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    名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选 A New Leash on Life班级:____________学号:____________姓名:____________心灵鸡汤精选A New Leash on Life话题归类阅读难度词数关爱动物五星1097【文章梗概】 圣诞夜,我跟女儿来接母亲去教堂。母亲想把狗狗支开,没想手指和狗项圈缠绕在一起。我只好用剪刀强行把项圈剪开,结果狗狗昏迷过去没了心跳。情急之下,我对狗狗进行心肺复苏CPR,最后,奇迹发生了,狗狗活过来了,一家人感到惊喜激动。从此,我跟狗狗之间有了一层特殊的关系。Dogs bring out the best in us.~Author Unknown“Mom! Get your dog off me!” I yelled, two seconds after walking through her door. It was Christmas Eve, one of the few days a year when I dress up. My thirteen-year-old daughter Desirée and I had arrived to pick my mom up for church, and before I even closed the door behind me, my mom’s Shih Tzu, Verdell, had gotten her light-gray hair all over my nice black pants.Instead of pulling Verdell away with both hands and messing up her own clothes, my mom grabbed the dog’s collar with her index finger. Verdell was so excited to see us that she spun around in circles trying to free herself. But instead of freeing herself, she twisted the collar around my mother’s finger, tightening it more. My mother’s finger was stuck and Verdell couldn’t breathe.My mom screamed and got down on her knees. I thought she was screaming in pain but it was more than that. She was trying to unfasten the collar but it wouldn’t budge and neither would the dog. Verdell was motionless.I could see the fear in my mom’s eyes as she realized her closest companion couldn’t breathe. She tried pulling her finger out but couldn’t. There was no time to spin the dog back around to free her. My mom frantically found scissors but I grabbed them away from her, fearing she would nick the dog trying to cut the collar with one hand. I wasn’t comfortable cutting it off with both hands but I knew it was our only hope.My hands shook rapidly as I pushed the blade under Verdell’s collar, freeing her and my mom. Verdell’s head fell to the floor. I had never seen her still before. I put my ear to her chest to check for a heartbeat. There was nothing. I looked up at my mom, shook my head, and said, “She’s gone.”“Noooo! Nooo! Nooo,” my mom wailed. My daughter, who grew up with Verdell, ran to the bathroom and locked herself in. I stared at the dog in shock. I couldn’t believe Verdell was gone just like that. Only a couple of minutes earlier, she was greeting us at the door. It didn’t seem real. The lively little dog, who was never short of energy, lay there lifeless.My mother’s sobspenetrated my heart. I had never heard her cry like that. I thought her grief would kill her. I was never close to Verdell. I’m allergic to dogs, a bit of a germophobe in general and, as if she knew that, Verdell always went after me of all people. Aside from the shedding, she’d drool on me and even manage to slip her tongue into my mouth — a doggie French kiss.I don’t know what happened, but something clicked inside me. I grabbed Verdell’s slobbery mouth, took a deep breath, and proceeded to do CPR. I didn’t even know if CPR worked on pets or if I would remember all the steps, but it all came back to me. I tilted Verdell’s head back, put my mouth over hers, and breathed. Then… I pumped her chest.“One-one thousand, two-one thousand, three-one thousand,” I recited, and then breathed. “One-one thousand, two-one thousand, three-one thousand.”I checked for her breath and heart beat. There was nothing.“One-one thousand, two-one thousand, three-one thousand,” I said, and prayed to myself. Please Lord. Bring her back for my mom. She can’t take this. Verdell’s all she has.My mom looked on quietly with hope and expectation, as if I knew what I was doing. I listened for Verdell’s heartbeat again. It wasn’t there.“One-one thousand, two-one thousand, three-one thousand,” I lamented.I checked Verdell’s vitals again. Nothing.“One-one thousand, two-one thousand, three-one thousand.” Now I could barely get the words out.With tears rolling down my face, I checked Verdell one more time, looked up at my mom, and finally said, “That’s it.”My mom burst into tears again, and I along with her. In the background, I could hear my daughter’s muffled cry coming from the bathroom. My mom and I looked down at Verdell. I zoned out looking into her eyes. For a second, I thought I saw one of them blink. I shook my head to snap myself out of it.