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    1.答卷前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。

    2.回答选择题时, 选出每小题答案后, 用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时, 将答案写在答题卡上, 写在本试卷上无效。

    本试卷分第I(选择题)和第II(非选择题)两部分, 150分。考试时间120分钟。


    第一部分:听力(共两节, 满分30)

    做题时, 先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题纸上。

    第一节(5小题;每小题1.5, 满分7.5)

    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

    1. What does the woman mean?

    A. She doesn’t like going camping.

    B She admires those who go camping.

    C. She believes going camping is enjoyable.

    2. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

    A. Inside a stadium.          B. Outside a theater.          C. Beside a bookstore.

    3. What color is the skirt the woman is trying on?

    A. Yellow.          B. Orange.          C. Blue.

    4. What do we know about John?

    A He plans to read a novel.         B. He rides a bike to school.          C. He likes doing sports.

    5. How long has Henry worked for the organization?

    A. 3 years.          B. 12 years.          C. 15 years.

    第二节( 15 小题; 每小题 1. 5 , 满分 22. 5 )

    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

    听第6段材料, 回答6-7题。

    6. What size of a car does the man recommend?

    A. A mid-size car.          B. A full-size car.          C. A mini-size car.

    7. How much will the woman have to pay?

    A. 90 dollars.          B. 108 dollars.          C. 120 dollars.

    听第7段材料, 回答8-10题。

    8. Where will the woman go?

    A. To the playground.          B. To her house.          C. To the park.

    9. What has the woman been doing recently?

    A. Taking care of plants.          B. Babysitting.          C. Practicing basketball.

    10. How often does the man play basketball?

    A. Once a week.          B. Every two days.          C. Every day.

    听第8段材料, 回答11-13题。

    11. Why is the man finishing his Chinese course?

    A. He doesn’t enjoy it.

    B. He wants to launch a career.

    C. He has chosen another course.

    12. What might the man’s first job be?

    A. An engineer.          B. A social worker.          C. A charity organizer.

    13. How soon will the woman graduate?

    A. In three months.          B. In one term.          C. In two terms.

    听第9段材料, 回答14-16题。

    14. Which of the following does the woman want to know?

    A. The man’s marriage.

    B. The man’s travel experiences.

    C. The man’s hobbies.

    15. What does the man think of the job?

    A. Boring.          B. Challenging.          C. Interesting.

    16. What will the man do next?

    A. He will travel abroad.

    B. He will go to work with the woman.

    C. He will wait for the result of the job interview.

    听第10段材料, 回答17-20题。

    17. Which of the following may turn off Alarmy?

    A. Touching a button.          B. Shaking the phone once.          C. Taking a photo of a sofa.

    18. What can Alarmy do besides waking people up?

    A. Provide the latest news.

    B. Recommend tips for studying.

    C. Give information about weather.

    19. Why does the speaker use Sleep Cycle?

    A. To fall asleep more easily.

    B. To wake up at the right time.

    C. To avoid being late for work.

    20. What does the speaker mainly talk about?

    A. Two useful apps.          B. Ways to fall asleep.          C. The favorite alarm.

    第二部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分40)

    第一节(15小题;每小题2, 满分30)

    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的ABCD四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。


    “My Story of Chinese Hanzi” is an international competition, hosted by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and organized by People’s Daily Online.

    The entire competition consists of preliminary rounds(预赛), semi-finals, and finals.

    The first two rounds of the competition will be held online. Contestants will answer the questions and provide one-minute videos in the preliminary rounds. The second-round contestants will produce videos featuring a virtual talent show. Votes will be cast by fans online, and the top ten selected winners will move onto the finals, which will be held offline in late August.

    Each finalist will deliver a seven-minute speech focusing on the theme of “Ren”, a fundamental value long cherished in Chinese culture.


    International students in China, including ethnic Chinese who are at least third-generation immigrants;

    Foreigners working in China whose native language is not Chinese and whose parents’ native language is not Chinese;

    Other non-native speakers of Chinese(including full-time students and community members)who are non-Chinese citizens.

    There is no age limit for contestants.


    Preliminary rounds—The top 30 contestants will receive participation awards and be eligible to enter into the semi-finals.

    Semi-finals—The contest organizing committee will upload the videos of the winners of the preliminary rounds onto the People’s Daily Online website, organize online voting, and then select ten winners after completion of online voting and scoring by the judges.

    Finals—Upon finishing up the speech competition, various awards will be announced after the scoring is carried out by the judges, with the scores comparing competitors’ Chinese language speaking abilities, expressiveness, the core message behind their stories, and how their stories promote exchanges between different civilizations.

    To take part in the contest, please scan the QR code and complete the questionnaire.

    CPAFFC reserves all rights for final explanation.

