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    When Armstrng set ft n the mn in 1969, children saw stars in their eyes and dreamed f a never-befre-imagined career: astrnaut.
    Becming an astrnaut is a difficult task. They must have a master’s degree and at least tw years f relevant prfessinal experience. Alternatively, they must cmplete at least 1,000 hurs under the pilt’s cmmand in a jet plane. The tricky part begins nw. Astrnauts must pass a lng-term flight physical exam. Yu are unlucky if yu are shrter than 5 feet 2 inches r taller than 6 feet 3 inches. Candidates must have 20/20 visin, even if they wear crrective lenses. Even while sitting, yur bld pressure shuld nt exceed 140/90. Additinally, make sure that yur resume is cncise and errr-free. Astrnauts must pay attentin t minr details, which is a necessary skill fr scientists.
    It is nt an easy rad t becme an astrnaut. Fr example, in 2021, despite the fact that 18,300 peple applied, nly 12 were accepted by NASA, representing a 1‰ acceptance rate. Whether yur applicatin is accepted r nt, it will be sme time befre yu leave Earth.
    First, yu’re t finish a tw-year military training curse. Physical tests are als required. They must first btain a scuba diving license and then swim three laps in a pl while wearing a flight suit. Finally, students shuld practice driving the typical high and lw atmspheric pressures in simulatins (模拟).
    Astrnauts must cmplete tw years f cmpulsry military training in additin t six years f educatin and tw years f prfessinal experience. This all adds up t decades f planning. After that, astrnauts must cmplete extensive missin training befre leaving Earth.
    Becming an astrnaut is challenging, but if yu have a passin fr space explratin, dn’t let challenges hld yu back.
    1.Accrding t para.2, wh is mst qualified t apply fr astrnauts?
    A.A bachelr wh passed nrmal physical exams.
    B.A master with perfect resume and lw bld pressure.
    C.A pilt 6 feet in height with 1100-hurs’ flight experience.
    D.A dctr with ne-year relevant experience and 20/20 visin.
    2.Why des the authr use statistics in paragraph 3?
    A.T explain it takes sme time t leave Earth.
    B.T imply peple’s passin fr space explratin.
    C.T shw the difficulty t be accepted as an astrnaut.
    D.T persuade peple t give up the dream f astrnaut.
    3.What’s the right rder f astrnauts’ training befre leaving Earth?
    ①Scuba diving and swimming training
    ②Extreme atmspheric pressures driving training
    ③Extensive missin training
    ④A tw-year military training
    4.Which can be the best title fr the text?
    A.The Pursuit f Space Dream.B.Hw t Becme an Astrnaut?
    C.The Hardship f Space Explratin.D.What are the Tasks f Astrnauts?
    Unique and Weird New Year's Eve Traditins
    In sme parts f Germany, they d bleigiessen, r lead(铅) puring. Pur a dllp(团) f mlten lead int cld water and the shape it fr may be telling yu abut the year t cme , naturt shape , naturally , mean lve will cme yur way . A crwn predicts wealth and frtune . A sta indicates happiness . But if yu see a crss , yu're as gd as dead !
    Latin America
    If yu're in Latin America, make sure yu have sme clrful underpants t ring in the New Year. End-f-the-year partiers put n clrful underwear t ensure certain types f utcmes f the fllwing year , red fr lve and yellw fr success .
    Naples, Italy
    Neaplitans like thrwing things ut f the windws, at least n New Year's Eve. Furniture, kitchen machines, grandma. Well, maybe nt the las ne . Let's hpe nt , anyway . This traditin is meant t symblize ar ut-with-the-ld gesture and get a new beginning f the new year. These day peple are a bit mre mindful f what they tss int the street belw.
    In 1909, winegrwers in the Alicante regin f Spain had a brilliant idea: Start and prmte an annual traditin that wuld invlve peple in having t buy and eat mre grapes. Everyne must eat 12 grapes n New Year's Eve t pray fr prsperity f the cming year. Nw, it's a ppular custm in Spain. But the prblem is that peple have t eat a grape fr each bell striking at midnight.
    5.What des a crss shape f mlten lead mean?
    6.What can we knw abut Neaplitans' traditin?
    A.They hate using furniture.
    B.They thrw their grandma ut f the windws.
    C.They are mre careful abut what t thrw.
    D.They like making gestures in frnt f the windws.
    7.Which regin has the traditin f eating grapes?
    A.Germany.B.Latin America.
    If yu’ve ever felt a rush f intense emtin, then yu’ve prbably als experienced the crash that cmes when thse emtins gradually becme less strng. Althugh we usually think f exhaustin (精疲力竭) in physical terms, it can als be mental. One f the cntributrs t mental exhaustin is high-intensity emtins. T many f these high-intensity emtins, whether they are psitive r negative, can lead t burnut.
