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    专题 03 话题分类+家人、朋友、亲情与友情(人与社会)--2023年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵
    专题 03 话题分类+家人、朋友、亲情与友情(人与社会)--2023年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵01
    专题 03 话题分类+家人、朋友、亲情与友情(人与社会)--2023年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵02
    专题 03 话题分类+家人、朋友、亲情与友情(人与社会)--2023年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵03
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    专题 03 话题分类+家人、朋友、亲情与友情(人与社会)--2023年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵

    这是一份专题 03 话题分类+家人、朋友、亲情与友情(人与社会)--2023年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵,共32页。


    专题 03 话题分类+家人、朋友、亲情与友情

    1. 精选名校最新2022年12月-2023年1月名校联考、模拟试题
    2. 读后续写话题分类背诵模板
    3. 读后续写话题分类写作步骤
    4. 读后续写话题分类写作热词
    5. 读后续写话题分类高分佳句

    I was eight the first time I played checkers. I’ve played about a thousand games since then, but none was so memorable as that first one.
    It was icy January in Kansas. When the snowstorm hit, cutting off our power, we were thrown into darkness though it was still around noon. No heat, no light. The winter became terrible for everyone-especially for me and my six year old brother.
    Methodically Grandpa gathered up his winter coat, scarf and gloves, and disappeared into snow. Several minutes later, he returned, carrying much wood. Glancing casually at my brother and me, he said, “Come on boys. Time to build a fire. ”
    But the fire wasn’t enough to sustain the attention of two young boys. “Maybe,” Grandpa remarked, carefully considering the situation. “we could do something I used to do as a boy. Let’s go camping.”
    My brothers and I looked at each other in amazement.
    ”Get your sleeping bags, pillows and stuffed animals, and meet me back here.“
    It took us only minutes to gather our sleeping gear. When we returned Grandpa had rearranged the furniture, clearing an open space in front of the fire. in short order, we had a fine campground.
    “Now then” Grandpa began, unfolding a strange looking game board, “who’s up for a little game of checkers?” “What are checkers?” my brother and I asked.
    “Never played, eh? Well. it’s time you boys learned,” Grandpa said.
    For the next hour or so. Grandpa coached us on the fine art of playing checkers. I became a fair player after losing four games in a row. Then I defeated Grandpa. When I asked him if he’d let me win, he merely winked (眨眼 and set the board up for the next game Afterward. Grandpa used his old guitar to sing us some campfire songs to which we sing along.
    Then suddenly, the power came back on. Mom and Dad gave a cheer, but for my brother and me, it was the end of a grand adventure. This wasn’t how we wanted the night to end.
    注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
    Grandpa looked at us, smiled and then slowly stood up.
    The next morning, everything returned to normal: lights, television and heat,
     Grandpa looked at us smiled and then slowly stood up. He walked across the room to the light switch and turned it off. “Oops, it looks like another power outage, boys. Better sit down for the night. It is going to be a long one” And with that, our camping journey continued. We played another game or two of checkers in the flickering light of the fireplace before bedding down. And then was Grandpa right there with us, stretched out on the couch, his legs hanging over the edge.
         The next morning everything returned to normal: lights, television and heat. Bat my brother and I never forgot that special day. We were always grateful for the experience and played many a game of checkers in the years to come. But, most of all, we wen grateful to Grandp, who had known how to transform a cold and dark day in Kansas into something memorable and magical.
    关闭:turn off/switch off
    继续:continue/go on
    睡觉:bed down/go to sleep
    感谢:grateful /thankful
    难忘:memorable /unforgettable
    [高分句型1] We played another game or two of checkers in the flickering light of the fireplace before bedding down. (运用了动名词作宾语)
    [高分句型2] But, most of all, we wen grateful to Grandpa, who had known how to transform a cold and dark day in Kansas into something memorable and magical. (运用了who引导非限制性定语从句)
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I always believe in the saying: Things will eventually sort themselves out. In the face of difficulty and trouble, I can always persuade myself to do my work first without enough conditions.