“Did you see that,” my mom asked. “She blinked. There it is again!”I wondered if we were both wishful seeing.This can’t be, I thought. Then Verdell’s tail wagged.“Look, look, loo loo look… her her tail. Her tail!” my mom jumped up screaming.“She’s alive!” we cheered. “She’s alive! She’s alive!”I embraced my mom, not something we normally do in my undemonstrative family, as we watched Verdell slowly come back to life. Her blinking and tail wagging got faster and faster. Then Verdell lifted herself up by her front legs and joined our celebration as she joyfully ran around the house dragging her back legs behind her.Little by little, Verdell’s hind legs regained strength as well and she jumped all over us. I held her in my arms and she attacked my face with kisses. I didn’t resist. Verdell ran back and forth between me and my mom like a puppypleading to play. Then suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks and made a beeline for the bathroom where my daughter remained barricaded. Verdell scratched on the wooden door, but Desirée didn’t answer. She couldn’t hear anything over her sobs.“Desirée! Open up,” I yelled through the door.“Nooo!” she yelled back.“Open the door,” I said. “Someone wants to see you.”“No!” she shouted. “I don’t want to see anyone right now.”“It’s Verdell,” I said. “She’s alive!”Desirée opened the door just a crack to peek out but enough for Verdell to push her way in. Desirée looked down at Verdell in shock. And then excitement.“Verdell, Verdell, Verdell,” she screamed, through her strained voice.Desirée came out with Verdell in her arms. The dog squirmed, wanting to get down and run around some more. We called an emergency veterinarian. He wasn’t surprised by our Christmas miracle and said CPR is often used on animals. The vet asked a few questions about Verdell, congratulated me, and said we didn’t need to bring her in. I thought it was all too good to be true but he assured us that she was fine.We never made it to church that evening but Jesus definitely made His way to us. Verdell and I had a special bond after that night, a special connection that only we shared.   【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。1.grab [ɡræb] vt._______________________________2.twist [twɪst] vt.___________________________3.spin  [spɪn] vt.___________________________4.frantically ['fræntɪklɪ] adv.___________________________5.nick  [nɪk] vt. ___________________________6.blade [bleɪd] n. ___________________________7.wail [weɪl] vi.___________________________8.sob  [sɒb] n. ___________________________9.penetrate [ˈpenətreɪt] vt. ___________________________10.allergic [əˈlɜːdʒɪk] adj.___________________________11.germophobe  [ˈdʒɜːməfəʊb] n.___________________________12.shedding ʃedɪŋ] n.___________________________13.drool [druːl] vi.___________________________14.slip [slɪp] vt.___________________________15.click [klɪk] vi.___________________________16.slobbery [ˈslɒbəri] adj.___________________________17.proceed [prəˈsiːd] vi.___________________________18.CPR [ˌsiː piː ˈɑː] n.___________________________19.tilt [tɪlt] vi.___________________________20.muffled [ˈmʌfld] adj.___________________________21.zone [zəʊn] vi.___________________________22.lament [ləˈment] vi.___________________________23.blink [blɪŋk] vi.___________________________24.snap [snæp] vi.___________________________25.wag  [wæɡ] vi. ___________________________26.embrace [ɪmˈbreɪs] vi. ___________________________27.undemonstrative ʌndɪˈmɑnstrətɪv] adj. ___________________________28.hind [haɪnd] adj. ___________________________29.regain [rɪˈɡeɪn] vt. ___________________________30.resist [rɪˈzɪst] vi. ___________________________31.puppy [ˈpʌpi] n. ___________________________32.plead [plid] vi. ___________________________33.beeline [ˈbiˌlaɪn] n.___________________________34.barricaded [ˌberɪˈkeɪd] adj.___________________________35.scratch [skrætʃ] vi.___________________________36.crack [kræk] n. ___________________________37.peek [pik] vi. ___________________________38.strained [streɪnd] adj. ___________________________39.squirmed [skwɜrm] vi. ___________________________40.veterinarian [ˌvetrɪˈneriən] n.___________________________41.definitely [ˈdefənɪtli] adv.___________________________42.bond [bɒnd] n. ___________________________43.budge  [bʌdʒ] vi.