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    这是一份2023届上海市金山区高三英语一模试卷及答案(不含听力),共22页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    I Listening Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and a questin abut it, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    1. A. By train.B. By taxi.C. By bus.D. By bike.
    2. A. A lawyer.B. A cach.C. A teacher.D. A bss.
    3. A. March 31st.B. April 4th.C. April 2nd.D. April 1st.
    4. A.¥180.B.¥280.C.¥380.D.¥560.
    5. A. It's beautiful.B. It's a Greek campus.
    C. It's a small campus.D. It's ppular with peple.
    6. A. Mr. Smith's curse is difficult.
    B. Mr. Smith ften makes mistakes.
    C. The curse prves t be quite easy.
    D. The curse is mistaken fr nthing.
    7. A. He is shrt f mney.
    B. He has been in truble recently.
    C. He desn't want t miss any wrk.
    D. He is unwilling t stay at hme alne.
    8. A. She has t remve the virus.
    B. She can't meet the deadline.
    C. She can't put up with the cmputer.
    D. She's infected with a certain disease.
    9. A. He hates t buy tickets all the times.
    B. They can affrd t buy a ticket next Octber.
    C. Buying a yearly ticket can save him much mney.
    D. The wman is t busy t visit the garden again within a year.
    10. A. They are cmfrting each ther.
    B. They are telling a jke abut ftball.
    C. They are exchanging ideas as ftball fans.
    D. They are expressing what they think abut the match.
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw shrt passages and ne lnger cnversatin, and yu will be asked several questins n each f the passages and the cnversatin. The passages and the cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne wuld be the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    Questins 11 thrugh 13 are based n the fllwing passage.
    11. A.6.
    12. A. Because it pstpnes peple's bilgical clck.
    B. Because it keeps peple energetic in the afternn.
    C. Because it makes peple nt drink enugh water.
    D. Because it causes damage t yur bdy's functins.
    13. A. The effective ways t get enugh sleep.
    B. The disadvantages f lacking enugh sleep.
    C. The prper amunt f sleep peple shuld get every day.
    D. The reasn fr the tiredness despite lng and gd sleep.
    Questins 14 thrugh 16 are based n the fllwing speech.
    14. A. Reasns fr busyness.
    B. Slutins t busyness.
    C. Imprtance f busyness.
    D. Disadvantages f busyness.
    15. A. T intrduce the imprtance f strategic thinking.
    B. T prve sme peple are really t busy t think.
    C. T lead in the tpic by presenting sme interesting facts.
    D. T demnstrate peple's attitude twards strategic thinking.
    16. A. Mre phenmena abut busyness.
    B. Mre reasns fr peple's busyness.
    C. Hidden relatinship between busyness and lneliness.
    D. Prpsal fr changes and suggestins fr beating back busyness.
    Questins 17 thrugh 20 are based n the fllwing cnversatin.
    17. A. Why ancient philsphers thught the Earth was nt a flat disc.
    B. Hw ancient philsphers measured the distance between planets.
    C. Why ancient philsphers thught the Earth mved arund the Sun.
    D. Hw ancient philsphers explained the cause f sme unusual phenmena.
    18. A. When they traveled suth.
    B. When they stayed in nrthern cuntries.
    C. When they saw earth's shadw n the mn during eclipses.
    D. When they saw the Nrth Star's different psitins in the sky.
    19. A. By analyzing the data cllected during the eclipses.
    B. By cmparing the different psitins f the Nrth Star.
    C. By measuring the distances between different cuntries.
    D. By traveling between suthern and nrthern cuntries repeatedly.
    20. A. The careful bservatins in their life.
    B. The traditinal beliefs f their ancestrs.
    C. The writings f philsphers frm ther scieties.
    D. The measurements made with scientific instruments.
    II. Grammar and Vcabulary
    Sectin A
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Fill in the blanks t make the passage cherent. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd. Fr the ther blanks, fill in each blank with ne prper wrd. Make sure that yur answers are grammatically crrect.
    Yur Smell Culd Attract Msquites
    A new study finds that sme peple attract msquites much mre than thers, and it prbably invlves the way they smell.
    The researchers have fund that peple wh attract msquites the mst (21)_______ (prduce) a lt f certain chemicals n their skin. These chemicals (22) _______ (cnnect) t the smell that attracts the msquites.
