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    新高考英语模拟试卷11卷 (原卷版+解析版+听力材料)
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    新高考英语模拟试卷11卷 (原卷版+解析版+听力材料)01
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    新高考英语模拟试卷11卷 (原卷版+解析版+听力材料)03
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    新高考英语模拟试卷11卷 (原卷版+解析版+听力材料)

    这是一份新高考英语模拟试卷11卷 (原卷版+解析版+听力材料),文件包含高考英语模拟试卷十一解析版docx、高考英语模拟试卷十一原卷版docx、高考英语模拟试卷十一听力音频mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共40页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (时间:120分钟; 满分:150分)
    1. 答题前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡山。写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答案卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分 30 分)
    例:How much is the shirt?
    A. 19.15 B. 9.18 C. 9.15
    1. What is the man most satisfied with about the new job?
    A. The location. B. The pay. C. The vacation time.
    M: I’m so glad I left my old job. It was closer to my home than my new job, but the pay was so low.
    W: So you’re happy with the new job.
    M: I am. The only thing I don’t like is the vacation time. I get only three weeks a year.
    2. What is the man doing?
    A. Asking for information. B. Giving directions. C. Waiting for a bus.
    W: Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the Global Theater?
    M: Yes, it’s right at the end of this street but not within walking distance. I suggest you take the Number 6 bus across the street.
    W: Oh, I see the bus stop over there. Thanks.
    3. Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A. In a shopping mall. B. In a supermarket. C. In the street.
    W: My niece lost her toy duck in the park a week ago. I hope to find a similar one here.
    M: Probably this is not the best place. Prices in malls are usually higher than anywhere else. You can try Tracy’s.
    W: Do you mean the large supermarket on Backstreet?
    4. What does the woman decide to do?
    A. Go climbing. B. Buy camping equipment. C. Stay at home.
    M: Hey Denise, are you still going climbing at the weekend? I heard there was going to be a storm.
    W: Absolutely! If it’s bad, I have some good-quality camping equipment and there’s somewhere to stay nearby.
    M: Okay, be careful and give me a call if you need me.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A. What to eat today. B. Where to find the menu. C. How to post a notice online.
    M: Is that the menu for the employees’ cafeteria?
    W: I think this is yesterday’s menu. They have a different one for each day of the week.M: Where can I get today’s menu?
    W: They always post it on the employee website.
    第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、
    C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,
    每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读
    6. What does the woman want to do?
    A. Reserve a vehicle. B. Collect a vehicle. C. Purchase a vehicle.
    7. What does the man offer to do?
    A. Bring an agreement. B. Send a confirmation number. C.Search the database.
    【答案】6. B 7. C
    W: Hello. I have a reservation for a rental truck and I’m here to pick it up.
    M: Certainly. Thanks for choosing Canton Rentals. Before you can take the vehicle, you’ll just have to fill out a few more things for your rental agreement on this computer.
    W: OK, great. Hmm, I see here you need my confirmation number, but I’m afraid I didn’t bring it.
    M: That’s not a problem. I’ll look it up in our database right now. First, could you tell me your last name?
    8. What does the man think of the video?
    A. Amazing. B. Traditional. C. Boring.
    9. What makes the dancing special according to the woman?
    A. The music. B. The costumes. C. The routines.
    【答案】8. A 9. B
    M: Have you seen the video for the band’s new song yet?
    W: Yes, I watched it last night. It’s really not like their other stuff, but I couldn’t stop listening to it.
    M: Maybe I’ll start to like it once I’ve heard it a few more times. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such an incredible video, though.
    W: I guess they’ve hired a Hollywood director to make it — you can tell from the quality.
    M: The dancing looks like something from another planet!
    W: I think it’s the costumes that created that effect. The routines themselves are quite like other videos I’ve seen.
    10. Where do the speakers work?
    A. In a real estate firm. B. In a construction company. C. In the local council.
    11. What is under construction at the waterfront?
    A. A new cinema. B. A sports complex. C. A swimming pool.
    12. What will the man do next?
    A. Meet a house owner. B. View an apartment. C. Update the online lists.
    【答案】10. A 11. A 12. C
    M: Diana, I’m really struggling to sell the 2-bedroom apartment down by the waterfront. I think the owner’s asking price is just too high.
    W: Yes, I guess property prices are rising sharply at the waterfront because of the new cinema that’s being built there.
    M: Right, and that’s only the beginning. The council has mentioned a brand new sports complex and swimming pool, too.
    W: Wow! It’s certainly gonna be a desirable neighborhood.
    M: Definitely. Oh, that reminds me … I have a couple of other apartments there to add to our online lists. I’ll catch up with you later.
    13. What’s the main purpose of Eric and his father taking the cycle trip?
    A. To raise money for charities. B. To spend time together. C. To break their usual routine.
    14. What made a day happier during a trip?
    A. Riding for a long distance.
    B. Chatting with the local people.
    C. Enjoying the sunshine on the face.
    15. What is Eric now?
    A. He’s a student. B. He’s a host. C. He’s a coach.
    16. What does Eric want to do?
    A. Take another long ride. B. Go cycling on weekends. C. Participate in competitions.
    【答案】13. C 14. B 15. A 16. C
    W: Eric, you’ve recently returned from a cycle trip with your dad across the USA. Why did you want to do this ride?
