If you are in the market looking for a new bike, maybe you would like to consider this bicycle. The brainchild of Israeli inventor Izhar Gafni, the fully functional bike that costs just $ 10 to make, is made entirely of cardboard (硬纸板).
Mr. Gafni came up with the idea after he heard about a working canoe that had been made of cardboard. However, when he suggested the idea to engineers, they all told him that it was impossible. Not ready to accept failure, Mr. Gafni decided to try to build one himself. However, the task turned out to be harder than he had thought. Considering that the cardboard is normally used to make just boxes, there was not much idea on how to even get started.
While being able to get the design right, his biggest difficulty was to create a bike strong enough to carry a rider of almost any size and weight. After experimenting with several choices he found out that by using the Japanese principals of origami (折纸) he could increase the weight the cardboard can bear. Therefore, he made the bike strong enough to carry a real rider. He then had to figure out a coating that would protect the bike in all kinds of weather conditions. While getting it right took a few models, the final result is a new bike coated with a finish ( 抛 光 ) that gives it the look and feel of lightweight plastic. It can carry as much as 485 pounds.
Mr. Gafni is now working with some businessmen to get his cardboard creation into stores by late 2018. Considering that it costs only $10 to make the entire bike, he believes that the finished product could be sold for at least $80- $90, which makes it the coolest, cheapest, most eco-friendly bike in the world!
1.What does the underlined word “brainchild” mean? (1 word)
2.What made Mr. Gafni have the idea of making a bike of cardboard? (no more than 10 words)
3.Why did Mr. Gafni use the Japanese principals of origami to make his bike? (no more than 15 words)
4.What are the characteristics of Mr. Gafni’s bike? (no more than 15 words)
5.Please explain how you are encouraged by Izhar Gafni. (no more than 20 words)
My dad is a kind, gentle man, and a man of few words. Throughout my life, he offered advice rarely. But the words were always appropriate to the situation. I was facing.
As a teen when I struggled with making sense of the world around me, he said, “All things are relative.” He taught me the right view of the world. When I was offered the opportunity to be a manager of an organization as an undergraduate student, I asked him for advice because he was a senior manager of a large company. His advice was simple, “Only when you become the manager can you have a vision for how you can make the organization better; management isn’t about power and it’s about leadership.” I learned what I needed was to be responsible for my team. On top of that, it is essential to have leading ability. When I was feeling down, he explained, “Think that you make the wrong choices in life, sometimes.”
My dad is 86 now, living on his own and enjoying life while struggling with the challenges that aging brings. He keeps a positive attitude despite long pain and the losses that come in life.
Although we live quite far away from each other, we talk daily on the phone, and he shares the joys of my young family. As I tell him how we’re heading off cycling or on a trip or out to play tennis, now his typical response is, “Do it while you can.” This is very important. We can’t be sure of the future. My father’s advice is like the ancient dictum(格言) of “carpe diem”—seize the day and enjoy it to the fullest.
My dad rarely “lectured me”. He trusted me, and helped me when I needed help. His patience and wisdom have been true gifts in my life. As I doubt my ability and my motivation, I recall his most recent gift of wisdom, “Do it while you can”. It’s enough to “just get me started”
6.Why did the author’s dad tell him “All things are relative.”?(No more than 10words)
7.What qualities should a manager have according to the author?(No more than 5words)
8.What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph?(No more than 15 words)
9.How do you understand the underlined part in the last paragraph?(No more than 5words)
10.What inspiration can you get from the passage?(No more than 20 words)
A Bridge Linking Art and the Audience
According to a 2018 report, people aged between 16 and 24 make up about 15 percent of the population but only 10 percent of museum-goers. Similarly, people aged over 35 go half as much as you would expect from their population size. We have reached the point of recognising the disconnection between art and the audience but haven’t yet determined how to bridge the gap. Two answers to tackling this challenge lie in telling a greater diversity of art histories and communicating these stories in more accessible ways.
In 2018, a radio program called Art Matters was started with the aim of discussing art from a pop-culture viewpoint with topics that would engage younger and more diverse audience. It offers an accessible pathway to art history with conversations on different topics. Art history is about storytelling; art content shines when there is an effort to bring audience along for the discussion.
More traditional institutions are paying attention. Recently the Getty Museum issued a social-media challenge for people to recreate paintings using items they had at home. Users displayed incredible creativity, and the museum was flooded with submissions. This reaction proves that there is a potential desire for the audience to engage with art topics if the format is appealing. Since many people feel intimidated and think that there’s a base level of understanding required to join the conversation, the Getty initiative serves as a reminder that there are many pathways to engaging with it.
Another result of the Getty challenge was the exposure given to a diversity of artworks. The famous opera singer Peter Brathwaite, for example, made scores of attractive recreations highlighting centuries of black paintings. His efforts opposed the idea that there were not many historical paintings of black figures. It is extremely important that we do a better job of showing the complex and diverse stories that are represented in art.
Social media have offered a platform for people who have not traditionally had a seat at the table. Anyone can recognise a gap in the field and address it. Accounts have gathered tens of thousands of followers. They are the proof that there is hunger to hear these art histories, and these themes work brilliantly for museum programming.
But there is only so much that can be done without the museums and galleries changing meaningfully from within. We need to see a better balance of these stories represented in permanent collections. We also need a much wider diversity of people and interests represented on board. Ensuring that art-and writing and talking about art-is able to continue on the rising generation of storytellers, inside and outside of institutions, getting the funding and support they need to paint a brighter picture for the part.
11.What challenge is the author trying to tackle? (No more than 10 words)
12.What does the underlined word “intimidated” in Paragraph 3 probably mean? (1 word)
13.In the author’s opinion, what should the museums and galleries do? (No more than 6 words)
14.What difficulties can we conclude common audience are faced with? (No more than 10 words)
15.What role does art play in your life? Why do you think so? (No more than 20 words)
Millions of people were watching a video of a 5-year-old girl from the U.S. state of Colorado completing an obstacle course at her home.
Gavin MacCall and his daughter Lylah are fans of the popular television show “American Ninja Warrior” on which competitors try to complete obstacle courses as fast as possible by climbing ladders, using ropes to swing across pools of water and running to the top of walls.
In 2015, when Lylah was 4, her father designed her first obstacle course. Lylah started in one part of the house then she worked her way across pieces of furniture, walked on bridges of narrow boards, climbed kitchen cupboards and traveled over waste containers to make it to the finish. Gavin MacCall provided the narration and crowd noises, just like on television. At one point, the family’s cat became an obstacle! Earlier this year, MacCall posted new images on Facebook that suggested a new project. He was building another obstacle course, but this time, it was outside the house.
Late last week MacCall posted another video in which Lylah wears a T-shirt that reads “Girls are superstars” and raises her fist over her head before starting the course. The course is tough for her since it even includes a zip line on which Lylah slides over a line of her toys.
The video lasts a little more than two minutes. Lylah is unruffled and confident throughout. The camera sometimes shows an audience of toys. At the end of the video, Lylah runs up a wall-the final obstacle. After that she hits the bell to complete the event. Lylah is victorious! The crowd cheers. Gavin MacCall’s video has had more than 60 million views.
16.What inspired Gavin MacCall to design an obstacle course for his daughter?(no more than 5 words)
17.How did Gavin MacCall make his obstacle course as real as possible? (no more than 8 words)
18.Why did the author said the course is hard for his daughter?(no more than 15 words)
19.What does the underlined word “unruffled” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?(1 word)
20.What do you think of the author? Please explain.(no more than 25 words)
I recently returned from a language study trip to Seoul, Korea, where I had a great time but also experienced some culture shock. Luckily, I had learned about the three phases (阶段) of culture shock before. More importantly, I had learned that they would pass.
