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    这是一份浙江省杭州第二中学等四校联盟2022-2023学年高二英语下学期期中考试试卷(Word版附解析),共23页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力理解(共两节,满分15分)
    1. What color of shirt is the man wearing?
    A. Green. B. Red. C. Yellow.
    2. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A. A hobby. B. A present. C. An animal.
    3. Why is the woman unwilling to go out?
    A They might be out too late. B. She has work tonight.
    C. Ron will be there.
    4. What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A. Friends. B. Strangers. C. Family members.
    5. Where are the speakers?
    A. In the taxi. B. At the museum. C. On the street.
    6. What will the woman probably use the equipment for?
    A. A band performance. B. A digital radio show. C. A music album.
    7. How much does the man want for the equipment?
    A. $200. B. $150. C. $75.
    8. Where is the woman’s company?
    A. In Japan. B. In the UK. C. In Australia.
    9. Why does the man contact the woman?
    A. To seek cooperation. B. To ask about a tour. C. To look for a travel agent.
    10. What are the speakers going to do next?
    A. Do the market research.
    B. Sign an agreement.
    C. Have a discussion.
    11. Who is Andy Kaufman?
    A. A comedian. B. A researcher. C. A supermarket worker.
    12. What did the researchers do for their research?
    A. They studied the pictures they took.
    B. They saw a film.
    C. They conducted a survey.
    13. What is harmful to the workers’ health according to the research?
    A. Working overtime. B. Rude customers. C. Forced smiles.
    14. Why did the man fail to find the woman’s social media account?
    A. She doesn’t have one now.
    B. He got the wrong name.
    C. She has a hidden one.
    15. What does the man use social media for?
    A. Seeing foreign news.
    B. Discussing international events.
    C. Maintaining relationships.
    16. What did the woman usually pay attention to on her social media account?
    A. The videos. B. The pictures. C. The famous people.
    17. How many tropic storms have formed in the Atlantic Ocean?
    A. One B. Two C. Three
    18. When could a hurricane possibly hit Miami?
    A. On Tuesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Saturday.
    19. What has been increasing in recent years?
    A. The number of storms that have hit Miami.
    B. The number of storms during hurricane season.
    C. The number of hurricanes outside of hurricane season.
    20. What will most likely happen to the tropical storms?
    A. They will get stronger.
    B. They will become weaker soon.
    C. They will run into the big islands.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Arts or Science? Streaming is a step that one must take in adolescence. Certainly, the answer to this decision does not come easy to most people. The most important thing to do is to identify where your interests lie. You may also consider future jobs, through which you can find what you love. The little known but interesting jobs below are for your reference.
    Little-known but interesting jobs in the science sector:
    Little-known but interesting jobs in the arts sector:
    1. Perfumer
    A creative perfumer mixes several scented chemicals to make the perfect fragrance, using his or her knowledge of chemicals. It can take many trials and much consumer testing to get that perfect scent.
    1. Museum Curator
    A museum curator safeguards collections of heritage. He or she is a content-specialist charged with an institution’s collections and involved with the interpretation of heritage material.
    2. Orthotist
    It is a job that helps those who have lost some part of their limbs(四肢). An orthotist helps patients with partial or total absence of limbs by creating a custom-designed device.
    2. Glass blower
    Glass blowers are creative people who design, produce and decorate glass. They are the ones who are behind the exquisitely-designed glass giftware, tableware and mirrors.
    3. Sonographer
    Sonographers perform procedures such as sonograms and ultrasounds. Essentially, they enable us to see what is inside the body without performing surgeries.
    3. Jewelry Designer
    A jewelry designer designs and makes jewelry using a variety of materials, including gold, silver and stones. The jewelry they make may not be wearable, but used as decorative artefacts instead.

    1. Which of the following can be an ideal candidate for a job as a perfumer?
    A. A medical student. B. A chemistry student.
    C. A history student. D. A law student.
    2. Which job can serve as an aid to a medical diagnosis?
    A. Perfumer. B. Orthotist.
    C. Glass blower. D. Sonographer.
    3. Who is the passage intended for?
    A. Job-hunters. B. University graduates.
    C. High school students. D. Employers.
    【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A
    细节理解题。根据1. Perfumer中“A creative perfumer mixes several scented chemicals to make the perfect fragrance, using his or her knowledge of chemicals. (富有创造力的调香师利用他或她的化学品知识混合几种有香味的化学物质来制作完美的香水。)”可知,调香师工作的理想人选是化学专业的学生。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据3. Sonographer中的“Sonographers perform procedures such as sonograms and ultrasounds. Essentially, they enable us to see what is inside the body without performing surgeries. (超声医师执行超声检查和超声波等程序。从本质上讲,它们使我们能够在不进行手术的情况下看到体内的情况。)”可知,Sonographers可以帮助进行医学诊断。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第一段中“The most important thing to do is to identify where your interests lie. You may also consider future jobs, through which you can find what you love. The little known but interesting jobs below are for your reference. (最重要的事情是确定您的兴趣所在。你也可以考虑未来的工作,通过它你可以找到你喜欢的东西。下面鲜为人知但有趣的工作供您参考。)”可知,这篇文章是给求职者写的。故选A项。
    In 1973, the artist Marc Chagall made an emotional return to Russian soil. He was 85 years old and hadn’t seen the country of his birth for more than half a century.
