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    这是一份2022温州高三下学期3月适应性测试(二模)英语含答案(含听力),文件包含2022届浙江省温州市普通高中高考适应性测试二模英语试题及答案docx、2022届浙江省温州市普通高中高考适应性测试二模英语应用文及读后续写解析pdf、2022届浙江省温州市普通高中高考适应性测试二模英语听力音频mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共24页, 欢迎下载使用。







    1. What will the speakers probably do next?

    A. Take photos.   B. Go for a trip.   C. Load the car.

    2. What is the woman doing?

    A. Making dumplings.

    B. Downloading pictures.

    C. Surfing the Internet.

    3. Why does the woman make the call?

    A. To make an apology.

    B. To ask for leave.

    C. To quit her job.

    4. Where does the conversation probably take place?

    A. In a hotel.    B. In a company.    C. In a cafeteria.

    5. What does the woman mean?

    A. Her car is under repair.

    B. She will see her dentist.

    C. She wants to cancel the appointment.




    6. What has happened to the woman's daughter?

    A. She is ill.    B. She is missing.    C. She is late for school.

    7. Who is the woman asking for help?

    A. A policeman.    B. A teacher.    C. A doctor.

    听第 7 段材料, 回答第 8 10 题。

    8. What sport does the man like?

    A. Baseball.    B. Football.    C. Basketball.

    9What does the man say about the richest team?

    A. Their games are not fair.

    B. More key players are needed.

    C. Players' salaries are too high.

    10. What do the speakers plan to do together?

    A. Buy tickets.    B. Watch games.    C. Play baseball.

    听第8段材料,回答第11 13题。

    11. What is the conversation mainly about?

    A. Travel.     B. Job.    C. Major.

    12. What can we know about the woman?

    A. She has a good education.

    B. She didn't finish her degree.

    C. She has changed many jobs.

    13. Why does the woman work as a stewardess?

    A. To do what she likes.

    B. To make much money.

    C. To make use of her education.


    14. What is known about the man?

    A. He is busy with work.

    B. He puts on weight.

    C. He works out with friends.

    15. How much does the woman pay per year?

    A.$20.     B.$200.    C.$240.

    16. What does the woman suggest the man do?

    A. Exercise with her.

    B. Become a member.

    C. Hang out with friends.

    17. What is the man going to do?

    A. Do weight lifting.

    B. Sign up for a yoga class.

    C. Buy a running machine.


    18. What is the speaker talking about?

    A. Drugs.    B. Sports.    C. Moods.

    19. What have the scientists found recently?

    A. The influence of bad moods.

    B. The side effect of anti-anxiety drugs.

    C. The benefit of exercise to your moods.

    20. What does the speaker suggest doing at last?

    A. Taking drugs.   B. Doing exercise.    C. Talking to someone.





    Adnan, a 56-year-old father, wants to make it clear that it's not just mothers who can feel like failures in their home life. "I had the fairytale of what I'd be like as a dad," he says. "When our first child was born, I had images of all this stuff we'd do together. It didn't include pictures of sleepless nights, or every item of clothing being covered in snot and yoghurt."

    He also says it doesn't get any easier with more children, because each child will have a different personality requiring different methods of parenting. "There's a fine line between child management, focusing on health and safety, and being a present dad, trying to listen to all their voices, "he says.

    "No one explains that you're their protector as well as the person meeting their hygiene (卫生) factors, feeding them, listening to playground politics and building their confidence. You're the person who is the narrative in their head about how great they are."

    Adnan says that though he doesn't compare himself with other parents, he still finds it hard to shake the fairytale that is firmly in his head, compared with which he always comes up short. "The continuous refereeing (调解) and the delegate decision-making go beyond anything I've done in the workplace," he says,

    "I keep asking myself' Am I equipped to deal with this?' I'm a father, a counsellor (咨询师) and a coach. There's also something about being a parent in your 50 s: you don't have the physicality of your 30s."