Phase one of culture shock is excitement at being in a new and different place. Nothing is boring; everything is interesting every day. I found in Seoul how interesting it is to be in a foreign country, where almost everyone looked different from me and people spoke a different language, how fun it is to have the chance to practice the language in stores and restaurants, and how great it is to order delicious Korean food for a reasonable price and pay no tip!
Then, phase two sets in. That’s when the excitement wears off, and you begin to feel the frustrations (挫折) of living in a foreign culture. I could speak to people in short phrases and sentences, comment on the weather, or get simple directions. But I couldn’t really talk. I had a hard time finding what I needed. Besides, Korean food became dull to me after a while.
I began to find ways to deal with my issues, which is the third phase of culture shock. I found things I liked, things in the foreign culture that made life pleasant. I loved the baths in Korea—so relaxing. So I went to the Dragon Hill Spa in Seoul. I became a frequent visitor to a nice coffee shop. I went to see the palace with a Secret Garden, which sounded attractive. I did not, however, go to all the palaces, temples or museums. That would have been boring for me.
The other part of Phase 3 is acceptance. I wanted to bury myself in Korean culture, but I did not love everything. I had to accept that reality. Knowing what I didn’t like, then accepting it, made me enjoy more what I did like.
21.Why did the author go to Korea? (no more than 5 words)
22.What does the underlined words in Paragraph 3 probably mean? (1 word)
23.Why was the author frustrated in Korea? (no more than 10 words)
24.How did the author get to enjoy his life in Korea? (no more than 10 words)
25.Would you like to study abroad? Please explain. (no more than 20 words)
When my friends went to college in great delight, I restarted my senior high school life. My spirit sank. Surrounded by strange classmates, I felt like I was in a maze and was sorry about myself. There were some complex feelings in my minds. I was frightened, nervous and lonely.
To make matters worse, I recalled my failure again and again, which put more pressure on me than I could bear. As a result, I was always feeling down during class time.
My teacher found me spiritless. One day he asked me to come to his office and told me about his attitude towards life: we might suffer from mistakes, but it’s important to learn lessons from them. All the pains and the embarrassing things we experience are part of the process. So keep up your spirit! At last, he added, “If you are optimistic, things you want may happen to you!”
Warmth rushed through my soul. I suddenly found the sun shining again when I stepped out of his office.
With the teacher’s help, I eventually got over my depression. From then on, I no longer bowed my head and began smiling to my classmates. I would put up my hand confidently in class and play with my new friends in my spare time. Meanwhile, I was gradually embraced by my classmates.
Now faced with fierce competition, we all study hard because we know that every second counts. Moreover, there is an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect between us. I love my class; I love my classmates!
To be frank, I still have a thirst for my dream university, but I’m not afraid of failure because I can profit by it. With parents and teachers’ encouragement, I’m quite certain of my success and I’m sure I can fly high.
26.Why was the writer in low spirits at the beginning? (No more than 10 words)
27.What did the teacher expect the writer to do? (No more than 10 words)
28.What is the main idea of Paragraph 5? (No more than 15 words)
29.What does the underlined word “embraced” in paragraph 5 mean? (No more than 1 words)
30.What do you think of failure? Please explain (No more than 25 words)
My family moved into a newly constructed home in Calgary 10 years ago. That year was full of promise. We waved at the stream of incoming families during their move-in days. Hands were shaken. Couches (沙发) were hauled (拖) up steps. But we saw less of each other as winter approached. Names were forgotten.
As the snow melted, many of the neighborhood’s kids began to learn how to ride a bike. Their mothers would be nearby, sitting and chatting on the roadside. Dad wanted a place for children to play, a quiet place for parents to sit and relax, but more importantly, a reason for everyone to leave the house and join the community. He began imagining benches.
He started knocking on doors and reshaking hands with the neighbors. When Construction began with me and my father hauling pieces of wood and steel out of his truck, within minutes there was a crowd of young neighbors at hand, each claiming they could help. None of us knew each other well, but all hands were on deck. Jeff ran to the garage to grab his drill (钻孔机). Brian held the boards together while I dug through the toolbox in search of a wrench (扳手). Charlie measured and marked locations on the ground for drilling.
After a few hours, three benches formed a semi-circle on the street. They were the perfect place to sit and be with the neighbors, have a coffee in the morning or have a beer after work.
That afternoon marked the first of many weekend Neighbor Days when weather permitted. Kids raced each other around while parents brought out food. Later in the evening, someone put a firepit in the center of the benches so that the conversations would carry on into the night. We often ended up there the following afternoon, as well as countless afternoons and evenings in the years since.
I moved out for university four years ago, having learned to emotionally value community. But I’ve never lived somewhere as social as my family neighborhood since. Just as the saying goes, you must be a good neighbor to have good neighbors. My dad wasn’t thinking much about building those benches. He just wanted a place to sit on a Saturday afternoon, a place to bring the community together.
31.How did the neighborhood react when new families moved in? (No more than 5 words.)
32.Why did the author’s father want to build the benches? (No more than 10 words.)
33.How do you understand the underlined sentence in the third paragraph? (No more than 10 words.)
34.What does Paragraph 5 mainly talk about? (No more than 15 words.)
35.What will you do to benefit your community? Please explain the reason. (No more than 20 words)
Putting on weight could be a side-effect of loneliness, research suggests. Women, who feel lonely, are hungrier, and they even find a big meal less satisfying. This could be the body’s way of telling them to seek company, for eating has been a sociable activity throughout human evolution.
The researchers asked 42 women not to eat overnight, and then gave them a large breakfast. The women rated their hunger before and after their meal and blood samples which revealed their levels of ghrelin --- the “hunger hormone (激素)”. As expected, levels of ghrelin fell after eating and then started to rise. However, the rise was much quicker in the lonely women, and they made much more of the hormone. They also said they felt hungrier. They said: “The need for social connection is essential to human nature. As a result, people may feel hungrier when they feel socially disconnected.”
Interestingly, loneliness only makes thin women hungrier. It has no effect on the appetite of those who are corpulent. It isn’t clear why this is, but it is possible that the shame related with being fat makes socializing less valuable for them. Other studies suggest you should choose your company carefully at mealtimes. It has been shown that we tend to mimic (模仿) our dining companion’s eating habits, taking mouthfuls at the same time and eating more when our companion does. The link with appetite could help explain the range of devastating effects loneliness can have on health.
Being cut off from friends and family can raise blood pressure, stress and the risk of depression, as well as weakening the immune system (免疫系统) and a person’s resistance to disease (早老性痴呆). Overall, loneliness is as damaging as smoking or not exercising.
36.How will the lonely people react, according to Paragraph 1? (no more than 5 words)
37.What does the body want to tell by being hungry? (no more than 7 words)
38.What is essential to human nature? (no more than 5 words)
39.What does the underlined word “corpulent” probably mean? (1 word )
40.What do you tend to do while feeling lonely? (no more than 30 words)
When I was a kid, if someone told me that I would grow up to become a published author and founder of a youth literacy (读写能力)foundation, I would have laughed and kept walking. Even now when I see the title of my latest picture book, My Very Favorite Book in the Whole Wide World, I shake my head, not quite believing that book has my name on it. But the truth is, this story comes from my own personal experience.
It took me a very long time to find my personal reading voice. In Valdosta, GA, where I grew up, my community promoted two pathways to a better life for little boys like me: being an athlete and being an entertainer. I was no different than the other kids, so I did what felt natural: Play football and overlook school. School presented challenges every day and so did football practice, but overcoming physical adversity was on trend with my neighborhood’s culture. Reading books not so much.
