 50 page turns, including back turns for repeat passages. Silent onstage communication is key, and each pianist has their own style of “nodding” to indicate a page turn which they need to practise with their page turner.
    But like all performances, there are moments when things go wrong. “I was turning the page to get ready for the next page, but the draft wind from the turn caused the spare pages to fall off the stand,” Mr Titterton said, “Luckily I was able to catch them and put them back.”
    Most page turners are piano students or up-and-coming concert pianists, although Ms Raspopova has once asked her husband to help her out on stage.
    “My husband is the worst page turner,” she laughed. “He’s interested in the music, feeling every note, and I have to say: ‘Turn, turn!’ “Robert is the best page turner I’ve had in my entire life.”
    24. What should Titterton be able to do to be a page turner?
    A. Read music. B. Play the piano.
    C. Sing songs. D. Fix the instruments.
    25. Which of the following best describes Titterton’s job on stage?
    A. Boring. B. Well-paid.
    C. Demanding. D. Dangerous.
    26. What does Titterton need to practise?
    A. Counting the pages. B. Recognizing the “nodding”.
    C. Catching falling objects. D. Performing in his own style.
    27. Why is Ms Raspopova’s husband “the worse page turner”?
    A He has very poor eyesight. B. He ignores the audience.
    C. He has no interest in music. D. He forgets to do his job.
    【答案】24. A 25. C 26. B 27. D
    【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了为钢琴演奏者做翻页工作的Robert Titterton和他的工作情况。
    细节理解题。根据第一段“I’m not a trained musician, but I’ve learnt to read music so I can help Maria in her performance.(我不是受过训练的音乐家,但我学会了识谱,这样我就可以在Maria的表演中帮助她)”可知,Titterton因为识谱,所以可以在Maria的钢琴表演中为她翻页。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“A lot of skills are needed for the job. You have to make sure you don’t turn two pages at once and make sure you find the repeats in the music when you have to go back to the right spot.(这项工作需要很多技能。你必须确保你不会一次翻两页并且必要的时候确保你回到前面找到音乐重复的部分)”可知,为钢琴家翻页这项工作很需要技巧。由此推知,Titterton的工作要求是很高的。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“Silent onstage communication is key, and each pianist has their own style of “nodding” to indicate a page turn which they need to practise with their page turner.(无声的舞台交流是关键,每个钢琴家都有自己的“点头”风格来表示翻页,他们需要和翻页者进行练习)”可知,Titterton需要和钢琴演奏者练习识别他们的“点头”示意来翻页。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“He’s interested in the music, feeling every note, and I have to say: ‘Turn, turn!’(他对音乐很感兴趣,感受着每一个音符,所以我不得不说:“翻页,翻页!”)”可知,Ms Raspopova的丈夫因为对音乐感兴趣,所以帮她翻页的时候总是沉浸在音乐中而忘掉自己的工作,她不得不去提醒。故选D项。
    3. 【2021·浙江卷,A】
    Leslie Nielsen’s childhood was a difficult one, but he had one particular shining star in his life — his uncle, who was a well-known actor. The admiration and respect his uncle earned inspired Nielsen to make a career (职业) in acting. Even though he often felt he would be discovered to be a no-talent, he moved forward, gaining a scholarship to the Neighborhood Playhouse and making his first television appearance a few years later in 1948. However, becoming a full-time, successful actor would still be an uphill battle for another eight years until he landed a number of film roles that finally got him noticed.
    But even then, what he had wasn’t quite what he wanted. Nielsen always felt he should be doing comedy but his good looks and distinguished voice kept him busy in dramatic roles. It wasn’t until 1980 — 32 years into his career — that he landed the role it would seem he was made for in Airplane! That movie led him into the second half of his career where his comedic presence alone could make a movie a financial success even when movie reviewers would not rate it highly.
    Did Nielsen then feel content in his career? Yes and no. He was thrilled to be doing the comedy that he always felt he should do but even during his last few years, he always had a sense of curiosity, wondering what new role or challenge might be just around the comer. He never stopped working, never retired.
    Leslie Nielsen’s devotion to acting is wonderfully inspiring. He built a hugely successful career with little more than plain old hard work and determination. He showed us that even a single desire, never given up on, can make for a remarkable life.
    1. Why did Nielsen want to be an actor?
    A. He enjoyed watching movies. B. He was eager to earn money.
    C. He wanted to be like his uncle D. He felt he was good at acting.
    2. What do we know about Nielsen in the second half of his career?
    A. He directed some high quality movies. B. He avoided taking on new challenges.
    C. He focused on playing dramatic roles. D. He became a successful comedy actor.
    3. What does Nielsen’s career story tell us?
    A. Art is long, life is short. B. He who laughs last laughs longest.
    C. It’s never too late to learn. D. Where there’s a will there’s a way.
    【答案】1. C 2. D 3. D
    【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Leslie Nielsen的演艺生涯。
    细节理解题。通过文章第一段“his uncle, who was a well-known actor. The admiration and respect his uncle earned inspired Nielsen to make a career in acting. (他的叔叔,是一位著名的演员。Nielsen的叔叔所赢得的钦佩和尊重激励他走上了演艺事业)”可知,Nielsen想当演员的原因是想像他叔叔一样。故选C项。
    细节理解题。通过文章第二段“That movie led him into the second half of his career where his comedic presence alone could make a movie a financial success even when movie reviewers would not rate it highly. (这部电影使他进入了职业生涯的后半段,即使影评人对这部电影评价不高,但仅仅凭他的喜剧表演就可以使这部电影获得经济上的成功)”可知,在Nielsen职业生涯的后半段,他成了一个成功的喜剧演员。故选D项。
    推理判断题。通读全文,再结合文章最后一段“He built a hugely successful career with little more than plain old hard work and determination. He showed us that even a single desire, never given up on, can make for a remarkable life. (他凭借平凡的努力和决心建立了一个非常成功的事业。他告诉我们,即使是只有一个愿望,永不放弃,也能成就非凡的人生)”可推知,Nielsen的职业经历告诉我们:有志者事竟成。故选D项。
    4. 【2021·浙江卷,B】
    We live in a town with three beaches. There are two parts less than 10 minutes’ walk from home where neighborhood children gather to play. However, what my children want to do after school is pick up a screen — any screen — and stare at it for hours. They are not alone. Today's children spend an average of four and a half hours a day looking at screens, split between watching television and using the Internet.
    In the past few years, an increasing number of people and organisations have begun coming up with plans to counter this trend. A couple of years ago film-maker David Bond realised that his children, then aged five and three, were attached to screens to the point where he was able to say “chocolate” into his three-year-old son’s ear without getting a response. He realised that something needed to change, and, being a London media type, appointed himself “marketing director from Nature”. He documented his journey as he set about treating nature as a brand to be marketed to young people. The result was Project Wild Thing, a film which charts the birth of the World Network, a group of organisations with the common goal of getting children out into nature.
    “Just five more minutes outdoors can make a difference,” David Bond says. “There is a lot of really interesting evidence which seems to be suggesting that if children are inspired up to the age of seven, then being outdoors will be on habit for life.” His own children have got into the habit of playing outside now: “We just send them out into the garden and tell them not to come back in for a while.”
    Summer is upon us. There is an amazing world out there, and it needs our children as much as they need it. Let us get them out and let them play.
    4. What is the problem with the author’s children?
    A. They often annoy their neighbours. B. They are tired of doing their homework.
    C. They have no friends to play with D. They stay in front of screens for too long.
    5. How did David Bond advocate his idea?
    A. By making a documentary film. B. By organizing outdoor activities.
    C. By advertising in London media. D. By creating a network of friends.
    6. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “charts” in paragraph 2?
    A. records B. predicts C. delays D. confirms
    7. What can be a suitable title for the text?
    A. Let Children Have Fun B. Young Children Need More Free Time
    C. Market Nature to Children D. David Bond: A Role Model for Children
    【答案】4. D 5. A 6. A 7. C
    【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了电影制作人David Bond为了让孩子们远离屏幕,拍摄自己的旅行,并将自然当作一个品牌,推销给年轻人。
    细节理解题。根据第一段中的“However, what my children want to do after school is pick up a screen — any screen — and stare at it for hours. (然而,我的孩子们放学后想做的是拿起一个屏幕——任何屏幕——盯着它看几个小时)”可知,作者的孩子在屏幕前呆的时间太长了。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“He documented his journey as he set about treating nature as a brand to be marked to young people. (他记录了他的旅程,他开始把大自然当作一个品牌,让年轻人看到)”可知,David Bond通过拍一个纪录片宣传他的想法。故选A项。
    词句猜测题。根据划线词上文“a film”可知,本句主语是一部电影,下文“the birth of the World Network (世界网络的诞生)”解释了这部电影的主旨。由此推知,划线词charts意为“记录、描绘”,与“records”意思一致。故选A项。
    主旨大意题。根据第二段中的“He documented his journey as he set about treating nature as a brand to be marketed to young people. The result was Project Wild Thing, a film which charts the birth of the World Network, a group of organisations with the common goal of getting children out into nature. (他把自己的旅行记录下来,开始把自然当作一个品牌,推销给年轻人。其结果是Project Wild Thing,一部记录了World Network (世界网络)诞生的电影,World Network (世界网络)是以让孩子们接触大自然为共同目标的团体)”可推知,本文主要讲述了电影制作人David Bond为了让孩子们远离屏幕,拍摄自己的旅行,并将自然当作一个品牌,推销给年轻人。由此可知,C项Market Nature to Children(把自然推销给年轻人)适合作本文标题。故选C项。
    5. 【2021·浙江卷(1月),A】
    More than 25 years ago, Saroo Brierley lived in rural(农村)India. One day, he played with his brother along the rail line and fell asleep. When he woke up and found himself alone, the 4-year-old decided his brother might be on the train he saw in front of him-so he got on.
    That train took him a thousand miles across the country to a totally strange city. He lived on the streets, and then in an orphanage(孤儿院). There, he was adopted by an Australian family and flown to Tasmania.
    As he writes in his new book, A Long Way Home, Brierley couldn't help but wonder about his hometown back in India. He remembered landmarks, but since he didn't know his town's name, finding a small neighborhood in a vast country proved to be impossible.
    Then he found a digital mapping program. He spent years searching for his hometown in the program's satellite pictures. In 2011, he came across something familiar. He studied it and realized he was looking at a town's central business district from a bird's-eye view. He thought, “On the right-hand side you should see the three-platform train station”—and there it was. "And on the left-hand side you should see a big fountain"-and there it was. Everything just started to match.
    When he stood in front of the house where he grew up as a child, he saw a lady standing in the entrance. "There's something about me, " he thought—and it took him a few seconds but he finally remembered what she used to look like.
