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    一、阅读理解 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    1.(6分)Ink wash painting,Peking Opera,paper cutting…What happens if we use these traditional art styles in cartoons?In fact,Chinese cartoon makers have been working on this.Their works are full of Chinese features.

    Little Tadpole Looking for Mummy,1960.This is China's first ink wash painting cartoon.The cartoon makers drew all the animals,plants and rocks in the film with ink and brush.It's only about 15 minutes long,but it took lots of work.

    The Legend of Sealed Book,1983.It also uses ink wash painting for its backgrounds.And it borrows other arts,too.The characters used makeup(妆容)in Peking Opera to help show their personalities."It shows Chinese artists' ideas in cartoons—special,funny and beautiful?"said the film maker.

    Pigsy Eats Watermelon,1958,Zhu Bajie finds some watermelons,he doesn't bring the fruit back to his hungry friends,but enjoys the watermelons all by himself.The character Zhu Bajie was cut out of colored paper.Cartoon makers moved its body parts and let it"eat"the watermelon.

    The Story of Afanti,1979,The wise man Afanti fights against the bad people and helps the poor.In this cartoon,all the "actors" and "actresses" are puppets.They are made of wood and cloth,but they look just like real people.
    (1)What does the underlined word "this" refer to?    
    A.Chinese cartoons.
    B.Ink wash painting.
    C.Cartoons with Chinese features.
    D.Using traditional art styles in cartoons.
    (2)How long is the history of ink wash painting cartoon?    
    A.More than 30 years.
    B.More than 40 years.
    C.More than 50 years.
    D.More than 60 years.
    (3)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?    
    A.Little Tadpole Looking for Mummy took much work.
    B.Artists used paper cutting in Pigsy Eats Watermelon.
    C.The characters in The Story of Afanti were made of ink and brush.
    D.You can find two kinds of traditional arts in The Legend of Sealed Book.
    2.(8分)"Make﹣A﹣Wish"is one of the world's most well﹣known charities(慈善机构).It makes wishes come true for children who have serious illnesses.It gives them hope and joy and helps them forget about their health problems and have fun.
    It started in 1980 in Phoenix,Arizona.Christopher was a 7﹣year﹣old boy who was very sick.He always dreamed of becoming a police officer.Tommy Austin and Ron Cox,two police officers,made his wish come true.They gave Christopher a tour of the city in a police helicopter(直升飞机)and made a real police uniform(制服)for him.
    There are four kinds of wishes children usually have:
    I wish to go.Children usually want to travel or go to a concert,a game or a park.
    I wish to meet.Children sometimes want to meet their favourite actors,singers or players.
    I wish to be.Some children wish to become actors,singers or police officers.
    I wish to have.They often want to have a computer,a game,a bike or many other things.
    Let's hope more wishes will come true in the future.People who work in the charity always try for the best.Almost 25,000 volunteers help,work or give money.Will you be one of them?

    (1)" Make﹣A﹣ Wish " is a charity to help    .
    A.sick children
    B.serious officers
    C.famous actors
    D.popular singers
    (2)Which kind of wish does Christopher have?    
    A.I wish to go.
    B.I wish to meet.
    C.I wish to have.
    D.I wish to be.
    (3)What does the underlined word"volunteers"mean?    
    (4)The purpose of the last paragraph is to    .
    A.explain what"Make﹣A﹣Wish"is
    B.encourage more people to join the charity
    C.tell us how Christopher's wish came true
    D.introduce different kinds of children's wishes
    3.(8分)The brush pen,one of the"Four Treasures of the Study",was invented thousands of years ago.However,the oldest pen was just a stick or a piece of bamboo.It was difficult for people to write well on thin silk.
    It is said that Meng Tian,a general of the Kingdom(王国)Qin,improved the pen.When Meng was leading an army to fight against the Kingdom of Chu,he had to report the situation to his king in time.But his pen was too hard and caused him much trouble,so he was thinking of ways to improve it.
    One day after hunting,Meng made his way home with some wild rabbits on the horse back.Fat and heavy,one rabbit's tail left a long trail(痕迹)on the ground when they moved on.Suddenly a good idea came to his mind when he saw it,"If I tie the rabbit's hair to a stick,would it be easy to write with?"
    On arriving home,he tied the rabbit's hair to a stick and tried writing with it.But the rabbit's hair was too smooth to write well and wasted a lot of silk.So he threw away his "invention"into a stone hole in the yard.
    However,Meng never gave up and kept trying all the time.A few rainy days later,he happened to find his"invention"fatter in a stone hole.He picked it up with hope.The brush worked beautifully on silk.It turned out that the special water had cleaned the oil from the hair.Meng succeeded at last.

