1.阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Willie’s aunt sent him a little writing book as a birthday present. There was a place in the book for a pencil. Willie thought a great deal of this little book, and always kept it in his pocket.
One day, his mother was very busy. He called his dog and said, ”Come, Caper, let’s have a play."
When Willie’s mother missed him, she went to the door and looked out, but could not see him anywhere. Knowing that Caper was with him, she thought they would come back before long.
She waited an hour, but they still did not come. When she came to the gate by the road, she met Mr. Lee, Willie’s father, and told him how long their son had been gone. Mr. Lee thought he must have gone to sleep under the trees. So they went to all the trees under which Willie was in the habit of playing, but he was nowhere to be found.
As a matter of fact, Willie and Caper went to the pasture field. It was peaceful and quiet. Deep green grass looked like a beautiful woven blanket spreading out upon the ground. Attracted by the beauty, they ran around. All too soon, Willie came to an edge of a shaft (坑) he knew it. He sat down and bent over to see how deep it was. Suddenly, he lost his balance and fell in. He tried very hard to get out, but could not.
When the good little dog saw that his master was in the shaft, he would not leave him but ran round and round, reaching down and trying to pull him out. While Caper was biting Willie by the coat sleeves, a piece of soil gave way under his feet. He fell in too. Willie called for his father and mother as loud as he could. However, he was so far away from the house that no one could hear him.
He cried and called till it was dark, and then he lay down on the ground, Caper close behind him. It was not long before Willie cried himself to sleep.
1. 续写词数应为 150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
When he woke up, it was morning, and he began to think of a way to get out.
Caper came home with a bit of paper tied to the string around his neck.
Christmas Day was coming. I was just a kid then, and my big sister told me there was no Santa Claus. I fled to my Grandma because she would be straight with me. I knew Grandma always told me the truth. Grandma was home, and I told her everything. She was ready for me. “No Santa Claus!” She shouted. “Ridiculous! Don’t believe it.” That rumor has been going around for years, and it makes me mad, plain mad.
“Now, put on your coat, and let’s go.”
“Go where, Grandma?” I asked. “Where” turned out to be Kerby’s General Store, the one store in town that had a little bit of just about everything. As we walked through its doors, Grandma handed me ten dollars. “Take this money,” she said, “and buy something for someone who needs it. I’ll wait for you in the car.” Then she turned and walked out of Kerby’s.
I was only eight years old. I’d often gone shopping with my mother, but never had I shopped for anything all by myself. The store seemed big and crowded, full of people competing to finish their Christmas shopping. For a few moments I just stood there, confused, holding that ten-dollar bill, wondering what to buy and who to buy it for. I suddenly thought of Bobby Decker, who was a kid with bad breath and messy hair. He sat right behind me in Mrs Pollock’s grade-two class. Bobby Decker didn’t have a coat. I knew that because he never went out for a break during the winter. His mother always wrote a note, telling the teacher that he had a cough, but we kids knew that Bobby Decker didn’t have a cough, and he didn’t have a coat. I would buy Bobby Decker a coat! I settled on a red one, which looked really warm, and he would like that.
“Is this a Christmas present for someone?” the lady behind the counter asked kindly, as I laid my ten dollars down. “Yes.”
The nice lady smiled at me, put the coat in a bag and wished me a Merry Christmas.
That evening, Grandma helped me wrap the coat in Christmas paper. She wrote “To Bobby, From Santa Claus” on it, after which she drove me over to Bobby Decker’s house, explaining I was officially one of Santa’s helpers.
1. 所续写短文的词数应为100左右;
2. 续写部分为一段,段落的开头语已为你写好;
Grandma parked down the street from Bobby’s house, and I took a deep breath, and dashed for his front door.
On a mid-September afternoon, Sista and Rafi were racing each other on the mountainside. The girls laughed wildly any stopped for a rest in the shade of a tree.
“Now, I’m hungry,” Sista said. “Yeah. I could really go for a jobo. I love the sweet-and-sour taste!” Rafi said, licking her lips. “I know where there’s a great jobo tree,” Sista said. “It belongs to that lady who lives in the little house by the hill. I heard she’s severe, but sometimes she gives fruit in return, for an errand(差事).” They decided to give it a shot.