    Psychlgists divide emtins int tw dimensins, which includes high and lw intensity, as well as psitive and negative. High-intensity psitive emtins include excitement r elatin, while lw-intensity psitive emtins include calmness, r cntentment. When it cmes t negative emtins, high-intensity emtins include anger, anxiety, and fear, while lw-intensity emtins include sadness, bredm, and tiredness.
    It’s easy t see hw high-intensity negative emtins like anger can be exhausting. What we dn’t think abut as much is the fact that high intensity psitive emtins are als exhausting, althugh in a way that feels very different.
    Excitement, even when it is fun, invlves what psychlgists call “physilgical arusal”-- activatin f ur sympathetic system. High-intensity psitive emtins invlve the same physilgical arusal as high-intensity negative emtins. Our heart rate increases, and ur sweat glands (腺) activate. Because it activates the bdy’s stress respnse, excitement can deplete ur system when sustained ver lnger perids. In ther wrds, high intensity -- whether it’s frm negative states r psitive states- exhausts the bdy.
    Abut 15-20% f peple are thught t be highly sensitive. As they cycle thrugh the highs and lws f life, the increased amunt f intensity leaves them mre exhausted than thers.
    This isn’t t say that we shuld never feel intense emtins. Emtinal variety is an essential aspect f life, ne that adds a depth and richness that we need. Hwever, what we need t be mindful f is balance. There will be the exciting days, as well as the days when stress and anxiety are what push yu thrugh the tugh times, but there are ther, lwer-intensity emtins that will serve us well in many ther situatins.
    8.What’s the main idea f Paragraph 2?
    A.The functins f emtins.
    B.The definitin f emtins.
    C.The categries f emtins.
    D.The expressin f emtins.
    9.What des the underlined wrd “deplete” in Paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    A.Set ff.B.Build up.C.Stand fr.D.Burn ut.
    10.Hw can we manage the stress f high-intensity emtins?
    A.Enrich ur daily lives.
    B.Avid intense emtins.
    C.Create emtinal balance.
    D.Detect the cause f anxiety.
    11.Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Why psychlgists are mre exhausted
    B.Hw high-intensity emtins wear us ut
    C.Why high-intensity negative emtins are tiring
    D.Hw psychlgists explain the effects f emtins
    Deputy Agriculture Secretary Kathleen Merrigan sees an epidemic (流行病) sweeping acrss America’s farmland. It has little t d with the usual challenges, such as fld, rising fuel prices and crp-eating insects. The cuntry’s farmers are getting lder, and there are fewer peple standing in line t take their place. Natinal agricultural census (普查) figures shw that the fastest-grwing grup f farmers is the part ver 65. Merrigan is afraid the average age will be even higher when the 2012 statistics are cmpleted.
    Merrigan, a frmer cllege prfessr, is making stps at universities acrss the cuntry in hpes f encuraging mre students t think abut careers in agriculture. Aside frm trying t stp the graying f America’s farmers, her wrk is made tugher by a recent blg psting that put agriculture at N. 1 n a list f “useless” cllege degrees. Tp federal agriculture fficials are talking abut the psting, and it has the attentin f agricultural rganizatins acrss the cuntry.
    “There culdn’t be anything that’s mre incrrect,” Merrigan said. “We knw that there aren’t enugh qualified graduates t fill the jbs that are ut there in American agriculture.”
    In additin, a grwing wrld ppulatin that sme experts predict will require 70% mre fd prductin by 2050, she said.
    “I truly believe we’re at a glden age f agriculture. Glbal demand is at an all-time recrd high, and glbal supplies are at all-time recrd lws,” said Matt Rush, directr f the Texas Farm Bureau. “Prductin csts are ging t be valuable enugh that yunger peple are ging t have the pprtunity t be invlved in agriculture.”
    The Department f Agriculture has prgrams aimed at develping mre farmers and at increasing interest in lcally grwn fd. The Natinal Yung Farmers’ Calitin has als been pushing fr state and federal plicy changes t make it easier fr new farmers.
    Ryan Best, president f Future Farmers f America, has been living ut f a suitcase, traveling the cuntry and visiting with high schl students abut careers in agriculture. The 21-year-ld Best hpes his message—that this is a new time in agriculture—will mtivate the next generatin t turn arund the statistics. “Never befre have we had the innvatins (创新) in technlgy which have led t agriculture in this cuntry being the mst efficient it has ever been,” he said. “There’s really a place fr everybdy t fit in.”
    12.What is the new challenge t American agriculture?
