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    第一节 完型填空(共10小题:每小题1.5份,共15份)
    I am never good at public speaking. Every time I was involved in a group project, I would always volunteer to be any role but the presenter. So, when my partner Emily offered to be the ____1____ of our project, I was overjoyed.
    Unfortunately, on the presentation day, Emily fell ill badly. She had to stay home to rest. I was worried that she may ____2____ the presentation, so I called her. As I spoke to her on the phone, it became apparent that I had to step up and present our project. I was filled with ____3____. By the time I hung up the phone, I could hardly breathe.
    I had no ____4____ but to make an alternative plan. I tried to ____5____ my nervousness and focus on the task at hand. Pulling out a piece of paper, I wrote whatever I could remember on it with great urgency.
    With that piece of paper, I stood outside the classroom door, waiting for my turn. I tried to be calm, but as time passed by, ____6____ went through me and the waiting area seemed too small for me to ____7____. When my name was called, I broke out into a cold sweat.
    In front of the judges, my hands failed in their attempts to remain ____8____. All the while, my voice and hands were shaking. I tried to take shallow breaths and I felt I would fall apart anytime. Somehow, I ____9____ to go through the entire presentation and deliver my speech as planned. ____10____ my fear was not as hard as it seemed, and my alternative plan proved to be a success.
    1.A.recorder B.speaker C.designer D.organizer
    2.A.change B.give C.analyze D.miss
    3.A.relief B.excitement C.anxiety D.shame
    4.A.resource B.worry C.chance D.choice
    5.A.push aside B.let out C.hide behind D.hold onto
    6.A.sadness B.fear C.anger D.guilt
    7.A.rest B.cry C.breathe D.sigh
    8.A.steady B.flexible C.gentle D.strong
    9.A.pretended B.expected C.refused D.managed
    10.A.Understanding B.Overcoming C.Admitting D.Expressing
    【答案】1.B 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.B
    1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以,当我的搭档Emily提出要做我们项目的发言人时,我欣喜若狂。A. recorder记录员;B. speaker发言人;C. designer设计者;D. organizer组织者。根据上文“I would always volunteer to be any role but the presenter(除了发言人,我总是自愿担任任何角色)”及空后“I was overjoyed”可知,作者不愿意担任发言人,所以此处指当Emily提出要做发言人时,作者欣喜若狂,故选B。
    2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我担心她会错过演讲,所以我给她打了电话。A. change改变;B. give给;C. analyze分析;D. miss错过。根据“She had to stay home to rest.(她必须在家休息)”可知,Emily生病在家休息,作者担心她会错过演讲,所以给她打电话,故选D。
    3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我充满了焦虑。A. relief宽慰;B. excitement激动,兴奋;C. anxiety焦虑;D. shame羞耻。根据“By the time I hung up the phone, I could hardly breathe.(当我挂断电话时,我几乎无法呼吸)”及语境可知,作者要做发言人,所以很焦虑,故选C。
    4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我别无选择,只好另作打算。A. resource资源;B. worry担忧;C. chance机会;D. choice选择。根据语境可知,Emily生病无法担任发言人,所以作者别无选择,只能自己去克服恐惧担任发言人,故选D。
    5.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我努力不去想我有多紧张,把注意力集中在手头的工作上。A. push aside不去想,不考虑;B. let out释放;C. hide behind 躲在……后面;D. hold onto坚持不懈。根据“focus on the task at hand”可知,作者努力不去想自己有多紧张,而是把集中注意力在工作上,故选A。
    6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我努力让自己冷静下来,但随着时间的流逝,恐惧笼罩着我,等候区似乎太小了,我无法呼吸。A. sadness悲伤;B. fear害怕,恐惧;C. anger生气;D. guilt内疚。根据语境及文章最后一句“ ____10____ my fear was not as hard as it seemed”可知,作者很害怕,故选B。
    7.考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. rest休息;B. cry哭泣;C. breathe呼吸;D. sigh叹气。根据空前“the waiting area seemed too small”可知,由于作者极度紧张,所以等待室对作者来说太小了,喘不过气,故选C。
    8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在裁判面前,我的手没能保持稳定。A. steady稳定的;B. flexible灵活的;C. gentle温柔的;D. strong强壮的。根据下一句“All the while, my voice and hands were shaking.(我的声音和手一直在颤抖)”可知,作者的手一直抖,无法保持稳定,故选A。
    9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:不知怎的,我设法完成了整个演示,并按计划发表了我的演讲。A. pretended假装;B. expected期待;C. refused拒绝;D. managed设法做到。根据“deliver my speech as planned”可知,作者如期完成演讲,manage to do sth设法完成某事,故选D。
    10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:克服我的恐惧并不像看起来那么难,我的替代计划被证明是成功的。A. Understanding理解;B. Overcoming克服;C. Admitting承认;D. Expressing表达。根据“and my alternative plan proved to be a success”可知,作者克服了恐惧,成功完成演讲,故选B。
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)
    ChatGPT is a new artificial intelligence technology ____11____(create) by Open AI. It enables machines to understand and respond to human conversations in a ____12____(nature) and conversational way. ChatGPT has shaken the tech world since it was opened for public use last year. While it certainly comes across as knowledgeable, it’s far ____13____ perfect. It cannot answer questions about things that have happened recently because it____14____(train) using data from 2021 and before.