___________________________44.wishful [ˈwɪʃfʊl] adj.___________________________【句子学习】请根据中文句子填空。1. But instead of ___________________________ herself, she ___________________________ the collar around my mother’s finger, ___________________________ it more.但她(狗狗)不是让自己挣脱出来,而是将项圈和妈妈的手指缠绕在一起,缠得更紧了。 She was trying to ___________________________ the collar but it wouldn’t ___________________________ and neither would the dog.  她尽力地想解开狗项圈,但是它就是松不开,狗狗也松脱不了。 My mom ___________________________ found scissors but I ___________________________ them ___________________________ her, ___________________________ she would ___________________________ the dog trying    to cut the collar with one hand.妈妈慌乱地找到一把剪刀,但是我把它夺了下来,担心她用一只手来剪开项圈会弄伤狗狗。 My hands ___________________________ as I ___________________________ under Verdell’s collar, ___________________________ her and my mom.  当我推动剪刀沿着Verdell的项圈下沿剪开,以便松开狗狗和妈妈的手指,我的手抖动得厉害。5. I ___________________________ Verdell’s slobbery mouth, took a deep breath, and ___________________________.  我托住Verdell流口水的嘴巴,深吸一口气,接着做人工呼吸。(二)情绪描写1. My mother’s sobs ___________________________ my heart.  妈妈的哭泣声刺痛了我的心。2. “Verdell, Verdell, Verdell,” she ___________________________, through her___________________________ voice.  “Verdell, Verdell, Verdell,” 她尖叫道,用一种紧张的声音。3. “She’s alive!” we ___________________________. “She’s alive! She’s alive!”她活着!” 我们欢呼着。她活着! 她活着!”5. My mom___________________________ again, and I along with her.  妈妈突然再一次哭起来,我随着她也哭起来。6. Desirée looked down at Verdell ___________________________. And then ___________________________.  Desirée惊愕地低头看着Verdell,然后变得兴奋起来。7. “One-one thousand, two-one thousand, three-one thousand,” I ___________________________.  一哒哒,二哒哒,三哒哒,” 我哀叹道。8. I stared at the dog ___________________________.  我惊愕地盯着狗狗看。(三)背景描写___________________________, I could hear my daughter’s muffled cry coming from the bathroom.在背景中,我可以听到从浴室里传来女儿低沉的哭泣声。(四)心理描写1. I ___________________________ if we were both ___________________________seeing.  我不知道我们俩个是否是一厢情愿地看见(狗狗眨眼)。2. I ___________________________ it was all too good to be true but he___________________________ us that she was fine.  我原想这一切好得令人感到不真实,但是他让我们确信她安然无恙。3. For a second, I___________________________ I saw one of them blink.  那一刹那,我想我看到有只眼睛在眨眼。4. “One-one thousand, two-one thousand, three-one thousand,” I said, and ___________________________. Please Lord. Bring her back for my mom. She can’t take this. Verdell’s all she has.一哒哒,二哒哒,三哒哒,” 我数着,自我祈祷起来:主啊,请将她送还给妈妈。她无法接受这个事实。Verdell是她的一切。5. I don’t know what happened, but ______________________________________________________.  我不知道发生了什么,但是我内心里突然有所醒悟。拓展练习读后续写阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。As I walked along the sidewalk in front of Surplus Unlimited, a car that was about to change my life had just turned onto Route 82 from the CVS parking lot.I looked up and noticed the elderly couple in the car heading toward me.As the car rolled past, the driver suddenly collapsed against the steering wheel (方向盘) right in front of my eyes.His wife stared blankly out of the passenger side window.She was unaware that her car was now rolling—without a conscious driver—down the center of a busy road.I began to jog alongside the moving car.My mind assessed the situation.Somebody needed to stop that car!I reached forward, but there was nothing to grab.I pounded on her window.She looked confused.“Roll down the window!” I yelled, gesturing wildly.With the window down, I was able to grab the doorframe.I pulled hard against the force of the moving vehicle.On the far side of the car, the traffic streamed by in the opposite direction.Cars passed one after another.Nobody slowed down.Nobody seemed to notice.Thankfully, the driver’s foot must have slipped off the gas pedal (踏板) when he lost consciousness.I kept pulling, and the car began to slow.Just then, a woman appeared from behind me.She ran alongside the driver side door.She opened the door and as the car was slowing, she managed to shift it out of “Drive”.A joyful “We did it!” feeling swept over me.But the car was now stopped in the center lane (车道) with traffic still moving in both directions around us and we need to help this man.Quickly! The woman called 911 while I checked his vital signs.He was not breathing.He had no pulse.He had about five minutes until he was dead.CPR was needed in to time.