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    这是一份2022-2023学年山东省日照市高二上学期期末考试英语试题含答案,共15页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, Why did Mr等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What des the wman plan t dnate?
    A. Skirts.B. Shirts.C. Handbags.
    2. What is Peter usually like?
    A. Happy.B. Hnest.C. Quiet.
    3. Wh didn’t cme t the shp tday?
    A. The bss.B. The man’s kid.C. The salespersn.
    4. What time is it nw?
    A. 7:40.B. 7:50.C. 8:00.
    5. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and parent.B. A cuple.C. Friends.
    6. What’s wrng with the bys?
    A. They are sick.B. They lst a camera.C. They brke their phnes.
    7. What will the speakers d tmrrw?
    A. Make a cake tgether.B. G t a bank.C. Have a party.
    8. What des the wman think f Mr. Barclay’s bk?
    A. Quite attractive.B. T difficult.C. A bit bring.
    9. Why did Mr. Barclay begin writing the bk?
    A. He needed mney.B. He had a lng illness.C. He wanted t start a new career.
    10. What des the wman want t change?
    A. The structure f the bk.
    B. The ending f the whle stry.
    C. The names f sme characters.
    11. Why is the wman calling?
    A. T place an rder.B. T ask abut a prduct.C. T discuss a prject.
    12. Which is the wman mst cncerned abut nw?
    A. The price.
    B. The envirnmental impact.
    C. The gvernment’s supprt.
    13. What des the man ffer t d fr the wman?
    A. Sell the electricity.B. Make a plan.C. Lwer the price.
    14. Where are the speakers?
    A. In Canada.B. In Mexic.C. In America.
    15. What will the weather be like in the next tw weeks?
    A. Cld and snwy.B. Warm and sunny.C. Ht and rainy.
    16. What des the man remind peple t d?
    A. Prepare a cat fr utdr events.
    B. Find ut swimming suits.
    C. Put n sun creams.
    17. Which tpic will the speakers discuss abut next?
    A. Business news.B. Lcal sprts news.C. Internatinal weather infrmatin.
    18. What is the main tpic f the talk?
    A. Famus cmpetitins.B. A histric stadium.C. Rman festivals.
    19. What des the speaker say abut the racing?
    A. There shuld be six hrses in each vehicle.
    B. The hrses were cntrlled by humans in the racing.
    C. Peple shuld run faster than hrses t finish first.
    20. When did Circus Maximus g ut f use?
    A. In the 6th century BC.B. In the 7th century BC.C. In the 5th century AD.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    2023 Winter Break Camp Sessins Fr Schlchildren
    Time: 9 am-4 pm December 19-22, and December 27-30.
    Price: General Public: $460 | Feature Family & Igniter Members: $430 | Family Memberships: $445
    Arctic Adventures
    Put n yur warmest winter clthes and cme explre the Arctic as a plar scientist. See hw chemistry, bilgy, engineering, and mre appear in the Arctic as we play games, make cl art, and perfrm chilling experiments. Yur camper will discver the symmetry(对称性)f a snwflake, build their wn igl, and even try ut sme different materials that helps keep arctic animals warm in this icy cl adventure f a week!
    Science f Chill
    We’re making science cl! Cme t explre the chemistry behind snw and ice, the bilgy f surviving in the cld, and the physics behind sme f ur favrite winter sprts and activities! Campers will create their wn snwball launcher, experiment with the best ways t stay warm in the cldest envirnments, and the science behind relaxatin in Science f Chill.
    Extended Care
    PacSci is ffering extended care with Winter Break Camps! This add-n is an ptinal purchase during registratin n CampDc fr $52 fr a camp sessin (4 days). Extended care prmptly ends at 6 pm each day. Any unplanned extended care r late pick-up will result in a $10 late fee fr every 10 minutes.
    Cntact Us
    Email is the preferred methd f cmmunicatin. Staff mnitr and respnd t emails frm 9 am-5 pm, Mnday-Friday.
    We will respnd t vicemails frm 9 am-5 pm, Mnday-Friday. Respnse times are dependent n call vlume. Please cntact us at (206) 443-2008.
