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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Why hasn’t the wman been smiling recently?
    A. She is feeling sad.B. Her tth gt brken.C. There is nthing funny t smile at.
    2. What is the man ging t d?
    A. Wait fr an ambulance.B. Drive t the hspital.C. Order a taxi.
    3. What size des the man want?
    A. Size 8.B. Size 9.C. Size 10.
    4. Hw des the man feel nw?
    A. Tired.B. Sick.C. Hungry.
    5. Which place is the man mving ut f?
    A. His huse.B. The drmitry.C. The wman’s apartment.
    6. Hw lng has the wman been writing her blg?
    A. Fr 50 days.B. Fr 6 mnths.C. Fr 10 mnths.
    7. When des the wman d mst f her writing?
    A. On Wednesdays.B. On Saturdays.C. On Sundays.
    8. What has happened t the man?
    A. He has gt married.B. He has made a sale.C. He has been prmted.
    9. What will the speakers d tnight?
    A. Eat ut.B. G fr a drive.C. Visit a friend.
    10. Wh is the wman?
    A. The man’s wife.B. The man’s manager.C. The man’s c-wrker.
    11. What des the man think f China?
    A. It is amusing.B. It is cnfusing.C. It is relaxing.
    12. Hw des the wman think China and the West are the same?
    A. They are bth civilized.
    B. They learn things in the same way.
    C. They depend n each ther in develpment.
    13. Where are the speakers?
    A. In Rme.B. In China.C. In Greece.
    14. Where did the speakers first meet?
    A. At junir schl.B. At high schl.C. At university.
    15. What kind f bk is the man writing?
    A. Bigraphy.B. Fictin.C. Fantasy.
    16. Hw many hurs a day des the wman write?
    A. 4.B. 7.C. 9.
    17. What des the wman d fr writing?
    A. She waits t be inspired.B. She travels t d research.C. She has strict discipline.
    18. What is the general idea f the stry?
    A. A British cmpany has rescued a Chinese cmpany.
    B. A Chinese cmpany has rescued a British cmpany.
    C. The British and Chinese have rescued a cmpany.
    19. What will Jingye d next?
    A. Invest in the cmpany.B. Emply mre peple.C. Sell the factries.
    20. Wh cntrlled the cmpany befre the rescue?
    A. A private cmpany.B. The Chinese gvernment.C. The British gvernment.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Mvies Recmmendatins
    Avatar: The Way Of The Water (CGI sci-fi)
    James Camern’s 2009 Avatar is the highest-grssing film f all time, s it’s surprising it’s taken 13 years fr the sequel(续集). Set mre than a decade after the events f the first mvie, Avatar: The Way Of The Water returns t see Jake and Neytiri with a family. In the previus film, Jake (Sam Wrthingtn), a frmer human, befriends the Na’vi after becming a part f the Avatar Prgramme. He eventually takes their side in their cnflict with the humans and leads them t victry, meanwhile falling in lve with Neytiri (Ze Saldana) and leaving his human bdy t becme ne f the Na’vi.
    In this new mvie, the humans return t cause great damage t the planet f Pandra, and Jake leads the Na’vi army int battle t prtect it. The live actin scenes were filmed in New Zealand, which were then verlayed with CGI (cmputer generated imagery) t transfrm the characters and seascape int an amazing fantasy wrld.
    The Lst King (Drama Cmedy)
    Based n true events, this is the stry f ne wman’s search fr King Richard Ⅲ’s remains, which had been lst fr ver 500 years. Amateur histrian Philippa Langley (Sally Hawkins), whse persistent research is met with incmprehensin by her friends and family, and dubt and cnfusin by experts and academics. She takes n the cuntry’s mst eminent histrians, frcing them t think again abut ne f England’s mst cntrversial kings.
    Bnes And All (Rmantic Hrrr)
    Based n the 2015 bk f the same name, this cming-f-age mvie is bth tender and haunting. Abandned by her mther, Maren (Taylr Russell), a yung wman n the margins f sciety, sets ff n a jurney f self-discvery, when she meets Lee (Timthee Chalamet), a hmeless drifter(流浪汉). Tgether they embark n a rad trip thrugh the back cuntry f the US. But a trail f pain and tragedy fllws her like a ghst. With Lee’s help, she desperately tries t return t be nrmal.
