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    1.—This is the worst food I’ve ever tasted.
    —______. I won’t eat here any more.
    A.You can say that again B.It’s up to you
    C.It’s out of the question D.That depends
    【详解】考查情景交际。句意:—这是我吃过的最难吃的食物。—你说得对。我不会再在这里吃了。A. You can say that again你说的对;B. It’s up to you你说了算;C. It’s out of the question 不可能的;D. That depends视情况而定。根据空后的“I won’t eat here any more.”可知,后者是对前者说法的赞同或认可,所以结合选项,此空表示“你说的对”为You can say that again。故选A项。
    2.In January 2023, a new year film, Full River Red, ________ in Song dynasty, was released and made a hit immediately.
    A.set B.setting C.having set D.to set
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:2023年1月,一部以宋朝为背景的新年电影《满江红》上映,一炮而红。句中有谓语was released和made,且前后无连词,此处应用非谓语动词作后置定语,修饰a new year film, Full River Red,且二者之间是被动关系,应用set(以……为背景)的过去分词形式set作后置定语,故选A。
    3.Don’t hesitate to make a decision, ________ you’ll let such a golden opportunity slip through your fingers.
    A.and B.or C.but D.so
    【详解】考查连词词义辨析。句意:做决定时不要犹豫,否则你会让这样一个千载难逢的机会从指缝间溜走。A. and并且;B. or或者,否则;C. but但是;D. so所以。该句是一个固定句型,即“祈使句+and/or+简单句(将来时态)”,结合句意可知,此处为“否则”之意应用or。故选B。
    4.The differences in achievement in math between the students are partly ________ by differences in age.
    A.counted on B.referred to
    C.accounted for D.dealt with
    【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:学生之间数学成绩的差异部分是由于年龄的差异造成的。A. counted on指望;B. referred to指的是,参考;C. accounted for是……的原因,导致;D. dealt with处理,应对。结合句意可知,此处是指学生数学成绩差异是年龄差异造成的。故选C。
    5.Old age _______ burn and rage at the close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light.
    A.couldn’t B.should C.wouldn’t D.shall
    【详解】考查情态动词。句意:老年应当在日暮时燃烧咆哮;怒斥,怒斥光明的消逝。A. couldn’t不能;B. should应该;C. wouldn’t不会;D. shall将要。根据“rage, rage against the dying of the light.”可知,老年应该在日暮之时燃烧和咆哮。故选B。
    6.—Do you know a new shopping mall opened in our town yesterday?
    —Yes. Why don’t we pay a visit ______ we have time?
    A.since B.though C.until D.unless
    【详解】考查连词词义辨析。句意:——你知道昨天我们镇上新开了一家购物中心吗?——是的。既然我们有时间,为什么不去拜访一下呢?A. since因为,既然;B. though虽然;C. until直到……为止;D. unless除非。根据上下文可知,前文存在因果关系,此处应用since引导原因状语从句。故选A项。
    7.After Sherlock Holmes whom Doyle created in his books made him a household name, he gave up medicine and devoted himself ______ to writing.
    A.apparently B.increasingly C.patiently D.entirely
    【详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:道尔在书中塑造的夏洛克·福尔摩斯使他家喻户晓之后,他放弃了医学,完全投入到写作中。A. apparently显然地;B. increasingly不断增加地;C. patiently耐心地;D. entirely完全地。根据前文“he gave up medicine”可知,他完全投入到写作中。故选D项。
    8.In the middle of this particular scene, I spot a small girl ______ ankle is twice its normal size.
    A.which B.that C.whose D.who
    9.As a clown actor, he does tricks, sings songs and tells silly stories to ______ the children.
    A.entertain B.encounter C.embarrass D.emerge
    【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:作为一个丑角演员,他表演魔术,唱歌,讲有关愚蠢的故事来娱乐孩子们。A. entertain使欢乐,娱乐;B. encounter遭遇,偶然碰到;C. embarrass使尴尬;D. emerge浮现,暴露。根据前文“he does tricks, sings songs and tells silly stories”可知,他逗孩子开心。故选A项。
    10.Success comes to those who are willing to risk making mistakes in the ________ of their goals and ambitions, and who are able to learn from those mistakes.
    A.procedure B.pursuit C.preference D.progress
    【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:成功属于那些在追求目标和抱负的过程中愿意冒犯错误的风险,并且能够从这些错误中吸取教训的人。A. procedure程序;B. pursuit追求;C. preference偏爱;D. progress进步。根据后文“of their goals and ambitions”指追求目标和抱负。故选B。
    11.When we visited the ward the next morning, we were amazed to see that ________, both boys were still alive.
    A.against all odds B.above the horizon
    C.beyond all praise D.behind the schedule
    【详解】考查固定短语辨析。句意:第二天早上我们去看病房时,惊讶地发现尽管困难重重,两个男孩都活了下来。A. against all odds突破万难;B. above the horizon水平线以上;C. beyond all praise赞美不完;D. behind the schedule落后于预定计划。根据后文“both boys were still alive”指突破万难活下来,故选A。
    12.His words ________, students found it hard to figure out what he was conveying.
