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    2022-2023学年浙江省9 1高中联盟高二上学期期中英语试题(解析版)
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      浙江省9+1高中联盟2022-2023学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题 Word版含解析.docx
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    2022-2023学年浙江省9 1高中联盟高二上学期期中英语试题(解析版)01
    2022-2023学年浙江省9 1高中联盟高二上学期期中英语试题(解析版)02
    2022-2023学年浙江省9 1高中联盟高二上学期期中英语试题(解析版)03
    2022-2023学年浙江省9 1高中联盟高二上学期期中英语试题(解析版)01
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    2022-2023学年浙江省9 1高中联盟高二上学期期中英语试题(解析版)03
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    2022-2023学年浙江省9 1高中联盟高二上学期期中英语试题(解析版)

    这是一份2022-2023学年浙江省9 1高中联盟高二上学期期中英语试题(解析版),文件包含浙江省9+1高中联盟2022-2023学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题Word版含解析docx、浙江省9+1高中联盟2022-2023学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共32页, 欢迎下载使用。

    高二年级英语学科 试题
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What kind of movie does the man want to watch?
    A. A scary film. B. A comedy. C. An action movie.
    【原文】W: Let’s watch some funny videos tonight.
    M: I’m in the mood for a scary movie.
    W: I’m never in the mood to get scared. How about an action film?
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    How does the man feel now?
    A. Amused. B. Sleepy. C. Worried.
    【原文】W: Do you want to watch this talk show with me? It’s very funny.
    M: Sorry, Amy, but I stayed up late completing my term paper. I just slept five hours. Now I just want to hit the hay.
    W: OK.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What made the man’s eyes red?
    A. Too much e-reading. B. Lack of sleep. C. A sad thing.
    【原文】W: Why are your eyes red? Did you stay up late or is there anything sad?
    M: Neither. My eyes are dry as I have been reading e-books for a long time.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What does Cathy ask Mike to do?
    A. Buy her lunch. B. Meet her parents. C. Attend a meeting.
    【原文】M: Cathy, this is Mike. I will be absent from lunch.
    W: That is OK. Are you available this afternoon to attend the meeting for parents? I can’t afford the time.
    M: OK, I will arrive on time.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    When does the park close on Saturday?
    A. At 6:00 pm. B. At 9:00 pm. C. At 10:00 pm.
    【原文】W: Hello, Aqua Park. Can I help you?
    M: Yes, please. Is the park open on Saturdays?
    W: Yes, it is usually open from nine to six. But on Saturdays we delay the closing time and it is open for 13 hours.

    6. What did the speakers see?
    A. A ballet. B. A concert. C. A film.
    7. What made the woman fall asleep?
    A. The hot weather. B. The quiet music. C. The boring performance.
    【答案】6. A 7. B
    【原文】M: That was one of the best performances I’ve ever been to! Did you see how many tums Misty Copeland did?
    W: Uh, yeah. She was impressive.
    M: You don’t sound so enthusiastic. Didn’t you like the show?
    W: Well, I didn’t actually see much of it. The music was so calming and quiet that it sent me to sleep.
    M: Are you saying that you feel asleep? How could you miss one of the most significant ballets of our time? I thought you loved Swan Lake.
    W: Yes, but I feel clear now.
    M: I’ve fallen asleep at shows before, but it was because they were boring or it was too hot in the theater. What a shame!

    8. What time is it?
    A. 10:30 am. B. 11:00 am. C. 11:30 am.
    9. Why is Michelle hungry now?
    A. She did physical activity.
    B. She forgot to have breakfast.
    C. She only had two eggs this morning.
    10. What will Michelle do next?
    A. Eat in the studio. B. Take her food out. C. Go to the restaurant.
    【答案】8. A 9. A 10. B
    【原文】M: Michelle, do you want to eat your sandwich now? It’s just 10:30 am.
    W: I was woken up early by my father and was asked to jog with him for half an hour. I just had some bread and two eggs this morning. Now, I’m really starving. I usually don’t feel hungry before 11:30 am. I guess it’s because of my jogging.
    M: Well, if you really want to eat now, I suggest you go outside.
    W: Why?
    M: If you eat in the studio, you’ll make Mr. Brown very angry. He doesn’t allow eating here.
    W: I guess you’re right. I don’t want to make him cross.

    11. Where did Henry learn about the accident?
    A. From a news program. B. From a newspaper. C. From a witness.
    12. Why were firefighters called?
    A. To put off a fire. B. To rescue people. C. To remove chocolate.
    13. What will Henry tell the woman next?
    A. The loss of the chocolate factory.
    B. The cause of the accident.
    C. The traffic of the town.
    【答案】11. A 12. C 13. B
    【原文】W: Henry, I heard a fire engine siren this afternoon. Was there a fire in our town?
    M: No, there wasn’t. Haven’t you watched TV? There was an accident at the DreiMeister chocolate factory. One of its tanks overflowed on the street of WestOennen.
    W: I really didn’t know that. So why did the firefighters go there?
    M: Well, the chocolate immediately froze because of the weather. It’s freezing these days after all. Chocolate covered the street and it couldn’t be used. The firefighters were called to solve the problem.
    W: Was it easy work?
    M: I don’t think so. Altogether 25 firefighters responded to the call and spent hours attempting to break the frozen chocolate layer using tools.
    W: The CEO of the chocolate factory must have been worried.
    M: You bet. Because of the accident the traffic was stopped for hours. Luckily, the street could be used again before rush hour.