    1. Who decide the winners to move onto the finals?

    A. Committee members. B. Online Fans.

    C. International judges. D. Non-Chinese citizens.

    2. What determine the qualification for the competition?

    A. Occupation and gender. B. Education and age.

    C. Native language and nationality. D. The stories selected.

    3. What can we learn about the finals?

    A. The finals will be held offline. B. Fluency will be weighed most by judges.

    C. The scores will be given by the audience. D. People can attend by scanning the QR code.

    【答案】1. B    2. C    3. A




    细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“Votes will be cast by fans online, and the top ten selected winners will move onto the finals, which will be held offline in late August.(由粉丝在线投票,前十名获胜者将进入决赛,决赛将于8月下旬线下举行)”可知,进入决赛的获胜者是由在线粉丝决定的。故选B项。


    推理判断题。根据Eligible(具备条件的)candidates部分下的“Foreigners working in China whose native language is not Chinese and whose parents’ native language is not Chinese;(在华工作的外籍人士,且本人及其父母母语非汉语)”及“Other non-native speakers of Chinese(including full-time students and community members)who are non-Chinese citizens.(海外母语非汉语人群(包括在校学生和社会人士))”可知,对参赛者的母语和国籍做了要求。由此可知,决定参赛资格的是母语和国籍。故选C项。


    细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“Votes will be cast by fans online, and the top ten selected winners will move onto the finals, which will be held offline in late August.(由粉丝在线投票,前十名获胜者将进入决赛,决赛将于8月下旬线下举行)”可知,决赛在线下举行。故选A项。


    Kurth Reis of San Francisco, California, has been through many hard times in his life. In 2018, Reis had a serious motorcycle accident and spent time in a hospital. The accident affected him deeply, body and spirit. He had several medical operations. Reis said he felt like he was “reborn” each time he woke after an operation. Following 88 days in the hospital, Reis was released and felt ready to change his ways.

    Lately, he says he just wants to make people happy by making bubbles. You can watch him perform his bubble art for hours at a time around the city’s streets and in its parks. Sometimes he puts out a glass container called a tip jar. People who watch his show can drop money into it if they want to.

    If the weather is good for bubbles, Reis makes a special mixture that can make bubbles the size of a small car. Humidity, or the amount of water in the air, is good for bubbles. So, he does not perform on very dry days. To make his large bubble, he puts a small rope hanging from two long sticks into the bubble mixture. As he removes it, he opens his arms wide and the bubbles begin to form. Once enough air is inside the bubble, he moves his arms back together to set the bubble free. Some people feel it looks like a bubble “ballet.”

    While Reis may seem like a bubble-making expert, he only got started in April 2020. Reis can support himself with donations from crowds that watch him perform. But money is not what stirs him to make bubbles. He feels his art is useful in more important ways. Not long ago, a woman told Reis after a performance that his bubbles had lifted her spirit when her dad died.

     Reis can see smiles rise from under the face covers worn by those watching him perform. Children cheer and clap their hands. Reis said such reactions make him feel like an essential worker whose job is to spread joy during the health crisis.    

    “I’m just trying to put a smile on somebody’s face by doing some bubbles.” said Reis.

    4. What can we know about Kurth Reis from Paragraph 1?

    A. He had to repay his operation fees.

    B. He intended to do something different.

    C. He suffered a minor motorcycle accident.

    D. He gave up his career as a motorcyclist.

    5. What may people do when they watch Reis’ performances?

    A. Put some money into a tip jar near him.

    B. Give him a hand when he sets a bubble free.

    C. Grasp a small rope hanging from two long sticks.

    D. Add a special mixture to help him make large bubbles.

    6. What does the underlined word “stirs” mean in Paragraph 4?

    A. forces B. determines C. stops D. encourages

    7. What is the best title for the text?

    A. Lost Time Is Never Found Again

    B. Ups and Downs Make One Strong

    C. Everything Comes to Him Who Waits

    D. Small Actions Have a Big Impact

    【答案】4. B    5. A    6. D    7. D


    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。讲述了Kurth Reis因为车祸住院,出院后决定改变自己。通过泡泡表演给人们带去了快乐,振奋人们精神的故事。


    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Following 88 days in the hospital, Reis was released and felt ready to change his ways. (在医院住了88天后,雷斯出院,并觉得自己已经准备好改变自己的方式。)”可知,他因为摩托车事故住院88天出院后决定改变自己的方式,即他打算做一些不同的事情,故选B


    细节理解题。根据文章第二段中“Sometimes he puts out a glass container called a tip jar. People who watch his show can drop money into it if they want to. (有时他会拿出一个叫做小费罐的玻璃容器。观看他的节目的人如果愿意,可以把钱投入其中。)”可知,观看他节目的人如果愿意就可以把小费投入一个玻璃容器中。故选A