    In an interview Brierley says, "My mother looked so much shorter than I remembered. But she came forth and walked forward, and I walked forward, and my feelings and tears and the chemical in my brain, you know, it was like a nuclear fusion(核聚变). I just didn't know what to say, because I never thought seeing my mother would ever come true. And here I am, standing in front of her. ”
    1.Why was Brierley separated from his family about 25 years ago?
    A.He got on a train by mistake.
    B.He got lost while playing in the street.
    C.He was taken away by a foreigner.
    D.He was adopted by an Australian family.
    2.How did Brierley find his hometown?
    A.By analyzing old pictures.
    B.By travelling all around India.
    C.By studying digital maps.
    D.By spreading his story via his book.
    3.What does Brierley mainly talk about in the interview?
    A.His love for his mother.
    B.His reunion with his mother.
    C.His long way back home.
    D.His memory of his hometown.
    细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“When he woke up and found himself alone: the 4-year-old decided his brother might be on the train he saw in front of him-so he got on.(当他醒来发现自己一个人时:4岁的孩子判断他哥哥可能在他前面看到的火车上,所以他上了车)”以及第二段中“That train took him a thousand miles across the country to a totally strange city.(那列火车把他带到了一个千里迢迢之外的陌生城市)”可知,布尔利在25年前和家人分开是因为他误上了火车。故选A项。
    细节理解题。通过文章第四段“Then he found a digital mapping program. He spent years searching for his hometown in the program’s satellite pictures.(然后他找到了一个数字地图程序。他花了数年时间在该节目的卫星图片中寻找家乡)”以及“Everything just started to match.(一切都开始匹配了)”可知,布尔利是通过研究数字地图找到家乡的。故选C项。
    细节理解题。通过文章最后一段“In an interview Brierley says: “My mother looked so much shorter than I remembered. But she came forth and walked forward, and I walked forward, and my feelings and tears and the chemical in my brain, you know: it was like nuclear fusion(核聚变). just didn’t know what to say: because I never thought seeing my mother would ever come true. And here I am, standing in front of her.(在一次采访中,布尔利说:“我妈妈看起来比我记忆中矮多了。但是她走了出来,朝我走来,我也向着她走去,我的感情、眼泪和大脑里的化学物质,你知道的:就像发生了核聚变。只是不知道该说些什么:因为我从没想过见到我母亲会成为现实。我就在这里,站在她面前。)”可知,作者在采访中讲述了他和母亲的团聚。故选B项。
    6. 【2021·天津卷,B】
    About five weeks ago, I noticed the skin of our pet lizard was growing dusty. It worried me. I reported the strange surface on the skin of the lizard to my husband and children the next morning. Seconds later, our lizard emerged from its tank with its old skin flowing behind it.
    I didn't think about it much until a morning last week when I knocked my favorite teapot off the table. It burst into hundreds of pieces. As I swept up the mess, I wondered why we had been breaking so many things over the months.
    The destruction started three months ago. It was my husband's birthday. He had just lost his job. The uncertainty was starting to wear on us, so I wanted to do something special.
    “Let's make a cake for Dad!” I cried.
    My kids screamed with joy. We baked, iced and sprinkled for most of the day. Candles on the cake! Balloons on the walls! Flowers on the table!
    Two hours before my husband came back home from another job interview, my daughter climbed up to grab a glass vase from a high shelf. It fell and crashed beside the cake. Tiny pieces of glass were everywhere. She sobbed loudly as I threw the cake away. My husband had banana pudding for his birthday.
    Three days ago, the light in our living room suddenly went out. After several frustrating hours of unsuccessful attempts to fix it, my husband suggested watching the Michael Jordan documentary series The Last Dance.
    The poignancy of Jordan retiring from his beloved basketball to play baseball and what had pushed him to make such a tough decision took me by surprise. As I watched him take off his basketball uniform and replace it with a baseball uniform, I saw him leaving behind the layer that no longer served him, just as our lizard had. Neither of them chose the moment that had transformed them. But they had to live with who they were after everything was different. Just like us. I realized that we have to learn to leave the past behind.
    Humans do not shed skin as easily as other animals. The beginning of change is upsetting. The process is tiring. Damage changes us before we are ready. I see our lizard, raw and nearly new.
    Jordan said that no matter how it ends, it starts with hope. With our tender, hopeful skin, that is where we begin.
    40.What can we learn about the pet lizard from Paragraph 1?
    A.Its tank grew dirty. B.Its old skin came off.
    C.It got a skin disease. D.It went missing.
    41.Why did the author's husband have banana pudding for his birthday?
    A.The birthday cake was ruined. B.The author made good puddings.
    C.Pudding was his favorite dessert. D.They couldn't afford a birthday cake.
    42.Why does the author mention The Last Dance in the passage?
    A.To prove a theory. B.To define a concept.
    C.To develop the theme. D.To provide the background.
    43.The underlined part "leaving behind the layer" in Paragraph 8 can be understood as .
    A.letting go of the past B.looking for a new job
    C.getting rid of a bad habit D.giving up an opportunity
    44.What does the author most likely want to tell us?
    A.Love of family helps us survive great hardships.
    B.It's not the end of the world if we break things.
    C.We should move on no matter what happens.
    D.Past experiences should be treasured.
    这是一篇夹叙夹议文。讲述了作者的丈夫刚刚丢了工作,这种不确定性开始影响到家人,直到作者看到家里的宠物蜥蜴换皮和观看了Michael Jordan的纪录片《最后的舞蹈》后,领悟到我们必须学会把过去抛在脑后,像蜥蜴一样,用我们柔嫩、充满希望的皮肤,作为人生的起点。
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“I reported the strange surface on the skin of the lizard to my husband and children the next morning. Seconds later, our lizard emerged from its tank with its old skin flowing behind it.(第二天早上,我向丈夫和孩子们报告了蜥蜴皮肤上奇怪的表面。几秒钟后,我们的蜥蜴从水箱里出来,旧皮肤蜕了下来)”可知,宠物蜥蜴旧的皮肤脱落了。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第六段“Two hours before my husband came back home from another job interview, my daughter climbed up to grab a glass vase from a high shelf. It fell and crashed beside the cake. Tiny pieces of glass were everywhere. She sobbed loudly as I threw the cake away. My husband had banana pudding for his birthday.(就在我丈夫参加另一场工作面试回家前两个小时,我女儿爬到一个高高的架子上,抓起一个玻璃花瓶。它掉下来摔碎在蛋糕旁边。到处都是细小的玻璃碎片。我把蛋糕扔掉时,她大声抽泣。我丈夫生日吃了香蕉布丁)”可知,作者的丈夫过生日吃了香蕉布丁是因为生日蛋糕毁了。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第三段“The poignancy of Jordan retiring from his beloved basketball to play baseball and what had pushed him to make such a tough decision took me by surprise. As I watched him take off his basketball uniform and replace it with a baseball uniform, I saw him leaving behind the layer that no longer served him, just as our lizard had. Neither of them chose the moment that had transformed them. But they had to live with who they were after everything was different. Just like us. I realized that we have to learn to leave the past behind.( Jordan从心爱的篮球退役,转而打棒球,这是多么令人痛心的事情,是什么促使他做出如此艰难的决定,让我感到惊讶。当我看着他脱下篮球服,换上棒球服时,我看到他脱下了那层不再适合他的衣服,就像我们的蜥蜴一样。他们都没有选择那个改变了他们的时刻。但他们必须和自己生活在一起因为一切都变了。就像我们一样。我意识到我们必须学会把过去抛在脑后)”以及最后一段“Jordan said that no matter how it ends, it starts with hope. With our tender, hopeful skin, that is where we begin.( Jordan说,不管结局如何,都是以希望开始的。用我们柔嫩、充满希望的皮肤,那是我们的起点)”可推知,作者在文章中提到The Last Dance是为了展开文章关于放手过去,重新开始的主题。故选C。
    词义猜测题。根据画线词后文“Neither of them chose the moment that had transformed them. But they had to live with who they were after everything was different. Just like us. I realized that we have to learn to leave the past behind.(他们都没有选择那个改变了他们的时刻。但他们必须和自己生活在一起因为一切都变了。就像我们一样。我意识到我们必须学会把过去抛在脑后)”可知,作者看着乔丹脱下篮球服,换上棒球服时,意识到看到他放开了过去,把过去抛在脑后了。即画线词意思是“放开过去”。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“Humans do not shed skin as easily as other animals. The beginning of change is upsetting. The process is tiring. Damage changes us before we are ready. I see our lizard, raw and nearly new.(人类不像其他动物那样容易蜕皮。变革的开始令人不安。这个过程很累人。伤害在我们准备好之前就改变了我们。我看到了我们生嫩的、几乎是全新的蜥蜴)”以及最后一段“Jordan said that no matter how it ends, it starts with hope. With our tender, hopeful skin, that is where we begin.( Jordan说,不管结局如何,都是以希望开始的。用我们柔嫩、充满希望的皮肤,那是我们的起点)”可推知,作者最有可能想告诉我们无论发生什么,我们都应该继续前进。故选C。
    7. 【2021·天津卷,阅读表达】
    I’ve always been creative since I was a little girl. My childhood was filled with arts, crafts (手工) and music, and every day was an exciting adventure of creation.
    Somewhere along the way, however, I lost touch with my creative self. At 21, I landed a job at a big insurance company out of my business degree. I would go to the office, sit at my desk and repeat the same work five days a week 9 to 5. The days were long and tedious. Working this way for one year was painful enough, let alone a lifetime. Before long I decided to make a change.
    One thing I had developed an interest in was sewing, so I took a sewing course at a community college. It was only a five-week course but it awakened my interest and got my confidence up.
    As I dreamt bigger, I began looking into college courses for Fashion Design and three months later I signed up for a part-time design course. I attended classes two nights a week. Although exhausting, it gave me energy, enthusiasm and happiness.
    As it became clearer that fashion was what I wanted to do full time, the reality of my day-to-day work at the insurance company became harder. I felt bored. No energy, no motivation and zero fulfilment (满足感).
    I knew I needed to make a bigger change. After struggling for quite a while, I made a difficult decision—leaving my job and studying my design course full time. Two years later I got my diploma.
    The last few years have been exciting because I’ve been following my heart to do what I love. Today I am living a creative life as the designer of my own fashion brand.
    Sometimes it’s hard to make a change, but I’m so glad I set the wheels of change in motion with that very small first step because it has led me to where I am today.
