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    1What does the man drink most?

    ABlack tea. BCoffee. CGreen tea.

    2Where does the conversation probably take place?

    AIn the office. BIn the library. CIn a music shop.

    3What day is it today?

    AWednesday. BFriday. CSunday.

    4Why does the woman want to have a Russian name?

    AShe’ll study in Russia. BShe’ll travel to Russia. CShe’ll work in Russia.

    5How does the woman feel when she sees erhu?

    ACurious. BFrightened. CSatisfied.




    6What gift does the man want to buy?

    ASomething local. BSomething practical. CSomething expensive.

    7What does the man get at last?

    AA nice watch. BSome chocolates. CA nice shirt.



    8What kind of ticket will the man book?

    AFirst class. BBusiness clans. CEconomy class.

    9When will the man’s flight take off?

    AAt 9:25. BAt 16:45. CAt 18:00.

    10What must the man do two hours before departure?

    AMake a reservation. BConfirm his reservation. CHand in his information.



    11Where might the speakers be?

    AIn a forest. BOn a mountain. CAt the city center.

    12What does the woman think of the man?

    AHe is strong. BHe is handsome. CHe is a little fat.

    13What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

    AFriends. BGuide and tourist. CCoach and player.



    14What is the woman doing?

    ASigning up for a dancing lesson.

    BShopping for dancing shoes.

    CWatching a dance performance

    15Which dance does the woman like most?

    ABallet. BModern dance. CTop dance.

    16Who wants to join the dancing class?

    AShelley. BCarl. CJane.

    17Why does the woman take dance lessons?

    ATo improve her dance skill.

    BTo enjoy the fun of dancing.

    CTo work as a dance teacher.





    18When did the world’s population reach 7 billion?

    AIn 2000. BIn 2011. CIn 2022.

    19Which country may have a fast population growth?

    AIndia. BJapan. CGermany.

    20What is the speaker mainly talking about?

    AA link between population and climate.

    BA distribution of world population.

    CAn introduction of world population.




    Volunteer on a Disaster Action Team

    Most of the 60,000 emergencies that the Red Cross responds to each year are local, personal disasters like home fires. They may not make the news, hut we know they are just as devastating (破坏性) to the families affected. So join us to answer the call when your neighbors need help.

    Trained and available, Disaster Action Team volunteers are ready to respond to these emergencies, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. From offering a shoulder to cry on to meeting any immediate needs for shelter or supplies, to connecting people with long term recovery services, our volunteers ensure that families don’t have to face tough times alone.

    Many disaster action team volunteers share these life experiences and skills:


    ·Availability and flexibility for at least 4—6 hours per week


    ·Disaster response experience

    ·Have a command of two languages

    ·Can remain calm and patient during stressful situations

    Disaster Action Team volunteers help local families cope with emergencies.

    Home fires and other disasters can occur any time, any place. As a Disaster Action Team volunteer, you’ll provide emotional support, financial assistance, and information to help families begin the process of recovery. After your initial training, your shifts will include responding to emergencies within 2 hours, night or day, rain or shine, either on the scene or acting remotely to provide immediate care. With experience and further training you can take on leadership to have a wider impact.

    Note: the volunteer positions available to you will vary depending on your location and the needs of your local community.

    21What is the duty of a Disaster Action Team volunteer?

    ATrain residents on safety awareness.

    BGive permanent support to the victims.

    CFind out safety problems in the community.

    DHelp people deal with emergency at any time

    22What is required of a Disaster Action Team volunteer?

    AThe ability to stay cool. BOutdoor survival skills.

    COversea learning experience. DServing 4—6 hours monthly.

    23What is the purpose of this text?

    ATo teach people how to keen safe.

    BTo call on pole to be volunteers.

    CTo inform volunteers to take action.

    DTo introduce an activity of the Red Cross.


    As an undergraduate, 1 was fascinated by a visiting professor’s lecture. The second I left the talk, I called my sister and told her I had decided to become a paleoclimate (古气候) scientist—to which she replied, “A what?” No one in my family has a graduate degree. And no one heard of this term. Thus I began my journey through the unwritten expectations and assumed knowledge about applying to graduate school.

    I sent that professor an email, asking whether he had time to talk to me. He agreed to meet virtually, explained his graduate research, and shared stories of fieldwork, but he made no mention of how students were supported. I didn’t think to ask. I assumed pursuing a graduate degree would mean paying tuition and going without income. That was not an option for me. So, I tried to let go of the idea of continuing my education.

    Later I learned from my adviser that many programs not only cover tuition, but also offer scholarship. My dream became a possibility again.