Raf’s heart pounded as Sista knocked on the door. An elderly woman answered. “Yes?” the lady asked, squinting (眯着眼看) at the girls. Rafi gasped, unable to speak. “We heard…” said Sista, her voice shaky, “that you give jobos in payment for running an errand.” The lady raised one eyebrow. “Ah, yes. Payment.” She clicked her tongue. “Nothing is free, eh?”
The lady-let the girls into kitchen, where the smell of warm bread filled the air. She grabbed two baskets, one large and one small, “Go fill these with jobos. Come right back.”
The girls raced up the hill to the tree and picked the ripest jobos. The moment they returned to the house, the lady handed them a bag filled with warm bread. “Take this bag and the large basket of jobos to the Gomez family. Do you know them?” The girls nodded. “Good. And ask them for the payment. Mrs. Gomez will place it in a large envelope, ” the lady added, warming that if they returned without the envelope of payment, they wouldn’t get the jobos.
Wrestling with the heavy bag and basket along the way, the girls finally arrived at the Gomez home. sweating. Mrs. Gomez answered the door. Walking inside, Rafi saw colorful drawings lying everywhere. The three little Gomez kids were still busy with more pictures, pure smiles on their cute faces. “This is from the lady with the jobo tree,” Sista held up the food. Mrs. Gomez cried, “Thank you. My husband is still sick in bed. Times are hard.”
“But she said to ask you for the payment too,” Rafi said with her eyes dropped. “Oh yes, the payment,” Mrs Gomez said. “The payment!” chanted the children, clapping. Sista and Rafi exchanged glances in confusion, not knowing why they were excited rather than worried. Mrs Gomes then handed Sista a large sealed envelope which was stuffed full. “The payment,” Mrs. Gomez beamed and thanked the girls for their delivery service. On the way back, Rafis said, “I wonder how they can afford to pay so much for that food.” “I know,”Sista agreed, “It looks like a lot of money.”
1. 续写词数应为100词左右;
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Back at the farmhouse, the girls handed the lady the large sealed envelope.
4.阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
As a kid, I spent my summers with my grandparents in Texas, which was a welcome change from my Huston life of school and I loved it.
One of the best parts of spending summers with my grandparents was caravanning(乘房车度假)with the caravan club. Every few summers, we would join the trips organized by the caravan club and it was during one of these trips that my grandfather said to me the right words at the right time—it’s much harder to be kind than clever.
I wasn’t very old, maybe ten or eleven, but I was forming my opinions about the world, and of course, I thought I knew much more about things than I actually did.
I was then, as I am now, a big reader and a crazy fan for numbers. Anyone who has been on a long road trip knows that no matter how many books you bring, how beautiful the scenery is, you still have too much time to think. So I spent a good deal of my extra time calculating. I calculated gas mileage. I figured out the average per-item price of groceries bought over the course of the trip. And at some point, I saw an anti-smoking ad on TV. The announcer declared that every time a smoker took a puff of a cigarette(抽一口烟). he was shortening his life time by two minutes. My grandmother was a smoker. I hated it, and not just because I knew that it was bad for her. My guess is that any kid who rides for thousands of miles sitting in the smoke-filled backseat of a 1973 Olds car grows to hate smoking. So on one particularly long driving day, I decided to do the math.
I don’t remember exactly what the number was. Two minutes per puff, twenty puffs per cigarette, twenty cigarettes per pack, one pack a day for thirty years. About sixteen years? When I was satisfied that I had come up with a reasonably accurate number, I poked my head between the two front seats and tapped my grandmother on the shoulder.
1. 续写词数应为150左右:
2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
I told grandma that she had taken sixteen years off her life from smoking.
My grandpa got out of the car and asked me to follow.
“I hate living here,” Karen said as she helped her mother pull up weeds. “I wish we had never moved to this place.”“Karen, you’re just unhappy because you miss your old friends.” Mrs. Jackson said, “If you believe you can, you’ll make lots of new friends.” Karen sighed. They had been living in their new house for almost a week and so far she had made only one new friend.