    W: So do you know what led to the accident?
    M: Yes. The news said...

    14. What happened to Eric this morning?
    A. He lost his job.
    B. He didn’t catch the bus.
    C. He got stuck in traffic jams.
    15. Why were the drivers on strike today?
    A. To avoid unemployment.
    B. To ask for more pay.
    C. To get long holidays.
    16. How did the woman get to work today?
    A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By bike
    【答案】14. C 15. A 16. C
    【原文】W: You’re not very talkative, Eric. What’s up?
    M: Nothing, I’m worn out because I spent hours sitting in the car in traffic jams this morning.
    W: It’s no wonder you got stuck in a traffic jam. There was a public transport strike.
    M: Now I understand. Anyway, why were they on strike today? For more pay and holidays, I suppose.
    W: No. Some of the drivers are going to lose their jobs. They’re cutting down the number of services.
    M: So how did you deal with today? You work in the center.
    W: I borrowed my brother’s bike. It was quite easy to get through the traffic.
    M: But you don’t normally go in like that, do you?
    W: No. I usually go by bus. The bus stop is near my house.

    17. How many kinds of tea will Ms. Wei talk about?
    A. 3. B. 4. C. 5.
    18. In which part can the audience make tea?
    A. The first part. B. The second part. C. The last part.
    19. What will Ms. Wei do in the last half-hour?
    A. Share her journey. B. Talk about tea history. C. Answer some questions.
    20. When will the famous chef deliver a lecture?
    A. In April. B. In May. C. In June
    【答案】17. B 18. B 19. C 20. B
    【原文】 This weekend, there will be a special three-hour presentation called “The Perfect Cup of Tea”. Ms. Wei, an international tea expert, will teach you the proper way to prepare some different kinds of tea. In her lecture, she will talk about Indian black tea, North African mint team, Chinese jasmine tea and English milk tea. During the first part of the presentation, Ms. Wei will describe the history of tea and how it spread to the different areas. In the second part, the audience will have a chance to make the four different kinds of tea. You will discover the perfect water temperature and cooking time for each one. You will learn how to recognize good tea leaves by how they look and smell. The last half-hour of the presentation will be reserved for questions. This is the first lecture in a series. Next month, the head of a two-star restaurant in New York City will talk about his amazing journey from a dishwasher to a famous chef. The following month, in June, you will learn in four hours how to make one of the hardest dishes: Shanghai dumplings.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    No Excuse Workout
    Nobody likes a complicated workout program. Too often you find yourself buying highly complex programs which take up hours upon hours of your week.
    That stops today.
    No Excuse Workout is a new workout DVD that includes2 DVDs each packed with10 short, intense(激烈的) workouts. Every workout is exactly 4 minutes long, broken down into 8 specific sets. Each set lasts for 30 seconds——20 seconds of intense exercise and 10 seconds of rest.
    All you have to do is follow along with Ryan as he takes you through these quick, effective, four-minute workouts.
    After years of research, scientists have discovered that the key to burning fat and building muscles is not longer workouts. Instead, it’s the right combination of correct exercises——intense bursts with short rests. This is known as “interval training”. For more information, read The Science Behind High Intensity Interval Training.
    No Excuse Workout DVD#l:10 Dumbbell(哑铃) Workouts
    When you work out with Ryan in the first DVD, you’ll use inexpensive dumbbells in 10 different muscle-building, fat-burning workouts.
    No Excuse Workout DVD #2:10 Bodyweight Training Workouts
    This DVD is your secret to uncovering the lean, sculpted(雕塑般的) body.
    No equipment needed! Most of the workouts are done on the ground.
    Pop them in your DVD player and you won’t need one or two hours some people spend every day to get in shape.
    Get these DVDs today for just $14.95.
    21. What is a selling point of No Excuse Workout?
    A. It includes a dumbbell as a gift.
    B. It saves you lots of time on exercise.
    C. It urges you to accept a healthy lifestyle.
    D. It introduces to you some personal trainers.
    22. How long does it take to finish the whole workout in No Excuse Workout?
    A. 40 minutes. B. 45 minutes. C. 60 minutes. D. 80 minutes.
    23. How does the advertisement make itself more believable?
    A. By providing examples. B. By using recommendations.
    C. By giving scientific support. D. By charging a cheap price.
    【答案】21. B 22. D 23. C
    【导语】本文是一则广告。文章介绍了一个锻炼DVD产品——No Excuse Workout。
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“Nobody likes a complicated workout program. Too often you find yourself buying highly complex programs which take up hours upon hours of your week.(没有人喜欢复杂的锻炼计划。你经常会发现自己买了一些非常复杂的程序,这些程序会占用你一周的好几个小时。)”可知,通常的锻炼计划是非常复杂的,而且浪费用户很多时间。根据第四段“All you have to do is follow along with Ryan as he takes you through these quick, effective, four-minute workouts.( 你所要做的就是跟随瑞恩,他会带你完成这些快速有效的四分钟锻炼。)”可知,No Excuse Workout的卖点就是节省用户的时间。高效快速的带领用户完成运动。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“Every workout is exactly 4 minutes long, broken down into 8 specific sets.(每次锻炼都是4分钟,分成8组。)”以及文中黑体字部分“No Excuse Workout DVD#l:10 Dumbbell(哑铃) Workouts”和“No Excuse Workout DVD #2:10 Bodyweight Training Workouts”可知,该DVD分成两张,第一张是需要配合哑铃的运动,有10种锻炼方式;同时第二张是体重训练的DVD,同样也包含10种锻炼。所以No Excuse Workout DVD整套运动是20种方法,每节为4分钟,要完成整套运动需要80分钟。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第五段“After years of research, scientists have discovered that the key to burning fat and building muscles is no longer workouts. Instead, it’s the right combination of correct exercises——intense bursts with short rests. This is known as “interval training”. (经过多年的研究,科学家们发现燃烧脂肪和增加肌肉的关键不是长时间的锻炼。相反,它是正确运动的正确组合——高强度的爆发加上短暂的休息。这就是所谓的“间歇训练”。)”可知,广告中使用了科学家们多年研究结论的支撑,让产品变得更可信。故选C。
    Just two months before his senior year in high school, Foster Andersen was riding a motorcycle in his hometown of Henrietta, N.Y., when he crashed. The accident left him in a coma. He remained in a hospital for seven months.
