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    英 语 试 卷
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案 转写到答题卡上。
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅 读一遍。答案写在答题卡上。
    例:How much is the shirt?
    A. £ 19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. What are the speakers talking about?
    A. Mary’s family. B.A holiday plan. C. A writing assignment.
    2. Where will the speakers meet?
    A.At the school gate. B. At the bus stop. C. Outside the bookstore.
    3. What do the speakers intend to do?
    A. Decorate the room. B. Fit a sofa into the room. C. Deal with the old furniture.
    4. How did the boy get home?
    A. By bike. B. By car. C. By bus.
    5. What are the two speakers probably?
    A. Students. B.Librarians C.Lecturers.
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项 中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。答案写在答题卡上。
    6. What influences the couple’s plan to Europe probably?
    A.A limited budget. B. A long journey C. A tight schedule.
    7.Why does the man long for a trip?
    A.He prefers the country life.
    B. He needs a getaway from work.
    C. He wants to explore other cultures.
    8. What may cause the woman’s problem?
    A.Improper swimming B. Overusing the computer. C.Too much badminton practice.
    9. What does the man advise the woman to do?
    A.Stop medication. B. Take an hour’s break. C.Do an alternative sport.
    10.what might be a challenge for the woman?
    A.Changing her accent.
    B. Getting on with other members.
    C.Understanding the local language
    11.How often do the club members have a meeting?
    A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C. Twice a month.
    12. What does the club aim to do for the members?
    A.To help people of all ages.
    B. To enhance their language fluency
    C. To let them experience different cultures.
    13.How old was Ella when she won Young Musician of the Year?
    A.5. B.9. C.16.
    14. Who pushed Ella to keep practicing?
    A. Her teacher. B. Her parents. C. Her friends.
    15. What does Ella think is the key to improving her performance?
    A.Relieving stress. B. Getting enough exercise. C. Eating healthy food.
    16.What does Ella advise teenagers to do?
    A.Learn to play classical music. B. Buy more classical music CDs.
    CChange their views on classical music.
    17.When is the library closed?
    A. On Monday morning B. On Saturday afternoon. C. On Sunday morning
    18. What can people do on the second floor?
    A.Have some coffee. B.Visit an exhibition. C.Use computers.
    19.How much does it cost to keep a DVD for a week now?
    A.S2. B.$4. C.$6
    20. What is a must for teenagers under 15 to get a library card?
    A.A parent’s guarantee. B. An e-mail address. C. A current photo ID.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)
    Diamond Ranch High School Student-Parent Handbook
    Academic Year
    The academic year begins on August 11, 2022 and ends on May 27, 2023 -two semesters Semester examinations are administered by specific examiners. Students who are absent from exams are not allowed to take a make-up exam and will have Grade F on their report card.
    Advanced Placement (AP) Courses
    AP courses give students the chance to do college-level work. Successful scores in AP exams earn students college credits in high school. There’s no need to pay extra tuition. We participate in this nation-wide program of college instruction conducted by the College Entrance Examinations Board. But because of the strict and demanding nature of AP courses students must meet entrance criteria for these classes.
    Saturday School
    Saturday School is sponsored. Jt is neither a punishment nor a disciplinary consequence. It is a program that allows students to participate in enrichment activities or to receive tutoring on selected Saturdays throughout the school year Sessions begin at 8:00 AM and end at noon.
    Peer Consultation
    In addition to the school consultants and psychologist,we have a Peer Consultation program. Peer consultants are students who are trained as facilitators to solve students’ conflicts. Students wishing the services of Peer Consultants should contact Mr.Loren Grover, complete the online form or contact their consultant.
    The Career Center
    It is committed to helping students explore various careers and college programs that fit their interests. College representatives visit our campus yearly, providing information and assisting in the admissions process. The career center provides