    Yesterday, we just moved into a new house and spent all our money. So we had to go through the rest of the month until my husband got paid.
    Today, my daughter, Laurie, went to school. After a while, out-of-breath and tired, our little girl ran back a block because she’d forgotten to tell me that it was her turn to bring cupcakes for the class-—today! I answered her with a promise to reach her classroom at noon with the cupcakes. She ran to school again, happy.
    Two minutes later, imagining Laurie’s trusting smile when I delivered on the promise, I searched in the boxes for baking tins and the mixer. I confidently set them on the counter and then opened the refrigerator, only to discover there were no eggs! How would I make cupcakes withouteggs?
    I tried to figure out how I could fix the problem. Could I borrow some from neighbors or friends? Could I buy some on credit(赊账)? It was almost 9: 30 and I was running out of time. A little voice inside me whispered, “Start to do your work first! Things will eventually sort themselves out.” “Okay,” I said to myself, “I have to try my best to keep my word to my little girl and the worst result that might happen is that I bake ‘cakes’ with no eggs.”
    The next step was an act of faith. I turned on the oven and measured all the materials as my little son lined the tins with paper cups. We’d just finished making the frosting(糖霜) when I heard the mailman close the box at the front door. Of course! The mailman could send us a refund (退款) check or something in the mail! I rushed to the door to get the mail and was shocked by what I found.
    There, just under the mailbox, were two boxes of eggs !
    The phone call was from my friend Bonnie.
    There, just under the mailbox, were two boxes of eggs! I looked up and down the street and saw no one. Leaving the egg mystery for the moment, I raced into the house and got those cupcakes finished, cooled, frosted, and delivered shortly before noon. Laurie waved and smiled as the teacher closed the door, and I walked back home wondering about the mysterious eggs. I had two-dozen eggs left, so I decided to make some more cupcakes and then the phone rang.
    The phone call was from my friend Bonnie. She asked whether I had found some eggs at my front door. About 8:00 or so that morning she met my daughter and learned I would make some cupcakes. She knew we had just moved and that money might be tight for me at that moment. So she bought the most expensive material so that I could keep my promise to my daughter. After hearing that, I expressed my heartfelt thanks to her and told her what had happened. One hour later, I appeared in front of Bonnie’s door, carrying some cupcakes.
    ①决定:decided/made a decision
    ③琢磨:wonder/think over
    ①表达感谢:express my heartfelt thanks/be thankful to/be grateful to
    ②守信:keep my promise/keep my word
    【高分句型1】She asked whether I had found some eggs at my front door.(由whether引导的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】So she bought the most expensive material so that I could keep my promise to my daughter.(由so that引导的目的状语从句)
    The Wise Father
    Hari’s father was a successful businessman who lad a chain of well-known, seven-star restaurants, but the only love of his life was his only daughter, Hari. So she had been provided with everything she ever wanted since she was born. She lived an extraordinary life and always felt that she was not an ordinary kid.
    When Hari came back after graduation, her father asked her to join his company as an accountant. However, she was naturally not happy with that. She wanted to work on a higher post as a CEO of the company while her father wanted her to start as an ordinary girl.
    One day, there was an emergency situation in the company. One of the restaurants had fewer employees because of sudden resignations (辞职). The restaurant was desperately short-staffed. Hari’s father and other major employees came up with the idea that they would make their way to that restaurant to help them. He asked her daughter to accompany him and the other employees to the restaurant.
    When she entered the restaurant, she was hit with the air of tension around the employees. Everybody was busy doing something and the restaurant was in complete chaos. She was suddenly pushed by his father to the cash counter to attend to the customers there.When she went to the back of the kitchen to get an order of a customer, she noticed a tower of dishes that were unwashed. Just as she was going to go back to the cash counter, her father approached her in a hurry and said, “Hari, will you please help us do the dishes? There is no one here who is available and I see you still have five to ten minutes before another customer comes for the payment.”
