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    1My sister and I like badminton. ________ often play it together at weekends.

    AI BWe CYou DThey

    2We planted some trees ________ the park last Sunday.

    Aon Bto Cin Dof

    3—________ I finish the class project today?

    — No, you needn’t.

    ACan BMust CShall DCould

    4After taking football classes for ten months, Tom is much ________ than before.

    Astrong Bstronger Cstrongest Dthe strongest

    5—________ do you usually go to school, Mike?

    —By bus.

    AHow BWhen CWhere DWhy

    6This coat is nice, ________ it doesn’t look good on me.

    Aso Bor Cbut Dfor

    7Tom ________ a math problem with his friends after school yesterday.

    Adiscussed Bwill discuss Cis discussing Dhas discussed

    8Mary often ________ her grandparents in the countryside at weekends.

    Avisits Bvisited Cwill visit Dhas visited

    9—Peter, what were you doing at seven last night?

    —I ________ dinner for my parents.

    Acooked Bwill cook Cis cooking  Dwas cooking

    10Lily is my best friend. We ________ each other since she came to our class.

    Aknow Bknew Chave known Dwill know

    11More natural parks ________ in my hometown next year.

    Abuild Bwill build Cwas built Dwill be built

    12—Could you please tell me ________ last winter vacation?

    —Sure. I went to Harbin.

    Awhere did you go Bwhere you went Cwhere will you go Dwhere you will go



    The Day Everything Changed

    I entered the class nervously, not knowing what to expect. Ms. Williams is known for being hard. As I took my seat, I noticed a girl sitting by the window. She had sandy blond hair pulled into a ponytail(马尾辫)and wore oversized glasses. I’d seen her before but didn’t know her name.

    Throughout the class, she didn’t speak or look up from her notebook. At break, she went to the library     13     I wondered what made her so shy and quiet. Later that week, I was partnered with her for an assignment. Then I knew her name was Lucy. During the project, I realized Lucy was kind and smart. I smiled at her and tried to include her in the conversation. She gave a small     14     in return.

    Over the next few months, Lucy and I became close friends. I invited her to sit with me at lunch and join after-school activities with us. Slowly, Lucy began to open up. She     15     about herself, and told me that she loved to read and watch old movies. I was relieved(宽慰的)to see the shy, hesitant expression leave her face.

    One day Lucy told me a secret. She’d been bullied(欺凌)for a long time at her former school. The rude treatment had hurt her much, so that she became quiet, and had been fearful of     16     with people since. As she spoke, tears filled her eyes. I felt sad that such a lovely girl had been caused so much pain. I told Lucy she shouldn’t have been treated that way and I was     17     to have her as a friend.

    A smile     18     across Lucy’s face, and she hugged me. At that moment, something changed slightly inside me. I realized Lucy’s friendship had given me a gift — the ability to see through the     19     of people into who they truly are. Her quiet kindness and sensitivity had changed me for the better.

    From that day on, Lucy and I were inseparable(不可分的). Her friendship taught me the importance of opening one’s heart and     20     out to others. The day I met Lucy, everything changed — for the better.

    13Aalone Bahead Chappily Dangrily

    14Agift Bcard Csmile Dkiss

    15Aknew Blearned Ctalked Dheard

    16Aconnecting Bcompeting Cdiscussing Dagreeing

    17Aeager Blucky Csupposed Dexpected

    18Agot Bmoved Cgrew Dspread

    19Afriendship Bappearance Ckindness Dconfidence

    20Acoming Bhanding Cpointing Dreaching




    Many students ask for advice about how to improve their English. Here are three questions from three students and the advice from Diana at New Standard Magazine. Please find the proper advice for each of the students.

    Li Hao: “ I like watching English films and listening to English songs, but I don’t understand very much. What can I do?”


    Wang Fan: Our school has a teacher from the US. I am shy and I am afraid to speak to her. What should I do?”


    Zhang Lei: “ I write down new words, but I forget them quickly. How can I remember them?”


    AEnglish spelling is difficult. You need to have a good knowledge of the way that words are written. For example, remember that the word “ letter” has double “t” in it.