    M: I suppose the usual reason for doing it is to collect money for charity. We certainly did that, and spent a long time with each other too, which was wonderful. But, most importantly, we both fancied doing something really different during the summer holiday.
    W: What was a typical day like?
    M: Every day was different. Some were good; some were difficult. But all were good experience. It wasn’t actually how far we rode that made a day good or bad, it was more what happened. Having a conversation with some local people seemed to make us even happier than feeling the sun on our faces.
    W: And have you got plans for doing more cycling?
    M: I’m in my final year at school now, and I need to do well to get to university, so it’s not the best time for me to go for long rides. Rather than go out on weekend rides, I prefer to enter some competitions.
    W: Good luck, Eric!
    17. What will the railway company do with the car park?
    A. Change it for a multi-story one. B. Enlarge the parking area. C. Connect it to the high street.
    18. What does the speaker say about the library?
    A. It will move to a different site.
    B. It will close for about six weeks.
    C. It will extend the opening hours.
    19. What change will be made to the nature reserve?
    A. The council will offer the fund to it.
    B. There will be a charge for access to it.
    C. A national organization will mange it.
    20.What’s the speaker doing?
    A. Announcing some plans. B. Giving a lecture. C. Introducing a town.
    【答案】17. B 18. C 19. C 20. A
    M: Now I’ll very quickly outline current plans for some of the town’s facilities. As you know, if you regularly use the car park at the railway station, it’s usually full. The railway company applied for permission to replace it with a multi-story car park, but that was refused. Instead, the company has 4bought some connecting land, and this will be used to increase the number of parking spaces. The Grand, the old cinema in the high street, will close at the end of the year, and reopen on a different site. You’ve probably seen the building under construction. The plan is to have three screens with fewer seats. The indoor market is even older. The good news is that it will close for six weeks to be redecorated, and the improved building will open in July. Lots of people use the library. The council has managed to secure funding to keep the library open later into the evening, twice a week. There’s no limit on access to the nature reserve on the edge of town, and this will continue to be the case. What will change is that the council will no longer be in charge of the area. Instead, it will become the responsibility of a national organization that administers most nature reserves in the country.
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分 37.5分)
    Known for its Terracotta Warriors,the ancient Chinese city of Xi'an in Shaanxi Province is also a city with delicious food.Here are some of them.
    Yangrou paomo
    Yangrou paonmo,or pita bread soaked in lamb soup,is another signature food of Xi'an.The main ingredient in this mouth-watering dish is mutton and pita bread.The hard bread is torn into small pieces and added to a bowl,then topped with stewed and sliced mutton,scallion,coriander and chili,and then the soup is poured over all of it.
    Biangbiang noodles
    Biangbiang noodles(stewed-pork hand-ripped noodles)are thick,fat and long.Each noodle is three fingers wide,spiraling down into a big bowl.It is served dry,with toppings of chili and pork belly in alternating layers of fat and lean meat.Biangbiang noodles are famous not only for their distinctive taste,but also for the name,the character of which is so complicated that many Chinese don't know how to write it.Biang refers to the sound chefs make when they pull the dough into noodles and bang them against the table.
    A visit to Xi' an is not complete unless you try the dumplings.They are made in different shapes,colors and flavors—sour,sweet or peppery.The dumplings have different fillings.Cooking methods have also expanded,from boiling to frying.
    Ancient Chinese called it "Rou jia yu mo zhong",which means the meat is inside the bun(a kind of small bread).The most important part of "Rougamo" is the special sauce meat.According to the history record,"Rougamo" first found in book is in Qin Dynasty,which was called "Hanmo". "Rougamo" is not only a sign of the ancient city,but also a sign of Chinese traditional foods.
    21. In which of the following foods is bread used? ______
    A.Yangrou paomo and Rougamo.
    B.Rougamo and Biangbiang noodles.
    C.Yangrou paomo and dumpling.
    D.Biangbiang noodles and dumpling.
    22. What does Biangbiang noodles get the name from? ______
    A.The chef who creates them.
    B.The ingredients they include.
    C.The sound when they are made.
    D.The place where they are made.
