Unit 1 知识点
science 科学 museum 博物馆 bookstore 书店
cinema 电影院 hospital 医院 crossing 十字路口
turn 转弯 left 左 straight 笔直地
right 右 post office 邮局 go straight 直走
ask 问 tell 告诉 far 远
pizza 披萨 follow 跟着 get to 到达
feature 特点 street 街道;大街 Italian 意大利的
interesting 有趣的 restaurant 餐厅 next to 紧挨着
in front of 在…前面 near the park 在公园附近 BDS 北斗卫星导航系统
gave 提供;交给 sir 先生
- 博物馆商店在哪里? Where is the museum shop?
在大门附近。It’s near the door. (紧挨着 next to 在…前面in front of)
- 我们怎么到那儿?How can we get there?
在书店左转,然后在医院右转。Turn left at the book store. Then turn right at the hospital.
- 爷爷在那儿吗? Is your grandpa there?
不,他不在。 No, he isn’t.
- 你的城市有公园吗? Is there a park in your city?
是的,有。Yes, there is.
- 多么棒的一座博物馆啊! What a great museum!
多么有趣的一部电影啊! What an interesting film!
Uni2 知识点
by 乘 bus 公共汽车 plane 飞机
taxi 出租汽车 ship 船 subway 地铁
train 火车 sled 雪橇 ferry 轮渡
stop 停下 on foot 步行 traffic lights 交通信号灯
slow down 慢下来 pay attention to 注意 wear 戴
helmet 头盔 must 必须 fast 快
Munich 慕尼黑 Germany 德国 Alaska 阿拉斯加州
Papa Westray 帕帕韦斯特雷岛 Scotland 苏格兰 Mrs 夫人
early 早到的
- 你怎么来学校的? How do you come to school?
通常我走路来。 Usually I come on foot.
我时常坐地铁。 I often come by subway.
有时候我乘坐公交车。Sometimes I come by bus.
- 我怎么样才能到复兴医院? How can I get to the Fuxing Hospital?
在那边乘坐57路公交车。 Take the No.57 bus over there.
- 在美国骑自行车的人必须戴头盔。 In the USA people on bikes must wear a helmet.
- 我必须注意交通信号灯。I must pay attention to the traffic lights.
- 别闯红灯。 Don’t go at the ted light.
- 红灯停下等待。 Stop and wait at the red light.
黄灯慢下来然后停下。Slow down and stop at the yellow light.
绿灯通行。Go at the green light.
- 那是一种好的锻炼。That’s good exercise.
Unit3 知识点
visit 拜访 supermarket 超市 evening 晚上;傍晚
tonight 在今晚 tomorrow 明天 dictionary 词典
postcard 明信片 see a film 看电影 take a trip 去旅行
next week 下周 comic book 连环画册 word book 单词书
lesson 课 space 太空 travel 旅行
half 一半 price 价格 mooncake 月饼
poem 诗 moon 月亮 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节
get together 聚会
- 你明天打算做什么? What are you going to do tomorrow?
我打算去上美术课。 I am going to have an art lesson.
他明天打算做什么?What is he going to do tomorrow?
他打算去看电影。He is going to see a film.
他们明天打算去做什么? What are they going to do tomorrow?
他们打算去旅行。 They are going to take a trip.
- 你们打算去哪里? Where are you going?
我们打算去电影院。 We are going to the cinema.
- 你们打算什么时候去? When are you going?
下周二。Next Tuesday.
- 你打算买什么? What are you going to buy?
我打算买一些单词书。 I am going to buy some comic books.
- 我们打算去人民公园画画。 We are going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.
- 我们打算去看一部关于太空旅行的电影。We are going to see a film about space travel.
我有很多关于太空的连环画册。I have a lot of comic books about space.
- 为什么不星期二去?可以半价! Why not go on Tuesday. It’s half price then!
Unit 4 知识点
studies 学习 puzzle 谜 远足 hiking
hobby 爱好 jasmine 茉莉花 amazing 令人惊奇的
Canberra 堪培拉 shall 表示征求意见 goal 射门
join 加入 club 俱乐部 share 分享
pen pal 笔友
- 你的爱好是什么? What is your hobby? / What are your hobbies?
我喜欢唱歌和跳舞。 I like singing and dancing.
- 皮特的爱好是什么? What are Peter’s hobbies?
他喜欢读故事。He likes reading stories.
- 他居住在悉尼吗? Does he live in Sydney?
