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    英 语

    注 意 事 项 :
    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,并将条形码粘贴在答题卡上 的指定位置。
    2.问答选择题时,选出舟小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应期目的答案标号涂黑。如需 改动,用橡皮挫千净后,再逸涂其他答案标号。同答非选择题时,将答案骂在答题卡上。 写在本试靴上无处。
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第 一 节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最作选 项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读 一遍。
    例: How much is the shirt?
    A.f19.15. B.f9.18. C.t9.15.
    1.What does the man specialize in?
    A. African countries. B.African languages. C. Body languages.
    2.Why does the man feel good?
    A. He did exercise. B.He finished his papers. C. He will go swimming.
    3.What will the man probably do?
    A.Drink coffee. B. Walk his dog. C. Work in a lab.
    4.What idea will physicians probably agree with?
    A.Positive people may live longer.
    B.Watching TV makes the elderly healthy.
    C.Peoplc will be happier in the future.
    5.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A.Classmates. B. Hostess and guest. C. Husband and wife.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项 中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各
    6.What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A.Chinese rcstaurants. B. Chinatown. C.Favourite food.

    7.What's the woman going to do'
    A.Cook the best meal for the man
    B.Go to a restaurant with the man.
    C.Tench the man to cook the best meal.
    8.Why does Steven fcel down?
    A.llc docsn't like reading.
    B.Hlis friends died in an carthquake.
    C. He got bnd news from the newspaper.
    9.Hlow many people were injured?
    A.About 3 thousand. B.More than 10 thousand. C. About 13 thousand.
    10.What will the speakers do to help people in disaster?
    A.Donnte some money. B. Dcliver relief supplies. C.Cnll for people to help.
    听第8段材料,同答第11 至 1 4 随 ,
    11.Which ping-pong bnt will the woman buy?
    A. The blue one. B. The red onc. C. The pink onc.
    12.What does the man think of the pink bat?
    A.It looks good. B.It is suitable for games. C.It feels hard.
    13.How much is the tax on the bat?
    A.Eight yuan. B.Sixty yuan. C.Sixty-cight yuan.
    14.How will the woman pay.for the bat?
    A.By credit card. B.In cash. C.By check.
    15.How do the speakers feel about the scenic spot?
    A.Awful. B. Crowded, C.Wonderful.
    16.Where are the speakers?
    A.In a high building.
    B.On the top of the mountain.
    C.In the centre of Gulin City.
    17.What do we know about the man?
    A.He is fond of wildlife.
    B.He protects endangered birds.
    C.He is interested in bird-watching.
    18.Why did the speaker's mother do four jobs?
    A.She had a big family to raise.
    B.She tried to live a better life.
    C.She wanted to make the speaker's life better.
    19.What happened to the speaker at the age of eleven?
    A.She became an actress.
    B.She held her solo show.
    C.She got discouraged by a director.
    20.What did the spraker's mother tell her to do?
    A.Believe in herself B. Trust others. C. Fight back.
    置 宜 三 女 置 依 2 工 ( 4 。

    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第 一 节 (其15小题;何小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    阅诗下列短文,从每题所给的A.B,(*I) 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    w:are Dr. D.vid and shannon Biegel. fonnders of the popular vacation website E:n₁0y):m,Pa,be.tom (established 2008). We'd like to bricfly introduce the following parks to you.
    (ilacicr (冰川) Nntlonnl Park i mqncstionably onc of the most beautiful plnces on this pl.net. It is home to handreds of glacrt catved peaks, ovcr 600 lakes,hundreds of rivers, wattt.ll. and stmams. and over 730 miles of maintained hiking trails.Gilacier National Park
    .hmes.. "The C'rown of the Contnent"anl the“American Alps"for n good reason -this
    pl., is o beautiful that words cannot bepin to dearribe it.
    Ycllowstone Nntionnl Park is one of the most amnzing places on the planet,and is indeed oonc of Amcrica's most fmmous svmbols. Creatrd i 1872,Yellowsione Nntional Park is the world' 、fitst natonal patk. It t even older than Tongariro Nationnl Pnrk. And Yellowstone Park wn created t vems befor ('uster's Lnst Stand at the Battle of the Little Bighorn! This mmagical wondetland is ome of Amerca's most valued treasures.
    Grand Icton Natlonal Park is home to one of the most famous mountain ranges on Earth. The Teton Range is not only a mountain climber's paradise(天堂),but it is also so heantiful that you'll find that you've walked right into a beautiful post card! Grand T'eton National Park is breathtaking, and it's all yours to explore and discover. We absolutcly love Grand Teton Nation:l Park and we're really excited to sharc everything we know about it with you!
    Qur passion for National Parks shines through in everything we do. Let our passion for these parks, as well as our knowledge, help you plan the trip of a lifetime. You hnve one chance to plan your vacation right. We'll show you exactly where to go, what to do,where to sce aninals and where to stay. Call us at 406-404-0222 and let's start planning your trip today!
    21.What do we know about the national parks in the text?
    A. Glacier National Park is the most beautiful park.
    B.Grand Teton National Park is printed on post cards.
    C. Yellowstone National Park is the oldest national park.
    D. Tongariro National Park is near Yellowstone National Park.
    22.Which national park is favoured by mountain climbers?
    A.Glacier National Park. B.Grand Tcton National Park.
    C. Tongariro National Park. D.Yellowstone National Park.
    23.Where is this text probably taken from?
    A.A book review. B.A travel advertisement.
    C.A news report. D.A coursc plan.
    After his cighth attempt,30-year-old Liu Zheng finally passed the National Judicial Examinations in January,the professional qualification exam that everyone wishing to be a lawyer in China must pass,in addition to getting a degree in law.
    After graduating with a.bachelor'siin automobile engineering from the Hebei College of Science and Technology in 2015,he took a job at Peking University as a security guard in the hupes that le would someday be able to pursuc a master's at the prestigious(有声望的) university.
    “I dreamed of studying somewhere famous,but my family's financial situation meant I had to work while I prepared for the exums,"he said. As he studied.in his spare time,Liu developed an interest in law and decided to prepare for the National Judicial Examinations,

