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    2023届安徽省合肥市高三第二次教学质量检测英语试题 Word版含解析
    2023届安徽省合肥市高三第二次教学质量检测英语试题 Word版含解析01
    2023届安徽省合肥市高三第二次教学质量检测英语试题 Word版含解析02
    2023届安徽省合肥市高三第二次教学质量检测英语试题 Word版含解析03
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    2023届安徽省合肥市高三第二次教学质量检测英语试题 Word版含解析

    这是一份2023届安徽省合肥市高三第二次教学质量检测英语试题 Word版含解析,共23页。

    (考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. What does the man offer to do?
    A. Make an outline. B. Prepare some materials. C. Chair the meeting.
    2. How does the woman sound?
    A. Annoyed. B. Worried C. Relieved.
    3. Which is included in the rent?
    A. The management charge. B. The Internet bill. C. The parking fee.
    4. Why does the woman come to the man?
    A. To express thanks. B. To make a complaint. C. To seek consultation.
    5. What will the man probably do next?
    A. Buy groceries. B. Cook dinner. C. Make tea.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6. What does the man plan to do after graduation?
    A. Travel abroad. B. Continue his studies. C. Find a job.
    7. What does the woman suggest the man do?
    A. Collect information online. B. Talk with his friends. C. Get professional advice.
    8. What is the woman doing?
    A. Making an appointment. B. Asking for a favor. C. Offering an apology.
    9. Where are the speakers?
    A. On a plane. B. On a train. C. On a coach.
    10. What does the man ask the woman to do?
    A. Pack the suitcase. B. Fasten the seat belt. C. Raise the window shade.
    11. Which is the most popular tour in CTS Horizons?
    A. Skydiving. B. Mountain biking. C. A balloon ride.
    12. What is the man’s biggest concern about the tour?
    A. The price. B. The safety. C. The time.
    13. How much will the man pay for the tour?
    A. $400. B. $700. C. $800.
    14. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Colleagues. C. Neighbors.
    15. What does the man think of his early career experience?
    A. Discouraging. B. Boring. C. Inspiring.
    16. What benefits the man most in his career?
    A. His family support. B. His wide reading. C. His academic background.
    17. What does the man do?
    A. A teacher. B. A publisher. C. A writer.
    18. What can we know about stretching from the latest research?
    A. It lowers the risk of injuries.
    B. It improves the function of joints.
    C. It changes running performance.
    19. Why did James Alexander write the email to Health?
    A. To promote effective training. B. To present popular beliefs. C. To advocate regular running.
    20. How can runners end the warm-up according to the researchers?
    A. By skipping and high-knee running.
    B. By walking for 5 to 10 minutes.
    C. By running fast for a short time.
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Summer Programs are available to students upon application. Please consult individual course descriptions for restrictions and requirements.
    Intensive Beginning Swahili
    Intensive Beginning Swahili is a summer abroad course for students who have no prior proficiency (熟练) in the Swahili language. The course is taught in Swahili and focuses on acquiring beginner-level skills to perform basic communication functions in the culture of Swahili speakers.
    Open to current first year undergraduates, sophomores (大学二年级学生) and juniors.
    Dates: 25 June—20 August
    Intermediate Chinese
    This course is a four-week summer intensive language course, conducted in person at Princeton Theological Seminary. Students work on developing a strong foundation for modern spoken and written Chinese, with emphasis on the reading of contemporary Chinese dialogue.
    Enrollment by application or interview.
    Dates: 10 July—6 August
    Studies in Spanish Language and Style
    This is an intensive, full immersion (沉浸) course in Spanish language and Argentine history, culture and art. Students develop advanced language skills while studying language in context, through the exploration of the city of Buenos Aires, its architecture, museums, and cultural and political life.
    Open to students who have completed the Spanish language requirement.
    Dates: 18 July—20 August
    Accelerated Summer Study
    Taught at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, Italy, the course will be team-taught by a resident Princeton faculty and an SNS faculty member. The course is designed to increase students’ writing and speaking language proficiency levels and enable students to understand Italian culture, history and literature while exploring the foreign city.
    Not open to Seniors.