    23. In which column of a newspaper is this text probably from? ______
    【答案】21—23 ACB
    21.A.细节理解题。根据Yangrou paomo中第二句"The main ingredient in this mouth-watering dish is mutton and pita bread.(这道令人垂涎的菜肴的主要原料是羊肉和皮塔饼)"和Rougamo中的第一句"Ancient Chinese called it "Rou jia yu mo zhong",which means the meat is inside the bun (a kind of small bread) (中国古代称之为"肉夹馍",意思是肉夹在小圆面包里)"可知,Yangrou paomo和Rougamo中都会用到饼(bread)。故选A项。
    22. C.细节理解题。根据Biangbiang noodles的最后一句"Biang refers to the sound chefs make when they pull the dough into noodles and bang them against the table.(Biang指的是厨师把面团拉成面条,然后在桌子上猛撞发出的声音)"可知,Biangbiang noodles的名字来由是厨师制作面条时在桌子上摔打面条发出的声音。故选C项。
    23. B.文章出处题。本文介绍了几种西安的特色美食,属于地方饮食文化,所以文章可能出自报纸的文化专栏。A.Health.健康;B.Culture.文化;C.Science.科学;D.Fashion.时尚。故选B项。
    Many animals depend upon sound to find food and communicate with one another.These species understandably suffer when loud motorways cut through their habitats.Some cope by singing more loudly,some change the timing of their calls to occur when fewer people are driving,others just move to quieter locales.
    All of these actions come with significant costs attached and scientists have long documented the ecological damage caused by noise pollution.It has always been assumed,however,that noise is a problem unique to animals.But a new study by Ali Akbar Ghotbi-Ravandi,a botanist at Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran,has revealed that plants suffer too.
    Working with a team of colleagues,Dr Ghotbi-Ravandi grew two species in his lab that are commonly found in urban environments - French marigolds and scarlet sage.The plants were grown from seed and allowed to mature for two months in the same space before they were divided into two groups.One group was exposed to 73 decibels(分贝)of traffic noise recorded from a busy motorway in Tehran for 16 hours a day.The other group was left to grow in silence.After 15 days had passed,samples were taken from the youngest fully expanded leaves on every plant in the experiment and studied.
    None of the plants exposed to the traffic noise did well.Analysis of their leaves revealed that all of them were suffering.The chemical compounds hydrogen peroxide(过氧化氢)and malondialdehyde(丙二醛)are indicators of stress in plants and both were found at much higher levels in the specimens exposed to the traffic noise.Most notably,malondialdehyde levels in the sage plants exposed to noise were double what they were in those grown in silence and hydrogen-peroxide levels were three times higher in French marigolds grown with the noise than those grown in silence.
    Dr Ghotbi-Ravandi's results were published in the journal Basic and Applied Ecology.His findings make it clear that,though plants lack ears,the noise of traffic still bothers them enough to strong stress responses.
    24.Which is known to most of the people? ______
    A. Only animals suffer from noise pollution.
    B. Plants can be damaged by loud sounds.
    C. Loud noises damage animals' hearing.
    D. Animals are smarter than scientists assumed.
    25.How is the new study conducted? ______
    A. By reducing noises. B. By doing a survey.
    C. By analyzing existing data. D. By doing experiments.
    26.What does the underlined word "trigger " in the last paragraph probably mean? ______
    A. Rid of. B. Set off. C. Develop. D. Receive.
    27.Which section of a website is the text probably taken from? ______
    A. Culture. B. Business.
    C. Science. D. Entertainment.
    【答案】24—27 ADBC
    24. A.细节理解题。根据第二段中It has always been assumed,however,that noise is a problem unique to animals.(然而,人们一直认为噪音是动物特有的问题。)可知,人们一直认为噪音是动物独有的问题。故选A。
    25. D.推理判断题。根据第三段Working with a team of colleagues,Dr Ghotbi-Ravandi grew two species in his lab that are commonly found in urban environments - French marigolds and scarlet sage.The plants were grown from seed and allowed to mature for two months in the same space before they were divided into two groups.One group was exposed to 73 decibels(分贝)of traffic noise recorded from a busy motorway in Tehran for 16 hours a day.The other group was left to grow in silence.After 15 days had passed,samples were taken from the youngest fully expanded leaves on every plant in the experiment and studied.(Ghotbi Ravandi博士和同事们在实验室里培育了两种常见于城市环境中的物种---法国金盏花和猩红鼠尾草。这些植物是从种子中生长出来的,在同一空间中成熟两个月,然后分为两组。其中一组暴露在73分贝的环境中(分贝)德黑兰一条繁忙的高速公路记录的每天16小时的交通噪音。另一组则在沉默中成长。15天后,从实验中每株植物最年轻的完全展开的叶子上采集样本并进行研究。)可知,Dr Ghotbi-Ravandi团队主要是通过种植实验来进行研究的,他们通过观察不同环境中的植物---万寿菊和串红,来研究噪音对植物的影响。故选D。
    26. B.词义猜测题。根据最后一段Dr Ghotbi-Ravandi's results were published in the journal Basic and Applied Ecology.His findings make it clear that,though plants lack ears,the noise of traffic still bothers them enough to strong stress responses.(Ghotbi Ravandi博士的研究结果发表在《基础与应用生态学》杂志上。他的发现清楚地表明,尽管植物没有耳朵,但交通噪音仍然足以引发强烈的应激反应。)可知,trigger意为"引起,激发"。结合选项:A.Rid of摆脱;B.Set off引起;C.Develop发展;D.Receive接收。故选B。
    27. C.推理判断题。本文主要介绍了声音不仅对动物有不良影响,而且对于植物也有很大的破坏性。由此可知,本文可能出自网站的科学部分。故选C。
    Extremely energetic light from space is an unexplained wonder. Scientists don’t know where that light comes from, exactly. And now astronomers have spotted this light, called gamma (伽马) rays, at higher energies than ever before.