    “I feel. more muscular now,” he said shortly after the trip was over. “It did me good. It refreshed me for my work.” The remarkable thing, however, is that despite his advanced age, Chagall never needed much refreshing. He continued working till his dying day, aged 97.
    It was in his later years that his use of intense colour notably advanced. There were two obvious catalysts (催化剂) for this. One was Chagall’s move in 1949 from Paris to the Cote d’Azur, where the colorful landscape, with its green seas and purple fields, left their mark. The other one was Chagall’s work designing stained-glass windows (彩色玻璃). Chagall’s efforts in stained glass undoubtedly contributed to his oil-painting practice. The pure passages of yellow, green, orange, purple and white that divide the canvas (画布) of L’ervol du peintre into three are a fine example.
    Dallmayr suggests in his book Marc Chagall: The Artist as Peacemaker (2020) that after living through two world wars, as well as the horror of the Holocaust, Chagall developed an “artistic vision of peace”. His work was characterised by a sense of harmony and happiness.
    As one of the world’s greatest artists, he was never short of speaking invitations, and in a lecture in 1959 he said that “love should be the basis of true politics—it could bring about real peace”.
    It’s important to stress that Chagall was an artist, not a politician—but the speeches from his latter years do shed a certain light on his work from that time.
    He never stopped innovating, whether in painting or in his embrace and command of new media entirely. All the while, his art was marked by its warmth, wit and—perhaps especially in later life—the aim of giving peace a chance.
    4. How did Marc Chagall feel about the trip to Russia?
    A. Excited. B. Relieved. C. Exhausted. D. Bored.
    5. Why is Marc Chagall’s painting L’envol du peintre mentioned?
    A. To show his extraordinary understanding of intense colors
    B. To display his application of different colors in the oil painting
    C. To demonstrate the impact of designing stained glass on his oil painting
    D. To illustrate the exceptional division of the canvas in oil painting practice
    6. According to the passage, what words can best describe Marc Chagall?
    A. Creative and peace-loving. B. Passionate and emotional.
    C. Considerate and hardworking. D. Friendly and imaginative.
    7. According to the passage, which of the following influences the style of his works?
    A. His advanced age. B. His political view.
    C. His marriage life. D. His school education.
    【答案】4. A 5. C 6. A 7. B
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段中““I feel more muscular now,” he said shortly after the trip was over. “It did me good. It refreshed me for my work.” (“我现在感觉肌肉发达了”,他在旅行结束后不久说。“这对我有好处。它让我的工作焕然一新。”)”可知,马克·夏加尔认为这次俄罗斯之行是令人激动的。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中“Chagall’s efforts in stained glass undoubtedly contributed to his oil-painting practice. The pure passages of yellow, green, orange, purple and white that divide the canvas (画布) of L’ervol du peintre into three are a fine example. (夏加尔在彩色玻璃方面的努力无疑有助于他的油画实践。黄色、绿色、橙色、紫色和白色的纯粹段落将L'envol du peintre的画布分为三部分,就是一个很好的例子。)”可知提到马克·夏加尔的画作《L’ervol du peintre》是为了展示彩色玻璃设计对他的油画的影响。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据文章第四段“Dallmayr suggests in his book Marc Chagall: The Artist as Peacemaker (2020) that after living through two world wars, as well as the horror of the Holocaust, Chagall developed an “artistic vision of peace”. His work was characterised by a sense of harmony and happiness. (达尔迈尔在其著作《马克•夏加尔:和平缔造者的艺术家》(Marc Chagall: The Artist as Peacemaker, 2020)中表示,在经历了两次世界大战以及大屠杀的恐怖之后,夏加尔形成了“和平的艺术愿景”。他的作品以和谐和幸福感为特征。)” 以及最后一段“He never stopped innovating, whether in painting or in his embrace and command of new media entirely. All the while, his art was marked by its warmth, wit and-perhaps especially in later life the aim of giving peace a chance. (无论是在绘画方面,还是在对新媒体的拥抱和掌控方面,他从未停止过创新。一直以来,他的艺术都以其温暖、智慧为标志,也许尤其是在后来的生活中,他的目的是给和平一个机会。)”可知马克•夏加尔是一个富有创造力,热爱和平的人。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据文章第四段“Dallmayr suggests in his book Marc Chagall: The Artist as Peacemaker (2020) that after living through two world wars, as well as the horror of the Holocaust, Chagall developed an “artistic vision of peace”. His work was characterised by a sense of harmony and happiness. (达尔迈尔在其著作《马克•夏加尔:和平缔造者的艺术家》(Marc Chagall: The Artist as Peacemaker, 2020)中表示,在经历了两次世界大战以及大屠杀的恐怖之后,夏加尔形成了“和平的艺术愿景”。他的作品以和谐和幸福感为特征。)” )可知,影响了他的作品风格的是他的政治观点。故选B项。
    Genetic information is important because it stores, processes and transmits biological data from generation to generation. Some scientists even assume that knowing genetic information itself matters.
