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    2022- -2023学年高三月考卷
    Boys& Girls Outdoor Leadership Development (BOLD& GOLD)
    Through outdoor adventures and wilderness experiences, the BOLD& GOLD program inspires courage and multicultural leadership in diverse groups of rising 7th-9th grade students. The challenge, glory and beauty of the wilderness come together on our exciting adventures, which range from weekend clubs to 7-day expeditions.
    Our small groups (a maximum of 10 participants and two instructors) travel to some of the most beautiful and natural places in the southeast. Along the way we rock climb, backpack, and whitewater raft (白水漂流) as well as explore what leadership means while creating new friendships and lifelong memories. Using breath-taking wilderness classrooms, our participants return from our programs knowing that the confidence, strength and friendships they developed will help them meet any challenge on the way, in the classroom or back home in their communities.
    Deep Friendships and Diverse Groups
    Who comes on a BOLD & GOLD trip? A single group may consist of amazing kids with a diversity of viewpoints, backgrounds and life experiences. We partner with families, organizations and communities to help get minority populations that aren’t well represented in the outdoors in our program. We actively do this because we believe having diversity makes for better groups! Working with others who are different from you stretches your learning and inspires each other to be a bridge builder in today’s multicultural world while making lifelong friendships!
    You Make It Possible!
    Our program removes the financial barriers that prevent many from experiencing the outdoors. We provide the youth who would otherwise not have access to the outdoors with these opportunities through our scholarship fund.
    If you are interested in changing young people’s lives, Give the Gift of Camp!
    1. Who is the BOLD & GOLD program intended for?
    A. School leaders. B. Middle school students.
    C. Adventure seekers. D. Outdoor enthusiasts.
    2. What’s special about the program?
    A. It teaches field survival skills.
    B. It features large group activities
    C. It lets the kids take change of the program.
    D. It involves kids with diverse backgrounds.
    3. What’s the purpose of the last paragraph?
    A. To advertise coming events. B. To encourage donations.
    C. To introduce special activities. D. To attract more participants.
    【答案】1. B 2. D 3. B
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Through outdoor adventures and wilderness experiences, the BOLD& GOLD program inspires courage and multicultural leadership in diverse groups of rising 7th-9th grade students. (通过户外探险和荒野体验,BOLD&GOLD计划激发了7到9年级学生不同群体的勇气和多元文化领导力)”可知,BOLD & GOLD这一项目针对的是中学生。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据Deep Friendships and Diverse Groups部分“Who comes on a BOLD & GOLD trip? A single group may consist of amazing kids with a diversity of viewpoints, backgrounds and life experiences. We partner with families, organizations and communities to help get minority populations that aren’t well represented in the outdoors in our program. We actively do this because we believe having diversity makes for better groups! Working with others who are different from you stretches your learning and inspires each other to be a bridge builder in today’s multicultural world while making lifelong friendships! (谁来参加BOLD & GOLD之旅?一个小组可能由具有不同观点、背景和生活经历的优秀的孩子组成。我们与家庭、组织和社区合作,在我们的计划中帮助那些在户外活动中没有充分代表性的少数民族人口。我们积极这样做,因为我们相信拥有多样性可以创造更好的团队!与你不同的人一起工作可以扩展你的学习,并相互激励,成为当今多元文化世界中的桥梁建设者,同时建立终生的友谊!)”可知,参与者具有不同观点、背景和生活经历等多样性。故推知这一项目的独特之处在于参与活动的孩子拥有的多元背景。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据You Make It Possible部分“We provide the youth who would otherwise not have access to the outdoors with these opportunities through our scholarship fund. If you are interested in changing young people’s lives, Give the Gift of Camp! (我们通过我们的奖学金基金为那些原本没有机会接触户外的年轻人提供这些机会。如果你有兴趣改变年轻人的生活,请赠送野营的礼物!)”可知,这一项目为参与者提供奖学金及参与机会,并呼吁大家为基于资助。由此推知,最后一段旨在鼓励人们给予这一项目更多的赞助和捐赠。故选B。
    Loneliness is spreading in our times. According to research conducted this year, nearly 50% of people aged 55and above in the Netherlands experience loneliness. There may be friendly neighborhood, but during the pandemic the elderly suffer a lot as their immune system does not permit them to step out for shopping or any type of activities.