    56.What was the author interested in when she was a little girl? (no more than 10 words)
    57.What does the underlined word in Paragraph 2 mean? (1 word)
    58.How did the author feel when she was taking the part-time design course? (no more than 10 words)
    59.What did the author do to get back to her creative life? Give two of the facts. (no more than 15 words)
    60.Do you consider the author as your role model? Please explain. (no more than 20 words)

    56.She was interested in arts, crafts and music.
    Or: She was interested in creative things.
    58.She felt/was energetic, enthusiastic and happy.
    Or: She was filled with energy, enthusiasm and happiness.
    59.She quit/quitted her job and took the fashion-design course.
    Or: She attended a sewing class and took a part-time design course.
    60.Yes, (I do). She has the courage to follow her heart and do what she really likes.
    Or: Yes, (I do). I’d like to live a creative life and make changes when necessary as she. Or: No, (I don’t). I don’t like changes and I want to live a secure life.
    考查细节理解。根据文章第一段内容“I’ve always been creative since I was a little girl. My childhood was filled with arts, crafts (手工) and music, and every day was an exciting adventure of creation.(从我还是一个小女孩的时候起,我就很有创造力。我的童年充满了艺术、手工艺和音乐,每一天都是令人兴奋的创作冒险。)”可知,从作者还是一个小女孩的时候起,她就对有创意的东西感兴趣,对艺术、手工艺和音乐感兴趣。故答案为She was interested in arts, crafts and music./ She was interested in creative things.
    考查词义猜测。根据画线单词所在句后句“Working this way for one year was painful enough, let alone a lifetime. Before long I decided to make a change.(这样工作一年已经够痛苦的了,更别说一辈子了。不久我决定做出改变。)”可知,作者现在的工作让她感到痛苦,她并不喜欢这份工作。再根据第五段内容“As it became clearer that fashion was what I wanted to do full time, the reality of my day-to-day work at the insurance company became harder. I felt bored. No energy, no motivation and zero fulfilment (满足感). (当我越来越清楚地意识到时尚是我全职想要做的事情时,我在保险公司的日常工作变得更加困难。我觉得无聊。没有活力,没有动力,没有满足感。)”可知,作者真正喜欢的是和时尚相关的工作,保险公司的工作让她感觉无聊。由此可知,画线单词所在句表示的是,在保险公司工作的日子漫长而乏味。故答案为Boring./Dull./Uninteresting.
    考查细节理解。根据文章第四段内容“As I dreamt bigger, I began looking into college courses for Fashion Design and three months later I signed up for a part-time design course. I attended classes two nights a week. Although exhausting, it gave me energy, enthusiasm and happiness.(当我的梦想更大的时候,我开始研究时装设计的大学课程,三个月后我报名参加了一个兼职设计课程。我每周上两晚课。虽然很累,但它给了我活力、热情和快乐。)”可知,在参加了兼职设计课程后,作者感觉充满了活力、热情和快乐。故答案为She felt/was energetic, enthusiastic and happy./ She was filled with energy, enthusiasm and happiness.
    考查细节理解。根据文章第三段关键句“One thing I had developed an interest in was sewing, so I took a sewing course at a community college.(我对缝纫产生了兴趣,所以我在一所社区大学上了缝纫课。)”,第四段关键句“As I dreamt bigger, I began looking into college courses for Fashion Design and three months later I signed up for a part-time design course.(当我的梦想更大的时候,我开始研究时装设计的大学课程,三个月后我报名参加了一个兼职设计课程。)”和倒数第三段内容“I knew I needed to make a bigger change. After struggling for quite a while, I made a difficult decision—leaving my job and studying my design course full time. Two years later I got my diploma.(我知道我需要做出更大的改变。经过一段时间的挣扎,我做出了一个艰难的决定,离开我的工作,并全职学习我的设计课程。两年后我拿到了毕业证书。)”可知,作者为了恢复她有创造力的生活,她参加了一个缝纫班,并参加了一个兼职设计课程,辞去了工作,去上时装设计课,根据题目要求,从中选出两点事实即可,不超过15个词。故答案为She quit/quitted her job and took the fashion-design course./ She attended a sewing class and took a part-time design course.
    开放题。题目询问“你认为作者是你的榜样吗?请解释一下原因。”本题为开放性试题,根据自己的理解,言之有理,符合文章内容即可,不超过20个词,如果答案是肯定的,原因可以是“She has the courage to follow her heart and do what she really likes.(她有勇气追随自己的心,做自己真正喜欢的事。)”;如果答案是否定的,原因可以是“I don’t like changes and I want to live a secure life.(我不喜欢变化,我想过安全的生活。)”。故答案为Yes, (I do). She has the courage to follow her heart and do what she really likes./ Yes, (I do). I’d like to live a creative life and make changes when necessary as she./ No, (I don’t). I don’t like changes and I want to live a secure life.
    一、 (福建省龙岩一中2021届高三下学期新高考模拟试题)
    Dawn Loggins of Lawndale, N.C.is on her way to Harvard, one of the eight world­famous universities in the eastern US.Nobody encouraged her to study or paid for her special classes.This girl created her own future.
    The teen was abandoned by her family last summer, when her parents and two sisters moved to Tennessee.She found herself homeless and had to spend the night on friend’s sofas.
    The school bus driver learned about Dawn’s situation and invited Dawn to move in with her family. Soon, Dawn had a job at Burns High School.She worked from 6 a. m.to 7:40 a. m.before the first school bell rang.She swept floors and picked up trash again in the afternoons, before diving into her studies in the evenings.
    Dawn’s hard work paid off.She finished school with a 3.9 GPA and scored 2, 110 on the SAT.
    “There were times when I felt like it would be easiest if I gave up, ”the 18­year­old said. “But it was never in me to give up, because I realized that I was never going to be successful unless I got an education.”
    Even before Dawn’s family left her, she led a difficult life.Her family was poor and cups of noodles were often the only food. Dawn “studied by candlelight” because her parents couldn’t afford to pay the electricity bill(电费).
    Dawn has now reconnected with her family.They are proud of her accomplishments(成就)and are attending her high school graduation.
    4.Why didn’t Dawn give up her studies?
    A.To reconnect with her family.
    B.To thank those who had helped her.
    C.To get an education to be successful.
    D.To realize her dream of going to Harvard.
    5.Who helped Dawn when she found herself homeless?
    A.Her teachers. B.Her neighbors.
    C.A Tiger Mom. D.A school bus driver.
    6.Which of the following words describes Dawn?
    A.Open-­minded. B.Good-­natured.
    C.Strong-­willed. D.Warm-­hearted
    7.What is the best title for the text?
    A.Another Harvard girl
    B.A girl in candlelight
    C.From homeless to Harvard
    D.The role of Tiger Moms
    【分析】这是一篇记叙文。本文主要介绍Dawn Loggins通过自己的努力,考上哈佛大学的故事。
    【分析】推理判断题。根据第三段“But it was never in me to give up, because I realized that I was never going to be successful unless I got an education.(但我从不放弃,因为我意识到,除非我接受了教育,否则我永远不会成功)”可知,Dawn认为,只有接受了教育才能成功。因此,Dawn不放弃学业的原因是C项“To get an education to be successful(为了获得成功的教育)”符合题意。故选C项。
    【分析】细节理解题。根据第三段“The school bus driver learned about Dawn’s situation and invited Dawn to move in with her family. Soon, Dawn had a job at Burns High School.(校车司机了解了Dawn的情况,邀请Dawn和搬进来与家人一起住。很快,Dawn在伯恩斯高中找到了一份工作)”可知,校车司机帮助了Dawn。因此,Dawn发现自己无家可归时,帮助了她的人是D项“A school bus driver(一个校车司机)”符合题意。故选D项。
    【分析】推理判断题。根据第五段的““There were times when I felt like it would be easiest if I gave up, ”the 18­year­old said. “But it was never in me to give up, because I realized that I was never going to be successful unless I got an education.”(“有时候我觉得放弃最容易,”这位18­岁的­女孩说。“但我从来没有放弃过,因为我意识到,除非我接受教育,否则我永远不会成功 )”以及第六段的“Even before Dawn’s family left her, she led a difficult life. Her family was poor and cups of noodles were often the only food. Dawn “studied by candlelight” because her parents couldn’t afford to pay the electricity bill(电费).(甚至在Dawn的家人离开她之前,她过着艰难的生活,她的家庭很穷,一杯面条往往是唯一的食物。Dawn在烛光下学习,因为她的父母付不起电费)”可推断,虽然生活艰难,但是Dawn依然坚持学习,从不放弃,因此推断她是一个很意志坚强的人。因此,C项“Strong-willed(意志坚强的)”符合题意。故选C项。
    【分析】主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段“Dawn Loggins of Lawndale, N.C. is on her way to Harvard, one of the eight world­famous universities in the eastern US. Nobody encouraged her to study or paid for her special classes. This girl created her own future(Dawn Loggins正在去哈佛的路上,哈佛是美国东部八所世界著名大学之一。没人鼓励她学习或支付她的特殊课程的费用。这个女孩创造了自己的未来)”可知,Dawn家里很穷甚至她被家人遗弃,没有人鼓励她学习和给她支付学费,但是Dawn依然通过自己的努力,考上了哈佛大学。因此推断,这篇文章最好的标题是C项“From homeless to Harvard(从无家可归到哈佛)”点明了文章中心。故选C项。
    When I became president of Sustainable (可持续的) Spartans in May 2020, I had no idea how to successfully run a club on the Internet. My team and I were challenged with how to attract members and continue sustainable projects on campus (校园) while most students lived at home.
    Despite the circumstances, my incredible team and I pushed forward. We organized events members could participate in regardless of location. Instead of focusing on building a more sustainable campus, we thought it was more important to get more and more students to accept sustainability.
    In September, our Vermicomposting project began with the support from an online workshop. Vermicomposting is the process by which worms turn food waste and other materials into fertilizer. The workshop tied together club members and workshop students, educating and inspiring some to start their own worm bins at home.
    In October, we held our first SpartansPickUp Day, co-hosted with Spartans Sierra Club. Fourteen teams of students safely picked up trash and posted pictures online. The cooperation brought some environmental student organizations together and attracted more student participation.
    Our most notable accomplishment was working with the Office of Sustainability to build a pollinator (授粉者) garden on campus. The garden would improve the campus' climate by attracting pollinators, increasing biodiversity and reducing soil loss. We posted some videos of the garden, and students were expecting to return to campus to visit it.
    Student organizations provide an important aspect of college life and I'm proud to say we've carried that into the digital space. Personally, I've discovered my club is an incredible outlet for me to dive into my sustainability passion and take a step back from the great stress of job search and online learning. I encourage all students to join a student organization to find how you can translate your passion into meaningful projects.
    4.What made it difficult for the author to do her work?