    Dctr Strange in the Multiverse f Madness (Actin, Adventure, Fantasy)
    Fllwing the events f Spider-Man N Way Hme, Dctr Strange unwittingly(不知不觉地)casts a frbidden spell that accidentally pens up the multiverse(平行宇宙). With help frm Wng and Scarlet Witch, Strange cnfrnts varius versins f himself as well as teaming up with the yung America Chavez while traveling thrugh varius realities and wrking t restre reality as he knws it. Alng the way, Strange and his allies realize they must take n a pwerful new adversary(对手)wh seeks t take ver the multiverse.
    21. What will Jake d in the new Avatar sequel?
    A. He will make friends with the Na’vi.
    B. He will film a mvie in New Zealand.
    C. He and Neytiri will unite as a family.
    D. He will take the humans side in the cnflict with the Na’vi.
    22. If yu are interested in histry, which ne d yu prefer?
    A. Bnes And All.B. Dctr Strange in the Multiverse f Madness.
    C. Avatar: The Way Of The Water.D. The Lst King.
    23. What d we knw abut the Dctr Strange?
    A. He meets with a pwerful new adversary.
    B. He encunters the yung America Chavez.
    C. He pens up the multiverse n purpse.
    D. He fails t travel thrugh varius realities and t restre reality.
    The spt f red was what first caught Randy Heiss’s attentin n December 16, 2018. He was hiking the remte expanse f land behind his ranch in Patagnia, Arizna, a twn near the US-Mexic brder, when he sptted a balln n the grass. Heiss walked twards and that’s when he nticed the balln’s string was attached t a piece f paper.
    Heiss flipped the paper ver. It was a numbered list, all in Spanish. “My Spanish isn’t very gd, but I culd see it was a Christmas list,” he said. Heiss was charmed. He suspected that a little child had tried t send Santa Claus a Christmas wish list by balln, smething he used t d himself when he was a kid. Nbdy had ever returned the letters Heiss had sent alft, but he wndered whether he culd find the girl wh had sent this ne.
    It wuld be difficult, but he had a few clues. Abut 32 kilmetres t the suthwest, just acrss the brder, was the city f Ngales, Mexic. Heiss brught the nte hme t his wife, wh is fluent in Spanish and helped him translate the list. They determined that it was prbably a girl wh had asked fr a dll and dllhuse.
    Heiss then psted n Facebk abut his quest, attaching phts, hping sme f his friends in Ngales might knw the girl’s family. A few days passed with n leads; Heiss wrried that time was running ut befre Christmas. On December 19, 2018, he decided t send a private Facebk message t Radi XENY, an AM radi statin based in Ngales. The Radi XENY hst Cesar Barrn talked n the air abut the quest t find the girl and psted abut it n the statin’s Facebk page.
    The next mrning, Heiss awke t anther message frm Radi XENY. They had lcated the eight-year-ld girl, Dayami, and her family. Heiss went shpping with his wife. They bught just abut everything n Dayami’s list except fr the dllhuse (it was sld ut). Then the Heisses arrived at the Radi XENY ffices with presents by the armlad – and finally met the very excited little girl.
    “Her eyes were wide pen with wnder,” Heiss said f the girl’s reactin. “We nw have friends fr life,” Heiss said. “And, fr a day, that brder fence with its cncertina wire melted away.”
    24. Which f the fllwing is nt crrect accrding t the passage?
    A. The balln was sptted near the US-Mexic brder.
    B. On the balln was a numbered list in French.
    C. When Heiss was a kid he did the same thing as the little girl did.
    D. He had a few clues n hw t find the girl.
    25. Why did Heiss feel wrried when his Facebk quest was in vain?
    A. His wife can’t wait t g shpping.
    B. A private Facebk message t Radi XENY was difficult t send.
    C. Cnsiderable time and effrt were needed t melt away the brder fence.
    D. He was afraid t fail t present the girl with what she wanted in time.
    26. Which f the fllwing can best describe Heiss?
    A. Funny and hnestB. Brave and Persistent
    C. Determined and caringD. Outging and experienced
    27. Which can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Heiss’ Christmas ExperienceB. Dayami’s Christmas Adventure
    C. Brder Fence Melting AwayD. A Christmas Wish List Attached T A Balln
    When ivry hunters target elephants, the hunters can affect mre than just animal numbers. In Mzambique, past hunting pressure led t an increase f naturally tuskless(无长牙的)elephants in ne park, a study finds.