    A.Fewer and lder farmers.B.Higher fuel prices.
    C.Mre natural disasters.D.Lwer agricultural utput.
    13.Why is Merrigan visiting universities acrss the cuntry?
    A.T draw federal agriculture fficials’ attentin.
    B.T select qualified agriculture graduates.
    C.T clarify a recent blg psting.
    D.T talk mre students int farming careers.
    14.Accrding t Matt Rush, American agriculture will prvide pprtunities fr yunger peple
    A.the gvernment will cver prductin csts
    B.glbal fd supplies will be even lwer
    C.investment in agriculture will be prfitable
    D.America will increase its fd exprt
    15.What d the underlined wrds “t turn arund the statistics” in the last paragraph mean?
    A.T re-analyze the result f the natinal census.
    B.T increase agricultural prductin.
    C.T bring dwn the average age f farmers.
    D.T invest mre in agriculture.
    Gd sprtsmanship is ne f the mst imprtant lessns that yur kids can learn frm cmpetitin. But hw d yu teach yur kids gd sprtsmanship? Here are sme tips.
    Set a gd example. The first rle mdel that yur kids will have in games is yu. What behavir yu mdel will have the biggest influence n yur kids.____16____ By ding s, yur kids will learn frm yu uncnsciusly and gain mre ppularity.
    ____17____The cach is always lking fr the best decisin fr the gd f the whle team.____18____Yur kids may feel upset at first. But shwing gd sprtsmanship means placing the team's needs abve their wn, s yu shuld teach yur kids t trust the cach’s judgement.
    Remember yu are the parent, nt the cach. Yur jb as a parent is different frm a jb as a cach. As a parent, yu are there t guide all f yur kids' experiences and nt fcus n demanding perfrmance. Hwever, if yu see a cach demanding t much, speak up. ____19____
    Maintain a gd attitude t bth winning and lsing. Gd sprtsmanship als requires a psitive attitude t bth the victry and the defeat. Pushing yur kids t hard may drive them t quit.____20____ It's als a gd idea t find psitive plays t talk abut and discuss lessns t be learned after.
    A.Teach yur kids t put teams first.
    B.Tell yur kids t listen t the cach.
    C.Hwever, finding a gd rle mdel is nt an easy jb.
    D.After all, yu are als an advcate fr yur kids if needed.
    E.This means the rle f yur kids may be reduced r changed.
    F.Yu need t be nice t all peple n the curt, even the ppnents.
    G.Instead, whatever the results are, always tell them yu are prud f them.
    One afternn, I was walking with Evan n the secnd flr. I talked n and n and Evan walked____21____in frnt f me. As we turned a crner, Evan____22____me and said the ten wrds. “Why are yu talking t me? I’m nt yur friend.” Thse were the exact wrds he said t me that day. I std there____23____. He kept walking and never lked back. I_____24_____t my next class with tears cming up in my eyes.
    We_____25_____spke t each ther after that. I____26____int a shell, like a turtle, t hide frm the wrld. Fr the rest f my time in middle schl, I didn’t_____27_____myself t get clse t anyne. I push away mst f my friends____28____being hurt again. I avided unnecessary____29____.
    It wasn’t until high schl that I was able t_____30_____my head ut f my shell and begin____31____peple again. But even tday, I am still_____32_____in chsing wh I pen up t. It takes me a very lng time t warm up t____33____.
    I was twelve then. I was t trusting and I tk what Evan said____34____. Maybe he was having a bad day_____35_____maybe I was talking t much. In my view, what he said t me that day_____36_____the curse f my life. but if weren’t fr that____37____, I wuldn’t have met my best friends in high schl.
    I understand that, in middle schl, we were all yung. I’ve been able t____38____all the peple wh bullied me, but fr sme_____39_____I can’t seem t frgive Evan. Thse wrds that day hurt me mre than anything. I believe that ne day I’ll be____40____enugh t frgive Evan t. But right nw I’m still that twelve-year-ld running dwn the hall with tears filled with his eyes.
    22.A.argued withB.shuted atC.turned tD.reminded f
    24.A.came backB.gave inC.made facesD.ran ff
    28.A.fr fear fB.because fC.in need fD.instead f
    It’s said that the Chinese characters were invented by Cangjie. They were deciphered (破译) in the Sng Dynasty ____41____ whether these are the crrect answers is still debatable.
    In his life Cangjie bserved muntains and rivers, ftprints f birds and beasts, as well as shapes f plants and bjects. Inspired by these, Cangjie invented varius symbls ____42____ (base) n the shapes and ____43____ (appear) f different things and named them zi (character). These mst ancient Chinese pictgraphs (象形文字) have ended the time ____44____ peple tied knts t recrd their lives.
