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    这是一份普通高等学校招生全国统一考试高考英语模拟卷&仿真卷(四)(含解析),共8页。试卷主要包含了考生必须保证答题卡的整洁, has brught;67等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的校名、姓名、考号、座位号等 相关信息填写在答题卡指定区域内。
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    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Scientists have discvered a "mnster black hle" s massive that, in thery, it shuldn't exist
    It’s a stellar black hle---the type that frms after stars die, cllapse, and explde. Researchers had previusly believed that the size limit was n mre than 20 times the mass f ur sun because 8S these stars die, they lse mst f their mass thrugh explsins that expel matter and gas swept away by stellar winds
    This thery has nw been tppled by LB-1, the newly discvered black hle. Lcated abut 15.000 light years away, it has a mass 70 times greater than ur sun, accrding t a press release frm the Chinese Academy f Sciences.
    The findings were published by Chinese researchers in the jurnal Nature n Wednesday.
    "Black bles f such mass shuld nt even exist in ur galaxy, accrding t mst f the current mdels f stellar evlutin," said Liu Jifeng, head f the team that made the discvery. "LB-1 is twice as massive as what we thught pssible. Nw therists will have t take up the challenge f explaining its frmatin."
    Scientists are nw scratching their heads at hw LB-1 gt s huge.
    The Chinese team has prpsed a number f theries. LB-1' sheer size suggests that it “was nt frmed frm the cllapse f nly ne star," the study said--- instead, it culd ptentially be tw smaller black hles rbiting each ther.
    Anther pssibility is that it frmed frm “fallback supermva.” This is when a supernma---the last stage f an explding star---ejects material during the explsin, which then falls back int the supernva, creating a black hle.
    This fallback frmatin is theretically pssible, but scientists have never been able t prve r bserve it. If this is hw LB-1 frmed, then we may have "direct evidence fr this prcess” fr the first time, the study said.
    There are several types f black hles and stellar black hles like LB-1 are n the smaller side, accrding t NASA.Supermassive black hles are much bigger---they can be billins f times the mass f ur sun,
    Scientists believe supermassive black hles may be cnnected t the frmatin f galaxies, as they ften exist at the center f the mass star stems but it is still nt clear exactly hw, r which frm first.
    21.Why des the writer write the article?
    A.T reprt the great achievement Chinese scientists have made in black hle thery,
    B.T infrm the readers f the basic knwledge abut the black hle,
    C.T share with the readers the new develpment f the black hle discvery,
    D.T demnstrate the significance f discvering new black hles fr science.
    22.Which f the fllwing abut LB-1 is true t the passage?
    A.It is the biggest black hle ever discvered,
    B.It lst nly a small part f its mass thrugh explsin.
    C.It culdn't have been frmed frm the cllapse f ne star,
    D.Its discvery may lead t sme breakthrugh in the “fallback frmatin thery".
    23.Which f the fllwing is right accrding t the passage?
    A.If the sun in ur galaxy dies sme f its mass will be taken away by stellar winds.
    B.A massive supernva will be frmed and then explded if the sun in ur galaxy dies.
    C."The Milky Way" was frmed after a supermassive black hle cllapsed and explded.
    D.If “the Milky Way" dies, a supermassive black hle will be frmed after its death.
    Plants d nt listen t the radi. But a team f researchers in Greece recently fund a way t turn lemns int very small “radi statins” that can bradcast infrmatin abut their trees’ misture cntent t a smartphne—the first step tward creating what the researchers call an “Internet f plants.”
    Scientists had previusly attached sensrs t trees t measure their water use, but “n ther team had created a wireless radi netwrk amng plants, sending infrmatin while cnsuming nly a few micrwatts and csting just a few dllars,” says prject leader Aggels Bletsas, a prfessr f electrical and cmputer engineering at the Technical University f Crete.