    A.Lack of her team's spiritual support. B.The absence of students on campus.
    C.The existing environmental problems. D.Her inability to run sustainable projects.
    5.What was the focus of Sustainable Spartans in 2020?
    A.To create a safe living environment.
    B.To spread the idea of sustainability.
    C.To raise money for its future projects.
    D.To build a clean and beautiful campus.
    6.How did the author manage to carry out the projects?
    A.By attracting students back to the campus.
    B.By seeking financial help from authorities.
    C.By working with some other organizations.
    D.By gathering all students for some field trips.
    7.What does the author try to convey in the last paragraph?
    A.Leadership is the basis of success on campus.
    B.Cooperation is a quality everyone should have.
    C.Participating in sustainable projects is very easy.
    D.Joining student organizations really matters a lot.
    【分析】细节理解题。根据第一段“My team and I were challenged with how to attract members and continue sustainable projects on campus (校园) while most students lived at home.(我和我的团队面临的挑战是,当大多数学生都住在家里的时候,如何吸引成员并在校园里继续可持续发展的项目)”可知,学生不在学校是作者很难开展工作的原因。故选B项。
    【分析】细节理解题。根据第二段“Instead of focusing on building a more sustainable campus, we thought it was more important to get more and more students to accept sustainability.(我们认为更重要的是让越来越多的学生接受可持续发展,而不是专注于建设一个更可持续的校园)”可知,Sustainable Spartans在2020年的重点是传播可持续的理念。故选B项。
    【分析】细节理解题。根据第三段“In September, our Vermicomposting project began with the support from an online workshop.(9月,我们的蚯蚓堆肥项目在一个在线研讨会的支持下启动)”、第四段“In October, we held our first SpartansPickUp Day, co-hosted with Spartans Sierra Club. (十月,我们与斯巴达塞拉俱乐部共同举办了我们的第一个斯巴达庆祝日)”及第五段“Our most notable accomplishment was working with the Office of Sustainability to build a pollinator (授粉者) garden on campus.(我们最显著的成就是与可持续发展办公室合作,在校园内建造了一个授粉园) ”可知,作者通过与其他一些组织合作以开展项目。故选C项。
    【分析】推理判断题。根据最后一段“Personally, I've discovered my club is an incredible outlet for me to dive into my sustainability passion and take a step back from the great stress of job search and online learning. I encourage all students to join a student organization to find how you can translate your passion into meaningful projects.(就我个人而言,我发现我的俱乐部是一个令人难以置信的出口,让我投入我对可持续发展的热情,并从巨大的求职和在线学习的压力中得到缓解。我鼓励所有的学生加入一个学生组织,以找到将你的激情转化为有意义的项目)”可推断,作者在最后一段想要传达的是参加学生组织是很有意义的。故选D项。
    I was so worried about handing my little boy over during his first week of school, but you made it easier. You smiled at him like a mother would at her own child.You showed warmth and your hugs were always on offer.After a day in class with you, Charlie would come home singing. Whenever I hear Do Your Ears Hang Low or see him stretching to the sky when singing about the days of the week, I will think of you.I didn't tell you at the time, but I loved your morning song so much that I implemented it in my own class (I'm a teacher, too).
    When you saw I was troubled, you hugged me with your smile and I knew everything would be OK. You made parents feel as cared for as our children.In the short time I knew you; you taught me about the type of teacher I desire to be. You never seemed disturbed by the mountain of paperwork or impossible work-life balance that comes with the role. Instead, you appeared to embrace every minute.
    I can't understand why you've been taken from us. Telling Charlie was one of the hardest things I've had to do.I'm not sure he fully understands, but he told me he loved you and has been asking whether your"robot powers"will work in heaven.
    A friend once told me white feathers are angels telling us that loved ones in heaven are well. On the first day collecting the children without you,a white feather floated through the sleet (雨夹雪). Watching the younger ones bounce and gigle as they tried to catch it was beautiful.
    I wish I had told you all of this when you were with us.I hope that you knew how you brought happiness to everyone you met and how loved you were. Goodbye, Dear Friend.
    4.What does the underlined word "implemented" in Paragraph l probably mean?
    A.Looked back on. B.Looked forward to.
    C.Thought highly of. D.Made use of.
    5.What can we learn from the passage about parents?
    A.They need to sing songs before children.
    B.They need to feel the affection as well.
    C.They find it hard to handle their kids.
    D.They find it necessary to hug the teachers.
    6.The writer mentioned "white feather" in Paragraph 4 mainly to ______.
    A.inform us of the loved one's death
    B.remind us it's time for a snowball fight
    C.tell us the teacher stays in our mind after death
    D.warn us of the falling snow when collecting children
    7.What's the writer's main purpose in writing this article?
    A.To make a remark on Charlie's teacher.
    B.To say goodbye to her fellow teacher.
    C.To take pity on her fellow teacher.
    D.To recall and show respect for Charlie's teacher.
    【分析】词句猜测题。划线词前文“I loved your morning song so much”作者提到,自己很喜欢老师唱的那首歌,所以应该是“在自己的课堂上也使用了这首歌”。划线词“implemented”意为“使用”。故选D项。
    【分析】推理判断题。从第二段前两句“When you saw I was troubled, you hugged me with your smile and I knew everything would be OK. You made parents feel as cared for as our children.(当你看到我烦恼时,你微笑着拥抱我,我知道一切都会好起来的。你让父母和我们的孩子一样感到被关心。)”可知,这位老师在家长们陷入麻烦时,会提供无微不至的关怀,就像对待孩子们一样,所以说家长也是需要关爱的。故选B项。
    【分析】推理判断题。第三段“I can't understand why you've been taken from us. Telling Charlie was one of the hardest things I've had to do.(我不明白为什么你被从我们身边带走了。告诉Charlie是我做过的最艰难的事之一。)”提到这位老师已经去世,但是大家都十分不舍,第四段中“A friend once told me white feathers are angels telling us that loved ones in heaven are well.(一个朋友曾经告诉我,白色的羽毛是天使,告诉我们在天堂的亲人都很好。)”,作者用天使的事例表达自己和孩子们对老师在天堂过得很好的期盼,语句中透露出大家对她的怀念。所以作者提到“白色羽毛”是为了告诉我们,老师去世后仍然还在我们心里。故选C项。
    “The Great Good Place” is a short story by American novelist Henry James, first published in 1900. Its theme is that people need a place where they can escape the grind of daily life. This is an idea that Howard Schultz, who turned the Starbucks coffee chain into an international giant, used in his business strategy.
    Born in 1952, Schultz grew up in Brooklyn. After university, he worked for a firm supplying coffee-making equipment. Shortly after working there, Schultz noticed that a company in Seattle was buying a surprisingly large amount of the firm's equipment, and he decided to investigate. It turned out to be a simple coffee-bean store, but its owners were committed to teaching the public to appreciate good coffee.
    This store in Seattle opened in 1971 and took its name from Starbuck, a sailor in the classic novel Moby Dick. Its logo was a two-tailed mermaid. Fascinated by its owners' commitment to coffee, Schultz joined Starbucks. Later, on a trip to Europe, he was impressed by the way that street cafés in Italy were both meeting points and places to drink espresso. This was something American didn't have yet.
    In 1985, Schultz started his own coffee-bar business, which soon became a success. Two years later, he got together with some other investors and bought Starbucks for US $ 3. 8 million. Adopting the name and logo, Schultz developed a marketing strategy that turned ordinary cafés into fashionable outlets for coffee. He used clever tricks, such as selling coffee in "short", "tall" and "grande" size rather than the usual small, medium, and large. Customers learned to pronounce unfamiliar Italian names like latte and macchiato. Schultz actually created a market that hadn't existed before.
    Within 20 years, Schultz had taken coffee culture from the streets of Europe to almost every city in developed countries. Today, millions of people a week visit Starbucks locations in countries globally. Clearly, these customers are happy with the "great good place".
    4.What does the underlined word “grind” mean in paragraph 1?
    A.boredom B.flavor C.virtue D.intervention
    5.Why did Schultz decide to join Starbucks?
    A.He wanted to expand his business of equipment.
    B.His trip Europe instructed him and changed his initial mind.
    C.He was struck by the its owner's devotion to coffee.
    D.He was impressed by the relaxing atmosphere in Starbucks.
    6.According to the passage, Schultz's business strategies do NOT include .
    A.opening stores all over the world.
    B.changing the name and logo of the store at some locations.
    C.selling coffee in “short”, “tall” and “grande” sizes.
    D.His wisdom and cooperation with other investors.
    7.What is the main idea of the passage?
    A.The Starbucks coffee chain originated in Seattle.
    B.Street cafes in Italy usually have far more customers than cafes in America.
    C.Starbucks are what American novelist Henry James described “great good places”。
    D.Schultz successfully transformed Starbucks into an international giant.
    【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章整体叙写了Howard Schultz是如何将星巴克咖啡连锁店打造成一家商业巨头的过程。
    【分析】词义猜测题。根据画线词上文““The Great Good Place” is a short story by American novelist Henry James, first published in 1900. Its theme is that people need a place where they can escape the”(“伟大的好地方”是美国小说家Henry James写的短篇故事,首次发表于1900年。它的主题是人们需要一个他们可以......的地方)可知,划线处的这句话是解释上文的“伟大的好地方”,这个地方可以逃离日常生活的什么,从这可以推测出这个词是形容日常生活不好的方面,即日常生活中的乏味、无聊。故画线词意思是“乏味”。A. boredom乏味,厌倦;B. flavor风味;C. virtue优点;D. intervention介入。故选A。
    【分析】细节理解题。根据第三段中“Fascinated by its owners' commitment to coffee, Schultz joined Starbucks.( Schultz被老板对咖啡的投入所吸引,加入了星巴克)”可知,由于主人对咖啡的投入,Schultz加入了星巴克。故选C。
    【分析】细节理解题。根据第四段“In 1985, Schultz started his own coffee-bar business, which soon became a success. Two years later, he got together with some other investors and bought Starbucks for US $ 3.8 million. Adopting the name and logo, Schultz developed a marketing strategy that turned ordinary cafés into fashionable outlets for coffee. He used clever tricks, such as selling coffee in “short”, “tall ”and “grande” size rather than the usual small, medium, and large. Customers learned to pronounce unfamiliar Italian names like latte and macchiato. Schultz actually created a market that hadn't existed before.(1985年,Schultz开始了自己的咖啡馆生意,并很快取得了成功。两年后,他和其他一些投资者一起,以380万美元的价格收购了星巴克。采用了这个名字和标志,舒尔茨开发了一种营销策略,将普通的cafés变成了时尚的咖啡店。他运用了一些巧妙的手法,比如用“矮”、“高”和“大”来销售咖啡,而不是通常的小、中、大尺码。顾客们学会了读不熟悉的意大利名字,比如拿铁和玛奇朵。Schultz创造了一个前所未有的市场)”以及第五段中“Within 20 years, Schultz had taken coffee culture from the streets of Europe to almost every city in developed countries. (在20年的时间里,Schultz将咖啡文化从欧洲的街头带到几乎所有发达国家的城市)”可知,Schultz的商业策略包括在全世界开店,把咖啡以“矮”、“高”和“大”来进行销售,以及他的智慧和与其他投资者合作,但不包括在一些地点改变商店的名称和标识。故选B。
    【分析】主旨大意题。根据第一段中“This is an idea that Howard Schultz, who turned the Starbucks coffee chain into an international giant, used in his business strategy.(这是把星巴克咖啡连锁店打造成国际巨头的Howard Schultz在他的商业战略中运用的理念)”结合文章整体叙写了Howard Schultz是如何将星巴克咖啡连锁店打造成一家商业巨头的过程。可知,这篇文章的主旨是Schultz成功地将星巴克转变为一个国际巨头公司。故选D。
    I’m a talker. I am keen on debating, gossiping and teasing when I have people to talk to. Under lockdown, however, I’ve only had my partner, Peter.
