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    Unit2 Great people Reading2课件 2022-2023学年译林版英语九年级下册
    Unit2 Great people Reading2课件 2022-2023学年译林版英语九年级下册01
    Unit2 Great people Reading2课件 2022-2023学年译林版英语九年级下册02
    Unit2 Great people Reading2课件 2022-2023学年译林版英语九年级下册03
    Unit2 Great people Reading2课件 2022-2023学年译林版英语九年级下册04
    Unit2 Great people Reading2课件 2022-2023学年译林版英语九年级下册05
    Unit2 Great people Reading2课件 2022-2023学年译林版英语九年级下册06
    Unit2 Great people Reading2课件 2022-2023学年译林版英语九年级下册07
    Unit2 Great people Reading2课件 2022-2023学年译林版英语九年级下册08
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    英语Unit 2 Great peopleReading课文配套课件ppt

    这是一份英语Unit 2 Great peopleReading课文配套课件ppt,共43页。PPT课件主要包含了Reading II,interest,flight,chosen,astronaut,command, Task 1,research ,service,presented等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Studying aims
    1.Master the useful language pints. 2.Can get infrmatin frm reading and d sme exercises.
    Neil Armstrng was brn n 5 August 1930 in Ohi, the USA. He shwed an ________ in flying when he tk his first _______ at the age f six. He received his student ______ _______ when he was 16. In 1962, he was ________ t becme an __________. In 1966 he went int space as __________ pilt f Gemini 8.
    pilt’s licence
    On 20 July 1969, Armstrng became the first man t _____ ____ ___ _______. He and Aldrin cllected ______ _____ t take back t the Earth fr further ________. Because f his excellent ________, Neil Armstrng was __________ the Medal f Freedm, the highest award that a US _______ can receive. He was the _______ f the whle wrld.
    walk n the Mn
    Retelling race
    Try t retell the reading materials accrding t the fllwing pictures and descriptins. Wh is the best?
    Date f birth:
    Place f birth:
    Majr events:
    Neil Armstrng
    5th August 1930
    Ohi, the USA
    tk his first flight
    received his student pilt’s licence
    Retell smething abut Armstrng.
    20th July 1969:
    jined the navy
    was chsen t be an astrnaut
    went int space
    walked n the Mn
    the Medal f Freedm
    Language pints
    1.He became interested in flying when he tk his first flight at the age f six. 出生于… (年/月) 出生于… (日) 生孩子 在某人…岁时在出生时从出生时起天生 那个男孩五岁就会游泳了。The by culd swim at the age f 5.= The by culd swim when he was 5 years ld.★ be/becme interested in…=take/have /shw (an) interest in …对….感兴趣
    be brn in ….;be brn n….give birth t a childwhen sb is/was … = at the age f ….at birth = when sb was brnfrm birthbe brn brn +adj