不,他没有。No, he doesn’t.
他居住在一个农场。 He lives on a farm.
- 他喜欢玩字谜和远足吗? Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking?
是的,他喜欢。Yes, he does.
你喜欢爬上吗? Do you like climbing mountains?
不,我不喜欢。No, I don’t.
- 我喜欢读故事,我也喜欢唱歌和打功夫。
I like reading stories, and I also like singing and doing kung fu.
I like reading stories, and I like singing and doing kung fu, too.
- 我正在写一封邮件给我在澳大利亚的新笔友。
I am writing an email to my new pen pal in Australia.
- 我也能和他成为笔友吗? Can I also be his pen pal?
当然可以。为什么不? Sure. Why not?
Unit5 知识点总结
factory 工厂 worker 工人 postman 邮递员
businessman 商人 fisherman 渔民 scientist 科学家
pilot 飞行员 coach 教练 police officer 警察
country 国家 sea 大海 stay 保持
university 大学 gym 体育馆 if 如果
reporter 记者 use 使用 type 打字
quickly 快速地 secretary 秘书 head master 校长
- 你是做什么的? What do you do?
我是一名科学家。I am a scientist.
他是做什么的? What does he do?
他是一名商人。He is a businessman.
陈洁的妈妈是做什么的? What does Chen Jie’s mother do?
她是一名校长。She is a head master.
- 你在哪里工作? Where do you work?
我在医院工作。 I work at a hospital.
他在哪里工作? Where does he work?
他在海上工作。He works at sea.
他在海边工作。He works near the sea.
他在船上工作。 He works on a boat.
- 你怎么去上班? How do you go to work?
我坐地铁去上班。I go to work by subway.
他怎么去上班? How does he go to work?
他骑自行车去上班。 He goes to work by bike.
- 你的爸爸是邮递员吗? Is your father a postman?
不,他不是。 No, he isn’t.
- 你也想成为一名校长吗? Do you want to be a head master, too?
不,我想成为一名商人。No, I want to be a businessman.
他想成为一名商人。He wants to be a businessman.
我计划成为一名商人。I am going to be a businessman.
- 他经常去其他国家。He often goes to other countries.
- 他工作非常努力,保持健康。He works very hard and stays healthy.
我们也应该努力学习,保持健康。We should study hard and stay health, too.
Unit6 知识点总结
sad 难过的 worried 担心的 happy 开心的
be angry with 对…感到生气 be afraid of 害怕… see a doctor 看医生
wear warm clothes 穿暖和的衣服 take a deep breath 深呼吸
count to ten 数到十 do more exercise 多做运动
chase 追赶 mice 老鼠 bad 邪恶的
hurt 受伤 ill 有病 wrong 有毛病
should 应该 feel 感觉 well 健康;身体好
sit 坐 grass 草坪 hear 听见
ant 蚂蚁 worry 担心;担忧 stuck 陷住
mud 泥 pull 拉;拽
- 怎么了? What’s wrong?
你爸爸生病了。Your father is ill.
- 你感觉怎样?How do you feel?
我感到生气。I feel angry.
他感觉怎么样? How does he feel?
他感觉很伤心。He feels sad.
- 我应该怎么做?What should I do?
你应该深呼吸。You should take a deep breath.
- 它们害怕它。 They are afraid of him.
- 这只猫很生它们的气。 The cat is angry with them.
- 他今天早上应该去看医生。He should see a doctor this morning.
- 不要伤心。Don’t be sad.
不要担心。 Don’t worry. / Don’t be worried.
- 这部动画片是关于什么的?What is this cartoon about?
是关于一只猫的。It’s about a cat.
- 也许我们的猫正在追赶一只老鼠。Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now.
- I want ______ a post card.
- buy B. to buy C. buys
- — _____ is the post office? — It’s near the cinema.
- Where B. What C. Who
- — How can I ______ there? — Turn left at the cinema and then go straight.
- get to B. get C. to get
- — How can we _____ the nature park? — Turn left at the cinema and then go straight.
- get to B. get C. to get
- — How do you ______ school? — I often come by bus.
- come B. come to C. comes to
答案:1-5 BABAB
- _______ great cinema!
- What B. What a C. What an
- ______ interesting film!
- What B. What a C. What an
- Turn right _____ the bookstore.
- at B. on C. in
- — _____ a cinema near here? — Yes, there is.
- Is there B. There is C. Where is
- The post office is ______ the hospital.