    A.urgent B.humorous C.obscure D.serious
    【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他的话晦涩难懂,学生们发现很难理解他在表达什么。A. urgent紧急的;B. humorous幽默的;C. obscure难以理解的,模糊的;D. serious严肃的。根据“students found it hard to figure out what he was conveying.”可知,此处表示的是“难以理解的”为obscure符合句意。故选C项。
    13.______ you must be informed of before setting out to finish the paper is ______ it is a student-made one.
    A.What; / B.That; that C.What; that D.That; /
    14.If however hard you study you can only score _______ above average grade, don’t worry. Your talent lies somewhere else. Not everyone is _______ A-student.
    A./; an B.an; an C.an; a D./; /
    【详解】考查冠词。句意:如果无论你多么努力学习,你只能取得平均成绩以上,不要担心。你的才能在别处。不是每个人都是优等生。名词 grade和student都是可数名词,泛指,且above和A发音都以元音音素开头,所以用不定冠词an。故选B。
    15.—Candy’s new skirt looks funny on her.
    — ________ It looks fine to me.
    A.Who cares? B.You are telling me.
    C.What’s wrong? D.I wouldn’t say that.
    【详解】考查交际用语。句意:——Candy的新裙子穿在她身上很滑稽。——我不那么认为。在我看来还不错。A. Who cares? 谁在乎呢?B. You are telling me.你说得对。C. What’s wrong? 怎么了?D. I wouldn’t say that.我不那么认为。根据“It looks fine to me.”可知,我不认为Candy的新裙子穿在她身上很滑稽。故选D。
    阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16〜35各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
    “What will we be singing for contest this year?” a student from my choir (合唱团) asked ____16____. “Maybe we will ____17____ the contest.” I said. “NO!” the kids ____18____ my idea. “We should go to contest! We can do it!”
    I looked at the medals ____19____ the front wall of the music room from the past successes of large, talented classes. A(n)____20____ in educational policies, with a stress on academics, had ____21____ my choir to thirty-two students. My section leaders had graduated or been forced to ____22____ music classes, leaving me with young, ____23____ kids who couldn’t read music and could sing only a simple melody (乐曲).
    “I’ll think about it,” I said, hoping their enthusiasm would ____24____ in a couple of weeks. I couldn’t tell them they weren’t ______25______ enough because I had to protect their self-esteem. ______26______, the kids practiced each morning, working on sight-reading (视唱) and learning musical terms. I was amazed at the ______27______ force that kept pushing them on. Their ______28______was so remarkable even I began believing in their dream. The contest day finally arrived. The results were ______29______ two very long hours later. I stood there, ______30______, staring at the list in disbelief: a First Place award with the highest ______31______ of all. “We ______32______ it!” All around kids were screaming with delight. Warm tears wet my cheeks and my heart swelled with ______33______ for these kids who had a ______34______. They refused to give up and taught me to never ______35______ the possibility of success for any student or any class ever again.
    16.A.eagerly B.confidently C.casually D.calmly
    17.A.cancel B.skip C.hold D.deny
    18.A.blamed B.claimed C.confirmed D.opposed
    19.A.clearing B.filling C.lining D.polishing
    20.A.battle B.change C.analysis D.chance
    21.A.banned B.abandoned C.reduced D.divided
    22.A.disturb B.attend C.give D.drop
    23.A.inexperienced B.powerless C.careless D.imperfect
    24.A.take off B.die off C.give in D.take over
    25.A.good B.old C.brave D.enthusiastic
    26.A.Therefore B.Besides C.However D.Otherwise
    27.A.alarming B.comforting C.driving D.confusing
    28.A.progress B.energy C.faith D.goal
    29.A.judged B.posted C.broadcast D.changed
    30.A.terrified B.annoyed C.embarrassed D.frozen
    31.A.concerns B.expectations C.opinions D.marks
    32.A.helped B.got C.made D.hit
    33.A.approval B.pride C.anxiety D.embarrassment
    34.A.dream B.plan C.hero D.wish
    35.A.acknowledge B.accept C.explore D.doubt
    【答案16.A    17.B    18.D    19.C    20.B    21.C    22.D    23.A    24.B    25.A    26.C    27.C    28.A    29.B    30.D    31.D    32.C    33.B    34.A    35.D
    16.考查副词词义辨析。句意:“今年比赛我们要唱什么歌?”我们合唱团的一个学生急切地问道。A. eagerly渴望地,迫切地;B. confidently自信地;C. casually偶然地;D. calmly镇静地。根据前文的问题“What will we be singing for contest this year?”和常理推断,学生应是急切地想要知道唱什么歌曲。故选A。