    Dates: 24 July—24 August
    1. Which course begins earliest?
    A. Intermediate Chinese. B. Accelerated Summer Study.
    C. Intensive Beginning Swahili. D. Studies in Spanish Language and Style.
    2. What can the students taking Intermediate Chinese do?
    A. Attend online lectures. B. Practice spoken Chinese.
    C. Develop people skills. D. Learn classical Chinese.
    3. What do the last two courses have in common?
    A. They follow the idea of learning by doing. B. They are taught in the same target language.
    C. They last for the whole month of July. D. They are open to any college student.
    【答案】1. C 2. B 3. A
    细节理解题。通过比较四个课程的开设日期可知,Intensive Beginning Swahili开始最早,6月25日开始,其余三个都是7月开始。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据Intermediate Chinese部分“Students work on developing a strong foundation for modern spoken and written Chinese, with emphasis on the reading of contemporary Chinese dialogue. (学生们致力于为现代汉语口语和书面语打下坚实的基础,重点是阅读当代汉语对话。)”可知,学习中级汉语的学生可以练习汉语口语。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据Studies in Spanish Language and Style部分“Students develop advanced language skills while studying language in context, through the exploration of the city of Buenos Aires, its architecture, museums, and cultural and political life. (学生们通过探索布宜诺斯艾利斯市、其建筑、博物馆以及文化和政治生活,在学习语言的同时发展高级语言技能。)”以及Accelerated Summer Study部分“The course is designed to increase students’ writing and speaking language proficiency levels and enable students to understand Italian culture, history and literature while exploring the foreign city. (该课程旨在提高学生的写作和口语水平,使学生在探索外国城市的同时了解意大利文化、历史和文学。)”可知,最后两门课都遵循“在实践中学习”的理念。故选A。
    I am thinking today about my new favorite thing. It’s an app that my husband told me a few years ago that helps me bypass all the obstacles (障碍) in my way: potholes, heavy traffic, and even speed cameras.
    To be honest, when my husband first told me about it, I didn’t pay much attention. I was only going to places I already knew how to get to. Plus, I learned to drive from my father—who never turned to a map. I think I mistakenly absorbed the message that real drivers didn’t need a map; you somehow just magically knew where to go. It was only later that I realized that just getting a driver’s license didn’t mean you knew how to get to places—that was lesson one. Lesson two came when my kids started playing on two different travel teams. The drivers in our household suddenly had the need to head in different directions on the same day.
    Suddenly my app became very meaningful to me. How did I ever manage to get to strange playing fields hidden somewhere without it? But the crazy thing I have also noticed is how often I just don’t listen to it. Why might that be? Do I just prefer the old routes, even if they are actually worse? I see an analogy (类比) to the present moment. There is evidence that some old ideas and some long familiar ideas will send us into a boring unchanging lifestyle. But for some reason we like them better than an unfamiliar new route that might take us into areas we’ve never heard of, let alone visited.
    It can be hard to admit we don’t know everything. As a person who still drives an 8-year-old stick shift and who has never stood in line for anything new, I certainly understand that. But I also try to remember the times I let go of my ego (自负), or my fear, and learned that life could be better. Not perfect—but better. I am glad I finally listened to my husband about that app. He was right.
    4. What did the author think of the app at the very beginning?
    A. It was magical. B. It was practically valueless.
    C. It was powerful. D. It was not as good as a map.
    5. What would probably make the author ignore the app’s instructions?
    A. Her desire to explore alone. B. Her doubt about the new device.
    C. Her preference for the new routes. D. Her refusal to experience changes.
    6. What can be inferred about the author from the last paragraph?
    A. She is willing to challenge herself. B. She cares little about others’ comments.
    C. She recognizes her problems easily. D. She is too inflexible to make any change.
    7. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
    A. Real Drivers Know Their Way B. It Pays to Take a New Route
    C. New Apps Make Life Perfect D. It Matters to Listen to Inner Voice
    【答案】4. B 5. D 6. A 7. B
    细节理解题。根据第二自然段“To be honest, when my husband first told me about it, I didn’t pay much attention. (老实说,当我丈夫第一次告诉我这件事时,我并没有太在意。)”以及“I think I mistakenly absorbed the message that real drivers didn’t need a map; you somehow just magically knew where to go. (我想我错误地吸收了真正的司机不需要地图的信息;你不知怎么就神奇地知道该去哪里了。)”可知,当作者一开始接触这个应用程序时,她决定它毫无价值。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三自然段“There is evidence that some old ideas and some long familiar ideas will send us into a boring unchanging lifestyle. But for some reason we like them better than an unfamiliar new route that might take us into areas we’ve never heard of, let alone visited. (有证据表明,一些古老的想法和一些长期熟悉的想法会让我们进入一种无聊而一成不变的生活方式。但出于某种原因,我们更喜欢它们,而不是一条陌生的新路线,它可能会把我们带到我们从未听说过的地区,更不用说去过了。)”可知,作者忽略应用程序的说明是因为她拒绝经历改变。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“But I also try to remember the times I let go of my ego (自负), or my fear, and learned that life could be better. Not perfect—but better. I am glad I finally listened to my husband about that app. He was right. (但我也试着记住那些我放下自负或恐惧的时刻,并学会了生活可以变得更好。不完美但更好。我很高兴终于听了我丈夫关于那个应用程序的话。他是对的。)”可知,从最后一段可以推断出,作者愿意挑战自己。故选A。
    主旨大意题。本文从作者对使用一款应用程序的看法的改变领悟出我们应学会接受改变。从最后一段“But I also try to remember the times I let go of my ego (自负), or my fear, and learned that life could be better. Not perfect—but better. I am glad I finally listened to my husband about that app. He was right. (但我也试着记住那些我放下自负或恐惧的时刻,并学会了生活可以变得更好。不完美但更好。我很高兴终于听了我丈夫关于那个应用程序的话。他是对的。)”可以看出,作者最后愿意挑战自己。B项“It Pays to Take a New Route (走一条新路线是值得的)”最能概括本文主旨。故选B。
    Researchers set up an experiment in which 5-year-olds were tested with their fellows under different circumstances of transparency (透明) and different audiences. They set up a sticker machine that in some settings was transparent, and other settings in which only the giver of stickers knew how many stickers he could give. They had children give out stickers in both settings. The results were striking: children were consistently generous only when the receiver and audience of the stickers were fully aware of the donation options. Children were notably ungenerous when the receiver of stickers couldn’t see the options.