    (1)Why did Meng Tian want to improve the pen?    
    A.Because the king asked him to do so.
    B.Because he didn't like the rabbit's hair.
    C.Because the old pen brought him much trouble.
    D.Because he had to fight against the Kingdom of Chu.
    (2)When did Meng think of the good idea in Paragraph 3?    
    A.Before hunting animals.
    B.When he saw the trail.
    C.During cleaning the hair.
    D.When he arrived home.
    (3)Which is the right order of improving the brush pen?    
    a.The brush pen could write well.
    b.Meng tied the rabbit's hair to a stick.
    c.The special water washed the oil away.
    d.Meng dropped the stick into a stone hole.
    (4)What is the main idea of the passage?    
    A.Meng was a great leader.
    B.The rabbit's hair is useful.
    C.How was the brush pen invented?
    D.It is important to learn Chinese culture.
    二、根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项, 选项中有一项为多余选项
    4.(8分)China is a nation of etiquette(礼仪).(1)   If foreigners visit a Chinese family,they would be surprised at the warmth that they would receive as guests. (2)   Family will also chat with you,never let you feel lonely.
    At the same time,other family members will prepare a meal for you.(3)   They always present more food than the guests can eat.On the table,the guests must be the first to eat.Perhaps one of the things that surprises a western guest most is that the Chinese host likes to pick food for visitors,which won't happen at western tables.(4)   As you finish eating,the host usually says, "It seems that you didn't eat much.Please have more." Although you tell them you are full,they still put more food in your bowl.
    Being warm and hospitable(好客的) has been an important part of Chinese culture and tradition.

    A.It's impolite to make guests eat too much.
    B.Chinese people usually treat their guests with a big meal.
    C.The Chinese family go out of their way to make you feel at home.
    D.When you visit a Chinese family,the host usually makes tea for you.
    E.Chinese people are among the most hospitable people in the world.
    三、完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    5.(10分)The weather is closely related(联系)to our life.It is all around us all the time.It is an important part of our lives.We can't control(控制) it,but it often controls how and(1)   we live,what to do,what we wear and what we eat.Read this passage and learn(2)   about the weather.
    What is the weather?The weather is just the state of the atmosphere(大气层)(3)   any time,such as temperature,wind,(4)   ,sun,etc.
    What makes the weather change?
    As we know,not every place on the earth gets the same amount of sunlight.Some places get(5)   sunlight.So it's warmer in those places.Some places get little(6)   no sunlight in winter.Then those places have colder temperatures.These differences in temperature make the air and water(7)   around the earth.The movement helps to take the heat energy from the sun across the earth.So the(8)   changes.
    What's the difference between weather and climate(气候)?Climate is a place's weather over a long time.The weather changes from day to day and(9)   from hour to hour.It can be sunny in the morning,cold and wet in the afternoon.But the climate changes very(10)   over lots of years.

    6.(10分)Computers are widely used in the world.As students,we can not only use them(1)   ( relax),but also study online.Because of the virus now,we(2)   ( have) online lessons at home.All you need is a computer and an earphone.However,most students don't seem to like online classes.Several days ago,over 2,000 students from 10 cities(3)   ( take) part in a survey.According to the survey,only about 35 percent of the students like such classes.
    Many students said it was hard(4)   ( give) enough attention to learn while taking online classes.This was true for Li Jing,15,at No.1 High School."There are no classmates and no real teachers(5)   ( watch) me all the time.I can use the Internet to play games or do other things if I want to.Compared with offline classes,it's always(6)   ( hard) for us to pay attention to learning during online classes,"she said.
    Li Jing prepares a lot before taking her classes(7)   ( make) sure she will keep her attention.She also tried to have(8)   ( she) talk with teachers.Students can come up with or answer questions in online classes.Tian Lishan,14,at No.High School,thinks online interaction(互动) isn't enough." The online teachers don't(9)   ( real) get to know me.When I don't hand in homework,I can only get a short message."she said.
    However,online classes still have(10)   ( advantage)." It saves time and money compared with taking offline classes.Also,if I don't understand some parts of a lesson,I can watch it over again,"Li Jing said.
    Long ago,Riches,Sadness,Love and all of the others lived on an island.One day they got the news that the island would sink(沉没),so they (1)    their boats to leave.Love was the only one who chose to stay.She wanted to (2)    the island until the end.When the island had almost sunk,Love decided it was time to leave.She began looking for someone to get help.
    Just then Riches was passing by.Love asked, "Riches,can you take me with you?" Riches answered, "Sorry.There is a lot of (3)    on my boat and there's no room for you." Then Love asked Vanity(虚荣)for help. "No," Vanity said. "You are all wet and will damage(损坏)my (4)    boat." Sadness also refused to help her.
    Suddenly,there was a (5)   . "Come,Love.I will take you." It was an old man.Love was so happy that she forgot to ask the old man his name.When they arrived on (6)   ,the old man went on his way.
    Love realized how much she owed(欠)the old man, (7)    she asked Knowledge, "Who helped me?"
    "It was Time," Knowledge answered.
    "But why did Time help me when (8)    else would?" Love asked.
    Knowledge (9)    and answered, "Because only Time understands how great Love is.Only Time can tell who (10)    loves you."
    六、翻译句子(共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)
    9.(2分)你是想在这儿吃还是把饭带走呢?(would like)
    10.(2分)为了当一名医生,他努力学习。(in order to)
    13.(10分)School safety is a serious subject.Every student should learn to keep safe,but fights at school sometimes happen.How can you keep away from a fight?Here's something you can do.
    Be calm(冷静),Sometimes,you feel so angry that you really want to teach somebody a lesson.But being angry can't solve problems.A fight can't help,A____.It may bring you more problems and trouble.In the school,everyone will be punished(惩罚),if he gets into a fight.There is no winner in a fight.
    Shout loudly.If you know someone is coming up behind you to attack(袭击),turn to the person with your hands up in front of your body and loudly say"stop"before walking away.Loud voice can usually make the attacker calm down.If he doesn't stop,shout for help by calling out the name of a teacher.
    Say no.If your friend may ask you to join in a fight.You must not do that.Because helping him fight is not really helpful to him.Also,he and you may get hurt and be punished.If you really want to help him,try to ask him to give it up.Then you should try to know about why he wants a fight.You can tell the teachers or parents to ask for help.Or you help him find a right way to solve the problem.