    Accrding t the Han Dynasty’s Chinese dictinary Shu Wen Jie Zi, Cangjie wrte tw scrlls, which ____45____ (lse) during wars in the Sui Dynasty.
    Schlars in cntemprary times tend ____46____ (believe) it is prbably a beautiful tale that Cangjie invented the Chinese characters alne. Many Chinese characters actually came int being befre Cangjie. He is mre like the ne wh ____47____ (cllect) Chinese characters. Chinese ancestrs accumulated and develped the Chinese characters, updating them thrugh hundreds f years, during which time the Chinese characters evlved frm racle bne script ____48____ brnze script, seal script, clerical script, and ____49____ (final) t standard script. Nwadays Chinese peple cmmnly use the standard script, whse ____50____ (traditin) versin was gradually simplified and mdernized.
    Gd mrning, ladies and gentlemen,
    I am greatly hnred t speak n behalf f my schlmates at this cming-f-age ceremny.
    Thank yu.
    The family had just mved t Rhde Island, and the yung wman was feeling a little sad n that Sunday in May. After all, it was Mther's Day—and 800 miles separated her frm her parents in Ohi.
    She had called her mther that mrning t wish her a happy Mther's Day, and her mther had mentined hw clrful the yard was nw that spring had arrived. As they talked, the yunger wman culd almst smell the tantalizing arma f purple lilacs (紫丁香) hanging n the big bush utside her parents' back dr.
    Later, when she mentined t her husband hw she missed thse lilacs, he ppped up frm his chair. “I knw where we can find yu all yu want,” he said. “Get the kids and cme n.” S ff they went, driving n the cuntry rads f nrthern Rhde Island. Eventually, he stpped the car.
    “Cme with me,” he said. “Over that hill is an ld cellar hle, and there are lilacs all arund it. G pick a few.”
    There, n the tp f the hill, were the twering lilacs bushes. While the man examined the cellar hle and tried t explain t the children what the huse must have lked like, the wman had been cheered up, drifting amng the lilacs. Carefully, she picked sme ut. She was in n hurry, admiring each blssm as a rare and delicate treasure.
    Finally, thugh, they returned t their car fr the trip hme. When they were almst hme, she suddenly shuted t her husband: “Stp the car. Stp right here!”
    In a secnd, the wman was ut f the car and hurrying up a nearby grassy slpe with the lilacs still in her arms. At the tp f the hill was a nursing hme and, because it was such a beautiful spring day, the patients were utdrs, walking with relatives r sitting n the prch (走廊).
    Paragraph 1: The yung wman went t the end f the prch, where an elderly patient was sitting in her wheelchair, alne.
    Paragraph 2: Curisity was arused amng the kids and the husband.
    1.C 2.C 3.D 4.B
    1.细节理解题。结合第二段第三句“Alternatively, they must cmplete at least 1,000 hurs under the pilt’s cmmand in a jet plane.”(或者,他们必须在飞行员的指挥下驾驶喷气式飞机时长达到至少1000个小时。)和该段的第五句“Yu are unlucky if yu are shrter than 5 feet 2 inches r taller than 6 feet 3 inches.”(如果你的身高不足5英尺2英寸(约合158厘米)或是高于6英尺3英寸(约合191厘米),那么你就不太幸运了。),C项的飞行员身高“6 feet”符合选拔宇航员的身高范围(5 feet 2 inches-6 feet 3 inches)之内,飞行时长“1100 hurs”达到1000小时以上,也符合。故选C项。