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Thoughts started running through my mind.In an instant, the man from the black SUV was standing beside me and said, “I am a doctor.” 心灵鸡汤精选答案【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。1.grab [ɡræb] vt.抓住 2.twist [twɪst] vt.缠绕3.spin  [spɪn] vt.猛转回头4.frantically ['fræntɪklɪ] adv.慌乱地5.nick  [nɪk] vt. 划伤6.blade [bleɪd] n. 刀刃7.wail [weɪl] vi.恸哭8.sob  [sɒb] n. 啜泣9.penetrate [ˈpenətreɪt] vt. 刺入10.allergic [əˈlɜːdʒɪk] adj.过敏的11.germophobe  [ˈdʒɜːməfəʊb] n.洁癖12.shedding ʃedɪŋ] n.脱毛13.drool [druːl] vi.垂涎14.slip [slɪp] vt.滑入15.click [klɪk] vi.突然醒悟16.slobbery [ˈslɒbəri] adj.流口水的17.proceed [prəˈsiːd] vi.接着做18.CPR [ˌsiː piː ˈɑː] n.心肺复苏19.tilt [tɪlt] vi.倾斜20.muffled [ˈmʌfld] adj.低沉的21.zone [zəʊn] vi.走神22.lament [ləˈment] vi.哀叹23.blink [blɪŋk] vi.眨眼24.snap [snæp] vi.脱离25.wag  [wæɡ] vi. 摇摆26.embrace [ɪmˈbreɪs] vi. 拥抱27.undemonstrative ʌndɪˈmɑnstrətɪv] adj. 含蓄的28.hind [haɪnd] adj. 后面的29.regain [rɪˈɡeɪn] vt. 恢复30.resist [rɪˈzɪst] vi. 抗拒31.puppy [ˈpʌpi] n. 小狗32.plead [plid] vi. 乞求33.beeline [ˈbiˌlaɪn] n.径直34.barricaded [ˌberɪˈkeɪd] adj.关在里面的35.scratch [skrætʃ] vi.刮擦36.crack [kræk] n. 缝隙37.peek [pik] vi. 偷看38.strained [streɪnd] adj. 紧张的39.squirmed [skwɜrm] vi. 蠕动40.veterinarian [ˌvetrɪˈneriən] n.兽医41.definitely [ˈdefənɪtli] adv.肯定地42.bond [bɒnd] n. 联系43.budge  [bʌdʒ] vi.松动44.wishful [ˈwɪʃfʊl] adj.一厢情愿的【句子学习】请根据中文句子填空。1. But instead of freeing herself, she twisted the collar around my mother’s finger, tightening it more.但她(狗狗)不是让自己挣脱出来,而是将项圈和妈妈的手指缠绕在一起,缠得更紧了。 She was trying to unfasten the collar but it wouldn’t budge and neither would the dog.  她尽力地想解开狗项圈,但是它就是松不开,狗狗也松脱不了。 My mom frantically found scissors but I grabbed them away from her, fearing she would nick the dog trying    to cut the collar with one hand.妈妈慌乱地找到一把剪刀,但是我把它夺了下来,担心她用一只手来剪开项圈会弄伤狗狗。 My hands shook rapidly as I pushed the blade under Verdell’s collar, freeing her and my mom.  当我推动剪刀沿着Verdell的项圈下沿剪开,以便松开狗狗和妈妈的手指,我的手抖动得厉害。5. I grabbed Verdell’s slobbery mouth, took a deep breath, and proceeded to do CPR.  我托住Verdell流口水的嘴巴,深吸一口气,接着做人工呼吸。(二)情绪描写1. My mother’s sobs penetrated my heart.  妈妈的哭泣声刺痛了我的心。2. “Verdell, Verdell, Verdell,” she screamed, through her strained voice.  “Verdell, Verdell, Verdell,” 她尖叫道,用一种紧张的声音。3. “She’s alive!” we cheered. “She’s alive! She’s alive!”她活着!” 我们欢呼着。她活着! 她活着!”5. My mom burst into tears again, and I along with her.  妈妈突然再一次哭起来,我随着她也哭起来。6. Desirée looked down at Verdell in shock. And then excitement.  Desirée惊愕地低头看着Verdell,然后变得兴奋起来。7. “One-one thousand, two-one thousand, three-one thousand,” I lamented.  一哒哒,二哒哒,三哒哒,” 我哀叹道。8. I stared at the dog in shock.  我惊愕地盯着狗狗看。(三)背景描写In the background, I could hear my daughter’s muffled cry coming from the bathroom.在背景中,我可以听到从浴室里传来女儿低沉的哭泣声。(四)心理描写1. I wondered if we were both wishful seeing.  我不知道我们俩个是否是一厢情愿地看见(狗狗眨眼)。2. I thought it was all too good to be true but he assured us that she was fine.  我原想这一切好得令人感到不真实,但是他让我们确信她安然无恙。3. For a second, I thought I saw one of them blink.  那一刹那,我想我看到有只眼睛在眨眼。4. “One-one thousand, two-one thousand, three-one thousand,” I said, and prayed to myself. Please Lord. Bring her back for my mom. She can’t take this. Verdell’s all she has.一哒哒,二哒哒,三哒哒,” 我数着,自我祈祷起来:主啊,请将她送还给妈妈。她无法接受这个事实。Verdell是她的一切。5. I don’t know what happened, but something clicked inside me.  我不知道发生了什么,但是我内心里突然有所醒悟。拓展练习读后续写参考答案  Thoughts started running through my mind.I needed to start CPR.But I couldn’t do CPR on a person who was sitting in a car.Did I remember how to do CPR? There was no way for us two women to lift this guy and carry him through this traffic to the side of the road.By the time an ambulance arrived, he would be dead.Just then, over my shoulder, I noticed a black SUV had pulled up behind us.In an instant, the man from the black SUV was standing beside me and said.“I am a doctor” I stepped back.He confirmed that the man indeed had no pulse.He quickly carried the unconscious driver to the sidewalk with the help of the woman.I walked around to the passenger window to check on the elderly lady.Her hands were shaking wildly, tears in her eyes.She could only manage to whisper, “Will he be OK?” “I hope so,” I told her softly, as the doctor began CPR.And his breath recovered!








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