    In the nearly 40 years that have followed, Andersen has to use a wheelchair. He can write when a pen is intertwined in his fingers, but he needs an assistant to help him with everyday needs. However, a quick survey of his achievements shows not one, but two college degrees and a huge network of people who call him friend. And probably the best example of Andersen’s spirit is his nonprofit group Shared Adventures. Last summer the organization celebrated 21 years of bringing recreational and social activities to people with disabilities.
    “It’s founded on the belief that recreation, fun, challenge and opportunity to the outdoors are necessary parts of a healthy life,” Andersen said. “We are the only year-round program that offers such a wide range of activities to people with physical challenges and special needs.”
    Cycling is on today’s schedule. A group of about 50 people gather at the campus of California State University for a 25-mile ride along the California coast.
    Besides cycling, Shared Adventures offers year-round classes in yoga, gardening and art. It also hosts many social events, such as a winter holiday party.
    The most well-known event is called Day on the Beach. Last year, nearly 1,200 volunteers and participants gathered on the Cowell Beach in Santa Cruz to give participants a rare opportunity to surf in the Pacific Ocean.
    Wendy Bell, a disabled yoga teacher and Day on the Beach participant, said the event is the best example of the great experience the organization offers. And Shared Adventures helps her in another way. “More than half of the people I meet are through Shared Adventures, so it provides something that can be hard to find elsewhere,” she said.
    24. What can we know about Foster Andersen?
    A. He has spent most of his life writing. B. He built a big charity organization online.
    C. He made a survey on people with disabilities. D. He has lived a rich and full life despite his disability.
    25. What’s the purpose of Shared Adventures?
    A. It offers the disabled year-around indoor activities.
    B. It aims to improve the quality of disabled people’s life.
    C. It helps the disabled face challenges and problems in life.
    D. It encourages people to hold a positive attitude towards life.
    26. How does Shared Adventures benefit Wendy Bell?
    A. It helps her to show her yoga skills. B. It allows her to forget her disabilities.
    C. It enables her to study the Pacific Ocean. D. It gives her a chance to set up her social network.
    27. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
    A. Foster Anderson: try bravely without fear of failure
    B. Foster Anderson: take action for extraordinary changes
    C. Shared Adventures: save Foster Anderson
    D. Shared Adventures: meet the recreational and social needs
    【答案】24. D 25. B 26. D 27. B
    细节理解题。根据第三段““It’s founded on the belief that recreation, fun, challenge and opportunity to the outdoors are necessary parts of a healthy life,” Andersen said. “We are the only year-round program that offers such a wide range of activities to people with physical challenges and special needs.”(安德森说:“我们相信,户外活动的娱乐、乐趣、挑战和机会是健康生活的必要组成部分。我们是唯一一个为有身体障碍和特殊需求的人提供如此广泛活动的全年项目。”)”可知,尽管福斯特·安德森有残疾,但他的生活丰富多彩。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“We are the only year-round program that offers such a wide range of activities to people with physical challenges and special needs.(我们是唯一一个为有身体障碍和特殊需求的人提供如此广泛活动的全年项目)”可知,“分享冒险”的目的是旨在提高残疾人的生活质量。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中““More than half of the people I meet are through Shared Adventures, so it provides something that can be hard to find elsewhere,” she said.(她说:“我遇到的超过一半的人都是通过分享冒险来的,所以它提供了一些在其他地方很难找到的东西。”)”可知,共享冒险给了温迪·贝尔一个建立社交网络的机会。故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据第二段“And probably the best example of Andersen’s spirit is his nonprofit group Shared Adventures. Last summer the organization celebrated 21 years of bringing recreational and social activities to people with disabilities.(也许安德森精神的最好例子就是他的非营利组织“共享冒险”。去年夏天,该组织庆祝了为残疾人提供娱乐和社会活动21周年)”结合文章主要说明了福斯特·安德森骑摩托车时发生了车祸,导致了身体残疾,但他创建了非营利组织“共享冒险”,来提高残疾人的生活质量。可知,B选项“福斯特·安德森:为非凡的改变采取行动”最符合文章标题。故选B。
    The coolest thing about the new “Futures” exhibit at the Smithsonian’s Arts and Industries Building isn’t the fact that you walk on fossils or play Minecraft with your eyeballs. The clue starts with the name, particularly the last letter: The future is plural(复数的).
    “The future is not a fact but a series of decisions we make every day,” said Monica Montgomery, the founder of the museum. “And everyone has the power to shape it.”
    “Futures” marks the temporary(临时的) reopening of the building. It is the Smithsonian’s second-oldest building and the one considered the first national museum in the USA, says Allison Peck, director of external affairs.
