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    这是一份2023年湖南省高三联考(衡阳二模)英语试题及答案,文件包含英语答案pdf、湖南省衡阳市2023届高三第二次联考二模英语试题Word版docx、英语听力-2023年湖南省高三联考mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共20页, 欢迎下载使用。



    第一部分 听力(共两节。满分30)




    : How much is the shirt?

    A. ₤19.15.                 B. ₤9. 18.                  C. ₤9.15,


    1. Where did the man use to 1ive?

    A In an apartment.           B. Ina park house.           C In the dormiory.

    2. What does the lady want to have?

    A. Coffee and milk,         B Orange juice and bred.     C. Coffee and bread.

    3.How long does it task the man to drive home after 5 p.m?

    A.35 minutes,             B.20 minutes.               C 15 minutes.

    4. What does the woman suggest doing this morning? .

    A. Going to a mall,         B Having a meeing.         C. Canceling a meeting.

    5. What dos the man mean?

    A. The womon dos' lkie to work at all.

    B The computer to definitely broken down

    C. He had experience in repiring computers





    6. What does the man want to do?

    A. Go boating.                B. Take pictures.           C. Watch Huangmeixi.

    7. How will the speakers probably go on a trip?

    A. By plane,                 B. By car.                 C. By bike. .


    8. How often does the man work out?

    A. Twice a day.               B. Twice a week.            C. Twice a month.

    9. What does the man plan to do?

    A. Have a compeition.         B. Keep on exercising,       C. Lose some weight.

    10. What would the woman probably do?

    A. Go to the gym with the man.  B. Go to the office with the man. C. Take a walk with the man.


    11. Where are the speakers now?

    A. At Sam's home       B. In the supermarket..         C. In the parking lot.

    12. Why doesn't the woman buy the boy snacks as he likes?

    A. She thinks they are unhealthy.

    B. She thinks they are expensive.

    C, She thinks they are not fresh.

    13. Which apples are organic?

    A. Gala apples.          B. Fuji apples.              C. Golden Dlious aples


    14. How does the woman feel about the magic trick?

    A. Uninterested.           B. Amazed.               C. Normal.

    15. In what condition does the spoon turn into liquid according to the man?

    A. At a normal temperature.   B. At a low temperature.   C. At a high temperature.

    16. How would the woman probably get gallium?

    A. By buying some gallium on her won.

    B. By getting some left gallium from the man.

    C. By asking for some gallium from the magician.

    17. What are the speakers mainly discussing about?

    A. A kind of magic metal.  B. A way of making spoons.  C. The secret of the magician.


    18. What did the author do to appeal to the students?

    A. She shot some videos.    B. She gave performances.    C. She used extra materials.

    19. How did the students like the class?

    A. It was difcult.           B. It was boring.            C. It was interesting.

    20. What did the author thank for?

    A. Her energetic students.    B. The teaching material. .    C. The students' applause.

    第二部分阅读 (共两节,满分50)




    Haven't apreciated art for a long time? Don't worry, National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA) has arranged something reallyl amaing for you. Let's check what's on!

    Flower Rain on the Silk Road

    Place: Opera House

    Time: January 23-27.19; 00-20; 30

    Prie  ¥60 - 80 (click here for specific price for different seats)

    About: A eassieal Chinese dance dramn which is to celebrate China-foreign fendship that carries forward the Silk Rod spirit of friendly commercial ineraction and win win cooperation,

    The Unicorn Purse

    Place: Main Theatre

    Time: January23, 19: 30- 20: 30

    Price ¥160- 600 (click here for specific price for different seats)

    About: Jnguv. or Being Oper; an interesting story about how a man named Yang Yanzhao saves the princess and marries her in Liao Dynasty.

    Minimalist Creation

    Place; Multi- functional Theatre

    Time: January25 -27,14; 30-15; 30, 19; 30-20; 30


    About: Magice performances with the unexpected combinations such as, a plastie bog, a plastie pipe, and other conmon iemns in daily life, which will make children have a period of warm and fun time.

    New Year's Concert of Bejing

    Place: Concert Hall

    Time; January 26 -27, 19; 30-21: 10

    Price:¥100 600 (click here for specific price for diferent seats)

    About: Altogether 20 picces of masterpieces, conducted by Li Bowei.

    Kindly reminder

    Except for some children's plays. in's not llowed for children with height of 120cm or under to enter the concert hall.

    Box office

    North Gate of NCPANo, 2 West Chang an Avenue, Xicheng District, Bejing, P. R. China

    Tickets ollection hours

    9: 30- 19; 30 on performance day

    9; 30- 18; 00 for days without performance

    Booking line

    +86 10 6655 0000

    Booking hours

    9: 30- 18; 00 (CST) Monday to Friday

    Seating Chart

    We make every efort to ensure the acuracy of the information. However, the hours, pices, and program dtails may vary due to last minute changes.