    The researchers said, “Children only showed consistently pro-social behavior in our study in the condition when they could see the receiver and their allocations (分配物) were fully visible; in all other conditions, children were statistically ungenerous, giving the receiver the smaller amount of stickers.”
    They made the conclusions that at a very early age, children are learning how to position themselves socially. Well before they apprehend the sociology of their networks and what social reputation really means, they think strategically about giving as a function of how they can gain a reputation with a peer as a generous citizen or pro-social agent when the receiver observes them.
    Children change their behavior in response to having an audience. Help children give to others in full view, delivering meals to families, and in private, dropping off treats or surprises for those who need support without signing their names. Also, children should be reminded that thank-you notes are lovely but unnecessary to receive. When we give gifts or lend help to others, try to help children remember why—to provide something for another. It really doesn’t have to be recognized. When a thank-you card doesn’t come, it doesn’t make a gift any less valuable or meaningful for those who were lucky enough to receive.
    8. What did the researchers discover?
    A. The givers’ behavior greatly inspired the receivers to help in return.
    B. The children gave out an equal number of stickers in both settings.
    C. The presence of an audience affected children’s decisions to give.
    D. Donating helped children to become more generous in the future.
    9. Which is pro-social behavior according to the researchers?
    A. Observing the givers. B. Donating more stickers.
    C. Gaining a reputation. D. Receiving more allocations.
    10. What does the underlined word “apprehend” in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Share. B. Predict. C. Confirm. D. Understand.
    11. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?
    A. To suggest recognizing others’ kindness. B. To acknowledge the giver’s contribution.
    C. To confirm the benefits of being grateful. D. To advise inspiring generosity in children.
    【答案】8. C 9. B 10. D 11. D
    细节理解题。根据第一自然段“The results were striking: children were consistently generous only when the receiver and audience of the stickers were fully aware of the donation options. Children were notably ungenerous when the receiver of stickers couldn’t see the options. (结果是惊人的:只有当贴纸的接收者和受众完全了解捐赠选项时,孩子们才会一直慷慨解囊。当贴纸的接收者看不到任何选项时,孩子们明显不慷慨。)”可知,研究人员发现观众的存在影响了孩子们做出的决定。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第二自然段“The researchers said, “Children only showed consistently pro-social behavior in our study in the condition when they could see the receiver and their allocations (分配物) were fully visible; in all other conditions, children were statistically ungenerous, giving the receiver the smaller amount of stickers.”(研究人员表示,“在我们的研究中,只有当孩子们能够看到接收者,并且他们的分配完全可见时,他们才会表现出一贯的亲社会行为;在所有其他情况下,从统计数据来看,孩子们都很吝啬,给接收者的贴纸数量较少。”)”可知,研究人员认为,捐赠更多贴纸,即慷慨,是亲社会行为。故选B。
    词义猜测题。根据第三自然段“They made the conclusions that at a very early age, children are learning how to position themselves socially. (他们得出的结论是,在很小的时候,孩子们就在学习如何在社会上定位自己。)”可知,孩子们在很小的时候就在学习如何在社会上定位自己。根据划线词前“Well before (在……之前)”以及其后“the sociology of their networks and what social reputation really means (网络的社会学以及社会声誉的真正含义)”可知,孩子们早在他们理解网络的社会学以及社会声誉的真正含义之前就在学习如何在社会上定位自己。故apprehend意为“理解”。A. Share.分享;B. Predict.预测;C. Confirm.证实;D. Understand. 理解。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Help children give to others in full view, delivering meals to families, and in private, dropping off treats or surprises for those who need support without signing their names. Also, children should be reminded that thank-you notes are lovely but unnecessary to receive. When we give gifts or lend help to others, try to help children remember why—to provide something for another. It really doesn’t have to be recognized. (帮助孩子们在众目睽睽之下给予他人,为家人送餐,私下里为那些需要支持的人送去零食或惊喜,而不需要签名。此外,应该提醒孩子们,感谢信很可爱,但没有必要收到。当我们给别人礼物或帮助别人时,试着帮助孩子记住为什么要为别人提供一些东西。它真的不需要被认可。)”可知,最后一段旨在就从小培养慷慨提供建议。故选D。
    In a new finding that goes against current conservation patterns, re-introducing wolves and other predators (捕食者) to our landscapes does not amazingly reduce deer populations, restore worsening ecosystems or significantly threaten livestock (家禽), according to a new study.