    Dutch Local Jumbo Supermarket in Vlijmen is working to make their community less lonely. They recently launched two initiatives(新方案) in the supermarket for seniors: All Together Coffee Corner and Chat Checkout. All Together Coffee Comer is opened as a social coffee corner where elderly people meet with other locals just for a chat or to ask for help with small tasks. The goal of the coffee corner is to act as a meeting point for elderly people with locals as well as volunteers who can help them. The initiative is a huge success. Volunteers help elders in shopping, walking, etc.
    Also, Jumbo introduced 200 chat registers in its stores for customers who are not in a hurry and want to talk or chat during checkout. They piloted the first chat register in 2019, which was received positively by customers. The government has introduced Chat Checkout under government-sponsored One Against Loneliness program which also established a 24/7 loneliness hotline for people who are lonely. According to Jumbo representative, this is a small gesture but a very valuable one, especially in a world that is digitizing and getting faster and faster.
    Jumbo supermarket is considering opening more chat registers where loneliness is a major issue in the Netherlands. In addition, it will be introducing “cozy chat corners” where customers can sit and have a coffee with others. And it will donate materials to Oma’s Soep, an initiative that brings university students with elders to prepare soup.
    4. What can elders do in All Together Coffee Corner?
    A. Meet family and friends. B. Volunteer for small tasks.
    C. Receive help in shopping. D. Provide customer service.
    5. What can we learn about Chat Checkout from paragraph 4?
    A. It offers lonely elders online help. B. It goes down well with customers.
    C It is a way to fight quick pace of life. D. It was sponsored by the government.
    6. In which section of a website can we find the text?
    A. Culture. B. Health.
    C. Opinion. D. Entertainment.
    7. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
    A. Loneliness spreads among the elderly
    B. Elders need more care in the pandemic
    C. A small gesture makes a big difference
    D. Initiatives help elders tackle loneliness
    【答案】4. C 5. B 6. B 7. D
    细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Volunteers help elders in shopping, walking, etc (义工帮助长者购物、散步等)”可知,老人购物时得到帮助。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第四段中内容“Also, Jumbo introduced 200 chat registers in its stores for customers who are not in a hurry and want to talk or chat during checkout. They piloted the first chat register in 2019, which was received positively by customers. (此外,Jumbo还为不赶时间、想在结账时为聊天的顾客推出了200个聊天台。他们在2019年试点了第一个聊天登记册,受到了客户的积极响应)”可知,Jumbo在2019年就试行过Chat Checkout活动,当时顾客对此的反馈很好。现在这个项目受到了政府的支持,显然是受欢迎的举措。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Dutch Local Jumbo Supermarket in Vlijmen is working to make their community less lonely. They recently launched two initiatives(新方案) in the supermarket for seniors: All Together Coffee Corner and Chat Checkout. (位于Vlijmen的荷兰本地大型超市正在努力让他们的社区不那么孤独。最近,他们在超市为老年人推出了两项举措:共同咖啡角和聊天结账)”可知,本文是一家荷兰超市关注老年人心理健康所采取的两项举措,故可能出现在健康栏目中。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据文章第二段“Dutch Local Jumbo Supermarket in Vlijmen is working to make their community less lonely. They recently launched two initiatives(新方案) in the supermarket for seniors: All Together Coffee Corner and Chat Checkout. (位于Vlijmen的荷兰本地大型超市正在努力让他们的社区不那么孤独。最近,他们在超市为老年人推出了两项举措:共同咖啡角和聊天结账)”可知,本文介绍了荷兰超市Jumbo为帮助老人克服孤独的所采取的两项举措,D项:Initiatives help elders tackle loneliness(计划帮助老年人解决孤独问题)适合作为本文标题。故选D。
    When I visited the remote Swedish town of Alvdalen, I was immediately struck by the forest-covered valley in which it is situated. I was set to meet the last speakers of Elfdalian. The language is currently used only by about2,500 people, but it has preserved language features that are to be found nowhere else in Scandinavia.
    Because of its relative isolation, Elfidalian is unique among Nordic languages. While speakers of Swedish, Norwegian and Danish are able to have simple conversations and understand each other, it is not so with Eilfdalian. And it is this feature that makes Elfdalian completely baffling to non-local people.