    21. Which one is the most suitable for a family with kids?

    A. Flower Rain on the Silk Road              B. The Unicorn Purse.

    C. Minimalist Creation.                     D. Bejing Wind Orchestra.

    22. How much do you have to pay at least to enjoy pure music?

    A.¥60.          B.¥100.          C.¥160.          D.¥328.

    23. Which iformation will not change belore the beining of aplay?

    A. Contact ways.    B. Lasting hours.   C. Ticket prices.    D. Program details.


    Learning how to do simple handwork is a great way for girls to combine pratical sills and ceativity. With schools and educators always trying to encourage more girls to take up STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths) in high school and beyond, this could be the start of something special,

    “My daughter always asks to help me when 1 get something from IKEA that needs puting together," says Emma. "Normally, I don't trust her to do much more than turning the Allen key a few times, but recently I bought two chairs and thought: Why not let them have a go? My daughter Ruby did one on her own and was really careful and expert in it. It amazed me that she did a better job than me."

    If parents sill aren't convinced that lting their daughters lose with the family power tols is a good ide, just remember how much the local worker charges for a quick DIY job. This fun hobby might save the family a tew dllars, or even broaden their daughter's visions to a building, egineeing based career or study path further down the line.

    “When I first used a saw (锯子), 1 was petty sure r'd cut my finger oforf something, but our teacher explained eryhing we neded to know and Istar ted off slowly," explains Amelia, a 12- year old girl.

    "Ive nearly fished making my bread board and I've brought some ofcuts home beause I want to try and turn them into somehing using tols from my grandpa's clction..1 love bildig. It's ceaive and cllnging and relly satistying when it works!" Ameia ads. "'m going to build a bird feder for our

    garden next. 1just need to ask Mum and Dad if 1 can borw a dill and some nails."

    Hopefully tey'll say yes. After ll, Amelia might end up buildig them a family house in a few years.

    24. How did Ruby perform when putting the chair together?

    A. Less carefully than usual.              B. As slilfully as an expert.

    C. Beyond mom's expectation,            D. No better than her mom.

    25. What will happen if a girl knows how to doa DIY job?

    A. The local worker will charge her less money.  B. She will make a few dllars for the family.

    C. It will prevent her from gtting a lot of fun.   D. It will improve her STEM-related abilit.t

    26. What will Amelia do with parents' permision?

    A. Make a bread board.                 B. Bring off-cuts home.

    C. Build a family house.                D. Make a bird feeder.

    27. What's the main idea of the text?

    A. Parents ought to do handwork with their kids.

    B. Girls should be given chances to do handwork.

    C. Girls share their stories about doing handwork.

    D. Kids are beneficial from doing some handwork.


    Do you ever feel guilty for relaxing, even after you ve worked hard all day? Do you feel like you should be doing more despite working full hours and nearing burnout? You may be experiencing productivity dysmorphia (生产力畸形)It is a way to describe the feling of failing to recognize your accomplishments and wanting to continue doing more, even when you're. running on fumes.

    Author Anna Codrear Rado who wrote an article about productivity dysmorphia claimed "it is the pursuit of productivity that drives us to do more while robbing us of the ability to enjoy any success we might encounter along the way".

    Highly competitive and job-led culture contribute to constantly pursuing productivity that eats away at other areas of life. In fact, you' re often praised for putting productivity above your well-being. Remember how schools rewarded perfect attendance? Similarly, companies prefer employees who get the maximum work done while taking the fewest possible breaks. Rewards like these have strengthened that rest is bad and that being constantly at work is the right thing to do.

    Plus, the problem isn't that the boss tells them to do it, but rather that they internalize the need to always be productive even when they' re going somewhere to enjoy leisure time. Habits like these may be born out of the social pressure to find self worth in work achievements.

    Some writers have even begun describing rest as productive, as if people should stop relaxing if it doesn't improve performance in some way. Not only does this mindset make it difficult to view and celebrate your achievements, but it also pushes you to build your entire life around work goals. The only milestones that matter are achieving work goals. The worst part? There's no sense of fulfillment when you reach these goals.