    21. What can campers d at the Arctic Adventures & Science f Chill?
    A. Explre science in ice and snw.B. Carry ut experiments t make ice.
    C. Learn t build huses fr themselves.D. Invent smething t help animals ut.
    22. Hw much mre will be paid if staying at the camps till 6:20 pm?
    A. 42.B. 52.C. 62.D. 72.
    23. What is the text?
    A. A jurnal.B. An advertisement.C. A nvel.D. A science reprt.
    China is ne f the largest prducers and cnsumers f watermeln in the wrld. And Wu Mingzhu, a schlmate f Yuan Lngping at Suthwest Agricultural Cllege in Chngqing in the late 1940s, is the unsung her wh has helped make this pssible.
    “It’s n exaggeratin(夸张)t say that abut 80 percent f mre than 20,000 f China’s new seed types f watermelns and sweet melns at peple’s dining tables everyday are the result f great effrts made by Wu and her team ver mre than 60 years,” said a clleague f Wu’s.
    In 1955, Wu vluntarily went t wrk in Shanshan Cunty, Turpan Basin in nrthwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autnmus Regin where wrking cnditins were hard. In 1958, Wu began t prmte the mdern technlgy f cultivating(种植)melns amng farmers. Hwever, the lcal farmers wh were used t flk cultivatin methds, didn’t seem t take kindly t that. With the help f a famus lcal meln expert, Wu pened up three acres f wasteland t plant melns accrding t scientific knwledge. When autumn arrived, lcal farmers fund the melns Wu planted in a scientific way were particularly delicius. Frm then n, the farmers began t adpt Wu’s scientific grwing methds.
    Wu’s effrts t grw quality melns began paying ff in 1973 when she went t the ff-seasn breeding(培育)base in Hainan. She wanted t develp Hainan as a pilt area s that the suth area f China culd als grw melns, and realize the dream f three-matured r even fur-matured melns. After numerus difficulties, finally in the 80s, the meln variety selected by Wu succeeded. Wu said, “In Xinjiang, there are thusands f science and technlgy wrkers like me. They have wrked hard fr decades n the frntline f agriculture. I’m just ne f the rdinary nes.”
    Nw dealing with Alzheimer’s disease, Wu is ften unable t recgnize her frmer clleagues r even her family members wh live by her side. But having wrked day and night t breed new seed types since the 1950s, she can still remember her meln wrk.
    24. What des Wu’s clleague think f her?
    A. Hardwrking.B. Brave.C. Kindhearted.D. Cnsiderate.
    25. What can we infer frm Paragraph 3?
    A. Lcal farmers trusted Wu at first.B. Wu failed t spread her technlgy.
    C. Wu’s technlgy wrked in Turpan Basin.D. A lcal expert imprved Wu’s methds.
    26. Why did Wu chse Hainan as a breeding base?
    A. T attract mre watermeln cnsumers.
    B. T earn mre mney by selling mre melns.
    C. T guide the lcal farmers t grw watermelns.
    D. T imprve the speed and efficiency f breeding.
    27. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. Wu Mingzhu’s lifestyle.B. A devted watermeln scientist.
    C. Wu Mingzhu’s new discvery.D. The mdern technlgy f meln grwing.
    La Casa en el Aire (literally “The Huse in the Air” in Spanish) is a unique hstel lcated n a cliff face, abut 30 meters abve the grund, in the Clmbian muntains.
    Built primarily ut f wd and featuring a tin rf, the cheap htel is attached t a bridge that rises up amng the area. It is held in place by several steel wires cnnected t the cliff and supprted by a lng wden ple als placed against the cliff. It stands abut 20 meters abve the grund, at an altitude f abut 2,500 meters abve sea level.
    La Casa en el Aire is the brainchild f Clmbian muntain climber Niltn Lpez, wh recently said that building this unusual hstel meant realizing an ld dream f his. He is mst prud f the fact that his creatin is practical, with electricity being prduced by slar panels, and all rubbish being cllected and transprted t Medellin.
    Apart frm staying and sleeping in a cabin hung n the side f a huge rck, visitrs f La Casa en el Aire can als invlve in a variety f exciting activities, such as bungee jumping ut f the huse r spending the night in hammcks(吊床)hung n steel wires abve the huse.
    Because the hstel is lcated in a faraway area f Abejrral, with n easy access t fd and water, visitrs are encuraged t bring lng-lasting fds (dry bread, ckies, etc.), as well as five-liter bttle f water with them.