    The netwrk cnsists f several basic cmpnents: an existing FM radi statin, an antenna (天线) attached t a lemn grwing n a tree, a humidity (湿度) sensr in the lemn, a transistr cnnected t an antenna and an FM receiver. First, the antenna picks up the signal frm the FM statin, and then passes the signal t the transistr, which is mdulated by the humidity sensr. The sensr switches the transistr n and ff at a rate dependent n the plant’s misture level: if the sil is wet r if the atmsphere is humid, that rate is lwer; if it is dry, the rate is higher. Finally, the antenna bradcasts this infrmatin t the radi receiver n a mbile phne.
    In this way, plants can tell farmers if they are thirsty. “We can literally ‘listen’ t the misture f the plant, using ur mbile FM radi with a $3.4 sensr,” Bletsas says. “Tw f these sensrs fr every acre n any given farm might change the way we cnduct agriculture and ‘understand’ plants.” He ntes that mre sensrs may be needed fr the best pssible results. Such real-time infrmatin culd enable better cntrl f air and sil misture.
    Why g thrugh all this truble and nt just use already cmmn wireless technlgy, such as Bluetth? “Nt nly is ur technique less cmplex, as we are just brrwing signals in the envirnment,” Bletsas says, but “a Bluetth-based sensr csts abut $25. Our final aim is t launch sensrs nt the market csting less than $1.”
    “Bletsas and his team are cmpletely changing the way f envirnmental sensing using very simple equipment and surprisingly little pwer,” says Alexandrs Dimakis, an assciate prfessr f electrical and cmputer engineering at the University f Texas at Austin, wh was nt invlved in the research. “Their wrk culd be a transfrmatinal Internet f Things technlgy fr agriculture and fr mnitring the envirnment.”
    Bletsas and his clleagues have already applied fr a patent fr their innvative technlgy in America.
    24.The radi netwrk created by Greek researchers _________.
    A.cnsumes much energyB.can be put in a smartphne
    C.uses simple technlgy at lw cstD.bradcasts radi prgrams t plants
    25.What des the underlined wrd “mdulated” in Paragraph 3 mean?
    26.What is Alexandrs Dimakis’ attitude t the “radi netwrk”?
    27.What is the purpse f the passage?
    A.T discuss methds f studying plants.
    B.T assess the efficiency f Internet f plants.
    C.T stress the imprtance f keeping sil’s misture.
    D.T intrduce a new way f measuring plants’ water use.
    Sme f the mst pwerful cmpanies in the wrld have c-funders. Fr example, Ggle(Sergey Brin and Larry Page),Apple(Steve Wzniak and Steve Jbs),and Micrsft(Bill Gates and Paul Allen)and s n. Having partners can help t deal with the pressure and the failures that cme with running a business. N matter hw dwn n yur luck yu feel they may prvide emtinal supprt. They may have extra skills, and be n hand t help ut with the day-t-day prblems. And an alternate pint f view may help t braden yur mind and aid the risk f mistakes being verlked.
    Everybdy knws Samsung’s Galaxy Nte 7.When the phne was launched in 2016,custmers praised it fr its strage, design and usability, and it may well have been a hit if it weren’t fr the fact that it ccasinally caught fire and explded. It was sn banned immediately frm flights, and Samsung had n chice but t recall the entire mdel. The shrtcming reprtedly cst the cmpany $1 billin, and a further $17 billin in lst sales. But remember, based n the lessn, the Galaxy Nte 8 and the Galaxy Nte 9 are well received in the wrld! Nw we knw that failing is part f business success.
    One thing that all great cmpanies have in cmmn is that they have failed many times—and luckily, they bunced back. Take Sarah Blakely, funder f shapewear brand Spanx fr example. She credits her business success specifically t her failures. “I’d get kicked ut f buildings all day lng, “she remembered. “Peple wuld tear up my business card in my face. But my friends and I knew I culd sell and I knew I wanted t sell smething I had created. I learned that ‘n’ desn’t always mean ‘n’ ,and that yu may get 30 ns befre yu get the ne yes. Peple tld me n with Spanx fr tw years. “Spanx is wrth just ver $1 billin—it was a cmpany that Blakely wh tk a degree in a law schl started with just $5 000!
    28.What can we learn frm the examples in Paragraph 1?
    A.Tw heads are better than ne.B.Cnstant drpping wears the stne.