    She watched the dirty plates and spoons with big round eyes.
    Hari’s father picked up the gloves and started washing the dishes.
    She watched the dirty plates and spoons with big round eyes. A moment later, she put on the plastic gloves slowly but then she was struck by a thought, “Somebody will see these dishes and do it!” She dropped the gloves on the ground and returned to the cash counter waiting for customers to pay for their orders. Her father, standing in the back of the kitchen, witnessed what Hari did just now. Obviously, he was aware of Hari’s thinking.
    Hari’s father picked up the gloves and started washing the dishes. Hari was shocked, “Dad, you shouldn’t do the dishes! You are the owner of this company, not an ordinary employee!” Hari’s father looked at her, “Darling, I’m an ordinary man. Always! I worked hard for you like these employees’ parents did. We all are the same even if I am the owner and you are my daughter.” With deep regret, Hari went back to the words, and then she wore the gloves. Her father smiled, “You seriously think that I will let you do it alone?” They both had a good laugh.
    ①突然想起:was struck by/was hit by
    ②很遗憾:with deep regret/regretfully
    [高分句型1] Her father, standing in the back of the kitchen, witnessed what Hari did just now. (由连接词what引导的宾语从句作witnessed的宾语)
    [高分句型2] We all are the same even if I am the owner and you are my daughter.(由连词even if引导让步状语从句)
    It was an early winter morning. Joan was sleeping soundly when the phone rang in the living room. She rolled over and glanced at the clock on the wall—it was already nine o’clock.Every weekend morning, her mother had to work part-time in the cafe. Although Joan was still sleepy, she knew she had to get up. After all, she didn’t expect her brother Mike, who was sleeping like a log, to hear the phone. She quietly went over to the living room. When she picked up the receiver, on the other end came the warmhearted greetings,“Good morning, my Dear!”Recognizing the voice from her father, Joan was immediately surrounded by a sense of joy and the sleepiness swept away.
    Joan’s father was a seaman, who rarely came back. Working on the sea was really hard.Born in a not-rich family, Joan and Mike felt the stress of life but they were happy to enjoy the family atmosphere. At school, they were straight-A students throughout the academic career and actively involved in school activities. They became the pride of the school and the envy of the students.
    “Good morning, Dad, what’s up?”Joan said in an easy tone.“I have been very nice recently, my baby. Today is your mother’s birthday, and I have ordered her a cake online and it should come to the house in one and half an hour. Do remember to take the cake.”
    Hearing her father’s words, Joan felt a little ashamed. How she could forget Mum’s birthday!She took a glance at the dirty clothes piled on the sofa and the oily floor that hadn’t been mopped(拖地) for a few days—There was two hours before her mother came back. She calculated they had enough time to prepare a surprise for Mum.
    Thinking of this, she felt full of excitement.“Well, Dad, now I’m going to wake Mike up.We will give Mum a surprise !”
    Joan hung up the phone with Dad, and hurriedly went to Mike’s room to share him her Big Cleaning plan. After listening to Joan, Mike readily accepted her idea.
    The Big Cleaning plan began.
    With the cake placed on the table, Mum came in.
    The Big Cleaning plan began. Joan collected the clothes from sofa and then put them in the water of a basin. After pouring in some washing liquids, she began to wash them by hand. Realizing the clothes were clean enough, Joan gently squeezed water out and hung them to dry. Meanwhile, Mike was busy mopping the floor back and forth with all his strength, really aware of what hard work his Mum had at home! They had just finished the cleaning when the express boy came to the door.
    With the cake placed on the table, Mum came in. “Happy birthday, Mum!”, they greeted in chorus. Confused and surprised, Mum stood frozen. When Mum realized what had happened, a warm current rose in her heart. Staring at the clean floor and the washed clothes, she could hardly contain her excitement and hugged them tightly, “It is the best birthday gift I have ever had!” Mum said emotionally. Just then Joan took out her smartphone and took a happy video named Mum’s Birthday and sent it to Dad.