    which havt a pass tate of only 10 to 15 percent.
    Itc later became n facilitic 、manager at the Peking University Law School to help him better prepare. Liu work 、from 5 p.m.to midnight. Ile follows a simple routinc, shuttling fror his do mitoty to the school ennteen. to classrooms and to his job and wakes up carly so that he cain atwr at thr law school by 8 a.m. for lectures, or to study by himself for a few hours.
    llt sand that despite his having to work, his teachers and other students have been helpful. Profesors have sent textbooks and invited him to their courses. and students have sent notes of cneouragement."Nohody has treated me differently. Iam just another face in the class.”
    L.ooking back over the past seven years working and studying at PKUI,Liu said the
    expcrience has reaffirmed his determination to shape his futurc through educntion. 1.What can be learned from Paragraph l?
    A.Liu Zheng's path to law bas not been straightforward.
    B.Most people in('hind arc willing to become lnwyers.
    C.It usually takes cight ycars to become a good lawyer.
    D. No one can be n lawyer until he is over thirty years old.
    25.What prevented Liu from going on to pursue his dream?
    A.Loss of interest. B. Fear of cxams.
    C.Limit of time. D. Lack of money,
    26.Which of the following can best describc Liu Zheng?
    A.Helpful. B.Sympathetic. C.Devoted. D.Generous.
    27.What dors the underlined word“reaffirmed”mean in the last paragraph?
    A.Repaired. B.Reconfirmed. C. Changed D. Removed,
    A treasure trove(无主埋藏物) of jewelry was uncovercd at La Almoloya,a site in Murcia,southeastern Spain. La Almoloya was a centre of politics and wealth in the El Argar territory,and although the discovery was made in 2014,experts are now taking a closer look at the political background of the unearthed treasure.
    The remains of a woman,along with a man who may have been her husband,were discovered in the hills of the area. Researchers believe that the burial happened around 1700 BC,and that the woman was buried with much more treasures than average people,which may imply her role in her community.
    The pair were found with 30 objects containing precious metals and stones. Experts believe that the man in the grave was probably a fighter, because wear and tear on his bones indicated he spent a lot of time on horscback. The woman,called the“Princess of La Almoloya",was buried a short time after the man. The grave goods of the woman were worth tens of thousands of dollars in today's money.“We have two ways of interpreting this,” says Roberto Risch of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.“Either you say, it's the wife of a king;or you say,no,she's a political personality by herself.”
    Previous findings have revealed that women were considered adults at a much younger age than boys were. For example, grave goods have showed that girls as young as six were buried with knives and tools, but boys would be in their teens by the time they would be buried alongside such things. The discovery at La Almoloya shed new light on the.politics and gender relations in one of the first urban societies of the West.
    28.What can we infer from the text?
    A. The pair lived after 1700 BC.
    B. The man was buried after the woman.
    C. The woman may be an important person.
    D.Experts began to study the trove in 2014.
    【高三英语 第4页(共.8页)】

