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    这是一份2023年高考押题预测卷01(上海专用)-英语(考试版)A3,共8页。试卷主要包含了5分;共25分), A SI0, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英 语
    Listening Cmprehensin (第1-10题, 每题1分;第11-20题,每题1.5分;共25分)
    Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A. yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and a questin abut it , read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    1. A. At a cncert. B. At a restaurant. C. At an art museum.D. At a flwer shp
    2. A Her ld classmate. B.Her husband. C. Her private dctr. D. Her sn's teacher
    3. A SI0. B. $8 C.S18. D.$12
    4. A.Brther and sister B.Dctr and patient
    C.Teacher and student D.Interviewer and interviewee
    5. A She is afraid f getting fat B.She enjys ice-cream
    C.She is much t thin D. She desn't care fr ice-cream
    6. A. A pair f trusers B.A suit. C. A cat. D. A bluse
    7. A. The wman shuld have cmplained t her neighbr
    B. The wman shuld stay ut until the neighbrs are quiet
    C The wman shuld have stayed at the library.
    D. The lab will be a better place.
    8. A. The man culdn't wait t see Susan.
    B. Susan is eager t pass the infrmatin she knws
    C. Susan talks t peple nly n the phne
    D. The man always knws the latest news in twn
    9. A. She desn't mind it as the rad cnditins are gd.
    B. She is tired f driving in heavy traffic.
    C. She is unhappy t have t drive such a lng way every day
    D. She enjys it because she's gd at driving.
    10. A. It was hard t get rid f the salesman
    B. The prducts that the salesman was selling were nt gd.
    C. The salesman kept making stps n the way
    D. It was a waste f time t talk abut the prducts.
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B. yu will hear tw passages and ne lnger cnversatin. After each passage r cnversatin. yu will be asked several questins. The passages and cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin. read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    Questins 11 thrugh 13 are based n the fllwing passage.
    11. A. T intrduce the turist site. B. T infrm the rules f turists.
    C. T attract mre turists. D. T welcme the turists.
    12. A. Warm clthes and sme belts. B.Warm clthes and sunglasses.
    C.Sunglasses and firewrks. D. Sunglasses and climbing sticks.
    13. A. 14 kilmeters. B.4.8 kilmeters.
    C. 4.2 kilmeters. D. 4.9 kilmeters.
    Questins 14 thrugh 16 are based n the fllwing passage
    14. A. Use library facilities. B.Library regulatins.
    C. Library persnnel. D. Lcatin f the library.
    15. A. Bk publishers. B.Librarians.
    C. Returning faculty members. D. New university students.
    16. A. 1,000,000 vlumes(卷,册). B.Over 1,00,000 vlumes.
    C.1,000 vlumes. D. Over 110,000 vlumes.
    Questins 17 thrugh 20 are based n the fllwing cnversatin.
    17. A. The pssible existence f life n ther planets.
    B. Methds fr building pwerful new telescpes.
    C. A technical prblem that astrnmers can't slve
    D. The discvery f planets rbiting distant stars.
    18. A. They studied variatins in the appearance f the parent stars.
    B. They were able t see the planets with a telescpe.
    C. They cmpared the parent stars t the Sun.
    D. They sent astrnauts n a missin int space
    19. A. Their surface features. B. Their chemical cmpsitin.
    C. Their temperature. D. Their age.
    20.A. All the stars are rbited by their wn planets.
    B. We currently have a telescpe that can be used t see ther planets
    C. By a very direct methd,the astrnmers measured subtle distrtins.
    D. By a very indirect methd,the astrnmers measured subtle distrtins.
    Grammar and Vcabulary (每题1分;共20分)
    Sectin A
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in the blanks t make the passage cherent and grammatically crrect. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd; fr the ther blanks, use ne wrd that best fits each blank.