    【答案】11.created 12.natural 13.from 14.is trained
    【导语】这是一篇说明文。ChatGPT是Open AI创造的一种新的人工智能技术。它使机器能够以自然和对话的方式理解和回应人类的对话。自去年开放给公众使用以来,ChatGPT已经撼动了科技界。虽然它看起来很有知识,但它远非完美。它无法回答关于最近发生的事情的问题,因为它使用的是2021年及之前的数据。
    11.考查非谓语动词。句意:ChatGPT是Open AI创造的一种新的人工智能技术。分析句子结构可知create与逻辑主语a new artificial intelligence technology构成被动关系,故用过去分词作定语。故填created。
    13.考查介词。句意:虽然它看起来很有知识,但它远非完美。短语far from表示“远非”。故填from。
    14.考查时态语态。句意:它无法回答关于最近发生的事情的问题,因为它使用的是2021年及之前的数据。主语与谓语构成被动关系,陈述客观事实用一般现在时的被动语态,主语为it,谓语用单数。故填is trained。
    Wang was born and grew up in America, but she____15____(build) solid ties with Chinese culture since she was a little girl. She is now riding a new trend: mixing and matching modern clothes with traditional Han dress, or hanfu. She has been posting videos of ____16____ (she) dressed in hanfu on the Internet, which has attracted many fans on Chinese lifestyle. “I love hanfu. I’ve made many videos,____17____(aim) to help more people learn about it,” Wang told Beijing Review.
    【答案】15.has built 16.herself 17.aiming
    15.考查时态。句意:王女士出生并长在美国,但是从她是个小女孩的时候,她就和中国文化产生了牢固的联系。此处主语为she,build为谓语动词,主语she与build之间为主动关系,且根据后文的时间状语从句since she was a little girl可知,此处应用现在完成时,故填has built。
    Nick was riding his bike along the Arching River when he noticed something ____18____ (usual) in the water. He took a closer look and saw a pair of fin-like things circling above the river’s surface. ____19____ (confuse) by what he had seen, Nick took a video and posted it on the Internet. Days later, some researchers confirmed that he ____20____ (spot) two dolphins— the first cetacean (鲸目动物) sighted in this river since 2017—and this suggested the efforts to restore the health of the river were paying off.
    【答案】18.unusual 19.Confused 20.had spotted/spotted
    19.考查非谓语动词。句意:Nick对他所看到的感到困惑,他拍了一段视频并发布在网上。be confused by对……困惑,在句中作状语,所以用过去分词形式。故填Confused。
    20.考查时态。句意:几天后,一些研究人员证实,他发现了两只海豚,这是自2017年以来在这条河中发现的第一只鲸类动物,这表明恢复河流健康的努力正在取得成效。根据时间状语可知,从句的动作发生在主句过去动作confirmed之前,所以用过去完成时。或者表示陈述过去事实,所以也可用一般过去时。故填had spotted/spotted。
    We’re happy you will be joining us at UW-Stout! Your next step is to attend First-Year Registration and Orientation (FYRO) (迎新会) running from 7:45 a. m. to 4:40 p. m. Students should select a date that allows them to be present for the entire day. Invitations will be sent by email starting February 20.
    Recommended On-Campus Dates
    ·June 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9
    ·June 12, 13, 14 or 16
    ·June 19, 20, 21 or 23
    Make-Up Dates
    Email us to request one of these make-up dates.
    ·July 20 or 21
    What to Expect
    Students and their guests will be separated for most of the day.
    Students will:
    Guests will:
    ·Connect with peers.·Meet their first-year advisor.
    ·Understand their academic plan and expectations of college.
    ·Understand their financial responsibilities and how to pay for school.
    ·Understand the importance of involvement and how to get involved with student organizations.
    ·Be familiar with campus resources.
    ·Be excited about starting their time at Stout!
    ·Understand their role in their student’s success.·Understand their student’s financial responsibilities and paying for school.
    ·Feel comfortable with their student living on campus.
    ·Know that their student will be supported to live a healthy lifestyle.