    “The hopes and fears that we have on both sides of the debate—neither are realized,” said conservation biologist Bernd Blossey, professor of natural resources and the environment at Cornell University. On the one hand, there is little evidence for claims that re-introducing large predators such as wolves, bears and mountain lions is a major threat to livestock and wild animals such as white-tailed deer and mule deer. When the wolf was taken off the endangered species list, hunters and livestock producers, and some state governments, called for action to safeguard the wildlife they wanted to hunt and the livestock that was their livelihood. But it is nearly impossible to independently evaluate those claims, Blossey said. Other factors also kill livestock, from lightning strikes to extreme weather and diseases.
    On the other hand, the claim that wolves and other predators can control deer populations and restore worsening ecosystems lacks evidence as well. “Meaningfully reducing deer populations in Wisconsin alone would require tens of thousands of wolves, which is ecologically and socially impossible,” said Blossey. And wolves alone can’t repair the ecological damage humans have done, he said. A popular video “How wolves change rivers,” which has been viewed more than 43 million times, suggests that the re-introduction of wolves in Yellowstone National Park benefited the entire ecosystem. “I was as fooled like everybody else by the lovely stories that came out of Yellowstone saying, you bring wolves back, and you restore the rivers, and everything’s satisfactory,” said Blossey.
    We should see large predators like wolves as a valuable part ecological communities in their own right, Blossey said, and not just for their function. “As long as people learn to live with and tolerate the new (old) neighbors, a careful but not fully conflict-free existence appears possible,” said Blossey.
    12. Which of the following does Blossey probably agree with?
    A. The loss of livestock may not necessarily be due to wolves.
    B. People should not take wolves off the endangered species list
    C. People should take action to protect livestock and wild animals.
    D. The threat to predators comes from climate change and diseases.
    13. Which word best describes Blossey’s attitude to the video “How wolves change rivers”?
    A. Tolerant. B. Unclear.
    C. Doubtful. D. Favorable.
    14. What does Bernd Blossey say about large predators in the last paragraph?
    A. They upset the balance of the ecosystem.
    B. They should rightfully stay in their habitats.
    C. They are key to restoring the environment.
    D. They change people’s view about rewilding.
    15. What is the text mainly about?
    A. The value of humans’ living together with animals
    B. The importance of restoring worsening ecosystems.
    C A debate over the threat to livestock and wild animals.
    D. A clarification of the effects of bringing back the wolves.
    【答案】12. A 13. C 14. B 15. D
    细节理解题。根据第二自然段“On the one hand, there is little evidence for claims that re-introducing large predators such as wolves, bears and mountain lions is a major threat to livestock and wild animals such as white-tailed deer and mule deer. (一方面,几乎没有证据表明重新引入狼、熊和山狮等大型食肉动物是对牲畜和白尾鹿和骡鹿等野生动物的主要威胁。)”可知,Blossey认为牲畜的损失不一定是因为狼。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第三自然段“On the other hand, the claim that wolves and other predators can control deer populations and restore worsening ecosystems lacks evidence as well. ”(另一方面,关于狼和其他食肉动物可以控制鹿的数量并恢复日益恶化的生态系统的说法也缺乏证据)““I was as fooled like everybody else by the lovely stories that came out of Yellowstone saying, you bring wolves back, and you restore the rivers, and everything’s satisfactory,” said Blossey. (Blossey说:“我和其他人一样被黄石公园传出的可爱故事愚弄了,这些故事说,你把狼带回来,你恢复了河流,一切都很令人满意。”)”可知,Blossey对视频“狼如何改变河流”持怀疑态度。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“We should see large predators like wolves as a valuable part ecological communities in their own right, Blossey said, and not just for their function. “As long as people learn to live with and tolerate the new (old) neighbors, a careful but not fully conflict-free existence appears possible,” said Blossey. (Blossey说,我们应该把像狼这样的大型食肉动物视为生态群落的宝贵组成部分,而不仅仅是因为它们的功能。Blossey说:“只要人们学会与新(旧)邻居相处并容忍他们,谨慎但不完全没有冲突的生活似乎是可能的。”)”可知,Bernd Blossey在最后一段中说到,大型食肉动物应该被视为生态群落的宝贵组成部分且人们应学会与新(旧)邻居相处并容忍他们,所以他认为大型食肉动物应该呆在自己的栖息地。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据第二自然段“On the one hand, there is little evidence for claims that re-introducing large predators such as wolves, bears and mountain lions is a major threat to livestock and wild animals such as white-tailed deer and mule deer. (一方面,几乎没有证据表明重新引入狼、熊和山狮等大型食肉动物是对牲畜和白尾鹿和骡鹿等野生动物的主要威胁。)”和第三自然段“On the other hand, the claim that wolves and other predators can control deer populations and restore worsening ecosystems lacks evidence as well. (另一方面,关于狼和其他食肉动物可以控制鹿的数量并恢复日益恶化的生态系统的说法也缺乏证据。)”可知,本文主要对带回狼群的影响进行了澄清。故选D。
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    The road to learning how to take personal responsibility can be a difficult one, but starting simple really works. ___16___ Here is some advice you need to follow.