    Leslie Vsshall is ne f the researchers in New Yrk. She said, “If yu have high levels f
    this stuff n yur skin, yu're ging t be the ne at the picnic (23) _______ (get) all the bites."
    Fr the study, researchers designed an experiment t have peple's smells cmpete against each ther. They asked 64 vlunteers t wear stckings arund their frearms t absrb the smell frm their skin. The stckings were put in separate traps at the end f a lng tube. Then, dzens f msquites were released. The msquites came t sme traps much mre than thers. The scientists did the experiment several times, always changing which stckings were cmpeting against each ther. At the end, they discvered a huge difference between stckings. (24) _______(attractive) stcking was arund 100 times mre attractive t the msquites than the last-place finisher.
    By testing the same peple fr ver a year, the study shwed that these big differences
    remain. "Msquit magnets (招蚊子喜欢的人) seem (25) _______ (remain) msquit magnets," Researchers said. One cmmn factr they fund was (26) _______ msquit magnets had high levels f certain acids n their skin.
    “The research culd help find new ways t drive away msquites," said Jeff Riffell, a
    scientist nt (27) _______(invlve) in the study, "There (28) _______ be ways t affect the skin bacteria and change the smell that attracts msquites." Hwever, he said that wuld be hard t d. Researchers als did the experiment with msquites (29) _______ genes were changed t damage their sense f smell. But they still flew t the same msquit magnets. Vsshall said msquites have ways t find us (30) _______ we change sme cnditins. "They have many backup plans t be able t find us and bite us," she said.
    Sectin B
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the wrds in the bx. Each wrd can nly be used nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    Leg: One Step Clser t Being Sustainable
    The Leg Grup is ne step clser t reaching its gal f making all its prducts frm sustainable materials by 2030.
    The Danish tymaker revealed a prttype (雏形) brick made frm (31)_______ plastic. In a news release, Leg said the PET plastic frm (32) _______ bttles makes up the first brick t meet the cmpany's “"strict quality and safety requirements." One way the cmpany (33)_______ safety is by surcing materials frm suppliers that use prcesses apprved by the US Fd & Drug Administratin and Eurpean Fd Safety Authrity.
    “The biggest (34) _______ n ur sustainability jurney is rethinking and innvating new materials that are as lng-lasting, strng and high quality as ur existing bricks - and fit with
    LEGO elements made ver the past 60 years," Leg Grup Vice President f Envirnmental Respnsibility Tim Brks said. “With this prttype we're able t (35) _______ the prgress we're making t the public."
    It will be "sme time" befre bricks made frm used materials can be (36) _______ Leg said. The cmpany will cntinue t test and develp the PET frmulatin (配方) and decide whether t mve t the (37) _______ prductin phase, which is expected t take at least a year. One factr the cmpany is testing is hw the material can be (38) _______
    “Experimentatin and failing is an imprtant part f learning and (39) _______. Just as kids build, unbuild and rebuild with LEGO bricks at hme, we' re ding the same in ur lab," Brks said.
    The mve fllws last year's annuncement that the cmpany was making a S400 millin investment ver three years int sustainability (40) _______. It included phasing ut the single-use plastic bags frm its bxes and instead using recyclable paper fr its packaging.
    III. Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    In 2007, a grup f researchers began testing a cncept that seems as if it wuld never need testing: Is mre happiness always better than less? The researchers asked cllege students t rate their feelings n a scale frm “unhappy" t “very happy" and cmpared the results with academic and scial utcmes. Althugh the “very happy" participants had brilliant scial lives, they perfrmed (41)_______ in schl than thse wh were merely “happy".
    The researchers then examined a data set frm anther study that rated cllege freshmen's “cheerfulness" and (42) _______ their incme nearly tw decades later. They fund that the mst (43) _______ were nt the highest earners. That distinctin (荣誉) nce again went t the secnd-highest grup, which rated their cheerfulness as “abve average."
    As with everything in life, happiness has its (44) _______ Pursuing happiness t the exclusin f ther gals - knwn as psychlgical hednism (享乐主义)- is (45) _______. It gives a life where yu d nt reach yur full ptential, where yu are (46) _______ t take risks, where yu chse temprary pleasures ver challenging experiences that give life meaning.