    21. What was Adnan's "fairytale"?

    A. To be a father of many children.

    B. To raise the children with his wife.

    C. To experience parenting hardships.

    D. To enjoy the fantastic role of a parent.

    22. What makes it no easier to raise more children?

    A. Having more sleepless nights.

    B. Meeting children's hygiene factors.

    C. Tailoring parenting to fit children.

    D. Focusing on kids' health and safety problems.

    23. What can be learnt about Adnan from paragraph 4?

    A. He thinks parenting affects work.

    B. He does better than other parents.

    C. He falls short of kids' expectation.

    D. He finds being a dad quite challenging.


    If you look up in the sky, you probably see, at some point, an aircraft. And behind that aircraft are white, fluffy streaks (条纹). And that's what we call a contrail. Contrails are made up of ice crystals that form when aircraft engines emit exhaust (废气) that hits the cold air.

    The ice crystals reflect incoming light from the sun back into space, which has a cooling effect on the atmosphere. But the contrails also stop heat coming up from the ground from escaping into space. It is reflected back down toward the ground. And so that's a warming effect. Stettler, an engineer from Imperial College London, says, on balance, contrails warm the atmosphere more than they cool it. And that's mainly because the cooling effect due to reflecting of sunlight can only happen during the day, when the sun's shining, whereas the warming effect due to trapping of outgoing heat happens all of the time.

    How long do contrails last? This depends on the atmospheric conditions at the altitude where a plane is flying. Some contrails can form clouds that last for up to 18 hours. During that time, they spread out, trapping even more heat. This process allows contrails to warm the planet about as much as the carbon dioxide emissions from aircraft.

    But when Stettler and his team analyzed flight data they obtained of Japan airspace, they found that most contrail warming was caused by just 2 percent of flights. And most of those flights originated in the late afternoon because as the sun goes down, cooling can no longer offset (抵消) the warming. And the warming effect continues to exist throughout the evening into the night. But what if the contrails that contribute the most to warming could be got rid of?

    24. What does "it" in paragraph 2 refer to?

    A. A cooling effect.

    B. Heat from the ground.

    C. Light from the sun.

    D. Exhaust hitting the cold air.

    25. What can be learned about contrails?

    A. They can easily disappear in the air.

    B. They actually contribute to global warming.

    C. Their cooling effect happens all of the time.

    D. Their warming effect is usually overlooked.

    26. What is most likely to be talked about next?

    A. A future plan for Japan airspace.

    B. The negative influence of contrails.

    C. Other potential causes of contrails.

    D. A possible way to remove contrails.


    When Mexican scientist of the evolution of animal behavior, Laura Cuaya, moved to Hungary for her postdoctoral studies in Budapest, she brought her pet dog, Kun-kun, along for the ride. Cuaya couldn't help noticing how locals warmed to dogs. This prompted her naturally curious scientific mind to start asking questions. "Here people are talking all the time to Kun-kun, but I always wonder if Kun-kun can recognize that people in Budapest speak Hungarian, not Spanish?" So she set out to find an answer through a scientific study.

    Cuaya and her colleagues decided to use brain images from MRI scanning to shed light on her hunch (直觉). They worked with dogs of various ages that had, until the experiment, only heard their owners speak just one of the two languages, Spanish or Hungarian. Not surprisingly, getting the dogs to happily take part in the experiment took some creative coaxing (劝诱) and animal training! The researchers first needed to teach Kun-kun and her 17 fellow participating dogs including a labradoodle, a golden retriever and Australian shepherds, to lie still in a brain scanner. Their pet parents were always present, and they could leave the scanner at any point.

    The research team played children's book classic The Little Prince in both Spanish and Hungarian while scanning the dogs' brains with an MRI machine. They were looking for evidence that their brains reacted differently to a familiar and unfamiliar language. The researchers also played scrambled versions of the story to find out if dogs could distinguish between speech and non-speech.

    The images reveal that dogs' brains show different patterns of activity for an unfamiliar language than for a familiar one - the first time anyone has proved, researchers say, that a non-human brain can distinguish between two languages. This means that the sounds and rhythms of a familiar language are accessible to non-humans.

    Interestingly, the team also found that the brains of older dogs were more skilled at detecting speech "suggesting a role for the amount of language exposure". They suggest that dogs have refined their ability to distinguish between human languages over the long process of domestication (驯化).