    For centuries, it was unnecessary for the majority of the native Elfdalian-speaking population to learn standard Swedish or other languages, as most trade and economic networks occurred within local areas. Elfdalían remained an active language until the 20th century.
    However with increased mobility and the arrival of mass media, speakers of Elfdalian switched to Swedish. At present, only half of the residents of Alvdalen speak it, and of the youngest generation, only about 60 children under the age of 15 are fluent in it.
    During my visit, I was lucky to be introduced to a group of language activists united under the name Ulum Dalska. Attempts are being made by these local enthusiasts to revive the language. After many years of action, Ulum Dalska has recently been successful in convincing the local authorities to start up an Elfdalian-speaking group at the local preschool. This means that, for the first time in history, Elfdalian has made its official entry into the Swedish schooling system.
    On the whole, more and more people seem to be convinced of the preciousness of Elfdalian and the need to preserve it for future generations. And in a globalizing world, the right attitude is perhaps the most important step towards a full language recovery.
    8. Why did the author go to the town of Alvdalen?
    A. To discover a remote Swedish forest. B. To explore a unique forest language.
    C. To call on a group of language activists.
    D. To pay a visit to a forest-covered valley.
    9. Which of the following best explains “baffling” underlined in paragraph 2?
    A. Out of date. B. Easy to learn.
    C. Convenient to spread. D. Hard to understand.
    10. What contributed to Elfdalian’s role as an active language before the 20th century?
    A. The huge Elfdalian-speaking population.
    B. The natives’ refusal to accept other languages.
    C. The self-sufficient economy among the locals.
    D. The high economic status of Elfdalian-speaking areas.
    11. What do we know about Ulum Dalska?
    A. It helps language research. B. It aims to preserve Elfdalian.
    C. It is financed by the government. D. It was founded by language experts.
    【答案】8. B 9. D 10. C 11. B
    推理判断题。根据第一段中的“I was set to meet the last speakers of Elfdalian. The language is currently used only by about2,500 people, but it has preserved language features that are to be found nowhere else in Scandinavia.(我被安排去见Elfdalian的最后一位发言人。目前只有大约2500人使用这种语言,但它保留了在Scandinavia以外的其他地方找不到的语言特征。)”可知,作者前往Alvdalen小镇是为了探寻Elfdalian这种古老且独特的语言。故选B。
    词句猜测题。根据第二段中的“While speakers of Swedish, Norwegian and Danish are able to have simple conversations and understand each other, it is not so with Eilfdalian.(虽然说瑞典语、挪威语和丹麦语的人可以进行简单的对话并相互理解,但对Eilfdalian来说就不是这样了。)”可知,非本地人完全不懂Elfdalian,画线词baffling意为“难以理解的”,和hard to understand意思相近。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中的“For centuries, it was unnecessary for the majority of the native Elfdalian-speaking population to learn standard Swedish or other languages, as most trade and economic networks occurred within local areas.(几个世纪以来,大多数母语为Elfdalian的人都没有必要学习标准瑞典语或其他语言,因为大多数贸易和经济网络都发生在当地地区。)”可知,促成了Elfdalian在20世纪之前成为一种活跃的语言的是当地人自给自足的经济。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第五段中的“Attempts are being made by these local enthusiasts to revive the language. After many years of action, Ulum Dalska has recently been successful in convincing the local authorities to start up an Elfdalian-speaking group at the local preschool. This means that, for the first time in history, Elfdalian has made its official entry into the Swedish schooling system.(这些当地的热心人士正在努力复兴这门语言。经过多年的努力,Ulum Dalska最近成功地说服了当地政府,在当地的幼儿园里成立了一个讲Elfdalian的小组。这意味着,历史上第一次,Elfdalian正式进入瑞典的教育体系。)”可知,Ulum Dalska的目的是保护Elfdalian。故选B。
    For as long as humans have been monitoring the ocean, the only way we’ve known about stranded (搁浅的) whales was to come across them ourselves. But knowing about stranded whales — including where and when they strand — is important.
    Largely due to human causes such as ship strikes and pollution, whale strandings are on the rise. Their occurrence can often signal that something is wrong before larger ecosystem problems arise. Yet the ground-based networks used to monitor stranded whales are just available for wealthy countries.