    The Arts and Industries Building, which opened in 1881, firstly came up with the idea that museums are for circulating knowledge to the public, not just storehouses for private collectors or centers for research, Peck said. Many Smithsonian treasures first appeared in the building, such as an early Thomas Edison lightbulb.
    “Futures”, part of the Smithsonian’s 175th anniversary celebration, has more than 150 objects and ideas that combine technology, art, design and history. The exhibit employs highly descriptive labels and spreads across four halls with themes: Futures Past, Futures That Inspire, Futures That Unite, and Futures That Work.
    You can communicate with the exhibits by gesturing with your hands or moving your eyes. In the rotunda(圆形大厅), artist Suchi Reddy’s “me + you” invites you to describe your vision of the future, and then translates your words into colors that can dance on its central column.
    Look closely at Nettrice Gaskins’s portraits, created with artificial intelligence, and a city street map for Floyd McKissick. McKissick was the founder of Soul City, North Carolina, in the 1970s as an ideal place for black people to live.
    The exhibit highlights futuristic project that is ongoing: Where will we live?
    28. What does the name of the exhibit indicate?
    A. Everyone can be involved in creating the future.
    B. The exhibit is for a celebration.
    C. Everyone’s future is unchangeable.
    D. The exhibit is organized by the public.
    29. What do we know about the Arts and Industries Building?
    A. It was built by private collectors.
    B. It pioneered the idea of spreading knowledge.
    C. It is the place where Edison once worked.
    D. It is the largest national museum in the USA.
    30. What can visitors do at the exhibit?
    A. Interact with exhibits using their body language.
    B. Translate their words into colors.
    C. Make a map of their cities.
    D. Paint a portrait with artificial intelligence.
    31. Where is the passage most probably taken from?
    A. A textbook. B. A science fiction.
    C. A popular magazine. D. A travel journal.
    【答案】28. A 29. B 30. A 31. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段中“The future is plural(复数的).(未来是在不断变化的)”以及第二段中““The future is not a fact but a series of decisions we make every day,” said Monica Montgomery, the founder of the museum. “And everyone has the power to shape it.”(“未来不是一个事实,而是我们每天做出的一系列决定,”博物馆的创始人Monica Montgomery。“每个人都有能力塑造它。”)”可知,该展览的名字表明这未来是在不断地变化,每个人都可以有能力去塑造未来。即每个人都可以参与创造未来。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中“The Arts and Industries Building, which opened in 1881, firstly came up with the idea that museums are for circulating knowledge to the public, not just storehouses for private collectors or centers for research, Peck said. (派克说,1881年开放的艺术与工业大楼首先提出了这样一个想法:博物馆是向公众传播知识的场所,而不仅仅是私人收藏家的仓库或研究中心。)”可知,1881年开放的艺术与工业大楼是向公众传播知识的场所即开放的艺术与工业大楼开创了向公众传播知识的先河。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“You can communicate with the exhibits by gesturing with your hands or moving your eyes. (你可以用你的手做手势或移动你的眼睛与展品交流。)”以及本段中“In the rotunda(圆形大厅), artist Suchi Reddy’s “me + you” invites you to describe your vision of the future, and then translates your words into colors that can dance on its central column.(在圆形大厅里,艺术家Suchi Reddy的“我+你”邀请你描述你对未来的愿景,然后把你的话翻译成可以在中央柱子上跳舞的颜色。)”可知,在展览中参观者可以用肢体语言与展品互动。故选A。
    Around the new year, many people are making and checking their list, trying to ensure they have gifts for their beloved ones. Most people have a few names that keep getting pushed to the bottom of their lists because they can’t think of anything for them. Usually, the people who are most difficult to choose presents for are men.
    But why? The reason is that men are given more social permission to buy what they want for themselves, so if there is something they want they have probably already bought it.
    Below the surface, however, is the fact that men are socialized to find their self-worth in taking care of women and children, and not to want anything for themselves from anyone else. That is why men, when asked, often insist that they don’t need anything for themselves.
    It is easier for men to accept gifts meant to help them be more productive in their role of taking care of the family which they can explain as “not really being for me”. For example, men may be gifted household tools, or ties in recognition of their role as a breadwinner. On the other hand, men rarely are given gifts that are designed just to give them pleasure but have no productive value.
    In general, men’s ability to be playful or allow themselves to experience pleasure is significantly impaired. They can be comfortable with pleasure as long as it is productive in some way, or if it benefits other people like a vacation for the kids. However, any play or pleasure that is not for someone else’s benefit or productive is often a real challenge for men.
    Young boys certainly know how to play and experience pleasure, but somewhere along the way they forget how. In the delightful movie Hook(1991), Robin Williams plays Peter Pan after he grows up into a workaholic lawyer who has completely forgotten how to be a little boy and have fun. Captain Hook comes from Neverland and catches his children, and the only way Peter can rescue them is to reconnect with his ability to be a little boy.
    32. What does the author think of the reason given in paragraph 2?
    A. It needs to be tested further.
    B. It has little to do with the reality.
    C. It fails to touch the real cause.
    D. It doesn’t take everything into account.
    33. Which of the following gifts are men likely to accept?
    A. Gifts that increase their efficiency at work.
    B. Gifts that remind them of their childhood.
    C. Gifts that promote their role in the family.
    D. Gifts that provide them with great pleasure.
    34. What does the underlined word “impaired” in paragraph 5 probably mean?
    A. Ignored. B. Recognized. C. Increased. D. Weakened.
    35. Why is the movie Hook mentioned in the last paragraph?
    A To give a suggestion. B. To make a comparison.