    17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“也许我们将跳过这次比赛。”我说。A. cancel取消;B. skip略过;C. hold举行;D. deny否认。根据下文“We should go to contest! We can do it!”推知,作者建议不参加比赛,但是孩子们不接受这个想法。故选B。
    18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“不!”孩子们反对我的想法。A. blamed责备;B. claimed声称;C. confirmed证实;D. opposed反对。根据下文“We should go to contest! We can do it!”可知,孩子们不接受作者不参加比赛的想法。故选D。
    19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我看着音乐室前墙上排列的奖牌,这些奖牌是过去那些大而有才华的班级取得的成功。A. clearing清除;B. filling填满;C. lining排列;D. polishing擦亮。根据下文“the front wall of the music room”可知,奖牌排列在音乐室的墙上。故选C。
    20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:教育政策的改变,强调学业,使我的唱诗班减少到32名学生。A. battle战斗;B. change改变;C. analysis分析;D. chance机会。根据下文“with a stress on academics”可知,教育政策发生了改变,强调学业。故选B。
    21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:教育政策的改变,强调学业,使我的唱诗班减少到32名学生。A. banned禁止;B. abandoned抛弃;C. reduced减少;D. divided分开。根据前文“with a stress on academics”可知,因为强调学业,唱诗班的学生减少了。故选C。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的乐队负责人要么已经毕业,要么被迫放弃了音乐课,留给我的是“年轻、没有经验的孩子,他们不识字,只会唱简单的旋律”。A. disturb打扰;B. attend参加;C. give给;D. drop放弃。根据下文“leaving me with young”可知,作者乐队的负责人有的毕业了,有的被迫放弃了音乐课,留下作者和这些孩子在一起。故选D。
    23.考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. inexperienced不熟练的,没有经验的;B. powerless无力的;C. careless粗心的;D. imperfect不完美的。根据下文“who couldn’t read music and could sing only a simple melody (乐曲)”可知,这些孩子年轻,没有经验。故选A。
    24.考查动词短语辨析。句意:“我会考虑的,”我说,希望他们的热情会在几周内消失。A. take off脱掉;起飞;B. die off相继死去,逐渐消失;C. give in屈服;D. take over接管。根据前文““I’ll think about it,” I said”可知,作者说考虑考虑,希望孩子们的热情会在几周后逐渐消失,die off符合语境。故选B。
    25.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我不能说他们不够好,因为我必须保护他们的自尊。A. good好的;B. old年老的;C. brave勇敢的;D. enthusiastic充满激情的。根据上文“with young,   8   kids who couldn’t read music and could sing only a simple melody”和下文“because I had to protect their self-esteem”可知,作者要保护孩子们的自尊,因此不能说他们不够好。故选A。
    26.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,孩子们每天早上都在练习,致力于视唱和学习音乐术语。A. Therefore因此;B. Besides此外;C. However然而;D. Otherwise否则。前文作者认为孩子们不够好,与后文孩子们努力练习是转折关系。故选C。
    27.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我对推动他们强大的动力感到惊讶。A. alarming使人害怕的;B. comforting令人欣慰的;C. driving强有力的;D. confusing令人困惑的。根据前文“the kids practiced each morning, working on sight-reading (视唱) and learning musical terms.”可知,孩子们具有强大的驱动力。故选C。
    28.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们的进步是如此显著,甚至我开始相信他们的梦想。A. progress进步;B. energy精力;C. faith信念;D. goal目标。根据下文“even I began believing in their dream”可知,孩子们的进步是明显的。故选A。
    29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:结果是两个小时后才公布的。A. judged判断;B. posted发布;公布;C. broadcast广播;D. changed改变。根据下文“staring at the list in disbelief: a First Place award with the highest   16   of all.”可知,结果被公布了。故选B。
    30.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我呆呆地站在那里,难以置信地盯着那张名单:第一名,评分最高。A. terrified极度恐慌的;B. annoyed烦恼的;C. embarrassed尴尬的;D. frozen惊呆的。根据前文内容和下文“staring at the list in disbelief”可知,作者原本认为这些孩子不够好,不愿意让他们参加比赛,但是结果他们取得了第一名,因此推断作者看到结果惊呆了,难以相信。故选D。
    31.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。  A. concerns关心;担心;B. expectations期待;C. opinions选择;D. marks成绩。根据前文“a First Place award”可知,得了一等奖,成绩最高。故选D。
    32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们成功了。 helped帮助;B. got得到;C. made使得;D. hit打击。根据前文“a First Place award with the highest   16   of all.”可知,孩子们高兴地欢呼“我们成功了”。make it“成功”是固定短语。故选C。
    33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:温暖的泪水湿润了我的脸颊,我的心里充满了对这些有梦想的孩子的骄傲。A. approval同意;B. pride骄傲;C. anxiety焦虑;D. embarrassment尴尬。根据前文内容和“a First Place award with the highest   16   of all.”可知,孩子获得了第一名,取得了成功,作者为他们感到骄傲。故选B。
    34.考查名词词义辨析。句意:温暖的泪水湿润了我的脸颊,我的心里充满了对这些有梦想的孩子的骄傲。A. dream梦想;B. plan计划;C. hero英雄;D. wish愿望。根据前文“even I began believing in their dream”可知,孩子们成功获得了第一名,实现了他们的梦想。故选A。
    35.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们拒绝放弃,并教会我永远不要再怀疑任何学生或任何班级成功的可能性。A. acknowledge承认;B. accept接受;C. explore探索;D. doubt怀疑。根据前文“‘Maybe we will   2   the contest.’I said.”等作者的一些做法和想法可知,作者不想让孩子们参加比赛因为觉得他们不够好,对他们充满怀疑。故选D。
    Your safety and the security of your personal property are of the primary concern to those of us who welcome you as our guest. We urge you to take advantage of the following suggestions.
