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    这是一份河北正定中学2022-2023学年高二下学期月考三英语试题+,共10页。试卷主要包含了 5 分, 满分7, B,5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英 语
    (考试时间: 120分钟 分值: 150分) 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5 小题;每小题1. 5 分, 满分7. 5 分)
    听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳
    选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题, 每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What does Trevor enjoy doing best?
    A. Going swimming. B. Relaxing on the sand. C. Surfing in the sea.
    2. When will the man leave for Edinburgh?
    A. On October 22nd. B. On October 23rd. C. On October 24th.
    3. What does the woman think of the film?
    A. It’s worth seeing. B. It’s average. C. It’s quite disappointing.
    4. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A. Colleagues. B. Doctor and patient. C. Taxi driver and passenger.
    5. Why does Nancy turn down the man’s invitation?
    A. She has to write a paper.
    B. She wants to have a rest.
    C. She’ll attend a literature class.
    第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分, 满分 22.5 分)
    6. Where does the conversation take place?
    A. In a video shop. B. In the man’s house. C. In the classroom.
    7. What kind of music is the woman interested in?
    A. Classical music. B. Jazz music. C. Pop music.
    8. Where does the woman get the news?
    A. From TV. B. From the newspaper. C. From the Internet.
    9. What makes the man surprised at the railway?
    A. Its routes. B. Its location. C. Its length.
    高二英语 第 1 页 共 10 页
    10. What does the man expect to do?
    A. Take the train. B. Have a trip in Xinjiang.
    C. Participate in railway construction.
    11. Who is the woman?
    A. A guide. B. A scientist. C. A hostess.
    12. Why did some people sit up in trees in Tasmania?
    A. To protect trees. B. To admire the scenery. C. To attend a competition.
    13. What does Nick say about the tourism in Tasmania?
    A. It is not very important. B. It is really affected by logging.
    C. It has been developing very well.
    14. What is the woman doing?
    A. Chairing a meeting. B. Making a program. C. Conducting an interview.
    15. What does the man consider most important when choosing a major?
    A. His job requirement. B. His personal interest. C. His parents’ wishes.
    16. What does the man want to be?
    A. A worker. B. A journalist. C. A teacher.
    17. What does the man talk about at the end of the conversation?
    A. His career plan. B. His professional skills. C. His hobbies.
    18. When did Ma Yifei begin to learn to play the piano?
    A. At the age of 5. B. At the age of 9. C. At the age of 16.
    19. What happened to Ma Yifei in 2018?
    A. She met two famous musicians.
    B. She gave up playing the piano.
    C. She became a music teacher.
    20. What is the talk mainly about?
    A. A song that makes people feel warm.
    B. A girl who sticks to her music dream.
    C. A sporting event that inspires everyone.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Beware of Phone /Online Scams
    Have you been the victim of a phone/online scams (诈骗)? If you ever think that there’s really no reason to worry, just remember the following statistics.
    —315,000 cases broken in 2015-2017 in China.
    高二英语 第 2 页 共 10 页
    —More than billions of money involved.
    —Victims of 19 years old top the list in terms of age.
    —Victims of 18-25 years old account for 52.4% of the whole.
    And here in below we are sharing 4 typical types of Phone/Online scams and how to deal with them.Type 1
    Hello, this is police station. You’re involved
    in a case of money laundering (洗钱) (or some other financial crime). We need your cooperation with the investigation…. Please transfer your money into the national security account.
    Tip 1: If you are really involved in financial
    crime, police will visit your home at the first opportunity and take you for investigation. Police are not so stupid as to inform you via telephone. And there is no such thing as national security account.
    Type 2
    Hey! Wang (he may know your name). Drop by my office tomorrow morning. By the
    way, I will be treating some VIP clients soon. I
    need you to transfer some money into this account. It will refund your money tomorrow.
    Tip 2: Think about it. How could any boss
    in the world ask you for money? Meeting VIP clients without a cent in his pocket? And why doesn’t he ask you to give the money to him in person? He is nobody but a scam!