    You can’t see gamma rays with your eyes. They are much more energetic than the light that we can see. So you need a fancy detector to spot them. The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory, LHAASO, is an experiment in China. It searches for extremely high energy gamma rays.
    Scientists have spotted 12 gamma-ray hot spots. These are parts of the sky from which the gamma rays are sent out. Those hot spots show that our galaxy, the Milky Way, has powerful particle accelerators (加速器). But those particle accelerators aren’t made by humans. Instead, they come from violent events in the universe. They might be exploding stars, for example. Such violent events make electric and magnetic fields, which can speed up protons (质子) and electrons. Those fast particles can then produce gamma rays with a lot of energy. That can happen when protons interact with other matter in space, for example.
    Scientists aren’t sure what could produce gamma rays with the extreme energies observed. But the new observations point to two possibilities. One hot spot was associated with the Crab Nebula. That’s the remains of an exploded star. Another possible source was the Cygnus Cocoon. That's a region where massive stars are forming. The stars send out intense winds in the process.
    LHAASO is located on Haizi Mountain in China’s Sichuan province. It is not yet fully operational. It's due to be completed later this year. Then, it could find even more gamma rays.
    28.What can we learn about gamma rays?
    A.They are invisible.
    B.They are often ignored.
    C.They contain little energy.
    D.They are used to explore universe.
    29.Why are some examples used in paragraph 3?
    A.To make the explanation lively.
    B.To help understand the Milky Way.
    C.To illustrate the universe is expanding.
    D.To show how gamma rays might be produced.
    30.Which word can describe the astronomical observation mentioned in this text?
    A.Disappointing. B.Exciting.
    C.Accurate. D.Unconfirmed.
    31.What is a suitable title of this text?
    A.Gamma Rays Come from Multiple Sources
    B.The Universe Is Exploding with Great Energy
    C.Light from Space Has Recorded-Breaking Energy
    D.Gamma Rays Can Only Be Seen by Astronauts
    【答案】28—31 ADDC
    28.细节理解题。根据第二段中“You can’t see gamma rays with your eyes.(你的眼睛看不到伽马射线。)”可知,伽马射线是肉眼看不见的。故选A。
    29.推理判断题。根据第三段中“they come from violent events in the universe. They might be exploding stars, for example.(它们来自宇宙中的剧烈事件。例如,它们可能是正在爆炸的恒星。)”以及“Those fast particles can then produce gamma rays with a lot of energy. That can happen when protons interact with other matter in space, for example.(这些快速的粒子可以产生大量能量的伽马射线。例如,当质子与空间中的其他物质相互作用时,这种情况就会发生。)”可知,分别举例说明恒星爆炸是宇宙中的一种强烈事件,这种强烈事件产生强电磁场,加速质子和电子的运动,进而产生强能伽马射线。所以本段中的例子是为了说明伽马射线很可能出自这些宇宙中的强烈事件。故选D。
    30.推理判断题。根据第四段中“Scientists aren’t sure what could produce gamma rays with the extreme energies observed.(科学家们不确定是什么能产生观测到的极端能量的伽马射线。)”可知,天文观测的结果尚不能确定。故选D。
    31.主旨大意题。这是一篇新闻,根据全文内容尤其是第一段中的主题句“And now astronomers have spotted this light, called gamma (伽马) rays, at higher energies than ever before.(现在,天文学家发现了这种被称为伽马射线的光,其能量比以往任何时候都要高。)”可知,本文主要围绕天文学家发现的能量巨大的伽马射线展开。故选C。
    Human brains are social organs - they're neurobiologically(神经生物)wired for connection.But just as our students' brains can be unfavorably affected by negative mentality and misfortunes,so can their parents' brains,affecting relationships with teachers.
    What feels hurtful from a parent could be a worn-out brain,one that is trying to survive and so is defending itself and paying close attention to experiences or relationships that may feel terrifying or unsafe.
    There are times when we may feel harmed by a parent,and we too can fire off sharp words if we re feeling misunderstood and angry.We may also unintentionally increase a conflict while moving farther away from cooperation and solutions.A poorly regulated educator cannot help a poorly regulated parent.
    I myself have been blamed for my son's upsetting behaviors when he was struggling emotionally.Eleven years ago,when Andrew became a newcomer in high school,the anxiety and anger masking the fear he felt almost destroyed our family.We felt helpless and often hopeless.
    In the middle of this scary time,I received an email from Andrew's Spanish teacher.
    Dear Dr.Desautels,
    I wanted you to know that Andrew finished his project today and had a smile on his face.I just wanted to share that with you.
    Please let me know how I may serve you in the days to come.
    Mr. Pickett
    This email changed everything for me as a mom and as an educator.It helped our family experience a bit of hope and inspiration.Andrew worked hard for Mr.Pickett that term and ended with an A.He failed most of his other classes,but because of the connection this teacher created with Andrew,he felt heard,seen,and appreciated.