    28. What do the underlined words "running on fumes" mean in Paragraph 1?

    A. Tired.            B. Excited,         C. Satisfied.        D. Disappointed.

    29. Which is the reason for constantly pursuing produetivity?

    A. Minor competitiveness.                 B. Pressure from jobs.

    C. Instructions from the boss.               D. Internalized needs.

    30. Which may be an example of productivity dysmorphia?

    A. A man completes work in working hours.

    B. A man enjoys leisure time with his family,.

    C. A woman works everywhere at anytime.

    D. A woman stops for a relaxation regularly.

    31. What is the author's atitude towards the description of some writers? .

    A. Favorable.           B. Negative.         C. Unconcerned.       D. Neutral.


    Living robots can reproduce on their own in a dish. This is not a science-fic-tion movie, but the result of a new research,

    Xenobots, a type of tiny robot, were first created in 2020, using cells taken from the embryo (胚胎) of an African frog species. Under the right lab conditions, the cells formed small structures that could sel-assemble (自组装)move in groups and react to their environment. Now, the researchers have found that xenobots can also self- reproduce, according to the journal- -Nerw Scientist.

    Xenobots step over an unusual line. Are they living organisms or robots? They are organisms because they are made of stem cells and can reproduce. But they are also robots because they can move on their own and perform physical labor, co-author Sam Kriegman told The Washington Post.

    "People have thought for quite a long time that we ve worked out all the ways that life can reproduce or copy. But this is something that's never been observed before," co-author Douglas Blackiston, a senior scientist at Tufts University in the US, told Science Daily website.

    The ablity t0 copy adds a new layer of potential function to the robots. Kriegman told The Washingon Post that while xenobots are not yet commer cially useful, they have the potential to offer a number of services, from cleaning up microplastics in the ocean to safely delivering drugs to a speifice spot in a person's body.

    However, the creation of xenobots comes with concerns. Some think more advanced future xenobots, especially ones that live longer and reproduce, could out-compete other species, according to The Converstion, an Australia news media.

    Researchers think these risks are manageable.“If you change the amount of sodium (钠元素) in that water to be too high or too low, they'll die," Kriegman told The Washington Post. “If there's a piece of copper, a kind of metal, in the dish, they'll all die. It's an extremely contollable, stoppable and safe system."

    32. What are xenobots?

    A. Robots first discovered in 2020.          B. Robots from a sci- fi movie,

    C. Organisms made of embryos.            D. Organisms as well as robots.

    33. What is the promising benefit brought about by xenobots?

    A. Promoting commercial products.         B. Offering some household services.

    C. Delivering medicine inside a patient.      D. Cleaning up huge plastics in the ocean.

    34. What can you infer from Kriegman's words in the last paragraph?

    A. Xenobots die hard in water.             B. Xenobots won't pose a threat,

    C. Xenobots are made of copper.           D. Xenobots have a safe system.

    35. What is the purpose of the passage?

    A. To inform us of the creation of Xenobots.

    B. To instruct people how to use Xenobots.

    C. To warn about the danger from Xenobots,

    D. To settle the arguments over Xenobots.



    Navigation (导航) skills seem to come naturally to some- but others aren't so lucky. If you are lacking in a sense of direction, especially sick of taking wrong turns, here's how to start finding your way.

    To begin with, 1 have to be frank that I had an interest in researching this topie becuse my own sense of direction is absoluely rubish. 36. _____I can find my way there easily enough because there are signs pointing me in the right direction. But gtting back to my dining table is another story. After all, there are no helpful signs saying, "This is where you were stting less than five minutes ago, Jane."

    However, a good news is that according to scientists the hippocampus (海马体)the part of the brain associated with navigation- -expands to accommodate the mental maps of those who are puzzled with directions. 37.______They just need to work at it.

    Firstly, it's a good idea to put the GPS away. In a University of Nottingham study, drivers who'd fllowed step-by-step GPS instructions found it harder to work out where they'd been. 38._________

    39._____Not least it is because the amount of mental energy it requires means it's more likely to stick in your mind. Looking at online maps on a big screen- or even studying a paper map- -also allows you to get a sense of that all- important bigger picture and how everywhere fits together.

    Finally, try to relax when you re on unfamiliar ground. 40.______.But this sudden burst of anxiety will only increase your pressure and prevent you from calmly working out which way to go.

    A. I always get lost when I am out.

    B. Yes, they can improve the sense of direction.

    C. Take popping to the toilet in a restaurant, for example.

    D. They even failed to notice they'd been past the same place.

    E However, they can fnally manage the drction completely.

    F. It's all too easy to get panicked by the suspicion of gtting lost.

    G. Sudying a lager map and memoizig the route in advance can be helpful.

    第三部分语言运用 (共两节,满分30)


    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A. BCD四个选项中选出可以填空白处的最佳选项。

    A storm blew up over the sate In he moming, I found a boby bird in the gallery. He was wet through, looking very 41.______for himself, He was alone, with no 42._____around. Realizing he was 43.______by the stom I picked him up and mde a big "house' for him, filled with some grass and 44.________.