    2.推理判断题。根据第三段列数据的第二句“Fr example, in 2021, despite the fact that 18,300 peple applied, nly 12 were accepted by NASA, representing a 1‰ acceptance rate.”(比如,2021年有18300人申请成为宇航员,但是只有12人进入美国航空航天局,入选比例为千分之一。)可知,进入航天局的比例十分低,由此可知第三段使用这些数据是为了说明该段首句的观点“It is nt an easy rad t becme an astrnaut.”(成为宇航员不是一条好走的路。),即想要成为宇航员很难。故选C项。
    3.细节理解题。第四、五段阐述了宇航员进入太空前的各项训练。由第四段的第一句“First, yu’re t finish a tw-year military training curse.”(首先,你要完成两年军事训练课程。)可知,第一项训练是“④A tw-year military training”;由第四段的第三句“They must first btain a scuba diving license and then swim three laps in a pl while wearing a flight suit.”(他们必须首先获得水肺潜水许可证,然后穿着飞行服在游泳池里游三圈。)可知,第二项是“①Scuba diving and swimming training”;由第四段的第四句“Finally, students shuld practice driving the typical high and lw atmspheric pressures in simulatins (模拟).”(最后,学员需要模拟练习在典型的高气压和低气压下驾驶。)可知,第三项是“②Extreme atmspheric pressures driving training”;由第五段的最后一句“After that, astrnauts must cmplete extensive missin training befre leaving Earth.”(之后,宇航员在进入太空前必须完成大量任务训练。)可知,最后一项是“③Extensive missin training”。故选D项。
    4.主旨大意题。本文从成为宇航员的申请条件、难度系数、专项训练多角度阐述了如何成为一名宇航员。所以B项“Hw t Becme an Astrnaut?”(如何成为宇航员?)最适合作为本文标题。故选B项。
    5.D 6.C 7.D
    5.细节理解题。根据Germany部分中的最后一句“But if yu see a crss, yu're as gd as dead!”(但是如果你看到一个十字的形状,你处境会非常糟糕!)可知,熔化的铅的十字形状意味着倒霉。故选D项。
    6.细节理解题。根据Naples, Italy部分中的“These days peple are a bit mre mindful f what they tss int the street belw.”(如今,人们对他们扔到下面街道上的东西更加留意了。)可知人们对扔到街上的东西更加留意了。故选C项。
    7.细节理解题。根据Spain部分中的“In 1909, winegrwers in the Alicante regin f Spain had a brilliant idea: Start and prmte an annual traditin that wuld invlve peple in having t buy and eat mre grapes.”(1909年,西班牙阿利坎特地区的葡萄酒种植者有了一个绝妙的想法:开始并推广一项年度传统,让人们不得不购买和食用更多的葡萄。)可知吃葡萄是西班牙的传统。故选D项。
    8.C 9.D 10.C 11.B
    8.主旨大意题。根据第二段“Psychlgists divide emtins int tw dimensins, which includes high and lw intensity, as well as psitive and negative.”(心理学家把情绪分为两个维度,包括高强度和低强度,以及积极和消极。)可知,这一段主要讲述情绪的分类。故选C。
    9.词句猜测题。根据第四段“Because it activates the bdy’s stress respnse, excitement can deplete ur system when sustained ver lnger perids.”(因为它激活了身体的应激反应,长时间持续的兴奋会deplete我们的系统。)可知,deplete是动词,它是长时间持续的兴奋给我们的系统导致的后果。根据下文“In ther wrds, high intensity -- whether it’s frm negative states r psitive states- exhausts the bdy.”(换句话说,高强度的情绪,无论是来自消极还是积极的状态,都会让身体疲惫不堪。)可知,高强度的情绪导致的结果是会让身体疲惫不堪。所以deplete应该是“使疲惫不堪”的意思,和D选项意思一致。故选D。
    10.细节理解题。根据最后一段“This isn’t t say that we shuld never feel intense emtins. Emtinal variety is an essential aspect f life, ne that adds a depth and richness that we need. Hwever, what we need t be mindful f is balance.”(这并不是说我们不应该有强烈的情感。情绪多样性是生活中必不可少的一个方面,它增加了我们所需要的深度和丰富性。但是,我们需要注意的是平衡。)可知,我们可以通过创造情感平衡来解决高强度情感压力。故选C。
    11.主旨大意题。根据第一段“T many f these high-intensity emtins, whether they are psitive r negative, can lead t burnut.”(过多的这种高强度情绪,无论是积极的还是消极的,都会导致精疲力竭。)可知,这篇文章主要讲述高强度情绪,无论是积极的还是消极的,都会导致人们精疲力竭。所以短文的最佳标题为“高度紧张的情绪会让我们疲惫不堪”故选B。
    12.A 13.D 14.C 15.C