    ·Know that their student will be safe on campus.
    Before Your Attendance
    Complete the placement tests at least one week prior to your scheduled registration date. Testing information will be sent to students' email on or after March 15.
    Download these apps, which will help you to be successful in college life.
    ·Canvas Student: our online classroom.
    ·Navigate: to help schedule appointments with your advisor, view to-do items and more!
    ·Multi-Factor Authentication: to enhance the security of your account by checking on your identity when logging into many of our UW-Stout accounts.
    21.Students are advised to attend FYRO on ______.
    A.February 20 B.June 19 C.July 21 D.March 15
    22.Attending FYRO, both students and their guests will ______.
    A.meet first-year advisor
    B.know students’ academic plan
    C.have an idea of students' education cost
    D.be clear about how to participate in organizations
    23.What are students required to do before attending FYRO?
    A.Complete the placement tests 5 days ahead.
    B.Take some online classes on Canvas Student.
    C.Schedule first-year college life with apps on the phone.
    D.Download Multi-Factor Authentication for account security.
    【答案】21.B 22.C 23.D
    21.细节理解题。根据文章“Recommended On-Campus Dates(推荐入校时间)”中的日期“·June 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9; ·June 12, 13, 14 or 16; ·June 19, 20, 21 or 23(·6月5日、6日、7日、8日或9日;·6月12日、13日、14日或16日;·6月19日、20日、21日或23日)”可知,选项中只有B项“六月十九日”符合题意。故选B项。
    22.细节理解题。根据文章“Students will(学生将会)”中的第四点“Understand their financial responsibilities and how to pay for school.(了解他们的经济责任以及如何支付学费)”以及“Guest will(来客将会)”的第二点“Understand their student’s financial responsibilities and paying for school.(了解学生的经济责任和学费)”可知,无论是学生还是其他来客都需要了解学生的教育开销。故选C项。
    23.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“·Multi-Factor Authentication: to enhance the security of your account by checking on your identity when logging into many of our UW-Stout accounts.(·多因素身份验证:在登录我们的许多UW-Stout帐户时,通过检查您的身份来增强您帐户的安全性)”可知,学生在参加迎新会前,需要下载多因素认证,确保账号安全。故选D项。

    Making use of the wind, the water or, for more than half of all plant species, animals, plants disperse (散播) seeds far and wide. Frugivores — animals such as gibbons that feed on the fleshy fruits of plants — eat and then excrete (排泄) seeds away from the original tree. The African savanna elephant can carry seeds up to a record-breaking distance of 65 kilometres. This ability to shift geographical ranges will be crucial to plants when it comes to surviving climate change. However, just like all gibbon species, the African savanna elephant is endangered, its population down by 60 percent over the past 50 years.
    Researchers in Denmark and the USA have published a new study into how the loss of seed-dispersing animals could affect the resilience (恢复力) of forests and other natural ecosystems. According to their research, this loss has already reduced the ability of plants to move in pace with climate change by 60 percent, and in some areas by as much as 95 percent.
    Evan Fricke, lead author of the study, explains that in order to reach these results, they pulled together existing data from all previous studies and used machine learning to develop models that could estimate the seed dispersal potential of any animal, even ones that are now extinct.
    The researchers found that, historically, the decline of seed-dispersing animals has had the greatest influence on plants across the temperate (温带的) regions of North and South America, Europe and southern Australia. “Our temperate ecosystems have lost a lot of the natural seed-dispersal function that they would have had.” explains Fricke, referring to large mammals that were once widespread in these regions.
    Nevertheless, the poor conservation status of many seed-dispersing tropical animals puts plants in regions such as Southeast Asia and Madagascar most at risk today. Without the preservation of such animals, global seed dispersal could decline by a further 15 percent. “The direct implication of this decline is that many plant species will be unable to keep pace with a changing climate,” says Fricke. “That means the potential loss not only of plant biodiversity but of the ecosystem functions that those plants provide.”
    As wildlife is lost, plants can no longer adapt and survive and forests become less sustainable, which reduces the amount of carbon they can store. They also lose their ability to support wildlife. Whole ecosystems are disrupted. The conclusion, Fricke says, is clear: we must conserve currently endangered species and restore the populations of important seed dispersers. “Independent of climate change, rewilding has the potential to benefit our ecosystems, but in a changing climate, it has the added benefit of increasing the climate resilience of those ecosystems,” he says.
    24.The author mentions the African savanna elephant in Paragraph 1 is to ________.
    A.highlight the problem B.predict the ending
    C.express an opinion D.provide a solution
    25.What does Fricke conclude from the study?
    A.plants disperse seeds by way of animals excreting them.