    He was very 45.______at first. But as time 46._____ , he finally became outgoing and sat on my shoulder as I walked in the yard. From then on, he 47.______became a member of my family. He ate some of the dog's meat and some insects I 48.______to find. Two weeks going by, he deided to fly off on his own! I was glad he 49._______and was able to live his life as he should.

    About one year later I was in the yard again, this time hanging out some 50._____when a big bird flew down and 51.______on my shoulder! He was not a bit 52.________,and I knew it was him. Staying for a while, he flew off  up into the 53.______, disappearing.

     A wid bird came back to say, “Thank you for 54._______me, Fantastic! 55._______the little thing, I experienced strong sense of satisfaction.

    41. A. sorry             B. grateful           C. proud             D. happy

    42. A. food             B. sign              C. parent             D. people

    43. A. found            B. attacked           C. destroyed          D. troubled

    44. A. flowers          B. branches            C. trees             D. toys

    45. A. noisy            B. relieved           C. satisfied           D. quiet

    46. A. went away       B. broke out          C. passed by          D. caught up

    47. A. offcially         B. secretly           C. luckily            D. surprisingly

    48. A. expected        B. intended           C. promised          D. managed

    49. A. escaped         B. recovered          C, rested            D. survived

    50, A. washings       B. teachings           C. buildings         D. findings

    51, A. drank          B. slept              C. ate              D. landed

    52. A. astonished       B. angry            C. afraid             D. calm

    53. A. gallery         B. yard               C. house            D. sky

    54. A. serving         B. rescuing           C. curing           D. making

    55. A. Thanks to        B. In spite of        C. In addition to      D. Next to




    Up to now, the two episodes of Three Bodies released 56.______(gain) more than 100 million views on the website. The latest animated (动画的) adaptation of China's award winning sci- fi novel The Three Body Problem has become a quick hit online, adding to the list of popular 57._____(domestic) produced animations.

    58._____(Call) The Three Body Animation , the 15-episode series is based on the second book of Liu Cixin's trilogy (三部曲) and has gained praise from fans online after 59._____(release) on Dec. 10. The "Three Body” series is Liu's best-elling science fictin trilogy, 60.____has since gained a massive following home and abroad, Due to the growing desire 61.______the sci-fi type in China, Liu's works have been adapted into various 62._____(form)including animations, games, films, and TV series.

    A previous animation based on the "Three Body" series also appeared as a hit when released in 2020. In the same year, the movie, The Wandering Earth, based on Liu's short story of the same name, 63._____(become) one of the most profitable movies in China, and the sci-fi movie lovers elected 64. _______the most influential one of the yer. One global streaming platform is also  releasing 65.________.adaptation of the "The Three Body Problem" series next.

    第四部分写作 (共两节,满分40)


    假定你是李华,你将接受校英语报专栏A Bite of My Homeown的主持人Cindy的访问。请你写一篇有关你家乡美食的发言稿,内容包括:








    Thank you, Cindy, for giving me a precious opportunity to talk about the food in my hometown.______________________________________________________________________


    Thank you again!



    Whenever asked why I chose to become a doctor, I would always explain by elling the story of my adolescence (青春期).

    As a fresh graduate of high school, I found it difficult to choose a career path before college. In those days in Pakistan, there were limited choices: becoming an engineer, a doctor or a financial worker. I wasn't interested in engineering, so that I was left with medicine or business.1 couldn't decide.

    My uncle suggested that I do a work placement (实习) to experience business for a month in an international company, and then medicine for another month in a hospital. After that, I could make a decision. It seemed like a good idea.

    I began a month's placement at a foreign bank. I got to know the rules of financial world, made new friends, and generally enjoyed the mostly easy-going work surroundings.

    The month passed rapidly, and soon I began working at a

    leading hospital.

    The experience couldn't have been more dferet. The hospital had a stesfu environment. The days started earlyat 7 a. m, compared to9 a.m.at the bank, and were flled with endless duties and the night cll! This was crazy, working all day, through the night, and again the next day.

    I began thinking about my two experiences. The bank had offered a tmore relaxing environment, better working hours and less stress; while the hospital was full of excitement and difcult studying and training. It seemed that the business choice was going to win out.

    Near the end of my month at the hospital, I was driving home after an especially busy night call, In front of me was a public bus, with college students sitting on the top. As the driver weaved through (穿梭) traffic, I could see the boys shaking from side to side.


    1.所续写的短文词数应为150左右; .


    Suddenly, a boy fell off the back of the bus.________________________________________


    The next day, when I went to the hopital to see the boy, all his family got up, with grateful smiles on their faces.______________________________________________________________




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