    When I talk with peple abut their fear f negative utcmes in life, their true surce f
    fear, in many cases, (47) _______ hw they will feel abut having failed, nt abut the cnsequence f the failure itself. This is similar t the way that discmfrt with (48) _______ causes mre anxiety than guaranteed bad news. T (49) _______ these bad feelings, peple give up kinds f pprtunities that invlve the pssibility f failure.
    Hwever, bringing gd things int yur life, whether lve r career success, usually invlves risk. Risk des nt, f curse, (50) _______ make us happy. A risky life will very likely bring disappintment, but it can bring greater (51) _______ than a life played safe, as the studies abve suggested.
    Nne f this is t say that we are flish fr wanting t be happy. (52) _______, the desire fr happiness is natural and nrmal. Making the pursuit f psitive feelings yur highest r nly gal, hwever, is a cstly life strategy. Endless happiness is impssible t achieve, and ding s (53) _______ many f the elements f a gd life. As the Canadian-American psychlgist Paul Blm wrte, "It's the (54) _______ we chse that affrds the mst pprtunity fr pleasure, meaning, and persnal grwth."
    Thugh pain shuld never be anyne's gal, each f us can strive fr a rich life in which we nt nly seek the sunshine but fully (55)______ the rain that inevitably falls as well. This is the paradx (悖论) f being fully alive.
    41. A. unwillinglyB. unpleasantlyC. admirablyD. incredibly
    42. A. generatedB. increasedC. trackedD. drained
    43. A. jyfulB. wealthyC. successfulD. distinctive
    44. A. advantageB. balanceC. pprtunityD. preference
    45. A. fruitfulB. significantC. pricelessD. rewardless
    46. A. desperateB. hesitantC. likelyD. tempted
    47. A. centers nB. wrks nC. takes nD. passes n
    48. A. perfrmanceB. disciplineC. uncertaintyD. ignrance
    49. A. cncealB. createC. tlerateD. avid
    50. A. necessarilyB. inevitablyC. similarlyD. deliberately
    51. A. fascinatinB. rewardsC. depressinD. challenges
    52. A. On the cntraryB. That is t sayC. Fr instanceD. In turn
    53. A. harvestsB. encuntersC. designsD. sacrifices
    54. A. happinessB. wealthC. dishnrD. suffering
    55. A. escapeB. predictC. experienceD. prduce
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the, fllwing three passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, c and D. Chse the ne that. fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have just read.
    Ten years ag, the cyclist's riding hard thrugh the first snw strm f the year was a rare sight, ften captured fr the evening news. Tday, hwever, it is estimated that 4-5% f cyclists ride bikes year-rund.
    Being prepared is key t a gd ride in the winter. The increasing ppularity f winter cycling is due t the creatin f muntain bike and its imitatin. Equipped with mre stable bicycles, nthing seems t be able t stp the adventurus winter cyclists. Many f them wear running shes and prtect themselves frm the cld by wearing dwnhill-skiing clthes. On wet days, they wear special water-prf ver their shes.
    Besides all these mentined abve, there is ne thing that has made winter riding mre ppular these years. In the past, cyclists need t clean and il their bicycle chains nce a week, which is n easy task. But ne bicycle stre wner tackled this weekly challenging task with an innvated cmplete chain cver. With bicycle chains cmpletely cvered, cyclists wuld need t d the trublesme wrk nce every six mnths. Despite this amazing inventin, the stre wner still advises cyclists t take a taxi r bus when it's really snwing heavily, nt because cnditins are t hard fr bicycles, but because she is afraid that many bikers may lse cnfidence in themselves n snwy days f reduced discernibility, which is very dangerus.