    B.rewilding can promote the climate resilience of our ecosystems.
    C.seed-dispersing animals could hardly affect the natural ecosystems.
    D.the loss of seed-dispersing animals has little influence on temperate regions.
    26.Which would be the best title of the passage?
    A.The Resilience of Ecosystems
    B.The Conservation of Seed-dispersing Animals
    C.Animals That Spread Seeds Are Essential — And Under Threat
    D.Animals That Spread Seeds Are Endangered — And Well Protected
    【答案】24.A 25.B 26.C
    24.推理判断题。根据第一段的“The African savanna elephant can carry seeds up to a record-breaking distance of 65 kilometres. This ability to shift geographical ranges will be crucial to plants when it comes to surviving climate change. However, just like all gibbon species, the African savanna elephant is endangered, its population down by 60 percent over the past 50 years.(非洲热带草原大象可以携带种子长到65公里。这种改变地理范围的能力对植物对气候变化的生存至关重要。然而,就像所有的长臂猿物种一样,非洲热带稀树草原象也濒临灭绝,它的数量在过去的50年里减少了60%)”和第二段内容“Researchers in Denmark and the USA have published a new study into how the loss of seed-dispersing animals could affect the resilience (恢复力) of forests and other natural ecosystems. According to their research, this loss has already reduced the ability of plants to move in pace with climate change by 60 percent, and in some areas by as much as 95 percent.(丹麦和美国的研究人员发表了一项新的研究,研究了种子传播动物的丢失如何影响森林和其他自然生态系统的恢复力。根据他们的研究,这种损失已经使植物适应气候变化的能力下降了60%,在一些地区降低了95%)”可知,非洲热带稀树草原象可以长距离携带植物种子,改变地理范围,但是目前濒临灭绝,第二段讲述了研究表明种子传播动物的丢失影响森林和其他自然生态系统的恢复力,使得植物适应气候变化的能力下降。由此推知,提到非洲热带草原象是为了强调问题。故选A。
    25.细节理解题。根据最后一段的““Independent of climate change, rewilding has the potential to benefit our ecosystems, but in a changing climate, it has the added benefit of increasing the climate resilience of those ecosystems,” he says.(“不受气候变化的影响,野生化有可能有利于我们的生态系统,但在气候变化中,它的好处是提高这些生态系统的气候恢复力,”他说)”可知,Fricke从研究中得出野生化可以促进我们的生态系统的气候恢复力。故选B。
    26.主旨大意题。第二段内容“Researchers in Denmark and the USA have published a new study into how the loss of seed-dispersing animals could affect the resilience (恢复力) of forests and other natural ecosystems. According to their research, this loss has already reduced the ability of plants to move in pace with climate change by 60 percent, and in some areas by as much as 95 percent.(丹麦和美国的研究人员发表了一项新的研究,研究了种子传播动物的丢失如何影响森林和其他自然生态系统的恢复力。根据他们的研究,这种损失已经使植物适应气候变化的能力下降了60%,在一些地区降低了95%)”和第四段的“Nevertheless, the poor conservation status of many seed-dispersing tropical animals puts plants in regions such as Southeast Asia and Madagascar most at risk today. Without the preservation of such animals, global seed dispersal could decline by a further 15 percent.(然而,如今许多散布种子的热带动物的保护状况不佳,使东南亚和马达加斯加等地区的植物处于危险中。如果不保护这类动物,全球的种子传播可能会进一步下降15%)”以及下文内容可知,文章主要讲述传播种子的动物是必不可少的,对生态系统有益,但是这些动物目前处于危险中。由此可知,C项“传播种子的动物是必不可少的——受到威胁”为最佳标题。故选C。
    Why do we choose to help one another? There are many reasons. You may be a selfless person or lending a hand may be a cultural expectation.
    Now, researchers are raising the possibility that good sleep may be a wonderful ingredient that promotes the alacrity to offer help between human beings. Indeed the better sleep you have, the more willing you will be to lend a hand. And a surprising new set of research studies have found that sleep loss may affect our generosity at different levels.
    Researchers at University of California, Berkley, led three small studies to explore generosity. In one study, they exposed a group of healthy adults to a night of 8 hours of sleep and a night with no sleep. Researchers scanned the participants’ brains after each night. After a sleepless night, areas of the brain involved in empathy and helping behavior were less active. In fact, when the study participants were sleepless at night, 78% of them demonstrated a reduction in the desire to help others.
    In the next study, researchers tracked 136 people through online questionnaires and sleep diaries for a few days. They wanted to see if nightly variations in sleep affected their desire to help others. They found that, when sleep quality worsened from one night to the next, there was a major decrease in “helping choices” and vice versa.