    During 1977 t 1992, peple hunted elephants and ther wildlife fr fd and ivry. This caused the number f these large animals t drp mre than 90 percent in the cuntry’s Grngsa Natinal Park. Recrds shw that as elephant numbers plummeted, the prprtin f tuskless female African savanna elephants rse frm abut 18 percent t 51 percent.
    Decades f paching appear t have made tusklessness mre beneficial frm an evlutinary perspective in Grngsa, encuraging the rapid increase f tuskless females with mutatins(变异)in tw tth genes, researchers reprt in Science.
    “The rapid killing f tusked individuals changed the makeup f features in the elephant ppulatin in nly tw decades, leaving behind mre tuskless individuals,” say evlutinary bilgist Shane Campbell-Statn and his clleagues. “The tuskless feature is heritable(可继承的), and the evlutinary change in the ppulatin may stick arund fr several generatins at least, even as paching eases.”
    The team als analyzed the genetic instructin bks f 18 tusked and tuskless females, zering in n tw genes with mutatins in tuskless females. “In humans, the influence f ne f thse genes can cause tth fragility and the absence f a pair f upper teeth at the frnt f their muth,” Campbell-Statn says, “Abnrmalities in the ther gene’s prtein prduct can cause incrrect frmatin f the tth rt and tth lss.”
    Hunting “changing the curse f evlutin” in Grngsa’s elephants, Campbell-Statn says, can have prfund effects thrugh the ecsystem given elephants’ dramatic impact n their surrundings. “Tusks are nt just decrative. They serve a purpse,” he says, detailing hw elephants use tusks t dig fr water and strip tree bark fr fd. “If an elephant desn’t have the tl t d thse things, then what happens?”
    28. Which f the fllwing is true accrding t the study?
    A. Ivry hunters killed elephants fr their tusks.
    B. Elephants lst their tusks due t natural evlutin.
    C. Hunting affects the number and appearance f elephants.
    D. Human activities brught abut great changes t the ecsystem.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “plummeted” in paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Decreased.B. Increased.C. Remained stable.D. Became Unpredictable.
    30. What d we knw abut the tuskless elephants?
    A. They have the same genes as the tusked.
    B. Their tuskless feature can be passed dwn.
    C. Their tuskless feature desn’t exist in males.
    D. They have a bilgical advantage ver the tusked.
    31. Why des Campbell-Statn mentin the example f human teeth?
    A. T explain the cause f gene mutatins.
    B. T shw the impact f mutated tth genes.
    C. T raise humans’ awareness f prtecting teeth.
    D. T call fr actins t prtect tuskless elephants.
    With the grwing trend f listening t stries n meditatin apps(冥想应用), travel tales—smetimes featuring surrunding sunds f places such as rainfrests in Brne—are helping peple get restful sleep. Imagine a vice sftly telling as listeners clse their eyes and snuggle dwn in their beds. Are yu paying attentin? Actually, it desn’t matter.
    Accrding t the CDC, sme 70 millin Americans struggle with chrnic sleep prblems. T help with this, many adults are bringing back bedtime stries thrugh meditatin apps. Nearly a third f the Calm app’s 300 bedtime stries, which have been listened t mre than 450 millin times, are abut travel. Sme 45% f the bedtime stries n the app Breethe are travel-related. Earlier this year, half f the tp 10 bedtime stries were travel-themed.
    Travel bedtime stries are typically an audi retelling f a trip and rely heavily n descriptins, with ccasinal surrunding nises like cean waves, train tracks, r sft music. Train stries are particularly ppular at bedtime. “Yu need mvement in a bedtime stry—if things are static(静止的), it’s t dull and the listener will get restless,” says Martha Bayless, a prfessr at the University f Oregn’s Flklre and Public Culture Prgram. “But the mvement has t be nn-threatening and sthing. The train is the perfect vehicle fr sleep, engaging the senses in a gentle way.”
