专题01 重难点词汇复习与默写(选择性必修二Units 1-6)
专题01 重难点词汇默写(选择性必修二Units 1-6)
Unit 1 Growing up
Ⅰ. 核心单词
1. ___________________ n. 美德
2. ___________________ n. 执照
3. ___________________ n. (按小时、日或周计算的)工资, 薪金
4. ___________________ adj. 成熟的, 明白事理的
5. ___________________ v. 服从; 遵守
6. ___________________ adj. 自私的
7. ___________________ adj. 稳定的
8. ___________________ adj. 最小的, 最少的
9. ___________________ n. 惯例, 习惯
10. ___________________ v. 吞下, 咽下
11. ___________________ v. 咀嚼
12. ___________________ n. 后果
13. ___________________ n. 政治
14. ___________________ n. 航空公司
15. ___________________ n. 纽带, 关系
Ⅱ. 拓展单词
1. elect v. 选举→___________________ n. 选举
2. legal adj. 合法的→___________________ adv. 合法地→___________________ adj. 不合法的
3. instant adj. 立即, 马上→___________________ adv. 立即, 马上
4. gradual adj. 逐渐的, 逐步的→___________________ adv. 逐渐地, 逐步地
5. approve v. 赞成, 同意→___________________ n. 赞成, 批准, 认可
6. suit v. 适合→___________________ adj. 合适的
7. vary v. 不同; 变化→___________________ adj. 各种各样的→___________________ n. 种类
8. digest v. 消化(食物)→___________________ n. 消化; 领悟
9. evident adj. 明显的→___________________ n. 证据
10. memory n. 记忆, 纪念→___________________ v. 记忆, 纪念→___________________ adj. 难忘的, 值得纪念的
11. conclude v. 结束, 得出结论→___________________ n. 结论
1. ___________________ 成长, 长大
2. ___________________ 有发言权
3. ___________________ 在驾驶汽车
4. ___________________ 器官捐献
5. ___________________ 适合于……的
6. ___________________ 对……做出贡献
7. ___________________ 把……搁置一边
8. ___________________ 致力于, 献身于
9. ___________________ 一瞥, 看一眼
10. ___________________ 结果
11. ___________________ 最后, 最终
1. 句型公式: 状语从句的省略
One reason is that although I’ve been working ___________________ (自从离开学校), I won’t be voting in the next general election.
2. 句型公式: 动词不定式作定语
When I woke up the next day, there were still ___________________ (要遵守的规则和要上的课).
3. 句型公式: 使役动词+ 复合宾语
They always need to ___________________ (让别人解释事情).
4. 句型公式: it作形式主语
Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and ___________________ (孩子们总是要无休止地向他们解释是很烦人的).
Unit 2 Improving yourself
Ⅰ. 核心单词
1. ___________________ v. (用开关)改变, 转换
2. ___________________ n. 截止时间; 最后期限
3. ___________________ v. 吐口水, 吐唾沫
4. ___________________ v. 澄清, 讲清楚, 阐明
5. ___________________ n. 媒体报道的热门话题; 标题
6. ___________________ n. 地区, 区域
7. ___________________ n. 一件商品(或物品)
8. ___________________ v. 投资
9. ___________________ adj. 终身的
10. ___________________ n. 构想, 设想
Ⅱ. 拓展单词
1. motivate v. 激发, 激励→___________________ n. 动机
2. instant adj. 立即的→___________________ adv. 立即, 马上
3. distract v. 分散(注意力), 使分心→___________________ n. 分散注意力的事
4. access n. 接触的机会v. 进入→___________________ adj. 可得到的; 易接近的; 可进入的
5. rely v. 依赖→___________________ adj. 可靠的, 可信的
6. consider v. 考虑; 认为→___________________ adj. 替他人着想的→___________________ n. 考虑; 体贴
7. promote v. 促进, 增进→___________________ n. 提升, 促进
8. necessary adj. 必要的→___________________ n. 必需品
9. finance n. 财务→___________________ adj. 财政的, 金融的
10. equip v. 装备, 具备; 使有知识和技能, 使能够胜任→___________________ n. 设备, 装备
1. ___________________ (用开关)开, 打开/关闭
2. ___________________ 忙于
3. ___________________ 认输
4. ___________________ 依赖, 依靠
5. ___________________ 有机会接触
6. ___________________ 放弃
7. ___________________ 面对
8. ___________________ (钱)花光; (信用卡)刷爆
9. ___________________ 与……形成对比
10. ___________________ 好好利用
1. 句型公式: with复合结构
___________________ (脱瘾结束后), they’ve switched on their devices and they’re back online.
2. 句型公式: 不定式作目的状语
To be honest, I didn’t find the detox too difficult, but I did give my phone to my dad ___________________ (以免屈服)!