    The third study looked at how sleep loss affected generosity on a larger scale. The researchers analyzed data from over 3 million charitable donations made in the U.S.. They focused on donations during the transition to Daylight Saving Time(DST)in spring each year. During the spring time change, we lose an hour of sleep.
    Interestingly, researchers found a 10% drop in donations in regions that change their clocks. This drop wasn’t seen in regions that didn’t observe the time change. It showed that insufficient sleep triggered by the time change impacted donation behavior.
    All these results suggest that insufficient sleep makes us less compassionate and helpful. Throughout the world, more than half of adults don’t get enough sleep during the workweek, but we should all start valuing adequate sleep rather than treating it like something optional or unproductive. If so, it will enable us to be more helpful and to be the best versions of ourselves.
    27.What’s the writing purpose of the first paragraph?
    A.To start a heated discussion. B.To introduce the topic of the text.
    C.To present a social phenomenon. D.To show the author’s conclusion.
    28.What does the underlined word “alacrity” mean in the second paragraph?
    A.Understanding. B.Ability.
    C.Awareness. D.Eagerness.
    29.What can we infer from the three studies?
    A.People observing DST are likely to donate less.
    B.People change their clocks to have more empathy.
    C.Sleep quality determines the desire to give a hand.
    D.Sleep loss can severely affect helping behavior.
    30.Which of the following is the best title for the text?
    A.Sleep Triggers Behavior B.Adequate Sleep: A Healthy Person
    C.Sleep Influences Generosity D.Sound Sleep: A Productive Person
    【答案】27.B 28.D 29.A 30.C
    27.推理判断题。根据第一段“Why do we choose to help one another? There are many reasons. You may be a selfless person or lending a hand may be a cultural expectation.(为什么我们选择互相帮助?原因有很多。你可能是一个无私的人,或者伸出援助之手可能是一种文化期望。)”可知,第一段提出了我们可能帮助别人的原因,第二段“Now, researchers are raising the possibility that good sleep may be a wonderful ingredient that promotes the alacrity to offer help between human beings.(现在,研究人员正在提高这样一种可能性,即良好的睡眠可能是促进人类之间提供帮助的快捷性的一种奇妙成分。)”指出一项研究表明,良好的睡眠有助于人类去帮助别人,这是文章的主题,由此可推知,第一段的写作目的是引出文章话题,故选B。
    28.词句猜测题。根据划线单词下文“Indeed the better sleep you have, the more willing you will be to lend a hand.(事实上,你睡得越好,你就越愿意伸出援手。)”可知,你睡得越好,你就越愿意伸出援手。换言之,良好的睡眠促使人们乐意去帮助别人,由此可推知,划线单词“alacrity”意为“乐意”,与D项“Eagerness.(渴望)”意思相近,故选D。
    29.推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中“They focused on donations during the transition to Daylight Saving Time(DST)in spring each year. During the spring time change, we lose an hour of sleep.(他们研究是重点是在每年春天过渡到夏时制期间的捐款情况。)”和倒数第二段中“Interestingly, researchers found a 10% drop in donations in regions that change their clocks. (有趣的是,研究人员发现,在改变生物钟的地区,捐赠减少了10% 。)”可推知,用夏时制的人们可能会捐赠较少。故选A。
    30.主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第二段中“Now, researchers are raising the possibility that good sleep may be a wonderful ingredient that promotes the alacrity to offer help between human beings. Indeed the better sleep you have, the more willing you will be to lend a hand.(现在,研究人员正在提高这样一种可能性,即良好的睡眠可能是促进人类之间提供帮助的快捷性的一种奇妙成分。事实上,你睡得越好,你就越愿意伸出援手。)”可知,文章主要讲述了睡眠与人们帮助他人的行为有关,事实上,你睡得越好,你就越愿意伸出援手。C项“睡眠影响慷慨”适合做文章标题,故选C。
    AI is currently being used in various ways. So what does that mean? Does it mean the world will soon be overrun by robots? However, when it comes to customer service, AI cannot completely replace human interaction, for now at least.
    Actually, all customer service interactions have two aspects: emotion and urgency. New AI tools can handle high-urgency situations quickly, but as to high-emotion situations, no AI can deal with them successfully. A robot might be able to recognize you’re trying to check in for a flight recently canceled, but the emotional aspect is entirely un-programmable. Perhaps the passenger has increasingly high emotions about the flight being canceled because he is flying to an important business meeting. Cases like this can create high-stress moments for the customer. Only a person can understand the difference.