    .9.What can indicate that the man was a fighter?
    A. Injuries on his bones. B.Metals buried with him.
    C. The time he was buried. D. Horses next to him.
    o.Who was regarded as an adult according to the text?
    A.A girl at the age of four. B.A seven-ycar-old boy.
    C.\ six ycar old girl D.A boy at the agc of ninc.
    31.Whnt is the text mainly about?
    A.The identity of a buried woman is not clcar.
    B. 1 pair were newly discovered with grent treasure.
    C.Women might be less powerful in the nncient world.
    D). Further study at an unearthed trove lends to new findings.
    Elcctric carsate already greener than [ossil(化石) fuel cars in almost every part of the world todav. uccording to researchers.'They say electric cars nre“a no-regret choice".
    Somc prevous studies have suggested fossil fuel cars produce fewer carbon cmissions(排 放) over ther Ifetmme than battery- powered cars. Yet these nnalyses have often compared only two models of car.
    Instead.Florian Knobloch at Radboud University in the Netherlands looked at the average across many classcs of car to get a clearer global picture.. The researchers looked at thc carbon emissions generated on average over a car's lifetime,including during its production,while it is being driven and when it is destroyed,for all the conventional and clectric cars sold in 59 regions across the world in 2015. These represent 95 per cent of the world's current road traffic. They lound that clectric cars already have fewer carbon emissions in 53 of those 59 regions. Only in arcas containing countries that usc coal heavily,such as India and Poland,were electric car emissions worsc than those of conventional fossil fuel cars.
    Combined with data on the sources that provided electricity to those regions in 2015,they found that the average electric car is greener than the average new petrol car. Many countries' clectricity supplies have seen huge growth in the past five years,so Knobloch says clectric cars are likely to be even better now. The researchers think that the gap between fossil fuel and clectric cars will only grow bigger as power grids(电厂)get greener. By 2030,they expect the average carhon intensity of electric cars to be 20 per cent lower than in 2015,and 30 per cent lower by 2050.
    32.Why are the previous studies different from today's analyses?
    A.The subjects for analysis are limited.
    B. The studies aren't conducted correctly.
    C.Battery-powered cars have been updated.
    D. The time for the studies isn't long enough.
    33.What's the finding of Florian Knobloch's study?
    A.Electric cars are greener in most areas.
    B.India and Poland use more fossil fuel cars.
    C.Electric cars may be replaced by fossil fuel cars.
    D.Electric cars have fcwer carbon emissions in India.
    34.What can we know from the last paragraph?
    A.Fossil fuel cars will get greener in 2030.
    B.Fossil fuel cars will be abandoned in a few years.
    C.Electric supplies werc improved in many countries.
    D.The gap between petrol and elcctric cars is narrowed.
    【高三英语 筑5页(北8面)】

    ,W"hat's the best tiule for the text?
    A. Electric Cars Make Great Progress
    B.Carbon Emissions Will Be Reduced
    C..Elcctric Cars Mny Replnce Fossil Fuel Cars
    D.Flectric Cars Are Greener than Fossil Fucl Cnrs
    第 节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项
    Modern humans have only existed for a relntively short time,and maybe we'd like to stick around a lot longer. But how can we do thnt?
    Figure out climate change.
    36 Therc have been times in the past when it's been hotter than it is today,and times when it's been cooler.But there is somcthing different nbout the past century. As far ns we can tell from the record, there has been no tume in Earth's entire history when the climate has warmed so much in such a short amount of time. 37 There are:more frequcnt and more severe cxtremc weather cvents like tornadoes and hurricanes;droughts increasing; more changeable weather. with seasons beginning to lack regularity;and sea level rises. While climate change docsn't necessarily pose an existential threat to human existence,it surely poses a threat to how we like to live our lives in modern socicty.
    Figure out nuclear weapons.
    A single nuclear weapon doesn't pose a threat to all of humanity,but the thousands of them in the world right now certainly do. 38 Just consider all the“near misses”in recent history. where nuclear war was avoided thanks only to the quick thinking of individuals. We can only try our luck for so long. And one accident can lead to larger scale nuclear conflict. 39
    Figure out asterolds(小行星)。
    If you want to know the terrible consequences for ignoring space-borne threats,just ask the dinosaurs how well it worked out for them. Asteroids have the ability to cause massive extinction events,wiping out vast numbers of entire species. 40 For humanity to make it to the long-term, we need to equip ourselves with asteroid detection and reduction strategies.
    A. The consequences can't be avoided.
    B. Countries are joining hands to solve it.
    C. Now the chances of one nuclear cxplosion increase.
    D. The earth's climate has changed for millions of years.
    E.While these kinds of events are rare,the risks are severe.
    F.And we can see the effects of climate change everywhere.
    G.We need to disarm as much as possible to reduce the risk of disaster. 第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。
    Recently I found my dog Luna occasionally drag her right back foot. I 41 she might have a problem. Several days later,I noticed she was starting:to 42 her two back feet. I knew something was 43 .I took her to the animal hospital,and was told that she has degenerative myelopathy(退行性脊髓病),8 . 44 rare disease. Dogs usually 45 six months to three years from when they first start showing symptoms(症状).
    After getting the disease,her 46 became harder and harder. She struggled with walking upstairs,and we often had to 47 her to lift her back fcet. She could not get into
    【高三英语 第6页(共8页)】

    for nide、…ithont out help. Care can be provided to ease her 49 . Exercise is erelt to maint in w.zht and mscle mass, but exerising can 50 injury. we.ve discussed the possibility nf whrtl when she loses use of her 51 .
    Wt know the timt to say s2 to het will come sooner than we hoped. But we will be 33 for the lessons she has tanght us nlong this journey.
    We huse harned so much from luna as she54 her disease.She knows things are not right with her. bnt she is determincd to wnlk and do the things she cnjoys if we provide her

    with the tool. to m.kc it casier. We have learned

    for her.
    54.A.escapes from
    B.rccognisrd B.drag
    B. sinrercly
    B, nttitudc B.force
    B. car
    B. burden
    B. cyes
    B. no
    B.thankful B.dies of B. honesty
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    55 , as l.una trusts me to do whnt is best