Suddenly she noticed a colorful little rock on the ground. She pushed the loose dirt aside. It wasn’t a rock at all but a ring. Karen slipped the ring onto her finger, admiring it. It looked beautiful and fit her finger exactly.
“It’s so hot,” she said, “I sure wish I had something cold to drink.” Just then Mrs.Jackson came out carrying two big glasses of lemonade. “Let’s take a break,” she said, handing one to her daughter.“Lemonade!” Karen exclaimed. “Just what I was wishing for,” she said secretly. Now that she knew her ring was magic, she would have to be very careful about what she wished. Her next best wish must be a friend because she really needed a good friend.
Then she looked out the window and saw a girl about her age standing on the sidewalk and pulling at a dog. Without thinking, Karen said, “I wish that girl was my friend.” She slowly pulled off the ring and laid it back on the dresser. “Now all l have to do is to go outside and meet her,” she said to herself. It worked! The girl happened to be in the same grade as Karen. The whole afternoon saw the girls playing with the little brown dog happily until dinner time.
1. 续写词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
When she went in for dinner, Karen told her mom her new friend and the magic ring.
The Nunes’s family lived in a friendly community near the woods. It was a normal Wednesday afternoon. Araceli Nunes returned home from selling food and drinks along the roadside in Plantersville, Texas. Her business had been fairly profitable and she was happy to see her husband preparing dinner in the kitchen and her 3-year-old son Christopher Ramirez, playing in the yard. However, when she turned to unload her car, she didn’t notice the kid following a neighbor’s dog into the woods.
When they couldn’t find Christopher, the anxious family called for help, and within a few hours, 48 different agencies arrived to comb through the area around their home. Their entire community started to help find Christopher. Some walked into the forest and others drove farther away.
After days of absolute no sign of the kid, rescuers feared the worst, but Araceli never stopped hoping for her son’s safe return. At long last, after four long days and nights, the sheriff(警长)received a phone call from a man named Tim Halfin.
Tim Halfin’s house was about three miles away. He had heard the news of the missing boy when he returned home from a business trip. He didn’t think a three-year-old could walk that far to where he lived. However, as all the previous searching efforts were reported to fail, he decided to try his luck around his own house.
Not long after he went out into the woods, he was surprised by what came into his sight. It was Christopher! Aside from being dehydrated and very hungry, the kid was completely unharmed. He was found outside the range where authorities were looking for him, so it’s pretty amazing that Tim discovered him.
1. 续写词数应为100左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
When Tim picked him up, the kid was still conscious (意识清醒的).
“What’s this — Ben is trying out for Mr. Zuckerman?”
My ears burned at hearing my name. It was Lindsey, the most popular eighth-grader, talking to her friend. I held my breath. She obviously had no clue that my locker was next to Mr. Steven’s room; where the tryout schedule for Charlotte’s Web was posted.
“What if he ruins the character? He’s never acted before,” Lindsey continued.
My stomach tightened. Lindsey was right. Who was I kidding? I’d never been in a play. So what if Mom told me I was a natural when I imitated (模仿) movie stars? Mothers always think you’re talented. At lunch I told Trevor, my best friend, that I’d changed my mind. I’d join the technical crew instead. That fit my quiet-kid image better anyway. Trevor shook his head, but he didn’t try to change my mind. I was starting to look forward to being on the tech crew.
The cast list (演员表) was finalized. Cindy, a seven-grader, got the part of Charlotte. Trevor was Templeton. And Lindsey was Mrs Zuckerman. And rehearsals (排演) started. I spent Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at school. It was fun to learn all the technical stuff. It was also fun to watch the actors from backstage by visualizing (想象) their moves. By the third week I’d memorized everyone’s lines (台词). My mind just does stuff like that.
And then, only a week before the performance, everything fell apart. The actor to play Mr. Zuckerman crashed his bike and broke his leg. Then his understudy (替补) came down with the flu. Things like this weren’t supposed to happen in real life.
Mr. Steven called the cast together. “We cannot get someone else ready by next week. We’ll have to postpone the play.” She frowned. “If the auditorium (礼堂) is booked for later, we may even have to cancel.”