    Type 3
    You’ve got a package which contains illegal drugs or goods. You are now requested to call this number to contact the Public Security Bureau. Then it all follows scenario.
    Tip 3: Public Security Bureau WILL NOT
    deal with cases via phone calls. NEITHER WILL they send out announcement via message.
    Type 4
    ( In some cases the number is disguised as authentic bank number through software). We are sorry to inform you that you have a bank overdraft (透支). Please contact this customer
    service representative. His number is XXXX.
    Tip 4: DO NOT panic. REMEMBER to dial
    the official contact number of the bank to double check.

    21. What’s the main purpose of mentioning the statistics at the beginning?
    A. To remind the public of the figures.
    B. To highlight the accuracy of the figures.
    C. To show the gravity of the phenomenon.
    D. To prove the existence of the phenomenon.
    22. Which types of Phone/Online scams require people to transfer money directly?
    A. Type 1 and Type 2 B. Type 3 and Type 4
    C. Type 1 and Type 3 D. Type 2 and Type 4
    23. Where can you probably find the article?
    A. On a security leaflet. B. On a travel brochure.
    C. In a poster from a bank. D. In an email for students.
    高二英语 第 3 页 共 10 页
    Africa is the home of many rich cultures, which breeds many creative thinkers and designers.
    On March 15, the Pritzker Prize, the highest honor in the field of architecture, was given to architect Diebedo Francis Kere. He is the first African to win the honor in its more than 40-year history.
    The Burkina Faso-born architect has had his works, both temporary and permanent, built in his
    home nation, as well as across North America and Europe. Kere’s “pioneering” designs are “sustainable for Earth and its inhabitants--in lands of extreme scarcity”, said Tom Prtzker, chairman of The Hyatt Foundation, which sponsors the award, in a statement.
    Kere was inspired to explore the world of architecture after studying at a school with poor
    facilities as a child. This motivated him to make a difference for the next generation. His dream became a reality in 2001, when he designed his first -- ever building -- a primary school in his home village of Gando.
    “Architecture is an instrument we can use to create better cities, to create space to inspire
    people, to create classrooms which inspire the best generation.” he told the BBC.
    Never shying away from an opportunity to have a greater positive impact on society, he has
    also designed other public service facilities, such as the Center for Health and Social Welfare in Burkina Faso’s Opera Village, where locals can study and recover in comfort.
    His designs draw much inspiration from the traditional styles of architecture in his home
    country. The designs exhibit the usage of an earthy color palette (主色调),with wooden sticks and walls full of windows helping to fully incorporate light into his work. His buildings clearly display traditional influences as well appearing minimalistic (简约的) and modern.
    “A poetic expression of light is consistent throughout Kere’s works. Rays of sun filter into
    buildings ... overcoming harsh midday conditions to offer places of serenity (宁静) or gathering.” said the Pritzker Prize committee.
    24. Why does Kere make Africa glorious?
    A. Because Africa breeds many creative thinkers and designers.
    B. Because Kere is one of the most famous architects in Africa and the world.
    C. Because his works are both temporary and permanent in his country and Europe.
    D. Because he is the first African to win the honor in its more than 40-year history.
    25. What kind of the person is Kere according to paragraph 2 and 3?
    A. Creative and kind. B. Kind and generous.
    C. Helpful and friendly. D. Lonely and motivated.
    26. Which statement about architecture does Kere agree with?
    A. Architecture is a tool to encourage people better.
    B. Architecture is used to create classrooms.
    C. Architecture is an opportunity to make better future.
    D. Architecture is an instrument to make money.
    高二英语 第 4 页 共 10 页
    27. Which of the following can conclude Kere’s design style?
    A. Fashion is a trend and a mood.
    B. Learn to drive fashion, not be driven by fashion.
    C. Fashion is to follow the trend, and style is to be yourself.
    D. Fashion enriches our life; tradition upholds our spiritual world.
    Some of the recent scientific studies have found that people who receive higher education live longer than those who do not. According to a new study, reading books extends lifespan (寿命) by up to two years, and the more often you read, the better.