    ● College Information
    ● Job Postings and Listings
    ●Financial Aid Information
    ●Scholarship Information
    ●Work Experience and Work Permits
    1. What consequence will students face if they miss the semester exam?
    A. Failing the exam. B. Canceling scholarship.
    C. Taking a make-up exam D. Having a college-level exam
    2. What is the feature of the AP courses according to the text?
    A. Free college credits. B. Formal college diploma
    C. Strict instructors. D. Unconditional entrance.
    3. Who can students turn to when they have issues with classmates?
    A. Saturday School tutors. B. College representatives.
    C. School peer consultants. D. Career Center assistants.
    【答案】1. A 2. A 3. C
    【导语】本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍了Diamond Ranch高中的学生家长手册。
    细节理解题。根据Academic Year下的描述“Students who are absent from exams are not allowed to take a make-up exam and will have Grade F on their report card. (缺席考试的学生不允许补考,成绩单成绩为F)”可知,如果学生错过了学期考试,他们就会不及格。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据Advanced Placement (AP) Courses下的描述“Successful scores in AP exams earn students college credits in high school. There’s no need to pay extra tuition.(在AP考试中取得好成绩的学生可以在高中获得大学学分。没有必要交额外的学费)”可知,大学免费学分是AP课程的特色。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据Peer Consultation下的描述“In addition to the school consultants and psychologist, we have a Peer Consultation program. Peer consultants are students who are trained as facilitators to solve students’ conflicts. (除了学校咨询师和心理学家,我们还有同伴咨询项目。同伴咨询师是被训练成解决学生冲突的学生)”可知,当学生和同学有问题时,可以向学校的同伴顾问求助。故选C。
    Opening a good book can take you on an adventure but sometimes, it’s not what’s on the pages, but what’s been left in them is the most exciting part for Sharon McKellar, a librarian at the Oakland Public Library. She has been collecting mementos left in the library for years. Now. she’s finally found a use for all those old family photos, notes, coupons recipes and concert tickets she’s collected in books over the years.
    McKellar started the “Found in a Library Book” project — an online database of all the things found in books at the library. “It started out as my personal collection, but I put out a call to other library staff, just to see if anybody had anything they’d be willing to share, and was just totally inundated with other people’s little collections of all sorts of things they had found,” McKellar told CBS News.
    McKellar has added 370 mementos to the library’s online collection -but she said she had a couple hundred more to upload. Many of the mementos are notes and some are book reviews left behind for the next reader: “I loved this book. It stole my heart and made me cry. When you find tear stains, you will know they are mine.”
    McKellar said that while the origins of the forgotten mementos remain a mystery, some people have recognized items on the online database, “One person named Susan reached out because one of the love notes looked like her parents’ handwriting and the kind of notes they used to leave each other,” she said.
    The project is fairly new, but McKellar hopes it inspires people to dive into books at their local library, “You never know what you’ll find. You just have a sense of shared space in community.” McKellar said. “I think part of why people are especially excited about that right now is we have obviously been in a fast-paced society. So, it is a way to sort of feel a connection with people who you don’t even know through these forgotten objects.”
    4. What does the underlined word “mementos” refer to in paragraph 1?
    A. The adventure stories. B. The forgotten memories.
    C. The items found in books. D. The well-designed pages.
    5. Why did McKellar contact other librarians?
    A. To raise money for her project. B. To investigate their commitment.
    C. To launch a lost-and-found project. D. To enrich the database of her collection.
    6. What is implied from Susan’s case in paragraph 4?
    A. The project aims to find lost relatives.
    B. Inspiring love stories impress people a lot.
    C. The origins of the mementos remain mysterious.
    D. The experience adds to the emotional appeal of the project.
    7. What is the possible reason for the popularity of McKellar’s project?
    A It helps people find lost objects. B. It inspires people to read widely.
    C. It offers a community-based link. D. It brings local libraries back to life.
    【答案】4. C 5. D 6. D 7. C
    词句猜测题。根据文章第一段“She has been collecting mementos left in the library for years.(她多年来一直在收集留在图书馆的mementos)”可知,mementos是被人留在图书馆里的东西,并根据后文“Now. she’s finally found a use for all those old family photos, notes, coupons recipes and concert tickets she’s collected in books over the years.(多年来,她在书中收集了很多家庭老照片、笔记、优惠券、食谱和音乐会门票,她终于找到了这些东西的用处)”可知,mementos包括了老照片、笔记、优惠券等小物品。由此推知,划线词mementos指的是在书中找到的小物件。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段“It started out as my personal collection, but I put out a call to other library staff, just to see if anybody had anything they’d be willing to share(一开始这只是我的个人收藏,但我给其他图书馆的工作人员打了个电话,想看看是否有人有什么东西愿意分享)”可知,McKellar打电话给其他图书管理员打电话是为了希望其他人能给她分享一些小物件,来丰富她的收藏。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据文章第四段“One person named Susan reached out because one of the love notes looked like her parents’ handwriting and the kind of notes they used to leave each other.(一个名叫苏珊的人找到了这些东西,因为其中一张爱的字条看起来像她父母的笔迹,是他们过去常留给彼此的那种字条)”可知,McKellar的在线数据库帮助苏珊找到了能够让她想起父母的一个字条,这是一个非常有爱的故事,让大家感受到了在线数据库这个项目背后的情感价值。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“You never know what you’ll find. You just have a sense of shared space in community.(你永远不知道你会发现什么。你会在社区中有一种共享空间的感觉)”可知,McKellar的项目受欢迎可能是因为他能够把不同圈子的人联系起来,构成一种基于社区的联系。故选C项。
    It’s no surprise that wasting things is a nightmare for the environment — everything that we eat, wear, and consume takes up natural resources.When it comes to food waste, the environment has a double whammy — water, packaging,transportation,and agricultural resources get used up, and leftover sandwich or expired (过期的) broccoli you bought in hopes of healthy eating releases greenhouse gases as it decomposes in a landfill.