    Living a Life Full f Wild Adventures
    Helen Skeltn was brught up n a remte farm, and her family wasn't full f "runners and rck climbers". Hwever, she has since travelled the wrld n ____21____ series f recrd breaking adventures. The frmer Blue Peter presenter has kayaked(划皮划艇)dwn the Amazn River, cycled t the Suth Ple and dne a tightrpe walk between the chimneys f Batter-sea Pwer Statin in Lndn. Nw, Skeltn ____22____ (share) the secrets f her success in a new bk called Wild Girl: Hw t Have Incredible Outdr Adventures.
    ____23____ she's gt plenty f stamps in her passprt, Skeltn says yu dn't need t g t the Amazn r Antarctica in rder t have an adventure - there's plenty t d here in the UK. She grew up in Cumbria, and wuld g bike-riding and skatebarding with her mum, as well as building rafts. She hpes t pass n these adventures t her wn children.
    Despite the title, Skeltn says that the bk isn't just fr girls. She believes adventure is a leveller - an activity ____24____ men and wmen are equal. Adventures ____25____ als be educatinal. Skeltn says when yu're at the mercy f the elements yu have t adapt and be flexible, which is a great lessn fr life.
    Of all the places she ____26____ (be) t, Skeltn says the Suth Ple was particularly hard. "It's like living in a freezer. It's the windiest, driest, cldest place n Earth." Skeltn explains, "Yu can't even put up yur tent, which is yur nly shelter, ____27____ putting n huge glves, therwise yu'll get a frstbite. ____28____ (put) up a tent in ven glves isn't easy."
    Her advice t any aspiring adventurers wuld be t "nt wrry abut ____29____ cmments ther peple might make. When I said I'm ging t kayak the Amazn, peple tld me that's madness. And, if I had listened t them, I never wuld have dne _____30_____ f it. S just try."
    Sectin B
    Directins: Fill in each blank with a prper wrd chsen frm the bx. Each wrd can be used nly nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    Mdern media is awash in advertising clutter(杂乱), and wh’s t blame? Mdern audiences that hate cnventinal full-length and full-size ads. Tday’s cnsumers dn’t like t pay fr cntent, which ught t create a rich envirnment fr advertisers. Yet these same cnsumers are prne t click r turn away when a cnventinal ad appears. The result is ad clutter.
    YuTube ___31___a cmbinatin f full-length ads, skippable ads, lwer-screen banners and display ads n the page alngside each vide. Newspapers that nce cnsidered the frnt page imprtant nw ___32___run ads there.
    Advertisers integrate plugs(推销) int cntent t frustrate digital vide recrders, which allw viewers t watch prgrams n a delay and skip regular cmmercials. If yu watch reginal telecasts f baseball games, the cmmercial clutter is s ___33___. Ads are visible n the stadium wall behind the hme-plate umpire(裁判). On-screen graphics include spnsr lgs. And everything is a paid plug--“This call t the cach’s zne is brught t yu by Verizn.”
    Accrding t the shwbiz paper Variety, several streaming services are abut t intrduce a new twist: cmmercials that start running whenever a viewer pauses a prgram. Hulu intends t launch such ads this year. AT&T’s DirecTV and U-verse units will ___34___use similar technlgy t trigger full-mtin cmmercials whenever a viewer tries t take a break.
    There’s a lt at stake. Accrding t Variety, Natinal Ftball League(NFL) TV bradcasts generate an estimated $4.35 billin in ad revenue during the 17-week regular seasn. NFL ___35___are nw laded with mini cmmercials that pp up when there is a brief pause in the actin, ften in “duble bxes” that shw a view f the field in ne frame and a(n)___36___in the ther.
    Interestingly, with n “screen” t wrk with, radi is ne medium that has tried fr sme time t buck the trend. Many cmmercial statins trade clutter fr clusters--that is, a slid blck f cmmercials running five minutes r mre, fllwed by lengthy cmmercial-free ___37___f time.
    But wherever a screen is invlved, r a printed page, ad clutter is ___38___everywhere. Prgrammers and advertisers can’t really be expected t limit this; it’s a fact f business. Cnsumers, n the ther hand, can pt fr cmmercial-free cntent--if they’re willing t pay fr it.