    C. To tell a story. D. To recommend a movie.
    【答案】32. C 33. C 34. D 35. A
    推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Below the surface, however, is the fact that men are socialized to find their self-worth in taking care of women and children, and not to want anything for themselves from anyone else.(然而,在表面之下是这样一个事实:男人被社会化了,在照顾女人和孩子中寻找自我价值,而不希望从别人那里得到任何东西)”可推断,作者认为第二段所提到的原因并不是真正的原因。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据文章第四段“It is easier for men to accept gifts meant to help them be more productive in their role of taking care of the family which they can explain as “not really being for me”. (男性更容易接受旨在帮助他们在照顾家庭的角色中更有成效的礼物,他们可以解释为“不是真正为我准备的”)”可知,男性更容易接受提升其家庭角色的礼物。故选C。
    词句猜测题。根据划线单词的下文“They can be comfortable with pleasure as long as it is productive in some way, or if it benefits other people like a vacation for the kids. However, any play or pleasure that is not for someone else’s benefit or productive is often a real challenge for men.(只要快乐在某种程度上是富有成效的,或者如果它能让其他人受益,就像孩子的假期一样,他们就能接受快乐。然而,对男人来说,任何不是为了别人的利益或生产性的玩耍或快乐往往是一个真正的挑战)”可知,男性让自己体验快乐的能力不像小男孩那样强了。选项A“Ignored. (忽视)”;选项B“Recognized. (认出、认可)”;选项C“Increased. (增加)”;选项D“Weakened. (减弱)”。选项D最恰当。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Young boys certainly know how to play and experience pleasure, but somewhere along the way they forget how.(小男孩当然知道如何玩耍和体验快乐,但不知什么时候,他们忘记了该怎么做)”以及最后一句“Captain Hook comes from Neverland and catches his children, and the only way Peter can rescue them is to reconnect with his ability to be a little boy. (胡克船长来自梦幻岛,抓住了他的孩子们,而彼得拯救他们的唯一方法就是重新找回他作为一个小男孩的能力)”可推断,作者提到这部电影,是给男人提一些建议,让他们要学会如何体验快乐。故选A。
    Scientists visiting tiny Henderson Island in the South Pacific recently made an alarming discovery. ____36____They calculated there were 38 million pieces of plastic. “This is not an issue to ignore. We need to do something now to protect the sea.” said one scientist.
    Plastic waste in the sea has long been known about, but only now are we discovering the true extent of the problem. Plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose, so all the plastic ever produced still exists somewhere. Around 95% of plastics made are not recycled, and large amounts enter the sea. Currents(洋流) collect this waste in large circular systems called “gyres”. ____37____
    The problem gets worse as plastic breaks down into very small pieces, or “micro plastic”, ____38____ Humans also eat these fish, and micro plastic has even been found in tap water around the world. The plastic on Henderson Island accounts for just 2 seconds’ worth of global annual plastic production. That production will be three times by 2050.
    ____39____ While diving in Greece, young Boyan Slat noticed there was more plastic waste than fish. He decided right then to dedicate his life to solving this problem. Boyan thought, why move through the sea when the sea can move through you? So he started The Ocean Cleanup project, which places very long floating barriers in the Pacific. Currents then concentrate the waste naturally so it can be collected and recycled. He hopes to reduce the patch by 50% in just five years.
    “Sea plastic is a symbol of the negative effects of our lifestyle and technology,” he says. “____40____ Protecting the sea from plastic is a good place to start!”
    A. it goes unnoticed and finds its way to human bodies.
    B. This is eaten by fish and leads to massive species loss.
    C. To work with the currents would help collect the waste.
    D. Our aim should be to create a new lifestyle for this century.
    E. However, there are some young minds working to clean up the sea for future generations.
    F. Although remote and previously untouched by humans, the island was covered in plastic waste.
    G. One of the largest is in the Pacific Ocean, an area now known as the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”.