    56. What is the main idea f this passage?
    A. Winter Muntain cycling cmpetitins.
    B. Suitable clthing fr winter cycling.
    C. Ppularity f winter cycling and its reasns.
    D. Increases in winter cycling equipment.
    57. Accrding t the passage, what has made winter cycling n lnger a rare sight?
    A. Cnstructin f bicycle paths.
    B. A decrease in equipment prices.
    C. The inventin f stable bicycles.
    D. Milder weather in recent years.
    58. Hw did ne bicycle stre wner help the winter cyclists?
    A. She sells bicycles at a very lw price.
    B. She makes cycling in winter less dangerus.
    C. She helps imprve cyclists' cnfidence when riding.
    D. She invents a new way t reduce the frequency f maintenance.
    59. The underlined wrd “discernibility" in the last paragraph is clsest in meaning t ________.
    A. visibility
    B. ppularity
    C. cngestin
    D. creativity
    60. The bk “mindset" is intended t _________.
    A. tell readers that tw different mindsets lead t different results
    B. illustrate that peple with different mindsets hld different beliefs
    C. help readers believe peple act differently when facing challenges
    D. persuade peple t learn t change s as t enjy a mre fruitful life
    61. Generally speaking, peple with fixed mindsets are mstly _________.
    A. successful
    B. straightfrward
    C. intelligent
    D. narrw-minded
    62. A persn with a grwth mindset is likely t say _________.
    A. “IfI win, I'll be smebdy; if l lse, I'll be nbdy"
    B. “T be gd at sprts, yu need t be naturally gifted."
    C. “Learn techniques and skills and practice them regularly, and yu will always imprve."
    D. “Yu have a certain level f ability in sprts and yu cannt really d much t change it."
    Venus (金星) has lng played secnd t its redder, smaller and mre distant neighbr. Given hw inhspitable (不宜居住的) Venus has appeared t be, we have spent the majrity f the last century pinning sme f ur biggest hpes f finding signs f life n Mars.
    That all changed n September 15, 2020. It was annunced that a strange gas called phsphine had been sptted in the cluds abve Venus. The gas is prduced by micrbes, extremely small living things, here n Earth, s the discvery has renewed hpes that there might be life n Venus. Nw we need t knw fr sure.
    There is, after all, nly s much we can d with grund-based instruments. Venus is extremely bright. This brightness, caused by the intense reflectin f sunlight frm its thick cluds and highlighted because f its clser distance t Earth, basically blinds ur instruments frm making mre detailed bservatins f the planet. It is like trying t lk at the rad while anther car's high beams (远光灯) are pinted in yur directin.
    “T really get t the heart f this questin, we need t g t Venus," says Paul Byrne, a planetary scientist at Nrth Carlina State University. But f curse, that is easier said than dne. Temperatures at the surface reach 464°C, and pressures are 89 times higher than n Earth. Only the Sviet Unin has successfully landed n the Venusian surface - its Venera 13 lander functined fr 127 minutes befre succumbing t the bad weather in 1982. It is nt easy t justify spending hundreds f millins r even billins f dllars n a missin that culd be ver in a matter f hurs withut giving us what we need.
    An rbiter is the mst sensible start. Unlike grund-based bservatins, rbiters can peer int the atmsphere and wuld have a better time bserving hw phsphine levels change ver time r ver what regins they are mst cncentrated. An rbiter als presents the pprtunity t cmplete mre challenging prjects by ptentially venturing directly int the planet's atmsphere. A sample return missin culd be pssible, in which a spacecraft flies int the atmsphere and bttles up sme gas t bring back t Earth fr labratry analysis.
    Trying t find life n anther planet, hwever, is nt simply a walk frm pint A t pint B. N single missin t Venus will be able t finish all the wrk necessary t answer the questin. It might be time t think nt just abut what the next missin t Venus shuld be, but what a whle new era f Venus explratin wuld lk like: a grup f multiple missins that explre Venus in jint effrts - the way we currently d with Mars.
    63. Venus is cnsidered inhspitable t humans mainly because.
    A. the pressure f the planet is t lw
    B. the surface f the planet is t bright
    C. the density (密度) f the cluds is t lw
    D. the surface temperature f the planet is t high
    64. The underlined phrase “succumbing t" in paragraph 4 is clsest in meaning t “_______”.
    A. giving in t
    B. keeping away frm
    C. making up fr
    D. putting up with
    65. Accrding t the article, scientists will be better able t reveal the secret abut Venus by _________.
    A. sending astrnauts t the planet
    B. using a mre advanced space telescpe
    C. launching an rbiter t the planet
    D. redesigning their grund-based instruments
    66. What can we infer frm the article?
    A. We have little hpe f successfully finding life n Venus.
    B. We have a firm determinatin t discver life n ther planets.
    C. We have spent much time studying phsphine in the past century.
    D. We have attempted t land n the Venusian surface in the last century.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    I Am Nt a Rbt
    An annyance, an imprtant security feature, an uncmfrtable request: hwever yu feel abut being asked t prve yu are nt a rbt, it has becme a daily ccurrence fr mst f us, but perhaps nt ne we wuld miss if it were t suddenly g away.
