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    重庆市巴蜀中学2022-2023学年高三英语上学期适应性月考(三)(Word版附答案) 试卷
    重庆市巴蜀中学2022-2023学年高三英语上学期适应性月考(三)(Word版附答案) 试卷01
    重庆市巴蜀中学2022-2023学年高三英语上学期适应性月考(三)(Word版附答案) 试卷02
    重庆市巴蜀中学2022-2023学年高三英语上学期适应性月考(三)(Word版附答案) 试卷03
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




    1. When will the man arrive at the party?

    A.At 7:30.     B.At 8:00.    C.At 8:30.

    2. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

    A. In a taxi.     B. In a post office.   C. In a store.

    3. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

    A. The importance of baths.   B. The weather this year.  C. Water conservation.

    4. How will the speakers go to the exhibition?

    A. By bicycle.     B. By subway.    C.By car.

    5. What do we know about the woman?

    A. She is a policewoman.

    B. She is a survivor of the fire.

    C. She knows little about the fire.




    6. What did the woman order at last?

    A.A beef sandwich.    B. A hot-dog.    C.Chicken breast.

    7. Where is the woman?

    A. In her car.     B. At the cashier's desk.  C. In her office.


    8. Where are the speakers?

    A. In the hills.     B. In a hotel.    C. On a camp site.

    9. What time of day is it?

    A. In the morning.    B. At noon.    C. In the evening.

    10. What are the speakers doing?

    A. Setting up a camp.    B. Going on a hike.   C. Taking photos.


    11. What are the speakers doing?

    A. Judging an artist.    B. Hanging a picture.   C. Visiting a gallery.

    12. How did the man know the name of the painting?

    A. By referring to the brochure.  

    B. By reading the label below it.

    C. By looking it up on the phone.

    13. What does the man think of galleries now?

    A. They are instructive.   B. They are boring.   C. They are fashionable.


    14.What does the man usually do?

    A. He exercises at the gym.   B. He talks to friends.   C. He plays games a lot.

    15. What does the woman suggest the man do when he does crossword puzzles?

    A. He should try them twice a day.

    B. He should solve them as fast as possible.

    C. He should gradually raise the difficulty level.

    16. According to the study, what can help reduce brain disease risks?

    A. Playing games.    B.Learning languages.  C.Counting numbers.


    17. What do we know about Charles?

    A. He complained to data workers.

    B. He deleted his LinkedIn account.

    C. He received personally targeted ads.

    18. Why did Charles pull himself off most social media?

    A. He was concerned about his privacy.

    B. He was an anti-technology pioneer.

    C. He was annoyed by subscription fees.

    19.What is the scariest thing happening to your digital self?

    A. Your location's being tracked.

    B. Your account's being closed.

    C. Your password's being stolen.

    20. What problem is the text mainly focused on?

    A. Online crimes.

    B. Data collection.

    C. Too many ads.

    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)




    Dear Tommy,

    I am Ole Orvér, Finnair's chief commercial officer. It's my pleasure to warmly welcome you back tothe skies with Finnair. Id like to reflect on some of the developments that we hope you find exciting andhelpful:

    This summer season you can fly with Finnair to over 70 European and five US destinations. InAsia, we serve eight cities, including Guangzhou and newly added Mumbai starting 6 August. Weoperate over 300 daily flights and I'm excited about the addition of Seattle and Dallas to our US network.

    Travel is recovering everywhere, and airports around the world are working hard to manageincreased traffic volumes. It is a good idea to reserve some extra time at the airport before your flight.We are doing our very best together with our partners both at Helsinki and in our outstations to offer you asmooth travel experience during this popular travel season.

    You are again able to offset(碳补偿) flight carbon emissions, this time with a service thatcombines sustainable aviation(航空) fuel and certified climate projects. We at Finnair have ambitiousemissions targets and our customers wish for a simple and transparent way to contribute.

    Finnair Plus turned 30 in May. We are committed to developing the programme further to serveyou in the best possible way. To make your flight bookings smoother, we recently upgraded theexperience of booking award flights in the Finnair app.