    Then came the next problem: figuring out how to apply. I fell into a rabbit hole of Internet advice from self-appointed experts, each with a different opinion on email etiquette (礼仪), interview scheduling, and how to express interest in a project. The suggested timelines contradicted (相矛盾) one another. I felt hopeless again, terrified I would break an unspoken rule.

    But I gathered all the advice I could and spent hours crafting emails to professors. Ultimately, I was accepted to work on a master’s project in a city where I had always wanted to live.

    Standing in the lab that day, I realized that—despite my uncertainty—I had made it exactly where I had hoped to be. When I had started down this path, there was so much I didn’t know. But I made it by trying walking into the unknown.

    24What can we infer from the reply of the author’s sister?

    AShe had problems with bearing.

    BShe became annoyed with the author.

    CShe was puzzled about the author’s decision.

    DShe was too excited to hear the author’s words.

    25How did the author feel after talking with that visiting professor?

    ADiscouraged. BGuilty. COptimistic. DExcited.

    26What problem did the author face?

    ALack of the professor’s support. BThere being no work experience.

    CThe confusion of making a decision. DDemanding requirements of the professor.

    27What does the text mainly intend to tell us?

    AWell begun, half done. BEvery man has his price.

    COne tree does not make a forest. DSomething attempted, something done.


    A new study found some primates (灵长类) are leaving their tree homes and spending more time on the ground. Led by Timothy Eppley, Ph. D, scientists studied nearly 50 species of monkeys and lemurs (狐猴) to look at the reason behind these changes.

    About 15 years ago, Eppley worked with southern bamboo lemurs, which were known to spend most of their days in the trees, feeding on bamboo leaves. However, he was surprised to find these lemurs were spending most time on the ground and had an incredibly diverse diet. He wondered whether habitat reduction and limited food resource availability were driving them move to the ground. This inspired him to begin this study.

    He reached out to every researcher he could find who may have significant data on primates from Madagascar or the Americas, the two places with almost all tree-dwelling primates.

    Eppley examined more than 150,000 hours of data observed on 32 monkey species and 15 lemur species at 68 sites. He found that they spent an average of only 2.5% of their time on the ground each month. But the findings showed some interesting differences.

    “As habitats are degraded and the climate worsens, primates that are flexible enough to adapt because of their diverse diets or live in larger groups may be more likely to shift to life on the ground,” Eppley says. “However, other species that rely on fruit diets or live in small groups are less adaptable and are less willing to leave the tree. For these species, we will still need to enforce fast and effective conservation strategies to ensure their survival.”

    Although moving to the ground has some advantages in certain situations, primates can face problems when they leave the trees. They can become victims of other animals and diseases. Besides, they will be faced with finding appropriate food resources on the ground, thus having a broad or flexible diet is important. Primates are important seed spreaders within their forest habitats. The loss of primates would lead to negative effects on the ecosystem.

    28Why did Timothy Eppley begin his study?

    ATo try to make primates more adaptive.

    BTo study how monkeys differ from lemurs.

    CTo figure out the reason for the loss of bamboo.

    DTo find out why primates are turning to the ground.

    29How did Timothy Eppley carry out his research?

    ABy doing experiments. BBy observing in the wild

    CBy studying collected data DBy interviewing the locals.

    30Which kind of primates are more likely to come down from trees?

    AThose eating diverse diets. BThose with a large size.

    CThose feeding mainly an fruits. DThose living in small groups.

    31What will become a concern according to the study?

    AAnimals will become less adaptive. BThe forest ecosystem will become worse.

    CMore natural habitats will be lost. DMore animal-related diseases will appear.


    A study looked at the various modes of e-mobility in Germany to find e-bikes are all charged up and leading the pack.

    The most surprising finding was the number of e-bikes: 18% of the respondents stated they used an e-bike, compared to an also impressive 7% who said they use an e-car. E-bikes were considered practical compared to regular bikes because of the reduced physical exertion and extended range. Another benefit of e-bikes over e-cars is that they are fun. This apparently makes them the most “attractive” form of an electric vehicle.

    In North America, we often need a car to go around, but in Germany, just over half of the e-bike users managed to do so. However, 68% of these e car users did, probably “due to the ability to transport larger items”.

    Perhaps the most interesting numbers are those for the distance travelled. E-bikes are used for trips with a length of 15 kilometers, significantly less than the 25 kilometer trip length for the e-cars but still a big number for a bike trip.

    The study stated, “E-bikes are already the most commonly used means of electric transportation in Germany.”

