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    Just thirty miles north of San Francisco off Highway 1 is a magnificent stretch of natural wilderness. The 70, 000-acre Point Reyes National Seashore offers breathtaking ocean views, miles of natural coastline, and plenty of wilderness and wildlife. With 150 miles of hiking trails, youi’ll never run out of terrain to explore at Point Reyes...

    Picture yourself riding your mountain bike (or horse) through pastoral grasslands to the Inverness Ridge or the Bear Valley Visitor’s Center, getting the lay of the land and forming a plan for your visit. You’ll find plenty of scenic drives and trails to stroll along, but you’ll also encounter dairy cows and a thriving dairy industry situated on NPS land. Stop in at Cowgirl Creamery for delicious artesian cheeses and take home an unusual souvenir.

    Many visitors enjoy taking a whale watching trip off the coast. Gray whales make one of the longest migrations in the world. Mid-January is the best time to see these giants of the ocean heading south to their traditional breeding grounds. Around mid-March, they’ll make the trek northward again. A little later in the season (April and May), mother whales and calves can be seen heading north at a slower pace, closer to shore.

    Point Reyes is known for the marine wildlife that relies on the safety of the seashore for resting and mating. While you’re there, watch for elephant seals, sea lions and several other species of seals. In fact, every year, 7,000 harbor seals (20% of the California breeding population) haul out at Point Reyes.

    With all its natural beauty and abundant wildlife, Point Reyes is an amazing place to explore.

    1What can you do at Point Reyes?

    AGo hiking through pastoral grasslands.

    BEnjoy delicious cheeses in the Inverness Ridge.

    CTake a whale watching trip.

    DObserve elephant seals off the coast.

    2If you want to watch for gray whales’ migrations, when are you supposed to visit Point Reyes?

    AJanuary. BMarch. CApril. DMay.

    3What type of writing is this passage?

    AA brochure. BAn announcement.

    CA travel guide. DAn advertisement.


    The next time you chomp on cheese or sip some wine, remember the French scientist Louis Pasteur who discovered that spoiled milk, fermented beer and wine, and many diseases are caused by bacteria.

    Louis Pasteur is known as the father of microbiology. In his lifetime, he not only proved that germs are the cause of diseases, but also discovered the process of vaccination, which has saved billions of lives.

    After graduating from college, he continued working with bacteria. He moved on to work with chickens who were suffering from cholera (霍乱). During his experiments, he accidentally infected his chickens. Pasteur’s chickens became mildly sick but did not die. This was strange as every chicken that came near this virus earlier had died. He realized soon that his strain of cholera had become weak. By the time he got a fresh batch of the virus and tried again, the chickens he had injected earlier did not get infected. By being injected by a weak strain of the cholera virus, his chickens developed a resistance against it.

    We now know that a vaccine injection introduces a weakened strain of bacteria into our body. Our body reacts by creating anti-bodies to fight the bacteria. Now, when our body is exposed to a stronger strain of the same bacteria, it can fight it off. This is immunity.

    Louis Pasteur received numerous awards for the advancement of biology, chemistry, and medicine. He founded the Pasteur Institute to study contagious diseases. It was the first university to teach microbiology and today there are 32 institutes across 29 countries.

    For every child vaccinated against a deadly disease, we have Louis Pasteur to thank. As well as for our understanding of the causes of disease.

    4Which is NOT true about Louis Pasteur?

    AHis efforts have saved billions of lives.

    BHe founded the first university to study diseases.

    CHe is a celebrated scientist in the field of microbiology.

    DHis story inspired all children to make a difference to the world.

    5What can we learn from his experiments with chickens?

    ACholera was not a deadly disease. BThe chickens got infected intentionally.

    CThe chickens infected by cholera survived. DThe chickens died from cholera at last.

    6What does a vaccine injection do?

    AWithout it, one will die. BIt builds up one’s body.

    CIt can fight all diseases off. DIt contributes to one’s immunity.

    7What is the purpose of writing this article?

    ATo introduce how Louis Pasteur discovered vaccination.

    BTo demonstrate the process of vaccination.

    CTo honor Louis Pasteur, the French scientist.

    DTo call on children to learn from Louis Pasteur.


    The National Space Society (NSS) strongly supports Japan’s updated plan for space solar power, which calls for a low Earth orbit demonstration of a space solar power system that will use an orbiting satellite to generate power from the sun and send it back to Earth by 2025. This will be the first ever technical demonstration of space solar power transmitted back to Earth, which can ultimately provide limitless clean energy and help to wean society from polluting fossil fuels.