    High-stress moments tend to stay with customers forever, so it’s important to have a plan in place. Good companies are better at determining which cases AI can handle on its own and which cases need to be handled by a human with AI assistance. In high-emotion cases, there’s no substitute (替补) for the personal touch of a human. Passengers whose luggage is lost are going to seek out an employee to help them locate their bags. Although AI can be used to locate their bags, it can hardly deal with passengers’ high emotions.
    The conversation around AI now is too focused on the question of how AI can replace human interaction, which is missing the point. The aim of AI shouldn’t be to replace human interaction, but to improve it. The question here won’t be how far we can push AI, but how we can use our imagination to continue reinventing (改良) the problem-solving process.
    31.What is implied in paragraph 1?
    A.AI has had control over the human being.
    B.AI can totally replace human interaction.
    C.AI can handle high-emotion cases easily.
    D.AI still has its own limitations at present.
    32.Why is the example of a canceled fight mentioned in paragraph 2?
    A.To highlight the passengers’ high emotions.
    B.To prove the efficiency of AI handling urgency.
    C.To show AI can handle high-emotion cases well.
    D.To stress the advantage a person has over AI.
    33.Why should companies have a plan for high-stress moments?
    A.High-stress moments require more AI tools.
    B.High-stress moments can be handled by AI alone.
    C.High-stress moments are unforgettable for customers.
    D.High-stress moments are ignored by most companies.
    34.What will we focus on when using AI to handle customer service?
    A.Replacing humans with new AI tools.
    B.Paying attention to solving problems.
    C.Avoiding making trouble for customers.
    D.Trying to invent more new AI tools.
    【答案】31.D 32.D 33.C 34.B
    31.推理判断题。根据第一段的“However, when it comes to customer service, AI cannot completely replace human interaction, for now at least.(然而,在客户服务方面,人工智能还不能完全取代人类互动,至少目前如此。)”可知,第一段暗示了目前人工智能仍有其局限性。故选D。
    32.推理判断题。根据第二段的“New AI tools can handle high-urgency situations quickly, but as to high-emotion situations, no AI can deal with them successfully. A robot might be able to recognize you’re trying to check in for a flight recently canceled, but the emotional aspect is entirely un-programmable. Perhaps the passenger has increasingly high emotions about the flight being canceled because he is flying to an important business meeting. Cases like this can create high-stress moments for the customer. Only a person can understand the difference.(新的人工智能工具可以快速处理高度紧急的情况,但对于高度情绪化的情况,没有人工智能可以成功处理。机器人也许能识别出你正在办理最近取消的航班的值机手续,但情感方面是完全无法编程的。也许乘客因为要去参加一个重要的商务会议而对航班被取消的情绪越来越高。这样的情况会给客户带来很大的压力。只有人能理解其中的差别。)”可知,第2段提到了取消航班的例子是为了强调人类相对于人工智能的优势。故选D。
    33.细节理解题。根据第三段的“High-stress moments tend to stay with customers forever, so it’s important to have a plan in place.(高压力时刻往往永远伴随着客户,所以制定一个适当的计划很重要。)”可知,公司要为高压力时刻制定计划是因为对客户来说高压时刻是难忘的。故选C。
    34.推理判断题。根据最后一段的“The question here won’t be how far we can push AI, but how we can use our imagination to continue reinventing (改良) the problem-solving process.(这里的问题不是我们能让AI走多远,而是我们如何利用我们的想象力继续改造解决问题的过程。)”可知,在使用人工智能处理客户服务时,我们应该关注解决问题。故选B。
    E-Bike Safety Tips
    Before you go on your next two-wheeled adventure, make sure you’re familiar with the ins and outs of bicycle safety. This holds true whether you’re riding a traditional bike or an e-bike-one powered by an electric motor in addition to your pedaling. E-bike is a great way to get around, save money and protect the environment. But as fun as e-bikes are to ride, they still require practices to ensure your fun rides can be safe.____35____.
    ▲Keep dos and don’ts in mind. Wear a helmet. A full face helmet with a face shield that flips up can give you all around protection. Ride with the flow of traffic rather than against it.____36____Don’t forget to use the lights to make you more visible at night, which may decrease chances of road accidents.
    ▲Be sure your bike is ready to ride. That starts with checking that the tires are inflated. Make sure the brakes are working properly.____37____, if the bicycle hasn’t been used for a while. For an e-bike, also make sure your battery is charged. And before and after every ride, inspect your bicycle for damage.
    ▲____38____. This is important for e-bike riders. With the ability to go faster comes the responsibility io know when you should slow down. Do not ride on expressways or highways.
    Ride in the right lanes.____39____, when you’re riding in the street, even in a protected bike lane. Moreover, check the sign to see where e-bikes are allowed. Riding on sidewalks or other walkways can lead to a fine.
    You can check the People for Bikes website(peopleforbikes. org)for more information.