    We not only lived, worked and travelled together, we mostly socialized together, too. Under the first UK lockdown, our already closeness began to feel uncomfortable. While talking to Peter, I could see his attention drift.
    For the first time in our 10 years together, we needed to be alone. I tried to manufacture this by going on walks on my own, but a short walk wasn’t doing the job. I had hiked in remote spaces all over the world but always in a pair or group — for safety reasons. I considered my options and hit upon an idea: the semi-solo hike.
    Could we do a circular hike but walk in different directions? This would give us the space and peace of a solo hike — done by a person alone. It felt like a promising way out, and he agreed to give it a try.
    We started with a four-mile loop (环路) from Reeth. At the start, we parted ways. At first, I was aware of how close we were, which lessened the appeal. As I gained ground, however, I found myself very much alone. I set my own pace, and I decided to take my time.
    I sat on a rock and breathed out. That moment — with the weak sun through the clouds and the breeze blowing — felt extraordinary to me. I was born and raised in London and had never imagined leaving until I met an outdoorsman. Now, my former life as a city girl felt crazy. In remembering what I had gained, I felt the tension leave me. There, in the chilly air, I no longer needed to talk. The semi-solo hike gave us a shared experience with added room to breathe.
    I didn’t see Peter on the way but reunited back where we started, both pleased.
    The semi-solo hike is admittedly silly in theory, but for me it has been a lifeline. It has given me the gift of time alone and, in a year of constant closeness, the joy of reuniting.
    4.What motivated the author to adopt the semi-solo hike?
    A.Peter’s disinterest in her words.
    B.Her habit of venturing into the wild.
    C.The lack of privacy under lockdown.
    D.Her desire to engage in outdoor exercise.
    5.How does the semi-solo hike work?
    A.Their routes coincide sometimes during the hike.
    B.They depart in a separate way to different destinations.
    C.They hike in each other’s company throughout the journey.
    D.They start and return to the same place by a different route.
    6.Which of the following can describe the author’s feelings when she sat on a rock?
    A.Fearless and refreshed. B.Free and relaxed.
    C.Tense and depressed. D.Upset and embarrassed.
    7.What message does the author convey with this text?
    A.An appropriate distance creates beauty.
    B.There are more solutions than difficulties.
    C.Access to nature is better than social circles.
    D.Hiking helps improve interpersonal relationships.
    【分析】推理判断题。根据第二段中“Under the first UK lockdown, our already closeness began to feel uncomfortable. While talking to Peter, I could see his attention drift.(在英国的第一次封锁下,我们的亲密关系开始变得不舒服。在和彼得谈话时,我看得出他的注意力在转移。)”可知,在封锁下,作者和彼得的亲密关系变得不舒服,交流不自在,结合第三段中“For the first time in our 10 years together, we needed to be alone.(我们在一起10年了,这是我们第一次需要独处。)”以及“I considered my options and hit upon an idea: the semi-solo hike.(我考虑了一下自己的选择,想出了一个主意:半独自徒步旅行。)”可以推知,在封锁下,他们缺乏隐私,需要独处,这促使作者采取半独自徒步旅行。故选C项。
    【分析】细节理解题。根据第四段中“Could we do a circular hike but walk in different directions?(我们可以绕着圈走,但要往不同的方向走吗?)”以及第七段“I didn’t see Peter on the way but reunited back where we started, both pleased.(我没有在路上看到彼得,而是回到了我们出发的地方,双方都很高兴。)”可知,半独自徒步旅行是他们出发旅行并通过不同的路线返回同一个地方。故选D项。
    【分析】推理判断题。根据第六段中“I sat on a rock and breathed out. That moment — with the weak sun through the clouds and the breeze blowing — felt extraordinary to me.(我坐在一块岩石上,呼气。那一刻——微弱的阳光穿过云层,微风吹过——对我来说感觉非同寻常。)”可以推知,作者坐在岩石上时的感受是自由放松的。故选B项。
    【分析】推理判断题。通读全文,根据最后一段“The semi-solo hike is admittedly silly in theory, but for me it has been a lifeline. It has given me the gift of time alone and, in a year of constant closeness, the joy of reuniting.(诚然,这种半独自徒步旅行在理论上是愚蠢的,但对我来说,它是一条救生索。它给了我独处的时间,在这一年亲密无间的日子里,也给了我再次相聚的快乐。)”可知,本文讲述了通过进行半独自徒步旅行,作者既有独处的时间,也有再次相聚的快乐,传递了(朋友之间)适当的距离创造美的信息。故选A项。
    Adventure-seeker Emma broke her ankle when she fell awkwardly while climbing a rock and spent a week in hospital waiting for an operation on her foot. When she was sent home to recover under strict instructions not to bear any weight, she became so fearful of crutches (拐杖) that she didn't move for three weeks. “I tried crutches but I kept falling over and injuring myself. So I literally just stayed on the sofa all day, ” says Emma.
    She was gutted at the thought of missing the Wolf Run — a quarterly event that she hasn't missed since 2014. “If you complete four Wolf Runs in a year, one in each season, you get Alpha Wolf status,” explains Emma. “This year was going to be my fifth in a row as an Alpha Wolf and I was really upset that I'd lose my status.” So she was willing to try anything to get through the course — even with her injured ankle.
    “I was telling my friend that I was going to cancel, and he persuaded me to give it a go. Having something to aim for really kept me going." Emma completed the run wearing an iWALK2.0, which is a medically-approved device and it basically functions like a hi-tech artificial leg, allowing users to walk freely. I decided to get one and it completely changed my recovery. I could move around the house and start getting out and about again, which had a real impact on my mental well-being.”
    On the day of the race, Emma was nervous but the sound of people cheering her on kept her motivated. Emma made it over the finish line in just under six hours and clocked up her 23rd Wolf Run in five years. “It was an incredible day and my determination to finish combined with the support I received along the way kept me going,” says Emma.
    1.Why was Emma frightened to use a crutch?
    A.She was afraid of recovering slowly.
    B.She was warned not to move around.
    C.She just had an operation on her foot.
    D.She often got injured when using one.
    2.What does the underlined word “gutted” mean in Paragraph 2?
    A.Extremely sad. B.A bit relieved.
    C.Very surprised. D.Pretty cheerful.
    3.What actually made Emma take part in the race?
    A.Her new hi-tech artificial leg.
    B.Her fear of letting her friend down.
    C.Her strong desire to achieve her ambition.
    D.Her complete recovery from the operation.
    4.Which of the following best describes Emma?
    A.Strong-willed. B.Supportive.
    C.Creative. D.Humorous.
    1.推理判断题。根据第一段中“I tried crutches but I kept falling over and injuring myself. So I literally just stayed on the sofa all day, ” says Emma.“我试过用拐杖,但总是摔倒受伤。所以我真的一整天都呆在沙发上,”艾玛说。由此可知,爱玛不敢使用拐杖是因为她经常在使用时受伤。故选D。
    2.词义猜测题。根据第二段中This year was going to be my fifth in a row as an Alpha Wolf and I was really upset that I'd lose my status. “今年将是我连续第五年成为阿尔法狼,我真的很沮丧,因为我将失去我的地位。”由此推知,划线词的意思是“非常难过的”。故选A。
    3.推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句So she was willing to try anything to get through the course — even with her injured ankle.“所以她愿意尝试任何方法来完成比赛——即使是在她受伤的脚踝上。”可知,实现抱负的强烈愿望使艾玛参加了比赛。故选C。
    4.推理判断题。根据最后一段On the day of the race, Emma was nervous but the sound of people cheering her on kept her motivated. Emma made it over the finish line in just under six hours and clocked up her 23rd Wolf Run in five years.“比赛那天,艾玛很紧张,但人们的欢呼声激励着她。艾玛仅用了不到6个小时就冲过了终点线,并在5年内完成了第23次‘狼跑’。”由此推知,她意志坚强。故选A。
    I accidentally heard a father and daughter in their last moments together at an airport. They had announced her plane's departure Standing near the door, he said to his daughter, "I love you. I wish you enough." She said," Daddy, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Daddy." They kissed good-bye and she left.
    He walked over toward the window where I was seated. Standing there, I could see he wanted and needed to cry. I tried not to intrude (干涉)on his privacy, but he welcomed me in by asking, ''Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?" "Yes, I have," I replied.
    Saying that brought back memories of expressing my love and appreciation for all my dad had done for me. Recognizing that his days were limited, I took the time to tell him face to face how much he meant to me. So I knew what this man was experiencing. ''Forgive me for asking, but why is this a forever good-bye?" I asked.
    ''I am old and she lives much too far away. I have challenges ahead and the reality is, her next trip back will be for my funeral," he said.
    "When you were saying good-bye, I heard you say, 'I wish you enough.' May I ask what that means?”
    He began to smile. "That's a wish that has been handed down from other generations. My parents used to say it to everyone." He paused for a moment and looked up as if he were trying to remember it in detail. He smiled even more. "When we said 'I wish you enough,' we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with enough good things," he continued and then turned toward me. He then shared the following as if he were reciting it from memory:
    "I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright. I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more. I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive…I wish you enough 'Hellos' to get you through the final 'Good-bye…
    He then began to sob and walked away.
    5.Why did father say it was a forever good-bye?
    A.He would wait for his daughter.
    B.He thought his days were limited.
    C.His daughter wouldn't come back.
    D.He had a quarrel with his daughter.