    12.细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“The cuntry’s farmers are getting lder, and there are fewer peple standing in line t take their place.”(这个国家的农民年龄越来越大,排队代替他们的人也越来越少。)可知,美国农业正面临的新挑战是农民越来越少并逐渐年迈。故选A项。
    13.细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Merrigan, a frmer cllege prfessr, is making stps at universities acrss the cuntry in hpes f encuraging mre students t think abut careers in agriculture.”(梅里根曾是一名大学教授,他正在全国各地的大学停留,希望鼓励更多学生考虑从事农业工作。)可知,Merrigan访问大学是想说服更多的学生考虑从事农业方面的工作。故选D项。
    14.推理判断题。根据第五段第一句““I truly believe we’re at a glden age f agriculture. Glbal demand is at an all-time recrd high, and glbal supplies are at all-time recrd lws,”said Matt Rush, directr f the Texas Farm Bureau. ”(德克萨斯州农业局局长麦特·拉什说:“我真的相信我们正处在农业的黄金时代。全球需求创历史新高,全球供应创历史新低。”。)可知,全球对农业需求达到了最高,而全球供应达到了最低。所以可推断出农业生产成本使生产有足够的利益,年轻人有机会从事农业工作,与C项的意思“投资农业会有钱可赚。”一致。故选C项。
    15.词句猜测题。根据最后一段第二句“The 21-year-ld Best hpes his message—that this is a new time in agriculture—will mtivate the next generatin t turn arund the statistics.”(这位21岁的年轻人最希望他的信息是,这是农业的新时代,这将激励下一代扭转统计数据。)可知,农业的新机会将会激励下一代来参与,从而改变以上的数据,即农民的平均年龄将会年轻化,所以划线短语意为“减少农民的平均年龄”。故选C项。
    16.F 17.B 18.E 19.D 20.G
    【导语】这是一篇说明文。良好的体育精神是你的孩子可以从竞争中学到的最重要的课程之一。 文章主要就如何教会你的孩子拥有良好的体育精神提出了一些建议。
    16.根据上文“Set a gd example. The first rle mdel that yur kids will have in games is yu. What behavir yu mdel will have the biggest influence n yur kids.(树立一个好榜样。你的孩子在游戏中的第一个榜样就是你自己。你所模仿的行为将对你的孩子产生最大的影响)”以及后文“By ding s, yur kids will learn frm yu uncnsciusly and gain mre ppularity.(通过这样做,你的孩子会在不知不觉中向你学习,并获得更多的人气)”可知,上文提到了榜样作用对孩子的影响,推测本句是在说明具体怎么做:对球场上的所有人友善,甚至是对手,与后文获得人气相呼应。F选项“你需要对球场上的所有人友善,甚至是对手”符合语境,故选F。
    17.根据后文“The cach is always lking fr the best decisin fr the gd f the whle team.(教练总是在寻找对全队有利的最佳决策)”可知,后文提到了教练的作用,可见要听教练的话,B选项中cach对应后文中cach。B选项“告诉你的孩子听教练的话”符合语境,故选B。
    18.根据上文“The cach is always lking fr the best decisin fr the gd f the whle team.(教练总是在寻找对全队有利的最佳决策)”以及后文“Yur kids may feel upset at first.(你的孩子一开始可能会感到不安)”可知,后文提到了孩子一开始感到不安,可见本句是在说明教练采取了对孩子不利的决策,E选项“这意味着你的孩子的角色可能会减少或改变”符合语境,故选E。
    19.根据上文“Remember yu are the parent, nt the cach. Yur jb as a parent is different frm a jb as a cach. As a parent, yu are there t guide all f yur kids' experiences and nt fcus n demanding perfrmance. Hwever, if yu see a cach demanding t much, speak up.(记住,你是家长,而不是教练。你作为父母的工作与作为教练的工作是不同的。作为一名家长,你要引导孩子的所有经历,而不是关注苛刻的表现。然而,如果你看到教练要求太多,那就大声说出来)”可知,上文提到如果看到教练有太多要求,要大声说出来,本句为本段最后一句,应承接上文说明原因:你也是你孩子的支持者。D选项“毕竟,如果需要的话,你也是你孩子的支持者”符合语境,故选D。
    20.根据上文“Maintain a gd attitude t bth winning and lsing. Gd sprtsmanship als requires a psitive attitude t bth the victry and the defeat. Pushing yur kids t hard may drive them t quit.(无论输赢,都要保持良好的心态。良好的体育精神也需要对胜利和失败都有积极的态度。把你的孩子逼得太紧可能会让他们放弃)”可知,上文强调了良好的体育精神也需要对胜利和失败都有积极的态度,把你的孩子逼得太紧可能会让他们放弃,本句与上文构成转折,指出不能太过强调输赢的结果,重在支持孩子,G选项“相反,无论结果如何,总是告诉他们你为他们感到骄傲”符合语境,故选G。
    21.A 22.C 23.A 24.D 25.D 26.C 27.B 28.A 29.B 30.B 31.D 32.A 33.D 34.A 35.B 36.A 37.C 38.D 39.B 40.C
    21.考查副词词义辨析。A. silently不吭身,沉默地,无声地;B. carefully仔细地;C. suddenly突然;D. happily快乐地。联系下文他对我说的“Why are yu talking t me? I’m nt yur friend.”可知我在不停地说话时,他不吭声走在我前面。故选A。