3. 句型公式: if条件状语从句的省略
And what, ___________________ (如果有的话), has been learnt from the experience?
4. 句型公式: on/upon doing sth. 短语作时间状语
___________________ (在收到一个卡雷包时), one woman said, “You make me feel like a human being. ”
5. 句型公式: 强调句型
___________________ (就是从那时起) his grandchildren started to be in control of what to do with the money they receive: spend, save, invest or give?
Unit 3 Times change!
Ⅰ. 核心单词
1. ___________________ n. 同情
2. ___________________ n. 家具
3. ___________________ n. 女销售员
4. ___________________ n. 领导; 领导地位
5. ___________________ n. 新闻工作者; 新闻记者
6. ___________________ v. 改革; 改进
7. ___________________ v. 增加; (使)扩大
8. ___________________ n. 倾向; 趋势
9. ___________________ n. 化装服
Ⅱ. 拓展单词
1. compete v. 竞争→___________________ n. 竞争→___________________ n. 竞争者
2. construct v. 建造→___________________ n. 建造→___________________ n. 重建; 修复
3. economy n. 经济→___________________ adj. 经济(上)的
4. occupy v. 占用→___________________ n. 占有; 职业
5. emotion n. 情绪, 情感→___________________ adj. 情绪(上)的, 情感(上)的
6. face n. 脸→___________________ adj. 脸上的, 面部的
7. adapt v. 改编→___________________ n. 改编
8. educate v. 教育→___________________ n. 教育工作者; 教育学家→___________________ n. 教育
9. urgent adj. 迫切的→___________________ adv. 迫切地
10. convince v. 说服; 信服→___________________ adj. 有说服力的, 使人信服的
1. ___________________ 偶尔拜访
2. ___________________ 一群
3. ___________________ 接手
4. ___________________ 变成
5. ___________________ 突然出现, 冒出来
6. ___________________ 因为, 由于
7. ___________________ 与……相似
8. ___________________ 改革开放
9. ___________________ 精髓
10. ___________________ 铺平道路
1. 句型公式: which引导的非限制性定语从句
The bookstore, ___________________ (这是一个传奇性的社区场所), was a place where anyone could drop in and connect through their love of books.
2. 句型公式: 现在分词作状语
___________________ (深深地叹了口气), he told me how it was becoming difficult to run an independent bookstore.
3. 句型公式: as if引导的方式状语从句
Childhood memories came back to me so clearly, ___________________ (好像这些事就发生在昨天).
4. 句型公式: 只能用that引导的定语从句
It made me realize that the bookstore and all that ___________________(老凯西给社区的) could soon disappear for good.
5. 句型公式: way为先行词的定语从句
Now there are more than 3, 000 emojis that expand upon the way ___________________ (我们交流的).
Unit 4 Breaking boundaries
Ⅰ. 核心单词
1. ___________________ n. (一项)统计数据
2. ___________________ n. 边界; 分界线
3. ___________________ adj. 极其重要的
4. ___________________ n. 爆发, 突然发生
5. ___________________ n. 意外的幸运事; 奇迹
6. ___________________ n. 人类
7. ___________________ n. 少数派; 少数
8. ___________________ adj. 联合的, 共同的
9. ___________________ adj. 公民的, 国民的
10. ___________________ adv. 完全
Ⅱ. 拓展单词
1. assist v. 协助, 帮助→___________________ n. 助手→___________________ n. 协助, 帮助
2. special adj. 专门的; 特殊的→___________________ n. 专家
3. infect v. 传染→___________________ adj. 传染性的→___________________ v. 为……消毒, 给……杀菌
4. devote v. 奉献→___________________ n. 奉献
5. real adj. 真实的, 现实的→___________________ adv. 真实地→___________________ adj. 现实的, 实际的
6. harmony n. 和谐; 和睦→___________________ adj. 和睦的, 和谐的
7. reward v. 回报 n. 报酬→___________________ adj. 值得做的, 有意义的
8. divide v. 分开; 使产生分歧→___________________ n. 分歧; 分裂
9. influence v. & n. 影响→___________________ adj. 有影响力的
1. ___________________ 不管, 不顾
2. ___________________ 至少
3. ___________________ 自豪感
4. ___________________ 放弃
5. ___________________ 打定主意, 下定决心
6. ___________________ 指的是, 参考
7. ___________________ 按照; 依据
8. ___________________ 尤其; 特别
9. ___________________ 对……负责; 是……的原因
10. ___________________ 文化冲击
11. ___________________ 内战
12. ___________________ 徒劳, 白白地
13. ___________________ 实施
1. 句型公式: 动词不定式作表语
My mission was ___________________ (在爱玛任期结束时接替她, 她是加拿大的传染病专家).