    A new feature in the latest versins f iOS and macOS, Apple's perating systems fr smartphnes and cmputers, prmises t give the bt t “captchas” nce and fr all. (67)______
    “Smetimes a captcha is just a buttn t press," said Apple engineer Tmmy Pauly. “But ther times it can be a challenge t fill ut.”
    The term captcha is in fact an acrnym (首字母缩略词) fr “cmpletely autmated public Turing test (图灵测试) t tell cmputers and humans apart. ”T help stp fraud (欺诈), these little tests ften pp up when yu're signing up fr r nt a website.
    (68) ______ If yu get it wrng, it may ask yu t start again, leading yu t wnder if yu really knw what a traffic light lks like - - r if yu might really be a rbt after all.
    But captchas are nw fast becming unusable, making the Internet a wasteland f difficult puzzles. Users must struggle t d the mst basic things. “We've literally all fund urselves at ne time r anther cmplaining: 'Thse were all the pictures with traffic lights," said Effie Le Mignan, a researcher in scial cmputing at Newcastle University.
    Internet users struggle t tell the difference between a wear f paint n a sidewalk and a frmalized crsswalk that's ften requested in a traditinal captcha, and wrry that ne wrng answer may lck them ut f an accunt. (69) ______
    “Yu likely dn't enjy being interrupted by these," said Apple's Tmmy Pauly. “I certainly dn't. The reasn these experiences exist is t prevent dishnest activity. If yu run a server, yu dn't want it t be defeated by fraud. (70) ______”
    The cmpany wrked with Fastly and Cludflare t build the new feature. It wrks by allwing yur device t send a statement cnfirming it is being used by a human t the requesting website.
    IV. Summary Writing
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    71. "Digital Harding” Culd Be an Increasing Prblem
    As data strage has becme mre accessible than ever, the amunt f digital “stuff" we all have put aside is n the rise, t.
    In a recent paper published in the jurnal Infrmatin & Management, we have investigated a rising phenmenn called “digital harding”, which happens when an individual cnstantly acquires digital cntent, feels difficulty in getting rid f it, and gradually gets mre and mre digital cntent withut an intended purpse.
    Digital harding can quickly increase ut f cntrl, t - perhaps even mre quickly than in the physical wrld, due t several reasns. First, the digital harder is less likely t ntice the space limitatins in the digital wrld. While the bundaries f a physical space are clear, such bundaries are less nticeable in digital spaces. Secnd, harding f physical bjects happens in fixed bundaries, while digital spaces are “expandable" - yu can get additinal digital strage with minimum effrt at very little r zer cst. Third, t hard physical items, a persn needs t expend sme effrt, such as purchasing them. By cntrast, mst digital cntents are either self-created, free, r available n a subscriptin (订阅) basis. Furth, cmpared with physical stuff, digital cntents can be multiplied, fr example, by making cpies, with very minimal effrt.
    In the mdern wrld, it is unavidable that digital cntent plays an imprtant rle in ur lives. Therefre, the ptential f serius mental health impacts frm digital harding is a real pssibility.
    If yu think yu' re hlding nt t much digital cntent, yu can try cleaning yur digital ftprint, reducing unnecessary digital cntent, cming up with simple methds t rganize yur files, pictures and vides. What's mre, reassess the imprtance f many scial netwrks, including grups in many cmmunicatin apps, and keep nly thse essential t yu.
    V. Translatin
    Directins: Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets.
    72. 一位有影响力的专家建议多加关注自身的心理健康。(attentin)
    73. 那栋刚落成的大楼是为了纪念- - 位毕生致力于医学事业的科学家。(dedicate)
    74. 每次我拿到快递,我都迫不及待地在半路把它拆了,这是司空见惯的现象。(every time)
    75. 设计者把旧梯子改造成了花架子,他的环保意识和对美好生活的热爱一览无遗, 吸引了众多游客的眼球。(transfrm)
    VI. Guided Writing
    Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120- -150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese.