    C. suspected
    C. break
    C, strange
    C. bnrely
    C. suffer
    C. appetite
    C, train
    C. hello
    C.suffers from
    C. trust
    D). relatively
    D. future
    D. box
    D. pain
    D. treat
    D. sorry
    D. surprised
    D. fights against D.fun

    For the public,cultural activities are gradually becoming necessities of 56 (they)
    lives. For Liu Ziqi, 57 eight-year-old museum lover in Beijing,this winter vacation has proved a rather busy one,as she made a to-go list.for newly opened exhibitions in the Chinese
    capital. The museums are changing their forms these days 58 (attract)more people.
    During the seven-day Spring Festival holiday 59 (start)from Jan. 21,museums in Beijing received 1.01 million visits,up 34 percent year on year. Like Liu, more and more young people, some not 60 (necessary)big fans of museums,chose to spend some of their leisure time in a museum.
    “There were more special exhibitions and more joint exhibitions,especially the one
    61 the National Museum and the Palace Museum,”Liu said, 62 she was asked about the most notablc change during her latest museum visit.
    A 6.3 (profession)muscum tour guide for over 10 years,Bai Xuesong observed that more visitors were expecting specialized introductions to the ins and outs behind the cultural
    rclics. “Visitors 64 (begin) asking questions,and sometimes we couldn't give an
    answer,"Bai said,adding that this indicated a change in the relationship bet ween tour 65 (guide)and visitors—from“teaching”to communication and learning.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    假定你是高中生李华,你的英国朋友 Peter 不喜欢运动,请你给他写一封信,鼓励他参加体 育钨炼。内容如下;

    1. ;作词数应为80左右:

    第二节 (满分25分)
    Coming out of your comfort zone is tough in the beginning,chaotic in the middle,and twesome in the end... because in the end, it shows youn whole new world.—Manoj Arora
    “I'm sorry,l.isa,but Debbie and Iare going to move back into the house. You'rc going to have to find anothet plnce to live.”
    I couldn't quite believe what Neil,my landlord(房东),was telling me on that warm April night. I'n going to have to move? But I want to stay right here whereIam. This is my home!
    I had tears in my eyes,and so did he. I had lived on the first floor of his Staten Island two-family house for more than twelve years—longer than I had lived in any place since my childhood home. Ever since I moved back to the New York City area in 2000,Neil had been like family to me.
    Originally,Neil lived on the second floor of the house. But a few years ago,he had moved a few miles away into his wife Debbie's house. He rented out his old apartment to some young people. But after his company broke, he and Debbie had decided to sell her house and move back here.
    Neil had never raised my rent,which was $750 a month,dirt-cheap for New York City. That was part of the problem. Ncil was making a lot more money from the new tenants(租户) upstairs,so it made sense for him'to keep those tenants and move into my apartment. Now,I was going to have to find a new apartment and pay more. He was very nice about it,and gave me six months to find a new place.
    Nevertheless,I was worried. I was so upset that I got into bed,pulled the covers over my head and cried. It was only 8:30 p.m.,but Ijust wanted to go to sleep and forget this was happening.
    Around 12:30 a.m,I was so sad that I couldn't sleep. So I called Jon,my best friend,a very positive person.

    “Look on the bright side,and maybe you will find a place you like better,”he said.

    As I started to find a new apartment,I began to think about new possibilities.