Silence fell. Then I heard Trevor’s voice. “Ben can do it. He has known all the lines by heart.”
Mr. Steven stared at me. I nodded, taking a deep breath, and then spouted out (滔滔不绝地说出) Mr. Zuckerman’s longest speech.
Mr. Steven clapped. “All right, Ben, you’ve saved the show. Cast dismissed for today, but be here the rest of the week. We have a lot of work to do.”
Lindsey just looked at me, confused.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
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Mr. Steven started us, but on stage I was rather nervous and awkward.
And then it was opening night.
8.阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文.
Standing at the lake’s edge, I cast my line onto the smooth-as-glass water of Police Outpost Lake. Down the shoreline was my cousin Isaiah’s father, my Uncle Rick, who liked to fish alone, away from noise and other people. I’d learned to fish from my dad who had been a fish and wildlife officer. He loved his job, especially the part where he protected nature from humans. He’d taught me everything about fishing. However, he passed away.
Isaiah shouted, “Dad, where should I stand?” Uncle Rick pointed to a shady spot by a large rock where he had cast his line, and shook his head gently.
“He wants us to be quiet or else we won’t catch any fish,” I whispered.
Isaiah frowned, pouting, but it was “message received.”
Songbirds, ducks, and Canada geese glided by on the breeze, touching down briefly on the water’s surface before flapping and quacking their way back up into the sky.
“Why do I have to be so quiet?” asked Isaiah. “All those birds are making way more noise than I ever could!”
I ignored him and focused on the water. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a few loons(潜鸟)gathering together not far from the shoreline. What were they doing there? Loons usually travel alone, but here were five of them. Maybe it was a family? One loon, wailing and making yodeling sounds, swam away from the group, toward me.
“Isaiah! Come here!”
“Now who’s shouting?” asked Isaiah.
“Come here. A loon is swimming toward us, closer and closer.”
Just then, the loon stopped, letting out a crazy and loud sound, as if trying to catch our attention. Stepping into the water and getting closer to the loon, we both saw thin wire wrapped around its neck. Fishing line maybe? Reaching down, I touched its head, my heart racing. I could see a fishing line was wrapped tightly around its neck. Left like this, the loon couldn’t fly or fish or survive. It was asking us to help!
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段, 每段开头语已为你写好。
Paragraph 1:
“Get the scissors from the toolbox.” I shouted.
Paragraph 2:
As I set the loon down on the water, it beat its wings joyfully.
A friend is best found in adversity.
Since my school had shut down for COVID-19, I was expected to study at home. Unfortunately, I had little motivation to do any schoolwork. Whenever I sat down, my mind would wander off to other things. I had no focus but the final exams were coming up.
How could I possibly get myself prepared in one week? My hands started trembling and it was hard to breathe. My heart was pounding and tears were rolling down my face. My head felt heavier and heavier, dragging my body down to the ground as I started swaying back and forth and then plummeted(坠落) towards the floor. I couldn’t see and I felt like I was slipping in and out of consciousness.
When I came to myself, I got up, took some medicine and never told anyone. I knew exactly what had happened—I had just had a panic attack. I’d battled anxiety since I was twelve, and, because of the increasing isolation due to COVID-19, my symptoms were worsening. I had experienced panic attacks before, though never as extreme as this one.
I convinced myself that if I just got some rest, things would be better in the morning. The new term was approaching and it stimulated my social anxiety. I wasn’t ready to step into a room full of people who I didn’t know. The first day of in-person class wasn’t any better, as my heart pounded every time I spoke. Every day was a new day for anxiety to have a bad effect on my physical and mental health.
I remembered when the first real panic attack struck me, I ran to the bathroom and isolated myself in a stall(小隔间) for the whole period without anyone helping me. Although I powered through it, I still felt so lonely. I even got to the point where I had to stay home from school for a week so that I felt I could focus more. However, when Monday came again, I had to go back.