    28. Which f the fllwing can best describe La Casa en el Aire?
    A. Safe.B. Unique.C. Cmfrtable.D. Ordinary.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “brainchild” prbably mean in paragraph 3?
    A. Idea.B. Advice.C. Prject.D. Fact.
    30. What can be inferred abut La Casa en el Aire?
    A. It is made ut f steel wires.B. It is lcated in the muntains.
    C. It is envirnmentally friendly.D. It is supprted by wden ples.
    31. Why d visitrs have t bring fd and water?
    A. They are easy t g bad in the hstel.B. They are very expensive in the hstel.
    C. They are f pr quality in the hstel.D. They are nt available easily in the hstel.
    An intelligent mnitring system is helping bird prtectrs in Chenhu Lake Wetland f Wuhan, Hubei prvince, by cllecting data and learning mre abut the birds’ habits.
    The wetland cvers abut 11,600 hectares and is lcated in the area where the Yangtze River and Han River meet. Up t 86,000 birds f 227 species inhabited the wetland last year, its figures shwed.
    A limited number f bird-watchers and patrl guards may miss ut cunting sme f the birds but the system can d it mre accurately, accrding t the reserve. In July last year, the mnitring system, the first f its kind in Hubei, was put int trial(试验)peratin in the wetland. It has since recrded real-time mnitring data and assisted with patrlling. The system can detect the type f birds arriving r leaving and which areas they prefer t mve arund, by identifying species thrugh the sunds they make. It als mnitrs sunds in the wild and cmpares them with thse in the database.
    A vide system tracks key prtectin areas all day. Phts f birds taken will be autmatically cmpared with thse in the database, with a cmbinatin f audi and vide infrmatin increasing the recgnitin accuracy. The reserve’s emplyees have als added tracking functins in the mnitring system by placing satellite trackers n bean geese migrating bean geese have been fund t fly frm Russian areas.
    Feng Jiang, an engineer f the Chenhu wetland nature reserve management bureau, said, “The tracking data has a psitive effect n the prtectin f species glbally. Since Nvember last year, we have tried t clarify the migratin rutes f birds. We mnitr where they stay and when they return t the reserve. The data tells us where birds cme frm and pass by, s we can cperate with internatinal rganizatins r cuntries t better prtect them.”
    The mnitring system als uses digital technlgy t build a simulatin(模拟)mdel. By simulating the flw f turists, researchers can decide the maximum number f visitrs in Chenhu Lake and prevent peple frm disturbing the birds. This can help researchers predict as well the pssibility and scpe(范围)f the envirnmental impact n the wetland thrugh the grwth f plants there and rll ut targeted measures.
    32. What is a prblem with bird-mnitring in the reserve?
    A. Vast area.B. Lack f experts.C. Lack f accuracy.D. Varius species.
    33. What is the intelligent mnitring system able t d?
    A. Mnitr the watchers and guards.B. Recgnize the species f birds.
    C. Place satellite trackers n birds.D. Cunt all the birds crrectly.
    34. Hw des the system wrk?
    A. By cmfrting the birds.B. By making birds’ sunds.
    C. By taking phts f birds.D. By cmparing the cllected data.
    35. What des the system d t help researchers?
    A. Prvide birds’ fd chains.B. Prevent the disturbance f birds.
    C. Predict the habits f the visitrs.D. Prtect the ecsystems in a better way.
    Oceans are an appealing target fr renewable energy prductin. Waves prduce 32,000 terawatt-hurs f natural energy per year—fr reference, the entire wrld uses arund 23,000 terawatt-hurs every year.
    The advantages f wave pwer are clear. 36 Turbines(涡轮机)prduce electricity thrugh the pwer f waves, making them a cmpletely pllutin-free, renewable energy surce. And the amunt f kinetic energy(动能)in a wave is huge that energy is used t prduce electricity. There is als a lt f ptential because many cuntries have access t an cean that can help pwer their electric systems. Als, waves are hardly interrupted and almst always in mvement. 37
    But the disadvantages f wave energy are serius t. Building factries r electrical wires directly n the beach might prve challenging. 38 Lcal fishing znes culd be affected r the factries culd lead t mre castal ersin(腐蚀). High csts is a prblem t. Wave pwer is a rising energy technlgy in the early stages f develpment, s calculating the csts is difficult. 39 Because cnstant mvement can lead t mre breaking, wave energy factries will mst likely need regular and cstly maintenance.