    BWatching films and listening to songs are great ways to learn English. Watch and listen several times, and guess the meanings of the new words. I also advise you to talk about the films or songs with your friends.

    CYou can say, “Hello! How are you?” “Do you like China?” These are good ways to start a conversation. And before you begin, you should smile at her. Remember this: Don’t be shy. Just try.

    DDo not worry. It is natural to forget new words! I suggest you write four or five words a day on pieces of paper and place them in your room. Read the words when you see them, and try to use them.




    It was a beautiful day, and Lily was excited to go on a school field trip to the zoo. She had been looking forward to this day for weeks, and nothing could dampen her spirits (影响兴致). As she and her classmates walked through the zoo, they came across a group of monkeys.

    Lily was attracted by the monkeys and started taking pictures with her phone. As she was about to move on, she noticed one monkey that seemed different. It wasn’t moving around or playing with the others. Instead, it was sitting alone, looking sad and lonely.

    Lily couldn’t help but feel sorry for the monkey. She wondered why it was alone and why it seemed so sad. As she walked away, the image of the lonely monkey stayed with her, and she couldn’t shake off the feeling that something wasn’t right.

    The next day, Lily decided to do some research about monkeys and their behavior. She learned that monkeys are social animals and need to be with others of their kind to be happy and healthy. She also learned that many monkeys in captivity (圈养)suffer from loneliness and depression.

    Lily couldn’t stop thinking about the lonely monkey in the zoo. She knew she had to do something to help. She reached out to the zoo and asked if there was anything they could do for the monkey. The zookeeper explained that they were aware of the monkey’s situation and were working on finding it a monkey for company.

    Lily was less worried to hear that the zoo was taking actions, but she didn’t stop there. She started an event at her school to raise money for the zoo to build a monkey sanctuary (保护区). She talked to her classmates, teachers, and parents, and everyone was eager to help.

    Within a few weeks, Lily had raised enough money to build a monkey sanctuary at the zoo. The monkey from the zoo was moved to the sanctuary and was soon joined by other monkeys, and they all seemed happy and satisfied.

    24What drew Lily’s attention when she took pictures?

    AMonkeys’ behavior. BHer smart phone.

    CA sad and lonely monkey. DA group of monkeys.

    25Why did she do some research about monkeys and their behavior?

    ATo know more about monkeys. BTo help the zookeeper.

    CTo start an event at her school. DTo raise money for the zoo.

    26From Lily’s experience, we learn that she ________.

    Acares about animals Bhates field trips

    Cloves money-raising Dlikes to take photos


    Students may feel a little bit nervous when they are faced with an exam. They may start to sweat and grow short of breath. They may even become so fearful that they can’t focus or think. This is known as test anxiety, which can stop students in their tracks.

    Stress causes different levels of anxiety. Good stress causes just enough worry to get someone to focus on a task and do it well. Bad stress, however, does just the opposite. Instead of helping someone to focus, bad stress may make a person not able to think or focus clearly. This stress response hurts more than it helps. So students should learn how to deal with anxiety and do well on exams in different ways.

    The first step involves keeping good stress from turning into bad stress. The best way to do this is to prepare the mind and the body. Instead of treating a test as a big challenge, you can use it as a motivator(动力)to learn. Prepare by making sure you understand what you will be tested on. This will help you do well.

    The next step is knowing about your body and recognizing the signs of anxiety before it happens. Metacognition can help you achieve this. Metacognition is self-awareness of what the mind and body are up to in the moment. One way to think of it is by placing yourself on a “mental balcony” and evaluating yourself as if observing from above. Recognizing your own stress signals can help you figure out how to keep from experiencing increased anxiety.

    Relaxation fights anxiety. If you find yourself really panicked (惊慌失措), take a moment to step back. Stop and close your eyes. Take deep breaths and think of a peaceful place to calm yourself down. As you relax, remind yourself that you have prepared and that all will be well.

    Remember, we all experience anxiety at times. Whether you’re taking a test, performing, or competing, you can apply anxiety—reducing strategies to keep cool. Using stress as a motivator instead of an obstacle can keep you from getting overly anxious. Coping with anxiety effectively will help you be your best for the test and for any other challenges you face.

    27According to the passage, which of the following would reduce test anxiety?