    词句猜测题。根据文章第四段中“Reis can support himself with donations from crowds that watch him perform. But money is not what stirs him to make bubbles. (雷斯可以通过观看他表演的人群的捐款来养活自己。但钱不是stirs他制造泡沫的东西。)”以及“He feels his art is useful in more important ways. Not long ago, a woman told Reis after a performance that his bubbles had lifted her spirit when her dad died. (他觉得他的艺术在更重要的方面是有用的。不久前,一位女士在一次演出后告诉雷斯,当她父亲去世时,他的泡泡振奋了她的精神。)”可知,虽然Reis通过表演泡泡可以赚钱,而且他的泡泡在振奋他人精神方面也有一些效果;泡泡表演并不只是为了赚钱,还有其他的东西促使他进行泡泡表演,由此推断划线单词的大意为“促使,激励”,故选D


    标题判断题。根据文章最后两段“Reis can see smiles rise from under the face covers worn by those watching him perform. Children cheer and clap their hands. Reis said such reactions make him feel like an essential worker whose job is to spread joy during the health crisis. “I’m just trying to put a smile on somebody’s face by doing some bubbles.” said Reis. (雷斯可以看到笑容从观看他表演的人戴的口罩下扬起。孩子们欢呼并拍手。雷斯说,这种反应让他觉得自己是一个必不可少的工作者,他的工作是在健康危机期间传播快乐。“我只是想通过做一些泡泡来让某人的脸上露出笑容,”雷斯说。)”可知,虽然他的表演是微不足道的,但是可以使观看表演的人快乐,尤其是在健康危机期间可以传播快乐,这些使他觉得自己的泡泡表演有价值,小小的泡泡表演产生了大影响。故选D


    Electronic sensors built into paper could be used in a range of ways from information storage to touch screens and more.

    Electronic sensors built into cartons(纸盒)may make it easier to tell when it’s time to throw out rotten milk or orange juice. And that’s just the start. At least that’s the goal for researchers working on putting electronics into paper. They’re trying to figure out how to combine the flexibility low-cost and recyclability of paper with the information-carrying ability of electronics.

    Daniel Torbjork a physics graduate student in Finland, has been working on the problem. He’s published a review of the field in the journal Advanced Materials.

    Much research has been focused in this area. While most electronic applications require patterned conducting structures, conductive paper could be used in applications such as energy storage devices, sensors, electric heaters and others, according to Torbjork.

    “You could even have some interactive functions in magazines,” Torbjork said, “You could put a simple game in a package. If you want a touch screen, press a button and then something happen. Sensors in paper could tell us when something has gone bad.”

    Additional applications, such as information storage and security paper, have been suggested for magnetic papers containing magnetite. In Massachusetts, researchers have figured out how to post a video of such a device put into a paper airplane.

    German researchers have also put electronic chips in paper bank notes to defend counter-feiters(造伪币者). Paper is a good material but printing electronics also requires low-cost manufacturing. As many US and European paper makers lose market share to cheaper paper from China, these big paper companies are looking for added value products. That’s where electronic paper devices could make a difference.

    “The major obstacles are paper’s large surface roughness and chemical impurities.” Torbjork says. But others in the field think that electronic sensors in paper are still far from the consumer marketplace.

    “I don’t think it’s going to happen.” said Roy Horgan. “You need a conductive surface. It could be 10 years out. What we are looking for are solutions that you can commercialize to­day.”

    Solar Print is partnering with Italian automaker Fiat to develop a unique auto-glass with tiny photostatic cells(光电)that can capture electricity from the sun. In the meantime, using paper to conduct electricity is still a “blue-sky” project.

    “I would love to see someone prove me wrong, because that means that it’s actually happening.” Horgan said. “If someone comes up with conductive paper, then that’s a very interesting technology.”

    8. Putting electronics into paper will ________.

    A. cut the cost and impurity of paper

    B. depend on flexible conductive structure

    C. help consume rotten milk or orange juice

    D. combine the advantages of paper and electronics

    9. Paragraphs 4 to 7 mainly talk about the ________ of the conductive paper.

    A. practical use B. theories

    C. structures D. design process

    10. Some paper makers welcome the new technology probably because it will ________.

    A. put an end to fake money B. make the paper smoother

    C. add more value to paper D. improve the printing technology

    11. From the passage, we know that Roy Horgan ________.

    A. has a burning desire to make a great profit

    B. showed much interest in Solar Print industry

    C. is not confident about the conductive paper

    D. started a “blue-sky” project to study paper

    【答案】8. D    9. A    10. C    11. C




    细节理解题。根据文中的“They’re trying to figure out how to combine the flexibility,low-cost and recyclability of paper with the information-carrying ability of electronics.”可知,他们正试图找出如何将纸张的灵活性、低成本和可回收性与电子产品的信息承载能力相结合。所以将电子器件植入纸张可以结合纸张与电子器件的优点。故选D。


    主旨大意题。根据第4至第7段的描述可以发现,“While most electronic applications require patterned conducting(传导的) structures,conductive paper could be used in applications such as energy storage devices sensors,electric heaters and others,according to Torbjork.”托比约克表示,虽然大多数电子应用都需要图形化的导电结构,但导电纸可用于储能装置、传感器、电加热器等应用领域。所以从第四段到第七段讲述了导电纸张的实际使用。故选A。