The first hour or so back at school was okay, I had to come up with excuses to explain my absence and re-assess any missing work I had. But then a hurricane of anxiety came crashing into me, destroying any hope of having a good day. I ran through the bustling(熙熙攘攘的) halls to the bathroom and closed myself into the last stall, hoping this attack would pass quickly.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
But this time something was different; this time I wasn’t alone.
Seeing Morgan, I forced a smile.
I like staying overnight at my Gramma’s house — that is, until Gramma starts telling me how wonderful my cousin Maya is. Then it’s Maya this and Maya that until I don’t ever want to hear another word about her.
That’s why I wasn’t too excited when Gramma called me on the phone to “come on over and bring your pajamas.” When I got there, it was worse than I’d expected. There, in Grandpa’s big leather rocker, sat Maya, all dressed up and formal-looking and wearing fancy shoes as if she’d just been to a party.
“Surprise, Kristen!” Gramma said. “Your cousin Maya and her parents have traveled in from the East Coast on business. Maya gets to stay with us this afternoon. “Gramma chattered away about how excited she’d been for this surprise get-together, and how cousins ought to get to know each other better.
I hung my baseball cap in the closet and set my backpack by the stairway, all the time smiling and nodding as if I’d been waiting forever for this chance to spend an afternoon with Maya. Grandpa’s chair squawked (咯咯叫) as Maya rocked back and forth. It’s the chair I like best in the house, the one I usually sit in. I sat down on the sofa across from her.
Shortly, Gramma went off to the kitchen to “see about some lunch,” she’d said. That left me stuck in the living room with rocking Maya.
She was still small but taller than I’d remembered her from her last visit four years ago. She was good at small talk, though, and was chatting away about how nice it was to see me again. But I could tell that she didn’t really think so. The last time she was here, we’d had hours of fun together building caves out of Gramma’s sofa pillows.
After that, I’d heard about her only through Gramma’s tales. Maya taking piano lessons. Maya learning math. Maya, Maya, Maya. Now Maya was here, looking great with the latest haircut and a fancy dress.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Glancing down at my jeans and my old sneakers, I wished I hadn’t come.
“How do you know all these things about me?” I asked.
1.When he woke up, it was morning, and he began to think of a way to get out. Hungry and thirsty, when looking around, he noticed his little writing book and pencil. At this very moment, an idea occurred to him. He opened his little book and wrote, “Mom, please help me. I’m trapped in a shaft.” After he finished, he tore off the piece, tied it to the string around Caper’s neck and sent for his parents. Caper ran towards home as quickly as he can.
Caper came home with a bit of paper tied to the string around his neck. The concerned parents lightened up as they knew he was with his son. Caper approached them immediately and kept jumping. The parents observed the paper and read it. Then Caper led them to where Willie was. They helped him out of the shaft and went home with great relief. All of the family members were grateful to Caper and considered him as one of their families.
②突然想起:occurred to/struck/hit
③陷入:be trapped/be stuck
④靠近:approach/draw near/came up
①感激的:grateful /thankful
【点睛】[高分句型1]. Hungry and thirsty, when looking around, he noticed his little writing book and pencil.(使用形容词作状语以及when引导的时间状语从句的省略)
[高分句型2]. Then Caper led them to where Willie was.(使用了where引导的地点状语从句)
[高分句型3]. After he finished, he tore off the piece, tied it to the string around Caper’s neck and sent for his parents.(使用了after引导的时间状语从句)
2.One possible version:
Grandma parked down the street from Bobby’s house, and I took a deep breath, and dashed for his front door. Seeing no other people notice us, I put the Christmas present down, pounded his doorbell and then Grandma and I hid in the car. A minute later, the door opened. Out went skinny Bobby. Seeing the coat in the bag, he looked very astonished and then called his mother to go out. After hearing them say “Thanks” to Santa Claus, I felt very proud of what I had done. At that moment I decided to be Santa’s helper forever. It was on that night that I realized the truth that one who has no Christmas in his heart will never find Christmas under a tree.