    AKeeping questions in mind. BPlacing yourself on a balcony.

    CAllowing yourself to calm down. DFocusing on your task all the time.

    28What can we learn from the passage?

    AStress signals can keep away test anxiety.

    BBad stress prevents a person from focusing or thinking.

    CUsing stress as an obstacle helps you do well in exams.

    DTreating a test as a big challenge can reduce test anxiety.

    29What is the passage mainly about?

    AThe ways to reduce test anxiety. BThe importance of having exams.

    CThe introduction of different kinds of stress. DThe reasons to turn bad stress into good stress.


    Teens with a greater sense of purpose may be happier and more satisfied with life than their peers who feel less purposeful.

    Studies have suggested that a sense of purpose in life is important for adults’ wellbeing and has many positive effects on their physical and mental health. However, less is known about its effects in teens who are struggling to develop their characters and plan for their future, according to the study led by educational psychology professor Kaylin Ratner.

    “Teens who scored high on purposefulness were more satisfied with their lives and experienced more positive emotions and fewer negative emotions, ” said Ratner. “When these teens felt more purposeful than usual, they also tended to experience greater wellbeing.”

    The project also examined some behavioral and cognitive (认知)patterns related to these teens’ sense of purpose in life and their overall happiness.

    Each day for 70 days, the participants—teens ages 14—19 in a 10-week Learning Challenge project of their choosing—were asked to rate how purposeful they felt, how satisfied they were with their lives and the levels of positive and negative emotions they were feeling.

    “At the beginning, the participants completed a 28-item survey that assessed (评估) their levels of sub-clinical autistic traits(亚临床自闭症特征). A higher score suggested the teen had greater numbers of these traits,” Ratner said.

    Then the participants completed assessments each day, rating on a five-point scale how purposeful they currently felt. Ratner’s team calculated the average of these daily scores to determine each teen’s behavioral and cognitive sense of purpose.

    “Our findings show that when you feel more purposeful than usual, you have better outcomes,” Ratner said. “Purpose is accessible to everyone. What we need to do is to help individuals feel more purposeful from day to day.”

    They found that the participants with greater levels of sub-clinical autistic traits tended to report higher levels of negative feelings, and lower levels of life satisfaction and positive feelings. However, the strength of the association(联系)between wellbeing and daily purpose was not softened by these traits.

    “Our study is one of the most consistent(一贯的)examinations of youths’ purposefulness and helps strengthen the beneficial influence it has on their wellbeing,” Ratner said. “It may lead to some purposefulness—promoting interventions to improve the wellbeing of many young people.”

    70% of the participants were female. Nearly 31 % were Asian, 22% were African American or Black, 18% were white and 14% were Hispanic. Because the sample was not representative of all teens in the country, however, the findings may not be generalized (普遍化).

    30Who’s the most likely to have better outcomes according to Rater’s study?

    AJane studies hard but always worries.

    BMary sets a clear goal and makes a plan.

    CPeter focuses on the result of his daily work only.

    DTom works fast without paying attention to details.

    31What can we learn from the study mentioned in the passage?

    AOne’s character links well-being with daily purpose.

    BTeens’ wellbeing may benefit from their purposefulness.

    CTeens who once had negative feelings scored high on purposefulness.

    DA sense of purpose in life is not so important for adults’ wellbeing as for teens’.

    32The underlined words “is accessible to” in Paragraph 8 probably mean ________.

    Ais new to Bis close to Cis hard to get for Dis easy to get for

    33Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

    AA Sense of Purpose may Have Great Influence on Teens’ Wellbeing

    BScientists Make Studies on How to Have a Sense of Purpose in Life

    CMuch Attention Should Be Paid to Teens’ Physical and Mental Health

    DNegative and Positive Feelings may Have Different Effects on One’s Wellbeing





    All energy sources have their pros and cons—their good points and bad points. Modern societies have to make many decisions about how best to produce energy. The needs of the society have to be balanced against the need to protect the environment.

    Fossil fuels—coal, oil and natural gas—are a leading energy source around the world. They are called fossil fuels because they were formed from the remains of plants and animals that died many millions of years ago. Since then, great heat and pressure (压力) deep in the ground have changed them. So the fossil fuels we use today are found underground.

