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    2023届上海市青浦区高三下学期4月学业质量调研(二模)英语含答案 试卷
    2023届上海市青浦区高三下学期4月学业质量调研(二模)英语含答案 试卷01
    2023届上海市青浦区高三下学期4月学业质量调研(二模)英语含答案 试卷02
    2023届上海市青浦区高三下学期4月学业质量调研(二模)英语含答案 试卷03
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    这是一份2023届上海市青浦区高三下学期4月学业质量调研(二模)英语含答案,共21页。试卷主要包含了本试卷共13页,答案必须全部涂写在答题卡上, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。








    I. Listening Comprehension

    Section A

    Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said.The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

    1. A. In a library.                                B. In a restaurant.

    C. In a stationery shop.                        D. At a supermarket.

    2. A. Teacher and student.                        B. Boss and secretary.

    C. Mother and son.                            D. Husband and wife.

    3. A. 4:20.                B. 4:30.                C. 5:10.                D. 5:20.

    4. A. He’s going to play football with Jim.

    B. He will take Jim to see a football match.

    C. He’s going to watch the World Cup on TV.

    D. He will catch the opportunity to win the World Cup.

    5. A. Ambitious.            B. Devoted.            C. Friendly.            D. Promising.

    6. A. The woman should change her glasses.

    B. He will check the woman’s phone-using time.

    C. There is something wrong with the woman’s cellphone.

    D. The woman needs to stop playing with her mobile phone.

    7. A. He thinks the woman has done a good job.

    B. He thinks the interview was a great success.

    C. He believes the woman will fail the interview.

    D. He thinks nobody can make it to the interview.

    8. A. He should finish other work first.

    B. He should not have chosen a thick book.

    C. He should start reading the book at once.

    D. He should quit because of the difficulties.

    9. A. Fascinating artworks in the Louvre.            B. The magnificent Eiffel Tower.

    C. Their days in Paris.                        D. A plan for the trip to France.

    10. A. The woman knew Ross was a dog lover.

    B. The man has let Ross drive his car before.

    C. The man shouldn’t have lent his car to Ross.

    D. Ross lost several dogs last time he drove a car.

    Section B

    Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the short passages and the longer conversation. The short passages and the longer conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once.  When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

    Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

    11. A. Those who wish to be a leader.

    B. Those who are warm and inviting.

    C Those who have trouble socializing.

    D. Those who judge people by first impressions.

    12. A. Because it means time is important.

    B. Because it reflects that you value them.

    C. Because it allows you to get ready early.

    D. Because it applies to various business situations.

    13. A. By communicating with people in public.

    B. By talking with anyone around you in life.

    C. By trying to stop talking every time you use them.

    D. By practicing with these words at home one at a time.

    Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

    14. A. It helps to organize everything.

    B. It keeps people waiting before they try to study.

    C. It enables people to review things they have studied.

    D. It gives the brain enough practice before things are forgotten.

    15. A. Because it relates images to each other.

    B. Because it strengthens relations between ideas.

    C. Because it withdraws learned stuff from memory.

    D. Because it helps build links between different ideas.

    16. A. Improving memory is not a mission impossible.

    B. People can memorize things even under huge stress.

    C. Stopping smoking and alcohol has nothing to do with memory.

    D. It is advisable that people do more exercise to improve memory.

    Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

    17. A. Having a messy study folder.

    B. Being under huge stress in study.

    C. Having no one to turn to for help.

    D. Not knowing what kind of learner he is.

    18. A. Using logic, reasoning and systems.

    B. Keeping things where they should be.

    C. Knowing where to start before anything.

    D. Using different tools to take the stress out of studying.

    19. A. They prefer to learn in a more systematic way.

    B. They fill their study folders with various notes.

    C. They organize information with the help of maps.

    D. They tend to lay out information in the first place.

    20. A. He will turn to others for more tips on study.

    B. He will look for more ways to change his study guide.

    C. He will grasp information by drawing maps in his notes.

    D. He will try using pictures and color for his note arrangements.

    II. Grammar and Vocabulary

    Section A

    Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

    A New Orchid was Found in Japan

    Nature is full of secrets. There are still many things to find out about it. One of those things was discovered last week in Japan. It is rare to find a new plant in Japan. An amateur naturalist came across a new species of orchid ___1___ other flowers in Tokyo. Scientists also found the flower elsewhere in other districts, an indication that the new species ___2___ deserve further investigation.