    ●Focus on the basics of your journey.
    Just like the ocean, our life has many ups and downs. If you start building a solid sailboat, you can withstand (经受) the weather. The solid boat represents your basic needs: safety, self-esteem (自尊) and connection with others. ___17___
    ●Open your sails and be willing to fail.
    Do not lay too much stress on the destination. Just head in the right direction. ___18___ You’re supposed to take the courage to really open your sails. When you devote yourself to what you are doing, you will forget about your insecurities and worries.
    As you sail through life, are you making goals and plans, or are you simply letting things happen and watching life pass? Working on goal setting enables you to measure your progress and take responsibility for all you have and haven’t done to achieve them.
    ●Live in the moment.
    As you’re moving through the ocean of your life, are you really concentrating on each present moment, or are your thoughts set on the past and future? Do you complain about mistakes others made that forced you into a difficult position? ___20___ Start taking personal responsibility for each thought and emotion that passes through you.
    A. Reach your goals.
    B. Move forward with intention.
    C. Then begin to tackle the more difficult aspects.
    D. So check in and make sure that they are being met.
    E. Stop blaming others or situations if you really want to enjoy each moment.
    F. Everyone can edge closer to that stage through taking personal responsibility.
    G. You must enjoy the sail by finding purpose and following that desire to explore.
    【答案】16. C 17. D 18. G 19. B 20. E
    根据上文“but starting simple really works (但从简单开始确实有效)”可知,上文介绍从简单开始学习如何承担个人责任。C项“Then begin to tackle the more difficult aspects. (然后开始解决更困难的方面。)”中的“Then”和“the more difficult”分别承接上文的“starting”和“simple”,符合语境,故选C项。
    根据上文“The solid boat represents your basic needs: safety, self-esteem (自尊) and connection with others. (坚固的船代表了你的基本需求:安全、自尊和与他人的联系。)”可知,上文介绍了人的基本需求。D项“So check in and make sure that they are being met. (所以请检查并确保他们得到了满足。)”中的they指代上文的basic needs,且met与needs呼应,符合语境,故选D项。
    根据下文“You’re supposed to take the courage to really open your sails. When you devote yourself to what you are doing, you will forget about your insecurities and worries. (你应该鼓起勇气,真正打开你的风帆。当你全身心投入到你正在做的事情中时,你会忘记你的不安全感和担忧。)”可知,下文讲到应鼓起勇气,全身心投入到你正在做的事情。G项“You must enjoy the sail by finding purpose and following that desire to explore. (你必须通过寻找目标和追随探索的欲望来享受航行。)”符合语境,故选G项。
    空格处为本段小标题,根据其它小标题的句式结构可知,此处应为祈使句。根据下文“Working on goal setting enables you to measure your progress and take responsibility for all you have and haven’t done to achieve them. (通过设定目标,你可以衡量自己的进步,并对自己为实现目标所做的一切和没有做的一切负责。)”可知,本段主要讲到要设定目标。B项“Move forward with intention. (有目的地向前迈进。)”最能概括本段主旨,故选B项。
    根据上文“Do you complain about mistakes others made that forced you into a difficult position? (你是否会抱怨别人犯的错误迫使你陷入困境?)”可知,上文设问你是否会抱怨别人犯的错误。下文“Start taking personal responsibility for each thought and emotion that passes through you.(开始为你的每一个想法和情绪承担个人责任。)”讲到要承担个人责任。E项“Stop blaming others or situations if you really want to enjoy each moment. (如果你真的想享受每一刻,就不要责怪别人或情况。)”承上启下,符合语境,故选E项。
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    My son Darcy, 10, begged “No more needles”, tears rolling down his cheeks. Seeing him so ___21___ broke my heart. Darcy had a surgery and the needle would provide a blood transfusion (输血). It looked like the ___22___ was successful, but Darcy only got sicker.