2. 句型公式: It is the + 序数词 + (that) + . . . have/ has done. . .
___________________ (这不是作者第一次与无国界医生组织合作).
3. 句型公式: 表语从句
The bad news is ___________________(还有很长的路要走).
4. 句型公式: 形式宾语
Channels of communication, such as the mobile phone and the Internet, ___________________ (使我们能够立即与地球另一端的人通话), enabling us to form close connections with people of completely different cultures.
5. 句型公式: way为先行词的定语从句
Rather, it’s about countries and people making a joint effort to come together to create a more harmonious and understanding world, ___________________ (所以我们都可以享受互惠互利).
Unit 5 A delicate world
Ⅰ. 核心单词
1. ___________________ n. 遗产; 传统
2. ___________________ n. 居民
3. ___________________ n. 栖息地
4. ___________________ n. 胃口, 食欲
5. ___________________ n. 病毒
6. ___________________ v. (使)减少, (使)变小
7. ___________________ n. 离开
8. ___________________ n. 事件
9. ___________________ n. 生态
10. ___________________ adj. 视觉的
Ⅱ. 拓展单词
1. drama n. 戏剧→___________________ adj. 戏剧性的→___________________ adv. 显著地; 戏剧性地
2. subsequent adj. 随后的, 后来的→___________________ adv. 后来, 随后→___________________ n. 后来, 随后
3. conserve v. 保护; 保持→___________________ n. 保护
4. explode v. 使爆炸; 突然增加→___________________ n. 爆炸; 爆发; 激增
5. compare v. 比较→___________________ n. 比较
6. rare adj. 稀有的, 罕见的→___________________ adv. 稀有地, 罕见地
7. biology n. 生物(学)→___________________ adj. 生物的, 与生物有关的→___________________ n. 生物学家
8. apparent adj. 明显的, 表面上的→___________________ adv. 据说; 看来, 似乎
9. vary v. 变化; 使多样化→___________________ adj. 各种各样的 →___________________ n. 种类→___________________ n. 差异; 变化
10. danger n. 危险→___________________ v. 危及, 危害 →___________________ adj. 濒危的→___________________ adj. 危险的→___________________ adv. 危险地
1. ___________________ 造成, 导致
2. ___________________ 灭绝, 消失
3. ___________________ 失去控制
4. ___________________ 提出, 想出
5. ___________________ 参加, 参与
6. ___________________ 依赖, 依靠
7. ___________________ 因为……而闻名
8. ___________________ 代表
9. ___________________ 导致, 结果是
10. ___________________ 多亏了, 幸亏
1. 句型公式: it作形式宾语
No visitor would ___________________ (觉得惊讶) that the island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
2. 句型公式: 部分倒装
___________________ (他们也不会不去想象) how its native inhabitants, including royal penguins, king penguins, and elephant seals, existed in perfect harmony with their natural habitat for thousands of years.
3. 句型公式: as引导的定语从句
But ___________________(俗话说得好), “While the cat’s away, the mice will play. ”
4. 句型公式: “介词 + 关系词”引导的定语从句
Is it the legendary father of Chinese herbal medicine, Shennong, ___________________ (这座公园以他的名字命名)?