    “Space solar power has the potential to deliver enormous quantities of clean, carbon-free energy to the people of Earth every day, 365 days a year,” said Dale Skran, NSS COO. “No new understanding of physics is needed, but we need to be spending money now to bring SSP to reality so that it can live up to its promise.”

    The United Kingdom has developed a proposal to deliver its own operational space solar satellite by 2040. According to the UK plan, “Space Based Solar Power is a renewable technology which provides continuous base load power without intermittency and could be available at large scale.” The plan notes that this new clean energy technology is technically feasible, environmentally sound, and will be affordable.

    John Mankinsa recognized expert in space solar power, observed, “Traditionally space solar power has been seen as technically feasible but not economically competitive with other forms of electricity production. However, advances in robotics are expected to make construction and operation of large space systems much less expensive than using spacewalking astronauts, and a generation of large, low cost, reusable launch vehicles such as SpaceX’s Starship are fast approaching orbital flight status.

    The new Japanese plan is unique, and mandates—as opposed to proposing—an end-to-end demonstration. Tokyo has studied this problem for decades; this will be a working technological demonstration to validate an entire system architecture in orbit.

    8Which is true about Japan’s updated plan?

    AIt is better than the UK’s proposal.

    BIt involves a demonstration of a space solar power system.

    CIt doesn’t require the use of an orbiting satellite.

    DIt plans to generate power from the sun and send it back to Earth in 2025.

    9What is Dale Skran’s attitude to SSP technology?

    AIndifferent. BConcerned. CCritical. DPromising.

    10What do we know about space solar power according to John Mankins?

    AIt is technically practicable.

    BIt is economically affordable.

    CIt will relieve the burden of spacewalking astronauts.

    DIt will greatly facilitate orbiting vehicles.

    11What is the best title for the text?

    AThe Promising Future of SSP

    BHow to Bring SSP to Reality

    CTokyo Commits to Space Solar Power Demo by 2025

    DThe UK Proposes to Send Its Space Solar Satellite by 2040


    Whatever your tastes are, it is highly unlikely that many of you are using 3D printers to create your favorite meals. Still, anyone interested in the future of food can find technologists printing out snacks, from steaks to cakes, at the push of a button, Now laser cooking has arrived and it is adding an entirely new layer of gourmet (美食家) taste.

    Columbia’s Creative Machines Lab team is hoping to build an automated digital personal chef to deliver flavors, textures, and nutrition to suit individual tastes. So far their experiments with chicken have created laser-cooked samples that have the same flavor profile as conventional cooking, but shrink 50 percent less, and have double the moisture content.

    “In fact, our two blind taste testers preferred laser cooked meat to the conventionally cooked sampleswhich shows the promise for this burgeoning technology,” said project leader James Blutinger.

    Creating software that would allow chefs to make their own designs—a Photoshop of food- is the next step. “We need a high-level software that enables people who are not programmers to design the foods they want,” said group leader Hod Lipson. “And then we need a place where people can share digital recipes like we share music.”

    All of this could well change the way we think about and eat food, High on the list of positives is the fact that printed food can be healthier, lessen the environmental impact of food production—especially red meat—and cut waste.

    Global food waste hit almost one billion metric (公制的) tons in 2021. So emerging companies that turn food waste into tasty dishes and food decorations—like Natural Machines or Upprinting Food—are a welcome development. As food printing becomes more widespread, we may see instant printed and recycled meals as the dietary solution we were looking for.

    12What is the function of Paragraph 1?

    ATo show the popularity of 3D printing. BTo lead to the topic of laser cooking.

    CTo illustrate the process of cooking meals. DTo demonstrate the ease of laser cooking.

    13What does the underlined word “burgeoning” in Paragraph 3 mean?

    APromising. BEmerging. CProsperous. DDeclining.

    14What does Columbia’s Creative Machines Lab team plan to do next?

    ACreate a Photoshop of food. BDesign recipes to suit individual tastes.

    CBuild an automated digital personal chef. DTurn food waste into tasty dishes.

    15What is the best title for this passage?

    AHow to Create Your Favorite Meals BWhat Laser Printing Meant to Our Life

    CThe Global Food Waste Problem DThe Laser Cooked 3D Printed Meals


    How to Stop Binge Eating (暴饮暴食)

    When it comes to trying to lose weight, being able to stop binge eating can be very difficult. Maybe you believe that to lose weight, one must go on a diet. Usually, you eat a certain way until you reach your weight goals. ____16____ Here are some more ways to overcome this.

    1. ____17____

    Eating healthily doesn’t mean you have to deprive yourself of food. You can even eat the “bad” foods but you have to consume them in moderation (适中). The good news is that once you start to eat healthier and start cutting sugar out of your diet, you will start losing the craving for sweets.____18____

    2. Get support.

    Sometimes it’s hard to stop if you are doing this all alone. So what you can do is to ask some friends or family members to help remind you. ____19____ So ask people around you to remind you of your fitness goals when they catch you binge eating.