    【高分句型1】Meanwhile, Mike was busy mopping the floor back and forth with all his strength, really aware of what hard work his Mum had at home!(本句运用了what引导的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】When Mum realized what had happened, a warm current rose in her heart.(本句运用了when引导的状语从句和what引导的宾语从句)
    It had been 5 years since Zahida’s husband passed away due to a heart attack. Every day, she buried herself in her embroidery (刺绣), feeling her waist ache due to the long hours of work. She would grow tired faster these days.
    The doorbell rang. Her son Aamer returned from the office. Entering the house, Aamer threw his bag at a sofa. “I have told you again and again not to throw things everywhere!” Zahida complained. “Mom, why do you find fault with unimportant things every day? Boss at office, you at home... Oh so tiring!” Aamer slammed (砰地关上) the door to his room.
    Such unpleasant exchanges always happened now. Zahida would often recall the days of Aamer’s childhood fondly, which would bring smile to her face. She could remember the days when the little Aamer had parted unwillingly on his first day to school or had shouted excitedly at spotting a sleepy bear during a visit to the zoo. Zahida wondered if Aamer too could recollect these memories or had piled them in a forgotten corner of his mind.
    Following a quiet dinner that night, Zahida happened to pass Aamer’s room. She could hear Aamer’s voice floating out. “Yes, yes... you do understand that she is a picky woman. She cannot adjust easily anywhere. You must take care of that...”
    Zahida was caught by a sudden sense of anxiety. A few days ago, a neighbor’s children sent her neighbor off to an old age home. They were too busy to have time for the old woman. What did Aamer talk of? Was she also...? No, surely Aamer couldn’t be doing that. Zahida retired to bed.
    “Please be sure to deliver the tickets for our trip to Egypt as soon as possible,” Aamer continued.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150词左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
    A few days later, a postman rang the doorbell when Aamer was away for work.
    “Mom, here... Look what I’ve got in the envelope!” Aamer shouted with joy like a child.
    A few days later, a postman rang the doorbell when Aamer was away for work. A big envelope was delivered to Aamer. Zahida could figure out a government seal on the envelope. Not trusting her fingers to tear open the envelope without harming the contents within and considering it as important, she placed it on the table. Aamer could check what was inside when he returned. Aamer, upon returning, spotted the envelope. Grabbing it swiftly, he began tearing it open, his eyes shining with excitement.
    “Mom, here... Look what I’ve got in the envelope!” Aamer shouted with joy like a child. Zahida took the contents from her son’s hands. It contained air tickets bearing her and Aamer’s names and some other documents. She looked up questioningly. “Oh, Mom. We are going on a trip to Egypt. Remember how you used to tell me bed-time tales of the ancient Egypt? Let’s visit it for real this time. I know you are a little picky. I have taken care to get good accommodations in Cairo and...” Aamer went on and on talking while his mother smiled with a sense of happiness filling her heart.
    ②.回来:return/go back
    ③.看见:spot/catch sight of
    [高分句型1] Not trusting her fingers to tear open the envelope without harming the contents within and considering it as important, she placed it on the table. (运用了现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2] Grabbing it swiftly, he began tearing it open, his eyes shining with excitement. (运用了现在分词作状语和独立主格结构)
    One warm, sunny morning, Marsha jumped right out of bed.
    Today was the first day of summer vacation and also the last day she’d be spending with Tanya, her very best friend. Tanya was going to camp in another state. She’d be gone all summer. Marsha and Tanya always spent their summers together. This one would be no fun without her!
    Marsha’s mom came in.“What’s the matter, Rabbit?” she said.
    “I miss Tanya already. Isn’t that silly?” Marsha said.
    “No,”her mother said softly.“Missing a best friend isn’t silly at all. ” Marsha’s eyes were wet.