    For example, in quantum mechanics (量子力学), there is a popular theory known as the “observer effect”, which states that the act of observing a phenomenon (usually by making some kind of measurement) necessarily changes that phenomenon. In other words, just by being there and having an interest in the outcome, we affect that outcome.
    While the explanations behind the observer’s influence in quantum mechanics come down to the measuring instrument and not the observer’s conscious mind, we also see strong evidence for the “placebo effect” in medicine: a patient’s condition can improve if they just believe they are receiving an effective treatment. And those beneficial effects can happen even if the patient is not actually receiving that treatment or if the treatment doesn’t actually work.
    If our minds truly do have power over our surroundings and our bodies, what does having the genetic information do to us? Does simply knowing more about our own physiology (生理机能) change it? A recent study on exercise and obesity suggests that the answer is yes.
    Those who were told they were at low genetic risk for obesity produced 2.5 times more of the fullness hormone and claimed to feel fuller despite eating the same meal as they had one week prior. Those who were told they had lower endurance because of their genes did worse on their physical test than they had before receiving that information: they showed lower lung capacity and quit sooner.
    Thus, having information about our genetic risk can lead to improvements in our physiology (as was true for the eaters of the study), but it can also put us at a disadvantage (as with the poor exercise performers). So we certainly need to be cautious of incorrect genetic information. But as the Stanford study shows, even if the genetic information we receive is correct, how we receive it is also important.
    8. How does the “placebo effect” in medicine work?
    A. The patient recovers with the timely treatment.
    B. The patient’s condition worsens due to a lack of treatment.
    C. The patient’s condition remains unchanged despite their belief.
    D. The patient’s condition improves with the belief in the treatment.
    9. According to paragraph 5, what happened to those who were told they were at low genetic risk for obesity?
    A. They showed lower lung capacity.
    B. They quit their physical test sooner.
    C. They needed more food to satisfy their appetite.
    D. They felt fuller with more fullness hormone released.
    10. What is the author’s attitude towards having genetic information?
    A. Positive. B. Objective.
    C. Ambiguous. D. Negative.
    11. What is the main idea of this article?
    A. The great power of the observer’s mind.
    B. The influence of knowing genetic information.
    C. The amazing application of genetic information.
    D. The connection between Quantum Mechanics and Medicine.
    【答案】8. D 9. D 10. B 11. B
    细节理解题。根据第三段“While the explanations behind the observer’s influence in quantum mechanics come down to the measuring instrument and not the observer’s conscious mind, we also see strong evidence for the “placebo effect” in medicine: a patient’s condition can improve if they just believe they are receiving an effective treatment. And those beneficial effects can happen even if the patient is not actually receiving that treatment or if the treatment doesn’t actually work. ( 虽然量子力学对观察者影响背后的解释归结为测量仪器,而不是观察者的意识,但我们也看到了医学上“安慰剂效应”的有力证据:如果病人相信他们正在接受有效的治疗,他们的病情就会好转。即使病人没有接受治疗或者治疗无效,这些有益的效果也会发生。)”可知,医学上的“安慰剂效应”指的是病人如果相信他们正在接受有效的治疗,他们的病情就会好转,故病人的病情随着治疗的信念而改善,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第五段第一句“Those who were told they were at low genetic risk for obesity produced 2.5 times more of the fullness hormone and claimed to feel fuller despite eating the same meal as they had one week prior. (那些被告知肥胖遗传风险较低的人产生的饱腹激素是一周前的2.5倍,尽管他们吃了同样的饭,但他们感觉更饱。)”可知,那些被告知肥胖遗传风险较低的人,尽管他们吃了同样的饭,但是他们感到更饱,释放更多的饱腹激素,故选D。
    推理判断题。根据文章第四段“If our minds truly do have power over our surroundings and our bodies, what does having the genetic information do to us? Does simply knowing more about our own physiology (生理机能) change it? A recent study on exercise and obesity suggests that the answer is yes. (如果我们的思想真的能控制我们的环境和我们的身体,那么遗传信息对我们有什么影响呢?仅仅了解我们自己的生理机能就能改变它吗?最近一项关于运动和肥胖的研究表明,答案是肯定的。)”以及最后一段“Thus, having information about our genetic risk can lead to improvements in our physiology (as was true for the eaters of the study), but it can also put us at a disadvantage (as with the poor exercise performers). (因此,了解我们的遗传风险可以改善我们的生理机能(就像研究中的饮食者一样),但它也会让我们处于不利地位(就像那些锻炼不佳的人一样)。)”可推知,作者对了解遗传信息持积极肯定客观的态度,故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Genetic information is important because it stores, processes and transmits biological data from generation to generation. Some scientists even assume that knowing genetic information itself matters. (遗传信息很重要,因为它储存、处理和传递生物数据,代代相传。一些科学家甚至认为了解遗传信息本身很重要。)”以及全文内容可知,文章主要通过举例和相关研究讲述了了解遗传信息对我们的重要性,故选B。
    On Friday, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) collapsed and was taken over by federal regulators, marking one of the largest bank failures since the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. California’s banking regulators shut down SVB and effectively gives control of the bank to the FDIC, which created a new entity(实体) to oversee it. With a 40-year history, SVB served many companies, and it played an important role in the technology industry, successfully competing with bigger-name banks.