    细节理解题。根据文中的“these big paper companies are looking for added value products.That’s where electronic paper devices could make a difference.”可知,电子纸张装置具有附加值,这就是可以让它发生作用的地方。故选C。


    推理判断题。根据文中的““I don' t think it is going to happen.” said Roy Horgan.”可知,我不认为这会发生。由此判断出Roy Horgan对这项技术并不自信。故选C。

    【点睛】阅读理解旨在考查考生对于文章整体的理解与细节的把握与分析,要在了解整篇文章框架的基础上进行选择。本篇文章较简单,可直接通过题目在文中寻找答案。例如第4题细节理解题,用细节定位法:细节理解题属于直接解答性问题,是阅读理解题中最简单的一种,根据题目“From the passage,we know that Roy Horgan”定位到文章出现Roy Horgan的地方根据文中的“I don t think it s going to happen.” said Roy Horgan.”可知,我不认为这会发生。由此判断出Roy Horgan对这项技术并不自信。故选C。


    As a society we might want to rethink the time and money spent on education, so that these resources can benefit a greater percentage of the population. Ideally, both high schools and colleges can prepare individuals for the ever-changing roles that are likely to be expected of them.

    High school degrees offer far less in the way of preparation for work than they might, or than many other nations currently offer, creating a growing skills gap in our economy. We encourage students to go on to college whether they are prepared or not, or have a clear sense of purpose or interest, and now have the highest college dropout rate in the world.

    We might look to other countries for models of how high schools can offer better training, as well as the development of a work ethic(美德)and the intellectual skills needed for continued learning and development. I recommend Harvard’s 2011 “Pathways to Prosperity” report for more attention to the “forgotten half”(those who do not go on to college)and ideas about how to address this issue.

    Simultaneously, the liberal arts become more important than ever. In a knowledge economy where professional roles change rapidly and many college students are preparing for positions that may not even exist yet, the skill set needed is one that prepares them for change and continued learning.

    Learning to express ideas well in both writing and speech, knowing how to find information, and knowing how to do research are all-solid background skills for a wide variety of roles, and such training is more important than any particular major in a liberal arts college. We need to continue to value broad preparation in thinking skills that will serve for a lifetime.

    Students also need to learn to work independently and to make responsible decisions. The lengthening path to adulthood appears exacerbated(恶化)by parental involvement in the college years. Given the rising investment in college education, parental concern is not surprising, but learning where and when to intervene will help students take more ownership of the outcomes of these increasingly costly educations.

    12. What kind of education does the author think is ideal?

    A. It encourages students to learn throughout their lives.

    B. It benefits the great majority of the general population.

    C. It prepares students to meet the future needs of society.

    D. It ensures that students’ expectations are successfully fulfilled.

    13. What does the author say is the problem with present high school education?

    A. Ignoring the needs of those who don’t go to college.

    B. Teaching skills to be used right after graduation only.

    C. Giving little attention to those having difficulty learning.

    D. Creating the highest dropout rate in the developed world.

    14. What characterizes a knowledge economy according to the passage?

    A. Students majoring in liberal arts usually have difficulty securing a job.

    B. New positions are constantly created that require people to keep learning.

    C. People have to receive higher education to qualify for a professional position.

    D. Colleges find it hard to teach students how to cope with the changing economy.

    15. What does the author think a liberal arts college should focus on?

    A. Practical skills urgently needed in current society.

    B. Solid background knowledge in a particular field.

    C. Useful thinking skills for advanced academic research.

    D. Basic skills needed for change and lifelong learning.

    【答案】12. C    13. A    14. B    15. D




    细节理解题。根据第二自然段“High school degrees offer far less in the way of preparation for work than they might, or than many other nations currently offer, creating a growing skills gap in our economy. (高中文凭在为工作做准备方面的作用远远低于他们可能提供的,或者比许多其他国家目前提供的要小,这在我们的经济中造成了越来越大的技能差距。)”可知,理想的教育就应该是注重学生实际技能的培养,让学生能够通过满足未来社会的需要。故选C


    推理判断题。根据第二自然段“High school degrees offer far less in the way of preparation for work than they might, or than many other nations currently offer, creating a growing skills gap in our economy. (高中文凭在为工作做准备方面的作用远远低于他们可能提供的,或者比许多其他国家目前提供的要小,这在我们的经济中造成了越来越大的技能差距。)”可知,作者认为当前高中教育存在的问题是忽视那些没有上大学的人的需要。故选A


    细节理解题。根据第四自然段“In a knowledge economy where professional roles change rapidly and many college students are preparing for positions that may not even exist yet, the skill set needed is one that prepares them for change and continued learning. (在知识经济中,专业角色迅速变化,许多大学生正在为可能还不存在的职位做准备,所需要的技能是使他们为改变和继续学习做好准备的技能。)”可知,知识经济的特点就是,新的职业可能会不断的产生,这就要求人才要不断的、持续的学习。故选B