    (1)Fill in the blank in paragraph2 with a proper word.(在第二段空白处A处填入一个恰当的词,使句意完整)
    (2)How can you keep away from a fight?(根据短文内容,至少列出2条方法)
    (3)If someone is coming up behind you to attack,what should you do?(根据短文内容回答)
    (4)Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.(将最后一段中的划线句子译成汉语)
    (5)Give a best title to the passage.(给文章拟个题目)
    What to do during a drowning?
    When you are drowning:

    1)Call for help.2)Float on the water.
    When someone is drowning:

    1)Use a life buoy.2)Give first aid.3)Send him or her to the hospital.
    参考词汇:drown溺水;float漂浮;life buoy 救生圈
    Summer is a great time to go out and have fun in the water.But drownings happen every summer.What should you do to stop yourself from drowning?How can you save a drowning person?Here is some advice.

    一、阅读理解 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    1.(6分)Ink wash painting,Peking Opera,paper cutting…What happens if we use these traditional art styles in cartoons?In fact,Chinese cartoon makers have been working on this.Their works are full of Chinese features.

    Little Tadpole Looking for Mummy,1960.This is China's first ink wash painting cartoon.The cartoon makers drew all the animals,plants and rocks in the film with ink and brush.It's only about 15 minutes long,but it took lots of work.

    The Legend of Sealed Book,1983.It also uses ink wash painting for its backgrounds.And it borrows other arts,too.The characters used makeup(妆容)in Peking Opera to help show their personalities."It shows Chinese artists' ideas in cartoons—special,funny and beautiful?"said the film maker.

    Pigsy Eats Watermelon,1958,Zhu Bajie finds some watermelons,he doesn't bring the fruit back to his hungry friends,but enjoys the watermelons all by himself.The character Zhu Bajie was cut out of colored paper.Cartoon makers moved its body parts and let it"eat"the watermelon.

    The Story of Afanti,1979,The wise man Afanti fights against the bad people and helps the poor.In this cartoon,all the "actors" and "actresses" are puppets.They are made of wood and cloth,but they look just like real people.
    (1)What does the underlined word "this" refer to?  D 
    A.Chinese cartoons.
    B.Ink wash painting.
    C.Cartoons with Chinese features.
    D.Using traditional art styles in cartoons.
    (2)How long is the history of ink wash painting cartoon?  D 
    A.More than 30 years.
    B.More than 40 years.
    C.More than 50 years.
    D.More than 60 years.
    (3)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?  C 
    A.Little Tadpole Looking for Mummy took much work.
    B.Artists used paper cutting in Pigsy Eats Watermelon.
    C.The characters in The Story of Afanti were made of ink and brush.
    D.You can find two kinds of traditional arts in The Legend of Sealed Book.
    【解答】(1)代词指代题。根据第一段if we use these traditional art styles in cartoons?In fact,Chinese cartoon makers have been working on this.(如果我们在漫画中使用这些传统艺术风格会发生什么事实上,中国的漫画制作者一直在致力于这一点。)可知"this"指的是在漫画中使用传统艺术风格。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第一个方框Little Tadpole Looking for Mummy,1960.This is China's first ink wash painting cartoon.(《小蝌蚪找妈妈》,1960年。这是中国第一部水墨画漫画。)可知水墨画漫画的历史超过60年。故选D。
    (3)细节判断题。根据第四个方框The Story of Afanti,1979,The wise man Afanti fights against the bad people and helps the poor.In this cartoon,all the"actors"and"actresses" are puppets.They are made of wood and cloth,but they look just like real people.(《阿凡提的故事》,1979年,智者阿凡提与坏人作斗争,帮助穷人。在这幅漫画中,所有的"演员"和"女演员"都是木偶。他们由木头和布料制成,但看起来就像真人。)可知《阿凡提的故事》中的人物是用墨水和画笔制作的。说法错误。故选C。
    2.(8分)"Make﹣A﹣Wish"is one of the world's most well﹣known charities(慈善机构).It makes wishes come true for children who have serious illnesses.It gives them hope and joy and helps them forget about their health problems and have fun.
    It started in 1980 in Phoenix,Arizona.Christopher was a 7﹣year﹣old boy who was very sick.He always dreamed of becoming a police officer.Tommy Austin and Ron Cox,two police officers,made his wish come true.They gave Christopher a tour of the city in a police helicopter(直升飞机)and made a real police uniform(制服)for him.
    There are four kinds of wishes children usually have:
    I wish to go.Children usually want to travel or go to a concert,a game or a park.
    I wish to meet.Children sometimes want to meet their favourite actors,singers or players.
    I wish to be.Some children wish to become actors,singers or police officers.
    I wish to have.They often want to have a computer,a game,a bike or many other things.
    Let's hope more wishes will come true in the future.People who work in the charity always try for the best.Almost 25,000 volunteers help,work or give money.Will you be one of them?