【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了作者的姐姐告诉作者世界上没有圣诞老人,作者跑到奶奶那里想要听奶奶说实话,结果奶奶把作者带到一个商店,给了作者10美元让作者给有需要的人买东西,于是作者给坐在自己后面的Bobby Decker买了一件红色的外套。Bobby和奶奶一起把礼物包装好,一起去送礼物。
①注意到:notice/take notice of/spot
②决定:decide to do/be determined to do
②自豪:feel proud of/take pride in
【点睛】[高分句型1] Seeing no other people notice us, I put the Christmas present down, pounded his doorbell and then Grandma and I hid in the car.(运用了现在分词作状语)
[高分句型2] It was on that night that I realized the truth that one who has no Christmas in his heart will never find Christmas under a tree.(运用了强调句型,that引导的同位语从句和who引导的定语从句)
3.One possible version:
Back at the farmhouse, the girls handed the lady the large sealed envelope. She immediately pulled the contents out. Inside were colorful drawings from the little children! Mystery solved, those lovely drawings turned out to be the Gomez family’s payment. Helping the lady tape the pictures to the wall, Rafi and Sista broke out in smiles. Just then, Rafi’s stomach growled. “Here’s your payment,” the lady smiled, handing the basket of jobos to the girls. “Thank you,” they said. “Anytime,” said the lady. “Come again, girls.” On their way home, Rafi and Sista enjoyed their treat. The juice that ran down their arms was as sweet and warm as the feeling they had inside.
③递:hand/pass on
①感谢:thank/show one’s gratitude/be grateful
【点睛】[高分句型1]Inside were colorful drawings from the little children!(运用了完全倒装)
[高分句型2]. The juice that ran down their arms was as sweet and warm as the feeling they had inside.(运用了that引导的定语从句)
4. I told grandma that she had taken sixteen years off her life from smoking. I have a vivid memory of what happened, and it was not what I expected. I expected to be applauded for my cleverness and arithmetic skills. That’s not what happened. Instead, my grandmother burst into tears. I sat in the backseat and did not know what to do. While my grandmother sat crying, my grandfather, who had been driving in silence, pulled over onto the shoulder of the highway.
My grandpa got out of the car and asked me to follow. Was I in trouble? My grandfather was a highly intelligent, quiet man. He had never said a harsh word to me, and maybe this was to be the first time? Or maybe he would ask that I get back in the car and apologize to my grandmother. We stopped beside the trailer. My grandfather looked at me, and after a bit of silence, he gently and calmly said, “Jeff, one day you'll understand that it’s harder to be kind than clever.”
③道歉:apologize/make an apology
①突然哭起来:burst into tears/burst out crying
②镇定地:calmly/ composedly
【点睛】[高分句型1] I told grandma that she had taken sixteen years off her life from smoking. (由连接词that引导的宾语从句作told的宾语)
[高分句型2] While my grandmother sat crying, my grandfather, who had been driving in silence, pulled over onto the shoulder of the highway.(运用由连词while引导的时间状语从句和关系代词who引导的非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型3] I have a vivid memory of what happened, and it was not what I expected. (what引导的名词性从句作宾语和表语)
5.One possible version:
When she went in for dinner, Karen told her mom her new friend and the magic ring. “If it hadn’t been for the magic ring, I never would have met her,” Karen paused, longing for confirmation. But Mrs. Jackson frowned. “Karen, the ring possibly belongs to the previous house owner,” Mrs. Jackson said, looking at Karen straight in the eyes. “It’s just a coincidence! The truth is that you believe you could make a new friend, so you went out and made one.” Karen nodded in agreement. Not until then did she realize that the only magic came from her own efforts, without which nothing could be achieved.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:告诉妈妈新朋友和魔法戒指的事情——妈妈不赞成——妈妈认为是Karen对自己的信任让她实现了愿望——Karen也意识到了这一点
3. 词汇积累:
①希望:long for/have a desire for/be anxious for
②点头赞同:nod in agreement/agree with a nod/nod her approval/nod in approval
③意识到:realize/be aware of
【点睛】【高分句型1】“If it hadn’t been for the magic ring, I never would have met her,” Karen paused, longing for confirmation.(使用了非真实条件句表示对过去情况的虚拟,且使用了现在分词短语作状语)
【高分句型2】Not until then did she realize that the only magic came from her own efforts, without which nothing could be achieved.(使用了部分倒装结构和“介词+which”引导非限制性定语从句)
6.When Tim picked him up, the kid was still conscious. Tim wrapped the kid with his own jacket and took him home. Not knowing the phone number of the kid’s home, he called the sheriff, who informed Araceli in no time. On getting the exciting news, Christopher’s family immediately rushed to Tim’s house. Araceli couldn’t wait to wrap her little one up in her arms and hug him tightly! Christopher spent two days recovering at Teras Children’s Hospital before he was taken home. Seeing Christopher running around the house, the family was extremely grateful to all the agencies and volunteers, especially to Tim. They knew it well that they couldn’t repay those kind people but they decided to pay it forward by lending a helping hand to whoever might be in need.