    SVB’s business boomed as tech companies did well during the Covid-19. However, the technology industry recently faced difficulties, and many clients withdrew money. To fulfill these withdrawals, SVB sold part of its bond holdings(持有债券) at a $1.8 billion loss. The Federal Reserve’s(美联储) sharp rise in interest rate also affected bonds and stocks. Then SVB decided it wanted to reduce its bond portfolio(债券投资组合) to avoid further losses.
    But that announcement spooked the bank’s clients, who got worried and then proceeded to withdraw even more money from the bank—a textbook definition of a bank run. The bank’s stock price(股价) fell by 60% on Thursday, and as its share price continued to sink overnight. Trading was halted, and the FDIC took over SVB.
    While concerns emerged about the banking sector, shares of major banks like J. P. Morgan, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America dropped by around 5%. Investors worried that other banks, particularly smaller ones, might experience similar withdrawals. However, by Friday, fears regarding the broader banking sector had eased. Experts argued that SVB’s situation was unusual and should not impact other regional banks.
    The FDIC-created entity, Deposit Insurance National Bank of Santa Clara, will oversee SVB. Insured deposits(存款), typically up to $250,000, will be accessible by Monday. Uninsured deposits face uncertainty, with the FDIC offering an “advance dividend(提前股息)” and “certificates” accounting for the uninsured funds. The regulator has not clarified what this means for uninsured depositors. Investors will continue monitoring any potential impact on other banks.
    12. What do we learn about Silicon Valley Bank?
    A. It is the world’s first bank that has failed.
    B. It has already been taken over by the FDIC.
    C. It failed because of the severe situation during the pandemic.
    D. It collapsed as a result of competition with the famous banks.
    13. What does the underlined word “spooked” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
    A. Calmed. B. Inspired.
    C. Panicked. D. Persuaded.
    14. What is the direct cause of SVB’s failure?
    A. Loss of the bond portfolio.
    B The decline of the tech industry.
    C. The reduction of the Federal Reserve’s interest rate.
    D. Withdrawals from a large number of customers.
    15. What can be learned in the passage?
    A. All small banks will be impacted sooner or later.
    B. The banking industry is facing the biggest challenge.
    C. Those who have uninsured deposits will lose everything.
    D. SVB’s deposit users are likely to be affected by its collapse.
    【答案】12. B 13. C 14. B 15. B
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“California’s banking regulators shut down SVB and effectively gives control of the bank to the FDIC, which created a new entity(实体) to oversee it.(加州银行监管机构关闭了SVB,并将该行的控制权实际上交给了FDIC,FDIC创建了一个新的实体来监管该行。)”可知,硅谷银行已经由FDIC接管了,故选B。
    词义猜测题。根据第三段中划线词spooked的后文“who got worried and then proceeded to withdraw even more money from the bank—a textbook definition of a bank run.(他们开始担心,然后开始从银行提取更多的钱——这是教科书上对银行挤兑的定义。)”可知,客户担心,于是从银行提取更多的钱,因为此处划线词spooked与C项“使……恐慌”意思相近,这一声明让客户恐慌起来,因此开始担心,然后从银行提取了更多的钱,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“SVB’s business boomed as tech companies did well during the Covid-19. However, the technology industry recently faced difficulties, and many clients withdrew money.(随着科技公司在新冠疫情期间表现良好,SVB的业务蓬勃发展。然而,科技行业最近遇到了困难,许多客户撤回了资金。)”可知,硅谷银行失败的直接原因是科技产业的衰落,故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段“On Friday, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) collapsed and was taken over by federal regulators, marking one of the largest bank failures since the 2008 Global Financial Crisis.(周五,硅谷银行倒闭,被联邦监管机构接管,这是自2008年全球金融危机依赖最大的银行倒闭之一。)”以及通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了硅谷银行(SVB)破产的原因以及所造成影响,所以B选项“银行业正面临着最大的挑战”符合文意,故选B。
    It’s the middle of winter, when daylight is limited and the weather is often miserable. ____16____ So what can be done to lift our spirits?