    高三年级2022~2023学年4月份模拟考 · 英语

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1~5 BACAB 6~10 CBCAA 11~15 CBABC 16~20 BACCA
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    21.C 细节理解题。根据第三段内容“Yellowstone National Park is the world's first national park”可知, Yellowstone National Park是世界上最老的国家公园。故选C 项。
    22.B 细节理解题。枳据文章第四段内容“Grand Teton National Park is home to one of the most famous mountain ranges on Earth. The Tcton Range is not only a mountain climber's paradise...”可知,登山者喜欢 在Grand Teton National Park里的Teton Range登山。故选 B 项。
    23.B 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段内容可知,这篇文章的目的不是单纯地介绍三个国家公园,而是通过对 国家公园的介绍,展示他们的专业性,进而说服读者去找他们设计旅游计划。所以这篇文章应该是来自一 篇广告,故选 B 项。
    24.A 细节理解题。根据第一段内容“After his eighth attempt,30-year-old Liu Zheng finally passed the National Judicial Examinations in January”可知,刘的法律之路并不平坦。故选 A 项。
    25.D 细节理解题。根据第三段内容“I dreamed of studying somewhere famous. but my family's financial situation meant I had to work while I prepared for the exams”可知,刘政梦想去一个有名的地方学习,但他 的家庭经济状况意味着他必须在准备考试的同时工作故选D 项。
    26.C 推理判断题。根据第一段内容“After his eighth attempl..”以及第四段、第五段内容可知,刘政是一个 很投入的人。故选 C 项。
    27.B 词义猜测题。通读整篇文章可知刘政在工作期间一直不放弃,努力备考最终通过了国家司法考试。回 望过去七年的学习和工作,应该是再次确定了他通过教育塑造未来的决心。故选 B 项。
    28.C 推理判断题。根据文章第二段内容“the woman was buried with much more treasures than average people,which may imply her role in her community”可知,这个女人陪葬的宝物比一般人多很多,这可能暗 示了她在社会中的地位。因此可以判断出,她可能有重要的社会地位,是一个重要的人,故选C 项。
    29.A 细节理解题。根据文章第三段内容“Experts believe that the man in the grave was probably a fighter, because wear and tear on his bones indicated he spent a lot of time on horseback.”可知,专家认为这个墓中 的男人可能是个战士,因为他骨头上的损伤暗示了他在马背上度过了很长时间。故选 A 项。
    30.C 推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容“Previous findings-have revealed that women were considered adults at a much younger age than soys were. For example.grave goods have showed that girls as young as six were buried with knives and tools. but boys would be in their teens by the time they would be buried alongside such things.”可知.以前的发现揭示了女性被当做成年人的年龄比男性要小,比如:六岁女孩的坟 墓里就埋着刀和工具,但是十几岁的男孩坟墓里才会埋这些。由此可见,六岁的女孩就已经被当作成年人 了,故选C 项。
    31.D 主旨大意题。根据第一段的内容“experts are now taking a closer look at the political background of the unearthed treasure”和全文说明的内容可知,专家对位于西班牙东南部已出土的无主埋藏物进行了研究,并 介绍了埋藏物的情况和由此得出的猜测。故选D 项。
    【高三英语参考答案 第1页(共8页)】

    32.A 推理判断题。根据文章第二段内容“Some previous studies have suggested fossil fuel cars produce fewer carbon emissions over their lifetime than battery-powered cars. Yet these analyses have often compared only two models of car.”可知,过去的一些研究表明化石能源驱动的车辆比电池驱动车辆产生的碳排放更少,但 是这些分析只对比了两种型号的车辆。由此可见,是因为分析对象有限,才得出了和现在不一样的结论,故 选 A 项。
    33.A 细节理解题。根据文章第三段内容“They found that electric cars already have fewer carbon emissions in 53 of those 59 regions.”可知,研究了59个地区,其中在53个地区,电车(比化石能源车辆的)碳排放更少。 故选A 项。
    34.C 细节理解题。根据最后一段的内容“Many countries'electricity supplies have seen huge growth in the past five years”可知,在过去五年里,许多国家在电力供应方面有巨大提高,故选C 项。
    35.D 标题归纳题。根据第一段的内容“ElectricJcars arc already greener than fossil fuel cars in almost every part of the world today,according to researchers.”和全文说明的内容可知,在大多数国家和地区,电车比化 石能源驱动的车更环保。故选 D 项。
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    36.D 引出下文句。根据空格后的内容“There have been times in the past when it's been hotter than it is today,and times when it's been cooler.”可知,过去有很多时期比现在热,也有很多时期比现在冷。由此可 知上文应该在说,过去也有气候变化的现象存在,所以答案为 D。
    37.F 引出下文句。根据空格后的内容“There are:more frequent and more severe extreme weather events like tornadoes and hurricanes;droughts increasing; more changeable weather,with seasons beginning to lack regularity;and sea level rises.”可知,这句话列举了很多气候变化带来的影响《所以这句话之前应该是在 说,气候变化会带来很多影响,所以选 F。
    38.C 承上启下句。根据空格的前一句话“A single nuclear weapon doesn't pose a threat to ·all of humanity, but the thousands of them in the world right now certainly do.”和空格的后一句话“Just consider all the ‘near misses’in recent history,where nuclear war was avoided thanks only to the quick thinking of individuals.”可知文章的逻辑思路是: 一个核武器不会对全人类造成威胁,但现在成千上万个核武器一定会 造成威胁。现在单个核爆炸的可能性在增加。看一下近代历史上“差点爆发”的核战争之所以避免了,仅仅 是因为个人脑子反应快。 “A single nuclear”对应的是 C 选项的“one nuclear explosion”。 而“near misses( 差 点爆发)”又印证了C 选项的“the chances of one nuclear explosion increase(单个核爆炸的可能性在增加)”, 所以答案为 C。
    39.G 段落结尾句。本段小标题,以及空前都在讨论核武器问题,作为本段结尾句得出结论:我们需要尽可能 多地解除武装,以降低灾难风险。 G 项中的“disaster”指的就是“nuclear conflict”,故选 G 项。
    40.E 承接上文句。根据空格的前一句话“Asteroids have the ability to cause massive extinction events, wiping out vast numbers of entire species.(小行星有能力造成大规模灭亡,消灭大部分物种)”。 E 选项中 “these kinds of events”指的是这句话中的“massive extinction events”。E选项正好承接这句话,进一步说 明:虽然这类事件不常见:但一旦发生.危险极大,所以答案为E。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主题语境是人与自我。文章讲述了作者的狗 Luna 患了退行性脊髓病,在患病 的过程中,她生活艰难,“我”给予了她帮助和呵护。她也让“我”学到了坚韧和信任。
    41.C 考查动词。根据下文“she might have a problem”可知,作者是在猜测。所以选C。
    42.B 考查动词。根据第一段的第一句“Recently Ifound my dog Luna occasionally drag her right back foot. ” 可知Luna 偶尔拖着一只后脚走路。几天以后,她开始拖着两只后脚走路,所以选 B。
    【高三英语参考答案 第2页(共8页)】