    “I know how you feel.”“You do?”asked Marsha. Marsha’s mom nodded.“I had a best friend when I was your age. And she went away to camp, too.”“I felt pretty sad,” Marsha’s mom said. “I wanted my best friend to think about me. So I gave her something.”“What?”asked Marsha.“I gave her my best necklace,” her mom said.
    “You did?”asked Marsha.“Well,I wanted her to have it,” Marsha’s mom said,“Maybe you could give Tanya one of your favorite things to take to camp. How about a doll? Then she will never forget that you are her best friend.”Marsha wiped her eyes.“Mom, that’s a great idea!” she said.
    “Are you going to give Tanya your Glenda Glitter doll?” said Marsha’s mom.“Yes, Mom,”she said.“This is the one I want her to have. But now I’m going to get Glenda all nice and clean. ” Soon, Glenda Glitter looked just like new.
    Next it was time to dress the doll. Marsha ran to her room. In a flash she was back. Her hands were full of doll’s dresses. “This is the one I like best,” she said.“And I know Tanya likes it best, too.”
    “Let’s see.I think I can fix this little rip(口子).” Marsha’s mom was good at fixing things. The doll dress soon looked good as new.
    “Look, Mom!”she said. “Glenda looks beautiful.”
    “You know, Kitten,”said Marsha’s mom, “Tanya will like this present so much.”“Tanya will be leaving soon,”she said.“We better hurry up.”Marsha and her mom walked over to Tanya’s house. They rang the bell.
    Marsha hid the doll behind her back.
    Tanya and Marsha put their presents in each other’s hands.
    Paragraph 1: Marsha hid the doll behind her back. Marsha and her mom went inside. They said hello to Tanya and her mom. “We’re still packing,” Tanya’s mom said. Marsha went over to Tanya. “I have something for you,” said Marsha. “Wait!” Tanya said . “ I have something for you, too.” She turned and ran out of the room. Tanya was back in a flash. She was holding something behind her back. Marsha still had her hands behind her, too. “OK,” said Tanya, “on the count of three, hands in front.” “1, 2, 3… ” Marsha said.
    Paragraph 2: Tanya and Marsha put their presents in each other’s hands. “But that’s your favourite!” both girls yelled with excitement at once. “My mom said that this doll would help you think of me at camp,” Marsha said to Tanya. “My mom said this necklace would help you think of me,” Tanya said to Marsha. The girls looked at each other. They looked at their moms. Marsha’s mom smiled. “Remember the necklace that I gave my best friend?” she asked. “Well, that best friend was—” “Me!” said Tanya’s mom happily. “And this is still my favorite necklace!”
    ①和某人打招呼:say hello to somebody/greet somebody
    ②跑出去:run out/rush out
    ③返回:be back/return
    ①激动地:with excitement/excitedly
    [高分句型1] My mom said that this doll would help you think of me at camp.(由连接词that引导的宾语从句作said的宾语)
    [高分句型2] Remember the necklace that I gave my best friend? (由关系代词that引导的限制性定语从句)
    I liked sitting with my dad in his study every night when I was young after he came home from the office. I’d watch as he put his personal items away: his watch, wallet, comb and car keys would always occupy the same spot on the table every time. It was as if he could see invisible lines drawn specifically for these things, not a centimeter more or less.
    What impressed me was Dad’s comb which was jade green. I heard he bought it when he married Mum, which made the comb two years older than I was. Every night, he would smile, hand me the comb and say, “Be a good girl and help Daddy clean it, OK?”
    This task brought me such joy at the age of five. I would excitedly turn the tap on, and then brush the comb with a used toothbrush as hard as I could. Satisfied that I’d done a good job, I would proudly return the comb to Dad. He would smile at me and place the comb on top of his wallet.