    This is good news for North America, which has fallen behind European countries in e-bike uptake. The U.S. Office of Energy Efficiency said, “Data collected on one-way household trips show that 59.4% of vehicle trips were less than six miles. In fact, three-fourths of all trips are ten miles or less.”

    Others tell us that the infrastructure (设施) is terrible, but cities in Texas are investing in bike infrastructure. For the e-bike revolution to take off, we need good affordable bikes, safe places to ride, and secure places to park. It s also apparent that we need better regulation of e-bikes to ensure they all meet related standard to avoid battery fires like those happening in New York.

    But in Germany, the overall success of e-bikes can be expected to continue both in terms of popularity of e-bikes and in terms of total sales.

    32What does the underlined word “exertion” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

    AWeight. BEffort. CContact. DBarrier.

    33What can we infer about North America from Paragraph 6?

    AIt is poorer then Europe. BIts residents prefer long trips.

    CIts road conditions are terrible. DIt has the conditions to promote e-bikes.

    34What is the author’s attitude toward the use of e-bikes?

    AFavorable. BDoubtful. CUninterested. DObjective.

    35Which can be the best title for the text?

    AE-Bikes Still Need Improving BE-Bikes Are Widely Used for Trips

    CE-Bikes Are Popular in Germany DE-Bikes Are Coming to North America




    Want to lower your blood pressure, lose weight and reduce the risk of diseases? Go take a walk.

    Walking, as a simple activity most of us do without much thought, offers a host of vital health benefits. ____36____ It also contributes to improved bone strength, energy and mental health, among other things. Despite these advantages, our busy lives can be roadblocks. But there are simple ways to help you put one foot in front of the other.

    Make it a habit. ____37____ For busy folks who might forget to walk, you’d better put it in your calendar. Laterally give yourself an appointment—schedule it as “me time”. Over time, you will mace walking one of your habits.

    ____38____ To avoid predictability or boredom, get others to join you. Whether it’s a coworker, a family member or a friend, having someone else by your side can be a big encouragement.

    Make it work. Office types needn’t be confined (限制) to your desks. If circumstances allow, consider a walking meeting. Group discussions can take place during a walk. Or, when you can, walk around the building during phone calls. ____39____

    Make use of technology. There’s no shortage of high tech fitness tools and apps designed to follow your every move. And it’s certainly fine to keep score. ____40____ Instead, use those that count the amount of time you’re walking ideally 10 minutes or more in a given stretch.

    With these tips to help you, you are sure to benefit a lot from walking.

    AMake it a group outing.

    BMake it a family activity

    CRepetition is the mother of routine.

    DSeeing these scores can get you inspired.

    EAnd instead of sending email, walk over to talk to them.

    FBut don’t choose trackers that simply monitor your step numbers.

    GFor example, walking just 30 minutes a day can lower your risk of cancer.




    Matthew began working on the brakes of his truck immediately he got home late on a Monday. For safety, he couldn’t ____41____ repairing his truck any longer. His teenage son, Dalin, came to help. Matthew couldn’t get a good ____42____, so he slid his body under the truck to hit it. But when the rotor (刹车片) bounced off, the truck moved forward and ____43____ right on top of him.

    Matthew couldn’t breathe, move or yell. This was definitely a ____44____ situation. Seeing this, Dalin was scared. ____45____, he sprung into action despite his fear and was ____46____ enough to lift the truck a little. Dalin ____47____ as hard as he could to get the truck up just enough for his father to roll out.

    The ____48____ left Matthew with a separated shoulder. Matthew was taken to the hospital for his ____49____. Everything happened so fast, Matthew couldn’t remember how he _____50_____. “Later, we looked at our security cameras and realized Dalin _____51_____ the truck enough for me to roll out. My son is my _____52_____. He saved my life.” Matthew recalled.

    Not only the father but also everyone was _____53_____ for Dalin’s bravery and quick thinking. It was a situation that could have easily _____54_____ differently were it not for his quick _____55_____.

    41Agive up Bcarry on Cset about Dput off

    42Aconsequence Bidea Cangle Dstart

    43Aswitched Bfell Ccovered Dspread

    44Ashameful Bscary Cfamiliar Ddiscouraging

    45AThankfully BEventually CObviously DUnfortunately

    46Aenthusiastic Bpatient Cstrong Dwilling

    47Akicked Bstruck Cthought Dtried

    48Aaccident Bexplosion Cfight Dexposure

    49Amadness Bcollapse Cinjury Dbreakdown

    50Afelt Bescaped Cseparated Demerged

    51Alifted Bpushed Cprotected Ddetected

    52Ainstructor Bsuperior Cguide Dhero

    53Aresponsible Bqualified Cgrateful Deager

    54Aended Bchanged Creacted Dbehaved

    55Aservice Bresponse Crecover Dchange





    In order to spread the traditional Daur culture to more people, Yire, who considers ____56____ (she) as a cultural promoter, opened public accounts on Chinese social media platforms ____57____ posted articles and videos about this unique minority group.