    Darcy often asked, “Mom, when can I see my ___23___?” “Soon, sweetie,” I’d reply. But with a weak immune (免疫的) system, it was ___24___ for him to return to school. At first, my words seemed ___25___ but as the months passed, I watched as Darcy became ___26___. While he was in hospital, his friends were enjoying their lives without him. I could ___27___ he was giving up.
    I consulted the school about ___28___ Darcy’s education in the hope of creating more ___29___ for him and I got the reply “If he’s well enough”. At that point, I wondered if this had happened to thousands of kids around the country. _____30_____, a year later, Darcy got better enough to go back to school!
    One day, I talked with some friends, who had _____31_____ kids too. We all agreed that there should be a way to keep them in the classroom _____32_____ with their mates, even if they can’t _____33_____ be there. Later, we got to know some sort of robot, which could just _____34_____ the need. I then became a fundraiser and finally launched a national pilot program. A mother’s pure love now _____35_____ to all children.
    21. A. embarrassed B. upset C. rigid D. confused
    22. A. procedure B. project C. medicine D. experiment
    23. A. doctors B. cousins C. classmates D. pets
    24. A. natural B. necessary C. practical D. risky
    25. A. supportive B. misleading C. awkward D. familiar
    26. A. convinced B. withdrawn C. determined D. mean
    27. A. sense B. promise C. argue D. question
    28. A. reforming B. promoting C. assessing D. continuing
    29. A. excuses B. connections C. images D. rights
    30. A. Admittedly B. Similarly C. Thankfully D. Generally
    31. A. spoiled B. adopted C. sick D. difficult
    32. A. socializing B. competing C. struggling D. quarreling
    33. A. willingly B. secretly C. physically D. casually
    34. A. stand up for B. break away from C. come up with D. fit in with
    35. A. occurs B. extends C. appeals D. belongs
    【答案】21. B 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. A 26. B 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. C 31. C 32. A 33. C 34. D 35. B
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:看到他如此沮丧,我心碎了。A. embarrassed尴尬的;B. upset难过的;沮丧的;C. rigid坚硬的;刻板的;D. confused困惑的。根据上文“My son Darcy, 10, begged “No more needles”, tears rolling down his cheeks(我10岁的儿子达西恳求“不要再打针头了”,眼泪顺着脸颊往下流)”可知,看到达西如此难过,我心碎了。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:手术看起来很成功,但达西的病情只会加重。 A. procedure过程;手术;B. project项目;课题;C. medicine药物;D. experiment试验。根据上文“had a surgery”可知,此处指手术看起来成功。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:达西经常问:“妈妈,我什么时候能见到我的同学?”A. doctors医生;B. cousins表亲;C. classmates同学;D. pets宠物。根据下文“return to school”可知,达西他什么时候能见到他的同学。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但由于免疫系统较弱,他重返学校是有风险的。A. natural自然的;B. necessary必要的;C. practical实用的;D. risky有风险的。根据上文“with a weak immune (免疫的) system”可知,重返学校是有风险的。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:起初,我的话似乎很支持,但几个月过去了,我看着达西变得孤僻。A. supportive支持的;B. misleading误导的;C. awkward局促不安的;D. familiar熟悉的。根据上文“Soon, sweetie”以及下文“but”后的内容可知,起初我的话似乎很支持。故选A。
    考查形容词xxZx词义辨析。句意:同上。A. convinced相信的;B. withdrawn沉默寡言的;C. determined坚决的;D. mean吝啬的;小气的。根据下文“his friends were enjoying their lives without him”可知,此处指达西变得孤僻。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我能感觉到他在放弃。A. sense感觉;B. promise许诺;C. argue争论;D. question质疑。根据语境可知,作者感觉到儿子在放弃。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我向学校咨询了继续接受达西教育的事宜,希望能为他建立更多的联系,得到的回答是“如果他足够好的话”。A. reforming改革;B. promoting促进;C. assessing评估;D. continuing继续。根据下文“___10___, a year later, Darcy got better enough to go back to school!”可知,我向学校咨询了继续接受达西教育的事宜。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. excuses借口;B. connections联系;C. images形象;D. rights权利。根据下文“keep them in the classroom ___12___ with their mates”可知,作者希望能为儿子建立更多的联系。故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:值得庆幸的是,一年后,达西恢复了健康,可以回到学校了!A. Admittedly公认地;B. Similarly类似地;C. Thankfully感激地;D. Generally通常地。根据下文“a year later, Darcy got better enough to go back to school”可知,达西恢复健康回到学校是值得庆幸的。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有一天,我和一些朋友聊天,他们也有生病的孩子。A. spoiled溺爱的;B. adopted收养的;C. sick生病的;D. difficult困难的。