    The newly-found orchid is beautiful. It is pink and white, it has a central stem, around ___3___ grow tiny, bell-shaped flowers, and its delicate petals (花瓣) look like they are made from glass. The flower is a neighbor to a(n) ___4___ (relate) orchid species common in Japan.

    Sometimes unknown species are often living right under our noses — in parks, gardens and even in planters on balconies. That’s ___5___ researchers in Japan recently recognized this new species of orchid. Professor Kenji Suetsugu from Kobe University said the discovery of new species in usual places means it is necessary to keep exploring, even in everyday places that ___6___ (not look) so remarkable.

    There are about 28,000 orchid species worldwide. The new orchid belongs to a class called Spiranthes. There are about 50 different kinds of Spiranthes. They are ___7___ (familiar) kind of orchid in Japan, for they appeared in a Japanese poem dating to 759 AD. Professor Suetsugu said he and his colleagues were “delighted ___8___ (identify) a new species”. He said it was exciting because it wasn’t found hidden deep in a rainforest or jungle. The discovery of the new orchid is good news. However, many orchids are on the endangered species list due to habitat loss. We need to protect natural environments to stop flowers ___9___ (disappear). The world will be far less colourful ___10___ we lose more orchids.

    Section B

    Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

    A. heading   B. incredibly   C. adaptable   D. alternative   E. pursuit   F. dumped

    G. recycled   H. global   I. calculated   J. precisely   K. generated  

    Planet Plastic

    Here’s a shocking statistic. Scientists have calculated the total amount of plastic ever made: 8.3 billion tonnes. Looked at another way, that’s as heavy as 25,000 Empire State Buildings or one billion elephants. And ___11___, almost all of it has been made in the last 65 years.

    So what’s the problem? Much plastic is in the form of packaging which is used just once and then thrown away. According to a major new study from the University of California, 9% of this is ___12___, 12% is burned and 79% goes to landfill. And because most plastic doesn’t biodegrade (生物降解), once it’s in the ground, it stays there.

    It’s a situation that has led the paper’s lead author, ecologist Dr. Roland Geyer, to say that we are “rapidly ___13___ towards ‘Planet Plastic’”. He believes that there’s already enough waste out there to cover the whole of Argentina.

    The team behind this report also estimate that eight million tonnes of plastic waste are ___14___ into the sea every year. This has ___15___ concern that plastic is entering the food chain through fish and other sea life which consume the smaller pieces.

    Of course, the reason why there’s so much plastic around is that it’s an amazingly useful material. We can’t get enough of it. It’s durable and ___16___, and is used for everything from yoghurt pots to spaceships. But it’s___17___ this quality that makes it a problem. The only way to destroy plastic is to heat or burn it — although this has the side effect of harmful emissions.

    So what’s the ___18___ other than using less plastic? Oceanographer (海洋学家) Dr. Erik van Sebille from Utrecht University says we’re facing a flood of plastic waste, and that the ___19___ waste industry needs to “get its act together”.

    Professor Richard Thompson, a marine biologist from Plymouth University, says it’s poor design that is at fault. He says that if products are currently designed “with recyclability in mind”, they could be recycled around 20 times over.

    Dr Geyer agrees: “The ____20____ of recycling is to keep material in use and in the cycle forever if you can. But it turns out in our study that actually 90% of that material that did get recycled — which I think we calculated was 600 million tonnes — only got recycled once.”

    III. Reading Comprehension

    Section A

    Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

    Take Heart, and Take Risks

    Recently, we carried out an interesting social experiment. The participants were asked to choose between two ___21___: throw a coin to win one billion dollars if the coin happens to land on heads, or get a 10-million-dollar cheque without even throwing the coin.

    Our purpose was not to measure the participants’ craze for money but to ___22___ their risk appetite. It ___23___ that a clear majority chose to take home the 10 million dollars. Only 31% of the subjects were ___24___ enough to test the depths of the river. Another study, conducted by psychology professor Keith Simonton at the University of California Davis, shows that most famous scientific ___25___ are risk-takers. Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Isaac Newton all dared to chase ideas that were ___26___ the mainstream ideas of their times.