    A new study from the UN Environment Program has found that a fair amount of food may never reach our mouth. Some get lost in production process, but it is mostly households that are to blame: the major waste results from our kitchen. 11 percent of the food in our fridges ends up in the trash, compared to a mere 2 and 5 percent respectively, from grocery stores and fast-food restaurants. These data madden almost half of the world’s population who are still struggling for healthy food. But surprisingly, the new study found that even less-developed countries are guilty of astonishing food waste, which is previously being thought of only as a rich-nation issue.
    So what can we do? Something crucial is being more considered and prepared when going to the grocery store. Make a list of meals you want to cook, and then only buy fresh produce that you will 100 percent be eating in the next few days.
    Societally, enhancing education on food preservation, food recycling and composting (堆肥), and pushing companies to sell smaller quantities food for one or two persons could all play a helpful role in bringing down the massive pile of food waste, says Edward Jaenicke, a professor of agricultural economics.
    While some climate change related issues seem above our individual choices to solve, like the sea level rise,food waste is something we can actually make an impact on, by shopping smart, learning how to compost, and even getting creative with ingredients in the kitchen.We can actually make a difference by making some efforts or good choices or even changes in life.
    8. What does the underlined word “whammy”in paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Solution. B. Responsibility. C. Trouble. D. Advantage.
    9. Which of the following sees the most serious food waste?
    A. Grocery stores. B. Home kitchens.
    C. Fast-food restaurants. D. Production workshops
    10. What unexpected result does the new study find?
    A. Poor countries are also wasting lots of food.
    B. Food waste in developed countries is serious.
    C. The economy determines the degree of waste.
    D. Sufficient food supply remains a big challenge.
    11. Which suggestion may be a solution to food waste according to the text?
    A. Improve food sale strategies.
    B. Educate students to avoid junk food.
    C. Buy what you eat and eat what you buy.
    D. Hand out strict punishment for food waste.
    【答案】8. C 9. B 10. A 11. C
    词句猜测题。根据划线词后文“water, packaging, transportation, and agricultural resources get used up(水、包装、运输和农业资源都被消耗殆尽)”可知,这里具体说明环境遭受的破坏。由此推知,划线词whammy和trouble(困难,难题)含义相近。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Some get lost in production process, but it is mostly households that are to blame: the major waste results from our kitchen. (有些在生产过程中丢失了,但这主要是家庭的责任:主要的浪费来自我们的厨房)”可知,我们的厨房是主要的浪费来源。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段“But surprisingly, the new study found that even less-developed countries are guilty of astonishing food waste, which is previously being thought of only as a rich-nation issue.( 但令人惊讶的是,这项新研究发现,即使是欠发达国家也存在令人震惊的食物浪费问题,而以前人们只认为这是富裕国家的问题)”可知,欠发达国家也浪费了大量的食物。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“food waste is something we can actually make an impact on, by shopping smart, learning how to compost, and even getting creative with ingredients in the kitchen.We can actually make a difference by making some efforts or good choices or even changes in life. (事实上,我们可以通过明智的购物、学习如何堆肥,甚至在厨房里创造性地使用食材,对食物浪费产生影响。实际上,我们可以通过做出一些努力或好的选择,甚至改变生活)”可知,吃什么就买什么,买什么就吃什么也许是解决食物浪费的方法。故选C。
    China has released the first national draft guideline on the use of self-driving vehicles for public transport, a key move in speeding up the large-scale commercialization of autonomous driving technology and encouraging local authorities to create the relevant management policies, industry experts said.
    The country will encourage the use of self-driving vehicles such as buses in an enclosed Bus Rapid Transit or BRT system, and allow autonomous vehicles to offer taxi services under simple and relatively controllable scenarios(方案)The national draft rules on self-driving vehicles are expected to better regulate the whole industry, providing a reference and guidance for local authorities that have yet to issue similar guidelines.
    The draft regulation classified autonomous vehicles into three types:conditionally,highly and fully autonomous vehicles, depending on the degree of their autonomous capacity.The guideline said the first two types should have human drivers. Remote drivers or safety supervisors are essential for fully autonomous vehicles. In addition, safety should be the top priority in the management of self-driving vehicles. The guideline also requires that the routes of autonomous vehicles should be far away from heavily populated areas such as schools hospitals and large shopping malls.
    Since China has taken the lead in the research development and application of autonomous driving technologies the latest move will encourage self-driving companies to carry out road tests and commercial operations of robotaxi services in more cities, promoting the large-scale commercial use of autonomous vehicles across the nation.
    Some local governments have already rolled out a series of supportive policies to promote the commercialization of autonomous driving technology. For instance in July, Beijing launched China’s first pilot area for commercial autonomous driving vehicle services. However, a supervisor will still sit in the front passenger seat to ensure safety
    "Currently, only a few countries have rolled out policies at the national level that support the development of autonomous vehicles,”said Lyu Jinghong an intelligent-mobility analyst, Lyu added that clear regulations at the national level will encourage local governments and autonomous driving companies to speed up the application of self-driving technology.