    43.A 考查形容词。根据前文语境:Luna 拖着两只后脚走路,和后文“I took her to the animal hospital”可知, 作者知道有点不对劲,所以选A。
    44.D 考查副词。根据上下文可知这是一种相对罕见的病,所以选 D。
    45.B 考查动词。根据“Dogs usually six months to three years from when they first start showing symptoms. ”可知,从出现症状开始,狗通常能活六个月到三年。所以选B。
    46.A 考查名词。根据下文“She struggled with walking upstairs,and we often had to her to lift her back feet. She could not get into my for rides without our help.”可知,自从Luna 得了这个病,她的 生活变得越来越艰难。所以选 A。
    47.C 考查动词。根据上文语境“She struggled with walking upstairs”可知如果狗想上楼梯,我们就得帮助她 抬起后腿,所以选C。
    48.B 考查名词。根据语境:“She could not get into my for rides without our help.”可知,如果要想兜 风,狗应该上作者的车,所以选 B。
    49.D 考查名词。根据上文语境可知Luna 得了退行性脊髓病,所以她应该是在忍受病痛的折磨,所以“我”给 予她关爱来减轻她的痛苦 ·所以选 D。
    50.A 考查动词。根据语境:“Exercise is great to maintain weight and muscle mass, but exercising can injury.”可知.锻炼对保持体重和肌肉群有好处,但是锻炼也有可能导致受伤。所以选A。
    51.C 考查名词。上文反复提到,Luna 的后腿出了问题,所以可能以后她的腿会不能用,所以选 C。
    52.A 考查名词。根据上文“Dogs usually six months to three years from when they first start showing symptoms. ”可知,Luna 活不了太长时间了,所以与Luna 道别的时间可能提前到来,所以选 A。
    53.B 考查形容词。根据下文“for the lessons she has taught us along this journey”可知 Luna 教会了我们一些 东西,因此应该是对 Luna 有感激之情,所以选 B。
    54.D 考查动词短语。根据下文“She knows things are not right with her,but she is determined to walk and do the things she enjoys if we provide her with the tools to make it easier.”可知 Luna 一直在与疾病作斗争, 所以选 D。
    55.C 考查名词。根据下文“as Luna trusts me to do what is best for her”可知,Luna 相信“我”。所以“我”从她 身上学到了要相信别人,所以选C。
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。主题语境是人与社会。文章介绍了公众对文化需求越来越多,越来越多的人 去参观博物馆。博物馆也推出新的展览形式来吸引游客。
    56.their 考查形容词性物主代词。空格部分应该填形容词性物主代词,所以填their。
    57.an 考查冠词。 “museum lover”是单数且“eight”是元音音素开头的单词,所以填 an。
    58.to attract 考查非谓语动词。不定式作目的状语,所以填to attract。
    59.starting 考查非谓语动词。 “starting from Jan. 21”作“the seven-day Spring Festival holiday”的定语。 “Spring Festival holiday”和“start”是主谓关系,所以要用现在分词,所以填 starting。
    60.necessarily 考查词性转换。空格要修饰的词是形容词big,副词修饰形容词,所以填necessarily。
    61.between 考查介词。固定搭配:between...and... 翻译为:在 …… 之间。 “There were more special exhibitions and more joint exhibitions,especially the one between the National Museum and the Palace Museum” 翻译为:举行了更多有特色的展览和联合展览 · 允其是国家博物馆和故宫之间联合举行的展览。 所以应该填 between。
    62.when 考查状语从句的关系代词。 ” she was asked. about the most notable change during her latest museum visit”是状语从句 ·翻译为:当她被问及最近一次参观博物馆时最显著的变化的时候,所以填 when。
    63.professional 考查词性转换。 “profcssional”作定语,修饰名词“museum tour guide”,意思是专业的博物馆 导游。
    64.began 考查时态。由“Visitors (begin)asking questions,and sometimes we couldn't give an answer” 这句话中的“couldn't”可知,导游说的是过去发生的事情,所以填过去式began。
    65.guides 考查名词复数。 guide是可数名词,本句中提到导游与游客之间的关系,导游和游客都不止一个,所 以填guides。