    某人第一次坐飞机 take ne’s first flight / planeWe met n a flight frm Lndn t Paris.2.获得飞行学员证 receive ne’s student pilt’s licence1.)pilt(s) (n) 飞行员 as (the) cmmand pilt 作为飞行指挥(员)2.)licence = license(n/) 执照,许可证驾驶执照,驾驶证 a driving licence = a driver’s licence3.参军(海军/ 陆军) jin the navy/armynavy (n.) 海军 army 陆军 jin参加, 主要指加入某个组织(如军队,党派, 社团, 协会 等), 成为其中一员. jined the Party/team/the trip/the army/navy/grup jin in…=take part in…. +某活动 jin sb in ding 加入某人 attend 出席,参加+a wedding/a lessn/a class/meeting
    4.服役担任飞行员三年 serve as a pilt fr three yearsserve(vi. & vt.) 服役; 服务, 招待1.)serve as…担任… serve as a pilt / a driver2.) serve as… 充当… The large bx in his rm can serve as a desk t.他房间里的那只大箱子也可以充当大箱子用.2.) serve服役 serve in the army 在军队服役3.) serve服务 serve sb =be at ne’s service 为某人服务/效劳 为国家/人民服务 serve the cuntry / the peple4.)serve 招待 serve yu in a better way5.)serve 供应 The restaurant serves nice fd.Rice ndles are nly served in the mrning.6.)上(一道)菜 serve a dish
    ★ service(n.)工作,服务在使用中 不使用,停止服务 提供高水平的服务 servant (n.)仆人5.成为一名试飞员 becme a test pilt测试各式各样的航天器 test all types f aircraft test (v.) 测试,检验 (n.)测验,试验1.) 参加测试2.) 通过/没有通过测试3.) 给我们来一次小测验来测试我们的拼写★ all types/kinds f … 各种各样 different types/kinds f… 不同种类的
    (be) in service = (be) in use (be) ut f serviceprvide a high level service
    take a test =test pass/fail a test give us a test t test ur spelling
    6.被选中成为一名宇航员be chsen t becme/be an astrnautastrnaut (n.)宇航员 spaceman/spacemen) an astrnaut many astrnauts7.进入太空 g int spacespace空地(可数n)在一些大的空地上: space 空间、太空(不可数n )越来越少的空间:在太空:进入太空:外太空 uter space
    in sme large pen spaces
    less and less space
    g int space
    8. manage t jin tw spacecraft tgether fr the first time 设法将两个航天器首次成功对接1.)manage t d sth设法做成某事=d sth successfully=succeed in ding sth=be successful in ding sthmanage (v.)经营,管理 manage a cmpany manager(n.) 经理2.)try t d sth.尽力做某事,强调动作,不知道此事能否做=d/try ne's best t d sthShe tried t finish her hmewrk in ne hur, but she failed.3) 4)fr the first time 第一次 at first=in the beginning 起初
    9. Hwever, n their way back t the Earth , the spacecraft began spinning ut f cntrl.然而在他们返回地球途中,飞船开始失控地快速旋转.1.) n ne’s/the way t…在某人去…路上. 当后接表示地点的副词时,要省去tn their way t the cinema.n my way hme\here\there2.)cntrl (n)控制 ut f cntrl 失去控制,无法管理.The machine was ut f cntrl.beynd cntrl难以控制 under cntrl 被控制住ut f rder出故障 ut f danger脱离危险 ut f breath上气不接下气 ut f reach够不着ut f date过时的,陈旧的 ut f shape变形,走样ut f practice 生疏/荒废 ut f kindness 处于好意remte cntrl 遥控(器)
    3.)cntrl (v.)控制,掌管,支配 cntrlling--cntrlledAt the age f 21, he cntrlled the cmpany. 他21岁时掌管了公司.The firefighters are cntrlling the frest fire.消防员们正在控制这场森林大火.4.) spin(v.)快速旋转 spun-spun-spinning 转动球/硬币/轮子 spin a ball / cin / wheel我觉得天旋地转. My head is spinning.注意下列双写的动词:shut-shut-shut-shuttingcmmit,kidnap, cntrl,cancel