5. 句型公式: 主语从句
___________________ (蜂蜜的特别之处) is that it is produced by the earliest species of Chinese bee.
Unit 6 Survival
Ⅰ. 核心单词
1. ___________________ n. 郊区, 城郊
2. ___________________ adj. 贪婪的, 贪心的
3. ___________________ adj. 城市的, 城镇的
4. ___________________ n. 垃圾
5. ___________________ adj. 乐观的; 乐观主义的
6. ___________________ adj. (原子)核的; 核武器的
7. ___________________ v. 环绕……运行
8. ___________________ v. 由……组成
9. ___________________ v. 推定, 推断
10. ___________________ n. 宇航员; 太空旅行者
Ⅱ. 拓展单词
1. crime n. 罪, 罪行→___________________ n. 罪犯
2. estimate v. 估计, 估算→___________________ n. 估计
3. appreciate v. 欣赏, 赏识, 鉴赏→___________________ n. 欣赏, 赏识, 鉴赏
4. react v. (作出)反应→___________________ n. 反应
5. month n. 月→___________________ adj. 每月一次的
6. advance n. 前进; 进展 v. 前进→___________________ adj. 高级的, 先进的
7. terrify v. 使害怕→___________________ adj. 极其可怕的, 骇人听闻的→___________________ adj. 恐惧的; 受惊吓的
8. expose v. 使暴露(于险境)→___________________ n. 暴露, 显露
1. ___________________ 发生
2. ___________________ 与……相适应
3. ___________________ (疾病、灾难等)爆发
4. ___________________ 挤满
5. ___________________ 应付(某种情况)
6. ___________________ 使……处于控制之下
7. ___________________ 摆脱, 除去
8. ___________________ 除了
9. ___________________ 由……组成, 由……构成
10. ___________________ 在此期间, 与此同时
11. ___________________ 对……有影响
12. ___________________ 和……失去联系
1. 句型公式: “No matter + 疑问词”引导的状语从句
___________________ (不管他犯了多少罪), the police were powerless to arrest him.
2. 句型公式: 同位语从句
There is evidence ___________________ (城市浣熊比它们的野生近亲更聪明), as they frequently have to figure out difficult problems such as how to open rubbish bins and other containers which they would not find in the wild.
3. 句型公式: 修饰句子的副词
___________________ (令人震惊的是), these deaths amount to around ten per cent of the total US bird population.
4. 句型公式: 现在完成进行时
Since the 1960s, we ___________________ (一直在发射) unmanned spacecraft to Mars.
5. 句型公式: “It’s been + 时间段 + since + did. . . ”句型
___________________ (其他宇航员离开火星回到地球已经一个星期了, 不小心把我一个人留在了这里).
Unit 1 Growing up
Ⅰ. 核心单词
1. virtue n. 美德
2. licence n. 执照
3. wage n. (按小时、日或周计算的)工资, 薪金
4. mature adj. 成熟的, 明白事理的
5. obey v. 服从; 遵守
6. selfish adj. 自私的
7. steady adj. 稳定的
8. minimum adj. 最小的, 最少的
9. routine n. 惯例, 习惯
10. swallow v. 吞下, 咽下
11. chew v. 咀嚼
12. consequence n. 后果
13. politics n. 政治
14. airline n. 航空公司
15. bond n. 纽带, 关系
Ⅱ. 拓展单词
1. elect v. 选举→election n. 选举
2. legal adj. 合法的→legally adv. 合法地→illegal adj. 不合法的
3. instant adj. 立即, 马上→instantly adv. 立即, 马上
4. gradual adj. 逐渐的, 逐步的→gradually adv. 逐渐地, 逐步地
5. approve v. 赞成, 同意→approval n. 赞成, 批准, 认可
6. suit v. 适合→suitable adj. 合适的
7. vary v. 不同; 变化→varied/various adj. 各种各样的→variety n. 种类
8. digest v. 消化(食物)→digestion n. 消化; 领悟
9. evident adj. 明显的→evidence n. 证据
10. memory n. 记忆, 纪念→memorize v. 记忆, 纪念→memorable adj. 难忘的, 值得纪念的
11. conclude v. 结束, 得出结论→conclusion n. 结论
1. grow up 成长, 长大
2. have a say 有发言权
3. behind the wheel 在驾驶汽车
4. organ donation 器官捐献
5. be suitable for 适合于……的
6. contribute to 对……做出贡献
7. lay aside 把……搁置一边
8. devote oneself to 致力于, 献身于
9. at a glance 一瞥, 看一眼
10. as a consequence 结果
11. in conclusion 最后, 最终
1. 句型公式: 状语从句的省略
One reason is that although I’ve been working ever since leaving school (自从离开学校), I won’t be voting in the next general election.
2. 句型公式: 动词不定式作定语
When I woke up the next day, there were still rules to obey and lessons to attend (要遵守的规则和要上的课).
3. 句型公式: 使役动词+ 复合宾语
They always need to have things explained (让别人解释事情).