    推理判断题。根据第五自然段“Learning to express ideas well in both writing and speech, knowing how to find information, and knowing how to do research are all-solid background skills for a wide variety of roles, and such training is more important than any particular major in a liberal arts college. We need to continue to value broad preparation in thinking skills that will serve for a lifetime. (学会在写作和演讲中很好地表达想法,知道如何查找信息,知道如何做研究,这些都是各种角色的坚实背景技能,这种训练比文理学院中的任何特定专业都重要。我们需要继续重视为终生受益的思维技能所做的广泛准备。)”可知,作者认为文理学院应该把重点放在改变和终身学习所需的基本技能上。D项“Basic skills needed for change and lifelong learning. (变革和终身学习所需的基本技能。)”符合题意。故选D


    根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Do you sometimes wish there was a quick and easy way to do your homework? Well a new artificial intelligence technology has been released and people are concerned that it could lead to students cheating on their work.

    ChatGPT is an online service which can not only answer questions but also write realistic school essays just like humans. ___16___ .

    But what exactly is ChatGPT and how could it affect the future of homework? ChatGPT was released late last year by company OpenAI, which was founded by Elon Musk. ___17___ , answering questions from the user. The online chatbot has been trained on lots of information and data from the internet - it can have a human-like conversation answering questions, admitting mistakes and rejecting any inappropriate questions.

    Experts say it can be used to write essays, stories, poems and even solve computer coding. ___18___ , which OpenAI admit. Sometimes it writes answers which are incorrect or don’t make sense, and it occasionally guesses what the user has asked it, rather than asking more follow-up questions to understand the question better.

    What are people saying about it?

     ___19___ . Some think students might use it to cheat whereas others think they should use the tool in the classroom to help children learn.

     ___20___ . They argue that, just like when the calculator or Google were created, people were unsure at first, but if teachers introduce the technology and teach pupils the benefits but also the downfalls that could help their learning.

    There are the problems with ChatGPT. CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman tweeted last year: “ChatGPT is incredibly limited…it’s a mistake to be relying on it for anything important right now.”

    A. But there are limits to what it can do

    B. ChatGPT is an easy way for students to write an essay

    C. ChatGPT is getting mixed reviews from people

    D. The technology chats in a conversational way

    E. It also isn’t always accurate as well

    F. Some people have suggested that the software should be welcomed

    G. Teachers are worried that students may use it to cheat

    【答案】16. B    17. D    18. A    19. C    20. F




    根据上文“ChatGPT is an online service which can not only answer questions but also write realistic school essays just like humans. (ChatGPT是一个在线服务,不仅可以回答问题,还可以像人类一样写实际的学校论文。)”可知,此处介绍了ChatGPT的功能之一是可以写论文。B项“ChatGPT is an easy way for students to write an essay. (ChatGPT是学生写文章的一种简单方法。)”补充解释了这一功能,符合语境。故选B


    根据下文“it can have a human-like conversation answering questions, admitting mistakes and rejecting any inappropriate questions. (它可以进行类似人类的对话,回答问题或拒绝任何不适合的问题。)”可知,这个在线聊天机器人可以与人类进行对话。D项“The technology chats in a conversational way .( 这项技术以对话的方式聊天。)”符合语境,承接下文“answering questions from the user(回答用户的问题)”。故选D


    根据上文“Experts say it can be used to write essays, stories, poems and even solve computer coding. (专家表示,它可以用来写文章、故事、诗歌,甚至解决电脑编码问题。)”以及下文“Sometimes it writes answers which are incorrect or don’t make sense (有时它会写出不正确或没有意义的答案)”可知,上文介绍了ChatGPT的优点,下文介绍了它的局限,所以此处表示转折,引出ChatGPT的缺点。A项“But there are limits to what it can do. (但它所能做的是有限的。)”符合语境。故选A


    根据上文“What are people saying about it? (关于它人们是怎么说的?)”以及下文“Some think students might use it to cheat whereas others think they should use the tool in the classroom to help children learn. (一些人认为学生可能会用它来作弊,而另一些人则认为他们应该在课堂上使用这个工具来帮助孩子学习。)”可知,此处介绍人们对于ChatGPT的看法,人们的看法各不相同。C项“ChatGPT is getting mixed reviews from people. (人们对ChatGPT的评价褒贬不一。)”符合语境。故选C


    根据下文“They argue that, just like when the calculator or Google were created, people were unsure at first, but if teachers introduce the technology and teach pupils the benefits but also the downfalls that could help their learning. (他们认为,就像计算器或谷歌被创造出来时一样,人们一开始也不确定,但如果教师引入这项技术,并教给学生好处和坏处,这将有助于他们的学习。)”可知,本段介绍了随着新事物的出现,认清它们的优缺点会对人们有帮助。F项“Some people have suggested that the software should be welcomed .( 一些人建议应该欢迎这个软件。)”最能概括本段内容。故选F



    It was a golden season. I could see the yellow leaves ___21___ on the ___22___ wind. In such a season, I liked walking alone in the leaves, listening to the sound of them.