    【答案】36. F 37. G 38. B 39. E 40. D
    根据上文“Scientists visiting tiny Henderson Island in the South Pacific recently made an alarming discovery. (科学家们最近访问了南太平洋的亨德森岛,有了一个惊人的发现。)”可知,科学家们到了一个岛上并有了惊人的发现。而下文“They calculated there were 38 million pieces of plastic. (他们计算出有3800万件塑料。)”则告诉我们塑料的总数。选项F“Although remote and previously untouched by humans, the island was covered in plastic waste. (尽管这个岛很偏远,以前也没有被人类接触过,但岛上到处都是塑料垃圾。)”承上启下,与上下文内容一致。故选F。
    根据上文内容“Around 95% of plastics made are not recycled, and large amounts enter the sea. Currents(洋流) collect this waste in large circular systems called “gyres”.(大约95%的塑料制品无法回收,大量流入海洋。洋流在称为“环流”的大型循环系统中收集这些废物。)”可知,在海洋中,环流在收集这些废物。选项G“One of the largest is in the Pacific Ocean, an area now known as the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”. (最大的垃圾带之一位于太平洋,这一地区现在被称为“大太平洋垃圾带”。)”与上文内容一致。故选G。
    根据上文“The problem gets worse as plastic breaks down into very small pieces, or “micro plastic”.(当塑料分解成非常小的碎片或“微塑料”时,问题变得更糟。)”可知,微塑料会更糟糕。而空后“Humans also eat these fish, and micro plastic has even been found in tap water around the world. (人类也吃这些鱼,甚至在世界各地的自来水中发现了微塑料。)”则暗示空处指的是鱼类会食用微塑料。选项B“This is eaten by fish and leads to massive species loss.(这被鱼吃掉,导致大量的物种消失。)”承上启下,与本段内容一致。故选B。
    空处为段首句,为本段主要内容。根据下文“While diving in Greece, young Boyan Slat noticed there was more plastic waste than fish. He decided right then to dedicate his life to solving this problem. (在希腊潜水时,年轻的Boyan Slat注意到塑料垃圾比鱼还多。他当时就决定将自己的一生奉献给解决这个问题。)”可知,本段主要讲述的是有人正在拯救海洋塑料垃圾。选项E“However, there are some young minds working to clean up the sea for future generations. (然而,有一些年轻人正致力于为子孙后代清理海洋。)”与下文内容一致。故选E。
    根据下文“Protecting the sea from plastic is a good place to start! (保护海洋免受塑料污染是一个很好的开始!)”可知,空处指的应该是一个很好的憧憬,而保护海洋免受塑料污染是这一美好未来的良好开端。选项D“Our aim should be to create a new lifestyle for this century. (我们的目标应该是为本世纪创造一种新的生活方式。)”与下文内容一致。故选D。
    第三部分 语言应用(共两节,满分30分)
    I was a special education teacher. After ____41____ in a school for some time, I realized that my children, who had dyslexia (诵读困难), needed more ____42____. So I left my teaching job to homeschool my four boys. I started using a multi-sensory ____43____ to teaching which involved making letters out of sand.
    In this ____44____ I traced (勾画) the letters of the alphabet with glue and then took different colored sand and scattered (撒) it all over the ____45____. Then I had the children ____46____ each of the letters on a string (细线) by the door to dry. I was ____47____ to watch my children who had no interest in reading trace the letters in the air as if they were doing skywriting, and then feel the sand letters using the fingers. After that, they would use a piece of paper and ____48____ the letters.
    I totally marvelled at how this ____49____ process had helped all of my four boys to be able to _____50_____ the letters and the words. This particular lesson seemed to make a _____51_____ to my children. They told me on different occasions that they felt _____52_____ or dumb because they could not keep up with other children. But after the particular lesson, they started to move at the same rate as other children.
    I’m _____53_____ that I was able to help my children. I wish to help other children with _____54_____ disabilities and dyslexia. I hope that other teachers also could _____55_____ this method.
    41. A. wandering B. learning C. struggling D. working
    42. A. courage B. rewards C. attention D. power
    43. A. solution B. approach C. application D. preference
    44. A. challenge B. process C. movement D. adventure
    45. A. glue B. glass C. paper D. board
    46. A. collect B. lift C. hang D. design
    47. A. eager B. determined C. ready D. amazed
    48. A. break down B. turn down C. write down D. cut down
    49. A. simple B. long C. quiet D. slow
    50. A. enjoy B. remember C. emphasize D. discover
    51. A. difference B. fortune C. name D. commitment
    52. A. curious B. tired C. relaxed D. stupid
    53. A. grateful B. aware C. sure D. comfortable
    54. A. sleeping B. eating C. walking D. writing
    55. A. improve B. predict C. try D. check
    【答案】41. D 42. C 43. B 44. B 45. A 46. C 47. D 48. C 49. A 50. B 51. A 52. D 53. A 54. D 55. C
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在一所学校工作了一段时间后,我意识到我那些有阅读障碍的孩子需要更多的关注。A. wandering漫游;B. learning获悉;C. struggling挣扎;D. working工作。根据上文“I was a special education teacher.”可知,作者在学校里工作。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. courage勇气;B. rewards报酬;C. attention注意;D. power权力。根据上文“my children, who had dyslexia (诵读困难)”以及下文“So I left my teaching job to homeschool my four boys.”可知,作者的孩子们有诵读困难需要更多关注。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我开始使用一种多感官的方法,包括用沙子做字母。A. solution解决办法;B. approach方法;C. application申请;D. preference偏爱。根据下文“to teaching which involved making letters out of sand”以及文章结尾“this method”可知,作者使用一种多感官的方法教育孩子们。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在这个过程中,我用胶水勾画出字母表中的字母,然后取出不同颜色的沙子,撒在胶水上。A. challenge挑战;B. process过程;C. movement移动;D. adventure冒险经历。根据下文“I traced (勾画) the letters of the alphabet with glue and then took different colored sand and scattered (撒) it all over the ____5___”可知,此处讲述一个学习过程。