七年级上册英语 Unit 2 This is my sister. 教案5
这是一份七年级上册英语 Unit 2 This is my sister. 教案5,共7页。
新目标七年级上Unit 2 This is my sister.写作课教学设计(40分钟)一、教材分析2012年五月,我们拿到了新版新目标,在教学生之前,我们老师也参加了如何用它来教授学生的培训。新目标这套教材根据学生的心理特点、认知水平和兴趣爱好来编写的。从教材编排上说新版的七年级上册中的第二单元是旧版七年级上册的第二、三单元的对调,也就是说学生在学了如何介绍自我之后紧接着学习如何介绍与他们日常生活中最为熟悉的人——家庭成员。从自我介绍到家庭成员的介绍这样过渡自然,使他们在课堂上有话说,有东西写。本单元通过谈论“家庭”的话题,学习“介绍人物、识别人物”,学生学会运用指示代词:This is my sister. That is my friend. These are my parents. Those are her grandparents.介绍家庭成员, 学会运用人称代词询问人物Who’s he ? He is my brother. Who’re they? They’re my parents。通过以上几个方面的学习, 使学生能够以写信谈论照片的方式来了解家庭成员,学会用英语介绍、识别不同的家庭成员;既能促使学生丁解自己的家庭成员,增进家庭和睦,又能促进学生彼此之间的了解,增进友谊。二、教学目标介绍结合第一单元学习内容——介绍自己(姓名、性别、电话号码等),同时通过对二单元家庭成员的了解,结合两单元学习的内容使学生掌握如何书写介绍自我及家人的短文。会用所学的句型,组句成文,能用英语习惯表达思维。这一任务是前面所学的内容(自我介绍)及本单元家庭成员介绍任务的升华,是将口语转化为书面语的过短。在写作的过程中培养学生小组合作竞争意识,提高学生的英语书面表达的能力。同时使学生们从现在开始认识英语写作,从他们身边熟悉的人写起,从而喜欢英语写作,这样在以后的英语学习中不会惧怕英语写作。1. Knowledge Objects⑴. Key vocabulary: name, telephone number, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, father, mother, parents, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, cousin, son, daughter, this, that, these, those…⑵. Key structures: This is my sister. That is my friend. These are my parents. Those are her grandparents.2. Ability Objects(1) To train students’ ability of writing and speaking. (2) To write a short letter. 3. Moral ObjectStudents help each other in writing and get them to understand their families and love their parents.4. Important Point:Know the forms and usage of the plural nouns.5. Difficult Point:Learn to introduce myself and my family in writing a letter.三、教学任务分析1.采用口头的方式复习第一单元内容,使用的句子有My name’s…/ I’m…;My first/ last name’s…;My telephone number is…,使用学生口头表达的方法,通过对第一单元的回顾,使学生能够更好的将第一单元的句子用在写作中。2.学生通过口语的方式总结家庭成员的称呼,老师在黑板上画出家庭成员图,同学们一起说,目的在于让每个学生对家庭成员有一个总体的印象;同时板述指示代词this, that, these, those以及它们相应所使用的be动词,这样避免在后面的写作中出现单数、复数搭配错误。3.鼓励学生根据今天所总结的内容,写出自己的一篇文章,题目为My family,在小组写作中学生们能够互相帮助,每组写的快的将在黑板上展示自己的文章,比较慢的同学在学生和老师的帮助下写出自己的文章。要求学生把自己所写的文章在全班面前进行交流。最后老师将对于黑板上各组的文章进行点评,同时记下其他同学所写的新句子,并且老师通过组员及组长的表现评出最佳写作小组。四、教学流程安排1.复习第一单元所学内容。(My name’s…/ I’m…; My first/ last name’s…; My telephone number is…)2.复习家庭成员。(grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, father, mother, parents, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, cousin, son, daughter… )3.复习指示代词。(this, that, these, those)4.通过自己的家庭照片或课前所画的家庭图片让学生谈论,介绍照片上的人物。(This is my father, that is my mother……)5.根据老师所给的图片书写介绍自己家庭的短文。6.在全班同学面前展示自己的短文。7.老师点评每组代表作品,并打分。8.布置作业。五、教学过程的活动设计说明1.复习第一单元所学内容。通过老师的口头自我介绍,使学生能知道如何自我介绍。并让学生用口头的方式说出自己的介绍。2.复习家庭成员。通过老师和学生一起画家庭树的方式,复习有关单词,便于后面的写作。3.复习指示代词。This, that, these, those这四个单词在本单元已经详细的讲过,通过学生总结的方式来明白其用法、搭配及注意事项。4.通过自己的家庭照片或课前所画的家庭图片让学生谈论,介绍照片上的人物。在课前要求学生准备自己的家庭照片,如果没有的则可以画出家庭成员,因为他们的成员一般情况下都比较少,如三口人,所以介绍时学生一般比较容易口头说出来。5.根据老师所给的图片书写介绍自己家庭的短文。在写作前老师给一个范文,让学生一起阅读并译,通过阅读范文学生比较容易进行下面的任务;老师说明写作要求,同学们进行小组写作。在小组写作中同学们及老师会给予帮助,从而达到英语写作的要求。6.在全班同学面前展示自己的短文。小组成员在全班根本上完成的情况下,大声读出自己的文章。与此同时,往黑板上写作文的组长们也已完成他们的作品,大家一起听组员的朗读,一起纠正出现的错误。7.老师点评每组代表作品,并打分。每组组长的作文老师给予当场批改并指出好句子,同学们之间以后可以互相借鉴。8.布置作业。还是同样的图进行进行人称变化练习,巩固写作能力。六、课堂教学实录教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1 Greeting (1minute) T: Good morning, boys and girls.T: Nice to meet you. T: Today, we will write a letter, are you ready? Ss: Good morning, teacher.