    So far her recent videos about the ice fishing in Hulun Buir’s first ice and snow sports tourism season ____58____ (attract) the attention of thousands of viewers.

    On the day of the event, the Daur people held a traditional thousand-year-old fishing competition and cooked the fish just out of the water ____59____ the spot. They sang and danced around a burning fire. Everyone seemed to be ____60____ (full) emerged into the festivity (节日气氛).

    According to Yire, the ice fishing originated from the Qidan people. The place ____61____ the Daur people lived was surrounded by rivers and mountains, ____62____ (contribute) to a rich fish resources. Thanks to the fruitful natural environment and resources, the Daur people were able to keep this tradition until today.

    Yire’s efforts to promote her minority group’s culture got people’s ____63____ (recognize) and many comments viewers left under her videos made her greatly ____64____ (motivate) and even a little moved. She said, “I would like _____65_____ (be) the cultural promoter for my people and will continue doing this as long as I can.”





    1. 你的计划。

    2. 解释理由;

    3. 征询建议。

    注意:1. 词数80左右;

    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    Dear Aiden,



    Li Hua




    One day my mother and I were out having a girls’ day, and we decided to go to a seafood restaurant. We got there just as the lunch rush started, so there was a line to get in. I looked over to the side and spied a very thin lady with no coat and a chemo shunt (化疗分流器) in her arm. She was holding a sign that rend: “Homeless and hungry. Please help.”

    I looked around at everyone, and no one looked like they cared in the least. I knew that if I didn’t do something. I will be regretful forever. I went over to her and asked if she would like to come out of the cold and get something to eat. She looked for a second like she was unsure I was talking to her. She put her head down and said in the lowest voice, “Yes.”

    I helped her to her feet and walked her up to my mother, who was in line. We stood there together until we were seated. When the waitress came, she asked what we wanted to eat but completely ignored this woman and acted like she didn’t exist.

    Then the owner came over and asked if we wanted this woman to sit at our table. I assured her we did. She then asked what her name was, to which I replied that we hadn’t gotten to ask that yet.

    Then she said something that put me over the top. She said, “Well, you did right by getting her food instead of giving her money.”

    This was the last straw for my mother and me. I talked loud enough for everyone to hear when I told her, “This woman is sitting right here. She is not invisible, and she is not deaf. She is just as good as anyone in here, and I will not allow her to be treated any differently than any other customer in here.”

    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;

    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    I called the waitress back over and told her to take the woman’s order.


    We promised to give her a ride to the shelter when we had the meal.








    6A    7B


    8C    9B    10B


    11B    12C    13A


    14B    15C    16A    17A


    18B    19A    20C


    21D    22A    23B


    24C    25A    26C    27D


    28D    29C    30A    31B


    32B    33D    34A    35C


    36G    37C    38A    39E    40F



    41D    42C    43B    44B    45A    46C    47D    48A    49C    50B    51A    52D    53C    54A    55B



    56herself    57and    58have attracted    59on    60fully    61where    62contributing    63recognition    64motivated    65to be


    66One possible version:

    Dear Aiden,

    How are you going? I have an exciting idea that I will take my grandparents to travel abroad after the college entrance examination in July.

    My grandparents are over sixty years old, but they are in good health and fond of travelling. However, with my parents busy, my grandparents take over the task to cook for me every day and have no time to travel except in my summer holidays. This will be our first time to go abroad, so I want to have your suggestions.

    Looking forward to your early reply.


    Li Hua

    67One possible version:

    I called the waitress back over and told her to take the woman’s order. She ordered a cup of coffee. After the waitress left, we got to talking, and I found out that her name was Judy. She had no children and her husband passed away last year. What’s worse, she developed cancer and lost her house because of the treatment expenses. She could not find a job. She was supposed to get a ride to a shelter, but the treatment took her too long, and she missed the bus.

    We promised to give her a ride to the shelter when we had the meal. I said to her that she was sure to win her battle with cancer and got back on her feet. She was moved and thanked me in a quiet voice, looked down, and started eating. After we ate, I left the waitress her tip on the receipt and wrote “Kindness costs nothing.” If you are ever given the opportunity to help someone in need, do it. The feeling you get out of it is worth more than you’ll ever know. It’s priceless.



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