    3. Limit your access to food.

    ____20____ Throw out all of the bad foods and replace them with the good stuff. By doing this, you will hopefully be able to stop overeating due to the fact that it will be too much of a hassle to actually go to the store and buy junk food.

    These tips are just a few things you can do. The important thing to remember is that you need to have the right mindset going into this thing.

    AEat healthily.

    BDon’t starve yourself.

    CThis will only cause you to eat even more.

    DThis sort of thinking will cause you to fail.

    EIn other words, it gets easy as time goes by.

    FIt’s hard to eat a lot when you don’t have food to eat.

    GA lot of times, we eat more than we want to just out of habit.


    A tradition for my wife and me is to make Christmas treats and drive around town to deliver to about 15 friends. We do this over two days and gain a lot of ________ seeing people and wishing them ________.

    Last night kindness had a strange connection with ________.

    First, we showed up to ________ treats to our 95-year -old neighbor right before she was ready to go to sleep. Next, we delivered to friends who had just finished dinner and were ________ for something sweet. ________, with plate in hand, we ________ a neighbor and her daughter who were coming home from a walk. ________ then were leaving a friend’s house as she ________ from visiting someone else. An eighty-five year old neighbor was on Zoom with friends talking about what ________ meant and said that our ________ was the perfect example.

    One friend was not at home when we ________. She was ________ on the phone when we said we were leaving a small ________ for her. She told us she was on her way and asked if we would wait. She said that she could ________ a hug. She had just returned from the ER. Her husband, who had been suffering continuous medical ________, had just fallen, ________ his hip and needed surgery. She got her hugs.

    From a perfect ________ after a good meal to ________ for our friend worried about her husband, our sweets ________ a lot to many.

    21Alove Bsatisfaction Crelief Dexperience

    22Agood Bhappy Chealthy Dwell

    23Atiming Bfriendship Chappiness Dcare

    24Atend Bdeliver Coffer Dsee

    25Athirsty Bfit Cbound Dgrateful

    26ASoon after BIn time CEver since DLater on

    27Awitnessed Bgifted Cspotted Dmissed

    28ASurprisingly BObviously CCoincidentally DAnxiously

    29Adropped by Bwent by Csped up Dpulled up

    30Aholidays Blife CChristmas Dfriendship

    31Aappointment Bgreeting Cvisit Dsurprise

    32Aleft Btalked Ccalled Darrived

    33Acool Bcold Cexcited Dconcerned

    34Atime Bnote Ctreat Dimpression

    35Abuy Buse Ctake Daccept

    36Acare Bweaknesses Cconditions Ddrawbacks

    37Abroken Blost Cmet Dgot

    38Awalk Bdessert Crest Dhug

    39Awishes Bsupport Ccare Dconcerns

    40Aproved Bexchanged Ccaused Dmeant



    As the Year of the Tiger in the Chinese lunar calendar approaches, all kinds of items ___41___ (relate) to the Chinese zodiac (十二生肖) have been selling rapidly. Since last monththe sales value of goods featuring tiger elements ___42___ (rise) 9.4 times year-on-year (与去年同期数字相比的), according to e commerce platform JD

    In China, the tiger is known as the “king of all beasts” and it is a symbol of ___43___ (brave) and power. In ancient times, the tiger ___44___ (regard) as an auspicious (吉利的) animal, ___45___ expelled (驱逐) evil spirits and  ___46___ (bring) blessings and peace.

    On Dec. 17, the Nanjing Yunjin Research Institute and fashion brand Teenie Weenie jointly launched a new series ___47___ (celebrate) the Year of the.

    Tiger. A week ___48___ the launch, consumers responded ___49___ (positive) to a preview, with a large number of presale bookings. After the official launch, ___50___ series saw sales of 10 million yuan ( $1.57 million) in just two weeks.






    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    Know that you are sick these days because of the coming exam, I feel so sorry about it and offer some suggestion, which I hope can be helpful.

    Hard work does contributes to good grades, so we should be devoted and concentrated in your study. And that doesn’t mean we should not take good care of our health. In the contrary, only if we have a healthy body can we make more progresses in our study. What’s more, learn to face the reality and adjust your mood to the best condition. In the face of the coming exam, to be confident and motivated. Believe me, nothing is impossible to willing heart.

    I hope that you will get good and come back to us soon.


    1. 20197月,上海率先实施;

    2. 已经基本在国内普及;

    3. 垃圾分类的好处。

    注意:1. 词数100左右;

    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




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