    The willingness to take risks without fear of failure is what ___27___ individuals towards achieving their ambitions. It forms a very important part of the stories of many successful businessmen globally.

    The journey of Mark Zuckerberg is a classic example of this. In his second year in college, Zuckerberg decided to quit Harvard University to manage his social application company. In the years that followed, quite a few tech giants expressed early interest in purchasing the company. Their offers were ___28___. At the time, the young CEO and his team were widely criticized and publicly laughed at.

    Today Zuckerberg is one of the richest men on earth. His company still owns the most widely used social networking site in the world, ___29___ together over 2.8 billion users globally.

    The lesson from Zuckerberg’s story is his risk-taking ____30____. He’s exactly the kind of person who’s willing to ____31____ interests for more rewarding future gains.

    Generally, ____32____ achievements are often realized once a person decides to get out of their comfort zone. People’s ability to ____33____ from their comfort zone is closely tied to their risk-taking strength. It is like the case of a person who wishes to get a piece of fruit from the tree but is not willing to risk climbing up the branches of the tree in order to do so. “If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to ____34____ the ordinary,” said the American author Jim Rohn.

    The willingness to take risks is the oxygen that drives success in every field. If a risk-taker succeeds, he can lead others. If he fails, he may ____35____ others to success.

    21. A. games B. faces C. options D. perspectives

    22. A. access B. evaluate C. lose D. satisfy

    23. A. ran out B. set out C. gave out D. turned out

    24. A. courageous B. risky C. confident D. mature

    25. A. contestants B. cooperators C. figures D. partners

    26. A. subject to B. contrary to C. agreeable to D. relevant to

    27. A. provides B. puzzles C. leans D. drives

    28. A. scaled B. declined C. considered D. weighed

    29. A. visualizing B. pursuing C. connecting D. announcing

    30. A. tendency B. investment C. currency D. proposal

    31. A. deposit B. capture C. separate D. sacrifice

    32. A. eye-catching B. groundbreaking C. risk-taking D. trustworthy

    33. A. depart B. benefit C. emerge D. suffer

    34. A. send for B. apply for C. account for D. settle for

    35. A. warn B. force C. guide D. retire

    Section B

    Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. 


    Life is like a roller coaster; every point has ups and downs. The truly victorious people stay committed to their broad goals even in unplanned circumstances. One true example of such people comes from a woman passionate about spreading happiness and helping others. Nicole Thornes is a mother, a former police officer, and now serving society as a death doula.

    Believing small efforts could comfort individuals and unite society, Nicole thought a police officer had the opportunity to prevent crime, bring justice and create a better society for everyone. She was determined to become a police officer to protect life and bring prosperity. All her passion and motivation drove her to pursue a Criminal Justice degree to become a police officer.

    Although she became a mother during her studies, she didn’t give up on her passion. Nicole could have called off her studies, but her passion for serving society didn’t let her step down. She took a break from her studies when her kids needed more attention but later came back to continue her study and completed her degree. Nicole finally became a police officer and everything went according to her plans.

    But uncertainty put her in a challenging situation. Nicole suffered from an injury. The sudden medical retirement called off her journey as a police officer, but her dreams and passion did not let her stop. So, she became a death doula, allowing her to be there for people whenever needed and provide comfort to the dying and their families during difficult times. She chose this field after her grandfather’s death. She couldn’t bear the pain of losing him; therefore, she decided to become a death doula and contribute her services to help those suffering from the pain of losing their loved ones.

    Nicole Thornes has written her book, Daddy’s Home, covering true events of losing someone and inspiring readers to cope with the feelings of emptiness and recover from mental illness after losing someone close. Daddy’s Home inspires readers and tells them the importance of a new beginning, helping people lighten the burden from their chest after the grief of losing someone.