    But getting limitless cntent withut paying while als being ___39___heavy advertising intrusins is impssible. As media envirnment is permanently cluttered, audiences shuld be ___40___with what they wish fr.
    Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A. B.C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext
    It’s late in the evening: time t clse the bk and turn ff the cmputer. Yu’re dne fr the day. What yu may nt realize, ___41___, is that the learning prcess actually cntinues - in yur dreams.
    It might sund like science fictin, but researchers are increasingly ___42___ the relatinship between the knwledge and skills ur brains absrb during the day and the fragmented, ften bizarre imaginings they ___43___ at night. Scientists have fund that dreaming abut a task we’ve learned is assciated with ___44___ perfrmance in that activity (suggesting that there’s sme truth t the ppular ntin that we’re “getting” a freign language nce we begin dreaming in it). What’s mre, researchers are cming t recgnize that dreaming is an essential part f understanding, rganizing and ___45___ what we learn. While we sleep, research indicates, the brain replays the patterns f activity it experienced during ___46___ hurs, allwing us t enter what ne psychlgist calls a neural virtual reality. A vivid example f such ___47___ can be seen in a vide researchers made recently abut sleep disrders. They taught a series f dance mves t a grup f patients with cnditins like sleepwalking, in which the sleeper perfrms the kind f physical mvement that des nt ___48___ ccur during sleep. They then videtaped the ___49___ as they slept. Lying in bed, eyes clsed, ne female patient n the tape _____50_____ the dance mves she learned earlier.
    This shws that while ur bdies are _____51_____, ur brains are drawing what’s imprtant frm the infrmatin and events we’ve recently encuntered, then integrating that data int the vast _____52_____ f what we already knw.
    In a 2010 study, researchers at Harvard Medical Schl reprted that cllege students wh dreamed abut a cmputer maze(迷宫)task they had learned shwed a 10-fld imprvement in their _____53_____ t find their way thrugh the maze cmpared with the participants wh did nt dream abut the task.
    Rbert Stick-gld, ne f the Harvard researchers, suggests that studying right befre bedtime r taking a nap fllwing a study sessin in the afternn might increase the _____54_____ f dreaming abut the material. Think abut that as yur head _____55_____ the pillw tnight.
    42.A.fcusing nB.experimenting withC.building upD.inquiring abut
    50.A.reflected nB.frgt abutC.engaged inD.referred t
    51.A.in peaceB.at restC.in peratinD.at wrk
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the fllwing three passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have just read.
    Cartns suit the way we like infrmatin t be presented these days: graphically and in small amunts. We are used t cartns and cmic strips that take an irnic lk at mdern life r prvide a bit f escapism. But recently we have seen an increase in the number f graphic nvels: bklength cmics with a single, cntinuus narrative. Histrically, graphic nvels were nt ppular utside France, Belgium, Japan, and the US. The exceptin is the wrldwide ppularity f a yung reprter-detective frm Belgium, Tintin.
    The creatin f the Belgian cartnist Herge, The Adventures f Tintin first appeared in a Belgian newspaper in 1929. Each stry appeared as a cartn strip week by week, but sn after was republished in bk frm. One f the main attractins fr readers was that they were taken t parts f the wrld they had never seen and prbably never wuld: Russia, the Cng, America. Herge himself nly traveled utside Belgium later in life, but his passin was educating his readers abut ther cultures and places.
    Tw things set Herge apart as a graphic nvelist. The first was his technical drawing skills: with just a few simple lines he culd cmmunicate a particular facial expressin r mvement. The secnd was the careful research he put int his stries. In The Crab with the Glden Claws, Tintin fllws an pium-smuggling ring t Nrth Africa; in King Ottakar’s Scepter, he makes an attempt at a military cup in a central Eurpean cuntry. While telling these stries, Herge als steered a fine line between serius tpics and humr.