    Be observant (机警) when sightseeing or traveling. Stay in well-lit and heavily traveled areas. Don’t display large amounts of cash.
    Keep your luggage within your sight until the hotel porter’s coming. Register only your name without your title which indicates your status and your wealth. Require the receptionist to keep secret about your room number and call you if someone wants to find you. Do not mention your room number in public places. Check out whether the receptionist returns your credit card or ID card, and whether they are the correct ones.
    Entering your room
    Make sure all equipment works properly, including the door, windows, lights, telephone, bathroom, etc. it is better to check them in front of the room keeper and if anything goes wrong, report to the front desk immediately.
    Reading the hotel regulations may also provide you with the tips of security-keeping.
    Make sure you know the direct way to the lift, fire escapes and nearest telephone.
    Don’t mention any important numbers on the hotel telephone. If somebody calls you and says there is something wrong with your bill, you’d better check it in person, not on the phone.
    Guest room security
    For additional security use the deadbolt (插锁) provided on your door and make sure the windows are locked. As an additional precautious (预防措施) measure, please secure the secondary locks provided. Do not admit anyone to your room without first making identification. A one-way viewer is provided in your door to assist with identification. If there is any doubt about the person’s identity, please contact the Front Desk.
    Safety boxes
    Do not leave money or valuables in your room or vehicle. We provide free safety boxes for your use. Hotel is not responsible for items left in your room valued over $200.
    Safeguard your key. Keep the key within your reach, in case you need it in a hurry. Please do not leave it in the door. Do not give your key to others or leave it unattended. Please leave your key at the Front Desk when you check out.
    Please report any suspicious activity, or safety concerns to management.
    36.The suggestions are most probably from________.
    A.a police officer B.a hotel manager
    C.an experienced traveler D.a tour guide
    37.What should you do during your check-in?
    A.Ask the receptionist to keep your luggage.
    B.Register your name with your title.
    C.Keep your room number hidden from others.
    D.Let the receptionist keep your credit card or ID card.
    38.If you feel doubtful about a stranger who knocks at the door, you should ________.
    A.call the Front desk to make sure
    B.open the door to check the person’s ID card
    C.let the person in after you have got his/her name
    D.contact the local police for assistance
    39.What can we learn about the tip of keeping keys?
    A.Ask the porker to keep your key.
    B.Keep the key where you can get easily.
    C.Leave the key in the door when you prepare to travel out.
    D.Ask the front desk to keep your key before you check out.
    40.Which of the following is TRUE?
    A.It is advised to travel to places where there are few people.
    B.The hotel is not responsible for anything you lose.
    C.Don’t report to the manager unless you are sure something is going wrong.
    D.You’d better use the deadbolt and the secondary locks together for safety.
    【答案】36.B    37.C    38.A    39.B    40.D
    36.推理判断题。纵览全文,通篇都是在给客人提供安全建议,再结合文章多次出现的关键词“the Front Desk(前台)”,尤其是根据Keys部分的“Please leave your key at the Front Desk when you check out.(退房时请把钥匙留在前台。)”可以推知,本篇文章是一家宾馆在向游客提供安全建议,所以很有可能是酒店经理提供的这些建议。故选B。
    37.细节理解题。根据Check-in部分的“Require the receptionist to keep secret about your room number and call you if someone wants to find you.(要求接待员对你的房间号保密,如果有人想找你,就打电话给你。)”可知,在你入住的时候,要要求接待员保密房间号。故选C。
    38.细节理解题。由Guest room security中的“If there is any doubt about the person’s identity, please contact the Front Desk(如对客人的身份有任何疑问,请与前台联系。)”可知,如果对这个人的身份有任何疑问,请与前台联系。所以如果一个形迹可疑的陌生人来敲门,应该联系前台。故选A。
    39.细节理解题。根据Keys部分“Keep the key within your reach, in case you need it in a hurry. (把钥匙放在你伸手可及的地方,以备急用。)”可知,关于保存钥匙,建议放到伸手可及的地方。故选B。
    40.细节理解题。根据Guest room security部分的“For additional security use the deadbolt (插锁) provided on your door and make sure the windows are locked.(为了额外的安全,请使用门上的门栓,并确保窗户是锁上的。)”可知,为了安全起见,你最好门栓和副锁一起使用。故选D。
    I was born a bookworm. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t read: It was almost like breathing to me. My fictional worlds took me to all the places I needed to go and I experienced everything indirectly.
    My father was in the military service when I was a child, so we moved every two years, but we insisted on going to bookshops wherever we lived. He would take me to the nearest bookshop every Saturday morning and wait patiently while I browsed (随便看看)—after all, the choosing of a new book is something that cannot be rushed. And so started my lifelong love affair with bookshops.
    One day I was thinking up the setting for How to Find Love in a tiny bookshop when a feeling of calm, contentment, and excitement came over me. It was a feeling of perfect happiness. That was my light bulb moment: My book would be set in a bookshop, and I could explore what books meant to each of my characters and how they had shaped their lives.