    A new study conducted by Penny Clarke, a graduate student with the British Antarctic Survey, shows that very high resolution (VHR) satellite imagery makes it possible to spot stranded whales in remote areas where it may otherwise take weeks to find them. By that point, animals are often long decomposed (腐烂的), making it too late to figure out what caused the stranding or take action to fix it.
    The first satellite with VHR sensors was launched in 1999. With the number of them now slowly climbing, Clarke’s team sees this sort of imagery as a tool that allows less-wealthy countries to monitor a vast area with just a few people.
    However, the satellite approach does have some limitations. As Clarke found, images may not be available for the date range researchers want; there are currently only 27 VHR satellites circling Earth. Moreover, satellites only take photos when given orders to open their lenses. Tasking a satellite is expensive, and even accessing archived (存档的) images can come with a big price tag.
    Additionally, identifying whales requires manually (人工地) scanning for the right shapes, frame (帧) by frame. In 2019, a team led by Clarke’s co-author, Peter Fretwell, tried to automate this process. They found that because dead whales change so drastically as they decompose, their way wasn’t very accurate. It often confused whales with features like rocks or washed-up trees.
    Next up, Clarke hopes to test the effectiveness of satellite monitoring by working on the ground with experts during stranding events so that she can see for herself what satellite imagery misses. “We don’t know enough about some of these challenges weepers going to be coming up against,“ she says. Yet the potential for this technology excites her immensely. “It’s quite literally out of this world.”
    12. What is the significance of discovering whale strandings in time?
    A. To help control the whale population.
    B. To guard against bigger ecosystem risks.
    C. To send the stranded whales to the ocean.
    D. To reduce dead whales’ influence on ecosystems.
    13. What does Clarke say about satellite monitoring?
    A. It can only be operated at a high cost.
    B. It is expected to perform various tasks.
    C It poses challenges to wealthy countries.
    D. Less-wealthy countries can hardly afford it
    14. What did Peter Fretwell try to do in 2019?
    A. To find a better way to examine dead whales in detail.
    B. To call on local people to help recognize dead whales.
    C. To make the process of recognizing dead whales more efficient.
    D. To record the changes in dead whales with advanced technology.
    15. What’s Clark’s attitude towards the future of satellite monitoring?
    A. Doubtful. B. Worried
    C. Cautious. D. Hopeful.
    【答案】12. B 13. A 14. C 15. D
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“Their occurrence can often signal that something is wrong before larger ecosystem problems arise.(它们出现往往表明,在更大的生态系统问题出现之前,有些地方出了问题)”可知,及时发现搁浅的鲸的意义在于它可使人们尽早发现问题,从而避免更大规模的生态问题的出现。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第五段中“Tasking a satellite is expensive, and even accessing archived images can come with a big price tag.(卫星任务是昂贵的,甚至访问存档图像也可能是一个大的价格标签)”可知,Clarke认为这种发现搁浅的鲸的卫星监测技术的运营成本很高。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“Additionally, identifying whales requires manually (人工地) scanning for the right shapes, frame (帧) by frame. In 2019, a team led by Clarke’s co-author, Peter Fretwell, tried to automate this process.(此外,识别鲸鱼需要手动扫描正确的形状,逐帧扫描。2019年,克拉克的合著者彼得·弗雷特韦尔领导的一个团队试图将这一过程自动化)”可知,他试着让辨认鲸尸体的过程更加准确、高效。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Yet the potential for this technology excites her immensely. “It’s quite literally out of this world.”(然而,这项技术的潜力让她兴奋不已。“这简直是在这个世界之外。”)”可知,Clarke对于这种卫星监测技术的未来抱有很大希望。故选D。
    For today’s managers, good communication plays an essential role in their success in the workplace and in their personal life. Leaders who know how to communicate effectively with those around them will see. better productivity and improved relationships in every aspect of their lives. Let’s explore some benefits of effective communication.
    It helps prevent and resolve problems.
    ___16___ Moreover, it can prevent potential ones from arising. The key is to remain calm, make sure all parties are heard and find a solution that is ideal for everyone involved.
    With effective communication skills, you’re able to deliver clear expectations and objectives for your team.
    This involves finding constructive ways to point out when something isn’t working as well as providing helpful feedback(反馈) to get people back on track,which will help get rid of conflicts and confusion.
    It creates better relationships.