    6.What do we know about the author from the third paragraph?
    A.He seldom visited his father B.He was busy working.
    C.He was good at chatting, D.He had the same feeling.
    7.What does the underlined sentence probably mean?
    A.Treasuring the time together. B.Keeping your spirit alive.
    C.Appreciating the sun more. D.Making your attitude bright.
    8.What should be the best title for this passage?
    A.I Have Challenges Ahead B.A Sad Journey
    C.I Wish You Enough D.A Sad Father
    细节理解题。根据文章第四段“'I am old and she lives much too far away. I have challenges ahead and the reality is, her next trip back will be for my funeral,” he said.(“我已经老了,她住得太远了。我前方有很多挑战,现实是,她下一次回来的旅行将是参加我的葬礼。”他说。)由此可知,因为女儿住的太远,而自己已经老了,所以可能会出现很多状况,因此这位父亲认为这一次可能就是永别是因为自己可能没有多少时间了,故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Saying that brought back memories of expressing my love and appreciation for all my dad had done for me. Recognizing that his days were limited, I took the time to tell him face to face how much he meant to me. So I knew what this man was experiencing. ”( 这句话唤起了我对父亲为我所做的一切表达爱意和感激的回忆。意识到他的生命有限,我花时间当面告诉他他对我有多重要。所以我知道这个人在经历什么。)因为这对父女之间的最后离别时刻的情感表达,勾起了作者对父亲最后时刻表达爱意和感激的回忆,由此推断作者也有同样的情感经历,故选D。
    句意猜测题。根据文章最后一段“I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright. I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more. I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive…I wish you enough 'Hellos' to get you through the final 'Good-bye…”(我希望你有足够的阳光让你保持乐观的态度。我希望你有足够的雨水来欣赏阳光。我希望你有足够的“你好”,让你度过最后的“再见”…… ),因为只有经常见面才会说你好,所以经常见面,有足够多的时间在一起,才能够再永别的时候不会留下遗憾,所以划线句子意思是要珍惜在一起的时间,故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“I accidentally heard a father and daughter in their last moments together at an airport. They had announced her plane's departure Standing near the door, he said to his daughter, "I love you. I wish you enough." She said," Daddy, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Daddy." They kissed good-bye and she left. ”( 我无意中听到一对父女在机场的最后时刻的对话。他们已经说了她的飞机要起飞了。他站在门口对女儿说:“我爱你。我希望你能知足常乐。”她说:“爸爸,我们在一起生活已经有足够多的时间了。你的爱是我所需要的一切。我也希望你能知足常乐,尽享人生,爸爸。”他们吻别,她离开了。)由此引出文章的主题,要在能够在一起的时候珍惜彼此的时间,并表达爱意,不留下遗憾,所以C选项“I Wish You Enough”符合主题,适合做标题,故选C。
    八、 (2021·广西桂林市·高三月考)
    Once upon a time, the colors of the world quarreled without stop.
    Green said: "Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and of hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would die."
    Yellow smiled quietly: "You are so serious. I bring laughter, pleasure, and warmth into the world. The sun is yellow, the moon is yellow, the stars are yellow. Without me there would be no fun."
    Orange started next to blow herself: "I am the color of health and strength. I may be scarce(稀有的), but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life. I carry the most important vitamins."
    Red could stand it no longer, shouting out: "I am the ruler of all of you. I am blood-life's blood! I am the color of danger and of bravery. Without me, the earth would be as empty as the moon."
    Indigo(靛蓝色)spoke more quietly but with just as much determination: "Think of me. I am the color of silence. You hardly notice me, but without me you all become superficial. You need me for balance and inner peace."

    The colors went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own advantages. Their quarreling became louder and louder.
    Suddenly there was a surprising flash of bright lightning and thunder rolled and boomed. Rain started to pour down cruelly. The colors crouched down(蹲下)in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort.
    In the midst of the loud noises, rain began to speak: "You foolish colors, fighting amongst yourselves, each trying to control the rest. Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose, unique and different? Join hands with one another and come to me." Doing as they were told, the colors united and joined hands. The rain continued: "From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that you can all live in peace. The Rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow." And so, whenever a good rain washes the world, and a Rainbow appears in the sky, let us remember to appreciate one another.
    5.Why does Orange consider herself precious?
    A.She serves the needs of human life.
    B.She is the ruler of all colors.
    C.She is the sign of life and of hope.
    D.She brings laughter into the world.
    6.Who would you like to see first when you're angry according to the text?
    A.Red. B.Yellow. C.Indigo. D.Green.
    7.What are colors advised to do according to the last paragraph?
    A.Hope for tomorrow. B.Join hands with rain.
    C.Boast themselves. D.Admire one another.
    8.What can be the best title for the text?
    A.The advantage of colors B.The symbol of colors
    C.The color of friendship D.The types of rainbow
    细节理解题。由第四段“Orange started next to blow herself: "I am the color of health and strength. I may be scarce(稀有的), but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life. I carry the most important vitamins."”(橘黄色接着开始自吹:“我是健康和力量的颜色。我可能是稀缺的,但我是宝贵的,因为我服务于人类生活的需要。我携带最重要的维生素。”),可知橘黄色认为自己很珍贵,是因为她服务于人类生活的需要。故选A项。
    细节理解题。由第六段“Indigo(靛蓝色)spoke more quietly but with just as much determination: "Think of me. I am the color of silence. You hardly notice me, but without me you all become superficial. You need me for balance and inner peace."”(靛蓝色说话更平静,但也同样坚定:“想想我。我是沉默的颜色。你几乎没有注意到我,但没有我,你们都会变得肤浅。你需要我来保持平衡和内心的平静。”),可知靛蓝色是一种平静的颜色,能让人保持平衡和内心的平静,因此当你生气的时候,你想先见到靛蓝色(Indigo)。故选C项。
    细节理解题。由最后一段中的“Doing as they were told, the colors united and joined hands. The rain continued: "From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that you can all live in peace. The Rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow." And so, whenever a good rain washes the world, and a Rainbow appears in the sky, let us remember to appreciate one another.”(颜色们按照着雨的话,团结在一起,携起手来。雨接着说:“从现在开始,每次下雨的时候你们都要变成一个巨大的彩色弓形横跨天空,以证明你们能够和平相处。彩虹就是未来希望的标志。”所以,每当大雨冲刷这个世界时,彩虹都会出现在天空,让我们记住彼此要欣赏。),可知雨建议颜色们,团结在一起、携起手来,相互欣赏,一起形成彩虹以示和睦相处、彼此欣赏。故选D项。
    As a volunteer teacher, I moved into an apartment with eagerness. Sorting all the necessary paperwork out, I got ready to start my work. Great, or so I thought. At 4 a.m. And at several intervals after that, I was rudely awoken by the cock that lives opposite me. Fantastic! I now have 5 extra alarms every morning.
    In the following weeks, I also started to notice a trend. Things in my flat started to break at the rate of one object per day, like the hot water line, bowls, cups, shower, doors or glass shelves. Yes, I am clumsy but things just fell apart.
    If it wasn't broken, it would either be dirty or missing. Using my washing basket for the first time was pretty disgusting. When I took out my clothes, they were swiftly followed by a hundred or so bugs that were living in the bottom.
    As for the general lack of equipment in the house, there was no oven, tin opener, or sharp knives. It turns out making a vegetarian burger from scratch wasn't the best idea. I had a small microwave and a grill. I thought the general understanding was never to put metal in a microwave but I went on. Smoke soon started to appear. I'm not quite sure if it was the burger or the grill but as soon as I opened the door, the electricity cut out. I spent the following 10 minutes in a dark, smoky room hunting for the power switch using the light from my mobile phone, which broke the week after and left me without a connection to the outer world.
    Luckily, I'm now borrowing a phone and my luck has returned. No more things have broken (probably because there is nothing left to break). I am learning how to adapt to life with limited, broken utensils(用具)。
    1.How did the author feel about her new life upon her arrival?
    A.She was nervous to kick off the new job.
    B.She was annoyed with the rude students.
    C.She was full of enthusiasm about her new life.
    D.She was satisfied with five alarm clocks in her room.
    2.What was the trend in the following weeks?
    A.Her flat became dirtier. B.She developed disability.
    C.Things began to go wrong. D.More clothes needed mending.
    3.What happened when the author was making a burger?
    A.She suffered a big fire. B.She made a terrible mistake.
    C.She was seriously injured. D.She broke her phone accidentally.
    4.What can be inferred about the author from the end of the passage?
    A.She will go on living here. B.She will resign from her job.
    C.She will move into a new flat. D.She will buy new daily necessities.
    1.细节理解题。根据第一段中As a volunteer teacher, I moved into an apartment with eagerness. Sorting all the necessary paperwork out, I got ready to start my work. Great, or so I thought.可知作为一名志愿教师,我迫不及待地搬进了一间公寓。我把所有必要的文件整理好,准备开始工作。很好,至少我是这么认为的。由此可知,作者对她到达后的新生活满怀热情。故选C。
    2.细节理解题。根据第二段In the following weeks, I also started to notice a trend. Things in my flat started to break at the rate of one object per day, like the hot water line, bowls, cups, shower, doors or glass shelves. Yes, I am clumsy but things just fell apart.可知在接下来的几周里,我也开始注意到一个趋势。我公寓里的东西开始以每天一件东西的速度损坏,比如热水管、碗、杯子、淋浴器、门或玻璃架子。是的,我笨手笨脚的,但事情就是一团糟。由此可推知,接下来几周事情开始变糟了。故选C。
    3.细节理解题。根据第四段中I thought the general understanding was never to put metal in a microwave but I went on. Smoke soon started to appear.可知我以为一般的理解是永远不要把金属放进微波炉里,但我继续。很快就开始冒烟了。由此可知,作者在作汉堡时犯了个错误。故选B。
    4.推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句I am learning how to adapt to life with limited, broken utensils.可知我正在学习如何适应有限的、破碎的用具来生活。由此可推知,作者将继续住在这里。故选A。
    After university in 2011, Samuel went to a rural primary school for native children, where, on his first day, another teacher told him, "Samuel, you don't have to do much, they're just Orang Asli-native children." This was what Samuel would spend years fighting against.
    The Orang Asli community has struggled with poverty, melting into society, and losing their own identity and culture due to others' disregard of it. Samuel saw that the main barrier in teaching these children was the attitude on the part of many teachers that the native children were not worth their efforts. It was thought that whatever was taught would make no difference, so nobody bothered to try. The children themselves ended up believing these stigmas (污名), often doubting what they can achieve. Teachers skipped or slept in classes, and little effort was made to create an appropriate learning environment. Consequently, the school was one of the worst-performing in the district.