    The book isn’t just about discovering romantic love. It’s about finding the love of books: something that can sustain you throughout your life, and provide escape, entertainment, education, comfort, wonder. And, as I learned from my own father, it’s a love you can share with everyone. There is nothing more satisfying than sharing something you have read with someone else, knowing they will love it as much as you do.
    But if we are to keep bookshops alive, we need to use them, and to encourage the next generation to make them a part of their life and view bookshops as a treat, a pleasure, an adventure, a gateway, so they become something we can’t live without. Thus my challenge to you, fellow readers, is to go to your local bookshops as often as possible and come out with something that might change your life.
    41.Why did the author often move when he was a child?
    A.Because her father loved travelling.
    B.Because her father was in the army.
    C.Because her parents divorced.
    D.Because her parents wanted to find a better school for her.
    42.Which word best describes the author’s relationship with bookshops as a child?
    A.Distant. B.Casual.
    C.Inseparable. D.Cooperative.
    43.What does the underlined part “light bulb moment” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A.A moment of relief. B.A moment of peace.
    C.A moment of sudden shock. D.A moment of sudden inspiration.
    44.What might the book How to Find Love talk about?
    A.How books affect people’s lives. B.Romantic stories of the author’s parents.
    C.How bookshops become popular. D.Touching stories between father and daughter.
    45.What does the author call on readers to do?
    A.Purchase her books. B.Go frequent book shopping.
    C.Share books with others. D.Sponsor local bookshops.
    【答案】41.B    42.C    43.D    44.A    45.B
    41.细节理解题。根据第二段中“My father was in the military service when I was a child, so we moved every two years, but we insisted on going to bookshops wherever we lived. (当我还是个孩子的时候,我父亲在军队服役,所以我们每两年就搬一次家,但无论住在哪里,我们都坚持要去书店。)”可知,因为作者的父亲在军队服役,所以小时候作者经常搬家。故选B。
    42.推理判断题。根据第一段中“I can’t remember a time when I didn’t read: It was almost like breathing to me. (我不记得有什么时候不读书了:读书对我来说就像呼吸一样。)”以及第二段中“And so started my lifelong love affair with bookshops.(就这样,我开始了对书店毕生的热爱。)”可知,作者与书目之间的关系是密不可分的。故选C。
    43.词义猜测题。根据划线词前面的句子“It was a feeling of perfect happiness.(这是一种完美的幸福的感觉。)”以及划线词后面的句子“My book would be set in a bookshop, and I could explore what books meant to each of my characters and how they had shaped their lives.(我的书将以书店为背景,我可以探索书对我的每个角色意味着什么,以及他们是如何塑造他们的生活的。)”可知,那一天作者在书店里构思《如何找到爱》这本书的场景,就在此时,一种幸福的感觉涌上心头,由此作者想到将会以书店为背景,探讨每个角色意味着什么即在此时,作者突然灵光乍现,充满灵感。故划线词与D选项为近义词。故选D。
    44.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“ It’s about finding the love of books: something that can sustain you throughout your life, and provide escape, entertainment, education, comfort, wonder. (它是关于寻找对书的热爱:一些可以支撑你一生的东西,并提供逃避、娱乐、教育、舒适和奇迹。)”可知,这本书是关于寻找书的热爱,这种热爱可以支撑你的一生,即书籍如何影响人们的生活。故选A。
    45.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“But if we are to keep bookshops alive, we need to use them, and to encourage the next generation to make them a part of their life and view bookshops as a treat, a pleasure, an adventure, a gateway, so they become something we can’t live without.(但是,如果我们想让书店继续存在下去,我们就需要利用它们,并鼓励下一代把书店作为他们生活的一部分,把书店视为一种享受、一种乐趣、一种冒险、一扇大门,让它们成为我们生活中不可或缺的东西。)”以及“Thus my challenge to you, fellow readers, is to go to your local bookshops as often as possible and come out with something that might change your life.(因此,我对读者们的挑战是,尽可能多地去当地的书店,买一些可能改变你生活的东西。)”可知,作者鼓励下一代把书店作为他们生活的一部分,把书店视为一种享受、一种乐趣、一种冒险、一扇大门,让它们成为我们生活中不可或缺的东西,同时尽可能的多地去当地的书店,买一些可能改变你生活的东西即经常买书。故选B。
    In the UK, the government showed throwaway cups should be forbidden altogether by 2023 if they are not all being recycled. As a result, Starbucks said it would try out a 5p (5 pence) cup charge in 20 to 25 central London shops. “We will begin it next month and at first it will last for three months,” the company said, adding that it continued to offer a 25p (25 pence) discount to customers who brought their own reusable cups.
    The government agrees plastic waste is a problem and will consider taxing disposable (一次性的) plastics. The committee’s chair, Mary Creagh, said, “The UK throws away 2.5 billion disposable coffee cups every year. Almost none are recycled. Coffee cup producers and shops haven’t taken action to change this. So we need to kick-start a change in recycling.”
    The Liberal Democrats said they had been suggesting a charge on coffee cups since September 2016. The party’s spokesman, Tim Farron, said, “The result is clear that the tax works. The 5p charge on plastic bags has largely cut down the usage and helped protect our environment.”