    10.He received the rder t cut the flight shrt.他接到缩短航程的指令.★cut (v)切 cut-cut-cutting (n)切口缩短(飞行)航程 将它/它们缩短/截短 把我头发剪短 缩短假期 cut短语:cut dwn 砍倒;削减 cut dwn pllutin 减少污染 cut in n sb/sth 打断,打搅(某人,某事)cut ff 切断, 隔断(电话通话) cut ut剪去\剪下来 cut up 切碎
    cut the flight shrtcut it/them shrtcut my hair shrtcut shrt his hliday
    11.He received the rder t cut the flight shrt.他接到缩短航程的指令.rder (n.) 命令, 要求, 指挥, 顺序; 点菜;订单1.)命令(n./v.) 收到 /下达 /服从命令 receive/give/bey an rder/ rders 命令某人(不)做某事 rder sb (nt) t d sth2.)顺序 使… 井然有序 keep sth in (gd) rder 将… 按正确顺序排列 put sth in the right rder 3.)点菜 请问你们准备好点菜了吗? May I take yur rder?= Are yu ready t rder? 4.) 指挥 听从某人的指挥 take rders frm sb5.)预定 预订一顿饭 rder a meal6.) 订单 receive an rder fr 2000 machine tls
    12. He successfully brught the spacecraft dwn int the western Pacific Ocean.他成功地使宇宙飞船落入西太平洋。1.) bring dwn=land使…降落 bring it / them dwn 使飞机安全降落 bring the plane dwn safely =land the plane safely2.) land(vt./vi)-landed (使)着陆, (使)降落他将飞机降落在/到地上 He landed the plane n/nt the grund飞机将在北京降落. The plane will land in Beijing.★ land (n.)陆地, 大地, 土地 n land 在陆地上 (此处land 为名词,没有a/the)
    3.) Pacific (adj.) 太平洋的太平洋 the Pacific Ocean / the Pacific★大西洋 the Atlantic Ocean 印度洋 the Indian Ocean北冰洋 the Arctic Ocean4.) cean(n.) 海洋 sea 大海 ★ 海洋比大海更大13. Tgether with Buzz Aldrin, he landed the spacecraft Apll 11 n the Mn.他和巴兹.奥尔德林一起将阿波罗11号宇宙飞船降落在月球上.1.)tgether with 与… 一起, 连同, 位置比较灵活, 可以放在句首, 句中,句尾或主语后,但谓语动词的单复数形式要与主语保持一致(类似短语as well as, like像, except , alng with, with, besides,including…).The teacher tgether with sme students is visiting the factry.
    我和他工作都很努力.He as well as I wrks very hard.莉莉和其他的女孩一样,喜欢漂亮的衣服. Lily like ther girls lves beautiful clthes.除了Jim和Peter 每个人都在班级。Everyne except Jim and Peter is in the classrm.14. He said the famus wrds“ ne small step fr (a) man, ne giant leap fr mankind ” as he stepped ut nt the Mn’s surface.当他走出机舱踏上月球表面时,他说了那句名言:对于个人是一小步,对于人类是一大步。”★ 1.)step(v.)-stepped-stepping 走,跨步,踩, 踏
    踏出,出去 step ut 从… 中踏出来 step ut f….踏入 step int …. 踏入河中 step int the river踏上,踩上 n.. 踏上成功之路 step n the rad t success2.) step(s) (n.) 一步,步骤,台阶 迈了一步 他朝门口迈了一步。He tk a step twards the dr.循序渐进 采取这些步骤 爬上台阶 We fund the steps f a bear n the grund. 足迹mind/watch yur step 3.)leap(n.) 跳跃,跃升 一个巨大的跳跃 a giant leap take a flying leap
    take a step step by step take the stepsclimb (up) the steps
    4.)leap(vi.) 跳,跳跃 leap--leaped-leaped-leapingleap--leapt--leapt—leaping三思而后行 Lk befre yu leap./ Think twice.一只海豚跃出水面. A dlphin leapt ut f the water.我们跳过了那条小溪. We leaped ver the steam.5.) giant(adj.)巨大的,伟大的 (n.)行业中的巨头,巨人,伟人大熊猫 giant panda(s) 自行车品牌:捷安特Giant6.)surface(cn.)表面,表层 …的表面 the surface f …月面,月球表面the Mn’s surface = the surface f the Mn在表面上,从外表看 n the surface On the surface, he appeared unchanged.