    12. What is the significance of the national draft guideline of self-driving vehicles?
    A. It sets a good example for many other countries.
    B. It serves as a good reference for local guidelines
    C. It ensures the safety awareness of remote drivers.
    D. It encourages the use of household self-driving vehicles.
    13. What is the classification of self-driving vehicles based on?
    A. The limit of their speed. B. The level of automation.
    C. The presence of drivers. D. The range of travel route
    14. Which word can best describe Lyu’s attitude towards the national guideline?
    A. Favourable. B. Pessimistic. C. Critical. D. Conservative
    15. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
    A. China launches the first pilot area for self-driving
    B. Companies carry out road tests of robotaxi services
    C. China’s first self-driving vehicles guideline released
    D. A breakthrough in commercialization of new technology
    【答案】12. B 13. B 14. A 15. C
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“The national draft rules on self-driving vehicles are expected to better regulate the whole industry, providing a reference and guidance for local authorities that have yet to issue similar guidelines.(预计国家自动驾驶汽车规则草案将更好地规范整个行业,为尚未发布类似指南的地方政府提供参考和指导)” 可知,《国家自动驾驶汽车指导意见(征求意见稿)》可为当地指导方针的很好的参考。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段“The draft regulation classified autonomous vehicles into three types: conditionally, highly and fully autonomous vehicles, depending on the degree of their autonomous capacity. (根据自动驾驶能力的不同,该草案将自动驾驶汽车分为三种类型:条件自动驾驶汽车、高度自动驾驶汽车和完全自动驾驶汽车)”可知,根据自动化程度对自动驾驶汽车进行分类。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“"Currently, only a few countries have rolled out policies at the national level that support the development of autonomous vehicles,”said Lyu Jinghong an intelligent-mobility analyst, Lyu added that clear regulations at the national level will encourage local governments and autonomous driving companies to speed up the application of self-driving technology.(智能移动分析师吕景红表示:目前,只有少数国家在国家层面推出了支持自动驾驶汽车发展的政策。吕景红补充说,国家层面的明确规定将鼓励地方政府和自动驾驶公司加快自动驾驶技术的应用)”可知,吕景红对国家指导方针的态度是支持的。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“China has released the first national draft guideline on the use of self-driving vehicles for public transport, a key move in speeding up the large-scale commercialization of autonomous driving technology and encouraging local authorities to create the relevant management policies,industry experts said.(中国发布了首个公共交通使用自动驾驶汽车国家指导意见(征求意见稿),这是加快自动驾驶技术大规模商业化并鼓励地方政府制定相关管理政策中国首个自动驾驶汽车指南发布的关键一步,业内专家说)”后文对其意义和作用进行具体的阐述。可知,文章主要讲解的是中国首个自动驾驶汽车指南。C项:China’s first self-driving vehicles guideline released(中国首个自动驾驶汽车指南发布)合乎题意。故选C。
    根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。答案写在答题卡上。
    Asking anyone who has worked in their yard, you will always be told that yard work is quite the workout! Whether spreading soil.raking(用耙子拢)leaves, or pulling undergrowth, you’re guaranteed to break a sweat. ____16____. Even something as simple as planting flowers involves squatting(蹲),which engages your legs for support your core muscles for balance, and your arms for digging. ____17____. Moreover, heavy yard work is a great way to add variation to your regular exercise program. If you do yard work as a way to burn calories, take full advantage of what the great outdoors have to offer.
    If you are raking up leaves, change the movement and direction to make full use of your muscles. Rake in front of your body to target your shoulders. Rake both right to left and left to right to work both arms evenly. ____18____.
    If you’re using a cart to pull yard waste soil or fertilizer, take an extra circle or two around your garden before you set your goods down.
    ____19____, pull the heavy rubber tube around the yard with you. You’ll also have to use muscles to put it away and wind it up when you’re done.
    Enjoy the outdoors! ____20____. Fresh air is always uplifting, especially in the spring time. Plus, sunshine helps boost Vitamin D production,which aids in the absorption of calcium Weed,dig and rake. Try all of these activities, get your hands in the dirt, and include yard work as a part of your healthy lifestyle.