    27. What is paragraph 1 mainly about?

    A. The background of the study.

    B. The significance of the study.

    C. The concern of the researcher.

    D. The introduction to the researcher.

    28. What did Cuaya consider when choosing dogs for study?

    A. Age limits.                B. Brain patterns.

    C. Language exposure.         D. Owners' commands.

    29. The results of the study are _____________.

    A. practical             B. contradictory

    C. compromising        D. groundbreaking

    30. Which of the following can be the best title?

    A. Dogs Can Tell Foreign Languages

    B. Dog Brains Have Different Patterns

    C. Old Dogs Know More About Human Speech

    D. Dogs Can Differ Speech From Non-Speech



    It's time to break out that picture of you as a kindergarten graduate. Place it on the mantel (壁炉架) as your reminder; you'll soon be attending your dream college or university. __31__ And the school year you've been waiting on has finally arrived. You're now leaders of the high school; SENIORS: The Class of 2022 !

    Now, before you get too excited, you have a lot of work to do to ensure you attend college, such as preparing college applications and taking a few standardized tests if you choose to. __32__

    Many 12th grade students can begin to feel overwhelmed, so keep your mental health top of mind. __33__ Consider establishing a weekly or monthly scholarship goal for yourself. Many successful scholarship applicants use this technique to ensure they get in as many applications as possible. The more you apply for your senior year of high school, the better your chances of winning. The good news is that there are a lot of financial aid opportunities for senior high school students.

    __34__ They can be merit-based, essay-based, academic achievement-driven, or athletic. You should also consider being involved in your local community. __35__ Nothing says dedicated like being able to juggle (同时做) schoolwork, the college admissions process, and still having time to give back!

    Here at Fastweb, we can help high school seniors find scholarships and get you the financial aid you'll need to make college more affordable.

    A. You wrapped up your junior year.

    B. A simple solution is to create small goals.

    C. Scholarships are awarded for a variety of reasons.

    D. Also, on that list is applying for college scholarships.

    E. It's time to get serious about applying for scholarships.

    F. Volunteer work experience is great in scholarship essays.

    G. Different scholarships have different academic requirements.




    Kwane Stewart stepped outside a Modesto, California, convenience store with his morning coffee and spotted a __36__ man sitting with his back against the building. A __37__ sat in the man's lap. Stewart, a vet at an animal shelter,  __38__ its scratched-off fur and chewed-up skin - common __39__ of an allergic reaction to fleas (跳䖝). He approached the man and __40__ flea medicine for the dog's skin, a gift the man __41__ accepted.

    "I remember returning a week and a half later, the __42__ was coming back and the rash (皮廖) was gone," Stewart told the Modesto Bee. The man said his dog was __43__ sleeping at night again because it was no longer staying up __44__ and chewing. "'And you know,' he said, 'I'm __45__ at night. I used to be kept awake.' He started to cry, thanking me repeatedly, and I got __46__ up too," Stewart says.

    Stewart was __47__. "When you give back, there is something you get in return that feels much __48__ I knew I wanted to keep doing it," he told medium.com. Stewart can often be found __49__ dark underpasses alone, anywhere he thinks the homeless might __50__, with his medical bag for most of the cases he comes across.

    He knows there are some people who question __51__ the homeless should even have pets. How can they __52__ them on the street? "I think that more than __53__, they need a pet and they deserve a pet," Stewart told the Bee. "They love their pet probably more than the __54__ person. Because, you know, the owner is the pet's __55__."