    14.They cllected Mn rcks t take back t the Earth fr further research. 他们采集了月球岩石带回地球作进一步研究.1.)take back 带回, 拿回. back 是副词, 当宾语为代词时,位于中间. She tk them back t the bat.2.) further(adj. )更多的,进一步的 far-farther-farthest far-further-furthest farther 距离较远/ 更远further距离较远/更远,也可表示程度深.更近一步为了进一步的学习,进修,深造 为了进一步的研究 进一步的信息 I am tired, I can’t walk any further/farther (adv.)
    fr further study fr further research further infrmatin
    15.Because f his excellent service, he was presented with the Medal f Freedm, the highest award (that a US citizen can receive.)因为他的出色表现, 他被授予自由勋章—一个美国公民可得的最高奖励1.)the Medal f Freedm自由勋章2.) present (v.)授予, 赠与,提交 授予某人某物 present sth t sb=present sb with sthsth be presented t sb=sb be presented with sth3.) present=gift (n.) 礼物,目前, 现在=at present receive many Christmas presents4.) present (adj.)在场的,出席的
    5.) citizen(s)(n.) 公民,市民 netizen(s) 网民 许多市民 many citizens16.He was the pride f the whle wrld. 他是全世界的骄傲.pride(n.)骄傲,可引以为豪的人或物prud 形容词:骄傲的,自豪的1) be the pride f … 是…的自豪/骄傲2.)take pride in sb./ (ding)sth. 对..感到自豪/骄傲= be/feel prud f sb / (ding) sth3.)(因) 做某事而感到自豪/骄傲 be /feel prud t d sth.今天我以学校为自豪,明日学校将以我的成功为自豪.I am prud f my schl tday and tmrrw my schl will take pride in my success.
    17.What did Armstrng mean by his famus wrds…? 阿姆斯特朗的名言…是什么意思?1.)…什么意思? What did/des /d ... mean by 2.)这个单词什么意思?What des the wrd mean?=what’s the meaning f the wrld?18.mankind 人类 (总称),前不加任何限定词.human(n.)人类(强调人群), (adj.)人类的human being 人,人类(强调个人)human(n.)=human beings
    月球行走第一人 the first man/persn t walk n the Mn2. 第…个做某事的(人) the first/ secnd/last (persn) t d sth.每天第一个到校的学生 the first student t cme/get t schl★ 注意这个结构: 序数词 (+名词) t d sth.
    月球行走第一人 the first man/persn t walk n the Mn2. 第…个做某事的(人) the first/ secnd/last (persn) t d sth.3. 出生于… (年/月);出生于… (日) be brn in ….; be brn n….生孩子 give birth t a child5. 对飞行产生兴趣 becme interested in flying6. 在某人…岁时 when sb. is/was … = at the age f …. 在出生时 at birth = when sb. was brn
    7. 获得飞行学员证 receive ne’s student pilt’s licence8. 驾驶证,驾驶执照 a driver’s licence; a driving licence9. 参军(海军/ 陆军) jin the navy / army10. 服役担任飞行员三年 serve as a pilt fr three years11. 成为一名测飞员 becme a test pilt12. 测试各式各样的航天器 test all types f aircraft
    13. 被选中成为一名宇航员 be chsen t becme/be an astrnaut14. 进入太空; 在太空; 外太空 g int space ; in space; uter space15. 作为飞行指挥(员) as cmmand pilt16. 设法将两个航天器首次成功对接 manage t jin tw spacecraft tgether fr the first time17. 在返回地球途中 n ne’s/the way back t the Earth
    18. 开始失控地快速旋转 begin spinning ut f cntrl begin/start ding/t d sth. 开始做某事 ut f (breath/practice/curisity) 从… 出来; 处于…(的原因) 他这么做处于好意。 He did it ut f kindness. I used t be gd at basketball, but nw it’s ut f practice. 生疏/荒废
    20. 得到/收到 命令 receive the /an rder21. 缩短(飞行)航程 cut the flight shrt22. 将它/它们缩短/截短 cut it/them shrt cut my hair shrt23. 成功地将航空器坠入…中 successfully bring the spacecraft dwn int …
    24. 踏上,踩上…. step n…. 踩着某人的脚 step n ne’s ft25. 踏出来; 从… 踏出来 step ut ; step ut f ….26. 踏出来, 到…上 step ut ‖ nt…27. 踏进…. step int…. 踏入河中 step int the river