    Two years later, Dad left his sales job and started his own wholesale business. I started primary school. That was when things started to change. Dad’s business wasn’t doing so well, and our stable life started getting shaky. He didn’t come home as much as he used to — just a couple of times a week. And when he did come home, it was always late and I’d already be in bed. I started to get mad. Why didn’t he listen to Mum and just stick to his old job? Why took the risk and placed the whole family in trouble? Over the years, I stopped waiting for him to come home, and stopped going downstairs to check on him. Today, I’m no longer a kid.
    Now I have grown up. I’ve graduated from college and got a job. Dad’s business has also started to get back on track. Things are better now. Yet the uncomfortable silence between Dad and me persisted. Two days before my birthday last year, Dad came home early. As usual, I helped him carry his bags into his study. When I turned to leave, he said, “Hey, would you like to help me clean my comb? ”
    Paragraph 1:
    Looking at him a while, I took the comb and headed to the sink. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Paragraph 2:
    I handed the clean comb back to Dad. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
       Looking at him a while, I took the comb and headed to the sink. I was very surprised that my father still remembered it after these years. Suddenly scenes from my childhood came back to me, which made my eyes misted. I turned the tap on, and then brushed the comb with a used toothbrush just like what I had done in my childhood. As I washed the comb, I couldn’t help recalling those happy days that I spent with father. After a while, the comb was pretty clean.
    I handed the clean comb back to Dad. He looked at it and smiled. But this time, I noticed something different. My dad has aged. He has wrinkles next to his eyes, yet his smile is still as heartwarming as before—the smile of a father who just wants a good life for his family. Dad carefully placed his comb on top of his wallet. After so many years, I guess some things never change. And for that, Im glad.
    ①记得:remember/keep sth in mind/bear sth in mind
    ②打开:turn on/switch on
    ①惊讶:be surprised/be amazed
    ②高兴:be glad/be cheerful/be delighted
    【高分句型1】 Suddenly scenes from my childhood came back to me, which made my eyes misted. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】 As I washed the comb, I couldn’t help recalling those happy days that I spent with father. (运用了as引导的时间状语从句及that引导的定语从句)
    Some years before, when we moved to town, Mother had decided to start a day nursery. She had no training, but that didn’t stand in her way. Through correspondence courses(函授课程)in child care, she qualified herself for the task. Soon she had a full enrollment(招生)and a waiting list. But neither the nursery nor the motel my parents bought later had provided enough income to send my sister and me to college.
    A few months after we had sold the motel, Mother arrived home with a used typewriter. From that day on, as soon as the table was cleared and the dishes were done, Mother would disappear into her sewing room to practice. The slow tap, tap, tap went on some nights until midnight.
    It was nearly Christmas when I heard Mother got a job at the radio station. I was not the least bit surprised, or impressed. But she was extremely happy.
    Monday, after her first day at work, I could see that the excitement was gone. Mother looked tired and upset. I responded by ignoring her.
    Sitting beside her on the couch, I began very slowly to understand. I could sense her pain and the tension of holding back the strong emotions that were interrupted by my arrival. Suddenly, something inside me turned. I reached out and put my arms around her. She broke then. She put her face against my shoulder and sobbed. I understood for the first time her vulnerability(脆弱).
    A week later Mother took a new job selling dry goods at half the salary the radio station had offered. “It’s a job I can do,” she said simply. But the evening practice sessions on the old green typewriter continued. I had a very different feeling now when I passed her door at night and heard her tapping away. I knew there was something more going on in there than a woman learning to type.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Two years later, I left for college and Mother decided to quit her old job.
    The old green typewriter sits in my office now, unrepaired.
    Two years later, I left for college and Mother decided to quit her old job. Mother had an office job with better pay and more responsibility. I have to believe that in some strange way she learned as much from her moment of defeat as I did, because several years later, when I had finished college and proudly accepted a job as a newspaper reporter, she had already been a journalist with our hometown paper for six months. One day when I asked her to give me the old typewriter, she agreed, but told me not to have it fixed.