根据上文“Darcy had a surgery and the needle would provide a blood transfusion (输血).”可知,达西生病了。所以我和一些朋友聊天,他们也有生病的孩子。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们都同意,应该有一种方法让他们留在教室里与同伴社交,即使他们不能亲自到场。A. socializing社交;B. competing竞争;C. struggling挣扎;D. quarreling争吵。根据上文“when can I see my ___3___”以及下文“with their mates”可知,达西渴望回到学校跟同学进行社交联系。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. willingly乐意地;B. secretly 悄悄地;C. physically身体地;实质地;D. casually漫不经心地。根据语境可知,此处指他们不能亲自到场。physically指“身体地;实际上”,符合语境。故选C。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:后来,我们认识了某种机器人,它正好适合我们需要。A. stand up for支持;捍卫;B. break away from挣脱;脱离;C. come up with想出;提出;D. fit in with适应;融和。根据语境可知,这种机器人正好适合我们的需要。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:母亲的纯洁之爱现在延伸到所有的孩子身上。A. occurs发生;B. extends延申;C. appeals呼吁;D. belongs属于。根据下文“to all children”可知,此处指母亲的纯洁之爱现在延伸到所有的孩子身上。故选B。
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Jingxi Taiping Drum is a traditional form of dancing that is popular in Mentougou District of Beijing. The earliest historical references of this art ___36___ (date) back to the Spring and Autumn Period and describe how it was ___37___ (initial) used in ceremonies to drive away bad spirits and pray for good fortune. During the Qing Dynasty, the drums were also played on the New Year’s Eve of the lunar calendar at the imperial palace. ___38___ consequence, the performance also became known as the “New Year Drum” by Beijingers. Nowadays, this type of drum dance is commonly seen ___39___ (perform) during the last and first month of the lunar year in many local festive activities, thus ___40___ (express) people’s hope of a peaceful and prosperous (繁荣的) year to come.
    A Taiping Drum is usually made up of a shell, a cloth skin, and a handle with ___41___ handful of decorative rings, and this single-sided drum is usually played with a wooden mallet (木槌). Traditional Chinese aesthetic (美学的) concepts ___42___ (reflect) in the drum playing, pace and formation changes, all of ___43___ represent distinctive local features.
    With its great ___44___ (popular), the Jingxi Taiping Drum dance has been performed in local villages as well as on national and international ____45____ (stage). Today, the time-honored folk art is being taken up by the young generation and is presenting its lively artistic charm.
    【答案】36. date
    37. initially
    38. In 39. performed
    40. expressing
    41. a 42. are reflected
    43 which 44. popularity
    45. stages
    考查动词的时态。句意:这门艺术最早的历史参考可以追溯到春秋时期,并描述了它最初是如何被用于驱邪和祈求好运的仪式的。表示“追溯到……”常用一般现在时态,主语中心词是historical references,复数,故谓语动词用动词原形。故填date。
    考查介词。句意:因此,这场演出也被北京人称为“新年大鼓”。in consequence是固定短语,意为“结果;因此”,置于句首首字母应大写。故填In。
    考查过去分词。句意:如今,在许多当地的节日活动中,这种类型的鼓舞通常在农历的最后一个月和第一个月表演,从而表达了人们对来年和平繁荣的希望。分析句子可知,空格处应填入非谓语动词作主语补足语。主语this type of drum dance与perform是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词。故填performed。
    考查冠词。句意:太平鼓通常由一个外壳、一个布皮和一个带有少许带装饰环的把手组成,这种单面鼓通常用木槌演奏。a handful of 是固定短语,意为“一把;少许”,故用不定冠词a。故填a。
    考查动词的时态和语态。句意:中国传统美学观念体现在鼓的演奏、节奏和形态的变化上,这些都代表了鲜明的地方特色。分析句子可知,空格处应填入谓语动词。根据上文时态可知,此处应用一般现在时态。主语Traditional Chinese aesthetic (美学的) concepts与reflect是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用被动语态。故填are reflected。
    考查定语从句。句意:同上。分析句子可知,此处是“介词+关系代词”引导的非限定性定语从句。先行词是drum playing, pace and formation changes,指物,故用关系代词which。故填which。
    考查名词。句意:京西太平鼓因其广受欢迎,已在当地村庄以及国家和国际舞台上表演。根据空格前的With its great可知,此处应填名词作宾语,popular的名词形式为popularity。故填popularity。
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    46. 假定你是红星中学学生会主席李华,学生会准备开展一次“人工智能与未来教育”的专家讲座活动。请你写一则英语通知发布到学校英文网站,号召同学们积极参加,内容包括:
    1. 活动时间和地点;
    2. 专家简介和讲座内容;
    3. 报名方式。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Hongxing High School
    12th June, 2023
    Lecture: AI and Tomorrow’s Education
    Li Hua
    Chairman of the Student Union
    【答案】Hongxing High School
    12th June, 2023
    Lecture: AI and Tomorrow’s Education
    The recent rapid development of AI technology has attracted many students’ attention, so a lecture with the theme “AI and Tomorrow’s Education” is scheduled to be held in our school auditorium from 1:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on June 20th.