    C.Gd helps thse wh help themselves.D.All things are difficult befre they are easy.
    29.Why des the authr mentin Samsung’s Galaxy Nte 7,8 and 9?
    A.T suggest custmers shuld fllw the new trends.
    B.T prve Samsung is respnsible fr custmers.
    C.T shw Samsung paid fr its prduct failure.
    D.T explain that failures dn’t spell the end.
    30.What mainly cntributed t Sarah Blakely’s success?
    A.Her friends’help.B.Her will pwer.
    C.Her gd luck.D.Her educatin backgrund.
    31.Hw des the authr develp the passage?
    A.By making cntrast.B.By making classificatin.
    C.By giving examples.D.By giving numbers.
    Peple wrry that develpments in Artificial Intelligence, r A.I., will bring abut a pint in histry when A.I. vertakes human intelligence, leading t an unimaginable revlutin in human affairs. Or they wnder whether instead f ur cntrlling artificial intelligence, it will cntrl us.
    The situatin may nt arise fr hundreds f years t cme, but this desn’t mean we have nthing t wrry abut. On the cntrary, The A.I. prducts that nw exist are imprving faster than mst peple realize and prmise t fundamentally transfrm ur wrld, nt always fr the better. They are nly tls, nt a cmpeting frm f intelligence. But they will reshape what wrk means and hw wealth is created.
    Unlike the Industrial Revlutin and the Cmputer Revlutin, the A.I. revlutin is nt taking certain jbs and replacing them with ther jbs. Instead, it is believed t cause a wide - scale eliminatin f jbs -- mstly lwer - paying jbs, but sme higher - paying nes, t.
    This transfrmatin will result in enrmus prfits fr the cmpanies that develp A.I., as well as fr the cmpanies that adpt it. We are thus facing tw develpments that d nt sit easily tgether; enrmus wealth cncentrated in relatively few hands and enrmus numbers f peple ut f wrk. What is t be dne?
    Part f the answer will invlve educating r retraining peple in tasks A.I. tls aren’t gd at. Artificial intelligence is prly suited fr jbs invlving creativity, planning and “crss - field” thinking. But these skills are typically required by high - paying jbs that may be hard t retrain displaced wrkers t d. Mre prmising are lwer - paying jbs invlving the “peple skills” that A.I. lacks: scial wrkers, barmen, drmen -- prfessins requiring human interactin. But hw many barmen des a sciety really need?
    The slutin t the prblem f mass unemplyment will invlve “service jbs f lve.” These are jbs that A.I. cannt d, that sciety needs and that give peple a sense f purpse. Examples include accmpanying an lder persn t visit a dctr, helping at an rphanage and serving as a spnsr at charity rganizatin. The vlunteer service jbs f tday, in ther wrds, may turn int the real jbs f the future.
    Other vlunteer jbs may be higher - paying and prfessinal, such as cmpassinate medial service prviders. In all cases, peple will be able t chse t wrk fewer hurs than they d nw.
    32.In what aspect is the A.I. revlutin different frm the Industrial r the Cmputer revlutin?
    A.The A.I. revlutin will finally becme ne beynd human’s cntrl.
    B.A.I. is believed t lead t a pint in histry when it takes ver human intelligence.
    C.Higher - paying jbs will take the place f lwer-paying nes in the A.I. revlutin.
    D.It may bring abut mass unemplyment t matter hw much emplyees are paid.
    33.The underlined wrd “prmising” in paragraph 5 is clsest in meaning t _______.
    A.prmtinal B.demanding C.guaranteed D.ptential
    34.What des the authr suggest in the face f the A.I. revlutin?
    A.It is sensible t encurage peple t take vlunteer jbs.
    B.Peple shuld be instructed t d less demanding jbs.
    C.The prblem f jb lss can be slved by creating lwer-paying jbs.
    D.Jbs requiring knwledge in different fields are suitable fr displaced wrkers.
    35.Which f the fllwing may serve as the best title f the passage?
    A.The A.I. Revlutin Creates New Jb Opprtunities.
    B.Challenges the A.I. Revlutin Brings t Jb Market.