    The old green typewriter sits in my office now, unrepaired. It is a souvenir, but what it recalls for me is not quite what it recalled for Mother. When I’m having trouble with a story and think about giving up or when I start to feel sorry for myself and think things should be easier for me, I roll a piece of paper into that cranky old machine and type, word by painful word, just the way mother did. What I remember then is not her failure, but her courage, the courage to go ahead. It’s the best souvenir anyone ever gave me.
    ①考虑:think about/consider
    ②前行:go ahead /move ahead
    [高分句型1]. I have to believe that in some strange way she learned as much from her moment of defeat as I did, because several years later, when I had finished college and proudly accepted a job as a newspaper reporter, she had already been a journalist with our hometown paper for six months.(由that引导的宾语从句,because引导的原因状语从句)
    [高分句型2]. It is a souvenir, but what it recalls for me is not quite what it recalled for Mother.(what引导的主语从句和表语从句)
    Eden, gold medalist of Harvard University, often had discussions on new advancements in surgery and in medical sciences with his beautiful colleague Emma, the second topper in heart surgery. Eden fell in love with Emma and asked her to marry him. After careful consideration, Emma agreed. One year after their marriage, a lovely baby was born. Eden was so much excited to have her in the arms wrapped in towel. The couple named her Katty. Katty brought lots of smile and happiness to their home.
    It was Katty’s 5th Birthday. While playing outside with her friends, Katty fainted (晕倒). Eden and Emma rushed her to emergency. They came to know that it was not a normal case. Something serious. Katty was diagnosed (诊断) with cancer. Emma and Eden were heart-broken. They knew it was not curable. Medicines could only give 3 years. They started praying that maybe some miracles would take place and that some hew medicine should come by then.
    They both started spending more and more quality time with Katty, both busy in completing every wish of Katty. Katty had just one complaint from both of them that they didn’t scold her whatever she did. At every birthday the couple cried and prayed. They didn’t know whether they would be able to celebrate her next birthday or not.
    Angel, was a girl of Katty’s age. She was Emma’s patient. Emma started seeing Katty in Angel. Angel’s heart was damaged. Emma introduced Angel to Eden. Eden and Emma together wanted to save Katty and Angel. The couple gave up their sleep to read research papers, contact top universities and learn about advancements in medical sciences.
    Katty was getting worse. Now she couldn’t go out. Her bed was her world. Angel’s condition was also similar, as her heart was growing bigger, she started having complication (并发症).
    Just before Katty’s 8th birthday, she was admitted into ICU.
    Two hours later, Emma called Angel’s parents to tell them they would have a surgery on Angel.
    Just before Katty’s 8th birthday, she was admitted into ICU. Tears in eyes, Emma told Eden, “I can’t save Katty. I hate myself. “Eden hugged her, saying, “Emma, I thought about something, but I don’t know how to tell you. Can we make an experiment? Angel’s heart condition is very bad. She needs heart transplant. You understand what I am saying. If we can transplant Katty’s heart to Angel, our daughter’s heart will still be beating.” Emma cried and said, “I need to be alone for some time...”
    Two hours later, Emma called Angel’s parents to tell them they would have a surgery on Angel. Angel’s parents told Dr. Emma that they didn’t have the fees. Emma said, “Don’t worry for money. It will not cost you anything.” Angel was made ready for the operation. Emma took one long and last breath. After 18 hours of surgery, Katty’s heart was beating in Angel’s body. This was a very successful surgery. Seeing their daughter’s heart was beating, Emma and Eden felt relieved. Whenever they met Angel, they could feel the rhythm of Katty’s heart.