    Good communication can also improve relationships, both with employees and in your personal life with your friends and family members. Listening carefully and offering quality feedback helps people to feel heard and understood. ___18___It improves productivity.
    When team members understand their roles, the roles of others and your expectations, they can focus more on_their work and less on workplace issues. ___19___ These benefits contribute to greater productivity for you and your team.
    It promotes team building.
    With improved communication, team members will be better able to rely on each other. ___20___ This improved division of labor will encourage positive feelings and relationships between the team members, which leads to improved morale(士气) and work experiences.
    A. It helps build trust.
    B. It provides clarity and direction.
    C. This, in turn, shows respect to each other.
    D. Effective communication contributes to resolving conflicts.
    E. As people feel listened to and understood, you have good leadership skills.
    F. Employees can better manage their workload and distractions are minimized.
    G. You will not have one team member feel as though they have to carry the entire group.
    【答案】16. D 17. B 18. C 19. F 20. G
    根据该段小标题“It helps prevent and resolve problems(它有助于预防和解决问题)”可知,有效沟通有助于预防和解决问题,D项:Effective communication contributes to resolving conflicts.(有效的沟通有助于解决冲突)进一步阐述有效的沟通有助于解决冲突。其中“contributes to resolving conflicts(有助于解决冲突)”与“resolve problems(解决问题)”相呼应。故选D。
    根据该段首句“With effective communication skills, you’re able to deliver clear expectations and objectives for your team(有了有效的沟通技巧,你就能够为你的团队提供明确的期望和目标)”可知,有了有效的沟通技巧,你能够为你的团队传达明确的期望和目标,因此该段围绕“clarity and direction(清晰度和方向)”展开,B项:It provides clarity and direction.(它提供了清晰度和方向)合乎题意。故选B。
    根据该段小标题“It creates better relationships(它能创造更好的关系)”以及空格前一句“Listening carefully and offering quality feedback helps people to feel heard and understood(认真倾听并提供高质量的反馈可以帮助人们感到被倾听和理解)”可知,仔细倾听并提供高质量的反馈有助于人们感到被倾听和被理解,这反过来也表示了对彼此的尊重。C项:This, in turn, shows respect to each other.(反过来,这也显示了对彼此的尊重)合乎题意。故选C。
    根据该段小标题“It improves productivity(它提高了生产力)”可知,有效沟通能够提高工作效率,F项中的“better manage their workload(更好地管理他们的工作量)”和“distractions are minimized(干扰被最小化)”与空前的“focus more on their work and less on workplace issues(更多地关注他们的工作,而不是工作场所的问题)”呼应。故选F。
    根据该段小标题“It promotes team building(它促进团队建设)”及该空后句“This improved division of labor will encourage positive feelings and relationships between the team members, which leads to improved morale(士气) and work experiences.(这种改进的劳动分工将鼓励团队成员之间积极的感情和关系,从而提高士气和工作经验)”可知,有效沟通能够使团队成员更好地相互依赖,避免产生一个人战斗的感觉,从而激发团队士气,G项:You will not have one team member feel as though they have to carry the entire group.(你不会让任何一个团队成员觉得他们必须扛起整个团队)合乎题意。故选G。
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    Like many students around the world during the pandemic, those at Algoma Secondary School in Ontario, Canada, have been ___21___ online for a year. And they have ___22___ major school events like the prom (毕业舞会). However, Ray Gowlett,a P.E. teacher at the school, ___23___ to give students a decent (体面的) graduation day they___24___. Although they couldn’t have a ___25___ event, the high school graduates were still able to walk across a___26___ to receive their diplomas. It was all due to the teacher’s efforts.
    The story started with a(n) ___27___with Gowlett’s daughter Sadie. The school was planning to have a teacher deliver diplomas to each student’s home. ___28___, Sadie, who was also in the graduating class, asked her dad if she could ___29___ hers on a nearby outdoor stage instead. “Is it___30___ to be on a stage?” Gowlett asked. “Yes, I really want to walk across it and get a ___31___ with my diploma,” the girl said. “Everybody would want to do that,” she ___32___.
    The dad got to work to make it ___33___ — not just for his daughter, but for all the graduating seniors! He spent hours one weekend building a ___34___ stage so he could pull it with his truck. ___35___ getting permission to deliver diplomas, he___36___. During two days in June he drove over 40 kilometers, stopping at the ___37___ of all the seniors,so they could get their diplomas on the stage. They took photos and enjoyed the ___38___.