【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了妈妈Araceli Nunes在德克萨斯州的Plantersville的路边卖完食物和饮料回到家发现三岁的儿子Christopher Ramirez不见了,这一家人惊慌失措地打电话求助,几个小时后,48家不同的机构赶到现场,对他们家周围的区域进行了彻底的搜查。最后是Tim Halfin找到了孩子。
赶到:rush to/hurry to
决定:decide /determine
感谢:be grateful/be thankful/show gratitude to
【点睛】[高分句型1] When Tim picked him up, the kid was still conscious. (运用了从属连词when引导时间状语从句)
[高分句型2] Not knowing the phone number of the kid’s home, he called the sheriff, who informed Araceli in no time. (运用了现在分词作原因状语和关系代词who引导非限制性定语从句)
7.One possible version:
Mr. Steven started us, but on stage I was rather nervous and awkward. I forgot lines partly and sometimes even completely. I tripped over my feet and knocked over some scenery. “Maybe we should postpone the show,” Lindsey sighed. I was ready to agree with her, but Mrs. Steven spoke first, “No, we have some time yet.” Back at home, I practised hard alone. I could spew my lines quickly and confidently. But when the entire cast watched me at rehearsal, I stumbled and stuttered. Laughter burst out. Lindsey grumbled. I did want to crawl into a hole. Mr. Steven told me to take deep breaths and visualize my moves. They did help. Suddenly and finally, I felt the way. And at dress rehearsal, difference was made. Mr. Steven clapped and Lindsey looked relieved.
And then it was opening night. Nervousness hit again. Before the play, I threw up. I waited backstage, my blood running cold. The lights came up. The audience clapped. My entrance came. I took a deep breath and walked on. I, visualizing my moves, calmly and naturally interacted with Lindsey. It seemed like just a minute later that the scene was over. I made it! I hadn’t missed a line or knocked over anything. When the play was over, someone poked me in the ribs and signaled to me to walk onstage. It was Trevor. Mr. Steven and all the actors were out. The audience roared. As we walked offstage, Mr. Steven gave me a thumbs up and Lindsey nudged me. “You turned out to be some actor,” she said. I grinned. Maybe next year I’ll try out for the lead.
【导语】本文以事情发展的顺序为线索展开。讲述了作者本想参加学校组织的话剧表演,出演Mr. Zuckerman这一角色,但是在意外听到高年级的学生Lindsey说自己不适合出演时,决定放弃这个角色,加入技术团队。最终Mr. Zuckerman这一角色由七年级的学生Cindy出演。在排练期间,作者观看演员出演,并记住了每个人的台词。但是在表演开始前一周,Cindy出了事故,无法出演,于是Mr. Steven要作者出演,作者答应了。但是Lindsey却很困惑地看着作者。
①推迟:postpone/put off
③成功了:made it/succeeded
①放心的: relieved/reassured
【点睛】[高分句型1]. But when the entire cast watched me at rehearsal, I stumbled and stuttered. (由连接词when引导的时间状语从句)
[高分句型2].As we walked offstage, Mr. Steven gave me a thumbs up and Lindsey nudged me. (由连接词as引导的时间状语从句)
8.Possible version:
Paragraph 1
“Get the scissors from the toolbox.” I shouted. Isaiah ran, splashing his way to shore. He came back with a tiny pair of scissors, saying, ”You pick it up, and I will cut away the line.” I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, feeling my dad’s presence and guiding us shoulder to shoulder. Trembling with fear, I bent down, picked it up and held it tightly. After Isaiah cut away the wire from its neck, we breathed a sigh of relief.