    36A. sad             B. tired                 C. sick                 D. homeless

    37A. pet             B. dog                   C. cat                  D. child

    38A. found           B. examined              C. noticed              D. felt

    39A. signs           B. standards             C. phenomena            D. appearances

    40A. wanted          B. attempted             C. promised             D. offered

    41A. formally        B. possibly              C. readily              D. unwillingly

    42A. memory          B. hair                  C. man                  D. time

    43A. finally         B. always                C. rarely               D. immediately

    44A. playing         B. running               C. scratching           D. consuming

    45A. sleeping        B. crying                C. suffering            D. wondering

    46A. set             B. cheered               C. choked               D. warmed

    47A. hooked          B. determined            C. worried              D. annoyed

    48A. larger          B. harder                C. funnier              D. truer

    49A. watching        B. wandering             C. circling             D. clearing

    50A. move out        B. stay up               C. come from            D. camp out

    51A. whether         B. when                  C. where                D. how

    52A. look for        B. belong to             C. adapt to             D. care for

    53A. somebody        B. anybody               C. everybody            D. nobody

    54A. generous        B. average               C. healthy              D. normal

    55A. support         B. love                  C. home                 D. joy





    Perhaps the finest nature writer of the Twentieth Century, Rachel Carson (1907-1964) __56__ (remember) more today as the woman who challenged the idea that humans could obtain mastery over nature by chemicals, bombs and space travel than for her studies of ocean life. __57__ (work) for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Washington, DC, __58__ (primary) as a writer, she was always aware of the effect that humans had on the natural world. All her books were physical explanations of life, all __59__ (fill) with miracle of what happens to life in and near the sea.

    Carson wrote about how islands were formed, how __60__ (current) change and merge (融合), how temperature affects sea life, __61__ how erosion (侵蚀) affects not just shore lines but fish populations and tiny micro-organisms. But how, she wondered, would the educated public be kept informed of these challenges to life __62__ (it)? In Silent Spring, she asked the hard questions about whether and why humans had the right to control nature; to decide who lives or __63__ (die), to poison or to destroy non-human life. In showing that all biological systems were dynamic and by urging the public __64__ (question) authority, to ask "Who speaks and why?" Rachel Carson became a social revolutionary, and Silent Spring became the handbook for __65__ future of all life on Earth.



    假定你是李华, 你已经完成国外某大学的网络课程学习。请你给该课程负责人写一封关于 课程学习反馈的邮件, 内容包括:

    1. 你的评价;

    2. 你的建议。

    注意: 1. 词数 80 词左右;

    1. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。





    I'd seen Kim around campus long before the winter of my sophomore (大二) year. I'd admired her from afar. She was pretty with smooth hair, always wearing a bright smile. I'd decided that if I were to choose one girl as my friend, she would be the one. Even though our paths crossed several times a day, I felt as if she lived in some remote corner of a distant universe, where I was sure she had no idea that I existed.

    She was there the night when I was invited to a party. A favorite band was playing that night, and I welcomed the chance to get out of my stuffy dorm room and away from hard work. I arrived late and took a seat at a table alone in the back of the room. The others didn't notice me, but I didn't care. I made a decision to hang out for fifteen minutes and then left.

    I heard a familiar laugh.... Then, I saw her sitting with her friends. She seemed to shine, making everything and everybody else in the room fade to insignificance. How I wished I were together with her! I looked around and wondered if anybody else saw her, but they all seemed too caught up in their corners of conversation to notice. How could they not? She was shining.

    I imagined myself walking up to her and then saying hello. What would she say? Would she just laugh or simply ignore me? Maybe my voice would crack, and I'd turn and slink away as if it had all been a mistake. Then I could simply spend the rest of my college years going around corners and taking roundabout routes to avoid seeing her.

    At that moment, she turned toward the back of the room. Her gaze rested on me. I saw her lean over and whisper something to one of her friends, and then she got up and weaved her way through the cluster of tables.


    1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;

    2. 应使用 5 个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

    4. 续写完成后, 请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

    Paragraph 1:

    She was coming toward me.


    Paragraph 2:

    Many years later, my thoughts sometimes still go back to that night.





























    1- 5BCBAC    6- 10 BAACB    11- -15BAABC    16- -20 ABCCB



    21- 23 DCD    24- 268BD    27- -30ACDA


    31- -35 ADBCF


    第一节(20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30)

    36- 40 DBCAD    41- 45CBACA     46- -50 CAABD     51- 55 ADBBC


    56. is remembered    57. working     58. primarily    59.filled    60.currents

    61. and    62. itself    63. dies     64. to question    65. the   



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