    A. Instead of using a small water container
    B. In addition to raising heart rate and burning calories
    C. That’s because gardening works all your major muscle groups
    D. There are ways to prevent aching muscles after working outside
    E. That’s just one example of how yard work can give you a workout
    F. The yard can benefit you in a way that a regular gym can never provide
    G. This way, you’ll help prevent injuries by avoiding repetitive movements too
    【答案】16. C 17. E 18. G 19. A 20. F
    根据上句“Asking anyone who has worked in their yard, you will always be told that yard work is quite the workout! Whether spreading soil, raking(用耙子拢)leaves, or pulling undergrowth, you’re guaranteed to break a sweat (如果你问任何一个在院子里工作过的人,你总会被告知,院子里的工作是一项相当辛苦的锻炼!无论是铺土,耙树叶,还是拔灌木丛,你都保证会流汗)” C项:That’s because gardening works all your major muscle groups(这是因为园艺会锻炼你所有的主要肌肉群)承接上句,说明院子里的工作是一项相当辛苦的锻炼的原因是因为园艺会锻炼你所有的主要肌肉群。故选C。
    根据上句“Even something as simple as planting flowers involves squatting(蹲),which engages your legs for support your core muscles for balance, and your arms for digging. (即使是像种花这样简单的事情也需要蹲着,这需要你的双腿来支撑核心肌肉以保持平衡,而你的手臂则用于挖掘)” E项:That’s just one example of how yard work can give you a workout(这只是一个例子,说明在院子里干活可以锻炼身体)承接上句,以种花这样简单的事情为例,来说明在院子里干活可以锻炼身体。故选E。
    根据上句“Rake in front of your body to target your shoulders. Rake both right to left and left to right to work both arms evenly. (在你的身体前面以你的肩膀为目标。从右到左,从左到右耙,使双臂均匀)” G. This way, you’ll help prevent injuries by avoiding repetitive movements too(这样,你也可以避免重复的动作来防止受伤)说明从右到左,从左到右耙,使双臂均匀这样做的好处是可以避免重复的动作来防止受伤。故选G。
    根据后句“pull the heavy rubber tube around the yard with you (拉着沉重的橡胶管绕着院子走)”A项:Instead of using a small water container(而不是使用一个小的水容器) 与下句所描述的橡胶管形成呼应关系,说明应该拉着沉重的橡胶管绕着院子走,不要使用一个小的水容器。故选A。
    根据后句“Fresh air is always uplifting, especially in the spring time. Plus, sunshine helps boost Vitamin D production, which aids in the absorption of calcium Weed (新鲜的空气总是令人振奋的,尤其是在春天。另外,阳光有助于促进维生素D的产生,这有助于钙的吸收)”说明院子给你带来的好处超过了其它健身方式,F项:The yard can benefit you in a way that a regular gym can never provide(院子给你带来的好处是普通健身房永远无法提供的)合乎题意。故选F。
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分55分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。答案写在答题卡上。
    My son and daughter raced ahead, ____21____ to enter a store for the first time in months during which they had to wear masks and steer____22____ of others. We used hand sanitizer(消毒液)and rushed down the pass of canned foods.It turned out that this wasn’t a physically necessary trip, but a(n)____23____ necessary one.
    Into our shopping cart went two sets of everything on the school Thanksgiving____24____ list canned vegetables, gravy packets and boxed mashed potatoes. Instead of picking one item to buy, my____25____ kids wanted to give all that was____26____ of them. In the check-out line, my kids matter-of-factly told the woman running the register that their school was giving this food to families who didn’t have enough, ____27____ sharing abundance(充足)was the most normal thing in the world, something neither to be boasted of doing nor ashamed of ____28____
    Having lived both sides,I believe that’s the truth.From the ages of seven to seventeen, my family____29____ accepted food donations during Thanksgiving and many other seasons too. I spent my childhood in a rural southeast Texas town where at least 20 percent of households were below
    the____30____ line,including mine. There were times when the electricity was shut off for an entire week in winter and the phone was____31____ for months.
    More than two decades later, I climbed my way out of that____32____ childhood.I have____33____ food and uninterrupted electricity but I will never forget the____34____ I came from.I still remember the holiday dinners made with donated canned goods and a turkey____35____ with the food stamp provided by the government.The memories are so ____36____ that you can’t put a price on them. No matter what the income level, everyone should have the chance to have a full____37____ and also a full heart.
    For me, it’s crucial to____38____ the help my family received then and to ensure my children understand that there are many people who do not have the____39____ and resources we do now. On Monday, my kids walked into the school lugging a large bag ____40____ donations. In my mind’s eye, my seven-year-old self was waiting just there to receive it with gratitude.