    C.A Duble - edged Swrd: the A.I. Revlutin.
    D.Interrelatinship between A.I. and Unemplyment.
    Make Yur Fitness Reslutin Stick
    Last year, the mst cmmn New Year’s reslutin was fitness-related. A study shwed that apprximately 50 millin Americans swre t increase activities and lse weight. 36 , success was hard t achieve. Tw mnths later, nly 37 percent f peple in their 20s and 16 percent ver age 50 had kept t their new fitness habit.
    37 , the benefits f such a change are clear. There is n questin that exercise plays a rle in the preventin and treatment f many diseases. Weekly exercise rutines have been shwn t reduce rates f depressin and anxiety, lessen risk f heart attacks and strkes, and reduce the high rates f diabetes.
    38 . It’s suggested that 150 minutes per week f mderate intensity exercise like swimming, r 75 minutes per week f intense exercise, like jgging, shuld be the minimum amunt exercise needed t achieve maximum medical benefit if yu stick t it.
    Often, the best way t increase yur exercise is t invlve mvement in yur everyday life. On average, urban citizen wh g t wrk by bike r public transprtatin are fitter than suburban citizens wh drive t wrk. 39 . They are gd ways t increase the amunt f yur mvement every day.
    Whether yu determine t wrk ut at yur lcal gym three times a week, take 10,000 steps a day r give yur dg an extra walk every day, what matters mst is nt yur cmmitment t exercise but yur sticking t it. 40 .
    A. While behavir change is tugh
    B. Althugh they had gd intentins
    C. Hwever hard they try t make up their mind
    D. There is always ne type f exercise that yu are fnd f
    E. Besides, taking the stairs instead f the elevatr als helps
    F. S cmmit t smething yu lve and keep t yur fitness habit
    G. The best frm f exercise is the type that smene will cnsistently perfrm
    第三部分英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    Dari and his mther lved their new apartment. The living rm was large enugh fr their pian. That night, the tw f them 41 side by side at the pian. They played jazz music t celebrate their new hme. The lud 42 filled the rm and made them feel very happy.
    The next mrning, 43 , their happiness disappeared. Smene had left a 44 under their dr during the night. One f their neighbrs had written t cmplain abut the sund f the pian. Dari’s mther asked the building superintendent(管理员) if he knew anything abut it. But he said that they were all 45 peple and he culdn’t imagine any f them had dne that. Later that mrning, Dari suggested that they write a letter t their 46 and aplgize fr their playing.
    “Maybe we culd g and 47 everyne in persn.” his mther said.
    “What if we invited them t cme here fr a 48 instead?” Dari asked.
    They bth lved the 49 . Over the next few days, they sent ut invitatins and prepared desserts 50 their guests. They decrated the apartment with streamers (彩带) and party lights.
    Finally, the day f the party 51 . Sme guests brught presents. Others brught flwers. Sme even brught desserts t 52 . One wman, Mrs. Gilbert, 53 Dari’s mther with a bk f pian music by Chpin.
    “I heard yu playing the ther night,” she said. “The sunds wke me ut f bed. I 54 that yu might play like this every night. S I wrte a shrt nte. I hpe yu dn’t think I disliked the playing.”
    Dari’s mther smiled at Mrs. Gilbert. “I think maybe we 55 yu an aplgy.” she said. “I didn’t 56 hw late it was when we were playing. Maybe we shuld play sme quieter music at night.
    “Yu play, yu play!” Mrs. Gilbert said. “I like what yu play! Just nt s lud at night.” She pinted t the bk she had given them. “These sngs are nt such 57 music.”
    “These sngs are beautiful music.” Dari’s mther said. “We will be 58 t play them in the evening.”
    “And we wn’t play s lud r late!” Dari said. He was already lking frward t 59 the new music. Mre than that, hwever, he was happy t see the big smile n his mther’s face. It gave him a feeling f 60 and made him feel that they were hme at last.
    Fr the first time in 94 years, the Palace Museum has extended its pening hurs, allwing the public t celebrate the Lantern Festival at night in the ancient palace.