    All the students were so grateful to Gowlett for ___39___ a safe way to celebrate their achievement. This was such a brilliantly simple solution to a common problem during the pandemic! With a little hard work, Gowlett was able to give students a ___40___ they would treasure forever.
    21. A. communicating B. struggling C. learning D. connecting
    22. A. missed B. ignored C. forgotten D. witnessed
    23. A. failed B. begged C. remembered D. decided
    24. A. required B. deserved C. designed D. experienced
    25. A. public B. personal C. small D. happy
    26. A. hall B. square C. stage D. playground
    27. A. survey B. meeting C. argument D. conversation
    28. A. However B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. Besides
    29. A. post B. receive C. assume D. return
    30. A. difficult B. popular C. possible D. important
    31. A. hug B. reward C. picture D. nod
    32. A. agreed B. added C. cried D. whispered
    33. A. start B. change C. happen D. progress
    34. A. mobile B. normal C. simple D. modern
    35. A. Before B. After C. While D. Although
    36. A. got back B. set off C. showed up D. caught on
    37. A. classes B. schools C. rooms D. homes
    38. A. present B. festival C. moment D. feast
    39. A. creating B. suggesting C. allowing D. imagining
    40. A. break B. chance C. lesson D. memory
    【答案】21. C 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. D 28. A 29. B 30. D 31. C 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. B 36. B 37. D 38. C 39. A 40. D
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:像世界各地的许多学生一样,在大流行期间,加拿大安大略省阿尔戈马中学的学生已经在线学习了一年。A. communicating交流;B. struggling挣扎;C. learning学习;D. connecting连接。根据常识以及空前“Like many students around the world during the pandemic”可知,在疫情期间,Algoma中学的学生和世界上的许多学生一样,只能呆在家里通过互联网进行学习。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们错过了学校的重要活动,比如毕业舞会。A. missed错过;B. ignored忽视;C. forgotten忘记;D. witnessed目击。根据上文“during the pandemic”可知,在疫情期间,学生们错过了一些重要的活动,如毕业舞会。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,该校的体育老师雷·高利特决定给学生们一个他们应得的体面毕业日。A. failed失败;B. begged恳求;C. remembered记得;D. decided决定。根据下文“It was all due to the teacher’s efforts”可知,体育老师Gowlett决定让学生们有一个体面的毕业日。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,该校的体育老师雷·高利特决定给学生们一个他们应得的体面毕业日。A. required需要;B. deserved值得,应得;C. designed设计;D. experienced经历。根据常理可知,一个体面的毕业日原本是学生们理应得到的。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然他们不能举行公开活动,但这些高中毕业生仍然可以走过舞台接受他们的毕业证书。A. public公众的;B. personal个人的;C. small小的;D. happy快乐的。根据上文“during the pandemic”可知,在疫情期间,学生们不能举行公共活动。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然他们不能举行公开活动,但这些高中毕业生仍然可以走过舞台接受他们的毕业证书。A. hall大厅;B. square广场;C. stage舞台;D. playground操场。根据下文“on a nearby outdoor stage”可知,尽管学生们无法举行公共活动,他们仍可以走过舞台去接受毕业证书。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:故事从高利特的女儿赛迪的一次谈话开始。A. survey调查表;B. meeting会议;C. argument争论;D. conversation对话。根据下文Gowlett与女儿的对话可知,故事开始于Gowlett与女儿Sadie的一次谈话。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,同样是毕业班的赛迪问她的爸爸,她是否可以在附近的户外舞台上接受她的毕业证书。A. However然而;B. Therefore因此;C. Otherwise否则;D. Besides此外。根据上文“The school was planning to have a teacher deliver diplomas to each student’s home.”和下文的instead可知,这里表示转折关系。学校计划让一位老师送毕业证书到每位学生的家里,但赛迪作为一名毕业生有自己的想法。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,同样是毕业班的赛迪问她的爸爸,她是否可以在附近的户外舞台上接受她的毕业证书。A. post发布;B. receive收到;C. assume假设;D. return返回。根据上文“receive their diplomas”可知,赛迪询问父亲她是否能在附近的室外舞台上接受自己的毕业证书。