    Tintin had mre than his fair share f adventures, but perhaps the greatest is his jumey t the Mn, tld in Destinatin Mn and Explrers n the Mn. Written in 1953, sixteen years befre the first Mn landing, the stries shw a remarkable eye fr technical detail and feeling fr the nature f space travel. In the early 1950s, few culd imagine what it was like t be lking dwn at ur planet frm uter space. And that is Herge’s true gift: t understand what a place was like withut ever having been there.
    56.What can be learned abut graphic nvels frm the passage?
    A.The Adventures f Tintin is the wrld’s first graphic nvel.
    B.Mst f them were just ppular in several cuntries.
    C.They present infrmatin in small amunts.
    D.They mstly invlve detective stries.
    57.Which f the fllwing is an attractin f The Adventures f Tintin fr readers?
    A.The stries were created in Belgium, a Eurpean cuntry.
    B.The stries were the first graphic nvel published in bk frm.
    C.The stries used t be cartn strips that appeared week by week.
    D.The stries enable them t learn abut places they have never been t.
    58.The Crab with the Glden Claws and King Ottakar’s Scepter are used as examples t illustrate_______.
    A.Herge liked tuching n serius tpics
    B.Herge himself had a gd sense f humr
    C.Herge based his stries n the research results
    D.Herge was expert at applying technical drawing skills
    59.Which f the fllwing statements is true f Herge?
    A.He had been lnging fr a trip t the Mn.
    B.He never had any chance t leave Belgium fr travelling.
    C.He culd describe accurately thse experiences he never had.
    D.He devted himself t educatin befre creating graphic nvels.
    What des the underlined wrd “infuriate” in Paragraph 2 mst prbably mean?
    A.T anny.B.T remind.C.T amuse.D.T impress:
    61.Which tw htels ffer a mbile app fr custmers t check in?
    A.Ytel New Yrk and Marritt Detrit Airprt.
    B.Marritt Detrit Airprt and Radissn LaCrsse.
    C.Marritt Detrit Airprt and Hyatt Regency Minneaplis.
    D.Hyatt Regency Minneaplis and Radissn LaCrsse.
    62.Which htel will send yu a receipt by email?
    A.Ytel New Yrk.B.Marritt Detrit Airprt. ’
    C.Radissn LaCrsse.D.Hyatt Regency Minneaplis.
    Searching Venus’ sky
    Frm the mn t Mars, scientists have been hunting fr alien life in the slar system fr decades.
    Hwever, Venus was nt regarded as an ideal place because f its ht temperature and dry atmsphere.
    But a recent discvery f traces f a gas in the cluds f Venus has excited astrnmers, as it may serve as a ptential sign f life.
    On Sept 14, the Ryal Astrnmical Sciety f Canada annunced that scientists have detected phsphine(磷化氢) in the cluds f Venus. Phsphine is a clrless, txic(有毒的)gas that has an dr f garlic. Thugh txic, it is viewed as a pssible sign f life because n Earth the gas is made by micrrganisms that live in xygen-free envirnments.
    “I was very surprised - stunned, in fact,” astrnmer Jane Greaves f Cardiff University in Wales and lead authr f the research, tld MSN. “There is a chance that we have detected sme kind f living rganism in the cluds f Venus.”
    This layer f cluds is abut 48 kilmeters abve the Venus surface, with its temperature ranging frm 30 t 200 degrees Fahrenheit (abut -1 t 93℃). Scientists have speculated that if life exists n Venus, this clud deck(云盖)is likely the nly place where it wuld survive.
    Scientists went thrugh every pssibility that culd have led t the frmatin f phsphine gas in Venus’ cluds, including vlcanes, lightning strikes, small meterites(陨石)falling int the atmsphere. But they ruled all f them ut. It was cncluded that there is n explanatin fr the existence f this gas in Venus’ cluds, ther than the presence f life, USA Tday reprted.
    Althugh the detectin f phsphine is nt rbust(强有力的)evidence fr life, this finding is great enugh t change scientists’ view n Venus, which is thught t be a cmpletely inhspitable planet.
    What signs f life we lking fr?