    36. What can be learned about Nicole Thornes?

    A. Nicole Thornes dreamed of becoming a police officer since she was born.

    B. Nicole Thornes pursued a Criminal Justice degree, but she gave up halfway.

    C. Nicole Thornes took up a writing career immediately after getting physically hurt.

    D. Nicole Thornes wrote a book, impressing on readers the significance of a new start.

    37. What’s the direct cause of Nicole Thornes’ decision to become a death doula?

    A. The unbearable pain brought by her grandfather’s death.

    B. Her break from academic studies to take care of her kids.

    C. Her sudden medical retirement due to her incurable injury.

    D. Her determination to finish writing her book, Daddy’s Home.

    38. According to the story of Nicole Thornes, a death doula can be described as ______.

    A. a death fighter B. a special trainer

    C. a support giver D. a creative police officer

    39. What might be the best title for this article?

    A. Nicole Thornes and her dream

    B. The ups and downs of Nicole Thornes

    C. Nicole Thornes: The writer of Daddy’s Home

    D. Nicole Thornes: The journey from a police officer to a death doula


    Do you want to open a shop in London? First: you must be aware that, as of today, running a local independent shop is anything but simple. Second: you must know which is the most responsive area of the city for what concerns your specific business. Or as an alternative, you must gain full knowledge of which areas have proved to be super high-paying basically for any kind of business.

    As for London, everybody knows that it is one of the world capitals of trading and commerce. The enormous number of residents, combined with the continuous inflow of tourists, makes it a highly wanted city for every kind of commercial activity.

    Clearly, everyone — whether he/she is a British citizen or a foreigner investor — who wants to start a business in London must detect first the most profitable areas. And the four most appealing ones are listed below.

    Covent Garden

    Opening a commercial space in Covent Garden, or in the West End in general, is always a winning idea. This area represents the perfect balance between luxury and sustainability. A band of musicians that never cease to attract both clients and new investors.


    For over sixty years, Carnaby Street and the other surrounding secondary roads have represented an authentic oasis or paradise for those who want to go shopping in London. First, the Swinging London vibe, then the punk rock revolution: everything — especially in terms of fashion — has been created or passed through there. And even in the Third Millennium, it remains a landmark for everything related to fashion and new trends.


    Are you planning to open a luxury shop? Then Mayfair is undoubtedly your spot. Renting a place here is highly expensive, but it’s a risk worth taking. If you play your cards wisely, profits will not be long in coming. The only question is: have you got enough funds to start a business in such an expensive area?

    Bond Street

    Another luxury area with a gathering of many established high-end brands, maybe the most complicated one. It is recommended only to those investors who aim to start a real first-rate business. Many small entrepreneurs or businessmen work a lifetime in order to gain the privilege or the great advantage of upgrading their business in this area.

    40. This article is intended for ______.

    A. British citizens who want to buy luxury goods

    B. visitors looking for recreational activities in Britain

    C. investors interested in starting a business in London

    D. foreigners participating in commercial activities in London

    41. According to the article, if you are planning to do business in London, which factor is worth considering the most?

    A. London appeals to high-paying investors from all over the world.

    B. London is the most promising center for trading, commerce and fashion.

    C. London is where many landmark buildings and every kind of business lies.

    D. London boasts ongoing floods of tourists and enormous potential consumers.

    42. If you get enough funds and fancy opening a luxury shop, which is the last area to choose?

    A. Bond Street. B. Carnaby.

    C. Mayfair. D. Convent Garden.


    Over the next few years, we can expect logins to get much less annoying, as all of the major tech players are now on board with a new technology designed to eventually replace the humble password called the “passkey”.

    And that could mean that we do away with passwords altogether. The way passkeys work is by turning your phone into something a bit like a wallet, which you can use to store membership cards to all of your apps and services. When you need to log in to a website, you’ll just have to tap a button on your phone and your passkey wallet will flash the right credentials (证件), letting you in without any trouble. And even if you’re logging in to a device that doesn’t have access to your wallet, when you type in your email address, the website will send a message to your phone to check your credentials.

    Once passkeys are commonly accepted and widely used, they won’t just save us from having to remember passwords but, perhaps counterintuitively, logging in with a passkey will actually be significantly more secure than typing a password.

    This is because it takes advantage of a technology called “public key” cryptography (密码术), which is one of the building blocks of the internet and is how computers have securely communicated with other computers for decades.

    With a password, the website has to ultimately contain a database of everyone’s passwords to check against when you login. But with a passkey, when you create your account on a website, it will effectively create a brand new padlock and key. The website will keep the padlock — and only your phone will have the key.