4. 句型公式: it作形式主语
Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them (孩子们总是要无休止地向他们解释是很烦人的).
Unit 2 Improving yourself
Ⅰ. 核心单词
1. switch v. (用开关)改变, 转换
2. deadline n. 截止时间; 最后期限
3. spit v. 吐口水, 吐唾沫
4. clarify v. 澄清, 讲清楚, 阐明
5. headline n. 媒体报道的热门话题; 标题
6. district n. 地区, 区域
7. item n. 一件商品(或物品)
8. invest v. 投资
9. lifelong adj. 终身的
10. vision n. 构想, 设想
Ⅱ. 拓展单词
1. motivate v. 激发, 激励→motivation n. 动机
2. instant adj. 立即的→instantly adv. 立即, 马上
3. distract v. 分散(注意力), 使分心→distraction n. 分散注意力的事
4. access n. 接触的机会v. 进入→accessible adj. 可得到的; 易接近的; 可进入的
5. rely v. 依赖→reliable adj. 可靠的, 可信的
6. consider v. 考虑; 认为→considerate adj. 替他人着想的→consideration n. 考虑; 体贴
7. promote v. 促进, 增进→promotion n. 提升, 促进
8. necessary adj. 必要的→necessity n. 必需品
9. finance n. 财务→financial adj. 财政的, 金融的
10. equip v. 装备, 具备; 使有知识和技能, 使能够胜任→equipment n. 设备, 装备
1. switch on/ off (用开关)开, 打开/关闭
2. be occupied with 忙于
3. throw in the towel 认输
4. rely on/upon 依赖, 依靠
5. have access to 有机会接触
6. give up 放弃
7. be faced with 面对
8. max out (钱)花光; (信用卡)刷爆
9. in contrast to 与……形成对比
10. make good use of 好好利用
1. 句型公式: with复合结构
With the detox now finished (脱瘾结束后), they’ve switched on their devices and they’re back online.
2. 句型公式: 不定式作目的状语
To be honest, I didn’t find the detox too difficult, but I did give my phone to my dad to avoid giving in (以免屈服)!
3. 句型公式: if条件状语从句的省略
And what, if anything (如果有的话), has been learnt from the experience?
4. 句型公式: on/upon doing sth. 短语作时间状语
On receiving a Kare Bag (在收到一个卡雷包时), one woman said, “You make me feel like a human being. ”
5. 句型公式: 强调句型
It was from then on that (就是从那时起) his grandchildren started to be in control of what to do with the money they receive: spend, save, invest or give?
Unit 3 Times change!
Ⅰ. 核心单词
1. sympathy n. 同情
2. furniture n. 家具
3. saleswoman n. 女销售员
4. leadership n. 领导; 领导地位
5. journalist n. 新闻工作者; 新闻记者
6. reform v. 改革; 改进
7. expand v. 增加; (使)扩大
8. tendency n. 倾向; 趋势
9. costume n. 化装服
Ⅱ. 拓展单词
1. compete v. 竞争→competition n. 竞争→competitor n. 竞争者
2. construct v. 建造→construction n. 建造→reconstruction n. 重建; 修复
3. economy n. 经济→economic adj. 经济(上)的
4. occupy v. 占用→occupation n. 占有; 职业
5. emotion n. 情绪, 情感→emotional adj. 情绪(上)的, 情感(上)的
6. face n. 脸→facial adj. 脸上的, 面部的
7. adapt v. 改编→adaptation n. 改编
8. educate v. 教育→educator n. 教育工作者; 教育学家→education n. 教育
9. urgent adj. 迫切的→urgently adv. 迫切地
10. convince v. 说服; 信服→convincing adj. 有说服力的, 使人信服的
1. drop in 偶尔拜访
2. a bunch of 一群
3. take over 接手
4. turn into 变成
5. pop up 突然出现, 冒出来
6. due to 因为, 由于
7. be similar to 与……相似
8. reform and opening-up 改革开放
9. heart and soul 精髓
10. pave the way 铺平道路
1. 句型公式: which引导的非限制性定语从句
The bookstore, which was a legendary fixture in the neighborhood (这是一个传奇性的社区场所), was a place where anyone could drop in and connect through their love of books.
2. 句型公式: 现在分词作状语
Sighing deeply (深深地叹了口气), he told me how it was becoming difficult to run an independent bookstore.