    Back in 1975, economists concluded that longer lifespan is linked to the wealth of a person, and
    that wealth itself increases longevity. It seemed self-evident: everything people need to be healthy from food to medical care costs money. But soon it was realized that the data didn’t always fit that theory. Economic success didn’t always mean longer lives. In the 1980s, researchers found gaining higher education is connected with a greater increase in lifespan than gains in wealth.
    One fact is of teachers and college professors: they live longer than the rest of the population.
    The reason is that they engage in research most of their lives for teaching or publishing, which increases their lifespan and most importantly also retards their aging process.
    Let’s look at what benefits educated people. Educated people get routinely involved in social
    networks; they get access to information because of their ability to understand information. They can easily navigate the health care system; they have more social support.
    Reading helps us understand how other people think and feel. Reading improves our emotional
    intelligence. This understanding can improve the quality of a person’s life as it would allow the person to act with better judgment and have more insight into the feelings and thought patterns of others. Research has shown that reading changes certain areas of the brain and causes certain other parts to be active. This effect can also be observed in adults who learn to read much later in life. Learning has no age bar. Each and every human is born with the right to be educated. So, don’t hold back your urge to learn. The goal of education is to improve intelligence as well as the lifespan.
    28. What conclusion did economists in 1975 draw?
    A. People need high-quality food to keep healthy.
    B. Medical care costs more money than food.
    C. Most old people have the habit of reading.
    D. Wealthy people tend to live longer.
    29. What does the underlined word “retards” in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Speeds up. B. Turns back.
    C. Slows down. D. Contributes to.
    30. What is the advantage of educated people according to Paragraph 4?
    A. They are more connected to the society.
    B. They can set up their own health care system.
    C. They learn more about human body and medical care.
    D. They are skilled in doing research through social networks.
    高二英语 第 5 页 共 10 页
    31. What can we know about reading from the last paragraph?
    A. It can help people understand humans’ brain better.
    B. It is beneficial to people’s EQ and brain health.
    C. It can change a person’s lifestyle completely.
    D. It is effective against cancer.
    For more than 140 years, fishers in Laguna, Brazil have formed an unusual partnership with local dolphins. As soon as the fishers spot a dolphin waving its tail, lifting its head, and diving deeply, they race into the water with their nets. Now, a new study suggests the dolphins are willing partners in this cooperation and that the animals may be guiding the people. They pay close attention to the humans, timing their actions to maximize their catch. Over the years, dolphins have been showing the fishers “where to stand and when to get ready to throw their nets” in the dark waters. It’s almost as if the dolphins are training the humans.
    As much as the fishers were watching the dolphins, the dolphins were also watching the fishers,
    the study found. Both species must time their actions correctly to catch fish. The people wait with
    their nets at the ready for a dolphin to approach closely. When a dolphin sees a ready fisher, the
    animal will give a tip, usually that deep dive, which tells the fisher the mullet (鲻鱼) are right there and it’s time to cast their net. Sometimes, either dolphin or fisher will respond incorrectly, and neither catches fish. Yet, the scientists reported that of nearly 3000 recorded fishing attempts, nearly 46% were successful. To ensure this accuracy, fishers must understand the dolphins’ tips, learning them over time, Cantor says. “The dolphins are almost like teachers.”
    Other populations of dolphins have also been known to cooperate with human fishers, rushing
    fish toward shore or into nets off eastern Australia, Mauritania, and Southeast Asia. But these practices have either disappeared or are in decline.
    The same fate likely faces the Laguna dolphins if the mullet numbers, which have dropped over
    the past decade because of overfishing, continue to decline. The practice may escape such a fate, if
    Brazil regards this dolphin-fisher relationship a cultural heritage, as the scientists propose. “Without mullet,” the expert says, “this partnership will end.”