Fortunately, I went to college. That’s where my reading struggles really appeared. Trips to the grocery store were stressful because there was so much reading involved in the simple act of buying food. I would misread labels and grab the wrong items. Once, I picked up apple sauce thinking it was apple slices. I didn’t notice my mistake until I got home and realized that it was my inability to understand the differences in the wording on the labels that caused the mistake. I realized that I needed to make an important decision. If I wanted to be a better version of me, I had to become a stronger reader
I joined a book club and read every free moment I had. My journey with reading also created a desire in me to inspire others who struggle with reading. So I started a nonprofit, Share the Magic Foundation, trying to transform the lives of children living in underserved communities through literacy.
41.How does the author feel about his new book? (No more than 10 words)
42.Why did the author ignore reading when he was a little boy? (No more than 12 words)
43.What is the 3rd paragraph mainly about? (No more than 10 words)
44.What does the underlined word “adversity” mean? (No more than 2 words)
45.What do you think of reading? And why? (No more than 25 words.)
Imagine a world with no more wild animals: no elephants, no giraffes and no lions.
To some people, that thought is too terrible, so they are doing something about it. Being surrounded by wild animals — feeding them and caring for them — is all Tiffany Soechting has ever wanted to do all her life. And that is exactly what she does.
Soechting is the human “mother” to the 500 animals that live on her family’s wildlife farm. On the farm, she cares for creatures from every continent except Antarctica (南极洲).
Visitors get a chance not only to see these creatures there, but also to feed them, And the animals are not against that. For them, people and the special vehicles used on the farm are part of their natural environment. “When you come here, the animals are walking around freely like they would if they were in their native homeland. And you can touch them,” said Soechting. “For the most part, the majority of them were born and grew up here. But even when we bring them in — like if we bring a new male in the rest of the herd (兽群) is comfortable with what is going on.”
Tourists are not the only people to visit the farm. Many schools come for field trips all throughout the year, so it is a place of education as well as conservation. But for Soechting, the farm is simply home, and it has been for many generations.
As the animals walk peacefully around, it is easy to forget that a busy city is just a few minutes away. Tiffany Soechting and the 500 animals do not seem to give it a second thought.
46.What does Tiffany Soechting do?
47.What can visitors do on Soechting’s family farm?
48.How do animals feel about the visit?
49.Apart from animal conservation, what else can people do on the farm?
50.What does the sentence “Tiffany Soechting and the 500 animals do not seem to give it a second thought” in the last paragraph mean?
Aesha Ash spent most of her life ballet (芭蕾舞) dancing and even turned it into a career as a member of the New York City Ballet. As much as she loved to dance, she found the weight of her responsibility heavy because she was often the only African American ballerina (芭蕾舞女演员) in her classes and company.
After retiring (退休) from ballet in 2007, Aesha enjoyed the quiet life for more than ten years before she decided to come back to ballet, but in a completely new way. She started The Swan Dreams Project that helps kids in poor areas get into the world of ballet.
Aesha set up a one-week camp that invited kids to not only learn the basics of ballet, but also get an introduction to French (since she says it is “the language of ballet”).
Her first camp was in 2018 in a poor neighborhood in New York. When she arrived she was greeted by dozens of students, most of whom were African Americans. She wanted to help kids who otherwise might not have ever had the chance to live in the world of ballet.
On the final day of camp, after a week of learning, the students put on a final performance for their family and friends. Before the performance, Aesha said she was nervous that it would be less of a performance and more of a mess, since the campers were all between 8 and 11 years old. Much to her surprise, it turned out to be perfect. She said, “When we went out to our first circle and the kids began counting in French and performing the steps they had just learned, my heart melted.”
Aesha continues to do whatever she can to help kids learn ballet. She found a way to turn that seemingly unbearable weight she once carried around into something good for kids, as well as for the world of ballet.
51.What does the underlined word in Paragraph 1 probably mean? (1 word)
52.When did Aesha decide to start The Swan Dreams Project? (no more than 10 words)
53.Where was Aesha’s one-week camp first held? (no more than 10 words)
54.Why was Aesha surprised on the final day of her first camp? (no more than 10 words)
55.What kind of person is Aesha? Please explain or give an example. (no more than 20 words)
Roy Austin first experienced an African adventure in 2018. All he wanted to do was get close to some African wildlife. Although Roy did realize this dream, he found something even more meaningful in Africa.
Roy spent time in many countries throughout East Africa. He was most interested in the people of rural Kenya, especially people of the Amboseli Primary and Secondary School.
During his stay, Roy became friends with several students and teachers at the school. He was deeply touched by their positive attitude, even though it was hard for them to get books and other school supplies. Even finding basic stationary was a challenge, not to mention the lack of school buildings.
In rural Kenya, school buildings are not built by the government. Students, their parents, and teachers find materials and build the schools themselves, or they have to raise money to get builders’ help. Without schools, buildings like libraries and classrooms are just dreams. The students and teachers of the schools very much wanted a library or at least some books to read.
After returning home to South Carolina in the United States, the Kenyan students’ yearning for something as seemingly “basic” as books to read still worried Roy. He decided to do whatever he could to help these children. So he started the organization Libraries for Kids International.
Since it was started, Roy has shipped over 11,000 books to 11 schools in African countries, including Kenya and Tanzania. To keep costs down, he uses the post office to send the books instead of a carrier like FedEx. The organization has helped to supply these schools with much-needed books, which brought Roy much happiness. He plans to continue shipping books to Africa.
56.What was the main purpose of Roy’s 2018 trip to Africa? (no more than 5 words.)
57.Who built school buildings in rural Kenya?(no more than 15 words)
58.What can the underlined word “yearning” in paragraph 5 be replaced by?(no more than 5 words)
59.What is the main idea of the passage?(no more than 15 words).
60.What do you think of Roy? And why?(no more than 25 words).
I had many experiences studying in groups. But the most impressive experience for me was an English singing competition.
Last term, we had to sing an English song in groups in the singing competition. The song our team chose was Try Everything.
Although most of the team members quickly learned the melody (曲调), there were still a few students who couldn’t sing it or were too shy to sing it in public. So, we taught those who couldn’t sing and encouraged those who were very shy. Finally, we sang it really well and got first prize.
From this experience, I realized that studying in groups has a lot of superiority. Everyone has advantages and disadvantages. When we work in teams, we can learn from each other and fill in teaming gaps. Also, it’s easy to give up when studying alone. And with each other’s encouragement,. We’ll be more likely to be able to persist. What’s more, when we discuss in groups, we can learn how to communicate with others and achieve the team goals together.
Just as the saying goes, “Alone we can run faster, but together we can go further?” So, let’s enjoy group study!
61.Which experience made the author feel it memorable in group learning? (no more than 5 words)
62.How did the team members overcome the difficulties? (no more than 10 words)
63.What does the underlined word “superiority” refer to? (1 word)
64.What’s the main idea of the 4th paragraph? (no more than 10 words)
65.Do you like group learning? And give your recons. (no more than 25 words)
Dear Tom,
I’m writing to you from a small town in South America. I’m involved in a volunteer program here. At an orphanage I’m working with the children of all ages, from small babies of just a few months old, to older children up to the age of about 14. I play with the babies, feed them, bathe them, and generally take care of them. As to the older children I teach them colouring, painting and do art and craft activities with them.
One of the most rewarding things about this experience is being a small part of the children’s lives. I have had the most amazing experiences here, including helping one of the babies learn to walk. She was only crawling when I first arrived and now she can walk by herself. I will never forget the day when she called me “mama”. I was surprised because she was attached to me so quickly.