    1. Liquid water: It can disslve a huge range f mlecules needed fr life and facilitate their chemical reactins.
    2. Mild temperatures: Temperatures higher than 122 C will destry mst cmplex rganic mlecules, and make it almst impssible fr carbn-based life t frm.
    63.What is the text mainly abut?
    A.A newly detected gas may indicate pssible existence f life n Venus.
    B.Scientists fund the mst hspitable place n Venus.
    C.The envirnment n Venue changed in favr f life.
    D.Phsphine frmed n Venus means alien life is present.
    64.What can we learn abut phsphine frm the text?
    A.It has n smell at all.B.It nly exists n Venus.
    C.It can be prduced by micrrganisms.D.It is a sign f the existence f xygen.
    65.What can we infer frm paragraphs 5 and 6?
    A.Varius living rganisms have been detected n Venus.
    B.The higher the clud is abve Venus, the warmer it is.
    C.The clud deck is rich in phsphine.
    D.If life exists n Venus, it is likely in the clud deck.
    66.What did scientists cnclude abut the phsphine gas detected n Venus?
    A.It culd be frmed as a result f the falling f meterites.
    B.It culd be a sign that there is life in Venus’ cluds.
    C.It culd be caused by vlcanes and lighting strikes.
    D.It prves that Venus is anther hspitable planet.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the sentences in the bx Each sentence can nly be used nce. Nte that there are tw sentences mre than yu need.
    Prper arrangement f classrm space is imprtant t encuraging interactin. Mst f us have nticed hw imprtant physical setting is t efficiency and cmfrt in ur wrk.____67____
    We are in the twenty-first century nw, but step int almst any cllege classrm and yu step back in time at least a hundred years. Desks are nrmally in straight rws, s students can clearly see the teacher but nt all their classmates._____68_____
    With a little imaginatin and effrt, unless desks are fixed t the flr, the teacher can crrect this situatin and create space that encurages interchange amng students. In small r standard-sized classes, chairs, desks, and tables can be arranged in a variety f ways: circles, U-shapes r semicircles. _____69_____ Arrangement f the classrm shuld als make it easy t divide students int small,grups fr discussin r prblem-slving exercises. Small classes with mvable desks and tables present n prblem. Even in large lecture halls, it is pssible fr students t turn arund and frm grups f fur t six. Breaking a class int small grups prvides mre pprtunities fr students t interact with each ther, think ut lud, and see hw ther students’ thinking prcesses perate---all these are essential elements in develping new mdes f critical thinking.
    _____70_____ A clleague f mine, Jhn, allws students t mve arund during the first tw weeks, until they find a grup they are cmfrtable with. Jhn then asks them t stay in the same seat, with the same grup, frm that time n. This nt nly creates a cmfrtable setting fr interactin but helps him learn students’ names and faces.
    IV.Summary Writing
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint( s)f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Have yu ever heard yur wn vice played back? Other peple hear us differently frm hw we hear urselves.The same is true f hw we see urselves.Each f us has a different self-cncept. Our self-cncept is the view yu have f yurself. It may r may nt mirrr the way ther peple view yu. This much is clear. Having a psitive self-cncept is an imprtant part f gd mental health.
    Yur self-cncept starts frming when yu are very yung. Parents r guardians are the first and greatest influence. Hw they speak t yu and treat yu have a lasting effect. Grandparents sisters, brthers, and relatives have an effect t.Yur skills and abilities als shape yur self-cncept. Yu may see yurself as a gd basketball player r a gd singer.Yu may feel yu are gd at writing stries but average in math. Hw yu view yur talents and abilities influences yur verall self-cncept.
    Develping a psitive self-cncept is an imprtant part f emtinal health.Fcus n yur strengths rather than yur weaknesses. When yu fcus n yur weaknesses, yu may begin t feel that yu are nt gd at anything. Instead, identify what yu d well and what yu enjy ding This will help yu develp a psitive self-cncept. Seeing yurself in a psitive way will help yu feel gd abut yurself.