    Abut 3,000 lucky visitrs received free tickets frm the gvernment, amng 61 was Zhang Zhifu, a 77-year-ld public security vlunteer. It’s a mark f gratitude fr her vlunteer wrk. “It is 62 (true) an hnr t be granted this special privilege,” Zhang said.
    T guarantee the 63 (safe) f the palace, festival rganizers 64 (plan) this year’s Lantern Festival event used LED lights rather than traditinal paper lanterns and red candles. It’s a fascinating event fr visitrs t absrb 65 (they) in the festive atmsphere in the museum. Discussin f the Palace Museum’s new lk lit up scial media fllwing Tuesday’s display.
    Since he became directr f the Palace Museum, Shan Jixiang 66 (bring) many changes t the wrld’s 67 (large) ryal cmplex (建筑群). Once in a speech the 64-year-ld directr shared his idea abut hw t make traditinal 68 (treasure) cme alive again. “ 69 matters t a museum is nt hw many visitrs they have, but hw clse they are 70 peple’s daily lives,” he said.
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)
    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(ˆ), 并在其下面写出该加的词。
    注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    Dear Tm,
    I'm glad t hear that yu are cming fr a hliday in ur city the next mnth. I'm such happy that yu will stay in my huse.
    There have been greatly changes in the last three year in my hme. First, we have rebuilt yur huse, which nw has fur private rms. Yu can chse any f them t live when yu cme. Secnd, my parents have set up a small restaurant in ur village,that yu can eat healthily. I'm really willing t be yur guide t make yur jurney interested and meaningful.
    If yu had any requests, dn't hesitate t let me knw. Lking frward t hear frm yu.
    Yurs, Li Hua
    第二节书面表达 (满分25分)
    1. 发言稿必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;2. 发言稿开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;
    3. 记数;100 左右
    4. 参考词汇:偏食 be particular abut fd 零食 snack
    Dear friends,
    As we all knw, we are what we eat. Therefre, it’s very imprtant fr us t frm healthy eating habits……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
    第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
    21-23 CDA 24-27 CBAD 28-31 ADBC 32-35 DDAB 36-40 BAGEF
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1・5分,满分30分)
    41-45 ACBAD 46-50 ADABC .51-55 BCBDD 56-60ADCBC
    第二节 语篇填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    61. whm;62. truly;63. safety;64. planning;65. themselves;
    66. has brught;67. largest;68. treasures;69. What;70. t;
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    1.→ 去掉the;2. such → s;3. greatly → great ;4.year → years ;5.yur → ur;
    6. → live后加in;7.that → where;8.interested → interesting;9. had → have;10.hear → hearing;
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    As we all knw, we are what we eat. Therefre, it’s very imprtant fr us t frm healthy eating habits. Hwever, bad eating habits are still very cmmn amng us students. Sme f us ften g t schl withut breakfast ; sme like t have snacks; sme thers are particular abut fd, and still sme eat r drink t much. All these bad habits will surely d harm t ur health.
    T keep fit, we shuld have a healthy diet, which generally includes prper amunts f fish, meat, vegetables, fruits as well as main fd, Besides, we’d better have meals regularly.
    In my pinin, we shuld try t develp healthy eating habits t build up a strng figure. Only in this way can we have enugh energy t study better.
    That’s all. Thank yu!

    高中英语高考2020年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试高考英语模拟卷&仿真卷(四)(含解析): 这是一份高中英语高考2020年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试高考英语模拟卷&仿真卷(四)(含解析),共8页。试卷主要包含了考生必须保证答题卡的整洁, has brught;67等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语高考2020年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试高考英语模拟卷&仿真卷(四)(含解析): 这是一份高中英语高考2020年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试高考英语模拟卷&仿真卷(四)(含解析),共8页。试卷主要包含了考生必须保证答题卡的整洁, has brught;67等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    普通高等学校招生全国统一考试高考英语模拟卷&仿真卷(十)(含解析): 这是一份普通高等学校招生全国统一考试高考英语模拟卷&仿真卷(十)(含解析),共15页。试卷主要包含了考生必须保证答题卡的整洁等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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