    32. How do the dolphins guide the fishers to catch the fish?
    A. By constantly attacking fish. B. By making strange voices.
    C. By pulling the nets. D. By using body languages.
    33. What does the author intend to do in paragraph 3?
    A. Introduce a new topic.
    B. Provide useful suggestions for the readers.
    C. Introduce the current problems of the practice.
    D. Raise people’s awareness of protecting dolphins.
    34. What can we learn about the dolphin-fisher relationship in Laguna?
    A. It has disappeared. B. It develops friendly.
    C. It needs to be protected. D. It becomes a cultural heritage.
    高二英语 第 6 页 共 10 页
    35. What is the text mainly about?
    A. Humans live harmonious with dolphins.
    B. Humans and dolphins team up to catch fish.
    C. Humans were taught to catch fish by dolphins.
    D. Humans in Brazil rely on the dolphins for fishing.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    The Sahara Desert Location
    Filling nearly all of northern Africa, the Sahara Desert measures approximately 3, 000 miles
    from east to west and between 800 and 1, 200 miles from north to south. 36 The Sahara
    Desert is bordered in the west by the Atlantic Ocean, in the north by the Atlas Mountains and the Mediterranean Sea, in the east by the Red Sea, and in the south by the Sahel.
    The Sahara Desert features iconic sand dune (沙丘) fields, which cover about 15 percent of the
    entire desert’s surface and lie primarily in the north-central region. 37 A few examples
    include crescent (新月形的) dunes, linear dunes, transverse dunes and star dunes. These dunes, with their various forms, raise many questions about the dynamics of their formation.
    38 Its age-old rivers are the Nile and the Niger. The Nile rises south of the Sahara and
    empties into the Mediterranean. The Niger rises southwest of the Sahara and flows northeastward
    into Mali. 39 It is the expansive but shallow Lake Chad, a body of water that lies at the
    southernmost edge of the Sahara. Other lakes hold a salty stew of undrinkable water.
    Across the Sahara Desert, the annual average rainfall equals no more than a few inches or fewer.
    In the summer, daytime air temperatures often soar to over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, with the hottest air temperature meteorologists have ever recorded — 136 degrees — occurring at EL Azizia, Libya,
    on September 13, 1922. 40 In the winter, freezing temperatures may occur in the northern
    Sahara Desert, and milder temperatures across the southern Sahara Desert. Snow may fall occasionally in some of the higher mountain ranges and rarely, on the desert floor.
    A. No rain at all may fall for several more years.
    B. It has a total area of some 3,320,000 square miles.
    C. The dunes usually take on varied and complex forms.
    D. Star dunes form under winds that blow from several directions.
    E. The Sahara Desert has some lakes, but only one with drinkable water.
    F. The Sahara Desert has only two permanent rivers and a handful of lakes.
    G. Under the clear skies, the temperature may fall 40 degrees or more during an evening.
    高二英语 第 7 页 共 10 页
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    In moments of danger, superheroes don’t hesitate, they leap into action. And so does the little
    boy when his baby sister’s life 41 on it.
    When 8-year-old Jaxson Dempsey realized his 20-month-old sister Lelia was 42 on a
    chicken nugget (鸡块), he didn’t panic. Instead, he 43 directed his dad to pull over the car
    they were driving in and went on to 44 the obstruction (障碍物) from Lelia’s airway.
    Jaxson said he’d learned the 45 technique from watching superstar John Cena perform
    the movement on a show.
    Jaxson’s father Matt has nothing but 46 for his son, whose quick thinking 47 a
    potential tragedy. “I couldn’t hear her because she was choking. 48 , she wasn’t breathing.
    Thank God Jaxson was there because, without him, I don’t know if Lelia would be here.” And,
    Jaxson was modest. He said that 49 were the last thing on his mind at that time. He just did
    what he could do 50 .
    The first big “Well done!” came from none other than John Cena himself, who sent a personal
    message via video after learning of the boy’s 51 . “I heard a story about you, and it really
    52 my heart,” Cena said.