    Samuel bonded with his native students and accepted their culture, leading him to see their potential. However, he also came to see that they did not have equal opportunities compared to urban schools, due to the lack of facilities. So he set up a crowdfunding project to create a fully equipped 21st-century English classroom with tablets and computers. The Orang Asli children now learn technology, experience English and communicate in English with volunteers all over Malaysia and overseas.
    Consequently, the students have improved in national standardized examinations, from a pass rate of 30% in English (2008-2012) to an average of 80% (2013-2017). These efforts have resulted in a shift of what local children are considered capable of academically.
    1.What did the teacher's words suggest about the native children?
    A.They were intelligent. B.They were hopeless.
    C.They were unfriendly. D.They were independent.
    2.What major problem did Samuel need to solve?
    A.The poverty of local people. B.The lack of facilities in his school.
    C.The prejudice against the native kids. D.The unsuitable teaching methods.
    3.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
    A.The change of native students.
    B.The importance of learning English.
    C.The improvement of native education.
    D.Samuel's work for the native kids.
    4.What can we learn from Samuel's story?
    A.Respect makes a big difference.
    B.The academic performance comes first.
    C.Everyone deserves access to education.
    D.One method can't apply to each situation.
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段中其他老师对Samuel 所说的话“you don't have to do much, they're just Orang Asli-native children.(你不用做太多,他们只是原居民的孩子)”以及第二段中“the native children were not worth their efforts. It was thought that whatever was taught would make no difference,(当地的孩子不值得他们的努力。人们认为无论教什么都不会有区别)”可推知,这些原居民学生被认为是没有希望的。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段中“Samuel saw that the main barrier in teaching these children was the attitude on the part of many teachers that the native children were not worth their efforts.(塞缪尔发现教育这些孩子的主要障碍是许多教师的态度,认为原居民的孩子不值得他们的努力。他们认为无论教什么都不会有区别)”可知,对这些原居民孩子的偏见是Samuel要解决的主要问题。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段中“Samuel bonded with his native students and accepted their culture, …So he set up a crowdfunding project to create a fully equipped 21st-century English classroom with tablets and computers.(Samuel与他的本土学生建立了联系,接受了他们的文化……他发起了一个众筹项目,希望建立一个配备电脑、设备齐全的21世纪英语教室)”可知,该段是介绍Samuel为改善学生学习状态和学习环境所做的工作。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第二段“the main barrier … was the attitude on the part of many teachers that the native children were not worth their efforts.”可知,老师对本土学生有偏见,认为教他们不值得努力;根据第二段中的词语“disregard(漠视,不尊重)”,“stigmas(污名)”可知,这些孩子受到歧视,没有得到尊重;文章第三段提到Samuel为改变这些学生的学习环境所做的努力;根据第四段“These efforts have resulted in a shift of what local children are considered capable of academically.”可知,Samuel的努力导致了本土儿童在学习能力方面的转变。Samuel对本土孩子的尊重,为他们做出的努力,使他们的学业有了很大的变化。由此推知,从Samuel的故事中,我们可以学习到尊重能带来巨大的变化。故选A。
    It was in my first year of work as a doctor. My mouth was dry, my palms sweaty and my voice trembling. The only thing that kept me focused was the thought that things were so much worse for the family I was talking to.
    A woman in her early twenties had been brought in after a road traffic accident. She had suffered multiple injuries and had been rushed up to theatre. The surgeons had been unable to save her life and she died on the table. Ashen-faced, the consultant (会诊医生) told the woman's family the news. “Tom, I think it would be nice if it came from you,” my consultant said.
    I stared blankly. “What?” I asked.
    “About organ donation,” he replied. I swallowed hard. Surely this would be the last thing they'd want to talk about. It felt acutely awkward and ill-timed to be considering this kind of conversation while they were being engulfed in grief. But the problem with organ donation is that every minute counts. The clock is ticking because the sooner organs can be transplanted, the better the chance they will survive in the recipient's (接受者) body.
    I began to feel sick. I opened the door and sat opposite them, convinced that I was only going to make things worse for them.
    “It's what she'd have wanted,” the mother said before I'd even finished. The father nodded. “She was always so generous,” her father added.
    As my consultant and I left them, it occurred to me that I'd been wrong in thinking it would be an awkward conversation. Nothing could take away the pain of having lost their daughter. Yet this last, final act had comforted them and helped them feel that the spirit of their daughter lived on m this act of generosity. Strangely, it is one of the most heart-wanning conversations I have ever had.
    1.The first two paragraphs suggest________.
    A.the woman died on the scene
    B.it was hard for the author to face death
    C.the author witnessed the traffic accident
    D.the woman's death was told by the consultant
    2.Why did the author feel sick?
    A.He was caught in a dilemma. B.He was seriously ill at that time.
    C.He failed to transplant the organ. D.The woman's chance of survival was slim.
    3.Why did the couple agree to donate their daughter’s organs?
    A.To do the author a favor. B.To show respect for the doctor.
    C.To follow then daughter’s will. D.To end the awkward conversation.
    4.What made the awkward conversation heart-warming?
    A.The consultant’s assistance. B.The author’s consideration.
    C.The donor’s kindness. D.The recipient’s appreciation.
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段“My mouth was dry, my palms sweaty and my voice trembling. The only thing that kept me focused was the thought that things were so much worse for the family I was talking to.(我口干舌燥,手心冒汗,声音颤抖。唯一能让我集中注意力的是我想到,我正在交谈的这个家庭的情况要糟糕得多)”可推知,作者很难接受死亡。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章第四段“It felt acutely awkward and ill-timed to be considering this kind of conversation while they were being engulfed in grief. (在他们沉浸在悲痛之中的时候考虑这种谈话,实在是非常尴尬和不合时宜)”可推知,作者感到很难受,因为他陷入了进退两难的境地。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段““It's what she'd have wanted,” the mother said before I'd even finished. The father nodded. “She was always so generous,” her father added.(“这正是她想要的,”我还没说完,这位母亲就说。父亲点了点头。“她总是那么慷慨,”她的父亲补充说)”可知,这对夫妇同意捐出女儿的器官,以遵从女儿的意愿。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“Yet this last, final act had comforted them and helped them feel that the spirit of their daughter lived on m this act of generosity. Strangely, it is one of the most heart-wanning conversations I have ever had.(然而,这最后的举动安慰了他们,让他们觉得女儿的精神寄托在我的慷慨行为上。奇怪的是,这是我经历过的最感人肺腑的谈话之一)”可知,作者作为一名医生一开始面临着不知该不该劝死者父母捐赠遗体的窘境,然而,死者父母愿意遵循女儿的心愿,让本该窘迫的对话变得暖心得根本原因是捐赠者得善良慷慨。故选C。
    I believe my life was saved because of Beethoven's moonlight sonata (鸣奏曲) being put in a video game. To be clearer, I was a terrible kid, living in the mean streets of Philadelphia, where I frequently got involved with street gangs (一帮年轻人) and did horrible things I regret today. I was failing out of high-school and had no future prospects. The only music type I listened to at the time was rap and R&B, but classical music never crossed my ear.
    I remember playing a game called Resident Evil one day, and in order to get to the next part of the game, the lead character, "Jill", has to discover a page or two of sheet music for the piano in order to open a secret passage to progress through the game. Once obtained, the game fades out and pops out a new scene where Jill plays the piano. Being in complete awe, I had no idea what these feelings were and admittedly didn't want it to stop. 20 seconds or so later, the short clip of music halted and my face was moist from tears that dripped from my eyes. I didn't know what was going on and was severely confused. All I knew was that I had to replay that scene over and over again, not knowing who Beethoven was or that it was much longer and satisfying piece.
    My last year of high school, I wasn't expected to graduate but I had the opportunity to select a music elective. It was then that I realized that classical music chose me and that I had the gift of transferring emotion through classical composition. Everything became so much clearer and for some reason higher learning other subjects, including physics, chemistry, became interesting and easy. It was as if my brain turned on and I began to appreciate everything and everyone around me. Without classical music, I would be like 90% of my friends back in Philadelphia, or a non-productive member of society. Classical music saved my life.
    9.Which word can best describe the author's childhood?
    A.Awful. B.Common. C.Badly-off. D.Uncomfortable.
    10.On what condition will Jill play the piano?
    A.Exiting the game secretly. B.Finding one or two sheet music.
    C.Listening to the music for 20 seconds. D.Setting up a new scene for the next player.
    11.What turns the author's life?
    A.His strong brain power. B.His last year in high school.
    C.His appreciation to Beethoven. D.His encounter with classical music.
    12.Which can be the best title of the passage?
    A.Where There is Love, There is Music
    B.Music, the Second Language of Human Being
    C.Happy, You Listen to Music; Sad, You Understand It
    D.Music, a Medicine Curing the Disease of Thought
    推理判断题。根据第一段第二句“To be clearer, I was a terrible kid, living in the mean streets of Philadelphia, where I frequently got involved with street gangs (一帮年轻人) and did horrible things I regret today. (更确切地说,我是一个生活在费城贫民区的坏孩子,在那里我经常卷入街头帮派,做了让我现在都后悔的可怕的事情)”可知,作者的童年非常糟糕。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第二段前两句“I remember playing a game called one day, and in order to get to the next part of the game, the lead character, "Jill", has to discover a page or two of sheet music for the piano in order to open a secret passage to progress through the game. Once obtained, the game fades out and pops out a new scene where Jill plays the piano. (我记得有一天玩一个叫生化危机的游戏,为了进入游戏的下一部分,主角Jill必须要一两页钢琴乐谱来打开一个秘密通道,在游戏中前进。一旦获得乐谱,游戏就会淡出并弹出一个Jill弹钢琴的新场景)”可知,当发现一两个乐谱时,Jill就会弹钢琴。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段最后两句“Without classical music, I would be like 90% of my friends back in Philadelphia, or a non-productive member of society. Classical music saved my life. (如果没有古典音乐,我就像我在费城90%的朋友一样,或者是社会上毫无作为的一员。古典音乐救了我的生活)”可知,和古典音乐的相遇改变了作者的生活。故选D。
    标题判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“Classical music saved my life. (古典音乐救了我的生活)”可知,文章主要讲述了作者遇到古典音乐,他的思想受到了洗涤,从而变成了更好的人,过上了更好的生活的故事。故选D。
    After university in 2011, Samuel went to a rural primary school for native children, where, on his first day, another teacher told him, "Samuel, you don't have to do much, they're just Orang Asli-native children." This was what Samuel would spend years fighting against.