    The 5p tax is being against by the makers of paper cups. Mike Tuner, of the Paper Cup Alliance, said paper cups were the safest solution for drinks. “The paper cups we produce in the UK can be recycled, and are being recycled. We are trying to increase recycling rates. Taxing the morning coffee run won’t solve the problem, but it will hurt consumers,” he said.
    Disposable coffee cups are technically recyclable, but most are not because the UK has just three machines that can split the paper and plastic parts for recycling. The committee has called on the government to require coffee cups from cafes without in-store recycling systems to carry “not recycled” marks to remind customers. Cafes with in-store recycling systems should print their cups with “recyclable in store only”.
    46.About the throwaway cups, Starbucks will ________.
    A.offer a half-price discount to customers with their own cups
    B.support the idea of forbidding throwaway cups till 2023
    C.charge customers 5p per throwaway cup in some shops
    D.stop to offer throwaway cups in its shops right now
    47.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?
    A.Coffee cup makers will take action to recycle the water.
    B.The use of the disposable plastics is a nationwide problem.
    C.Coffee cup users pay much attention to the plastic problem.
    D.The UK government will ban all disposable coffee cups by 2023.
    48.What will be the result of introducing a charge for disposable coffee cups, in Tim Farron’s opinion?
    A.More people will fight against the charge.
    B.There will be little change in our environment.
    C.Fewer people will use the disposable coffee cups.
    D.There will be a competition between coffee shops.
    49.According to Mike Turner, taxing the paper coffee cups ________.
    A.will be supported by the makers of the paper cups
    B.will affect the consumers instead of solving the problem
    C.can give a hand to increasing recycling rates of the makers
    D.can be the best solution for the government to cut down waste
    50.What’s the real problem about disposable coffee cups’ recycling in the UK?
    A.There are not enough professionals in this area.
    B.There is not enough professional equipment.
    C.Consumers don’t have recycling knowledge.
    D.Cafes don’t have recycling systems at all.
    【答案】46.C    47.B    48.C    49.B    50.B
    46.细节理解题。根据第一段的“As a result, Starbucks said it would try out a 5p (5 pence) cup charge in 20 to 25 central London shops.(因此,星巴克表示将在伦敦市中心的20至25家门店试行5便士的杯子收费)”可知,星巴克将在一些商店对每只一次性杯子向顾客收取5便士。故选C。
    47.细节理解题。根据第二段的“The committee’s chair, Mary Creagh, said, “The UK throws away 2.5 billion disposable coffee cups every year. Almost none are recycled. Coffee cup producers and shops haven’t taken action to change this. So we need to kick-start a change in recycling.”(该委员会主席Mary Creagh说:“英国每年扔掉25亿个一次性咖啡杯。几乎没有一个是回收的。咖啡杯生产商和商店还没有采取行动来改变这一点。因此,我们需要开始在回收利用方面做出改变。”)”可知,在英国一次性塑料的使用是一个全国性的问题。故选B。
    48.推理判断题。根据第三段的“The party’s spokesman, Tim Farron, said, “The result is clear that the tax works. The 5p charge on plastic bags has largely cut down the usage and helped protect our environment.”(该党发言人Tim Farron表示:“结果很清楚,这项税收是有效的。对塑料袋收取5便士的费用在很大程度上减少了使用量,有助于保护我们的环境。”)”推知,鉴于对塑料袋征税的情况Tim Farron认为对一次性杯子征税后会有更少的人使用一次性咖啡杯。故选C。
    49.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段Mike Tuner说的话“Taxing the morning coffee run won’t solve the problem, but it will hurt consumers(对早上的咖啡供应征税并不能解决问题,但会伤害消费者)”可知,Mike Tuner认为对一次性咖啡杯征税只会影响消费者,不能解决问题。故选B。
    50.细节理解题。根据最后一段的“Disposable coffee cups are technically recyclable, but most are not because the UK has just three machines that can split the paper and plastic parts for recycling. (一次性咖啡杯在技术上是可回收的,但大多数没有被回收,因为英国只有三台机器可以将纸和塑料部分分开回收)”可知,在英国一次性咖啡杯回收的真正问题是没有足够的专业设备。故选B。
    Some people say that the planet is getting smaller, that there are few places left to explore, and that the age of exploration will be over soon.
    I would argue instead that there has never been a greater need to explore. That’s because the stage for all exploration is the natural world, and nature is experiencing a rapid decline. It is by exploring that we understand and when we understand we develop an appreciation for what is found. Ultimately, only the things we appreciate are worth protecting.
    As the golden age of exploration weakens, so does the richness of life on Earth. It isn’t just that there are fewer blank areas on the map; it is that wild places and spaces have been progressively carved up (瓜分). Visiting the Okavango Delta or Kalahari Desert, for example, no longer implies a self-supported expedition ( 考 察 ). Field stations pop up in important national parks and remote sensing by satellite becomes commonplace.