Every day is a new experience. Every day brings more smiles and teaches me so much about myself as well as the children. The children’s happy faces will stay with me forever.
I would describe my overall experience as absolutely amazing. I really love everything about the programme. It has given me the best experience that I can never get anywhere else. In two years time I hope to do another volunteer work at a center here for people who have HIV/AIDS. Together with other volunteers I hope to share our common love with them.
How are you getting on recently? Do you have any interest in doing some volunteer work? I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
66.What does Joan do for the older children at an orphanage? (no more than 15 words)
67.What was one of the most rewarding things about Joan’s volunteer experience according to the passage? (no more than 10 words)
68.What does the underlined words “was attached to” mean in English? (no more than 3 words)
69.How does Joan like his volunteer experience? (no more than 10words)
70.If you were Tom, would you agree with Joan’s invitation, and why?
1.Invention/ Creation/ Bike
2.A working canoe that had been made of cardboard.
3.Because it could increase the weight the cardboard can bear.
4.It is the coolest, cheapest, most eco-friendly bike in the world.
5.I am encouraged by his creation and his strong desire to succeed.
1.考查词义猜测。根据划线词前一句“If you are in the market looking for a new bike, maybe you would like to consider this bicycle. ”(如果你正在市场上寻找一辆新自行车,也许你会考虑这辆自行车。)可知,划线词这里指代上文的bike;也可结合划线词所在句“inventor Izhar Gafni”推知,划线词指发明家 Izhar Gafni的“发明物/创造物”,故答案为:Invention/ Creation/ Bike。
2.考查细节理解。根据第二段第一句“Mr. Gafni came up with the idea after he heard about a working canoe that had been made of cardboard. ”(加夫尼先生听说有一条用硬纸板做的独木舟可以工作,于是想出了这个主意。)可知,Gafni 想出这个主意源于自己听说过用硬纸板做的独木舟可以工作。故答案为:A working canoe that had been made of cardboard.
3.考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中“After experimenting with several choices he found out that by using the Japanese principals of origami (折纸) he could increase the weight the cardboard can bear. Therefore, he made the bike strong enough to carry a real rider.”(在做了几个选择之后,他发现通过使用日本的折纸原理,他可以增加纸板所承受的重量。因此,他使自行车强大到足以携带一个真正的骑手。)可知,Gafni发现使用日本的折纸原理,可以增加纸板所承受的重量,足以携带一个真正的骑手。故答案为:Because it could increase the weight the cardboard can bear.
4.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中“Considering that it costs only $10 to make the entire bike, he believes that the finished product could be sold for at least $80- $90, which makes it the coolest, cheapest, most eco-friendly bike in the world!”(考虑到制造整辆自行车只需要10美元,他认为最终产品至少可以卖到80-90美元,这使得它成为世界上最酷、最便宜、最环保的自行车!)可知,Gafni的自行车是世界上最酷、最便宜、最环保的自行车!故答案为:It is the coolest, cheapest, most eco-friendly bike in the world.
5.开放题,言之有理即可。通读全文可知,本文讲述了Gafni研制一款新的自行车的过程。在他最初向工程师们提出这个想法时,工程师们都告诉他这是不可能的。然而Gafni并没有放弃,通过众多的实验选择,他使用了日本的折纸原理,做出了世界上最酷、最便宜、最环保的自行车!因而,这种创造精神和对成功的渴望对我鼓励很大,故答案为:I am encouraged by his creation and his strong desire to succeed.
6.To teach the author the right view of the world.
7.Responsibility and leading ability/leadership.
8.The author’s father encourages him to seize the day and enjoy it to the fullest.
9.Make him/me take action.
10.Open.(Answers may vary) One version:One should seize the day to enjoy his or her life without regret.
6.考查细节理解。根据文章第二段“As a teen when I struggled with making sense of the world around me, he said, “All things are relative.” He taught me the right view of the world.(十几岁的时候,当我努力理解周围的世界时,他说:“所有事物都是相对的。”他教会了我正确的世界观。)”可知,作者的父亲是为了告诉他正确的世界观。故答案为To teach the author the right view of the world.
7.考查细节理解。根据文章第二段“I learned what I needed was to be responsible for my team. On top of that, it is essential to have leading ability. (我知道我需要的是对我的团队负责。最重要的是,有领导能力是必不可少的。)”可知,作者认识到作为领导需要的能力就是对自己的团队负责,要有责任感;还要有领导力。故答案为Responsibility and leading ability/leadership.
8.考查主旨大意。根据文章第四段“Although we live quite far away from each other, we talk daily on the phone, and he shares the joys of my young family.(虽然我们住得很远,但我们每天都打电话,他分享我们年轻家庭的快乐。)”以及“We can’t be sure of the future. My father’s advice is like the ancient dictum of “carpe diem”—seize the day and enjoy it to the fullest.(我们不能确定未来。我父亲的建议就像那句古老的格言“及时行乐”——抓住每一天,尽情享受。)”可知,本段主要讲述了作者跟其父亲保持联系,且父亲鼓励作者要及时行乐,抓住每一天。故答案为The author’s father encourages him to seize the day and enjoy it to the fullest.
9.考查推理判断。根据文章最后一段“As I doubt my ability and my motivation, I recall his most recent gift of wisdom, “Do it while you can”.(当我怀疑自己的能力和动力时,我想起了他最近的智慧礼物:“趁你还能做的时候去做”。)”可知,作者父亲的话总是激励着作者采取行动,不断前行。故答案为Make him/me take action.
10.本题为开放性答案。可结合文章文章第四段“We can’t be sure of the future. My father’s advice is like the ancient dictum of “carpe diem”—seize the day and enjoy it to the fullest.(我们不能确定未来。我父亲的建议就像那句古老的格言“及时行乐”——抓住每一天,尽情享受。)”总结从本文中得到的启发。故答案可以为One should seize the day to enjoy his or her life without regret.
11.Art appears too distant from common audience.
13.Change meaningfully for activities from within.
14.Lacking the channels to understand and talk about art history.
15.Art is an essential part in my life, because it can cultivate my sentiments, improve my personal cultivation.
11.考查细节理解。根据文章第一段“We have reached the point of recognising the disconnection between art and the audience but haven’t yet determined how to bridge the gap. Two answers to tackling this challenge lie in telling a greater diversity of art histories and communicating these stories in more accessible ways.(我们已经认识到艺术与观众之间的脱节,但还没有确定如何弥合这一差距。应对这一挑战的两个答案在于讲述更多样化的艺术史,并以更容易理解的方式传播这些故事。)”可知在作者看来艺术离普通观众太远了,所以作者想要解决这个挑战。故答案为Art appears too distant from common audience.
12.考查词句猜测。根据文章第三段“This reaction proves that there is a potential desire for the audience to engage with art topics if the format is appealing.(这种反应证明,如果形式有吸引力,观众就有参与艺术主题的潜在愿望。)”以及划线词后“Since many people think that there’s a base level of understanding required to join the conversation, the Getty initiative serves as a reminder that there are many pathways to engaging with it.(尽管很多人认为参与对话需要有一个基本的理解水平,但Getty的倡议提醒我们,参与对话有很多途径。)”可以推测许多人之所以不愿意参与艺术主题是因为在他们看来参与艺术主题需要有一个基本的理解水平,而这正是普通观众所缺乏的,所以他们肯定会担心,由此可见划线词意思应与形容词worried的意思相近。故答案为Worried.