    One thing I've learned is that I must regulate my own brain state before I interact with parents.Mr.Pickett's effort to foster a positive relationship with my family and my son has shown me a way to support both students and their parents.
    32.Why does a parent say hurtful things? ______
    A. They dislike teachers.
    B. They are easily upset.
    C. They are much too stressed.
    D. They are willing to let their anger out.
    33.What happened to Andrew as a newcomer in high school? ______
    A. He was physically ill.
    B. He had emotional suffering.
    C. He tried to escape his family.
    D. He quarreled with his teacher.
    34.Why did Andrew begin to study Spanish hard? ______
    A. He wanted to change everything.
    B. He was persuaded by his parents.
    C. He realized the importance of the subject.
    D. He got care and appreciation from the teacher.
    35.Who is the intended reader? ______
    A. Students. B. Teachers. C. Parents. D. Doctors.
    【答案】32—35 CBDC
    32.C.推理判断题。根据第二段What feels hurtful from a parent could be a worn-out brain,one that is trying to survive and so is defending itself and paying close attention to experiences or relationships that may feel terrifying or unsafe.(来自父母的伤害可能是一个疲惫的大脑,一个试图生存,因此保护自己,密切关注可能感到可怕或不安全的经历或关系的大脑。)可知,疲惫的大脑试图生存和保护自己,密切关注不安全的经历或关系使得父母给孩子带来伤人的话语,由此可见他们的压力过大,故选C。
    33. B.细节理解题。根据第四段I myself have been blamed for my son's upsetting behaviors when he was struggling emotionally.Eleven years ago,when Andrew became a newcomer in high school,the anxiety and anger masking the fear he felt almost destroyed our family.(我儿子在情绪上挣扎时的不安行为都怪我自己。11年前,当安德鲁成为一名高中新生时,焦虑和愤怒掩盖了他几乎摧毁我们家庭的恐惧。)可知,安德鲁在成为一名高中生时,遭受情感上的痛苦,故选B。
    34. D.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的He failed most of his other classes,but because of the connection this teacher created with Andrew,he felt heard,seen,and appreciated.(他其他大部分课程都不及格,但由于这位老师与安德鲁建立了联系,他感到自己被听到、看到和欣赏。)可知,安德鲁努力学习西班牙语,是因为他得到了老师的关心和赞赏。故选D。
    35. C.推理判断题。通读全文可知,父母和孩子一样都会受到消极心态和不幸的影响,从而影响与老师的关系。作者在文章中通过讲述自己与儿子成长过程中的教育问题来说明父母与孩子如何建立积极的关系,结合最后一段One thing I've learned is that I must regulate my own brain state before I interact with parents.Mr.Pickett's effort to foster a positive relationship with my family and my son has shown me a way to support both students and their parents.(我学到的一件事是,在与父母互动之前,我必须调节自己的大脑状态。皮克特先生努力与我的家人和儿子建立积极的关系,这向我展示了一种支持学生和他们父母的方式。)可知,作者得到了这位西班牙语老师的帮助,从这件事作者学会了更高效地与孩子和其他学生及他们的父母之间的相处和沟通,建立良好的关系,由此可知,本文主要是想表述家长如何与孩子和老师建立良好的相处关系,所以本文的主要读者对象应是父母,故选 C。
    True beauty is not found in looks. ____36___ Changing the way you think about beauty will give you life-long confidence.
    Place your beauty in your identity but not your identity in your beauty.If you hold onto youthful beauty as a narrow definition of yourself, you won't enjoy your looks as you age. ____37___ Mirrors tell us only a part of what we show to the outer world.Go past your reflection and see the real self.
    The fountain of youth doesn't exist.Despite many anti-aging products, there is no magic solution to stopping the effects of aging.You should stop devaluing (贬低) yourself just because you are getting older.Aim for a healthy life and keep yourself strong and fit.Eat healthy diet and be committed to a daily exercise routine.Lots of efforts are needed. ____38___
    Beauty relates to physical and psychological aspects. ____39___ However, Serena Williams never hides her unusual powerful physique (体格).Instead, her showing her muscles enhances her appeal.Many fans think she is beautiful.This proves that looking beautiful and attractive goes beyond our looks.
    ____40___ Beauty matters to all of us, but to those who age beautifully, it matters neither too much nor too little.Do enjoy our lives to the fullest.True beauty is about accepting yourself.It is also about feeling good about yourself.
    A.Everyone does it.
    B.It comes from the inside.
    C.Go beyond your mirror image.
    D.You will feel better over a long term,
    E.It's human nature to believe beauty is everything
    F.People generally think beauty is only a skin-deep issue.
    G.Be less scared of aging and you will looks more beautiful.
    【答案】36—40 BCDFG
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    At a speed of roughly 20 miles a day,the Ardines experienced practically all the extremes the United States has to offer.The brothers kept a detailed record of their____41___ on the blog.With the right headlines and support of friends and family back at home,the brothers' journey started to gain more____42____.By day 60,they were already 1/3 into their____43___goal.News media started to cover their story.In July,their news caught the attention of Verizon Wireless,who_____44____the brothers new cell phones and donated to the cause.