    The shorter days and longer nights can make us feel down, and that can cause us to eat more and exercise less. Some fear loneliness and isolation during the long dark months. Those people who suffer this seasonal mood swing more seriously are described as having seasonal affective disorder — or SAD for short. ____17____
    Jenny Scott-Thompson is one person who was diagnosed with SAD. ____18____ As well as going outside during daylight hours, this is believed to help anyone who is affected by the winter gloom.
    Although having more light is an obvious cure, antidepressants (抗抑郁药) can help those with more severe depression by artificially increasing the amount of serotonin (血清素) in the brain. But this isn’t suitable for everyone. ____19____ Clinical psychologist Laura Keyes says, “it can be helpful to think about how to adapt your eating and exercise patterns to the change of season.”
    ____20____ Writing for the BBC Social website, Esther De La Ford asks “What if we explored what winter has to offer us, instead of grieving those things that it is taking away?” She suggests we use this time for rest, reflection, slowing down, stillness and renewal. Maybe this might stop us longing for summer.
    A. Many of us can try to just change our mindset.
    B. For some of us, this is when the winter blues set in.
    C. As advised, she took an active part in social activities.
    D. Accepting winter and thinking positively may energize us.
    E. As for the treatment, psychologists recommend more social interaction.
    F. It’s a type of depression with a seasonal pattern caused by a lack of light.
    G. She was advised to take light therapy, which involved sitting in front of a light box.
    【答案】16. B 17. F 18. G 19. A 20. D
    上文“It’s the middle of winter, when daylight is limited and the weather is often miserable.(现在时隆冬时节,白天很有限,天气也很糟糕)”提到冬天天气糟糕,结合下文“So what can be done to lift our spirits?(那么,我们能做些什么来振奋我们的精神呢?)”可知,空处应是提及冬天和情绪的关系,说明冬天时人们情绪不高,因此引出下文如何振奋精神,B项“对我们中的一些人来说,这是冬季忧郁降临的时候”衔接上下文,故选B。
    上文“Those people who suffer this seasonal mood swing more seriously are described as having seasonal affective disorder — or SAD for short.(那些季节性情绪波动更严重的人被称为季节性情绪紊乱症——或简称SAD)”提到季节性情绪紊乱症,分析选项,F项“这是一种由缺乏光线引起的季节性抑郁症”对季节性情绪紊乱症进一步说明,故选F。
    上文“Jenny Scott-Thompson is one person who was diagnosed with SAD.(Jenny Scott-Thompson被诊断出患有SAD)”提到Jenny Scott-Thompson被诊断出患有SAD,结合下文“As well as going outside during daylight hours, this is believed to help anyone who is affected by the winter gloom.(这和在白天外出一样,被认为可以帮助任何受冬季阴霾影响的人)”可知,空处应是提到对于Jenny Scott-Thompson的治疗方法,指明下文中“this”的指代内容,G项“医生建议她接受光疗,也就是坐在一个灯箱前”符合语境,故选G。
    上文“But this isn’t suitable for everyone.(这并不适合所有人)”提到抗抑郁药不适合所有人,结合下文“Clinical psychologist Laura Keyes says, ‘it can be helpful to think about how to adapt your eating and exercise patterns to the change of season.’(临床心理学家Laura Keyes说:‘想想如何使你的饮食和锻炼模式适应季节的变化,这是有帮助的。’)”可知,空处应是提到另一种缓解抑郁的方法,A项“我们中的许多人可以尝试改变自己的心态”符合语境,故选A。
    根据下文“Writing for the BBC Social website, Esther De La Ford asks ‘What if we explored what winter has to offer us, instead of grieving those things that it is taking away?’(Esther De La Ford在BBC社交网站上写道:‘如果我们探索冬季给我们带来的东西,而不是为它夺走的东西悲伤,会怎么样?’ )”可知,本段是建议用积极的心态对待冬天,D项“接受冬天并积极思考可能会让我们充满活力”符合语境,故选D。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Most 5-year-olds are just learning their ABCs. Yet one little girl from the UK has actually written a book that was ____21____ in January 2022.