    Passkeys are going to make our digital lives even more secure, because they help guard against two common forms of digital attack.

    First, it guards against data leak or leakages — situations where hackers or people who try to break into computer systems gain access to a database of passwords.

    This is because, unlike most people who repeat their passwords, each passkey is unique. This means that even if the pizza delivery place is hacked, it won’t give away the same password that you use for your emails.

    And secondly, passkeys make things much harder for “phishing” scams — when a website tries to trick you into thinking that it is really your bank’s website or similar, it can steal your login details.

    These scams will no longer work as well, because passkeys have another mathematical trick up their sleeve: they’re always changing.

    When you log in and your digital wallet has to send over an unlock code, the code it sends will only be valid or useful for a few seconds at a time — so even if a hacker does get hold of your key very briefly, 30 seconds later it will turn useless anyway.

    So, next time you feel frustrated that you can’t remember your password, don’t worry too much. It won’t always be like this!

    43. What can you do to log in to a device that is inaccessible to your passkey wallet?

    A. Tapping a button on your phone.

    B. Using a face scan to unlock your passkey wallet.

    C. Searching a database of passwords to find the passkey.

    D. Checking message concerning the credentials in the email.

    44. The underlined word “counterintuitively” in the third paragraph means ______.

    A. in line with what the institution has taught

    B. contrary to what common sense would suggest

    C in accordance to what the instinct tells people

    D. opposite to what is considered normal behavior

    45. According to the article, why are passkeys safer?

    A. Because each passkey is the only one of its kind that guards against data leakages.

    B. Because passkey wallet will flash the right credentials without bothering to check memberships cards.

    C. Because passkeys can completely get rid of the possibility of login details’ being stolen by hackers.

    D. Because “public key” cryptography contains an enormous database of passwords of every website user.

    46. The article is mainly about ______.

    A. the inadaptability of passwords nowadays

    B. the distinct features of passkeys nowadays

    C. the difference between passkeys and passwords

    D. the passkeys’ potential to replace passwords in the future

    Section C

    Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

    Is Listening to a Book Better than Reading It?

    Picture yourself sitting at home in a quiet reading space, ignoring the world around you, absorbed in a tale. You read the introduction, instantly became interested and now you’re in the middle of an absolute page-turner. But, there’s a hot debate — physical books vs. e-books vs. audiobooks. Does the device you’re using to read affect your reaction to the book?

    _____47_____ There’s attention span, reasoning, reading fluency, memory and language comprehension. Reading is known to strengthen communicative ability, vocabulary and increase emotional intelligence and social awareness. So, whichever way you’re reading, there are definitely benefits.

    But, let’s look at the pros to reading with your eyes — that’s physical books and e-books. _____48_____ This is because when you can actually see the words, your attention is held more closely. Add to this the fact that with physical books you can go back and find any part you missed, especially if your mind wanders, which will likely happen at some point or other.

    On the other hand, there’s the audiobook. Headphones in, you’re switched off from life and the story really comes alive, almost like watching a film — in your head. From a scientific perspective, listening to an audiobook is likely to help you develop a fellow feeling as you hear the emotion of the narrator. _____49_____ Hearing the story engages different parts of the brain, increasing the intensity and imagery, making you enjoy it more. Yet, going back to attention period, with an audiobook it’s true that it’s much harder to go back and listen again.

    _____50_____ Perhaps, next time you find yourself browsing bookshop shelves, also consider the format. It may just change your whole literary experience.

    A. They help us become continuous readers.

    B. They can help to remember information better.

    C. Generally, reading uses several areas of the brain.

    D. We can more easily understand the changes in tones.

    E. All in all, it seems that there are advantages to both physical books and audiobooks.

    F. According to a research from Oxford University, audio books affect our reading reaction most.

    IV. Summary Writing

    51. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

    Is Binge-watching the New Addiction?

    Have you ever loved a TV show? I mean really loved it? Like, you can’t wait to get to work to talk about it? What about the cliffhanger? That’s the unsolved situation at the end of the episode which makes you want to watch the next one. But, when will the next one be?

    Binge-watching is when a person watches more than one episode of a show quickly. With developments in the speed and connectivity of the internet, increases in technology and the rise of on-demand entertainment companies, people can now have their favourite shows streamed directly to their television at their convenience.