    Family members, friends, and teachers reinfrce,r supprt yur self-cncept thrugh messages. Sme f the messages frm peple arund yu are spken r written. Others take the frm f lks r gestures."Way t g!" is an example f a psitive wrd message.Yu may think yu did well n a schl prject. Having yur Parent r teacher tell yu that yu did a gd jb reinfrces yur belief.Keep in mind that sending psitive messages is a tw-way street. When yu supprt thers, they are likely t supprt yu, t.
    V.Translatin (共15分。第1小题和第2小题,每题3分;第3题4分;第4题5分。)
    74.她刚一宣布完获奖名单,泪水便夺眶而出。(N sner)
    VI.Guided Writing (共25分)
    Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120-150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese
    假如你是李华, 你的英国朋友Jim要在暑假来沪旅游, 有人给他推荐了两个旅游主题供他选择: “文化上海”或“摩登上海”。Jim来信希望你能给他一些建议。请你给他回信, 内容包括:
    1. 你推荐的旅游主题;
    2. 你推荐该主题的理由。
    present B.features C.cncerned D.reprtedly E. cmmercial
    F. stretches G. verwhelming H. exceptinally I. rutinely J. spared K. bradcasts
    Fur Htels That Will Make Yur Life Easier
    By Jhn Brandn
    Fr the business traveler wh’s all abut efficiency: check ut these htels that will get yu in and ut with minimum truble.
    When yu’re pressed fr time n a business trip, nthing can infuriate yu mre than a slw htel check-in prcess. On yur next trip, try these htels that ffer a speedier check-in prcess.
    Ytel New Yrk
    The self-service kisks (一体机)at this high-tech New Yrk htel are pen 24x7 and wrk just like the nes yu’d see at an airprt. There are just five-steps t register and btain yur card key. There’s even a rbtic luggage bellby.
    Yu tap in the number f bags yu’re carrying and sizes, then wait fr a rbt arm t swing dwn and stre yur luggage in a lcker (say, fr a day trip). This als speeds up the check-in prcess if the first thing yu need t d, like me, is head t a series f meetings.
    Marritt Detrit Airprt
    Anther ptin fr business travelers in a hurry: Marritt is rlling ut its mbile check-in app t 325 htels this year, including the Marritt Detrit Airprt htel. (I’ve tested the app itself but nt fr a real visit quite yet.) here is the basic idea: yu dwnlad the iPhne r Andrid app. The night befre, yu can “check-in” virtually. When yu arrive, yu get an alert that the rm is ready and yur key, which is already tied t yur reservatin, is waiting fr yu at the desk.
    Hyatt Regency Minneaplis
    I happened t stay at this htel recently and liked hw fast the kisk check-in wrks. Like the Ytel, the kisk asks yu t insert yur credit card, similar t an airprt terminal. The whle prcess tk abut three minutes. When I left, I was equally impressed with the fast check-ut. An agent meets yu in the lbby with an iPad and asks fr an email t use fr a receipt. The big advantage is yu never have t wait in line.
    Radissn LaCrsse
    The Radissn is trying t make the kisk prcess even faster. At a few select htels like the Radissn Lacrsse in Wiscnsin, yu use a mbile app t register and then receive a barcde (条形码)by email r text. When yu get t the kisk, yu can scan the barcde t get yur key withut any ther steps required. It’s super fast. Yu can find this new check-in system at the Radissn htels in Salt Lake City, Seattle, and Phenix as well.
    A.It’s impssible fr students t make up small grups in large lecture halls.
    B.In curses that regularly use a small grup frmat, students might be asked t stay in the same small grups thrughut the curse.
    C.The assumptin behind such an arrangement is bvius: Everything f imprtance cmes frm the teacher.
    D.Cllege classrm space shuld be designed t encurage the activity f critical thinking.
    E.Large classes, particularly thse held in lecture halls, unfrtunately, allw much less flexibility.
    F.The primary, gal shuld be: fr everyne t be able t see everyne else.

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