13.考查推理判断。根据文章第三段“This reaction proves that there is a potential desire for the audience to engage with art topics if the format is appealing.(这种反应证明,如果形式有吸引力,观众就有参与艺术主题的潜在愿望。)”以及最后一段首句“But there is only so much that can be done without the museums and galleries changing meaningfully from within.(但如果博物馆和画廊不从内部做出有意义的改变,我们能做的也就这么多了。)”可以推断在作者看来博物馆和艺术画廊应该从内部做出改变才能吸引普通观众。故答案为Change meaningfully for activities from within.
14.考查推理判断。根据文章第一段“We have reached the point of recognising the disconnection between art and the audience but haven’t yet determined how to bridge the gap. (我们已经认识到艺术与观众之间的脱节,但还没有确定如何弥合这一差距。)以及第二段 “It offers an accessible pathway to art history with conversations on different topics.(它通过不同主题的对话为艺术史提供了一条无障碍的途径。)”以及第三段“Since many people feel intimidated and think that there’s a base level of understanding required to join the conversation, the Getty initiative serves as a reminder that there are many pathways to engaging with it.(由于许多人感到害怕,认为参与对话需要有基本的理解水平,Getty的倡议提醒人们,参与对话的途径有很多。)”可知普通观众面临的困难是缺乏理解和谈论艺术的渠道。故答案为Lacking the channels to understand and talk about art history.
15.开放性试题。Art is an essential part in my life, because it can cultivate my sentiments and improve my personal cultivation.
16.A popular TV show.
17.By adding narration and crowd noises.
18.Because she was so young and the course includes a zip line.
20.I think the author is a person who is good at challenges. Because the author designed her daughter’s first obstacle course after seeing the show.
16.考查细节理解。根据第二段“Gavin MacCall and his daughter Lylah are fans of the popular television show “American Ninja Warrior” on which competitors try to complete obstacle courses as fast as possible by climbing ladders, using ropes to swing across pools of water and running to the top of walls.”(Gavin MacCall和他的女儿Lylah是热门电视节目“美国忍者战士”的粉丝,在这个节目中,选手们试图通过爬梯子、用绳子在水池上摇摆和跑到墙的顶部来尽快完成障碍赛。)可知,一个受欢迎的电视节目激发了Gavin MacCall为他的女儿设计障碍训练场。故答案为A popular TV show.
17.考查细节理解。根据第三段中“Gavin MacCall provided the narration and crowd noises, just like on television.”(Gavin MacCall提供了旁白和人群的噪音,就像在电视上一样。)可知,Gavin MacCall通过添加旁白和人群噪音让他的障碍跑尽可能真实。故答案为By adding narration and crowd noises.
18.考查细节理解。根据第三段的“In 2015, when Lylah was 4, her father designed her first obstacle course. (2015年,莱拉4岁时,她的父亲设计了她的第一个障碍赛道)”和“Earlier this year, MacCall posted new images on Facebook that suggested a new project. He was building another obstacle course, but this time, it was outside the house.(今年早些时候,MacCall在Facebook上发布了新的图片,暗示了一个新项目。他正在建造另一个障碍赛道,但这次是在屋外)”第四段中“The course is tough for her since it even includes a zip line on which Lylah slides over a line of her toys.”(该赛道对她来说很艰难,因为它甚至包括一个滑索,Lylah在上面滑过一排玩具。)可知,作者说该赛道对他的女儿来说很难是因为她太年轻了,而且赛道还包括滑索。故答案为Because she was so young and the course includes a zip line.
20.考查主观评价。根据文章大意可知,Gavin MacCall在看到一档电视节目之后,决定让自己的女儿也接受类似的挑战,从而可以认为Gavin MacCall是一个善于挑战的人。故答案为I think the author is a person who is good at challenges. Because the author designed her daughter’s first obstacle course after seeing the show.
21.Learn Korean.
23.The author couldn’t talk with people in Korean fluently.
24.Find things in the foreign culture that made life pleasant.
25.I want to study abroad. Because studying abroad would be an interesting experience and a great support for my future.
21.考查细节理解。由第一段中的“I recently returned from a language study trip to Seoul, Korea, where I had a great time but also experienced some culture shock. (我最近从韩国首尔的语言学习旅行回来,在那里我度过了一段美好的时光,但也经历了一些文化冲击)”可知,作者去韩国是为了学习韩语。故答案为:Learn Korean.
22.考查词句猜测。由第三段中的“That’s when the excitement wears off, and you begin to feel the frustrations (挫折) of living in a foreign culture. (这时,兴奋感wears off,你开始感受到生活在异国文化中的挫败感)”可知,作者开始感受到生活在异国文化中的挫败感,侧面说明作者在国外的兴奋感逐渐消失,可得出“wears off”意为“消失”。故答案为:Disappear.
23.考查细节理解。由第三段中的“I could speak to people in short phrases and sentences, comment on the weather, or get simple directions. But I couldn’t really talk. (我可以用简短的短语和句子与人交谈,评论天气,或获得简单的指示。但我不能真正与人交谈)”可知,作者在韩国感到沮丧,是因为作者无法用韩语与人顺利交谈。故答案为:The author couldn’t talk with people in Korean fluently.
24.考查细节理解。由第四段中的“I found things I liked, things in the foreign culture that made life pleasant. (我发现了我喜欢的东西,外国文化中让生活愉快的东西)”可知,作者通过找到外国文化中让生活愉快的东西,来享受在韩国的生活。故答案为:Find things in the foreign culture that made life pleasant.
25.考查开放答题。考生结合自身实际,谈谈自己是否想出国学习及其理由,注意词数限制。故答案为:I want to study abroad. Because studying abroad would be an interesting experience and a great support for my future.
26.Because he could not go to college.
27.The teacher expected him to be optimistic.
28.With the teacher’s help, he eventually got over his depression.
30.I think failure is the mother of success because we can benefit a lot from failure and thus make necessary improvements to achieve success.
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了朋友们在去上大学的时候,作者重新开始了高中生活,面对陌生的同学和环境, 作者很失落。在老师的帮助和鼓励之下,重拾信心,保持乐观,勇敢面对失败,对未来大学依旧充满向往。
26.考查细节理解。根据文章第一段话“When my friends went to college in great delight, I restarted my senior high school life. My spirit sank.(当我的朋友们兴高采烈地上大学时,我重新开始了我的高中生活。我的精神萎靡不振。)”可知,作者心情低落是因为自己的朋友们兴高采烈地上了大学,而作者重新开始了高中生活,无法和朋友们一样去上大学。故答案为Because he could not go to college.
27.考查细节理解。根据文章第三段话“If you are optimistic, things you want may happen to you!(如果你乐观,你想要的事情可能会发生在你身上!)”可知,老师希望作者能够乐观起来。故答案为The teacher expected him to be optimistic.
28.考查主旨大意。根据文章第五段话“With the teacher’s help, I eventually got over my depression.(在老师的帮助下,我终于克服了抑郁。)”可知,本段后文内容围绕主旨句进行了详细的阐述说明。故答案为With the teacher’s help, he eventually got over his depression.
29.考查词义猜测。根据第五段前句“From then on, I no longer bowed my head and began smiling to my classmates. I would put up my hand confidently in class and play with my new friends in my spare time.(从那时起,我不再低头,开始对我的同学微笑。我会在课堂上自信地举手,在业余时间和我的新朋友们一起玩耍。)”可知,作者与新同学和谐相处,与人微笑,自信举手回答问题。这些都是能够被人接受,逐渐成为朋友的行为。由此可知,“embraced”可理解为“accepted/welcomed”。故答案为Accepted/Welcomed.