    A.Be aware of your speed
    B.Be cautious of proper parking
    C.Don’t talk on the phone, text, or listen to music
    D.Take it for a tune-up before you take it for a ride
    E.It is essential to pay careful attention to these tips
    F.Read the signals and pay attention to the lane markings
    G.Always try to check in your mirror before moving further out into the lane
    【答案】35.E 36.C 37.D 38.A 39.F
    35.根据空前内容“But as fun as e-bikes are to ride, they still require practices to ensure your fun rides can be safe.(但是,尽管电动自行车骑起来很有趣,但它们仍然需要练习来确保你的有趣骑行是安全的)”可知,骑电动自行车也有安全隐患;而下文则给出了骑电动自行车的安全建议。选项E“It is essential to pay careful attention to these tips(仔细注意这些提示是必要的)”承上启下,承上表明骑电动自行车也有安全隐患,又引出下文的安全须知。故选E。
    36.根据空前“Wear a helmet. A full face helmet with a face shield that flips up can give you all around protection. Ride with the flow of traffic rather than against it.(戴上头盔。带面罩的全面头盔可以为你提供全方位的保护。顺势而行,而不是逆势而行)”以及空后“Don’t forget to use the lights to make you more visible at night, which may decrease chances of road accidents. (别忘了开灯让你在晚上更显眼,这可能会减少发生交通事故的机会)”可知,本段讲述的是在骑电动自行车时可做以及不可做的一些事。选项C“Don’t talk on the phone, text, or listen to music(不要打电话、发短信或听音乐)”也是讲述的骑车时不能做的事情,与上下文内容一致。故选C。
    37.根据段首句“Be sure your bike is ready to ride.(确保你的自行车可以骑)”可知,本段主要讲述的是在骑行之前,要确保自行车的状况。再根据空后“if the bicycle hasn’t been used for a while.(如果自行车没有使用一段时间)”可知,如果自行车长时间没有使用,应该检查自行车状况。选项D“Take it for a tune-up before you take it for a ride(在骑车上路之前先把它调一调)”与上下文内容一致,都是要检查自行车状况。故选D。
    38.空处为段首句,为本段主要内容。根据下文“This is important for e-bike riders. With the ability to go faster comes the responsibility to know when you should slow down. Do not ride on expressways or highways.(这对骑电动自行车的人来说很重要。有能力走得更快,就有责任知道什么时候该慢下来。不要在高速公路或高速公路上骑车)”可知,本段主要讲述的电动自行车需要注意速度。选项A“Be aware of your speed(注意你的速度)”正是本段主要内容。故选A。
    39.根据段首句“Ride in the right lanes(在正确的车道上行驶)”可知,本段主要讲述的是骑电动自行车需要在正确的车道上。再根据下文“when you’re riding in the street, even in a protected bike lane. Moreover, check the sign to see where e-bikes are allowed. Riding on sidewalks or other walkways can lead to a fine.(当你骑在街上,甚至在一个受保护的自行车道时。此外,检查标志,看看哪里允许电动自行车。在人行道或其他人行道上骑车可能会被罚款)”可知,作者建议骑电动自行车时要注意车道。选项F“Read the signals and pay attention to the lane markings(阅读标志并注意车道标志)”符合本段主要内容。故选F。
    第三部分 书面表达(共两节,共32分)
    第一节 阅读表达(共4小题,第40、41题各2分,第42题3分,第43题5分,共12分)
    In Martin County, Florida, two non-profit organizations have come together to plant seeds of hope through community gardening. Recently, the House of Hope charity for the homeless and people with addictions and other mental health issues partnered with Project L.I.F.T. an organization that helps at-risk teens, to grow community gardens in four small towns across the county.
    The teens in Project L.I. F.T.’s program—many of them aged 14-19 who are also struggling with addictions, managing mental health or legal issues—visit the gardens every day after school where they grow seeds, maintain and water plants, harvest the produce and learn to create their own meals. They take some of the produce home to their families but most is sent to House of Hope for the homeless community.
    Beyond the need for food, Project L.I.F.T. hoped the gardens would provide an educational opportunity for their teens.
    “We’re trying to teach kids nutrition to deal with the health problems—diabetes and obesity—in our community, but when we get into the garden, now they’re doing hands-on stuff that really connects.” Bob Zaccheo, the executive director of Project L.I.F.T. tells Guideposts. org.
    The gardens also offer the teens professional skills that can help them find work later in their largely rural county. Beyond skills, this project has helped the teens find confidence and hope for their futures.
    So far, the four gardens around Martin County have generated 100 pounds of produce for House of Hope and the community at large. Although the amount of food can’t meet the greater need of the area, the program is an opportunity to teach kids that the importance of giving back is just as valuable as the food they’re harvesting.