    22.考查动词短语辨析。A. argued with与……辩论,争论;B. shuted at对……吼叫;C. turned t求助于,转向;D.reminded f想起。联系上文Evan走在我前面,可知当我们转弯时,他转向我,对我说了下面的话。根据语境可知选C。
    23.考查形容词词义辨析。A. astnished感到惊讶的;B. disappinted失望的;C. frightened害怕的;D. amused愉快的,被逗笑的。根据Evan对我说的话“Why are yu talking t me? I’m nt yur friend.”可判断我听到他说的这些话感到很惊讶。故选A。
    24.考查动词短语辨析。A. came back回来;B. gave in屈服;C. made faces做鬼脸;D. ran ff跑掉,逃掉,流失,偷走,减轻体重。Evan的话让我感动惊讶,他一直向前走没有回头。结合下文我的眼里流着眼泪,可推断,我跑这离开去上下节课。根据语境可知,故选D。
    25.考查副词词义辨析。A. frequently频繁地,经常地;B. willingly乐意地;C. attentively聚精会神地,周到地;D. rarely罕见地,珍奇地。根据上文发生的事以及下句“我把自己藏到壳里”,可知自那之后,我们很少说话。故选D。
    26.考查动词词义辨析。A. lked看;B. turned转身;C. escaped逃脱;D. lived住。联系下文hide frm the wrld ,可知我像一只海龟一样,逃到一个壳里藏起来了。故选C。
    27.考查名词词义辨析。A. wish希望;B. allw允许;C. expect期望;D. frce强迫。我把自己藏起来,不愿意与人说话,可知在中学的剩余时间里,我不允许自己接近任何人。根据句意可知,选B。
    28.考查短语辨析以。A. fr fear f因为害怕;B. because f由于;C. in need f需要;D. instead f代替,而不是。Evan的话让我受伤,可知我推开大部分的朋友因为害怕被再次伤害。故选A。
    29.考查名词词义辨析。A. utings远足,郊游,短途旅行;B. cnversatins对话;C. lessns教训,启示,课;D. friends朋友。联系上文我把自己躲在壳里,不接近任何人。可知我避免不必要的对话。故选B。
    30.考查动词词义辨析。A. remain保持,留下;B. stick插入,放置,粘贴,容忍;C. keep保持,放;D. hide躲藏。联系上文我初中剩下的时间里,我像一只海龟一样,逃到一个壳里藏起来了,可知直到高中我才把头从壳里伸出来。stick ut f 从…伸出。故选B。
    31.考查动词词义辨析。A. suspecting猜疑,怀疑;B. refusing拒绝;C. admiring羡慕,钦佩;D. trusting相信。联系语境直到上高中我才把头伸出龟壳,才开始再次相信人。故选D。
    32.考查形容词词义辨析。A. cautins小心的,谨慎的;B. alne单独的;C. careless粗心的;D. simple-minded纯朴的,简单的。联系上文自己受到Evan的伤害,可知直到今天,我在选择向谁打开心扉时仍然很谨慎。故选A。
    33.考查代词辨析。A. anything任何东西;B. everyne每个人;C. nthing没有东西;D. smene某个人。联系上句我在择友时很谨慎,可知我要花很长时间才能对一个人变得友好。此句中warm up t喜欢,对……变得较有好感,对……感到较易接受。故选D。
    34.考查副词词义辨析。A. seriusly严肃地,认真地;B. wrngly错误地;C. persnally个人地;D. easily容易地。那时我12岁。我太容易相信别人,我把Evan的话太当真了。take sth seriusly 认真对待,当真。故选A。
    35.考查连词词义辨析。句意:或许他那天心情不好或者我说太多话了。这里Maybe he was having a bad day和maybe I was talking t much.是选择关系,用r,故选B。
    36.考查动词词义辨析。A. changed改变;B. helped帮助;C. develped发展,养成;D. achieved完成,实现。句意:在我看来,他那天对我说的话改变了我的生活轨迹。根据句意可知选A。
    37.考查名词词义辨析。A. accident事故;B. argument争论,争辩;C. incident小事件,事件;D. fight斗争,奋斗。句意:但是如果不是因为那件事,我不可能在高中遇到我最好的朋友们。根据句意可知选C。
    38.考查动词词义辨析。A. frget忘记;B. remember记住,记得;C. aplgize道歉;D. frgive原谅,谅解。联系下句I can’t seem t frgive Evan. 可知我已经能原谅所有欺负我的人。故选D。
    39.考查名词词义辨析。A. truble麻烦;B. reasn原因;C. idea想法,观点;D. view观点,景色。句意:我已经能原谅所有欺负我的人,但是因为一些原因,,我似乎不能原谅Evan。根据句意可知选B。
    40.考查形容词词义辨析。A. warm-hearted热心的;B. clever聪明的;C. mature成熟的,仔细考虑过的;D. determined有决心的。联系本段的开头,那时我们都太年轻,我能原谅所有欺负我的人,但是不能原谅Evan,可知这里,我相信有一天我也能足够成熟的原谅Evan。故选C。
    41.but##yet 42.based 43.appearances 44.when 45.were lst 46.t believe 47.cllects##has cllected 48.t 49.finally 50.traditinal
    43.考查名词。句意:同上。根据上文中的shapes和下文中的f different things可知,此处与shapes并列,应用名词复数形式appearances作宾语。故填appearances。
    45.考查动词。句意为:根据汉代的语文辞书《说文解字》所述,仓颉写了两卷(汉字),这两卷都在隋朝的战乱中丢失了。分析句子结构可知,设空处作which引导的定语从句的谓语,事件发生在过去,且which指代先行词tw scrlls,和lse之间是被动关系,应用一般过去时的被动语态;定语从句的主语which为复数概念,从句谓语应用复数形式。故填were lst。
    46.考查非谓语动词。句意为:现代学者往往会相信仓颉独自造字的故事可能是一个美丽的传说。tend t d sth. 为固定搭配,意为“往往会做某事”。故填t believe。