30.考查开放答题。根据文章最后一段话“To be frank, I still have a thirst for my dream university, but I’m not afraid of failure because I can profit by it. With parents and teachers’ encouragement, I’m quite certain of my success and I’m sure I can fly high.(坦白地说,我仍然渴望我梦想的大学,但我不怕失败,因为我可以从中受益。有了父母和老师的鼓励,我对自己的成功很有把握,我相信我能飞得很高。)”可知,作者想要表达的是不怕失败,保持乐观的人生态度。因此当面对失败时,要像作者一样勇敢面对,积极乐观,考生可以按此思路答题,如我认为失败是成功之母,因为我们可以从失败中受益匪浅,从而做出必要的改进以获得成功。故答案为I think failure is the mother of success because we can benefit a lot from failure and thus make necessary improvements to achieve success.
31.They were kind to them.
Or: They helped them.
Or: They welcomed them.
32.To make neighbors leave their house and join the community.
Or: For neighbors to stay connected.
33.We worked together/as a team/in cooperation.
Or: It was our joint effort.
34.Good memories neighbors spent together.
Or: What they did on the benches at the weekends.
Or: The benches brought the community together.
35.Any possible answer is OK. For example: I’ll build a care center in the community. People can take care of children and pets when neighbors are occupied.
31.细节理解题。根据第一段“We waved at the stream of incoming families during their move-in days.(在他们迁入的日子里,我们向涌入的家庭挥手致意。)”可知,当新家庭搬进来的时候,邻居们挥手致意,欢迎他们的到来。可见他们对新来的邻居很友好。故答案为They were kind to them. Or: They helped them. Or: They welcomed them.
32.细节理解题。根据第二段“Dad wanted a place for children to play, a quiet place for parents to sit and relax, but more importantly, a reason for everyone to leave the house and join the community. He began imagining benches. (爸爸想要一个让孩子们玩耍的地方,一个让父母坐下来放松的安静的地方,但更重要的是,一个让每个人都离开家,加入社区的理由。他开始想象长椅。)”可知,作者的父亲想要建造长凳,是为了让邻居们离开他们的家,加入社区。故答案为To make neighbors leave their house and join the community. Or: For neighbors to stay connected.
33.句意猜测题。根据第三段划线句前句“When Construction began with me and my father hauling pieces of wood and steel out of his truck, within minutes there was a crowd of young neighbors at hand, each claiming they could help. (施工开始时,我和父亲从他的卡车里拖出一些木片和钢材,几分钟内就有一群年轻的邻居来了,每个人都说他们可以帮忙。)”以及后文“Jeff ran to the garage to grab his drill (钻孔机). Brian held the boards together while I dug through the toolbox in search of a wrench (扳手). Charlie measured and marked locations on the ground for drilling.(杰夫跑到车库去拿他的电钻。当我在工具箱里翻来翻去找扳手的时候,布莱恩把木板放在一起。查理测量并标记了地面上的钻井地点。)”可知,虽然彼此都不熟,但所有人都一起合作。故答案为We worked together/as a team/in cooperation. Or: It was our joint effort.
34.主旨大意题。根据第五段“That afternoon marked the first of many weekend Neighbor Days when weather permitted. Kids raced each other around while parents brought out food. Later in the evening, someone put a firepit in the center of the benches so that the conversations would carry on into the night. We often ended up there the following afternoon, as well as countless afternoons and evenings in the years since. (那天下午是许多周末邻居日的第一天,天气不错。当父母端出食物时,孩子们互相追逐。晚上晚些时候,有人在长凳中间放了一个火坑,这样谈话就能持续到深夜。我们常常在第二天下午,以及此后数年的无数个下午和晚上,来到那里。)”可知,本段主要介绍了邻居们一起度过的美好回忆。故答案为Good memories neighbors spent together. Or: What they did on the benches at the weekends. Or: The benches brought the community together.
35.开放题。答案言之有理即可,注意字数。参考答案为I’ll build a care center in the community. People can take care of children and pets when neighbors are occupied.
36.They will feel hungry.
37.You should go to seek company.
38.The need for social connection.
39.Fat. / Overweight.
40.(open) I’d like to call up my best friend, and have a good talk with each other.
36.考查细节理解。根据第一段第二句“Women, who feel lonely, are hungrier, and they even find a big meal less satisfying.(感到孤独的女人会更饿,甚至会觉得一顿大餐不太令人满意。)”可知,孤独的人会产生的一个反应是饥饿。故答案为They will feel hungry。
37.考查细节理解。根据第一段最后一句“This could be the body’s way of telling them to seek company, for eating has been a sociable activity throughout human evolution.(这可能是身体告诉他们寻求陪伴的方式,因为在人类进化过程中,吃饭一直是一种社交活动。)”可知,人体通过饥饿感告诉人类应该去吃东西、去社交获得陪伴。故答案为You should go to seek company。
38.考查细节理解。根据第二段倒数第二句“The need for social connection is essential to human nature.(对社会联系的需求对人的天性至关重要。)”可知对人类天性至关重要的是对社会联系的需求。故答案为The need for social connection。
39.考查词句猜测。根据第三段第二句“It isn’t clear why this is, but it is possible that the shame related with being fat makes socializing less valuable for them.(目前尚不清楚这是为什么,但可能是因为与肥胖相关的羞耻感降低社交对他们的价值。)”可知那些没有因为孤独而感到饥饿的人是肥胖的人。在句中corpulent作表语,故可推测其为形容词,意为“肥胖的,超重的”。故答案为Fat或者Overweight。
40.考查推理判断。根据最后一段第一句“Being cut off from friends and family can raise blood pressure, stress and the risk of depression, as well as weakening the immune system (免疫系统) and a person’s resistance to disease (早老性痴呆).(与朋友和家人断绝联系会增加血压、压力和患抑郁症的风险,还会削弱免疫系统和一个人对疾病的抵抗力。)”可知,与家人朋友失去联系、处于孤独状态对人有很大的害处。故因此我们要尽量杜绝这种情况的出现,如果感到孤独就应该寻求社交,那么和好朋友打个电话好好聊聊就是一个好办法。故答案为I’d like to call up my best friend, and have a good talk with each other。
41.He couldn’t believe he could write that book./
He feels it incredible to write a book like that.
42.Because reading was not much on trend with his neighbour’s culture./
Because reading was not regarded as a pathway to a better life.
43.How the author realized the importance of reading./
What made the author decide to become a stronger reader./
Why the author decided to become a stronger reader.
45.Reading is very important to everyone.Because reading is regarded as a pathway to a better life
41.考查细节理解。根据第一段“ Even now when I see the title of my latest picture book, My Very Favorite Book in the Whole Wide World, I shake my head, not quite believing that book has my name on it. ”(即使是现在,当我看到我最新绘本的书名《我在整个广阔的世界上最喜欢的书》时,我也会摇头,不太相信那本书上有我的名字)可知,他不敢相信他能写出那本书/他觉得写那样一本书简直不可思议。故回答为:He couldn’t believe he could write that book/ He feels it incredible to write a book like that.
42.考查细节理解。根据第二段“In Valdosta, GA, where I grew up, my community promoted two pathways to a better life for little boys like me: being an athlete and being an entertainer.”(在我长大的乔治亚州瓦尔多斯塔,我的社区为像我这样的小男孩提供了两条通向更好生活的道路:成为一名运动员和成为一名艺人)可知,作者在小的时候忽视了阅读的原因是读书在他社区的文化中并不流行/因为读书并不被认为是通往美好生活的途径。故回答为:Because reading was not much on trend with his neighbour’s culture./ Because reading was not regarded as a pathway to a better life.