    21. A. excited B. astonished C. nervous D. curious
    22. A. ahead B. back C. straight D. clear
    23. A. temporarily B. basically C. morally D. instinctively
    24. A. trade B. donation C. price D. service
    25. A. successful B. thoughtful C. skillful D. forgetful
    26. A. selected B. restricted C. ordered D. requested
    27. A. as if B. even if C. what if D. only if
    28. A. giving B. refusing C. receiving D. posting
    29. A. generously B. gratefully C. awkwardly D. anxiously
    30. A. standard B. security C. poverty D. district
    31. A. prohibited B. disconnected C. occupied D. abandoned
    32. A. tough B. traditional C. unique D. meaningful
    33. A. potential B. unnecessary C. plain D. plentiful
    34. A. civilization B. circumstances C. community D. organizations
    35. A. exchanged B. selected C. collected D. preserved
    36. A. precious B. awful C. glorious D. lifelike
    37. A. mood B. ambition C. mind D. stomach
    38. A. appeal to B. target for C. pay forward D. weigh up
    39. A. admissions B. expenses C. comforts D. insights
    40. A. worthy of B. composed of C. exposed to D. heavy with
    【答案】21. A 22. D 23. C 24. B 25. B 26. D 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. C 31. B 32. A 33. D 34. B 35. A 36. A 37. D 38. C 39. C 40. D
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我的儿子和女儿跑在前面,兴奋地走进一家商店,这是几个月来他们第一次进入这家商店,在这期间他们必须戴上口罩,远离他人。A. excited兴奋的;B. astonished惊讶的;C. nervous紧张的;D. curious好奇的。根据本句“to enter a store for the first time in months (几个月来第一次进商店)”可知,我的儿子和女儿跑在前面,兴奋地走进一家商店。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意见上题解析。A. ahead在前面;B. back后面;C. straight直的;D. clear 易懂的,明白的。根据本句“they had to wear masks (他们必须戴上口罩)”可知,他们也需要远离他人,steer clear of避开。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:事实证明,这不是一次身体上必要的旅行,而是一次道德上必要的旅行。A. temporarily 暂时地;B. basically基本上,大体上;C. morally道德上,道义上;D. instinctively本能地。根据后文“For me, it’s crucial to____18____ the help my family received then and to ensure my children understand that there are many people who do not have the____19____ and resources we do now. (对我来说,重要的是把我的家人当时得到的帮助传递出去,并确保我的孩子们理解,还有很多人没有我们现在得到的舒适和资源)” 可知,去超市购物也是一次道德上必要的旅行。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们的购物车里放着两套学校感恩节的礼物——捐赠清单上的蔬菜罐头、肉汁包和盒装土豆泥。A. trade贸易,买卖;B. donation捐赠;C. price价格;D. service服务。根据后文“On Monday, my kids walked into the school lugging a large bag ____20____ donations. (星期一,我的孩子们拖着一个装满捐赠物品的大袋子走进学校)”可知,我们的购物车里放着捐赠清单。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我体贴的孩子们不是只挑一件东西买,而是想把他们被要求的东西都给他们。 A. successful成功的;B. thoughtful体贴入微的,考虑周到的;C. skillful 熟练的;巧妙的;D. forgetful 熟练的;巧妙的。根据后文“kids wanted to give all that was____6____ of them. (我体贴的孩子们不是只挑一件东西买,而是想把他们被要求的东西都给他们)”可知,作者的孩子很体贴。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意见上题解析。A. selected选择;B. restricted限制;C. ordered订购;D. requested要求。根据上文“Into our shopping cart went two sets of everything on the school Thanksgiving____4____ list canned vegetables, gravy packets and boxed mashed potatoes (我们的购物车里放着两套学校感恩节的礼物——捐赠清单上的蔬菜罐头、肉汁包和盒装土豆泥)”可知,这是清单上要求买的东西。故选D。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:在结账的队伍里,我的孩子们实事求是地告诉负责登记的女人,他们的学校把这些食物给了那些没有足够食物的家庭,仿佛分享富足的东西是世界上最正常的事情。A. as if好像;B. even if即使;C. what if 假使……将会怎么样;D. only if只要……就。根据后句“sharing abundance(充足)was the most normal thing in the world(分享富足是世界上最正常的事情)”可知,孩子们觉得分享富足的东西是世界上最正常的事情。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一件既不用自夸做过也不用为接受过而感到羞耻的事。A. giving给予;B. refusing拒绝;C. receiving收到;D. posting邮寄。根据上句“sharing abundance(充足)was the most normal thing in the world(分享富足的东西是世界上最正常的事情)”可知,分享富足的东西既不用自夸做过也不用为接受过而感到羞耻。故选C。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:从7岁到17岁,我的家人在感恩节和其他许多季节都很感激地接受食物捐赠。A. generously慷慨地; B. gratefully感激地;C. awkwardly尴尬地;D. anxiously焦虑地。根据本句“accepted food donations during Thanksgiving (在感恩节接受食物捐赠)”可知,在感恩节接受食物捐赠,作者是很感激地。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的童年是在德克萨斯州东南部的一个农村小镇度过的,那里至少有20%的家庭生活在贫困线以下,包括我的家庭。A. standard标准;B. security安全;C. poverty贫穷;D. district限制。根据后句“There were times when the electricity was shut off for an entire week in winter and the phone was____11____ for months.( 冬天的时候,有时会断电整整一个星期,电话也断了好几个月)”可知,那里至少有20%的家庭生活在贫困线以下。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:冬天的时候,有时会断电整整一个星期,电话也断了好几个月。A. prohibited禁止;B. disconnected分离,不连贯的;C. occupied占据;D. abandoned放弃。根据本句“There were times when the electricity was shut off for an entire week in winter (在冬天,有时会断电整整一个星期)”可知,电话也断了好几个月。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:20多年后,我从那个艰难的童年中走了出来。A. tough困难的;B. traditional传统的;C. unique独一无二的;D. meaningful有意义的。根据上文“There were times when the electricity was shut off for an entire week in winter and the phone was____11____ for months.