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.Ss: Yes.师生之间的问候,以及让学生知道今天上课的主要内容。Step 2 lead in (Review Unit One) (5minutes) T: I want to be your friend. Do you want to know more about me?T: Please listen carefully. My name’s Sun Guowei , my first name’s Guowei, my last name’s Sun, I’m a girl, my telephone number is 123-6547. I’m in Xinjiang.T: I want to know more about you, can you introduce yourselves to me? Just like what I said. Ss: Yes.S1: My name’s…, my first name’s…my last name’s …, I’m a boy, my telephone number is …. I’m in Xinjiang. S2: Hello, everyone, I’m…, my first name’s…my last name’s …, I’m a girl, I’m 12, my telephone number is …. I’m in Xinjiang.通过情景导入,老师先做自我介绍,同学们模仿,使同学们在口头上知道如何做自我介绍。在学生做自我介绍的同时,老师学生注意学生所说的好句子以及出现的错误。这些都是为了后面的写作做铺垫。 Step 3Family Tree (3minutes) T:Everyone did a good job, now do you want to know my family?T: Let’s draw a family tree.Ss: Yes 通过画家庭树的方式,填写家庭成员的单词,使学生理解家庭关系及相应单词。Step 4 Review this that these and those (1minute) T: (Point to the family tree on the blackboard) This is my mother.(write this on the blackboard) These are my parents. (write these on the blackboard)T:Do you know the opposite of this and these?T: How to use them? Ss: that and those S3:this and that 后跟is. S4: these and those后跟are,后面的名词要加s.根据老师写出的this和these让学生说出它们的反义词及用法。 让学生明确他们的用法便于后面的写作。 Step 5 Speaking (4minutes) T:Now please look at the photo. This is a photo of my family, this is my father, and that is my mother. Those are my brothers, I have a sister, her name’s Kate. I love my family. Can you introduce your family to me ?Ss: Yes. S5. This is my family photo, this is my father, this is my mother, they are John and Marry, this is my dog, I love my family.S6: …..通过老师对自己照片的介绍,引导学生在口头上顺利地根据自己的图片介绍自己的家庭成员。 Step 6 Reading (3minutes) T: If you are Bob, this is your family photo, please write a letter, first you should introduce yourself and then you can write your family members. At first, read this passage, please.Ss:(look at the picture and read the passage) 本环节为了下一步写作打下基础,学生在读完范文后,老师再次展示图片,学生进入写作过程中。Step 7 Writing(14minutes) T:You can write your own passage, you can ask me or your classmates for help.T: If you finish the passage, you can write your own passage on the blackboard.Ss: OK.S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12(Six students can write the passages on the blackboard)学生进入小组写作中,在小组写作中互相帮助。写的快的同学将作文写在黑板上,便于学生互相学习。Step 8 Summary (8minutes)T:Most students finished the passage, now who can read your passage for us?T: Let’s look at the blackboard and read them together. ( Teacher correct the passage and let them write down the nice sentences)T: Everybody is vey good, we should love our parents and our family.S13, S14, S15, S16 (Four students can read their own passage) (Students read the passages on the blackboard and write down the nice sentences)通过学生自己的写与读使学生们的英语写作能力得到提高,最后老师进行德育教育。Step 9 Homework (1minute) T:Please remember this picture, if this is your friend Jim’s photo, you will introduce his family for us, you should write down “I have a friend, his name’s Jim …..” write a passage on your notebook, Bye. (Students will finish the homework after the class .) 通过变换人称,使学生对于写作练习更加从容,巩固所学内容,提高写作水平。 附:写作时老师提供的家庭照片。里面人物多,学生容易展开自己的想像。