43.考查主旨大意。根据第三段“Trips to the grocery store were stressful because there was so much reading involved in the simple act of buying food. I would misread labels and grab the wrong items. Once, I picked up apple sauce thinking it was apple slices. I didn’t notice my mistake until I got home and realized that it was my inability to understand the differences in the wording on the labels that caused the mistake. I realized that I needed to make an important decision. If I wanted to be a better version of me, I had to become a stronger reader”(去杂货店的路程是有压力的,因为买食物这个简单的行为涉及太多的阅读。我会看错标签,拿错东西。有一次,我拿起苹果酱,以为是苹果片。直到回到家,我才注意到我的错误,意识到是我无法理解标签上措辞的差异导致了这个错误。我意识到我需要做一个重要的决定。如果我想成为更好的自己,我必须成为一个更强的读者)可知,第三段主要是关于作者是如何意识到读书的重要性的/是什么使作者决定成为一个更强的读者/为什么作者决定成为一个更强的读者。故回答为:How the author realized the importance of reading./What made the author decide to become a stronger reader./ Why the author decided to become a stronger reader.
44.考查词句猜测。根据上文“School presented challenges every day and so did football practice”(学校每天都有挑战,足球训练也是如此)可知,但克服身体上的困难/挑战是我们社区文化的潮流。所以划线词的意思是困难/挑战的意思。故回答为:Difficulty/Hardship/Challenge.
45.开放性试题。结合文章内容,答案符合逻辑即可,注意字数。例如:Reading is very important to everyone.Because reading is regarded as a pathway to a better life.
46.Being surrounded by wild animals — feeding them and caring for them.
47.Visitors get a chance not only to see these creatures there, but also to feed them and touch them.
48.The animals are not against the visit and feel ease.
49.It is a place of education as well as conservation.
50.The farm is a place where it's easy to forget the hustle and bustle of the city
46.考查细节理解。根据第二段中“Being surrounded by wild animals — feeding them and caring for them —is all Tiffany Soechting has ever wanted to do all her life. And that is exactly what she does.”(被野生动物包围——喂它们、照顾它们——是蒂芙尼一生想做的事情。这正是她所做的。)可知,Tiffany Soechting想做的是被野生动物包围——然后喂它们、照顾它们。故答案为Being surrounded by wild animals — feeding them and caring for them。
47.考查细节理解。根据第四段中“Visitors get a chance not only to see these creatures there, but also to feed them, And the animals are not against that. For them, people and the special vehicles used on the farm are part of their natural environment. ”When you come here, the animals are walking around freely like they would if they were in their native homeland. And you can touch them,“”(游客不仅有机会在那里看到这些生物,还可以喂它们,动物们也不反对这样做。对他们来说,人们和农场使用的特殊车辆是他们自然环境的一部分。”当你来到这里,动物们自由地走来走去,就像他们在自己的家乡一样。你可以触摸它们。)可知,游客在Soechting的家庭农场可以看到这些生物,还可以喂它们以及触摸它们。故答案为Visitors get a chance not only to see these creatures there, but also to feed them and touch them。
48.考查推理判断。根据第四段“Visitors get a chance not only to see these creatures there, but also to feed them, And the animals are not against that. For them, people and the special vehicles used on the farm are part of their natural environment. ”When you come here, the animals are walking around freely like they would if they were in their native homeland. And you can touch them,“ said Soechting. ”For the most part, the majority of them were born and grew up here. But even when we bring them in - like if we bring a new male in the rest of the herd is comfortable with what is going on.“”(游客不仅有机会在那里看到这些生物,还可以喂它们,动物们也不反对这样做。对他们来说,人们和农场使用的特殊车辆是他们自然环境的一部分。”当你来到这里,动物们自由地走来走去,就像他们在自己的家乡一样。你可以触摸它们,”Soechting说。大多数人都是在这里出生和长大的。但即使我们把它们带进来,比如我们把一只新的公象带进来,其他的象群也会对发生的事情感到满意。”)故可推知,动物们对这次参观是不反对的以及很放松的。故答案为The animals are not against the visit and feel ease。
49.考查细节理解。根据第二段中“Tourists are not the only people to visit the farm. Many schools come for field trips all throughout the year, so it is a place of education as well as conservation.”(游客并不是参观这个农场的唯一人群。许多学校全年都来这里进行实地考察,所以这里是一个教育和保护的地方。)可知,除了保护动物,农场还是一个教育地地方。故答案为It is a place of education as well as conservation。
50.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中“As the animals walk peacefully around, it is easy to forget that a busy city is just a few minutes away.”(当动物们安静地四处走动时,很容易忘记一个繁忙的城市只有几分钟的路程。)故可推知,最后一段的“Tiffany Soechting和那500只动物似乎并没有多想。”这句话的意思是农场是一个很容易忘记城市喧嚣的地方。故答案为The farm is a place where it's easy to forget the hustle and bustle of the city。
52.About ten years after her retirement.
53.In a poor neighborhood in New York.
54.Because the campers gave a good final performance.
55.She is a responsible woman full of love. She started a camp to help kids in poor areas.
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述Aesha Ash是一名非裔美国芭蕾舞演员,非常热爱芭蕾舞,退休十年后,决定以一种全新的方式重新回到芭蕾舞界。她发起了“天鹅梦计划”,帮助贫困地区的孩子们进入芭蕾舞的世界。
51.词义猜测题。根据下文“because she was often the only African American ballerina (芭蕾舞女演员) in her classes and company.( 因为她经常是班里和舞团中唯一的非裔美国芭蕾舞演员)”前后两句为因果关系,所以可推断上文意思是她发现自己责任重,有压力,故猜测“responsibility”意为“责任,职责”。故答案为Duty.。
52.细节理解题。根据第二段“After retiring (退休) from ballet in 2007, Aesha enjoyed the quiet life for more than ten years before she decided to come back to ballet, but in a completely new way. She started The Swan Dreams Project that helps kids in poor areas get into the world of ballet. ( 2007年从芭蕾舞界退休后,Aesha享受了十多年平静的生活,之后她决定以一种全新的方式重新回到芭蕾舞界。她发起了“天鹅梦计划”,帮助贫困地区的孩子们进入芭蕾舞的世界)”由此可知,是在她退休十年后发起的这个计划、故答案为About ten years after her retirement.。
53.细节理解题。根据第四段“Her first camp was in 2018 in a poor neighborhood in New York. (她的第一个营地是2018年在纽约的一个贫困社区)”由此可知,她的第一个营地是在纽约的一个贫困社区。故答案为In a poor neighborhood in New York.。
54.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Much to her surprise, it turned out to be perfect. She said, “When we went out to our first circle and the kids began counting in French and performing the steps they had just learned, my heart melted.” (令她大为惊讶的是,它竟然是完美的。她说:“当我们第一次出去玩时,孩子们开始用法语数数,并表演他们刚刚学会的舞步时,我的心都融化了。”)”由此可知,Aesha在第一个营地的最后一天感到惊讶是因为她担心的并没有出现,露营者们最后给了她一个完美的演出。故答案为Because the campers gave a good final performance.。
55.推理判断题。根据第一段“As much as she loved to dance, she found the weight of her responsibility heavy because she was often the only African American ballerina (芭蕾舞女演员) in her classes and company.(尽管她很喜欢跳舞,但她发现自己责任的重量很重,因为她经常是班里和舞团中唯一的非裔美国芭蕾舞演员)”和第二段“After retiring (退休) from ballet in 2007, Aesha enjoyed the quiet life for more than ten years before she decided to come back to ballet, but in a completely new way. She started The Swan Dreams Project that helps kids in poor areas get into the world of ballet. ( 2007年从芭蕾舞界退休后,Aesha享受了十多年平静的生活,之后她决定以一种全新的方式重新回到芭蕾舞界。她发起了“天鹅梦计划”,帮助贫困地区的孩子们进入芭蕾舞的世界)”可推断出Aesha是一个有责任感的充满爱心的人。她发起了“天鹅梦计划”,帮助贫困地区的孩子们进入芭蕾舞的世界也证明了这一点。故答案为She is a responsible woman full of love. She started a camp to help kids in poor areas.。
56.To see local wildlife.