( 冬天的时候,有时会断电整整一个星期,电话也断了好几个月)”可知,作者的童年很艰难。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意: 我有充足的食物和不间断的电,但我永远不会忘记我来自的环境。A. potential有潜力的;B. unnecessary不需要的;C. plain朴素的;D. plentiful丰富的,众多的。根据上句“More than two decades later, I climbed my way out of that____12____ childhood. (20多年后,我从那个艰难的童年中走了出来)”可知,作者现在有了充足的食物。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意见上题解析。 A. civilization文明;B. circumstances环境;C. community社区;D. organizations组织。根据后句“I still remember the holiday dinners made with donated canned goods and a turkey____15____ with the food stamp provided by the government (还记得用捐赠的罐头食品和一只火鸡与政府提供的食品券交换而成的节日晚餐)”可知,作者永远不会忘记自己来自的成长环境。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我还记得用捐赠的罐头食品和一只火鸡与政府提供的食品券交换而成的节日晚餐。A. exchanged交换;B. selected挑选;C. collected收集;D. preserved保护。根据本句“the food stamp (食品券)”可知,是与政府提供的食品券交换而成的节日晚餐,exchange…with…和……交换。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:记忆是如此珍贵,你无法用金钱来衡量它们。A. precious珍贵的;B. awful糟糕的;C. glorious光荣的,值得称道的;D. lifelike 栩栩如生的;逼真的。根据本句“that you can’t put a price on them (你无法用金钱来衡量它们)”说明记忆很珍贵。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:无论收入水平如何,每个人都应该有饱餐一顿的机会。A. mood情绪;B. ambition追求的目标;C. mind头脑;D. stomach胃;腹部。根据后文“ On Monday, my kids walked into the school lugging a large bag donations. (星期一,我的孩子们拖着一个装满捐赠物品的大袋子走进学校)”可知,每个人都应该有饱餐一顿的机会,所以作者的孩子们拖着一个装满捐赠物品的大袋子走进学校。故选D。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:对我来说,重要的是把我的家人当时得到的帮助传递出去,并确保我的孩子们理解,还有很多人没有我们现在得到的舒适和资源。A. appeal to呼吁;上诉;B. target for以······为目标;C. pay forward让爱传出去;D. weigh up权衡;估量。本句“the help my family received then (我的家人当时得到了帮助)”可知,作者认为重要的是把我的家人当时得到的帮助传递出去。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意见上题解析。A. admissions认可;B. expenses花费;C. comforts安慰;D. insights洞察力;眼力。根据上句“For me, it’s crucial to____18____ the help my family received then (对我来说,重要的是把我的家人当时得到的帮助传递出去)”可知,还有很多人没有我们现在得到的舒适和资源,我们应该把爱传递出去。故选C。
    考查形容词短语词义辨析。句意:星期一,我的孩子们拖着一个装满捐赠物品的大袋子走进学校。A. worthy of值得,配得上;B. composed of由……组成;C. exposed to接触;暴露于;D. heavy with有大量的。根据上句“For me, it’s crucial to____18____ the help my family received then (对我来说,重要的是把我的家人当时得到的帮助传递出去)”可知,我的孩子们拖着一个装满捐赠物品的大袋子走进学校。故选D。
    During the past three decades,China____41____ (witness)the railway industry’s transformation from making slow trains ____42____ making domestically manufactured high-speed trains
    In 1997,China started ____43____ (it)first significant railway speed increase. Since then, the country’s high-speed rail technology has continued to achieve breakthroughs250 km/h to 350 km/h and then to 400 km/h.Made-in-China high-speed trains not only operate ____44____ (smooth) in freezing weather and desert____45____ (region),but they also come with driverless technology Millions of railway workers take pride in their roles as the company provides____46____ clear route for their professional advancement.Through____47____ (train), practical operation and assessment, they can move up as a wiring worker to a technician, an operator an expert and even a scientist
    As trains become faster and more intelligent, their software and hardware systems will become more complex thus requiring____48____ (high)technical competence for daily maintenance by railway workers. For these diligent railway workers____49____ have skilled craftsmanship, improving their skills tirelessly to ensure safe operation of the trains seems like an ____50____ (end)learning curve throughout life.
    【答案】41. has witnessed
    42. to 43. its
    44. smoothly
    45. regions
    46. a 47. training
    48. higher 49. who##that
    50 endless
    考查时态。句意:在过去的30年里,中国见证了铁路工业从制造慢速列车到制造国产高速列车的转变。设空处在句中作谓语,根据时间状语during the past three decades(在过去的30年里),可知句子的时态为现在完成时,主语为China,根据主谓一致。故填has witnessed。
    考查形容词的比较级。句意:随着火车变得更快、更智能,其软件和硬件系统将变得更复杂,因此对铁路工人的日常维护要求更高的技术能力。根据空前的“more complex (更复杂的)”,可知设空处应用比较级的形式。故填higher。
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共 有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    The other day our school carry out a survey about how the youth would choose between careers and families. Here is the result.There is around 26 percent of the surveyed students assumed that the youth should focus their attention on careers with the aim of living independently and achieving their goals.Therefore, about a third of the students hold a different view. They think that in spite the importance of one’s enterprise, the company and warm of families are the most crucial things in the world.The rest of the students support the opinion which there should be a properly balance. In the summary, I argue that not only should we work hard, but we are supposing to devote some time to our family members.