    【高三英语参考答案 第3页(共8页)】

    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第 一 节 书面表达(满分15分)
    One possible version:
    Dear Peter,
    How's everything going? I am writing this letter to encourage you to take exercise.
    As we all know,it's of great importance for people to do sports if they want to keep healthy. A healthy person can always be energetic and enjoy his life. There are many sports that are not only interesting but also help you build your body,such as swimming,playing football,skating and so on.Life lies in movement. I hope you can do some sports everyday,which is beneficial to your physical and mental health. Do remember that good
    health is the best wealth.
    I'm looking forward to your reply.
    Li Hua
    【第 一 节 应用文写作评分标准】
    1.本题总分为15分 . 按5个档次给分。
    2.评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整档次,最后 给分。
    5.拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英美拼写及词汇用 法均可接受。


    · 覆盖所有内容要点;
    · 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇;
    ·语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致,具 备较强的语言运用能力;
    · 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。

    · 虽漏掉一两个次重点,但覆盖所有主要内容;
    · 应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求;
    · 语法结构或词汇方面应用基本准确,些许错误主要是因尝试较复杂语法结构或词 汇所致 ;
    · 应用简单的语句间连接成分 · 使全文结构紧凑。

    · 虽漏掉一些内容,但覆盖所有主要内容;
    · 应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求;
    · 有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,但不影响理解;
    · 应用简单的语句间连接成分,使全文内容连贯。
    【高三英语参考答案 第 4 页 ( 共 8 页 ) 】



    · 漏掉或未描述清楚一些主要内容,写了一些无关内容;
    · 语法结构单调、词汇有限;
    · 有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响了对写作内容的理解;
    · 较少使用语句间的连接成分,内容缺少连贯性。


    · 明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,原因可能是未理解试题要求; · 语法结构单调、词汇有限:
    · 较多语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响对写作内容的理解;
    · 缺乏语句间的连接成分,内容不连贯。

    · 未能传达给读者任何信息;
    · 内容太少,无法评判;
    · 写的内容均与所要求内容无关或所写内容无法看清。
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    One possible version:
    “Look on the bright side,and maybe you will find a place you like better,”he said. “You comp.ain all the time about that crowded bus to and from your work. Why don't you find a place where you don't havc to take that bus?”“How can you say that?"I said to him.“This is way out of my comfort zone!”"C'ome on. Did it ever occur to you that change could be good?”I suddenly reshzed that a change may bring me a new life. So Idecided to find a better place to live.
    As I started to find a new apartment,I began to think about new possibilities. Maybe I could get better furniture and be a better housekeeper. Finally,that October,I spotted the apartment of my dreams in a nice neighbourhood. As time went on,I found myself doing more things out of my comfort zone and feeling more positive about life. My life had improved in so many ways. There's a reason why they say that the end of your comfort zone is where the magic happens.
    【第二节 读后续写评分标准】
    2.评分时,先根据所续写短文的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求衡量、确定或调整档次, 最后给分。
    【高三英语参考答案 第5页(共8页)】


    · 与所给短文融洽度高,与所提供各段落开头语衔接合理;
    · 内容丰富,应用的语法结构和词汇丰富、准确,可能有些许错误,但完全不影响意义 表 达 ;
    · 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,所续写短文结构紧凑。

    · 与所给短文融洽度较高,与所提供各段落开头语衔接较为合理;
    · 内容比较丰富,应用的语法结构和词汇较为丰富、准确,可能有些许错误,但完全不 影响意义表达;
    · 比较有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,所续写短文结构紧凑。


    · 与所给短文关系较为密切,与所提供各段落开头语有一定程度的衔接;
    · 写出了若于有关内容,应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求,虽有一些错误, 但不影响意义表达;
    · 应用简单的语句间连接成分,使全文内容连贯。


    · 与所给短文有一定的关系,与所提供各段落开头语有一定程度的衔接;
    · 写出了一些有关内容,语法结构单调,词汇有限,有些语法结构和词汇方面的错误, 影响了意义的表达;
    · 较少使用语句间的连接成分,全文内容缺少连贯性。