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. glue胶水;B. glass玻璃;C. paper纸;D. board木板。根据上文“I traced(勾画) the letters of the alphabet with glue”可知,作者用胶水勾画出字母,把彩色的沙子撒在胶水上。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后我让孩子们把每个字母用绳子挂在门边晾干。A. collect收集;B. lift提起;C. hang悬挂;D. design设计。根据下文“each of the letters on a string(细线) by the door to dry”可知,作者让孩子们吧字母挂在门边晾干。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:看着对阅读毫无兴趣的孩子们像在空中写字一样在空中描摹字母,然后用手指触摸沙子上的字母,我感到很惊讶。A. eager渴望的;B. determined决定的;C. ready准备好的;D. amazed惊奇的。根据下文“to watch my children who had no interest in reading trace the letters in the air as if they were doing skywriting, and then feel the sand letters using the fingers.”可知,作者吃惊地看着原本对阅读不感兴趣的孩子们描摹着挂在空中的字母。故选D。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:在那之后,他们会用一张纸写下这些字母。A. break down分解;B. turn down拒绝;C. write down写下;D. cut down砍下。根据上文“they would use a piece of paper”可知,孩子们会用纸写下这些字母。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我完全惊讶于这个简单的过程这么大地帮助我的四个儿子记住字母和单词。A. simple简单的;B. long长的;C. quiet安静的;D. slow慢慢的。根据上文“to watch my children who had no interest in reading trace the letters in the air as if they were doing skywriting, and then feel the sand letters using the fingers. After that, they would use a piece of paper and ____8____ the letters.”可知,这是一个简单的学习过程。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我完全惊讶于这个简单的过程这么大地帮助我的四个儿子记住字母和单词。A. enjoy喜欢;B. remember记住;C. emphasize强调;D. discover发现。根据上文“After that, they would use a piece of paper and ____8____ the letters.”可知,孩子们通过这个过程记住字母和单词。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这中特殊的课似乎对我的孩子们产生了影响。A. difference不同之处;B. fortune财富;C. name名字;D. commitment忠诚。根据下文“But after the particular lesson, they started to move at the same rate as other children.”可知,这种特殊的课程对作者的孩子们产生了影响。make a difference“有影响”。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们在不同的场合告诉我,他们觉得自己很愚蠢或很笨,因为他们跟不上其他孩子。A. curious好奇的;B. tired疲惫的;C. relaxed放松的;D. stupid愚蠢的。根据下文“or dumb because they could not keep up with other children”可知,因为他们跟不上其他的孩子,他们感觉自己很笨,很愚蠢。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很感激我能帮助我的孩子们。A. grateful感激的;B. aware知道的;C. sure确信的;D. comfortable舒适的。根据下文“I was able to help my children”以及常识可知,能够帮助自己的孩子作者很感激。故选A.
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我希望帮助其他有写作障碍和阅读障碍的孩子。A. sleeping睡觉;B. eating吃;C. walking走;D. writing写。根据上文“my children, who had dyslexia (诵读困难)”以及上文作者教育孩子的方法可知,此处指那些有写作和阅读障碍的孩子。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我希望其他老师也可以尝试这种方法。A. improve提高;B. predict预测;C. try试图;D. check检查。根据上文“But after the particular lesson, they started to move at the same rate as other children.”和“I hope that other teachers”可推断,作者希望其他老师尝试这种方法。故选C。
    James Watt, born in Scotland in 1736, was an engineer, scientist and ____56____ (invent). As a child he was gifted in the areas of maths and science.
    One day when he was 12 years old, he sat in his family kitchen, ____57____ (watch) a kettle boiling water. As the water boiled, the steam made the top of the kettle bounce ____58____ and down. He thought deeply about what was happening, as steam was only water ____59____ seemed to be powerful enough to lift a kettle top. He reflected ____60____ (far) on the process, estimating how much more power could ____61____ (create) by a large amount of water. Later he experimented with steam and eventually developed the steam engine. This was ____62____ great success in improving the Newcomen steam engine, ____63____ was commonly used at the time.
    Watt’s invention changed the course of human history. Steam engines helped to power factories that started the Industrial Revolution. With this ____64____ (come) new types of jobs and the availability of new products at lower costs. In the area of transportation, steam engines were used _____65_____ (power) trains and boats, helping people to travel greater distance in much shorter times.
    【答案】56. inventor
    57. watching
    58. up 59. but
    60. further
    61. be created
    62. a 63. which
    64. came 65. to power
    考查名词。句意:詹姆斯·瓦特1736年出生于苏格兰,是一名工程师、科学家和发明家。根据空前的“an engineer, scientist”可知,空处指的是发明家,应用名词单数形式。故填inventor。
    考查副词。句意:当水沸腾时,蒸汽使水壶的顶部上下弹跳。根据空后的“and down”可知,空处为up,构成短语up and down“上上下下”。故填up。
    考查连词。句意:他深深地思考着正在发生的事情,因为蒸汽只是水,但似乎有足够的力量掀起一个水壶的顶部。空前“steam was only water”和空后“seemed to be powerful enough to lift a kettle top.”之间存在转折关系。故填but。
    考查副词。句意:他进一步思考了这个过程,估算了大量的水还可以产生多少更多的电力。分析句子成分可知,空处为副词,修饰动词短语“reflect on”;再根据上文“he thought deeply”可知,空处指的是更进一步思考,应用比较级。故填further。
    考查动词语态。句意:他进一步思考了这个过程,估算了大量的水还可以产生多少更多的电力。出现在情态动词之后,用动词原形。主语为power和动词create之间存在被动关系,应用被动语态。故填be created。
    考查定语从句。句意:这是改进当时普遍使用的Newcomen蒸汽机的一次巨大成功。此处是非限定性定语从句的关系词,先行词为“the Newcomen steam engine”,在非限制性从句中担当主语,应用关系代词which引导。故填which。
    考查动词时态。句意:随之而来的是新型的工作和低成本的新产品。本句为完全倒装句,主语为“new types of jobs and the availability of new products at lower costs”,和come之间为主动关系;分析上下文可知,时态为一般过去时。故填came。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:在交通领域,蒸汽机被用来驱动火车和船只,帮助人们在更短的时间内旅行更远的距离。此处作目的状语,应用动词不定式。故填to power。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66. 假如你是李华,上周六你体验了在本市新开放的主题公园,请向你的外国笔友Peter分享本次公园体验,内容包括:
    1. 公园主题和设施;
    2. 你的体验与感受。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Peter,
    Yours sincerely.