    40 Fr many cean-brdering cuntries, wave energy will be a great additin t the newable energy mix. The bttm line is that wave pwer has enrmus glbal ptential. Hwever, the industry needs mre funding and research t finalize the technlgy invlved s that cuntries can begin adding wave energy t their renewable energy surce.
    A. Wave energy still need t be explred.
    B. They are nt affrdable t many cuntries.
    C. Despite the challenges, there is a future f wave energy.
    D. Wave energy des nt give ff greenhuse gasses when prduced.
    E. They can cause damage t sea life and the surrunding ecsystems.
    F. Maintenance fr the factries in mving saltwater is very expensive.
    G. This makes electricity frm wave energy a mre reliable energy surce.
    第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分30分)
    The last time Jack Hansn tk an airplane, he was a junir at the University f Vermnt. T return frm a term abrad in Cpenhagen, he flew frm Denmark, 41 in Iceland, and landed in New Yrk.
    But the next term, ne f his prfessrs asked students t 42 their individual energy usage. And when Mr. Hansn did the 43 , he realized that just ne leg f that internatinal flight 44 mre energy, and mre greenhuse gas emissins(排放), than all the ther things that year 45 — the driving and heating and lighting and eating and everything else.
    He was 46 . “I just culdn’t 47 it,” he says. “It really is an extreme. It’s an extreme amunt f energy, an extreme amunt f 48 .”
    S Mr. Hansn decided t stp 49 . Since then, he has traveled by train and bike and car, and has even written a sng abut the 50 f getting hme t Chicag n an vernight bus. But he has nt been n an airplane.
    And he has never fund travel mre 51 , he says. He knws that sme peple find this hard t 52 , including many friends and family members. They decide Mr. Hansn’s apprach is 53 .
    G mre 54 , and travel begins t return t what it nce was: a slw change f ne place t anther, a sense f space, an unwinding f time.
    “Once yu’ve tasted this way f 55 , yu understand what it’s all abut,” he says.
    41. A. pulledB. stppedC. stayedD. played
    42. A. judgeB. cnsiderC. calculateD. reduce
    43. A. perfrmanceB. researchC. experimentD. math
    44. A. accunted frB. called frC. figured utD. turned ut
    45. A. listedB. cmbinedC. separatedD. bught
    46. A. shckedB. embarrassedC. entertainedD. bred
    47. A. explainB. makeC. refuseD. manage
    48. A. pleasureB. wasteC. mneyD. pllutin
    49. A. drivingB. heatingC. flyingD. lighting
    50. A. incidentsB. striesC. disastersD. cnditins
    51. A. jyfulB. dangerusC. upsetD. expensive
    52. A. tellB. believeC. prveD. describe
    53. A. delightfulB. inflexibleC. effectiveD. unreasnable
    54. A. carefullyB. wildlyC. slwlyD. actively
    55. A. ckingB. restingC. relaxingD. traveling
    56. Frm these facts we can draw a c ______ abut hw the pyramids were built.
    57. Animals evlve as they a ______ t their changing envirnment.
    58. There is ______(证据)suggesting that the trend is grwing. evidence
    59. We talked abut music and hliday, and ______(逐渐地)established a friendship.
    60. The farmer intended t take ______(合法的)actin t prtect his rights.
    61. 你是公司的负责人,所以你应该对你说的话负责。(charge)
    Yu are ______ the cmpany, s yu shuld take respnsibility fr what yu said.
    62. 青少年发现很难抵制垃圾食品等诱惑。(it作形式宾语)
    Teenagers ______ t resist temptatins such as junk fd.
    63. 体育锻炼是消除愤怒的有效方式。(rid)
    Physical exercise is an effective way t ______ anger.
    64. 焦虑的父母们正尽其所能安抚紧张哭闹的孩子。(what引导的宾语从句)
    Anxius parents d ______ t cmfrt nervus and crying children.