3. 句型公式: as if引导的方式状语从句
Childhood memories came back to me so clearly, as if the events had happened only yesterday (好像这些事就发生在昨天).
4. 句型公式: 只能用that引导的定语从句
It made me realize that the bookstore and all that Old Casey had given to the community(老凯西给社区的) could soon disappear for good.
5. 句型公式: way为先行词的定语从句
Now there are more than 3, 000 emojis that expand upon the way in which we communicate (我们交流的).
Unit 4 Breaking boundaries
Ⅰ. 核心单词
1. statistic n. (一项)统计数据
2. boundary n. 边界; 分界线
3. vital adj. 极其重要的
4. outbreak n. 爆发, 突然发生
5. miracle n. 意外的幸运事; 奇迹
6. mankind n. 人类
7. minority n. 少数派; 少数
8. joint adj. 联合的, 共同的
9. civil adj. 公民的, 国民的
10. altogether adv. 完全
Ⅱ. 拓展单词
1. assist v. 协助, 帮助→assistant n. 助手→assistance n. 协助, 帮助
2. special adj. 专门的; 特殊的→specialist n. 专家
3. infect v. 传染→infectious adj. 传染性的→disinfect v. 为……消毒, 给……杀菌
4. devote v. 奉献→devotion n. 奉献
5. real adj. 真实的, 现实的→really adv. 真实地→realistic adj. 现实的, 实际的
6. harmony n. 和谐; 和睦→harmonious adj. 和睦的, 和谐的
7. reward v. 回报 n. 报酬→rewarding adj. 值得做的, 有意义的
8. divide v. 分开; 使产生分歧→division n. 分歧; 分裂
9. influence v. & n. 影响→influential adj. 有影响力的
1. regardless of 不管, 不顾
2. at least 至少
3. a sense of pride 自豪感
4. give up 放弃
5. make up one’s mind 打定主意, 下定决心
6. refer to 指的是, 参考
7. according to 按照; 依据
8. in particular 尤其; 特别
9. be responsible for 对……负责; 是……的原因
10. culture shock 文化冲击
11. civil war 内战
12. in vain 徒劳, 白白地
13. carry out 实施
1. 句型公式: 动词不定式作表语
My mission was to relieve Emma, a Canadian specialist in infectious diseases at the end of her posting (在爱玛任期结束时接替她, 她是加拿大的传染病专家).
2. 句型公式: It is the + 序数词 + (that) + . . . have/ has done. . .
It is not the first time the author has worked with MSF (这不是作者第一次与无国界医生组织合作).
3. 句型公式: 表语从句
The bad news is that there is still a long way to go(还有很长的路要走).
4. 句型公式: 形式宾语
Channels of communication, such as the mobile phone and the Internet, have made it possible to speak instantly with someone on the other side of planet (使我们能够立即与地球另一端的人通话), enabling us to form close connections with people of completely different cultures.
5. 句型公式: way为先行词的定语从句
Rather, it’s about countries and people making a joint effort to come together to create a more harmonious and understanding world, so that we can all enjoy the mutual benefits (所以我们都可以享受互惠互利).
Unit 5 A delicate world
Ⅰ. 核心单词
1. heritage n. 遗产; 传统
2. inhabitant n. 居民
3. habitat n. 栖息地
4. appetite n. 胃口, 食欲
5. virus n. 病毒
6. decrease v. (使)减少, (使)变小
7. departure n. 离开
8. incident n. 事件
9. ecology n. 生态
10. visual adj. 视觉的
Ⅱ. 拓展单词
1. drama n. 戏剧→dramatical adj. 戏剧性的→dramatically adv. 显著地; 戏剧性地
2. subsequent adj. 随后的, 后来的→subsequently adv. 后来, 随后→subsequence n. 后来, 随后
3. conserve v. 保护; 保持→conservation n. 保护
4. explode v. 使爆炸; 突然增加→explosion n. 爆炸; 爆发; 激增
5. compare v. 比较→comparison n. 比较
6. rare adj. 稀有的, 罕见的→rarely adv. 稀有地, 罕见地
7. biology n. 生物(学)→biological adj. 生物的, 与生物有关的→biologist n. 生物学家
8. apparent adj. 明显的, 表面上的→apparently adv. 据说; 看来, 似乎
9. vary v. 变化; 使多样化→various adj. 各种各样的 →variety n. 种类→variation n. 差异; 变化
10. danger n. 危险→endanger v. 危及, 危害 →endangered adj. 濒危的→dangerous adj. 危险的→dangerously adv. 危险地
1. lead to 造成, 导致
2. die out 灭绝, 消失
3. out of control 失去控制
4. come up with 提出, 想出
5. participate in 参加, 参与
6. rely/ depend on 依赖, 依靠
7. be famous/ known for 因为……而闻名
8. on behalf of 代表
9. result in 导致, 结果是
10. thanks to 多亏了, 幸亏
1. 句型公式: it作形式宾语
No visitor would think it surprising (觉得惊讶) that the island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
2. 句型公式: 部分倒装
Nor would they fail to imagine (他们也不会不去想象) how its native inhabitants, including royal penguins, king penguins, and elephant seals, existed in perfect harmony with their natural habitat for thousands of years.