    Autumn is a ___23___ season and life is uninteresting. The free days always get me down. But one day, the sound of a violin ___24___ into my ears like a stream flowing in the mountains. I was so surprised that I ___25___ to see what it was. A young girl, standing in the wind, was lost in playing her violin.

    I had ___26___ seen her before. The music was so attractive that I listened quietly. Lost in the music, I didn’t realize that I had been standing there for so long but my existence did not seem to ___27___ her.

    Leaves were still falling. Every day she played the violin in the corner of the building ___28___ I went downstairs to watch her performance. I was the only audience. The autumn seemed no longer lonely and life became ___29___ . We didn’t know each other, ____30____ I thought we were already good friends. I believed she also liked me.

    Autumn was nearly over. One day, when I was listening devotedly, the sound suddenly stopped. To my ____31____ , the girl came over to me.

    “You must like violin,” she said.

    “Yes. And you play very well. Why did you stop?” I asked.

    Suddenly, a ____32____ expression appeared on her face and I could feel something unusual.

    “I came here to see my grandmother, but now I must leave. I once played very ____33____ . It was your listening every day that encouraged me.” she said.

    “In fact, it was your playing that gave me a ____34____ autumn.” I answered. “Let us be friends.”

    The girl smiled and I smiled.

    I never heard her play again in my life. I no longer went downstairs to listen like before. Only thick leaves were left behind. But I will always remember the fine ____35____ of the girl. She is like a ____36____ ; so short, so bright, like a shooting star giving off so much light that it makes the autumn beautiful.

    There are many kinds of friends. Some are always with you, but don’t understand you. Some say only a few words to you, but are ____37____ you. Many people will step in your life, but only ____38____ friends leave footprints.

    I shall always ____39____ the autumn and the girl with the violin. She will always bring back the ____40____ between us. I know she will always be my best friend.

    21. A. falling B. hanging C. shaking D. floating

    22. A. cool B. warm C. hot D. freezing

    23. A. lively B. lovely C. harvest D. lonely

    24. A. grew B. flowed C. flew D. ran

    25. A. jumped B. stopped C. happened D. slipped

    26. A. ever B. never C. just D. even

    27. A. satisfy B. astonish C. disturb D. attract

    28. A. where B. while C. when D. though

    29. A. interesting B. touching C. dull D. exciting

    30. A. so B. and C. or D. but

    31. A. amazement B. delight C. pride D. satisfaction

    32. A. happy B. sad C. strange D. surprised

    33. A. earnestly B. well C. badly D. carefully

    34. A. meaningful B. exciting C. cold D. golden

    35. A. shadow B. picture C. figure D. influence

    36. A. song B. dream C. fire D. autumn

    37. A. close to B. far away C. in need of D. in front of

    38. A. good B. true C. new D. old

    39. A. spend B. forget C. recall D. value

    40. A. sound B. love C. care D. friendship

    【答案】21. D    22. A    23. D    24. B    25. A    26. B    27. C    28. C    29. A    30. D    31. A    32. B    33. C    34. A    35. C    36. B    37. A    38. B    39. C    40. D




    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我可以看到黄色的树叶在凉风中飞舞。A. falling掉落;B. hanging悬挂;C. shaking抖动;D. floating漂浮,飘荡。根据常识可知,此处指我可以看到黄色的树叶在寒风中飞舞。故答案为D。“”


    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. cool凉爽的;B. warm温暖的;C. hot热的;D. freezing寒冷的。根据常识及下文“Autumn is a ___3___ season and life is uninteresting.”可知,是树叶在凉爽的秋风中飞舞,故答案为A


    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:秋天是一个孤独的季节,生活是乏味的。A. lively活泼的;B. lovely可爱的;C. harvest收获的;D. lonely孤独的。根据后文的“life is uninteresting”可知,秋季是一个孤独的季节,故答案为D


    考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是有一天,小提琴的声音像从山里流出的溪水一样飘进我耳朵里。A .grew成长;B. flowed流动,飘动;C. flew飞;D. ran跑。根据后文的“like a stream flowing in the mountains”可知,应该是小提琴的声音飘进我的耳朵,故答案为B


    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我吓了一跳,想看看是什么。一个站在风中的年轻女孩在拉小提琴时迷了路。A. jumped跳;B. stopped停止;C. happened发生;D. slipped滑倒。根据上文“I was so surprised that”可知,作者非常惊讶,马上看看是谁在演奏小提琴。jump to do立即做某事,表示很急切的样子。故答案为A


    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我以前从未见过她。A. ever曾经;B. never从不;C. just仅仅;D. even甚至。根据下文“We didn't know each other”可知,我以前从没见过她,故答案为B


    考查动词词义辨析。句意:沉浸在音乐中,我没有意识到我已经站在那里这么久了,但我的存在似乎并没有打扰到她。A. satisfy使满意;B. astonish使惊讶;C. disturb打扰;D. attract吸引。根据上文“Lost in the music, I didn’t realize that I had been standing there for so long”可知,但是我的出现看起来并没有打扰到她。故答案为C