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在舞台上很重要吗?A. difficult困难的;B. popular流行的;C. possible可能的;D. important重要的。根据下文“Yes, I really want to walk across it”和“Everybody would want to do that”可知,Gowlett听到女儿的请求有些困惑,因此问:“在舞台上很重要吗?”,女儿认为很重要。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:是的,我真的很想走过去和我的毕业证书照张相。A. hug拥抱;B. reward奖赏;C. picture图片,照片;D. nod点头。根据下文“They took photos and enjoyed the”可知,这里指拿着文凭照相。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“每个人都想这么做,”她补充说。A. agreed同意;B. added增加,补充;C. cried哭泣;D. whispered低语。根据空前“Everybody would want to do that”可知,她还补充说每个人都想有这样的经历。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这位父亲必须努力实现这一目标——不仅仅是为了他的女儿,而是为了所有即将毕业的高年级学生!A. start开始;B. change改变;C. happen发生;D. progress加工。根据下文对Gowlett行为的描述可知,了解到女儿和其他学生的愿望后,这位父亲决定努力让他们美梦成真,make it happen表示“实现,梦想成真”。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一个周末,他花了几个小时搭建了一个移动舞台,这样他就可以用他的卡车拉它了。A. mobile活动的;B. normal正常的;C. simple简单的;D. modern现代的。根据空后“so he could pull it with his truck”可知,他建造了一个可移动的舞台,这样他就可以用卡车拉着它到处走。故选A。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:在得到发放文凭的许可后,他就出发了。A. Before在……之前;B. After在……之后;C. While在……时候;D. Although虽然。根据“he drove over 40 kilometers”可知,在获得允许给学生们送毕业证书后,这位老师开始行动了。After引导时间状语从句。故选B。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:在得到发放文凭的许可后,他就出发了。A. got back取回;B. set off出发;C. showed up露面;D. caught on理解。根据“getting permission to deliver diplomas”和“During two days in June he drove over 40 kilometers”可知,在获得允许给学生们送毕业证书后,这位老师开始行动了。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在六月的两天里,他开了40多公里的车,停在所有高年级学生的家里,这样他们就可以在舞台上领取毕业证书。A. classes班级;B. schools学校;C. rooms房间;D. homes家。根据上文“deliver diplomas to each student’s home”可知,Gowlet开车40多公里,到毕业生的家时停下来,把证书送给他们。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们拍了照片,享受这一刻。A. present礼物;B. festival节日;C. moment时刻;D.feast宴会。根据上文“give students a decent graduation day”以及“Everybody would want to do that”可知,学生们心愿达成,有了一个体面的毕业日,因此他们非常享受这一快乐的时刻。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:所有的学生都非常感谢高利特创造了一种安全的方式来庆祝他们的成就。A. creating创造;B. suggesting建议;C. allowing允许;D. imagining想象。根据上文内容可知,Gowlett通过建造移动舞台的办法让学生们能够在舞台上接受证书,即他创造了一个安全的办法来庆祝学生们的成就。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:稍加努力,高利特给学生们留下一段他们将永远珍藏的记忆。A. break休息;B. chance机会;C. lesson课程;D. memory记忆。根据全文描述可知,Gowlett通过自己的辛苦努力,使孩子们有了一场体面的毕业仪式,这将成为他们永远珍视的美好回忆。故选D。
    The Chinese folk dance is a microcosm (缩影乡) of the country’s rich culture. The peacock dance is ___41___traditional folk dance of the Dai minority.
    The Dai people are known ___42___ their dancing and singing skills. It’s said that more than a thousand years ago, the Dai minority’s head learned to dance through copying the elegant ___43___ (gesture) of the peacock. Afterwards, the dance ___44___ (promote) by later generations and spread widely. In the mind of the Dai people, the peacock is a symbol of ___45___ (happy).
    The dance movements are usually performed in a ___46___ (fix) order. The dance starts with a peacock flying out from its nest and looking around ___47___ (cautious). It wanders around the wild searching for food. Having had its fill, the peacock then goes to the river bank to bathe and play in the water. After that, it shakes the water drops off and combs its feathers. When ___48___ (compete) with other peacocks, it displays its beautiful tail to its rivals(竞争对手)and its beloved.At the end of the dance, the peacock’ spreads out its wings and flies joyfully into the sky.