    One of the main advantages of fossil fuels is that they are abundant—found in many places and in large amounts. In addition, they contain a lot of usable energy. Coal is especially abundant. A special advantage of natural gas is that it burns very cleanly. When natural gas burns, it produces mostly carbon dioxide and water vapor. Oil’s main advantage is that it burns efficiently—meaning that little is wasted in the change to energy. Also, the refining (提炼) process that makes gasoline (汽油) and diesel produces other petroleum products, which are used in crayons, bubble gum, eye glasses, and even artificial heart valves.

    All fossil fuels are basically non-renewable (不可再生的) because nature cannot create enough to keep up with demand. Many experts think that the world’s oil wells will be empty in a few decades (十年). But, even before then, the oil supply will be too small to meet global demands. Also, fossil fuels produce pollutants. Cars, factories, and many power plants release harmful chemicals into the air. As long as fossil fuels are burned, air pollution will continue to be a problem.

    Another problem is the greenhouse effect. Gases released from burning fossil fuels trap (储存) more heat in Earth’s atmosphere than would be trapped naturally. This heating up of Earth’s atmosphere is called global warming. Scientists think carbon dioxide contributes most to worsening the greenhouse effect, so even natural gas adds to the problem.

    We need energy, and the fossil fuels that supply most of our energy will not last forever. Finding renewable alternatives (替代品) is key to the world’s energy future. Scientists will continue to do research. Each new source of energy will have its pros and cons, too. Governments and environmentalists will continue to debate which energy sources are the best while our need for energy continues to grow.

    34Where can fossil fuels be found?


    35What is the special advantage of nature gas?


    36How soon might oil be used up according to many experts?


    37Should we use fossil fuels in a saving way? Why or why not?







    提示词语:activity, celebrate, traditional food, bright


    • What’s your favourite festival?

    • What do you know about it?

    Dear Chris,

    I’m glad to know that you re interested in traditional Chinese festivals. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    I hope the above is helpful. Please feel free to ask for more information.


    Li Hua



    39一个人能承担多大的责任, 就能取得多大的成功。



    提示词语:responsibility, study, ask for help, make progress


    • What did you do to perform your responsibility/responsibilities?

    • What have you benefited from it?

    Everyone has a lot of responsibilities to perform in his/her life. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________














    13A    14C    15C    16A    17B    18D    19B    20D


    21B    22C    23D


    24C    25A    26A


    27C    28B    29A


    30B    31B    32D    33A


    34(They can be found) underground.    35It burns very cleanly.    36In a few decades.    37Yes, we should. Because fossil fuels are non-renewable and the oil supply will be too small to meet global demands. If we continue to use them in this way, they will be used up in a few decades./No, we needn’t. Natural resources are rich and we, smart human beings, will certainly develop new kinds of energy to meet our needs.(言之成理即可)



    Dear Chris,

    I’m glad to know that you’re interested in traditional Chinese festivals. Among all the festivals, my favorite one is Mid-Autumn Festival. Now, let me tell you something about it.

    It’s on the 15th of the eighth month in the lunar calendar. On that day, we have a lot of activities. We usually eat a kind of traditional food, mooncakes, to celebrate the festival. At night, we usually have a big dinner with our family members and then eat different kinds of fruits to enjoy the bright and big moon. Elders tell stories about Chang’e to children. On that day, all the people are very happy, because they can get together with their family members.

    I hope the above is helpful. Please feel free to ask for more information.


    Li Hua


    Everyone has a lot of responsibilities to perform in his or her life. As a middle school student, I think my responsibility is to study hard.

    I remembered I failed in an English exam last year. Then I felt worried so much. I was afraid I couldn’t catch up with other students. But after thinking carefully, I decided to ask my English teacher, Mrs. Wang, for help. She helped me to analysis my problems and made a study plan with me. From then on, I studied harder than before and followed the study plan strictly. A month later, I solved all my English problems and made much progress.

    From the experience, I learned that we have a lot of responsibilities in our life, so we must keep them in our hearts and try our best to perform them. As long as you work hard/make the effort, you will be a responsible person and you can achieve much in the future.



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