    47.考查动词。句意为:仓颉更像是把汉字收集起来的那个人。根据句意可知,此处是当代学者对仓颉在汉字传承中所扮演的角色的客观描述,应用一般现在时;此处也可用现在完成时,强调动作的完成;分析句子结构可知,wh引导的定语从句中缺少谓语,关系代词指代先行词the ne,为单数概念,谓语应用第三人称单数。故填cllects/has cllected。
    48.考查介词。句意为:中国的祖先们积累并发展了汉字,并于数百年间不断更新这些汉字,其间汉字由甲骨文逐步发展成金文、篆书、隶书,最后发展成标准汉字。frm... t... 是固定搭配,意为“从……到……”,故填t。
    51.Gd mrning, ladies and gentlemen,
    I am greatly hnred t speak n behalf f my schlmates at this cming-f-age ceremny. First f all, let’s express ur gratitude t bth ur parents and teachers fr what they have dne fr us t bring us up. Withut their supprt and lve, we wuld nt be as grwn-up as we are tday. T pay back, we shuld spare n effrt t wrk hard in every subject s that we can be admitted int ur dream universities. It ges withut dubt that nly by acquiring as much advanced knwledge as pssible can we shulder mre respnsibilities nt nly fr the sciety but als fr the future f ur cuntry. Dear parents and teachers, yu will be prud f us.
    Thank yu.
    第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:First f all(首先),express ur gratitude(表达感激之情),bring up(抚养),pay back(回报);spare n effrt(不遗余力)等。
    【点睛】范文内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。作者在范文中使用了较多高级表达方式,如T pay back, we shuld spare n effrt t wrk hard in every subject s that we can be admitted int ur dream universities.运用了目的状语从句;It ges withut dubt that nly by acquiring as much advanced knwledge as pssible can we shulder mre respnsibilities nt nly fr the sciety but als fr the future f ur cuntry.运用了倒装句。全文中没有中国式英语的句式,显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。另外,文章思路清晰、层次分明,上下句转换自然,为文章增色添彩。
    52.Paragrah 1: The yung wman went t the end f the prch, where an elderly patient was sitting in her wheelchair, alne. Acrss the prch railing went the flwers, int the lap f the ld wman. She lifted her head, and smiled. Fr a few mments, the tw wmen chatted, bth faces brightening up, and then the yung wman turned and ran back t her family. As the car pulled away, the wman in the wheelchair waved, hlding the lilacs tightly.
    Paragrah 2: Curisity was arused amng the kids and the husband. "Mm, "the kids asked, "wh was that? Why did yu give her ur flwers?" Mther explained that she didn't knw the ld wman. But it was Mther's Day, and she seemed s alne, and wh wuldn't be cheered by flwers? "Besides, "she added, "I have all f yu, and I still have my mther, even if she is far away. That wman needed thse flwers mre than I did." This satisfied the kids, but nt the husband, wh was pltting a plan t plant sme lilacs arund their wn yard fr anther beautiful spring.
    【点睛】本文描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如:brighten up, run back t, pull away等高级词汇;文章恰当的使用了定语从句,如The yung wman went t the end f the prch, where an elderly patient was sitting in her wheelchair, alne.和This satisfied the kids, but nt the husband, wh was pltting a plan t plant sme lilacs arund their wn yard fr anther beautiful spring.,使文章表达更加地道。

    四川省成都市温江中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题: 这是一份四川省成都市温江中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题,共22页。

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