    However, this amazing gift may in fact be harmful. Recent research from British media watchdog Ofcom (英国通信管理局) finds that out of the more than half of British adults who watch more than one episode of a show back-to-back, almost a third have admitted missing sleep or becoming tired as a result; and one quarter have neglected their housework. Next we’ll be missing work!

    Bingeing has other connections — binge eating, binge drinking and binge smoking, all of which are often associated with compulsive behaviour, a lack of control and a possible route to addiction. If people find binge-watching hard to resist, coupled with the fact that it has shown to lead to failure of attention in many, are we witnessing the birth of a new type of addiction?

    The numerous information and entertainment that television and online media can bring us is, many would say, a good thing. However, like any behaviour done to extremes, it can become dangerous. And when the activity begins to enter other areas, causing us to stop functioning — then it becomes a problem. So, what’s the answer? Moderation! Neither a tiny amount, nor too much. After all, as the old proverb says, a little of what you fancy does you good.


    V. Translation

    Directions:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

    52. 生活在中国不同地区的人们的饮食多种多样。(variety) (汉译英)

    53. 周末经常加班,他已经很久没去看望父母了。(since) (汉译英)

    54. 天朗气清,微风不燥,何不邀请三两好友一起郊外露营呢? (invite) (汉译英)

    55. 纵观历史,大运河对中国的经济发展发挥了重要作用,它是人类智慧的结晶。(which) (汉译英)

    VI. Guided Writing

    56. Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.







    听力答案:1-5 BDCBB  6-10 DACDC  11-13 CBA  14-16 CDA  17-20 ABAD






    【答案】1. among   

    2. may##might   

    3. which    4. related   

    5. where    6. don’t look   

    7. the most familiar   

    8. to have identified   

    9. disappearing   

    10. if

    【答案】11. B    12. G   

    13. A    14. F   

    15. K    16. C   

    17. J    18. D   

    19. H    20. E

    【答案】21. C    22. B    23. D    24. A    25. C    26. B    27. D    28. B    29. C    30. A    31. D    32. B    33. A    34. D    35. C

    【答案】36. D    37. A    38. C    39. D

    【答案】40. C    41. D    42. B

    【答案】43. D    44. B    45. A    46. D

    【答案】47. C    48. B    49. D    50. E


    【答案】Binge-watching, a phenomenon brought by the convenience of the technology, refers to people’s craze for watching TV shows. This harmful compulsive behavior leads to sleep deprivation or tiredness, or even neglecting household and work responsibilities, which may be a new addiction. Even though the increasing amount of information can be beneficial, watching TV in moderation is much preferred.

    52. 生活在中国不同地区的人们的饮食多种多样。(variety) (汉译英)

    【答案】People living in different parts of China have a wide variety of diets.

    53. 周末经常加班,他已经很久没去看望父母了。(since) (汉译英)

    【答案】He works overtime at weekends a lot, and it’s been long since he visited his parents.

    54. 天朗气清,微风不燥,何不邀请三两好友一起郊外露营呢? (invite) (汉译英)

    【答案】With agreeable weather and breezy wind, why not invite several good friends to camp in the suburbs?

    55. 纵观历史,大运河对中国的经济发展发挥了重要作用,它是人类智慧的结晶。(which) (汉译英)

    【答案】Throughout history, the Grand Canal has been playing a vital/ significant/ an important role in China’s economic development, which is the representation of human wisdom.

    VI. Guided Writing


    【答案】Dear Alan,

    My school is about to hold a commemorative event called “Looking Back on Fifty Years” at the end of this month. I will participate in the relevant preparations as a member of the student union and be responsible for introducing the changes in the school to guests. Because this event is so important, I need some advice from you.

    This commemorative event consists of three parts: inviting the principal to give a speech, leading guests to visit the school achievement exhibition and holding a celebration party, which will be significant. As is known, our school has undergone tremendous changes in the past 50 years. State-of-the-art teaching equipment and even artificial intelligence devices to assist in teaching have been equipped in our school. Besides, there are various cultural clubs and communities to enrich our leisure life.

    Hope my school will become better and better !


    Li Qing



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