    Along their heroes'____45____,Aiden and Louis met their own everyday heroes.A driver in Nebraska.____46____ them on the road in the extremely hot weather and doubled back to give them cold drinks.In Iowa,a couple_____47____them over for a hearty meal of steak and cheese.In Nevada,a woman who ran a campground let them stay____48___.These actions made their hearts_____49____ with warmth.
    Walking by 11 states,four times zones,mountains,deserts,forests,and a run-in with a black bear later,Aiden and Louis_____50____ the sandy beaches of San Francisco after 162 days.______51_____ by their parents and other supporters,the brothers were not only delighted that they achieved their goal,but that they doubled it.Thanks to the Ardines, ﹩70,000 was_____52____ between the Restaurant Workers' Community Foundation and the COCO Fund,nonprofits created specifically to_____53____ food workers hit hard by the pandemic (疫情).
    Without the_____54____of a huge community of people,they wouldn't have been successful.It was confirmed that people are kind in their_____55___and ready to help others at all times.
    41. A. reputations B. virtues C. surveys D. experiences
    42. A. requests B. motivation C. tracks D. admission
    43. A. interesting B. tiring C. moral D. initial
    44. A. saved B. showed C. offered D. sold
    45. A. behaviour B. speech C. journey D. advice
    46. A. adopted B. spotted C. defended D. examined
    47. A. rowed B. took C. turned D. invited
    48. A. free of charge B. ahead of time C. at random D. by accident
    49. A. assessed B. satisfied C. stabbed D. filled
    50. A. searched for B. cleared up C. arrived at D. passed by
    51. A. Greeted B. Blamed C. Attracted D. Identified
    52. A. arranged B. discovered C. shared D. packed
    53. A. aid B. hire C. move D. control
    54. A. spread B. doubt C. help D. belief
    55. A. quantity B. nature C. anxiety D. ambition
    41—45DBDCC 46—50 BDADC 51—55 ACACB
    41. D.考查名词及语境理解。A.reputations名誉;B.virtues美德;C.surveys调查;D.experiences经历。句意:兄弟俩在博客上详细记录了他们的经历。根据上文"At a speed of roughly 20 miles a day,the Ardines experienced practically all the extremes the United States has to offer." 可知,Ardines兄弟在博客上记录他们的经历。故选D。
    42. B.考查名词及语境理解。A.requests请求;B.motivation动力;C.tracks轨道;D.admission承认,允许(进入)。句意:有了合适的标题以及国内朋友和家人的支持,兄弟俩的旅程开始获得更多动力。根据上文"With the right headlines and support of friends and family back at home,"可知,有合适的标题及国内朋友和家人的支持,兄弟俩的旅行获得了更多动力。故选B。
    43. D.考查形容词及语境理解。A.interesting有趣的;B.tiring累人的;C.moral道德的;D.initial最初的。句意:到第60天,他们已经完成了最初目标的三分之一。根据上文"At a speed of roughly 20 miles a day,the Ardines experienced practically all the extremes the United States has to offer."可知,到60天,他们已经完成了最初目标旅程的三分之一。故选D。
    44. C.考查动词及语境理解。A.saved节省;B.showed展示;C.offered (主动)提供;D.sold卖。句意:7月,他们的新闻引起了威瑞森无线公司的注意,该公司为兄弟俩提供新手机,并向该事业捐款。根据下文"donated to the cause"可知,Verizon Wireless向兄弟俩主动提供新手机。故选C。
    45. C.考查名词及语境理解。A.behaviour行为;B.speech演讲;C.journey旅行;D.advice建议。句意:在他们英雄的旅程中,艾登和路易斯遇到了他们自己的日常英雄。根据上文"the brothers' journey started to gain more____42___" 可知,他们在旅程中遇到了自己的日常英雄。故选C。
    46. B.考查动词及语境理解。A.adopted收养;B.spotted发现;C.defended抵御;D.examined检查。句意:内布拉斯加州的一名司机在极端炎热的天气里发现他们在路上,于是折回来给他们冷饮。根据本句"A driver in Nebraska.____46___them on the road in the extremely hot weather and doubled back to give them cold drinks."可知 ,在途中,一位司机发现了他们。故选B。