    考查连词词义辨析。句意:每天当我下楼看她的表演时,她都会在大楼的角落里拉小提琴。我相信她也喜欢我。A. where哪里;B. while尽管;C. when当;D. though即使。根据下文“I went downstairs to watch her performance”可知,当我下楼去看她表演时,我是唯一的观众,故答案为C


    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:秋天似乎不再孤独,生活变得有趣起来。A. interesting有趣的;B. touching令人感动的;C. dull枯燥的;D. exciting激动的。根据上文“Autumn is a ___3___ season and life is uninteresting.”可知,秋天似乎不再不孤独,生活变得有趣,故答案为A


    考查连词词义辨析。句意:我们彼此不认识,但我以为我们已经是好朋友了。A.so因此;B. and而且;C. or或者;D. but但是。根据上文“We didn't know each other”可知,我们不认识彼此,但是我认为我们已经是好朋友了。故答案为D


    考查名词词义辨析。句意:令我惊讶的是,她向我走来。A. amazement惊讶;B. delight高兴;C. pride自豪;D. satisfaction满意。根据下文“the girl came over to me”可知,令我惊讶的是,她向我走来。故答案为A


    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:突然,她的脸上出现了悲伤的表情,我能感觉到一些不寻常的东西。A. happy高兴的;B. sad悲伤的;C. strange奇怪的;D. surprised惊讶的。根据下文“and I could feel something unusual”可知,因为作者感到一些不寻常的东西,故应选伤心的,故答案为B


    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我曾经弹奏地很糟糕。A. earnestly认真地;B. well好地;C. badly糟糕地;D. carefully小心地。根据下文“It was your listening every day that encouraged me”可知,小女孩曾经弹奏地很糟糕,但是作者的倾听鼓励了她。故答案为C


    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:事实上,是你的演奏给了我一个有意义的秋天,我回答到。A. meaningful有意义的;B. exciting激动的;C. cold冷的;D. golden金的。根据下文“autumn. I answered. “Let us befriends.””可知,事实上,是你的演奏给了我一个有意义的秋天,我回答到。故答案为A


    考查名词词义辨析。句意:但我会永远记住那个女孩的好身材。A. shadow影子;B. picture图片;C. figure身材;D. influence影响。根据下文“so short, so bright, like a shooting star giving off so much light that it makes the autumn beautiful”可知,但我会永远记住那个女孩的好身材。故答案为C


    考查名词词义辨析。句意:她就像一个美丽的梦。A. song歌曲;B. dream梦想;C. fire火;D. autumn秋天。根据下文“so short, so bright, like a shooting star giving off so much light that it makes the autumn beautiful”可知,她就像一个美丽的梦,故答案为B


    考查固定短语辨析。句意:有些人只对你说几句话,但离你很近。A. close to接近;B. far away远离;C.in need of需要;D.in front of在……前面。根据前文“Some say only a few words to you, but are”可知,有些人只对你说几句话,但离你很近。故答案为A


    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:很多人会走进你的生活,但是只有真正的朋友会留下足迹。A. good好的;B. true真正的;C. new新的;D. old老的。根据文中的“Many people will step in your life, but only ___18___ friends leave footprints. 可知,很多人会走进你的生活,但是只有真正的朋友会留下足迹。故此处应该是真正的朋友,故答案为B


    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我总是会回想那个秋天,还有那个演奏小提琴的女孩。A. spend花费;B. forget忘记;C. recall回想;D. value重视。根据下文“the autumn and the girl with the violin”可知,作者总是会回想那个秋天,还有那个演奏小提琴的女孩。故答案为C


    考查名词词义辨析。句意:她总是会让我想起他们之间的友谊。A. sound声音;B. love爱;C. care关心;D. friendship友谊。根据下文“I know she will always be my best friend.”可知,那个女孩总是会让作者想起他们之间的友谊。故答案为D




    The Chinese high-speed rails have a quality all on its own, because it’s so massive. There are more than twice as many high-speed trains in China ___41___ the rest of the world combined.

    Tier 1 cities like Beijing have a couple hundred high-speed trains ___42___ (stop)at the city every day. And the Chinese Spring Festival is just a mad house - an estimated 3 billion trips take place within a 2-week window, ___43___ would be the equivalent of every American taking 10 trips during Christmas, or every European taking 5 trips during Christmas. All the train tickets are ___44___ (instant)gone within 10 seconds they become available.

    China`s technology on building the railway is leading the rest of the world and there is no sign that other ___45___ (country)could surpass China`s position in near future. The trains ___46___ (base)on Japanese, German and French models. At last, the scale of Chinese high-speed train is unthinkable to other countries.

    My first opportunity ___47___ (ride)the high-speed trains last week was amazing. I ___48___ (travel)on an Amtrak train before in the US, and hated how slow it was and how many stops there were. If there were no windows, I wouldn’t be able to tell when we were stopped or when we were traveling ___49___ 300 km/h. Besides, the trains are very advanced and the stations are new with shops and food court. In all, the high-speed trains are ____50____ (believe).