    (1)" Make﹣A﹣ Wish " is a charity to help  A .
    A.sick children
    B.serious officers
    C.famous actors
    D.popular singers
    (2)Which kind of wish does Christopher have?  D 
    A.I wish to go.
    B.I wish to meet.
    C.I wish to have.
    D.I wish to be.
    (3)What does the underlined word"volunteers"mean?  A 
    (4)The purpose of the last paragraph is to  B .
    A.explain what"Make﹣A﹣Wish"is
    B.encourage more people to join the charity
    C.tell us how Christopher's wish came true
    D.introduce different kinds of children's wishes
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段It makes wishes come true for children who have serious illnesses.(它为许多患有严重疾病的儿童实现梦想。)可知帮助患有严重疾病的儿童。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二段Christopher was a 7﹣year﹣old boy who was very sick.He always dreamed ofbecoming a police officer.(Christopher是一个7岁身体非常虚弱的小男孩,他的梦想就是成为一个警官。)可知他的梦想就是"我想成为"。故选D。
    (3)词义猜测题。根据最后一段 Let's hope more wishes will come true in the future.People who work in the charity always try for the best.Almost 25,000 volunteers help,work or give money.Will you be one of them?(让我们希望未来会有更多的愿望成真。在慈善机构工作的人总是尽力做到最好。近25000名...帮助、工作或捐款。你会成为其中之一吗?)可知"volunteers"的意思是志愿者。故选A。
    (4)细节归纳题。根据最后一段内容及其最后一句Will you be one of them?(你愿意加入他们吗?)可知其为鼓励其他人加入。故选B。
    3.(8分)The brush pen,one of the"Four Treasures of the Study",was invented thousands of years ago.However,the oldest pen was just a stick or a piece of bamboo.It was difficult for people to write well on thin silk.
    It is said that Meng Tian,a general of the Kingdom(王国)Qin,improved the pen.When Meng was leading an army to fight against the Kingdom of Chu,he had to report the situation to his king in time.But his pen was too hard and caused him much trouble,so he was thinking of ways to improve it.
    One day after hunting,Meng made his way home with some wild rabbits on the horse back.Fat and heavy,one rabbit's tail left a long trail(痕迹)on the ground when they moved on.Suddenly a good idea came to his mind when he saw it,"If I tie the rabbit's hair to a stick,would it be easy to write with?"
    On arriving home,he tied the rabbit's hair to a stick and tried writing with it.But the rabbit's hair was too smooth to write well and wasted a lot of silk.So he threw away his "invention"into a stone hole in the yard.
    However,Meng never gave up and kept trying all the time.A few rainy days later,he happened to find his"invention"fatter in a stone hole.He picked it up with hope.The brush worked beautifully on silk.It turned out that the special water had cleaned the oil from the hair.Meng succeeded at last.