- near to B. next to C. next
答案:6-10 BCAAB
- Sarah has a ______ robot. It’s very interesting.
- talk B. talking C. talks
- ______ good exercise!
- That’s B. This C. It’s an
- I usually go to school _______.
- by a bike B. by bike C. by foot
- I go to the USA _____ China by plane.
- on B. from C. to
- In the USA people _____ bike must wear a helmet.
- in B. on C. by
答案:11-15 BABBB
- The science museum is _____ there.
- near B. next to C. over
- Usually I go to school on foot, but______ I go to school by bike.
- usually B. often C. sometimes
- Canberra is ______ the USA.
- far from B. near C. next to
- Don’t go ____ the red light.
- at B. in C. on
- Don’t stop at the ____ light.
- green B. yellow C. red
答案:16-20 CCAAA
- Stop and wait at the _____ light.
- green B. yellow C. red
- He _____ to see a film this evening.
- go B. is going to C. are going to
- I _____ to see a film tomorrow.
- go B. is going to C. am going to
- I have a comic book _____ space travel.
- about B. to C. on
- —_______? — By bus.
- How is she going to the hospital B. When is she going
C, What is she going to do D. Where is she going
答案:21-25 CBCAA
- — _____________? — Next Tuesday.
- How is she going to the hospital B. When is she going
C, What is she going to do D. Where is she going
- — _____________? — She is going to a bookstore.
- How is she going to the hospital B. When is she going
C, What is she going to do D. Where is she going
- — _____________? — She is going to buy a comic book.
- How is she going to the hospital B. When is she going
C, What is she going to do D. Where is she going
- Marry ________ Canberra.
- lives in B. live in C. lives on
- What are Sarah’s ______?
- hobby B. hobbys C. hobbies
答案:26-30 BDCAC
- — What is Mike’s hobby? — He _____ doing kung fu.
- like B. likes C. liking
- — Does Mike ______ kung fu? — Yes, he does.
- like B. likes C. liking
- Mike likes ______ on weekends.
- reading stories and play football B. reading stories and playing football
C, read stories and play football D. read stories and playing football
- Mike likes listening to music. And Chen Jie ______ likes listening to music.
- too B. also C. to
- — ___________? — She is a secretary.
- What does your sister do B. What is your sister going to do
C, Where is your sister going D. When is your sister going
答案:31-35 BABBA
- _____ does your mother work? — She works in a university.
- What B. Where C. How
- — What do you want ______? — A head master.
- to do B. be C. to be
- My uncle works _____ a boat.
- in B. on C. at
- _____does he feel?
- What B. How C. Where
- What’s the comic ______?
- about B. on C. of
答案:36-40 BCBBA
- My mother is ______ my little brother.
- angry with B. angry about C. angry of
- My littles brother is ill. And mother is _____ him.
- worried with B. worried about C. worried of
- My little brother is ______ mice.
- afraid with B. afraid about C. afraid of
- — I am ill, so I can’t go to the zoo tomorrow. — Don’t _____. We can go there next time.
- worry B. sad C. be sad
- — Mum, if I feel angry, what should I do? — You should _________.
- take a deep breath and count to ten B. see a doctor
C, wear warm clothes D. do more exercise
答案:41-45 ABCCA
- Sarah, it’s cold. You should _______________.
- take a deep breath and count to ten B. see a doctor
C, wear warm clothes D. do more exercise
- — Mum, if I feel ill, what should I do? — You should_______.
- take a deep breath and count to ten B. see a doctor
C, wear warm clothes D. do more exercise
- — How ____ your father feel now? — No bad.
- do B. does C. is
- — _____________? — I feel ill.
- What’s wrong with you B. What do you do
C,What are you going to do D. How do you get there
- If you want to keep healthy, why not_____ more exercise.
- do B. to do C. doing
答案:46-50 CBBAA
人教版PEP六年级英语上册期中易错点强化卷(含答案): 这是一份人教版PEP六年级英语上册期中易错点强化卷(含答案),共8页。试卷主要包含了选出下列单词中不同类的一项,选择适当的单词完成句子,根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子,根据所给情景,选择正确的表达,给下列句子选择合适的答句,选择合适的内容补全对话,按要求改写句子,根据汉语提示,补全下英文句子等内容,欢迎下载使用。
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人教(PEP版)五年级上册英语期末各单元知识点复习和易错题(学生版无答案): 这是一份人教(PEP版)五年级上册英语期末各单元知识点复习和易错题(学生版无答案),共11页。