    【答案】1. carry→carried
    2. is→are
    3. assumed→assuming
    4. Therefore→However
    6. warm→warmth
    7. which→that
    8. properly→proper
    9. 删除In the summary的the
    10. supposing→supposed
    【详解】1. 考查动词时态。句意:前几天我们学校做了一项关于年轻人如何在事业和家庭之间做出选择的调查。前文the other day意为“前几天”,故谓语动词需要用一般过去时态。故将carry改为carried。
    2. 考查主谓一致。句意:约百分之二十六的受访学生认为,年轻人应该把注意力集中在事业上,以独立生活和实现自己的目标。there be句型中,be动词的单复数形式由最靠近be动词的主语决定,即句中的“26% of the surveyed students”,所以谓语动词需要用复数形式。故将is改为are。
    3. 考查非谓语动词。句意:约百分之二十六的受访学生认为,年轻人应该把注意力集中在事业上,以独立生活和实现自己的目标。分析句子成分可知,句子主语为“约百分之二十六的受访学生”,主语和动词assume构成主谓关系,故需要用现在分词形式表主动。故将assumed改为assuming。
    4. 考查副词。句意:然而,大约三分之一的学生持有不同的观点。结合上下文可知,下文和上文的观点相反,所以不应该用Therefore表“因此”,而应该用However表转折,意为“然而”、“但是”。故将Therefore改为However。
    5. 考查固定短语。句意:他们认为,尽管一个人的事业很重要,家庭的陪伴和温暖是世界上最重要的东西。固定短语in spite of表示“尽管”,符合句意。故在spite后加of。
    6. 考查名词。句意:他们认为,尽管一个人的事业很重要,家庭的陪伴和温暖是世界上最重要的东西。连词and通常并列词性相同的两个词,company意为“陪伴”,为名词,故and后也需要填名词。warm为形容词,表示“温暖的”,其名词形式为warmth。故将warm改为warmth。
    7. 考查名词性从句。句意:其余的学生支持应该有一个适当的平衡的观点。分析句子成分可知,后文为从句,用于解释说明“the opinion”,故为同位语从句;从句中不缺成分,也不缺意思,故需要填从属连词that。故将which改为that。
    8. 考查形容词。句意:其余的学生支持应该有一个适当的平衡的观点。balance为名词,表示“平衡”,所以前面需要用形容词;properly意为“平衡地”,是副词,其形容词形式为proper。故将properly改为proper。
    9. 考查固定短语。句意:综上所述,我认为我们不仅应该努力工作,而且应该花些时间陪伴我们的家庭成员。固定短语in summary意为“综上所述”、“总得来说”,无定冠词。故删除In the summary的the。
    10. 考查固定短语。句意:综上所述,我认为我们不仅应该努力工作,而且应该花些时间陪伴我们的家庭成员。短语be supposed to do sth.意为“应该做某事”为固定用法。故将supposing改为supposed。
    52. “天宫课堂”将再次开讲,中国航天中心(China Aerospace Centre)现面向广大青少年招募志愿者。届时志愿者们会在网络上向全世界的关注者实时播报并与之互动。请你为中心公众号写一则英文招募启事,内容包括:
    Volunteers Wanted
    【答案】One possible version:
    Volunteers Wanted
    Want to gain a unique volunteering experience in the space class conducted in China Space Station? China Aerospace Centre is recruiting volunteers to report the upcoming space class to global space enthusiasts and interact with them live.
    To stand a better chance to be admitted, the applicants shall meet the following requirements:Firstly, fluency in English is a must since you are supposed to make interaction with the world, introducing China’s space program and replying to online comments. Moreover, volunteering spirits are highly appreciated. Finally, a profound knowledge of aerospace science is what makes you stand out in the future interviews.
    Interested? Just subscribe to our public account and submit your application form. Looking forward to your participation!
    此外:besides →moreover
    期盼:expect → look forward to
    原句:Interested? Just subscribe to our public account and submit your application form.
    拓展句:If you are interested, just subscribe to our public account and submit your application form.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Firstly, fluency in English is a must since you are supposed to make interaction with the world(运用了since引导的原因状语从句)
    【高分句型2】Finally, a profound knowledge of aerospace science is what makes you stand out in the future interviews.(运用了what引导的表语从句)
    听力答案:1-5 .C B B B A 6-10.A B C C C 11-15.B C C A A 16-20.C A A BA


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