    (1)Why did Meng Tian want to improve the pen?  C 
    A.Because the king asked him to do so.
    B.Because he didn't like the rabbit's hair.
    C.Because the old pen brought him much trouble.
    D.Because he had to fight against the Kingdom of Chu.
    (2)When did Meng think of the good idea in Paragraph 3?  B 
    A.Before hunting animals.
    B.When he saw the trail.
    C.During cleaning the hair.
    D.When he arrived home.
    (3)Which is the right order of improving the brush pen?  C 
    a.The brush pen could write well.
    b.Meng tied the rabbit's hair to a stick.
    c.The special water washed the oil away.
    d.Meng dropped the stick into a stone hole.
    (4)What is the main idea of the passage?  C 
    A.Meng was a great leader.
    B.The rabbit's hair is useful.
    C.How was the brush pen invented?
    D.It is important to learn Chinese culture.
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据But his pen was too hard and caused him much trouble,so he was thinking of ways to improve it.(但是他的笔太硬了,给他带来很多麻烦,所以他在想办法改进它。)可知,是因为笔太硬了,给他带来很多麻烦。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据One day after hunting,Meng made his way home with some wild rabbits on the horse back.Fat and heavy,one rabbit's tail left a long trail(痕迹)on the ground when they moved on.Suddenly a good idea came to his mind when he saw it,(一天,蒙打猎归来,背上驮着几只野兔。一只又肥又重的兔子的尾巴在地上留下了长长的痕迹。当他看到它时,突然一个好主意出现在他的脑海里,)可知,当他看到兔子的尾巴在地上留下了长长的痕迹时,他想出了一个好主意。故选B。
    (3)文章顺序题。根据On arriving home,he tied the rabbit's hair to a stick and tried writing with it.But the rabbit's hair was too smooth to write well and wasted a lot of silk.So he threw away his "invention"into a stone hole in the yard.(一到家,他就把兔子的毛绑在一根棍子上,试着用它写字。但是兔子的毛太光滑了,写不好,浪费了很多毛。于是,他把他的"发明"扔进了院子里的一个石头洞里。)However,Meng never gave up and kept trying all the time.A few rainy days later,he happened to find his"invention"fatter in a stone hole.He picked it up with hope.The brush worked beautifully on silk.It turned out that the special water had cleaned the oil from the hair.Meng succeeded at last.(然而,蒙从未放弃,一直在努力。几天后的雨天,他偶然发现他的"发明"在一个石洞里变胖了。他满怀希望地捡起来。刷子在丝绸上刷得很漂亮。原来这种特殊的水已经把头发上的油清洗干净了。蒙终于成功了。)可知,蒙恬改进笔时先是把兔子的毛绑在棍子上,发现不好用,气得他棍子扔进了一个石头洞里,结果特殊的水把油冲走了后毛笔写得很好了,所以顺序为b﹣d﹣c﹣a。故选C。
    二、根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项, 选项中有一项为多余选项
    4.(8分)China is a nation of etiquette(礼仪).(1) E If foreigners visit a Chinese family,they would be surprised at the warmth that they would receive as guests. (2) D Family will also chat with you,never let you feel lonely.
    At the same time,other family members will prepare a meal for you.(3) B They always present more food than the guests can eat.On the table,the guests must be the first to eat.Perhaps one of the things that surprises a western guest most is that the Chinese host likes to pick food for visitors,which won't happen at western tables.(4) C As you finish eating,the host usually says, "It seems that you didn't eat much.Please have more." Although you tell them you are full,they still put more food in your bowl.
    Being warm and hospitable(好客的) has been an important part of Chinese culture and tradition.

    A.It's impolite to make guests eat too much.
    B.Chinese people usually treat their guests with a big meal.
    C.The Chinese family go out of their way to make you feel at home.
    D.When you visit a Chinese family,the host usually makes tea for you.
    E.Chinese people are among the most hospitable people in the world.
    (1)根据上文China is a nation of etiquette.(中国是一个礼仪之邦。)和下文If foreigners visit a Chinese family,they would be surprised at the warmth that they would receive as guests.(如果外国人拜访一个中国家庭,他们会对作为客人所受到的温暖感到惊讶。)可知说的是中国人好客,结合选项,应说中国人是世界上最好客的人之一。故选E。
    (2)根据上文If foreigners visit a Chinese family,they would be surprised at the warmth that they would receive as guests.(如果外国人拜访一个中国家庭,他们会对作为客人所受到的温暖感到惊讶。)和下文Family will also chat with you,never let you feel lonely.(家人也会和你聊天,永远不会让你感到孤独。)可知说的是中国家庭为客人做的事情,结合选项,应说当你拜访一个中国家庭时,主人通常会为你泡茶。故选D。
    (3)根据上文At the same time,other family members will prepare a meal for you.(与此同时,其他家庭成员会为你准备一顿饭。)可知说的是准备一顿饭,结合选项,应说中国人通常以大餐招待客人。故选B。
    (4)根据上文Perhaps one of the things that surprises a western guest most is that the Chinese host likes to pick food for visitors,which won't happen at western tables.(也许最让西方客人惊讶的事情之一是,中国主人喜欢为客人挑选食物,这在西方餐桌上是不会发生的。)和下文As you finish eating,the host usually says, "It seems that you didn't eat much.Please have more." Although you tell them you are full,they still put more food in your bowl.(当你吃完饭时,主人通常会说:"看起来你没怎么吃。请多吃一些。"尽管你告诉他们你已经吃饱了,但他们仍然会在你的碗里放更多的食物。)可知说的是中国家庭让客人感到宾至如归,结合选项,应说中国家庭会想尽办法让你有宾至如归的感觉。故选C。
    三、完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    5.(10分)The weather is closely related(联系)to our life.It is all around us all the time.It is an important part of our lives.We can't control(控制) it,but it often controls how and(1) A we live,what to do,what we wear and what we eat.Read this passage and learn(2) C about the weather.
    What is the weather?The weather is just the state of the atmosphere(大气层)(3) D any time,such as temperature,wind,(4) B ,sun,etc.
    What makes the weather change?
    As we know,not every place on the earth gets the same amount of sunlight.Some places get(5) B sunlight.So it's warmer in those places.Some places get little(6) C no sunlight in winter.Then those places have colder temperatures.These differences in temperature make the air and water(7) A around the earth.The movement helps to take the heat energy from the sun across the earth.So the(8) C changes.
    What's the difference between weather and climate(气候)?Climate is a place's weather over a long time.The weather changes from day to day and(9) D from hour to hour.It can be sunny in the morning,cold and wet in the afternoon.But the climate changes very(10) B over lots of years.