    ___49___ (show) a lively peacock, dancers must use a range of hand movements and eye expressions. Their knees must be very flexible, ___50___ is a feature of the Dai dance.
    【答案】41. a 42. for
    43. gestures
    44. was promoted
    45. happiness
    46. fixed 47. cautiously
    48. competing
    49 To show
    50. which
    考查介词。句意:傣族人以他们的舞蹈和歌唱技巧而闻名。be known for是固定搭配,意为“以……而闻名”。故填for。
    考查时态语态。句意:后来,这种舞蹈被后人发扬光大,广为流传。分析句子可知句中没有谓语,此处应填谓语动词,根据句意和by可知需使用被动语态,且由上文learned可知时态为一般过去时,主语the dance是单数,主谓保持一致,谓语动词用三单,所以应该填was promoted。故填was promoted。
    考查副词。句意:舞蹈开始时,一只孔雀从巢中飞出来,小心翼翼地四处张望。此处用副词curiously修饰动词短语look around。故填curiously。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:它和其他孔雀比赛时,它会向它的竞争对手和它的爱人展示它美丽的尾巴。此处用连词+分词做时间状语,compete与逻辑主语it(the peacock)之间是主谓关系,需用现在分词。故填competing。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:为了表演一只活泼的孔雀,舞者必须使用一系列的手部动作和眼部表情。分析句子,可知本句的谓语是must use,故此处填非谓语动词形式,根据句意,句首应填不定式表示目的,所以填to show作目的状语。故填To show。
    考查定语从句。句意:他们的膝盖必须非常灵活,这是傣族舞蹈的一个特点。分析句子可知,逗号后是非限制性定语从句,先行词为整个主句,即Their knees must be very flexible,从句缺主语,非限制定语从句用which来引导。故填which。
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    My cousin Tom was attended a pool party when one of the boys was found at bottom of the pool. The another kids pulled the boy out and Tom found so that he wasn’t breathing. A passer-by noticed the situation but quickly called 120. However, he was too nervous to knowing what to do. Tom was calmly and he quickly began to perform CPR, an emergency lifesaving procedure, on the boy. It was his quick thinking and positive attitude which saved the boy’s life. Since the incident, Tom has been responsible with ensuring that all the student in his school are trained in first aid.
    【详解】1.考查时态。句意:我表弟汤姆当时正在参加一个泳池派对,其中一个男孩被发现沉在了池底。be doing…when…正在做某事的时候,突然……。故将attended改为attending。
    2.考查冠词。句意:我表弟汤姆当时正在参加一个泳池派对,其中一个男孩被发现沉在了池底。at the bottom of在……的底部。故在bottom前加the。
    3.考查代词。句意:其他孩子把男孩拉了出来,汤姆发现他没有呼吸了。another指总数为三个以上中任意的另一个,表示泛指。the other +复数名词,表示特指。故将another改为other。
    8.考查强调句。句意:正是他敏捷的思维和积极的态度救了那个男孩的命。本句为“It was +强调部分+that从句”的强调结构,强调主语his quick thinking and positive attitude。故将which改为that。
    9.考查介词。句意:自从事件发生以来,汤姆一直负责确保学校所有的学生都接受急救训练。be responsible for对……负责。故将with改为for。
    10.考查名词的数。句意:自从事件发生以来,汤姆一直负责确保学校所有的学生都接受急救训练。名词student为可数名词,all the后接可数名词的复数形式。故将student改为students。
    52. 校英文网站“生活”专栏正在举行征文活动,主题是“Looking good,feeling good”。请你写一篇短文投稿,
    【答案】 Looking good, feeling good
    When it comes to the question which is more important, looking good or feeling good, my answer is that health outweighs appearance.
    Then comes another question: How can we feel good? Or what is beauty? Here is my answer. To begin with, as the saying goes, genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. Therefore, we should be diligent. On top of that, it is equally important that the combination of ambition and faith serves as another source of beauty.
    To sum up, only by pursuing feeling good rather than looking good can a teenager grasp the true meaning of beauty.
    超过:exceed → outweigh
    首先:at first→ to begin with
    因此:so →therefore
    勤奋的:studious → diligent
    原句:Therefore, we should be diligent.
    拓展句:Therefore, what we should do is to be diligent.


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