    In the next century, I believe we will need larger and wilder areas. We will need the wilderness, not just for the protection of it, but because it is an important part of the ecosystems from which we gain our necessities like clean water, food and materials. If we succeed, then expeditions — brief travels into the wild that seek to answer questions, monitor populations, and inspire action — will have a renewed sense of purpose. More importantly, they greatly help the public experience, understand and appreciate nature.
    Based on my own research expedition which aims to understand “edge effects”— how the changes in temperature at forest edges impact animals, I find it important that today’s scientists continue to spend time in the field. It is here that they begin to understand how seemingly unrelated environmental interactions influence their study system. Sometimes, it’s difficult to know which is important to measure until you stand out there on the forest edge.
    It is the young generation that is the main force to lead the next wave of expeditions. The measure of their success will be whether there are still well-preserved wild places for expeditions in the future. Their leadership is needed now, more than ever.
    51.What’s the purpose of this text?
    A.To suggest understanding nature by keeping exploring.
    B.To advise people not to travel to unknown places.
    C.To inform us about the reduced biodiversity.
    D.To call on the public to support the study.
    52.What can we know about the expedition in wild spaces from Paragraph 3?
    A.It is difficult for explorers to make progress.
    B.It is more accessible with the help of technology.
    C.It promotes the development of satellite technology.
    D.It requires explorers to take sufficient heavy equipment.
    53.What does the underlined part “pop up” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
    A.Appear unexpectedly.
    B.Close temporarily.
    C.Develop quickly.
    D.Differ greatly.
    54.What does the author realize after his research expedition?
    A.The significance of scientists’ field trip.
    B.The difficulty of carrying out fieldwork.
    C.The need to expand the edges of forests.
    D.The influence of his study on the environment.
    55.The success of future expeditions will be determined by________.
    A.our knowledge of nature
    B.the time spent in the field
    C.the preservation of wild places
    D.the study system of young generations
    【答案】51.A    52.B    53.A    54.A    55.C
    51.推理判断题。文章第二段讲到“It is by exploring that we understand and when we understand we develop an appreciation for what is found. Ultimately, only the things we appreciate are worth protecting. (正是通过探索,我们才能理解,当我们理解时,我们才能对所发现的东西产生欣赏。最终,只有我们欣赏的东西才值得保护)”可知本文的目的是建议通过不断探索来理解自然,故选A。
    52.推理判断题。文章第三段讲到“Field stations pop up in important national parks and remote sensing by satellite becomes commonplace.(在重要的国家公园里出现了野外观测站,卫星遥感变得司空见惯。)”可知从第三段中我们可以了解到野外探险借助技术,它更容易获得,故选B。
    53.词义猜测题。划线词组上文讲到“Visiting the Okavango Delta or Kalahari Desert, for example, no longer implies a self-supported expedition ( 考 察 ). (例如,参观奥卡万戈三角洲或卡拉哈里沙漠,不再意味着一次自助探险)”这里要注意“不是自主探险”所以划线词组所在句子Field stations pop up in important national parks and remote sensing by satellite becomes commonplace.的意思是:在重要的国家公园里出现了野外观测站,卫星遥感变得司空见惯。可知第三段中带下划线的部分的意思是“突然出现”,故选A。
    54.推理判断题。文章倒数第二段讲到“It is here that they begin to understand how seemingly unrelated environmental interactions influence their study system. Sometimes, it’s difficult to know which is important to measure until you stand out there on the forest edge.(正是在这里,他们开始了解看似无关的环境交互作用如何影响他们的学习系统。有时,在你站在森林边缘之前,很难知道衡量哪一个是重要的。)”可知作者在考察之后意识到了科学家实地考察的意义,故选A。
    55.细节理解题。文章最后一段讲到“The measure of their success will be whether there are still well-preserved wild places for expeditions in the future. (衡量它们成功与否的标准将是未来是否还有保存完好的野外探险场所)”可知未来探险的成功将由保护野生场所决定。故选C。
    When Marco was a boy, he tried everything to get his father’s love and attention. He worked hard to earn exceptional marks; he chose inspiring friends and always tried to behave well.
    At the age of eight his parents divorced, and Marco and his young sister Sandra moved in with their dad. It felt to Marco that his father had little time for him and Sandra. Marco sank further into his low self-esteem and was overwhelmed with feeling desperately unappreciated, alone and isolated.
    One day his father, already tired after a long day, tripped over Marco’s bike in the garage. The fierce fight that followed left Marco feeling humiliated (羞辱). It seemed no matter how hard he tried he could never do anything right.
    Two days later, his aunt Ginette called him. She said she had just seen some young teenagers participate in a public speaking contest called Gala Personnalite sponsored by Club Optimiste. She thought he should give it a try. She told him she firmly believed he could perform on stage like the other kids, since she had seen him do humorous performances for the family at Christmas. Feeling her strong belief, Marco agreed to enter the contest.
    All that winter of 1980 to 1981, he practiced in Ville d’Anjou, where the competition would take place. The hours and the obstacles no longer counted. The criticism from his father didn’t matter. Four. months later, the big night arrived. His mother, his sister, his grandmother, and his aunt Ginette, were all in the audience. Butterflies filled his stomach. But when he stepped onto the stage and began to speak, he felt totally at home. To his shock and amazement, he WON!