    · 与所给短文和开头语的衔接较差;
    ·产出内容太少,语法结构单调,问汇有限,有较多语法结构和词汇方面的错误,严重 影响了意义的表达;
    · 缺乏语句间的连接成分,全文内容不连贯。
    (Text 1)
    W:What are you specializing in?
    M:Right now,I'm doing some research into the languages of different African countries. W:That sounds really interesting. Can you speak Swahili?
    M:Yes,I learned how to speak it when I was little.
    (Text 2)
    M:I'm feeling wonderful.
    W:Are you crazy? The papers wear everybody out. I don't think you are the exception.
    M:I'm no exception.and that's why I spint a whole atternoon in the swimming pool.
    W:I'd better exercise iny body too.
    (Text 3)
    W:Hey,let's go out and grab a couple of coffee together!
    M:Sorry,I can't. I have to work late at the laboratory.
    W:Nigel,you sure lead a dog's life. What's up with that?
    M:My boss wants me to finish this project tonight.

    【高三英语参考答案 第6页(共8页)】

    (Text 4)
    W:I saw an interesting programme on TV last night. It was about elderly people.
    M:And what did the programme say?
    W:It said that people with a positive attitude tend to live longer and happier.
    M:I think that many physicians now agree with that idea.
    (Text 5)
    W:Now you two have a safe drive back. I can't tell you how much Ienjoyed your staying with us.
    M:And you're the perfect hostess,Mrs Van Helsing. Thanks for everything you did for us. You really made us feel right at home.
    W:My pleasure.
    (Text 6)
    W:What kind of food do you often eat?
    M:I always have Italian food.Indian food and Chincse food.
    W:What's your favourite food?
    M:I love Chinese food best,
    W:What's your favourite dish?
    M:Well,I always order fried spring rolls when I go to Chinatown.
    W:But a Chinese person would never order that.
    M:Really? But they're delicious!
    W:Alex,you don't know what to order. Let's go to a Chinese restaurant together.
    M:That sounds great.
    W:Get ready for the best meal of your life!
    (Text 7)
    W:Steven,why are you so depressed?
    M:I'm feeling very sad.I just read the newspaper.
    W:What's the news?
    M:According to the newspaper,the town was hit by an earthquake and about 3 thousand people got injured and
    more than 10 thousand people died in the earthquake.
    W:It's horrible.
    M:Yeah,we have to do something to help the people in the stricken area.
    W:But how can we help these people?
    M:It said that there are two ways to help them. We can either donate money or send relief supplies to the area. W:How about donating some money?
    M:It's a good idea. But where can we donate it?
    W:Just find the answer through Internet.
    M:Yes,let's do it now.
    (Text 8)
    M:Would you like the blue ping-pong bat?
    W:I don't think that will do. How about the red one at your back?
    M:This one?
    W:No,the light red one... yes.
    M:This one is pink. It is especially built for hard and continuous play. And every detail of workmanship and
    material has been carefully checked to make it a good one for game use.
    W:It looks beautiful. Well,I think I'll take it. Now do you have any bat covers?
    M:This cover comes with the bat.
    【高三英语参考答案 第7页(共8页)】

    W:How much does it come up to?
    M: The mark says sixty yuan. Plus tax,it's sixty-eight yuan.
    W:Do you take checks?
    M:Sorry,we only accept credit cards or cash.
    W:If you'll just wait here,I'll be back with cash in a minute.
    (Text 9)
    W:Wow!What a beautiful scenic spot!It's so open. And just breathe that fresh air,you can almost taste its
    M:You can see the whole view of Guilin City from the top of the mountain.
    W:Wonderful!I can see everything in Guilin City when looking down. I'll often come here for mountain climbing.
    M:You should. Many Guiliners,especially the old and the young,will climb mountains here in the morning. W:No wonder people say:Guilin's scenery is the best in the world.
    M:Quick! Look at that bird...I've nevcr scen one of those before. It's native to Guilin,and an endangered species too. This is iucky!
    W:I didn't know you liked bird-watching.
    M:I don't really. I just like wildlife,and you don't get to see too much of it in the city. This place is full of it. (Text 10)
    W:I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you a little bit about my story. I'm just going to start with the basic. I'm 21 and my mum had me when she was 24. I'm from Texas. And my mum worked four jobs and completely devoted her life into making mine better. So, to me, she is the definition of a strong woman. AndI love her so much,because she's taught me those values.
    When I was seven,I wanted to be an actress and I wanted to live my dream. And when I was eleven,a
    casting director told me that I wasn't strong enough to carry my own show.
    And the comment almost crushed me but next to me there was my mun who was stronger than exer. She said the most important thing is to always trust mysell. She told me to keep going, and taught me to turn the other cheek and let the critics be critics,and let us just trust ourselves. With the support of my mum, I finally realize my dream and become a real actress.

    【高三英语参考答案 第8页(共8页)】


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