    The lecture will be delivered by Professor Wu, a leading researcher in AI technology. Firstly, he will offer you a general picture of this technology, which can help you become familiar with its history and development. Secondly, how AI technology can be applied to and affect tomorrow’s education will be further explained. Furthermore, there will be a question-and-answer session for you to raise relevant questions and get answered.
    If you are interested in this lecture, don’t miss it. You can register with the Student Union before June 16th.
    Li Hua
    Chairman of the Student Union
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    吸引某人的关注:attract one’s attention→capture one’s eye/appeal to sb.
    熟悉:be familiar with→familiarize oneself with/have a good knowledge of/have a good understanding of
    此外,而且:furthermore→moreover/what is more
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:The recent rapid development of AI technology has attracted many students’ attention, so a lecture with the theme “AI and Tomorrow’s Education” is scheduled to be held in our school auditorium from 1:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on June 20th.
    拓展句:Since the recent rapid development of AI technology has attracted many students’ attention, a lecture with the theme “AI and Tomorrow’s Education” is scheduled to be held in our school auditorium from 1:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on June 20th.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Firstly, he will offer you a general picture of this technology, which can help you become familiar with its history and development.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Secondly, how AI technology can be applied to and affect tomorrow’s education will be further explained.(运用了how引导的主语从句)
    第二节 (满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I used to be very active in sports and games when I was in primary school. I won the B Division long jump and was a good sprinter (短跑运动员). As a result, I was chosen to represent the school in the long jump and relay events at the District Sports Meet. Before the sports meet, I had put in a lot of hard work and dedication during the training sessions. I woke up early every morning to go for runs and did countless drills to improve my technique. My teammates and I supported and encouraged each other during training, pushing ourselves to do better and achieve our goals.
    The meet lasted two days, I had no events scheduled for the first day. So I kept myself busy by watching the others compete. Large tents were provided for the young competitors on one side of the track. Despite being assigned the last tent that was furthest from the track, I made the best of the situation by decorating it with our school colors and creating a supportive atmosphere.
    The next day, I was getting ready for my events. The long jump was scheduled for the early afternoon, followed by the 8×50m relay later in the afternoon. I thought I was a pretty good jumper, but as the competition began, I realized I was vastly outclassed. We finished our jumps, and I came in fourth place, just missing out on a medal.
    That was disappointing, but I reminded myself that we still had a chance in the 8×50m relay, for which I was assigned to run the fifth leg. The race date arrived. We filed into our assigned spots and prepared for the race. After a tense minute or so, I heard the starter’s gun go off. When the first runners took off, I watched nervously and excitedly as my team runners kept up with the others. As they got closer, I realized we were at least in second place.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    My turn arrived and I took the baton (接力棒) cleanly and began my run.
    As a result, I left the meet empty-handed.
    【答案】One possible version:
    My turn arrived and I took the baton (接力棒) cleanly and began my run. The air rushed past me as I moved closer to the next runner. Then disaster struck! I saw a boy run across the track into my path out of nowhere. I couldn’t get away from him fast enough. We were sent somersaulting over him after colliding with a crunch. Because I was young and agile, I was able to quickly pick myself up and continue the race. However, the collision cost us valuable time. I handed the baton to the next runner. I knew everything was lost when he ran with all his might, but it was too late. We’d blown our chance at a medal.
    As a result, I left the meet empty-handed. As a result, we just assumed it was bad luck. I, for one, felt terrible for letting the team down, but what was done was done, and we had no choice but to accept it. Anyway, it had been an eventful but unsatisfying day for me. And I learned about failure and success and how to deal with them, and I am grateful for the lessons.
    ①靠近:move closer to /approach
    ②摆脱:get away from /keep away from
    ①沮丧的:down /disappointed/upset
    ②感激的:grateful /thankful

    【点睛】[高分句型1]Because I was young and agile, I was able to quickly pick myself up and continue the race.(运用了because引导的原因状语从句)
    [高分句型2]I, for one, felt terrible for letting the team down, but what was done was done, and we had no choice but to accept it.(运用了what引导的主语从句)


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