    Cena’s 53 was high praise indeed, but the awards didn’t 54 there. On March
    31, Jaxson’s hometown welcomed him with his very own march in 55 of a little hero who
    turned out to be the best big brother a little sister could have.
    41. A. focuses B. takes C. depends D. decides
    42. A. eating B. smiling C. choking D. coughing
    43. A. calmly B. naturally C. anxiously D. preciously
    44. A. keep B. remove C. steal D. save
    45. A. driving B. performing C. learning D. lifesaving
    46. A. sympathy B. affection C. responsibility D. gratitude
    47. A. avoids B. means C. causes D. threatens
    48. A. However B. Actually C. Otherwise D. Finally
    49. A. messages B. fears C. praises D. marches
    50. A. emotionally B. strangely C. entirely D. naturally
    51. A. life B. courage C. story D. bravery
    52. A. hurt B. cured C. filled D. touched
    53. A. recognition B. blame C. order D. respect
    54. A. come B. win C. stop D. appear
    55. A. favor B. honor C. place D. possession
    高二英语 第 8 页 共 10 页
    When was the last time you visited a museum in which almost every collection could be
    touched? American lawyer Mitch Dudek built a private museum 56 visitors can have direct
    contact with all the exhibits 57 display in the ancient city of Suzhou.
    The museum 58 (name) Six Arts because it is about the six senses and stimulating
    all of your senses. 59 (found) in 2018, the four-storey museum now houses more than 40,
    000 Chinese antiques 60 (date) back to the Ming and Qing dynasties, with another 60,
    000 items stored in warehouses (仓库).
    Having never seen such items, Dudek is filled with strong admiration of the delicate designs
    and complicated carvings of these old items. “I collect them 61 (simple) because I think they
    are so beautiful.” said Dudek, adding that these items may be ignored once randomly packed in the warehouses, but they could shine again through restoration.
    “Collections in the museum 62 (become) more varied and abundant over the past
    few years, as more and more Chinese offer me some of their old belongings. Now I plan to invite
    63 (craftsman) and scholars to discover more 64 (value) stories behind them.” he said.
    “The collections not only help revisit old times but also present 65 sense of beauty.”
    said Xu Yun, a visitor from Shanghai.
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    Dear Alex,
    Li Hua
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    In July of 2021, Julia, a curious 5-year-old little girl, followed her dad into the dangerous Siberian wilderness near their home.
    At first, Julia’s mother May believed Julia had gone with her father to visit her grandma.
    Unfortunately, the area they lived in was so remote that it didn’t have cell phone service, so she couldn’t call her husband to confirm. It was only after her husband returned two days later that they realized Julia had made her way into the thick forest unnoticed and became lost.
    Panicked and concerned, Julia’s family instantly called for help. It wasn’t long before hundreds
    of people showed up to seek the girl. Rescue workers, police, firefighters, and volunteers searched like crazy for the girl. They also got the aid of six search dogs, and a helicopter with technology to
    look for Julia in the dark but with no luck after a day’s search. Julia’s family feared the worst,
    primarily since the area was well known for wild animals such as wolves and bears. Not to mention
    高二英语 第 9 页 共 10 页
    the fact that it was Siberia, which meant it got bitterly cold at night. Many of the rescuers were forced to face the reality that the girl was most likely dead. They knew a small child wouldn’t last long out in the cold with little to protect her.
    Early in the next morning, the police officer David who was in charge of the search hurried to
    Julia’s house to ask May for more details. It suddenly occurred to May that a neighborhood dog, which Julia named Nadia, would probably follow her into the forest.
    “Julia spares her food and feeds Nadia every day and gradually Julia has developed a close
    bond with the wandering dog. They are attached to each other and always inseparable. They must be together now, aren’t they?” May looked into David’s eyes and asked eagerly.
    1、所续写短文的词数应为150 左右;
    David was about to reply when a dog ran into the house._____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________
    In the cave lay Julia, still alive. _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________
    高二英语 第 10 页 共 10 页

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