    One pssible reasn why travel bedtime stries calm ur brains is “mirrr neurns(镜像神经元),” says Rachel Salas, a neurlgist at Jhns Hpkins Center fr Sleep and Wellness. “These brain cells might cmbine ur wn experiences with smene else’s. Fr example, a tale f train travel culd bring a sense f nstalgia(怀旧)fr ur wn past jurneys. The cmfrting sense f smething familiar can help with relaxatin and sleep. Additinally, the sund f a train chugging alng the tracks serves as a type f white nise that lulls peple t sleep,” Salas adds.
    “In mst travel bedtime stries, nthing much happens,” says Bayless. “The bedtime stries are abut the quiet perid between adventures, which is what sleep is als abut.”
    32. In which aspect d peple benefit frm travel tales?
    A. Prmting sleep.B. Inspiring imaginatin.
    C. Imprving cncentratin.D. Gaining travel infrmatin.
    33. What d the numbers in paragraph 2 mainly indicate?
    A. Mst adults suffer a lt frm a lack f sleep.
    B. Adequate quality sleep is essential t human health.
    C. Meditatin apps help peple reduce stress effectively.
    D. Travel-related bedtime stries are mre appealing t listeners.
    34. Rachel Salas’s wrds in paragraph 4 serve as ______.
    A. evidence f the significance f mirrr neurns
    B. an explanatin as t why travel tales help with sleep
    C. a descriptin f adventurus travel experiences
    D. an analysis f hw sleep affects peple’s memry
    35. In which sectin f a newspaper may this article appear?
    A. Travel.B. Opinin.C. Entertainment.D. Science.
    Ging n hliday desn’t have t be bad fr the envirnment, and there are still plenty f ways yu can have a much-deserved break withut harming the envirnment.
    Frget planes.
    While mst frms f transprt prduce carbn dixide, planes have a massive carbn ftprint because f the huge number f miles they travel. 36 Many f us ignre the endless beautiful scenery arund us. There’s the unparalleled beauty f the Mississippi River. Alternatively, yu can drive yur car t the Grand Canyn t see its splendr.
    Pack with care.
    37 All f their bttles, frm shamp(洗发水)and cnditiner t bdy wash and misturizer(润肤霜), are nw made frm recycled plastic that can be repurpsed again and again s n new plastic is prduced. And their icnic sap bars nw als cme in plastic-free packaging.
    Htels can be huge prducers f greenhuse gases. Think abut the water that’s wasted and all the buffet fd that ges uneaten. S chse an ec-friendly ptin instead. Camping and a hme stay—where yu live with a family in their wn hme—are tw f the best ptins. But if yu insist n staying in the htel, pick ne made frm sustainable(可持续的)materials. 39
    Buy gifts respnsibly.
    Bringing back gifts fr friends and lved nes is part f the fun f a hliday. 40 Avid anything plastic r if it is plastic, make sure it is 100% recyclable, and make sure yur friends will lve whatever yu give them s it isn’t just thrwn in the bin headed fr landfill.
    A. Think abut green accmmdatin.
    B. Cnsider living in an ec-friendly htel.
    C. But make sure yu chse items carefully.
    D. Take brand-name beauty and bath prducts with yu.
    E. It’s als acceptable t live in a htel using new energy.
    F. S why nt skip flying in favr f a hliday clser t hme?
    G. S why d planes cnsume s much fuel cmpared with ther transprt?
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Five years ag, a friend asked me t lk after his cat while he went n hliday, and I realized the idea had ptential n a bigger scale. S I mved t Lndn and decided t 41 cat sitting.
    Fr me, cat sitting is abut 42 tw grups f peple wh need what the ther can ffer. I get t stay in peple’s 43 withut rent while they’re n hliday. The wners get 44 cat sitting. It als means that there is smene t keep an eye n their hmes while they are away. It seems a fairer 45 than just watering plants r walking dgs—I’m mre f a cat persn.