    47. D.考查动词及语境理解。A.rowed划;B.took带;C.turned转;D.invited邀请。句意:在爱荷华州,一对夫妇邀请他们吃了一顿丰盛的牛排和奶酪。根据下文" for a hearty meal of steak and cheese"可知,一对夫妇邀请他们吃了丰盛的一餐。故选D。
    48. A.考查短语及语境理解。A.free of charge免费;B.ahead of time提前;C.at random随机;D.by accident偶然。句意:在内华达州,一个经营露营场所的女士让他们免费入住。根据上文"a woman who ran a campground "可知,经营露营场所的女士让他们免费入住。故选A。
    49. D.考查动词及语境理解。A.assessed评估;B.satisfied使满意;C.stabbed (用刀)刺,捅;D.filled填满。句意:这些举动让他们的心里充满了温暖。根据上文路人的帮助及本句"These actions made their hearts____49___with warmth."可知,这些举动让温暖填满了他们内心。故选D。
    50. C.考查动词短语及语境理解。A.searched for搜寻;B.cleared up清理;C.arrived at到达;D.passed by经过。句意:经过11个州、4个时区、山脉、沙漠和森林,Aiden和Louis在162天后到达了旧金山的沙滩。根据上文"Walking by 11 states,four times zones,mountains,deserts,and a run-in with a black bear later, "可知,兄弟俩最终到达了旧金山沙滩。故选C。
    51. A.考查动词及语境理解。A.Greeted迎接;B.Blamed责怪;C.Attracted吸引;D.Identified识别。句意:在他们的父母和其他支持者的迎接下,Ardines兄弟俩很高兴他们不仅实现了目标,而且结果是其两倍。根据下文"by their parents and other supporters,"可知,到达后,他们的父母和其他支持者迎接了他们。故选A。
    52. C.考查动词及语境理解。A.arranged安排;B.discovered发现;C.shared分享;D.packed打包。句意:多亏了Ardines兄弟俩,7万美元被分给了餐饮员工团体基金会和COCO基金会。这两个基金会是专门为帮助受疫情严重打击的食品工人而设立的非营利组织。根据下文" between the Restaurant Workers' Community Foundation and the COCO Fund,nonprofits created specifically to____53____food workers hit hard by the pandemic (疫情)."可知,兄弟俩筹集的7万美元被分给了两个基金会。故选C。
    53. A.考查动词及语境理解。A.aid帮助;B.hire租;C.move移动;D.control控制。句意:多亏了Ardines兄弟俩,7万美元被分给了餐饮员工团体基金会和COCO基金会。这两个基金会是专门为帮助受疫情严重打击的食品工人而设立的非营利组织。根据下文"____53____food workers hit hard by the pandemic "可知,两个基金会是非盈利组织,用来帮助受疫情严重打击的食品工人。故选A。
    54. C.考查名词及语境理解。A.spread蔓延;B.doubt怀疑;C.help帮助;D.belief信念。句意:如果没有大家的帮助,Ardines兄弟俩就不会成功。根据下文"a huge community of people,"可知,没有大家的帮助,兄弟俩就不会成功。故选C项。
    55. B.考查名词及语境理解。A.quantity数量;B.nature自然;C.anxiety焦虑;D.ambition野心。句意:它证实了人们本性善良,随时准备帮助别人。根据上文"Thanks to the Ardines, ﹩70,000 was____52____between the Restaurant Workers' Community Foundation and the COCO Fund,"可知,Ardines兄弟俩徒步旅行,做公益筹集资金帮助人们,在途中又得到了别人的帮助,这件事证实了人性善良。故选B。
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    In my entire life, I have never witnessed an environmental disaster like the ____56____ (disappear) South Aral Sea in Central Asia. As I drove on the deserted road, away from the town of Moynaq and toward the sea, I felt a deep and ____57____ (continue) sadness. This area was once home ____58____ a large and busy fishing community. Over the past 40 years, however, it ____59____ (become) a ghostly desert. There was no greenery anywhere. The only things I could see on the horizon were the old ____60____ (abandon) ships sitting on the dry sea floor. I stared at the rusted and rundown structures for what felt like hours. I do not know how long they had been there, but ____61____ sight of them filled me with sorrow. How could a place that once thrived (繁荣) on fishing and other ____62____ (activity) become so dry? My guide told me that I would have to walk dozens of kilometers on the cracked soil to ____63____ (eventual) see the blue water that used to flow to ____64____ I was standing. I breathed deeply and tasted the salty remains of the ocean. The environmental disaster of the South Aral Sea will stay with _____65_____ (I) forever.