    【答案】41. as    42. stopping   

    43. which    44. instantly   

    45. countries   

    46. are based   

    47. to ride   

    48. had traveled##had travelled   

    49. at    50. unbelievable




    考查固定搭配。句意:中国的高铁数量是世界其他国家高铁总数的两倍多。as many as“和……一样多”,为固定搭配,故填as










    考查动词时态语态。句意:这些火车是根据日本、德国和法国的模型设计的。描述事实,所以用一般现在时态,主语和base之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态,主语为名词复数,所以be动词用are,故填are based


    考查动词不定式。句意:上周我第一次坐高铁的机会太棒了。opportunity后跟动词不定式作后置定语,故填to ride


    考查动词时态。句意:我以前在美国坐过美国铁路公司的火车,讨厌它的速度太慢,而且停了很多站。before常和过去完成时态连用,travel的过去分词有两种,traveledtravelled,故填had traveledhad travelled







    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

    增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在其下面写出该加的词。

    删除: 把多余的词用斜线()划掉。

    修改: 在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

    注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


    Last Friday we held a discussion which we should do some good things for our school before we graduate. The students in our class have different proposal. Some students thought that we can raise money to buy some books for the school library or everything else for the school. Other think that it’s not necessary to spend money. We can study hard and make our school feeling proud of us.

    In my opinion, we don’t have to spend money. We can consider doing something meaningfully instead. For an instance, we can do some voluntary work beautify the school or try to get satisfying results in the coming exams. Thus, our school will take pride of us.

    【答案】1. which→that  2. proposal→proposals     3. thought→think      4. everything→something

    5. Other→Others    6. feeling→feel    7. meaningfully→meaningful     8. 删去an

    9. beautify前加to    10. of→in




    2. 考查名词的数。句意:我们班的学生有不同的建议。根据句中different可知,“不同的建议”应用名词复数形式。故将proposal改为proposals

    3.考查时态。句意:一些学生认为我们可以筹集资金为学校图书馆买一些书或为学校买其他东西。根据下文“Other think that it’s not necessary to spend money.”可知,此处应用一般现在时态。故将thought改为think



    6.考查非谓语动词。句意:我们可以努力学习,让学校为我们感到骄傲。make sb./sth. do sth.是固定结构,意为“使……做某事”,不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。故将feeling改为feel


    8.考查冠词。句意:例如,我们可以做一些美化学校的志愿工作,或者在即将到来的考试中取得令人满意的成绩。for instance是固定短语,意为“例如”。故删除an


    10.考查介词。句意:因此,我们学校将以我们为荣。take pride of固定短语,意为“以……为自豪”。故将of改为in


    52. 假如你是李华, 全国机器人大赛获奖者, 育才中学王校长邀请你去培训机器人爱好者, 请你回复邀请函, 内容如下:

    1. 表态接受邀请;

    2. 介绍培训计划;

    注意: 1. 词数 100 左右;

    2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。

    Dear Principal Wang,


    Yours sincerely

    Li Hua

    【答案】Dear Principal Wang,

    It’s such a great privilege for me to be invited to share my experience with the robot lovers in your school. With the deepest gratitude, I’m so pleased to accept your invitation.

    As is scheduled, the training course will be divided into 3 parts. The most advanced technology and application will be delivered in the first place. To enhance their further motivation, an interactive part will be provided, through which they can share their perspectives on the given sample robot enthusiastically as well as be inspired mutually. In the end, a practical robot designing on their own will be required.

    I’m looking forward to meeting with you next week and I do hope the course can be of great benefit to you all.

    Yours sincerely

    Li Hua



    1. 表态接受邀请;

    2. 介绍培训计划。



    高兴的:pleased→ delighted


    有益的:be of benefit→ be beneficial



    原句:With the deepest gratitude, I’m so pleased to accept your invitation..

    拓展句:It is with the deepest gratitude that I’m so pleased to accept your invitation.

    【点睛】【高分句型1As is scheduled, the training course will be divided into 3 parts.(运用了as引导非限制性定语从句)

    【高分句型2To enhance their further motivation, an interactive part will be provided, through which they can share their perspectives on the given sample robot enthusiastically as well as be inspired mutually.(运用了动词不定式作目的状语以及“介词+which”引导的非限制性定语从句)

    听力答案:1-5 ABCCB       6-10 ABBAC        11-15 BACAB        16-20 CCCBA



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    2022-2023学年陕西省西安市长安区高三第一次模拟考试英语试题含答案: 这是一份2022-2023学年陕西省西安市长安区高三第一次模拟考试英语试题含答案,文件包含2023届陕西省西安市长安区高三第一次模拟考试英语试题docx、2023年长安区高三年级第一次模拟英语参考答案及评分标准pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共14页, 欢迎下载使用。






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