    28. 与… 一起 tgether with…= alng with…. = with…29. 将… 着陆在…上 land sth. n sp.30. 在… 上着陆 land n sp.31. 搜集/采集月球岩石(标本) 以进一步研究 cllect Mn rcks fr further research32. 正守候欢着迎他们 be waiting t greet them33. 由于他的出色表现 because f his excellent service
    A driver shuld get a driving ________(执照) befre he drives n the rad.Armstrng successfully brught the spacecraft dwn int the western Pacific________(海洋).Once it is ut f _______(控制), many peple will get int the truble.I’m interested in planes, and I want t be a _______(飞行员) when I grw up.Her sn is her_______(自豪). She is prud f him.All_________(公民) f the Peple’s Republic f China are equal befre the law.There will be a ______(测试) this Friday. I’ll get ready fr it.Flight 846_________(降落) safely ten minutes ag with 300 passengers.
    1.Neil Armstrng was the first man __________(walk) n the ’s yur name and __________(fly) ’d better manage ____________ (finish) yur wrk n Jiang, a well-knwn writer, went t England fr _________(far) study in vlunteers wh saved peple in truble shuld be regarded as _________(her) climbers tried their best and reached the tp f the muntain _______________ (success) at planet was frmed 4.54 billin years ag, and life appeared n its ________(表面) within a billin years.
    becme interested in…
    take ne’s first flight
    the first time
    n ne’s way back t…
    ut f cntrl
    cut the flight shrt
    the first man t walk n the mn
    tgether with…
    take …back t the Earth
    fr further research
    the pride f the whle wrld
    travel t different cuntries
    1. 第一个月球漫步的人2. 宇航员和他的太空旅行3. 六岁第一次乘坐飞机4. 领到他的实习飞行执照5. 加入海军6. 作为一名飞行员服役三年7. 飞行时长超过1100小时8. 测试所有类型飞机9. 被选择成为一名宇航员10. 作为…机长进入太空11. 在太空中第一次成功将两架航空器对接12. 在返回地球的路上13. 开始不停旋转失去控制14. 接到命令缩短航程15. 成功使宇宙飞船降落在西太平洋16. 将阿波罗11号飞船降落在月球上
    1. the first man t walk n the Mn2. the astrnaut and his space travel3. take his first flight at the age f 64. receive his student pilt’s licence5. jin the navy6. serve as a pilt fr three years7. fly ver 1100 hurs8. test all types f aircraft9. be chsen t becme an astrnaut10. g int space as cmmand pilt f…11. managed t jin tw spacecraft tgether fr the first time in space12. n the way back t the Earth13. begin spinning ut f cntrl14. receive the rder t cut the flight shrt15. successfully brught the spacecraft dwn int the western Pacific Ocean16. land the spacecraft Apll 11 n the Mn

    英语九年级下册lntegrated skills说课课件ppt: 这是一份英语九年级下册lntegrated skills说课课件ppt,共27页。PPT课件主要包含了Warming up,预习检查,合作交流,Pair work,Speak up,当堂检测等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    牛津译林版九年级下册Welcome to the unit教课课件ppt: 这是一份牛津译林版九年级下册Welcome to the unit教课课件ppt,共31页。PPT课件主要包含了自学反馈,fighter,invent,explorer,inventor,invention,ˈrʌʃn,Guess,president,课堂检测等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    初中牛津译林版Reading图片课件ppt: 这是一份初中牛津译林版Reading图片课件ppt,共40页。PPT课件主要包含了自学反馈,Ohio,space,the Moon,Two,rocks,Freedom,wasn’t,Sum up,Homework等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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