    Bella-Jay Dark from Weymouth, is the world’s ____22____ female to release a book and was ____23____ the title by Guinness World Record(吉尼斯世界纪录). Her book, The Lost Cat tells the ____24____ of Snowy, a cat, who got lost after going outside alone at night. She ____25____ the book will teach children not to go outside at night alone.
    While many adult writers find ____26____ for their books from life experiences, Bella’s ____27____ vision actually came from one of her ____28____. “It started off as a picture. My daddy said I could make a book and a story came from the picture,” Bella said. Her mom, Chelsie Syme, was surprised that the book ____29____ as well as it did. “I am just really _____30_____ her; I did not think it was going to go this far so I pride myself on her and want to see her get the acknowledgement she _____31_____.” But how do you get a child’s homemade book published? According to Syme, they took Bella’s book to a book fair and found a publisher willing to take a _____32_____. Syme helped Bella with proofing copies(校对本) and making necessary changes to _____33_____ the standards of Guinness.
    Besides being an accomplished author, Bella is just a(n) _____34_____ kid who enjoys reading, swimming, and playing on her tablet. In her free time, she is _____35_____ working on a sequel(续篇) to Snowy’s story. Who knows what pearls of wisdom will come next?
    21. A. published B. translated C. adapted D. illustrated
    22. A. smartest B. youngest C. smallest D. prettiest
    23. A. awarded B. provided C. rewarded D. presented
    24. A. tale B. lie C. truth D. legend
    25. A. predicts B. promises C. guarantees D. hopes
    26. A. clue B. hint C. inspiration D. interest
    27. A. normal B. conventional C. strange D. creative
    28. A. books B. ideas C. drawings D. stories
    29. A. turned out B. turned away C. took down D. took in
    30. A. guilty of B. proud of C. worried about D. upset about
    31. A. favors B. pursues C. deserves D. wants
    32. A. break B. chance C. part D. look
    33. A. take B. adjust C. adopt D. meet
    34. A. regular B. exceptional C. outstanding D. diligent
    35. A. previously B. frequently C. currently D. occasionally
    【答案】21. A 22. B 23. A 24. A 25. D 26. C 27. D 28. C 29. A 30. B 31. C 32. B 33. D 34. A 35. C
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,一个来自英国的小女孩真的写了一本书,这本书发表于2022年。A. published发表,发布;B. translated翻译;C. adapted适应;D. illustrated插图。根据后文“Bella-Jay Dark from Weymouth, is the world’s ____2____ female to release a book”可知,此处指这本书发表于2022年,故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:来自Weymouth的Bella-Jay Dark是世界上年龄最小出书的女性,吉尼斯世界记录授予了她这一头衔。A. smartest最从聪明的;B. youngest最年轻的,年龄最小的;C. smallest最小的;D. prettiest最漂亮的。根据前文“Most 5-year-olds are just learning their ABCs. Yet one little girl from the UK has actually written a book that was ____1____ in January 2022.”可知,Bella-Jay Dark只有5岁,故她是年龄最小的,故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. awarded授予;B. provided提供;C. rewarded奖励,回报;D. presented呈现。根据空后“the title”可知,此处指被授予这一头衔,故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的书《迷路的猫》讲述了一只叫做Snowy的猫独自在外面走丢的故事。A. tale故事;B. lie谎言;C. truth真相;D. legend传奇。根据空前“Her book, The Lost Cat tells the”可知,此处指这本书讲述的一个故事,故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她希望这本书能教会孩子不要在夜晚独自出门。A. predicts预示;B. promises承诺;C. guarantees保证;D. hopes希望。根据空后“the book will teach children not to go outside at night alone”可知,此处指她希望这本书能教会孩子不要在夜晚独自出门,故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管很多成年人从生活经历中寻找书籍的灵感,但Bella的创作灵感来自于她的一幅画。A. clue线索;B. hint暗示,预兆;C. inspiration灵感;D. interest兴趣。根据后文“Bella’s ____7____ vision actually came from one of her ____8____”可知,此处指成年人从生活经历中寻找灵感,故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. normal正常;B. conventional传统的;C. strange奇怪的;D. creative有创造性的。根据空后的“vision”可知,此处指Bella的创作视觉来自于她自己的一幅画,故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. books书籍;B. ideas想法;C. drawings画;D. stories故事。根据后文的““It started off as a picture. My daddy said I could make a book and a story came from the picture,” Bella said.”提示可知,此处指她的灵感来自一幅画,故选C。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:她的妈妈,Chelsie Syme对这本书的结果如此之好感到惊讶。A. turned out结果是;B. turned away走开,避开;C. took down记下,拿下;D. took in吸收,领会。根据空后“as well as it did”可知,此处指这本书结果是如此得好,故选A。