    ①由第一段首句内容“就在Katty 8岁生日前,她住进了ICU。”可知,第一段可描写夫妻俩对面病情恶化的女儿悲伤的心情,以及如何想办法救治她,处理这件事情。
    ①.考虑:thought about/considered
    ②.做实验:make an experiment/conduct an experiment
    ①.感到宽慰的:felt relieved/felt a sense of relief
    ②.担心:worry about/be anxious about/be concerned about
    [高分句型1]. You understand what I am saying.(由连接代词what引导的宾语从句作understand的宾语)
    [高分句型2]. Whenever they met Angel, they could feel the rhythm of Katty’s heart.(由连词whenever引导时间状语从句)
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    There was a pretty strict system of segregation (种族隔离)in Atlanta. For a long, long time I could not go swimming. until there was a Negro YMCA(黑人基督教青年会). A Negro child in Atlanta could not go to any public park. I could not go to the so-called white schools. In many of the stores downtown, I couldn’t go to a lunch counter to buy a hamburger or a cup of coffee. I could not attend any of the theaters. There were one or two Negro theaters, but they didn’t get any of the main pictures. If they did get them, they got them two or three years later.
    I had grown up hating not only segregation but also the cruel acts that grew out of it. I had seen police violence with my own eyes, and watched Negroes receive the most tragic injustice in the courts. I can remember the organization known as the Ku Kux Klan. It stands out white supremacy(至高无上), and it was an organization that in those days even used violent methods to preserve segregation and to keep the Negro in his place. I remember seeing the Klan actually beat Negro. I had passed spots where Negroes had been savagely lynched (用私刑). All of these things did something to my growing personality.
    In my late childhood and early adolescence, two incidents happened that had a tremendous effect on my development. The first was the first empty seats at the front of the store. A young white clerk came up and murmured politely:
    ”I’ll be happy to wait on you if you’ll just move to those seats in the back. “
    Dad immediately replied, ”There’s nothing wrong with these seats. We’re quite comfortable here. “
    ”Sorry, “said the clerk, ”but you’ll have to move. “
    ”We’ll either buy shoes sitting here, “my father said quickly, ”or we won’t buy shoes at all. "
    1. 续写词数应为150左右:
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Therefore he took me by the hand and walked out of the store.
    I remember riding with him another day when he accidentally drove past a stop sign.
    Therefore he took me by the hand and walked out of the store. This was the first time I had seen Dad so furious. The experience revealed to me at a very early age that my father had not adjusted to the system, and he played a great part in shaping my conscience. I still remember walking down the street beside him as he muttered, "I don't care how long I have to live with this system. I will never accept it." And he never has.
    I remember riding with him another day when he accidentally drove past a stop sign. A policeman pulled up to the car and said:" All right, boy, pull over and let me see your license." My father instantly retorted:" Let me make it clear to you that you aren't talking to a boy. If you persist in referring to me as boy, I will be forced to act as if I don't hear a word you are saying." The policeman was so shocked in hearing a Negro talk to him so forthrightly that he didn't quite know how to respond. He nervously wrote the ticket and left the scene as quickly as possible.
    ①透露:revealed / disclose / impart
    ②.发挥作用:play a part in / play a role in
    ③.反驳:retorted / refute / disprove
    ①.生气的:furious / angry / annoyed
    ②.震惊的:shocked / startled/surprised
    [高分句型1]. If you persist in referring to me as boy, I will be forced to act as if I don't hear a word you are saying.(运用了if引导的条件状语从句。)
    [高分句型2]. The policeman was so shocked in hearing a Negro talk to him so forthrightly that he didn't quite know how to respond.(运用了so...that…引导的结果状语从句。)


    专题 09 话题分类+户外探险(人与自然)--2023年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵: 这是一份专题 09 话题分类+户外探险(人与自然)--2023年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵,共25页。

    专题 08 话题分类+人与动物(人与自然)--2023年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵: 这是一份专题 08 话题分类+人与动物(人与自然)--2023年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵,共30页。试卷主要包含了 请在答题卡的相应位置作答等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    专题 07 话题分类+精神与品格、哲理与感悟(人与自我)--2023年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵: 这是一份专题 07 话题分类+精神与品格、哲理与感悟(人与自我)--2023年新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵,共31页。

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