    (3)考查介词。句意:天气仅仅是任何时候大气层的一种状态。A在…里,B对于,C在…上,Dat 与any time连用指在任何时候,这里是固定短语at any time在任何时候。故选D。
    (5)考查副词。句意:一些地方有更多的阳光。A很多,修饰不可数名词或比较级,B更多的;C少的,D比较级,更少的。根据So it's warmer in those places.(所以在这些地方更暖和。)可知,由于阳光多,所以获得更多阳光,故选B。
    (6)考查连词。A并且,表示前后是并列关系,B因此,表示前后是因果关系,C或者,表示前后是选择关系,D但是,表示前后是转折关系。根据no sunlight in winter(冬天没有阳光)可知,或者阳光少,或者就没有阳光。前后是选择关系,句意:一些地方在冬季有很少或没有阳光。故选C。
    (7)考查动词。句意:不同的温度使得空气和水绕着地球转。A移动,B得到,C产生,D生产,固定短语move around绕着...转,故选A。
    (8)考查名词。句意:因此天气会发生变化。A太阳,B地球,C天气,D阳光。根据changes并联系下文Theweatherchangesfromday today (天气每天都在变化)可知,这里指的是天气变化。故选C。
    (10)考查副词。句意:但是气候变化很慢,跨越许多年。A不同地,B慢慢地,C仔细地,D容易地,根据上句句意The weather changes from day to day…(天气每天都在变化)可知天气变化快,和下句中的连词but发生转折,前后形成对比,以及主语climate,联系常识推测下句指的是:气候变化慢。故选B。
    6.(10分)Computers are widely used in the world.As students,we can not only use them(1) to relax ( relax),but also study online.Because of the virus now,we(2) are having ( have) online lessons at home.All you need is a computer and an earphone.However,most students don't seem to like online classes.Several days ago,over 2,000 students from 10 cities(3) took ( take) part in a survey.According to the survey,only about 35 percent of the students like such classes.
    Many students said it was hard(4) to give ( give) enough attention to learn while taking online classes.This was true for Li Jing,15,at No.1 High School."There are no classmates and no real teachers(5) watching ( watch) me all the time.I can use the Internet to play games or do other things if I want to.Compared with offline classes,it's always(6) harder ( hard) for us to pay attention to learning during online classes,"she said.
    Li Jing prepares a lot before taking her classes(7) to make ( make) sure she will keep her attention.She also tried to have(8) herself ( she) talk with teachers.Students can come up with or answer questions in online classes.Tian Lishan,14,at No.High School,thinks online interaction(互动) isn't enough." The online teachers don't(9) really ( real) get to know me.When I don't hand in homework,I can only get a short message."she said.
    However,online classes still have(10) advantages ( advantage)." It saves time and money compared with taking offline classes.Also,if I don't understand some parts of a lesson,I can watch it over again,"Li Jing said.
    【解答】(1)考查动词不定式。句意:作为学生,我们不仅可以利用它们来放松,还可以在线学习。use...to do用……做某事,固定搭配。故答案为to relax。
    (2)考查动词。句意:因为现在的病毒,我们在家上在线课程。根据句意,可知用现在进行时,we后谓语动词为are doing的形式。故答案为are having。
    (3)考查动词。句意:几天前,来自10个城市的2000多名学生参加了一项调查。根据Several days ago可知用一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式。故答案为took。
    (4)考查动词不定式。句意:许多学生表示,在网上上课时很难给予足够的注意力来学习。用动词不定式作主语,it作形式主语。故答案为to give。
    (5)考查动词。句意:没有同学,也没有真正的老师一直在看着我。there be...doing有……做某事,固定搭配。故答案为watching。
    (6)考查形容词比较级。句意:与线下课程相比,在网上上课时,我们总是更难集中注意力学习。was后跟形容词,根据Compared with offline classes,可知表示比较级,形容词用比较级。故答案为harder。
    (7)考查动词不定式。句意:李静在上课前做了很多准备,以确保自己能集中注意力。用动词不定式表示目的。故答案为to make。
    Long ago,Riches,Sadness,Love and all of the others lived on an island.One day they got the news that the island would sink(沉没),so they (1) prepared  their boats to leave.Love was the only one who chose to stay.She wanted to (2) protect  the island until the end.When the island had almost sunk,Love decided it was time to leave.She began looking for someone to get help.
    Just then Riches was passing by.Love asked, "Riches,can you take me with you?" Riches answered, "Sorry.There is a lot of (3) treasure  on my boat and there's no room for you." Then Love asked Vanity(虚荣)for help. "No," Vanity said. "You are all wet and will damage(损坏)my (4) beautiful  boat." Sadness also refused to help her.
    Suddenly,there was a (5) voice . "Come,Love.I will take you." It was an old man.Love was so happy that she forgot to ask the old man his name.When they arrived on (6) land ,the old man went on his way.
    Love realized how much she owed(欠)the old man, (7) so  she asked Knowledge, "Who helped me?"
    "It was Time," Knowledge answered.
    "But why did Time help me when (8) nobody  else would?" Love asked.
    Knowledge (9) smiled  and answered, "Because only Time understands how great Love is.Only Time can tell who (10) truly  loves you."
    【解答】(1)考查动词。句意:有一天,他们得到了岛将沉没的消息,所以他们准备船要离开。根据前句One day they got the news that the island would sink,(有一天,他们得到消息,岛将沉没。)可知,应是他们准备船要离开,故空处应是prepared"准备",动词过去式。故填prepared。
    (2)考查动词。句意:她想保护这个岛直到最后。根据前句Love was the only one who chose to stay.(爱是唯一选择留下的人。)可知,应是她想保护这个岛,故空处应是protect"保护",动词;want to do sth."想要做某事",固定用法。故填protect。
    (3)考查名词。句意:很抱歉。我的船上有很多宝藏,没有地方给你。空处的词有a lot of修饰,应是名词;根据空后句and there's no room for you.(没有你的空间了。)和备选项可知,应是船上有很多宝藏,故空处应是treasure"宝藏",不可数名词。故填treasure。
    (5)考查名词。句意:突然,有一个声音。根据后句"Come,Love.I will take you."It was an old man.("来吧,亲爱的。我会带你去的。"这是一位老人。)语境可知,应是有一个声音,故空处应是voice"声音",可数名词,因之前有a修饰,故名词应用单数形式。故填voice。
    (6)考查名词。句意:当他们到达陆地时,老人继续赶路。根据前文One day they got the news that the island would sink,so they…their boats to leave.(有一天,他们得到消息,岛将沉没,所以他们...他们的船要离开。)语境可知,应是他们到达陆地时,故空处应是land"陆地",不可数名词。故填land。
    (7)考查连词。句意:爱意识到自己亏欠了老人那么多,于是她问知识:"谁帮助了我?"由前句Love realized how much she owed the old man,(爱意识到她对老人的亏欠。)和后句she asked Knowledge, "Who helped me?"(她问知识:"谁帮助了我"?)可知,应是由前句引出了后句的结果,故空处应是so"因此",连词。故填so。
    (9)考查动词。句意:知识微笑着回答:"因为只有时间知道爱有多伟大。只有时间才能知道谁真正爱你。"根据空后"and answered,"可知,空处应是动词;根据后句Because only Time understands how great Love is.Only Time can tell who...loves you.(因为只有时间知道爱是多么伟大。只有时间可以告诉谁....爱你。)语境和备选项可知,应是知识微笑着回答,故空处应是smiled"微笑",动词过去式。故填smiled。
    六、翻译句子(共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)
     What is the population of China? 
    【解答】根据汉语提示"中国的人口是多少?" 考虑用特殊疑问句,时态为一般现在时。用What用作疑问词,is为系动词,名词短语the population of China作主语。
    故填:What is the population of China?
    9.(2分)你是想在这儿吃还是把饭带走呢?(would like)
     Would you like to eat here or take the food away? 
    【解答】根据句意可知句子时态一般现在时,句子选择疑问句。Would like to do想要做什么;you你;eat here 在这儿吃;or 还是;take the food away把饭带走。
    故填:Would you like to eat here or take the food away?
    10.(2分)为了当一名医生,他努力学习。(in order to)
     He studies very hard in order to be a doctor. 
    【解答】he他;study very hard努力学习;in order to do sth.为了做某事;be a doctor当一名医生;根据句意可知句子是一般现在时,主语he是第三人称单数,谓语动词study用第三人称单数形式。
    故答案是:He studies very hard in order to be a doctor.
     He was singing when the teacher came in yesterday. 
    【解答】when引导时间状语从句,"昨天老师进来的时候"是从句,yesterday昨天,时间状语,用于一般过去时,动词用过去式,"进来"come in,come过去式为came,主句"他正在唱歌。",表示过去某个动作正在进行,要用过去进行时,was/were+现在分词,主语he,be动词用was,"唱歌"sing,现在分词为singing。
    故填:He was singing when the teacher came in yesterday.
     He is such a good /kind/nice person /man that we all like him. 
    【解答】"such...that"如此……以至于……,such修饰名词词组,"这么好的一个人",such a good/kind/nice/person/man,that后接从句,主语"我们",we,表示喜欢,要用一般现在时,谓语动词用原形,宾语为him。
    故填:He is such a good /kind/nice person /man that we all like him.
    13.(10分)School safety is a serious subject.Every student should learn to keep safe,but fights at school sometimes happen.How can you keep away from a fight?Here's something you can do.
    Be calm(冷静),Sometimes,you feel so angry that you really want to teach somebody a lesson.But being angry can't solve problems.A fight can't help,A____.It may bring you more problems and trouble.In the school,everyone will be punished(惩罚),if he gets into a fight.There is no winner in a fight.
    Shout loudly.If you know someone is coming up behind you to attack(袭击),turn to the person with your hands up in front of your body and loudly say"stop"before walking away.Loud voice can usually make the attacker calm down.If he doesn't stop,shout for help by calling out the name of a teacher.
    Say no.If your friend may ask you to join in a fight.You must not do that.Because helping him fight is not really helpful to him.Also,he and you may get hurt and be punished.If you really want to help him,try to ask him to give it up.Then you should try to know about why he wants a fight.You can tell the teachers or parents to ask for help.Or you help him find a right way to solve the problem.