    考查形容词短语词义辨析。句意:我真的为她感到骄傲。A. guilty of对……感到羞愧的;B. proud of对……感到骄傲的;C. worried about对……感到着急的;D. upset about对……感到生气。根据后文“I did not think it was going to go this far so I pride myself on her”的提示可知,此处指她的妈妈为她感到骄傲,故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我没想到她会取得这样的结果,因此我为她感到骄傲,并且想看到她得到她应得的认可。A. favors较喜欢;B. pursues追寻;C. deserves应得;D. wants想要。根据空前“see her get the acknowledgement she”可知,此处指希望她得到她应得的认可,故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:据Syme而言,他们将Bella的书拿到一个书商处,找到了一个愿意碰一下运气的出版商。A. break裂缝,休息;B. chance机会,运气;C. part部分;D. look看。根据空前“found a publisher willing to take a”可知,此处指他们找到了一个愿意碰一下运气的出版商,take a chance“碰运气”,故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Syme帮助Bella校对,并作出一些有必要改变以满足吉尼斯的标准。A. take拿,带;B. adjust调整;C. adopt采用;D. meet满足。根据空后“standards”可知,此处指满足其标准,故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:除了是一个有成就的作家,Bella只是一个喜欢阅读、游泳和玩平板的普通孩子。A. regular普通的,平凡的;B. exceptional例外的;C. outstanding杰出的;D. diligent勤奋的。根据空前“Bella is just a(n)”可知,此处指她只是一个喜欢阅读、游泳和玩平板的普通孩子,故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:在她的空闲时间里,她目前在致力于写关于Snowy的故事续篇。A. previously先前地,之前地;B. frequently频繁地;C. currently目前,现在;D. occasionally偶尔,不时地。根据空前“In her free time”可知,此处指目前,在她空闲时间里,她续写Snowy的故事,故选C。
    Rescue operations are continuing in full swing to find survivors in the deadly earthquake that damaged parts of Türkiye and Syria.
    In the southern Turkish city of Antakya, a pregnant woman ___36___(bury) under the ruins of a collapsed building was pulled out to ___37___(safe) by Chinese and local rescue teams on Thursday, three days after the catastrophic magnitude -7.7 earthquake and its aftershocks struck the country and northern Syria. Across the area of southern Türkiye, people sought temporary shelter and food in ___38___(freeze) winter weather and waited in grief. The number of deaths in Turkiye ___39___(rise) to 14,351 so far.
    The Chinese rescue team, ___40___(consist) of 82 members including specialists in search and rescue as well as medical treatment, rushed to one of the worst-hit regions in Turkiye. ___41___ moment they arrived at the scene, they immediately joined their Turkish partners to carry ___42___ a rescue plan and saved the woman. Also, several Chinese civilian teams set to join the international rescue effort ___43___(assist) in the rescue. On a visit to the disaster zone on Wednesday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said operations were proceeding ___44___(normal) now and promised no one would be left ____45____(home). “We will be better tomorrow and later. We still have some issues with fuel... but we will overcome those too,” Erdogan said.
    【答案】36. buried
    37. safety 38. freezing
    39. has risen
    40. consisting
    41. The 42. out
    43 to assist
    44. normally
    45. homeless
    考查非谓语动词。句意:周四,在土耳其南部城市安塔基亚(Antakya),一名被埋在一栋倒塌建筑废墟下的孕妇被中国和当地救援队救到安全地带,三天前,土耳其和叙利亚北部发生了里氏-7.7级的灾难性地震及其余震。分析句子结构可知,此处为非谓语动词作定语,bury与所修饰词a pregnant woman之间为被动关系,且表示动作已经发生,所以使用过去分词形式。故填buried。
    考查谓语动词。句意:到目前为止,土耳其的死亡人数已上升至14,351人。分析句子结构可知,此处为谓语动词,根据时间状语so far可知,此处使用现在完成时,句子主语the number of deaths意为“死亡人数”为名词单数,且表示主动意义。故填has risen。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:中国救援队,包括搜救和医疗专家在内的82名成员迅速赶往土耳其受灾最严重的地区之一。分析句子结构可知,此处为非谓语动词作定语,consist of与所修饰词the Chinese rescue team为主动关系,所以使用现在分词形式。故填consisting。
    考查冠词。句意:他们一到现场,就立即与土耳其伙伴一起实施救援计划,救出了这名妇女。分析句子结构可知,此处为固定短语the moment意为“一……就……”作为连词引导时间状语,所以此处填定冠词the,因位于句首,所以首字母需大写。故填The。
    考查介词。句意:他们一到现场,就立即与土耳其伙伴一起实施救援计划,救出了这名妇女。分析句子结构可知,此处为固定短语carry out意为“执行”符合句意。故填out。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:此外,几支中国民间队伍也将加入国际救援行动,协助救援工作。分析句子结构可知,此处为非谓语动词作定语,修饰effort通常使用不定式形式,意为“…..的努力”,结合句意,此处表达主动意义。故填to assist。
    考查副词。句意:土耳其总统埃尔多安星期三视察灾区时说,救援工作目前正在正常进行,并承诺不会让任何人无家可归。分析句子结构可知,此处为副词作状语修饰谓语动词were proceeding,normal的副词为normally意为“正常地”。故填normally。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,最近你在做中西教育差异的项目。请你写一封电子邮件向你的英国朋友Peter求助,请他帮忙录制一段有关英国教育的视频,要点如下:
    1. 项目介绍;
    2. 请求帮助;
    3. 视频要求。
    注意:1. 词数80词左右:
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    【答案】Dear Peter,
    I hope this email finds you well. I'm currently working on a project examining the differences between Chinese and Western education. As someone who has firsthand experience with the British education system, I was wondering if you could assist me by recording a short video discussing your perspectives on English education.