3. 句型公式: as引导的定语从句
But as the saying goes(俗话说得好), “While the cat’s away, the mice will play. ”
4. 句型公式: “介词 + 关系词”引导的定语从句
Is it the legendary father of Chinese herbal medicine, Shennong, after whom the park is named (这座公园以他的名字命名)?
5. 句型公式: 主语从句
What is special about the honey (蜂蜜的特别之处) is that it is produced by the earliest species of Chinese bee.
Unit 6 Survival
Ⅰ. 核心单词
1. suburb n. 郊区, 城郊
2. greedy adj. 贪婪的, 贪心的
3. urban adj. 城市的, 城镇的
4. garbage n. 垃圾
5. optimistic adj. 乐观的; 乐观主义的
6. nuclear adj. (原子)核的; 核武器的
7. orbit v. 环绕……运行
8. consist v. 由……组成
9. infer v. 推定, 推断
10. astronaut n. 宇航员; 太空旅行者
Ⅱ. 拓展单词
1. crime n. 罪, 罪行→criminal n. 罪犯
2. estimate v. 估计, 估算→estimation n. 估计
3. appreciate v. 欣赏, 赏识, 鉴赏→appreciation n. 欣赏, 赏识, 鉴赏
4. react v. (作出)反应→reaction n. 反应
5. month n. 月→monthly adj. 每月一次的
6. advance n. 前进; 进展 v. 前进→advanced adj. 高级的, 先进的
7. terrify v. 使害怕→terrifying adj. 极其可怕的, 骇人听闻的→terrified adj. 恐惧的; 受惊吓的
8. expose v. 使暴露(于险境)→exposure n. 暴露, 显露
1. take place 发生
2. fit in with 与……相适应
3. break out (疾病、灾难等)爆发
4. be crowded with 挤满
5. cope with 应付(某种情况)
6. bring. . . under control 使……处于控制之下
7. get rid of 摆脱, 除去
8. apart from 除了
9. consist of 由……组成, 由……构成
10. in the meantime 在此期间, 与此同时
11. have an effect on 对……有影响
12. lose contact with 和……失去联系
1. 句型公式: “No matter + 疑问词”引导的状语从句
No matter how many crimes he committed (不管他犯了多少罪), the police were powerless to arrest him.
2. 句型公式: 同位语从句
There is evidence that urban racoons are more intelligent than their wild cousins (城市浣熊比它们的野生近亲更聪明), as they frequently have to figure out difficult problems such as how to open rubbish bins and other containers which they would not find in the wild.
3. 句型公式: 修饰句子的副词
Shockingly (令人震惊的是), these deaths amount to around ten per cent of the total US bird population.
4. 句型公式: 现在完成进行时
Since the 1960s, we have been sending (一直在发射) unmanned spacecraft to Mars.
5. 句型公式: “It’s been + 时间段 + since + did. . . ”句型
It’s been a week since the other astronauts left Mars and went back to Earth, accidentally leaving me here alone (其他宇航员离开火星回到地球已经一个星期了, 不小心把我一个人留在了这里).
专题01 人教版高中英语必修1重点词词性转换-备战2024年高考英语之词性转换必修1至选修8词汇梳理: 这是一份专题01 人教版高中英语必修1重点词词性转换-备战2024年高考英语之词性转换必修1至选修8词汇梳理,共5页。试卷主要包含了grateful adj,suffer vt,dusty adj,settle v,calm vt,cncern vt,lse adj,exactly ad v等内容,欢迎下载使用。
高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid课后练习题: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册<a href="/yy/tb_c4009217_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 5 First Aid课后练习题</a>,共4页。
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