    I have always lved cats, and their gentle temper makes them ideal 46 fr smene wrking frm hme. Cats have such different persnalities, s it’s nt surprising that I 47 mre with sme than thers. An wner nce tld me nt t 48 her cat t sit n me, as it had happened nly nce. But just fur days later, the cat came ver and sat n my lap. I sent her a pht!
    Cat sitting helps me with my 49 anxiety disrder, t. I want t be arund peple, but smetimes I can’t. Smetimes, this anxiety even 50 me frm leaving the huse. But since becming a cat sitter, my mental health has 51 . Having my wn 52 gives me the pwer t plan my day. I can recharge when I need t and can g ut and meet peple when I want. The cats have 53 helped.
    Nw I have stayed in 25 huses, 54 30 cats and saved mre than 10,000 punds that wuld have gne n 55 . One day I want t save up fr a flat s I can have a cat f my wn.
    41. A. handleB. bserveC. startD. tackle
    42. A. cnnectingB. cnvincingC. cmparingD. defending
    43. A. fficesB. chestsC. grceriesD. hmes
    44. A. seriusB. tughC. freeD. severe
    45. A. trialB. exchangeC. assumptinD. extensin
    46. A. cmpaninsB. assistantsC. instructrsD. emplyers
    47. A. hateB. apprveC. witnessD. interact
    48. A. cmmandB. expectC. ppseD. permit
    49. A. scialB. culturalC. initialD. internal
    50. A. savesB. prtectsC. discuragesD. distinguishes
    51. A. imprvedB. sufferedC. wrsenedD. frmed
    52. A. catB. ccupatinC. flatD. space
    53. A. hardlyB. barelyC. reallyD. narrwly
    54. A. subscribed tB. given awayC. brught upD. cared fr
    55. A. hlidayB. rentC. cnsumptinD. credit
    Beijing is speeding up effrts t ffer drugs fr peple 56 (suffer) frm a surge in COVID-19 during the nging utbreak f the Omicrn variant.
    The demand fr medicines treating flu-like symptms such as fever, cugh and ache saw 57 , significant increase in the capital recently as new infectins rise rapidly. Many residents failed 58 (buy) drugs in shrt supply, such as cmmn cld medicine Lianhua Qingwen and anti-fever medicatins.
    T cpe with the situatin, five majr pharmaceutical whlesalers(药品批发商)in Beijing have sped up lgistics services t quickly transprt medicines t hspitals and drugstres, Beijing Daily reprted.
    At the distributin center f China Resurces Pharmaceutical Grup, trucks 59 (line) up t lad drugs in mid-December. Ma Chunlin, a driver, wke up at 3:30 am t fetch drugs frm the center and sent them t warehuses in different districts and hspitals. It was with a special traffic pass fr drug lgistics 60 Ma culd freely drive any time f day.
    Huang Dan, deputy general manager f the Beijing reginal branch f the cmpany, said Lianhua Qingwen, ibuprfen and 999 Cld Remedy had arrived in Beijing and it 61 (help) maintain supply. Huang tld The Beijing News that the excessive demand resulted 62 peple’s view f the disease. “Stcking up n drugs is unnecessary,” Huang said. “Fr example, a patient nly needs ne bx f febrifuge(退烧药)t fllw the curse f the disease.”
    Majr nline medical service platfrm JD Health als felt pressure n its supply chain, 63 sales fr flu and cugh drugs grew by 40 percent this year. S far, JD Health 64 (cperate) with ver 30 pharmaceutical cmpanies t make sure custmers can purchase quality drugs 65 stable prices.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    Mary waited anxiusly fr her turn in the empty dressing rm. Never had she been s nervus befre. This cmpetitin was f vital imprtance t her cmeback. “If I can win tday,” she said t herself, “I can dance n the natinal stage next mnth.” Three mnths ag, her left arm was seriusly injured in a car accident. After the medical treatment, she began t recver slwly. She practiced ver and ver again in rder t regain her dancing skills.”
    “Hi, Mary,” in rushed her friend Jessica. “Hw is yur arm? Is it ging t influence yur perfrmance?”