    I am particularly interested in your views on the teaching methods, the structure of classes, and the teacher-student relationships within the UK educational setting. Your insights, which are based on your many years of experience and extensive knowledge, would make a significant contribution to our project.
    If you are willing to help, I would greatly appreciate your assistance in producing such a video. Thank you for your consideration.
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    以……为基础:are based on→are founded on
    原句:Thank you for your consideration.
    同义句:I am grateful for the considerate gestures that you have made.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】As someone who has firsthand experience with the British education system, I was wondering if you could assist me by recording a short video discussing your perspectives on English education. (运用了who引导的定语从句,虚拟语气)
    【高分句型2】Your insights, which are based on your many years of experience and extensive knowledge, would make a significant contribution to our project. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    This new little stepsister is getting on my nerves. She won’t stop talking. What was Dad trying to prove with this family vacation? We can’t instantly become the ideal family. I just became a teenager, and Christina is only 8 years old.
    Dad and I finished putting up the large tent. Then I walked back to the car for my backpack, only to knock a pink one to the ground. Before I could pick it up, Christina appeared. “Why’d you throw my stuff on the ground?” she roared.
    After lunch, Dad suggested I take Christina to see the sequoia pines (红杉松树), circling on the map where giant sequoias were.
    I jammed the map into my pocket and then set off. When I glanced back at Christina, all I saw was a pink cap. I shook my head. Dad and my new stepmom were crazy if they thought we’d instantly bond. I was not ready to be a big brother.
    As we walked the trail, the forest canopy (树冠) became thicker, blocking out direct sunlight, making the temperature drop slightly.
    “You warm enough?” I asked. She nodded but didn’t look at me. I noticed her hands had got completely covered with the sap (汁液) of a plant. I took a hand wipe from my pack and wiped her hands.
    Reaching a small hill, we climbed up it. Sunshine filled the meadow (草地) below. I could see the tops of sequoia pines popping out above the forest on the other side. I pointed them out excitedly to Christina and finally saw a smile light her face.
    “Come on, Sean!” She grabbed my hand and pulled me down into the meadow. Then I saw it, sitting on a rock in the middle of the field: a brown-colored bear cub (幼熊). Cute as it seemed, I knew it was dangerous.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
    I instructed Christina to stay close to me and hold my hand firmly.
    Keeping a tight hold on her hand, we walked on along the trail marked on our map.
    【答案】One possible version:
    I instructed Christina to stay close to me and hold my hand firmly. “Don’t move suddenly or make any loud noises,” I whispered to her. “We need to stay calm and slowly back away.” Christina nodded, her eyes wide with fear. The bear cub seemed to have no interest in us and continued playing on the rock. We slowly made our way back to the trial, making sure to keep an eye on the cub. Once we were a safe distance away, I let out a sign of relief. “Wow, did you see that?” Christina exclaimed, a smile returning to her face. “That bear cub was so cute!” “Yeah, but we need to remember that they’re still wild animals and can be dangerous,” I reminded her. “We should always keep a safe distance.”
    Keeping a tight hold on her hand, we walked on along the trail marked on our map. Christina chattered away, telling me all about her favorite animals and what she wanted to be when she grew up. As we walked, I found myself starting to enjoy her company. Maybe this family vacation wasn’t such a bad idea after all. As we continued on the trial, I made a mental note to be more patient with Christina and try to bond with her more during our time together.
    ①确保:make sure/ensure/guarantee
    ②记住:remember/keep in mind/bear in mind
    ③喋喋不休:chatter away/grabble on and on/talk endlessly
    ②有耐心的:patient/full of patience
    Christina chattered away, telling me all about her favorite animals and what she wanted to be when she grew up.(运用了现在分词作状语和what引导宾语从句。)
    “Wow, did you see that?” Christina exclaimed, a smile returning to her face.(运用了独立主格结构。)


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