    The Orang Asli community has struggled with poverty, melting into society, and losing their own identity and culture due to others' disregard of it. Samuel saw that the main barrier in teaching these children was the attitude on the part of many teachers that the native children were not worth their efforts. It was thought that whatever was taught would make no difference, so nobody bothered to try. The children themselves ended up believing these stigmas (污名), often doubting what they can achieve. Teachers skipped or slept in classes, and little effort was made to create an appropriate learning environment. Consequently, the school was one of the worst-performing in the district.
    Samuel bonded with his native students and accepted their culture, leading him to see their potential. However, he also came to see that they did not have equal opportunities compared to urban schools, due to the lack of facilities. So he set up a crowdfunding project to create a fully equipped 21st-century English classroom with tablets and computers. The Orang Asli children now learn technology, experience English and communicate in English with volunteers all over Malaysia and overseas.
    Consequently, the students have improved in national standardized examinations, from a pass rate of 30% in English (2008-2012) to an average of 80% (2013-2017). These efforts have resulted in a shift of what local children are considered capable of academically.
    9.What did the teacher's words suggest about the native children?
    A.They were intelligent. B.They were hopeless.
    C.They were unfriendly. D.They were independent.
    10.What major problem did Samuel need to solve?
    A.The poverty of local people. B.The lack of facilities in his school.
    C.The prejudice against the native kids. D.The unsuitable teaching methods.
    11.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
    A.The change of native students.
    B.The importance of learning English.
    C.The improvement of native education.
    D.Samuel's work for the native kids.
    12.What can we learn from Samuel's story?
    A.Respect makes a big difference.
    B.The academic performance comes first.
    C.Everyone deserves access to education.
    D.One method can't apply to each situation.
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段中其他老师对Samuel 所说的话“you don't have to do much, they're just Orang Asli-native children.(你不用做太多,他们只是原居民的孩子)”以及第二段中“the native children were not worth their efforts. It was thought that whatever was taught would make no difference,(当地的孩子不值得他们的努力。人们认为无论教什么都不会有区别)”可推知,这些原居民学生被认为是没有希望的。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段中“Samuel saw that the main barrier in teaching these children was the attitude on the part of many teachers that the native children were not worth their efforts.(塞缪尔发现教育这些孩子的主要障碍是许多教师的态度,认为原居民的孩子不值得他们的努力。他们认为无论教什么都不会有区别)”可知,对这些原居民孩子的偏见是Samuel要解决的主要问题。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段中“Samuel bonded with his native students and accepted their culture, …So he set up a crowdfunding project to create a fully equipped 21st-century English classroom with tablets and computers.(Samuel与他的本土学生建立了联系,接受了他们的文化……他发起了一个众筹项目,希望建立一个配备电脑、设备齐全的21世纪英语教室)”可知,该段是介绍Samuel为改善学生学习状态和学习环境所做的工作。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第二段“the main barrier … was the attitude on the part of many teachers that the native children were not worth their efforts.”可知,老师对本土学生有偏见,认为教他们不值得努力;根据第二段中的词语“disregard(漠视,不尊重)”,“stigmas(污名)”可知,这些孩子受到歧视,没有得到尊重;文章第三段提到Samuel为改变这些学生的学习环境所做的努力;根据第四段“These efforts have resulted in a shift of what local children are considered capable of academically.”可知,Samuel的努力导致了本土儿童在学习能力方面的转变。Samuel对本土孩子的尊重,为他们做出的努力,使他们的学业有了很大的变化。由此推知,从Samuel的故事中,我们可以学习到尊重能带来巨大的变化。故选A。
    With paper flowers and music hanging around in the air, Lyu Jun was hosting a small farewell ceremony at an industrial zone in Shenzhen, Guangdong province. It was a funeral for a pet dog. Lyu came up with the idea of becoming a pet mortician (殡葬师) four years ago when he was preparing to start a business.
    “At that time, there was only one brick-and-mortar(实体的) business that provided funeral services for pets in Shenzhen, but hundreds of pets die every day in this city,” he said. According to Lyu, many pet owners used to bury the remains of their beloved animals near their homes , which had a harmful impact on the environment and created the risk of spreading disease.
    He saw a gap in the market for someone able to properly handle the death of pets. “A pet funeral service provides treatment of the bodies that is harm-free, and it is the greatest comfort to pet owners,” Lyu said.
    He takes good care of the remains of the pets and tidies up their appearance before the funeral. In addition, he prepares funeral addresses and selects suitable tombs for the pets. He also films funerals for owners who cannot attend the ceremonies, and provides paper and pens for those who want to write down their blessings and hang the notes on the wishing tree.
    Over the past four years, Lyu has bid farewell to more than 2,000 dogs, cats and other kinds of animals. He also does volunteer work in his spare time to promote responsible dog raising. “The pet funeral service industry is still in its babyhood, and I hope there will be a set of strict standards for people who take on this job and a belter environment for the industry,” Lyu said.
    1.Why did Lyu start the business on pet funeral service?
    A.Because he could earn a lot of money from it.
    B.Because he thought it met the market requirement.
    C.Because he thought it would be a unique and challenging business.
    D.Because he could help owners bury their dead pets near their homes.
    2.What does Lyu often do as a pet mortician?
    A.He delivers speeches to mourn the pets.
    B.He gives best wishes to the pets' owners.
    C.He makes films of the pets for their birth.
    D.He nurses and cares for the pets carefully.
    3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?
    A.Lyu volunteers to raise pets on his own.
    B.The pet funeral service has got a big success.
    C.More strict standards should be set for pets' owners.
    D.There remains a potential in the pet funeral industry.
    4.From which is the text probably taken?
    A.A research report. B.An advertisement.
    C.A novel. D.A magazine.
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“He saw a gap in the market for someone able to properly handle the death of pets.”(他发现市场上缺少一个能够适当处理宠物死亡的人。)可知,Lyu 开始他的事业是因为看到了宠物殡葬行业比较稀缺,他从中看到市场需求。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据第四段中“He also films funerals for owners who cannot attend the ceremonies, and provides paper and pens for those who want to write down their blessings and hang the notes on the wishing tree.”(此外,他还准备葬礼地址,并为宠物选择合适的坟墓。他还为不能参加葬礼的主人拍摄葬礼,并为那些想要写下祝福的主人提供纸和笔,并把纸条挂在许愿树上。)可以推知,作为一个宠物殡仪业者,Lyu 的工作日常里经常会组织一些宠物哀悼会,他会发表演讲哀悼宠物。选项BCD均与宠物殡葬无关。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中Lyu说的“The pet funeral service industry is still in its babyhood, and I hope there will be a set of strict standards for people who take on this job and a belter environment for the industry.”(宠物殡葬服务行业仍处于萌芽阶段,我希望对从事这项工作的人有一套严格的标准,并为这个行业创造一个更好的环境。)可知,宠物殡葬行业仍有着很大的发展潜能。故选D项。
    I am proud to be a member of two cultures. Even though I am only ten years old, I have lived in two countries and in two cultures. I have lived in both Mexico and the United States.
    I was born in the state of Michoacán. I was born in a small town called Quinceo. Life there was simple and peaceful. There was a small market where we would go on Sundays. There was a corral where we would go and watch rodeos. After school, my friends and I would go for a swim in a creek. My mom did not work; she stayed at home taking care of our family. Life in Quinceo was nice, but money was sometimes not enough to support us.
    In 1996, the day came when my dad decided to bring us to the United States. Leaving my town was hard, but it was important that my family stay together. When I left Mexico, I had a lot of special friends and nice teachers.
    When I first came to the United States, I started at a new school in Chicago. I found care and company at the school, among Hispanic people, my friends, and my teacher. She helped me all the time.
    My education now is different from the one in Mexico. Here, I am studying in two languages. I feel very happy because I am able to communicate in two languages. In my case, speaking Spanish is an indication of my Mexican heritage. Speaking English is a symbol of my triumph and the struggles that I have as an immigrant in this country. Now that I have been here three years, I am proud to offer my help and support to people who need it.
    I urge those who come from Mexico and other countries to learn English and to continue speaking their native language, too. It will help them reach out to others.
    5.What does the writer think of Mexico?
    A.She doesn’t like it because it’s poor.
    B.She was too young to remember it.
    C.She loves the country and is proud of it.
    D.She wants to get rid of it so she left.
    6.Why did the family move to the US?
    A.Because they were in need of more money.
    B.Because the mother found no peace in Quinceo.
    C.Because they wanted to experience a new culture.
    D.Because the author could have new friends.
    7.Which of the following statements about the author is WRONG?
    A.She wants to be a teacher and support people.
    B.She enjoyed company of friends at the new school.
    C.She enjoyed life in Mexico and also in the USA.
    D.Her new school teaches in English and Mexican.
    8.The purpose of the passage is to ________.
    A.explain how the author learns English well as a teen
    B.help people to understand American immigrants better
    C.introduce the life in her hometown Quinceo in Mexico
    D.persuade immigrants not to drop their mother tongue
    推理判断题。根据第二段I was born in the state of Michoacán. I was born in a small town called Quinceo. Life there was simple and peaceful(我出生在米却肯州。我出生在一个叫昆塞奥的小镇上。那里的生活简单而平静)可知,她热爱这个国家,并为此感到自豪。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第二段Life in Quinceo was nice, but money was sometimes not enough to support us(在Quinceo的生活很好,但钱有时不足以维持我们的生活)可知,作者全家搬到美国,因为他们需要更多的钱。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第四段I found care and company at the school, among Hispanic people, my friends, and my teacher(在学校里,我在西班牙人、我的朋友和老师中找到了关心和陪伴)可知,她喜欢在新学校有朋友作伴,故排除B项;根据 Leaving my town was hard, but it was important that my family stay together. When I left Mexico, I had a lot of special friends and nice teachers(当我离开墨西哥时,我有很多特别的朋友和好老师)和When I first came to the United States, I started at a new school in Chicago. I found care and company at the school, among Hispanic people, my friends, and my teacher(当我第一次来到美国时,我在芝加哥的一所新学校开始学习。在学校里,我在西班牙人、我的朋友和老师中间找到了关心和陪伴)可知,她喜欢在墨西哥和美国的生活,故排除C项;由Here, I am studying in two languages. I feel very happy because I am able to communicate in two languages(在这里,我用两种语言学习。我感到非常高兴,因为我可以用两种语言交流。)可知,她的新学校用英语和墨西哥语授课,故排除D项。综上,排除B,C和D项。选项A. She wants to be a teacher and support people(她想成为一名教师帮助别人)并未提及,故选A。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段I urge those who come from Mexico and other countries to learn English and to continue speaking their native language, too (我敦促来自墨西哥和其他国家的人们学习英语,并继续说他们的母语。)可知,这篇文章的目的是说服移民不要放弃母语。D。

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