Paragraph 2
As I set the loon down on the water, it beat its wings joyfully. Then, fixing its red eyes directly on us, it rose up and slapped its wings down hard on the surface of the lake. It seemed to be saying, “Thanks for saving me, boys.” Still shaking, I couldn’t believe we made it. Back on shore, Uncle Rick had been watching. “Boys, I’m awfully proud of you both. You worked together and kept that loon alive.” Looking at those birds making their way in front of the sun, I was lost in thought, "Yeah, we did. But I couldn’t have done it without my dad.”
回来:come back/go back
盯着:fix one’s eye’s on/stare at
成功:make it/be succeeded in doing sth.
松了一口气:breathe a sigh of relief/relieve
为……感到自豪:be proud of/take pride in
Trembling with fear, I bent down, picked it up and held it tightly.(运用了现在分词作状语)
After Isaiah cut away the wire from its neck, we breathed a sigh of relief.(运用了after引导时间状语从句)
9.One possible version:
But this time something was different; this time I wasn’t alone. I saw Morgan’s shoes underneath the stall doors. A touch of embarrassment swept over me. “Are you okay?” Morgan’s soft voice floated from the stall beside her. “Y-yeah, I’m fine.” I stuttered. Then it was quiet for a moment before Morgan responded sweetly, “Tell me about your trouble, maybe I can help you.” I sat inside the stall, hesitating, while she sat outside until I was ready to come out. (83 Words)
Seeing Morgan, I forced a smile. Then she wrapped me up in a hug, whispering “It’s okay to cry, but you don’t have to do it alone”. I instantly melted. I knew I was less scared to get back to class this time, knowing she was with me, right by my side. I even started getting more comfortable talking about my issues. I still struggle with anxiety today at times. But I know I’m not alone and I don’t have to be. (87 Words)
①看见:see/spot/catch sight of
②帮助某人:help sb/be of help to sb
③知道:know/have the knowledge of
【点睛】[高分句型1]. Then it was quiet for a moment before Morgan responded sweetly(运用了before引导的时间状语从句 )
[高分句型2]. I sat inside the stall, hesitating, while she sat outside until I was ready to come out.(现在分词短语作状语和until引导的时间状语从句)
10.One possible version:
Glancing down at my jeans and my old sneakers, I wished I hadn’t come. A rush of shame flooded over me as I compared myself to Maya-Gramma’s favorite. She was smarter, prettier, and more talented than I could ever hope to be. The thought of being loved less by Gramma because of Maya was unbearable. “I hear you like to skate,” Maya’s words crashed through my thoughts. What she announced was totally beyond my expectation. Astonished and speechless, I wondered how she knew about my skating. “I hear you are the captain of your basketball team. Even better, you are always competitive and aggressive in any sports activities,” she exclaimed, her eyes full of envy and admiration.
“How do you know all these things about me?” I asked Shrugging and looking down, Maya told me that my Gramma wrote about me in her letters and that I was her favorite person to write about. Numb with shock, I stared at Maya’s face, and the only thing that came to my mind was, “You won the first prize in the math competition, didn’t you?” Maya looked up, confused. I explained that my Gramma talked about her all the time. We laughed, chatted about everything, and had fun building caves out of Gramma’s sofa pillows. Time flew by, and as Maya and her parents drove off, Gramma and I waved goodbye until they were out of sight. “Isn’t Maya a lovely child!” Gramma grinned. “She’s really nice,” I agreed, now understanding that Gramma had two favorites.
③大声说:exclaim/speak out
【点睛】[高分句型1] A rush of shame flooded over me as I compared myself to Maya-Gramma’s favorite.(运用了从属连词as引导时间状语从句)
[高分句型2]What she announced was totally beyond my expectation.(运用了连词what引导主语从句)
[高分句型3] I explained that my Gramma talked about her all the time.(运用了连词that引导宾语从句)