    “You see a major shift in the thinking of these kids,” Zaccheo says. “You see them giving. The kids are learning to give at a bigger level than they’ve ever been able to give at before.”
    40.What kind of organization is Project L.L.F.T.?
    41.What do the teens do when they visit the gardens?
    42.Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
    The four gardens were built only to provide an educational opportunity for at-risk teens.
    43.In addition to what is mentioned in the passage, what else could at-risk teens learn through community gardening? Explain why. (In about 40 words)

    【答案】40.An organization that helps at-risk teens.
    41.They grow seeds, maintain and water plants, harvest the produce and learn to create their own meals. 42.The four gardens were built only to provide an educational opportunity for at-risk teens.
    The four gardens were built to provide both food for homeless people and an educational opportunity for at-risk teens.
    43.They can learn to cooperate with each other better and also learn to give back the love they have received during gardening and also pass that energy and love to others who need help.
    40.考查细节理解。根据文章第一段“Recently, the House of Hope charity for the homeless and people with addictions and other mental health issues partnered with Project L.I.F.T.an organization that helps at-risk teens, to grow community gardens in four small towns across the county.(最近,针对无家可归者、有毒瘾和其他精神健康问题的人的慈善机构“希望之家”与帮助高危青少年的组织“l.i.f.t.项目”合作,在全县的四个小镇种植社区花园。)”可知,Project L.I.F.T是一个帮助高危青少年的组织。故答案为An organization that helps at-risk teens.
    41.考查细节理解。根据文章第二段“The teens in Project L.I. F.T.’ s program—many of them aged 14-19 who are also struggling with addictions, managing mental health or legal issues—visit the gardens every day after school where they grow seeds, maintain and water plants, harvest the produce and learn to create their own meals.(参加L.I. F.T计划的青少年——其中许多年龄在14-19岁之间,他们也在与毒瘾作斗争,处理心理健康或法律问题——每天放学后都会去花园,在那里他们种种子,维护和浇灌植物,收获农产品,并学习自己做饭。)”可知,他们在花园里会种种子,维护和浇灌植物,收获农产品,并学习自己做饭。故答案为They grow seeds, maintain and water plants, harvest the produce and learn to create their own meals.
    42.考查细节理解。根据文章第二段“They take some of the produce home to their families but most is sent to House of Hope for the homeless community.(他们把一些农产品带回家,但大部分都送到了无家可归者社区的希望之家。)”和第三段“Beyond the need for food, Project L.I.F.T. hoped the gardens would provide an educational opportunity for their teens.(除了对食物的需求,L.I.F.T.项目还希望菜园能为他们的青少年提供教育机会。)”可知,花园不仅仅是为了用来给高危青少年提供教育机会而建的,还用于给无家可归的人提供食物等。故答案为The four gardens were built only to provide an educational opportunity for at-risk teens. The four gardens were built to provide both food for homeless people and an educational opportunity for at-risk teens.
    43.开放性问题。答案符合逻辑即可,注意字数。例如:他们可以学会更好地相互合作,也学会回报他们在园艺过程中得到的爱,并将这种能量和爱传递给需要帮助的人。故答案为:They can learn to cooperate with each other better and also learn to give back the love they have received during gardening and also pass that energy and love to others who need help.
    第二节: 书面表达(共一题,20分)
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Jim,
    I'm more than glad to know that you're traveling in China this summer vacation. I'm also planning a journey to Xi'an during that time, so why not join me?
    Xi'an, as the capital city of Tang Dynasty which is famous for its richness in ancient China, is the destination of millions of people every year. What I plan to do is to stay there for a week to visit Shanxi History Museum, climb up the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, cycle on top of the ancient City Wall, appreciate Terracotta Warriors as well as taste the well-known traditional foods. I believe the trip will leave you a deep impression.
    Hope we can enjoy the trip together and look forward to your reply.
    知道:know→ be informed
    计划:plan → map out
    著名的:famous→ outstanding
    认为:believe→ assume
    原句:I'm more than glad to know that you're traveling in China this summer vacation. I'm also planning a journey to Xi'an during that time, so why not join me?
    拓展句:Knowing that you're traveling in China this summer vacation, I'm planning a journey to Xi'an during that time, so why not join me?
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Xi'an, as the capital city of Tang Dynasty which is famous for its richness in ancient China, is the destination of millions of people every year.( which引导的定语从句)
    【高分句型2】What I plan to do is to stay there for a week to visit Shanxi History Museum, climb up the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, cycle on top of the ancient City Wall, appreciate Terracotta Warriors as well as taste the well-known traditional foods.(主语从句)


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