    As I travel around the world to speak to thousands of people every year, I tell them Marco’s story. I tell them his story because it is my story.
    It all happened because of a single phone call, from one single person who simply believed in me. Because of her, I have been able to more than fulfill my dreams. I’ve been able to inspire and to touch the lives of so many others—and help them fulfill theirs.
    56.Why did Marco want to behave and do well academically?  (no more than 10 words)
    57.What caused Marco to hold negative attitude towards himself?  (no more than 10 words)
    58.How did his aunt Ginette plan to do to change Marco?  (no more than 15 words)
    59.What does the underlined sentence probably mean in the 5th Paragraph?  (no more than 5 words)
    60.Who often gives you confidence to fulfill your dreams? What does he/she do?  (no more than 20 words)
    【答案】56.He wanted to get his father’s love and attention.    
    57. His father had little time for him.    
    58. Ginette encouraged Marco to particaipte in “Gala Personnalite” to change him.   
    59. upset and nervous.    
    60.My father. He often motivates me to go hiking to increase my confidence.
    56.考查细节理解题。根据第一段“When Marco was a boy, he tried everything to get his father’s love and attention. He worked hard to earn exceptional marks”(马可小时候,为了得到父亲的爱和关注,他想尽一切办法。他努力学些以获得优异成绩)可知,为什么马可想要表现良好并在学业上取得好成绩是为了得到父亲的爱和关注。故回答为:He wanted to get his father’s love and attention。
    57.考查细节理解题。根据第二段“It felt to Marco that his father had little time for him and Sandra. Marco sank further into his low self-esteem and was overwhelmed with feeling desperately unappreciated, alone and isolated.”(马可觉得父亲很少有时间陪伴他和桑德拉。马可进一步陷入了他的自卑中,极度地感到不被赏识、孤独和孤立。)可知,导致马可对自己持消极态度的是父亲很少有时间陪伴他。故回答为:His father had little time for him。
    58.考查细节理解题。根据第四段“She said she had just seen some young teenagers participate in a public speaking contest called Gala Personnalite sponsored by Club Optimiste. She thought he should give it a try.”(她说,她刚刚看到一些年轻的青少年参加了一场由Club Optimiste主办的名为“Gala Personnalite”的公开演讲比赛。她认为他应该试试。)可知,Ginette计划鼓励马可参加“Gala Personnalite”来改变他。故回答为:Ginette encouraged Marco to particaipte in “Gala Personnalite” to change him。
    59.词句猜测题。根据第五段“But when he stepped onto the stage and began to speak, he felt totally at home.”(但是当他走上舞台开始演讲时,他感觉很放松)可知,登台之前马可忐忑不安。所以划线词的意思是“紧张不安”。故回答为:upset and nervous。
    60.开放性试题。My father. He often motivates me to go hiking to increase my confidence。
    1. “天宫课堂”已经播出到了第三课,受到学生们的欢迎;
    2. 观看了很多科学实验在零重力条件下的演示;
    3. 加深对于理科学习的兴趣,产生了作为一名中国学生的自豪感。
    参考词汇:中国空间站China Space Station;零重力zero-gravity;航天员taikonaut
    注意 :
    1. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
    2. 文中不可出现真实的个人信息;
    3. 词数不少于100(开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。
    Dear Johnson,
    In your last e-mail, you mentioned your interest in the “Tiangong Classroom.”
    Looking forward to your reply.
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Jin
    【答案】Dear Johnson,
       In your last e-mail, you mentioned your interest in the “Tiangong Classroom.” Now I am writing to tell you the details of the “Tiangong Classroom” and my feelings.
       The “Tiangong Classroom” was conducted by taikonaut on the space station for teenagers across the country. The “Tiangong Classroom” has been broadcast to the third lesson, which is very popular with students. In the “Tiangong Classroom”, we watched many scientific experiments that were demonstrated in zero-gravity conditions. After watching the “Tiangong Classroom”, students’ interest in science learning was strengthened, and they had a sense of pride as a Chinese student.
       Looking forward to your reply.
                                                                                                                                                          Yours sincerely,
                                                                                                                                                                    Li Jin
    进行:conduct→carry out
    自豪感:a sense of pride→a feeling of pride
    原句:After watching “Tiangong Classroom”, students’ interest in science learning is strengthened, and they have a sense of pride as a Chinese student.
    拓展句:After they watched “Tiangong Classroom”, students’ interest in science learning was strengthened, and they had a sense of pride as a Chinese student.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] The “Tiangong Classroom” has been broadcast to the third lesson, which is very popular with students.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] In the “Tiangong Classroom”, we watched many scientific experiments that were demonstrated in zero-gravity conditions. (运用了that引导的限制性定语从句)


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    2023年高考第三次模拟考试卷-英语(新高考A卷)(全解全析): 这是一份2023年高考第三次模拟考试卷-英语(新高考A卷)(全解全析),共27页。

    2023年高考第三次模拟考试卷-英语(天津B卷)(全解全析): 这是一份2023年高考第三次模拟考试卷-英语(天津B卷)(全解全析),共25页。






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