    Li Hua
    【答案】One possible version:
    Dear Peter,
    Being an avid fan of theme parks, last Saturday I went to a newly-opened amusement park in our city themed on fairy tales and can’t wait to share it with you!
    Upon arrival, I was greeted by cheerful music and joyous staff dressed as cartoon figures. The next few hours witnessed me taking every ride of the park, ranging from the thrilling roller coaster to the cozy carousel which are named after well-known fairy tales. I felt like that I was back in my carefree childhood and fully refreshed.
    Enclosed here are some photos. Best wishes!
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生给外国笔友Peter分享自己去本市新开放主题公园的体验。内容包括:公园主题和设施; 个人的体验与感受。
    热情的:avid→ enthusiastic
    愉快的:joyful → delightful
    令人激动的:thrilling →exciting
    被附上的:enclosed→ attached
    原句:Being an avid fan of theme parks, last Saturday I went to a newly-opened amusement park in our city themed on fairy tales and can’t wait to share it with you!
    拓展句:Because I am an avid fan of theme parks, last Saturday I went to a newly-opened amusement park in our city themed on fairy tales and can’t wait to share it with you!
    【点睛】【高分句型1】The next few hours witnessed me taking every ride of the park, ranging from the thrilling roller coaster to the cozy carousel which are named after well-known fairy tales.(运用了现在分词作状语)
    【高分句型2】I felt like that I was back in my carefree childhood and fully refreshed.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Children played in the yards along the block. I waved to them as I walked by, delivering mail at houses along the way. It was just an ordinary Thursday afternoon.
    There were only about 700 people on my route. Over the years, I had gotten to know most of them, if not in person then by their mail. Mrs. Dorman at the end of my route got a package from the Home Shopping Network almost every day. She was an old lady, living alone and I liked being able to bring a little joy into her life with my delivery.
    Some mailmen preferred routes where they drove a truck and slipped the mail into a collection of mailboxes without seeing anyone face to face. Not me. I wanted to be outside talking to people.
    To be honest, there wasn’t much excitement on a local postal route like mine. Except a sudden rainstorm or a holiday, every day was pretty much the same. But I knew I provided an important service in my job. College acceptances, birthday presents, postcards from all corners of the world——they could all make someone’s day.
    I dug in my bag for Mrs. Dorman’s mail——the Home Shopping Network package. She would be glad to get this, whatever it was. Mrs. Dorman often waited for me at the door and we always had a nice talk.
    Mrs. Dorman wasn’t at the door today, but I heard the TV going inside, so I knew she was home. Probably watching her shopping shows, I thought. I bent down to put her package by the door.
    I froze. What was that? Something like a weak cry. I leaned closer to the door. Maybe the sound came from the TV? “Mrs. Dorman?” I called. No answer. And then the same weak cry. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. So I pressed my ear against it.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式作答。
    This time I clearly heard the words, “Help me!”
    “What had happened that day?” I asked Mrs. Dorman after she came back home from the hospital.
    【答案】One possible version:
    This time I clearly heard the words, “Help me!” A chill of horror suddenly sweeping over me, I was hit by a terrible idea——Mrs. Dorman might be in danger! Taking a deep breath, I kept pushing against the door without the slightest hesitation until the latch finally broke. Forcing the door open, I was startled to find Mrs. Dorman lying under the cupboard, moaning in pain. The moment Mrs. Dorman noticed my approach, her pale face lit up, as if seizing a glimmer of hope. Then the next few minutes saw me move the cupboard with all my might, cautiously help her sit on the sofa and call the ambulance promptly. A while later, the doctors arrived, rushing Mrs. Dorman to the hospital for a complete check-up.
    “What had happened that day?” I asked Mrs. Dorman after she came back home from the hospital. Mrs. Dorman explained that she was watching TV when she suddenly lost her balance. At that critical moment, she managed to grab the cupboard, but unfortunately, it came down on top of her. Much to my relief, Mrs. Dorman was fine except a pain in her shoulder. However, thoughts flashing back to that horrible moment, I felt my heart was still fluttering with fear, “Do you know what I was thinking when I was lying under the cupboard?” Mrs. Dorman asked me. I shook my head. “I didn’t get into a panic. I knew you would come just like you do every day. That’s what gave me comfort,” she uttered, her eyes twinkling with grateful tears and a smile spreading across her wrinkled face.
    【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了作者是一名邮差,他每天都经过相同路线,熟悉线路上的每一户人家。一次,作者在送邮件的时候,发现了Mrs. Dorman的异常,最终救了Mrs. Dorman。
    ①由第一段首句内容“这次我清楚地听到了那句话:“救救我!””以及第二段首句““那天发生了什么事?” Mrs. Dorman从医院回来后,我问她。”可知,第一段可描写作者是如何救了Mrs. Dorman。
    ②由第二段首句内容““那天发生了什么事?” Mrs. Dorman从医院回来后,我问她。”可知,第二段可描写Mrs. Dorman讲述那天所发生的事情,以及Mrs. Dorman对作者的感激。
    ②设法做某事:manage to do/was able to do
    【点睛】【高分句型1】The moment Mrs. Dorman noticed my approach, her pale face lit up, as if seizing a glimmer of hope.(运用了the moment引导的时间状语从句)

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