    76. 假设你是光明中学高三学生李明。近期,年级组正在策划18岁成人礼仪式,其中一个环节为“说说你的故事”,筹备组现面向本校全体高三学生征集真实故事案例。请给筹备组写一封邮件,内容须包括:
    1. Listening cmprehensin (共25分。1-10, 每题1分; 11-20, 每题1.5分。)
    1-10 DAADA ACBDD
    11-13 BAD
    14-16 ACD
    17-20 ACBA
    II. Grammar and Vcabulary (共20分。每小题1分。)
    21. prduce
    22. are cnnected
    23. getting
    24. The mst attractive
    25. t remain
    26. that
    27. invlved
    28. may
    29. whse
    30. even if/thugh
    31-40 JAEBD IHCGF
    II. Reading Cmprehensin (共45分。41-55, 每题1分; 56-70, 每题2分。)
    56-59 CCDA
    60-62 DDC 63-66 DACB 67-70 DEBC
    IV. Summary Writing (共10分)
    Digital cntent is imprtant t us, and meanwhile, verstcking digital materials is ppular. Hwever, digital harding becmes uncntrllable because harders seldm knw the space limitatins in the expandable digital space. Mrever, digital cntents are easy t get and sht up. T keep mentally healthy, yu shuld reduce digital ftprint and avid sme unimprtant scial netwrks.
    V. Translatin (共15分) 3+3+4+5
    72. An influential expert says mental health shuld be paid mre attentin t.
    73. The newly-built building is in memry f a scientist wh (has) dedicated his life t medicine.
    74. Every time I get a package, I can't wait t pen it halfway, which is very cmmn.
    75. The ld ladder has been transfrmed int a flwer shelf, which fully displays the designer's awareness f envirnmental prtectin and lve fr a beautiful life, and has attracted many turists' attentin.
    VI. Guided Writing (共25分)
    略A. abandned B. challenge C. clred D. demnstrate E. ensures
    F. initiatives G. innvatin H. pilt I. purchased J. recycled K. tailrs
    Peple with fixed mindsets believe that:
    ●Skill, intelligence and talents are natural.
    ●Failure is shameful and shuld be avided.
    ●Sme peple are naturally gd at things while thers nt.
    ●Yu are nt in cntrl f yur abilities.
    Peple with grwth mindsets believe that:
    ●Yu have the capacity t learn and grw yur skills.
    ●Failure is a valuable lessn.
    ●Peple wh are gd at smething are gd because they build that ability.
    ●Yu are in cntrl f yur abilities.
    have a desire t lk smart, s tend t:
    Avid challenges.
    Give up easily.
    See effrt as fruitless r wrse.
    Ignre useful negative feedback.
    Feel threatened by the success f thers.
    have a desire t learn, s tend t:
    Embrace challenges.
    Persist in the face f setbacks.
    See effrt as the path t mastery.
    Learn frm criticism.
    Find lessns and inspiratin in the success f thers.
    As a result, they may stay at the same level early and achieve less than their full ptential.
    As a result, they reach ever-higher levels f achievement.
    Change can be tugh, but I've never heard anyne say it wasn't wrth it. Did changing t a grwth mindset slve all my prblems? N. But I knw that I have a different life because f it - a richer ne.
    A. This is becming a bigger issue as captchas have grwn increasingly cnfusing.
    B. Therefre, when faced with smething really cnfusing, many peple simply give up.
    C. Mst attempts t create accunts r t buy prducts cme frm cmmn users, but sme attempts can als cme frm attackers.
    D. Called “autmatic cnfirmatin," the technlgy will allw sites t cnfirm yu are nt a rbt withut yu having t d anything at all.
    E. These tests may ask yu t spt all the traffic lights in a picture r t type ut sme special letters and numbers.
    F. Althugh the service is tied t Apple's iClud netwrk, the requesting site will nt receive any persnal infrmatin abut the user r their device.

    2023届上海市闵行区高三英语一模试卷及答案(不含听力原文): 这是一份2023届上海市闵行区高三英语一模试卷及答案(不含听力原文),共25页。试卷主要包含了本次考试设试卷和答题纸两部分, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023届上海市宝山区高三英语一模试卷及答案(不含听力原文): 这是一份2023届上海市宝山区高三英语一模试卷及答案(不含听力原文),共23页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023届上海市徐汇区高三英语一模试卷及答案(不含听力): 这是一份2023届上海市徐汇区高三英语一模试卷及答案(不含听力),共24页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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