    65. 如何保护脆弱的生态系统是最重要的事情之一。(疑问词+不定式)
    ______ the delicate ecsystem was amng the tp cncerns.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1. 动物的重要性;
    2. 保护动物的建议。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    I’m s excited because tday I’m graduating frm high schl, finally! I have many mixed feelings. I’m nervus, happy, but mst imprtantly scared fr the future. I still haven’t gtten my cllege letters t see if I gt in r nt.
    Several days passed and slwly my letters started t arrive, sadly refused. All f my ptins clse t hme turned me dwn, which made me scared because I get very hmesick. Then I remembered that a mnth befre in the cllege adviser’s ffice I applied t a study abrad prgram in China. I lked at it as a very last chice but nw it was my nly hpe fr ging t cllege next year.
    The letter arrived and I was accepted! I was happy t g t cllege but I culdn’t believe it was in China. We all started crying. My parents are very verprtective, they never let me d anything and always make my decisins fr me. I was still unsure whether t g r nt.
    My parents claimed that I wasn’t ready. I didn’t give in. Fr the first time I made my wn decisin. They tried t stp me but my mind was determined. All f my life I never tried anything new and nw was the perfect time t be utging. I wuld start fresh, meet new peple, and learn abut a new place and culture. I packed and my parents drve me t the airprt, crying all the way. Finally, I said gdbye and left. Time passed s fast and nce I pened my eyes I was in China.
    1. 续写词数应为100左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    1-5 AACCB6-10 ACABC11-15 BABAB16-20 ACBAC
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    21-23 ADB24-27 ACDB28-31 BACD32-35 CBDD
    36-40 DGEFC
    第三部分 英语运用(共两节,满分30分)
    41-45 BCDAB46-50 AADCB51-55 ABDCD
    56. cnclusin57. adapt58. evidence/prf59. gradually60. legal
    61. in charge f/taking charge f
    62. find it difficult/hard
    63. get rid f
    64. what/whatever they can
    65. Hw t prtect
    第四部分 写作(满分40分)
    Caring fr animals
    In my mind, nthing can delight me s much as caring fr animals. Animals are ur friends. They play an imprtant rle in keeping eclgical balance and maintaining bidiversity, s we shuld live in harmny with them.
    What can we d fr them? First, we shuld prtect the envirnment t give the animals a cmfrtable space t live in. Secndly, we shuld prtect wild animals and refuse t eat them. Finally and mst imprtantly, we shuld tell mre and mre peple why and hw t prtect the animals.
    Only by respecting the rules f nature, can we make ur wrld better and enjy a happy life. Remember — yur cntributin cunts!
    At last, I arrived at my cllege and began my new life. Everyne in my class was friendly. They asked me abut my cuntry and I was s happy! My rmmates and I decrated ur drm tgether. It came ut really cl and clrful. The classes were very interesting and I learned much. I als really lved the culture and everything frm China! My parents always tld me they wuld cme t visit but I wanted t have sme time n my wn and they did understand that. I lved them but I needed this time t myself. Over time I made many gd friends. It was a great experience that I learned a lt frm and it really helped me grw as a persn. (113 wrds)
    W:I’m never ging t wear these tw skirts again. I think I’ll give them t the charity shp. (1)
    M:If yu’re ging there, I have fur ld shirts yu can take.
    W:OK, let’s put them all in my handbag.
    Text 2
    M:Oh, pr Peter. His car brke dwn in a traffic jam this mrning and he was late fr wrk. He missed a meeting and the bss shuted at him.
    W:N wnder he is s quiet tday. He’s generally such a jyful persn. (2)
    Text 3
    W:Culd I pay fr this, please? I have t hurry. My bss is asking me back t prepare a meeting.
    M:Yes. I’m srry. Usually a salespersn helps in the shp but her kid is ill tday. (3)
    Text 4
    M:Excuse me, are yu waiting fr the 7:50 train?
    W:N, it has gne. It left 10 minutes ag — right n time. (40)
    M:But my watch says… Oh n, my watch has stpped.
    Text 5
    W:I think we shuld cnsider mving t Waterville.
    M:But all ur friends live here.
    W:Yes, but the schls there are gd. They have better teachers, and I want the best educatin fr ur sn and daughter. (5)
    Text 6
    W:Hell. Jean speaking.