    56. disappearing 57. continuous/continuing 58. to 59. has become 60. abandoned
    61. the 62. activities 63. eventually 64. where 65. me
    56.disappearing 考查非谓语动词。句意:在我的一生中,我从未目睹过像中亚南咸海消失这样的环境灾难。句中South Aral Sea是名词,所给词disappear是动词,和空后的名词之间是主动关系,是现在分词作前置定语。故答案为disappearing。
    57. continuous/continuing 考查形容词。句意:当我驱车行驶在荒芜的道路上,驶离莫伊奈格镇,驶向大海时,我感到一种深深的、持续的悲伤。空后的sadness是名词,由形容词修饰,所给词continue是动词,其形容词是continuous/continuing,意为“连续不断的,持续的”,在句中作定语。故答案为continuous/continuing。
    58. to 考查介词。句意:这个地区曾经是一个庞大而繁忙的渔业社区。固定搭配:be home to,意为“是......的家园”。故答案为to。
    59. has become 考查动词时态。句意:然而,在过去的40年里,它已经变成了一个幽灵般的沙漠。根据时间状语Over the past 40 years可知,句子用现在完成时,且句子主语是单数第三人称it,所以完成时中的助动词用has。故答案为has become。
    60. abandoned 考查非谓语动词。句意:在地平线上,我唯一能看到的是停在干燥的海底的废弃旧船。句中were是谓语动词,所给动词abandon是非谓语动词,和空后名词ships之间是被动关系,是过去分词作前置定语。故答案为abandoned。
    61. the 考查定冠词。句意:我不知道他们在那里待了多久,但看到他们,我心里充满了悲伤。此处意为“看到他们”,表示“特指”,所以用定冠词。故答案为the。
    62. activities 考查名词复数。句意:一个曾经以捕鱼和其他活动繁荣的地方怎么会变得如此干燥?空前other+名词复数,所给词activity的复数是activities。故答案为activities。
    63. eventually 考查副词。句意:我的导游告诉我,我必须在开裂的土地上走几十公里,才能最终看到曾经流到我站的地方的蓝色水。空后see是动词,由副词修饰,所给词eventual是形容词,其副词是eventually。故答案为eventually。
    64. where 考查状语从句。句意:我的导游告诉我,我必须在开裂的土地上走几十公里,才能最终看到曾经流到我站的地方的蓝色水。分析结子结构,介词to后面是where引导的地点状语从句,where在从句中作地点状语。故答案为where。
    65. me 考查人称代词。句意:南咸海的环境灾难将永远伴随我。此处介词with后面用I的宾格me作宾语。故答案为me。
    第四部分写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    假定你是李华, 你校正在开展社会实践系列活动,你参加了其中的烹饪课。 请你写一封邮件,向你的外国笔友Thomas 介绍以下内容:
    1. 活动目的
    2. 课程介绍
    3. 感悟收获
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Thomas,
    I hope this email finds you well and thriving! Now I’m delighted to share my school life with you.
    In order to enrich our social experiences, various activities are being held and I picked cooking class where we can learn basic knife skills, food decorating and traditional cooking methods. Moreover, various vegetables are grown in our school farm and we can really experience how a dish is so valuable from a seed to food. Thus we’re becoming more aware of food waste problem.
    How is your school life? Looking forward to hearing from you.
    1. 高分句型一:In order to enrich our social experiences, various activities are being held and I picked cooking class where we can learn basic knife skills, food decorating and traditional cooking methods. (句中动词不定式作目的状语;where引导定语从句。)
    2. 高分句型二:Moreover, various vegetables are grown in our school farm and we can really experience how a dish is so valuable from a seed to food. (句中使用how引导的宾语从句。)
    It was early morning, yet already it had been a very bad day. One thing after another, the downward spiral(螺旋)continued when a large bottle of orange juice slid from my hands and fell to the floor. Glass and sticky juice splashed to the farthest corners of the kitchen. Shocked, I looked at the mess. Then I dropped heartbrokenly down to the floor, my eyes filling with tears. The tears seemed to show that "today is just not my day."
    Bad day or not, things had to be done. Filled with anxiety and negative mental baggage,1 got in my car to drive into town. In the few minutes it took to travel to the bank 1 made a decision. I would be careful not to pass my bad day off to anyone else. I would be friendly and polite. And I would NOT be angry when that careless driver pulled quickly and rudely in front of me causing me to brake suddenly.
    Standing in line at the bank, I was silently talking to myself. Actually, I was scolding myself. All of the events that had accumulated and contributed to my bad day were, in reality, so very minor and trivial. I was over reacting. I was filled with self-pity. I tried to imagine the innumerable, individual lives that had been affected by terrorist attacks, by war, by hurricanes, earthquakes, and other natural disasters.
    For the second time that day my eyes filled with tears as I realized how disconnected I felt from all those individuals who are trying to cope with truly miserable experiences in their lives.
    They all seemed so distant and unknowable, and this justified and strengthened my belief that I was being self-centered and selfish. I was sure that all my efforts to be a caring and loving person were in vain.
    A voice broke through my mental distractions. Somehow I had mechanically finished my bank transaction(交易)and the teller was trying to get my attention."Young lady,"she was saying, gently,” Young lady!"
    I looked up and into the eyes of the bank teller, a silver-haired grandmother with a gentle beauty.

    In the moment of her touching my hands, my self-doubt disappeared.

    I looked up and into the eyes of the bank teller, a silver­haired grandmother with a gentle beauty. Her keen eyes reflected concern as she leaned forward and softly said, “I don't know what is happening inside of you, but please, believe me when I tell you that—everything will be okay.” And then she did something quite marvelous. My hands were resting on the counter. She took her hands and placed them gently on top of mine. The touch was quick but electric. And at that moment my world shifted.
    In the moment of her touching my hands, my self­doubt disappeared. I found understanding and acceptance. I knew that love was being channeled through the heart of this beautiful woman directly into my heart. I was filled with a deep awareness inside me—that I am loved. I was speechless. I smiled and gave her a little nod. It was my first smile of the day. But it would not be my last, as from that moment on my entire day was transformed.


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