    (1)Fill in the blank in paragraph2 with a proper word.(在第二段空白处A处填入一个恰当的词,使句意完整)
    (2)How can you keep away from a fight?(根据短文内容,至少列出2条方法)
     Be calm;Shout loudly. 
    (3)If someone is coming up behind you to attack,what should you do?(根据短文内容回答)
     Turn to him and say"stop",then shout for help by calling out the name of a teacher. 
    (4)Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.(将最后一段中的划线句子译成汉语)
    (5)Give a best title to the passage.(给文章拟个题目)
     How to keep away from a fight at school? 
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段But being angry can't solve problems.A fight can't help,(但是生气并不能解决问题。打架是无济于事的。)either用于否定句。可知应填副词"也"。故填either。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二段Be calm(保持冷静。)第三段Shout loudly(大声呼喊)可知保持冷静,大声呼喊可以避免打架。故填Be calm;Shout loudly。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第三段If you know someone is coming up behind you to attack,turn to the person with your hands up in front of your body and loudly say"stop"before walking away.Loud voice can usually make the attacker calm down.If he doesn't stop,shout for help by calling out the name of a teacher.(如果你知道有人在你身后袭击你,在离开之前,双手举在身体前面,大声地说"停止"。响亮的声音通常会让袭击者冷静下来。如果他不停止,喊出老师的名字来寻求帮助。)可知转向他说"停止",然后喊出老师的名字来寻求帮助。故填Turn to him and say"stop",then shout for help by calling out the name of a teacher。
    (4)英译汉题。if 如果;you你;really 真的;want to help sb想帮助某人,try to ask sb to do 尽力劝某人....;give it up放弃。整理句子。故填:如果你真的想帮他,就尽力劝他放弃。
    (5)最佳标题题。根据全文可知本文主要讲了学生如何在学校里远离打架斗殴,保证自身安全。故最佳标题为"如何避免在学校打架。"故填How to keep away from a fight at school?
    What to do during a drowning?
    When you are drowning:

    1)Call for help.2)Float on the water.
    When someone is drowning:

    1)Use a life buoy.2)Give first aid.3)Send him or her to the hospital.
    参考词汇:drown溺水;float漂浮;life buoy 救生圈
    Summer is a great time to go out and have fun in the water.But drownings happen every summer.What should you do to stop yourself from drowning?How can you save a drowning person?Here is some advice.

    When you are drowning,you should call for help first.当你溺水时,你应该先呼救。
    We should protect ourselves.我们应该保护自己。
    【解答】Summer is a great time to go out and have fun in the water.But drownings happen every summer.What should you do to stop yourself from drowning?How can you save a drowning person?Here is some advice.
    When you are drowning,you should call for help first.【高分句型一】Then do your best to float on the water.Don't keep shouting.This can save your physical strength. (自救的方法)When someone is drowning,you should use a life buoy for rescue first .Next,give first aid.Then,send him or her to the hospital.(救治他人的方法)Drowning is dangerous.Therefore,we shouldn't go swimming alone.We should protect ourselves.【高分句型二】(总结)


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    2023-2024学年山东省潍坊市青州市、临朐县、昌邑县、诸城市、昌乐县、寿光市八年级上学期期中英语试卷(含答案解析): 这是一份2023-2024学年山东省潍坊市青州市、临朐县、昌邑县、诸城市、昌乐县、寿光市八年级上学期期中英语试卷(含答案解析),共16页。试卷主要包含了阅读表达,写作等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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