    M:Oh, it’s yu, dear. Srry I had t rush ff this mrning. Hw are the bys? (6)
    W:I’m taking them t the dctr at 10:00, (6) but I’m sure they’re ging t be all right.
    M:That’s gd. I’ll get the cake fr tmrrw’s birthday party n my way hme. (7)
    W:Great. Oh, gifts! I’m thinking f buying a camera r phnes.
    M:Well, dear, hw abut we put away sme mney in the bank fr them, and teach them hw t spend mney wisely instead?
    W:That’s a gd idea. Let’s d it later tday!
    Text 7
    W:Well, Mr. Barclay, (8) (9) I’m very impressed with yur nvel. (8)
    M:I’m s glad yu like it. I wasn’t sure if the subject wuld be ppular.
    W:Yur style f writing will make it ppular. It’s simple and clear, yet very intelligent. (8)
    M:Thank yu.
    W:As an editr, I find it hard t believe it’s yur first nvel. It’s s well-written.
    M:I nearly didn’t write it. I’m usually t busy with wrk, but I was ill fr a lng perid, s I started it t free myself f bredm. (9)
    W:Are yu better nw?
    M:Oh yes.
    W:There’s just ne small thing I’d like yu t change. (10)
    M:Nt the ending, I hpe.
    W:N, it’s the names f sme characters, (10) because there are real persns f that name and they may feel uncmfrtable.
    Text 8
    M:Hell, Bright Futures. Hw can I help yu?
    W:Hell. I saw yur advertisement fr slar pwer. Can yu tell me mre abut it? (11)
    M:D yu mean slar pwer fr yur hme?
    W:Yes. I’ve heard it’s gd fr the envirnment.
    M:It definitely is. Als, it is free pwer, s it can save yur mney.
    W:Hw des it wrk?
    M:The panels n yur huse cllect energy frm the sun and turn it int electricity.
    W:Des it cst a lt t set up? The cst is my tp cncern nw. (12)
    M:It isn’t cheap, but the gvernment has just annunced that it will give mney t peple wh fit slar panels. And yu can even sell back yur electricity t the gvernment.
    W:Ww, that sunds really interesting nw.
    M:Then, why dn’t I cme t yur huse and wrk ut the best plan with best price and mst suitable prducts fr yur family? (13)
    Text 9
    W:That’s all fr the stries abut the city’s high schl sprts teams. Next, we’re lking at lcal weather, and we’ve gt sme surprising news fr everyne.
    M:After a mnth f snwy and windy days arund Trnt, we’re expecting a significant change. This map shws that a warm air has been pushed frm Mexic thrugh nrthern USA, finding its way here t Suthern Canada. (14)
    W:Great news, I’d say! We finally have sme warm sunny days ahead. (15) Can’t wait t get my swimsuits and my sun cream.
    M:Ww, hld yur hrses. This warm air system will nly stick arund fr 14 days. (15) After that, we’ll expect anther fast drp in temperature.
    W:But at least, until then, my dear listeners, get utside and enjy yurselves. Why nt g fr a run and d sme sprts with yur families and friends?
    M:Nice ideas. Be aware f the temperature difference between day and night. Always take a cat when yu d any utdr activities. (16)
    W:That’s right. Keep yurself warm and stay healthy. Next, we’ll get int ur daily business market update. (17)
    Text 10(第18题为总结题)
    These days it lks like a large area f deserted land, but Circus Maximus, in Rme, has an exciting histry. As ne f the remains f ancient Rme, Circus Maximus was the largest stadium in the entire Rman Empire. In the site, huge crwds watched a racing amng hrse-drawn vehicles. There were tw t six hrses in each vehicle, and peple in the vehicles cntrlled their hrses t finish first. (19)
    Circus Maximus was built in late 7th r early 6th century BC, mainly fr entertainment purpses. The mst ppular event held there was the racing. Apart frm that, the site was als used fr Rman Games during festivals and celebratins fr victries in wars. Nt until the fall f the Rman Empire in the 5th century AD, Circus Maximus finally fell ut f use. (20) Tday, the site is used as a park area and is regularly used fr music cncerts and public gatherings. In recent years, Circus Maximus has becme the place fr celebrating New Year’s Eve in Rme.
    At last I arrived at my cllege and began my new life.

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