Or: To get close to local wildlife.
57.Students, their parents, and teachers themselves, or they raise money to get builders’ help.
58.Strong needs.
59.Roy Austin brought the pleasure of reading to Africa.
60.He is caring and helpful. He understood that the local people in rural Kenya lived a hard life and managed to help them out.
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Roy Austin去非洲旅行时发现了肯尼亚乡村的孩子们缺少基本的学习用品,于是他成立了Libraries for Kids International去帮助这些孩子,送去图书。
56.考查推理判断。根据第一段中“All he wanted to do was get close to some African wildlife.(他想做的就是接近一些非洲野生动物)”可知,Roy去非洲的最初目的是看野生动植物。故答案为To see local wildlife。
57.考查细节理解。根据倒数第三段中“In rural Kenya, school buildings are not built by the government. Students, their parents, and teachers find materials and build the schools themselves, or they have to raise money to get builders’ help. (在肯尼亚农村,学校建筑不是由政府建造的。学生、他们的父母和老师自己寻找材料建造学校,或者他们必须筹集资金获得建筑商的帮助)”可知,肯尼亚的学校由政府、学生以及他们的父母、老师以及通过筹集资金获得建筑商的帮助来建造的。故答案为Students, their parents, and teachers themselves, or they raise money to get builders’ help。
58.考查词意猜测。根据倒数第三段中“The students and teachers of the schools very much wanted a library or at least some books to read.(学校的学生和老师都非常想要一个图书馆,或者至少有一些书可以读)”以及划线词后面的内容“for something as seemingly “basic” as books to read still worried Roy. (像要读的书这样看似“基本”的事情仍然让罗伊担心)”可知,肯尼亚的学生们对于像要读的书这样看似“基本”的事情是非常渴望的,因此可以猜测肯尼亚的学生对于读书有着强烈的需求。故划线词yearning与strong needs为同义词,意为“强烈的需求”。故答案为Strong needs。
59.考查主旨大意。通读全文。文章讲述了Roy Austin去非洲旅行时发现了肯尼亚乡村的孩子们缺少基本的学习用品,于是他成立了Libraries for Kids International去帮助这些孩子,送去图书。故答案为Roy Austin brought the pleasure of reading to Africa。
60.考查推理判断。根据第三段中“He was deeply touched by their positive attitude, even though it was hard for them to get books and other school supplies.(尽管他们很难买到书和其他学习用品,但他们积极的态度深深打动了他)”以及根据倒数第二段“He decided to do whatever he could to help these children. So he started the organization Libraries for Kids International.(他决定尽他所能去帮助这些孩子。所以他成立了国际儿童图书馆组织)”以及最后一段中“Since it was started, Roy has shipped over 11,000 books to 11 schools in African countries, including Kenya and Tanzania.(自创办以来,罗伊已经向包括肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚在内的11所非洲国家的学校运送了1.1万多本书)”可知,Roy了解肯尼亚农村的当地人生活艰难,并设法帮助他们摆脱困境,所以他是非常善良的和愿意帮助人的。故答案为He is caring and helpful. He understood that the local people in rural Kenya lived a hard life and managed to help them out。
61.An English singing competition.
62.By teaching and encouraging those couldn’t sing well.
64.Advantages to studying in groups.
65.I like group learning. Because group learning can make us walk longer, and we can do things better.
61.考查细节理解。根据文章第一段“But the most impressive experience for me was an English singing competition.(但给我印象最深刻的经历是一次英语歌唱比赛)”可知,作者感到难忘经历的小组学习是一次英语歌唱比赛。故答案为An English singing competition.
62.考查细节理解。根据文章第三段“So, we taught those who couldn’t sing and encouraged those who were very shy. Finally, we sang it really well and got first prize.( 所以,我们教那些不会唱歌的人,鼓励那些非常害羞的人。最后,我们唱得很好,得了一等奖)”可知,员们通过教导和鼓励那些唱不好的人来克服困难。故答案为By teaching and encouraging those couldn’t sing well.
63.考查词义猜测。根据文章第四段“Everyone has advantages and disadvantages. When we work in teams, we can learn from each other and fill in teaming gaps. Also, it’s easy to give up when studying alone. And with each other’s encouragement, We’ll be more likely to be able to persist.( 每个人都有优点和缺点。当我们在团队中工作时,我们可以互相学习,填补团队的空白。此外,独自学习时很容易放弃。有了彼此的鼓励,我们更有可能坚持下去)”可知,小组学习有许多好处或优势。由此推断,划线词“superiority”为“优势或好处”。故答案为Advantages./Benefits.
64.考查段落大意。根据第四段“From this experience, I realized that studying in groups has a lot of superiority.(从这次经历中,我意识到小组学习有很多优势)”可知,本段大意为小组学习的优势。故答案为Advantages to studying in groups.
65.考查观点态度。根据本文大意可知,小组学习有许多优势,而不同的人对小组学习有不同的看法,所以这题的答案只要言之有理即可。故答案为I like group learning. Because group learning can make us walk longer, and we can do things better.
66.She teaches them colouring, painting and does art and craft activities with them.
67.Being a small part of the children’s lives.
68.Love/ Like/ Be fond of/ Be keen on.
70.If I were Tom, I would agree to be a volunteer with him. Because it was helpful and meaningful.
66.考查细节理解。根据第一段的最后一句话“As to the older children I teach them colouring, painting and do art and craft activities with them.(对于大一点的孩子,我教他们涂色、绘画,和他们一起做艺术和手工活动)”可知,对于大一点的孩子,Joan教他们涂色、绘画,并和他们一起做艺术和手工活动。故答案为She teaches them colouring, painting and does art and craft activities with them.
67.考查细节理解。根据第二段的第一句话“One of the most rewarding things about this experience is being a small part of the children’s lives.(这段经历最有意义的事情之一就是成为孩子们生活中的一小部分)”可知,Joan的志愿者经历中最有意义的事情之一是成为孩子们生活中的一小部分。故答案为Being a small part of the children’s lives.
68.考查词句猜测。根据第二段的第三和第四句话“She was only crawling when I first arrived and now she can walk by herself. I will never forget the day when she called me ‘mama’.(我刚来的时候她才会爬,现在她能自己走了。我永远不会忘记她叫我‘妈妈’的那一天)”,那个孩子叫我“妈妈”,肯定是喜欢我。所以划线短语的意义为“喜欢”。故答案为Love/ Like/ Be fond of/ Be keen on.
69.考查细节理解。根据第四段的第一句话“I would describe my overall experience as absolutely amazing.(我认为我的整个经历绝对令人惊叹)”可知,Joan认为她的志愿者经历是令人惊叹的。故答案为Amazing.
70.考查推理判断。根据Joan的讲述可知,做志愿者工作是非常有意义的 事。所以,如果“我”是Tom,“我”肯定会接受Joan的邀请和她一起当志愿者。故答案为If I were Tom, I would agree to be a volunteer with him. Because it was helpful and meaningful.