    “I guess it can be tlerated fr I am t win the match.” said Mary with a determined lk.
    “Admirable! But I hear that a girl called Linda is really gifted and strng. She can be yur real well-matched cmpetitr. Cme n!”
    After Jessica left, Mary decided t practice her mst difficult spin. “If I dn’t try harder, I wn’t grasp this chance.” She thught. But her arm began t hurt, making her wrried. “Mary, what makes yu think yu have a chance tnight?” she said t herself. After the pain was gne, she cntinued t warm up.
    A slim girl hurried in and put dwn an equipment bag n the chair. Then, she tk ut her dance dress quickly and put it n skillfully. Seeing Mary, she smiled plitely and said “Hi, I’m Linda. I am the next ne!” Mary ndded in reply but felt uncmfrtable. “This is just my cmpetitr. Because f her, I may lse tnight.” Her mind was wandering when Linda let ut a scream, “Oh, Gd, I can’t find my music tape!” Linda searched her bag but in vain. “It may be missing n the way.” With these wrds, she then rushed ut.
    Paragraph 1:
    Suddenly, Mary caught sight f a black bx under the chair where Linda put her bag.
    Hearing her name called Mary walked n the stage with her heart beating faster and faster.
    1-5 BCCAB 6-10 BCCAA 11-15 BABAC 16-20 BCBAC
    21-23 CDA 24-27 BDCC 28-31 CABB 32-35 ADBD
    36-40 FDAEC
    41-45 CADCB 46-50 ADBAC 51-55 ADCDB
    56. suffering 57. a 58. t buy 59. lined 60. that
    61. wuld help 62. frm 63. whse 64. has cperated 65. at
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Mark,
    Hw is everything ging? We have planned t discuss the lw-carbn life arund us n Saturday, but I am afraid I culdn’t make it.
    I was severely injured in a sccer game last night. The dctr examined me carefully and tld me that I had t stay in bed fr at least ne week. I asked him whether there was any pssibility that I culd recver faster, yet the answer was negative. My cnditin desn’t allw me t g anywhere until my legs are fully recvered.
    It is a pity fr me t miss this chance that I have been lnging fr. Shall we put it ff until next weekend if my cnditin permits? Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    Suddenly, Mary caught sight f a black bx under the chair where Linda put her bag. She bent ver t pick it up. “Linda’s music tape!” She cried ut in surprise. “It must have rlled ut f her bag, while she gt changed here.” At this mment, an idea flashed thrugh her mind, which made her rted t the spt. “Withut her music tape, Linda will surely lse; withut this real cmpetitr, I will definitely win.” At the thught f this, Mary shivered slightly. She was in a dilemma, wndering what t d next. “D I really want t win s much?” She hesitated fr a secnd and then hurried ut t give the music tape t Linda, wh was extremely anxius in the crridr. Linda was s grateful t Mary, and finished her dancing successfully.
    Hearing her name called, Mary walked n the stage with her heart beating faster and faster. Nervus as she was, she stepped nt the stage with a big smile. She danced skillfully t the music and cmpleted her mst difficult spin smthly. “Gd,” she thught t herself, “my injured arm is awesme tday.” As the music ended, thunderus applause filled the stadium. With the final marks annunced, Mary knew she achieved her gal and tears began t well up in her eyes. (Pssible ending 1) As she headed back t the dressing rm, Linda came up t her cheerfully and held her hand tightly, “Cngratulatins! Yu’ve dne an amazing perfrmance! Yu win!” Mary smiled happily, “I win.” (Pssible ending 2) As she headed back t the dressing rm, she thught abut the music tape. “N ne will knw hw clse I really came t lsing,” Mary said sftly t herself.

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    浙江省宁波市五校联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期期中联考英语试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份浙江省宁波市五校联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期期中联考英语试题(Word版附答案),共19页。试卷主要包含了 考试结束后,只需上交答题纸等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    浙江省嘉兴市八校联盟2022-2023学年高二英语上学期期中联考试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份浙江省嘉兴市八校联盟2022-2023学年高二英语上学期期中联考试题(Word版附答案),共13页。试卷主要包含了考试结束后,只需上交答题纸等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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