    Finally, Id like to thank you for your patience when we haven't got things quite right. Whereveryou're travelling in the next few months, I hope it's memorable. Thank you for flying Finnair.

    Kind Regards,

    Ole Orvér

    21. Which city is a new addition to the Finnair's Asian network?

    A.Guangzhou.   B.Mumbai.   C.Seattle.   D.Dallas.

    22.What is Finnair doing to help the environment?

    A. Launching a climate project.    B. Developing sustainable fuels.

    C. Donating to a green programme.    D.Offering a carbon offset service.

    23.Why does Finnair write this letter to Tommy?

    A. To express sincere gratitude.    B. To introduce new routes.

    C. To apologize for bad service.    D. To keep a regular customer.


    It was a Sunday and I was with my mom in a mall. Mom is short. It is easy to overlook her in acrowd because she is nothing extraordinary to see.

    We walked down the mall, glancing at windows briefly because we both knew we wouldn't buymuch, like always. I remember I was looking up at the people we passed - at first indifferently, butthen attentively. Ladies wore five-inch heels and bright clothing. Men strode(阔步行走)by smelling ofperfume.

    An uneasy feeling started to settle in my chest. I tried to push it out, but once it took root itrefused to be tossed away. I could not deny it; I was ashamed of my mother.

    We were in a high-class neighborhood, I knew that. We lived in a small,overpriced apartmentbuilding that mom chose to move to because she knew the schools were good. But as I scrutinized thepassers-by and then turned accusing eyes on Mom,I realized for the first time that we didn't belongthere.

    I could see the heavy lines around Mom's eyes and mouth. She wore cheap, ragged clothes.Hereyes were tired from working long hours to make ends meet and her hair too gray for her age.

    I looked at her, and I was ashamed. My mom is nothing extraordinary, yet at that moment shestood out because she was just so plain.

    I didn't want to be seen with her. Just then, pointing to a sweater in a high-end store, mom said,“This will look good on you. Do you want it?” I almost agreed, thoughtlessly. Then I took a closer lookat the small,weary woman and my words died in my throat. Her clothes were old because she spentmoney buying me new ones. She looked tired because she was busy working to provide for me. Shedidn't wear jewelry because she was just content with me.

    Suddenly, Mother was beautiful and extraordinarily wonderful in my eyes.

    I was no longer ashamed of her, but of myself.

    “No, thanks.” I said.

    24. What was beneath the author's uneasy feeling?

    A. A financial burden.     B. Her plain appearance.

    C. A feeling of inferiority.    D. Her mother's status.

    25. What does the underlined word “scrutinized” in paragraph 4 mean?

    A. Completely ignored.    B. Carefully examined.

    C. Directly contacted.     D. Secretly avoided.

    26. Why did the author finally refuse her mother's offer?

    A. She wanted to make up for her loss.

    B. She was moved by her mother's words.

    C. She intended to save money for the future.

    D. She understood her mother's devotion to her.

    27. What can be the best title of the text?

    A. A Poor Mother     B.Nothing Extraordinary

    C. An Unwanted Sweater    D. Something Different


    Record-breaking heatwaves seen across the world this summer are set to repeat themselves due tohuman-caused climate change - even if we reached net zero today.

    The summer of 2022 has set thousands of new temperature records across the United States alone,according to data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

    The mechanisms(机制) behind these heatwaves may vary by region, but, as with the “heat dome(热穹顶)” that broke temperature records in the Pacific northwest in 2021, air pressure systemsare key.

    “Partly, it's the large-scale weather patterns,” said Craig Clements, professor at San José StateUniversity.“Here in the California Bay Area, we have this high pressure ridge(高压脊),which is abigbuildup of air, and that air tends to be still. Thus, there's no sea breeze that usually cools off SanFrancisco,and that really is triggering the extensive heat. We can just continue to heat it with the sun'sinput because there's no cloud cover.”

    It's natural for these air pressure systems to change over time. On the West coast of the U.S.,lowpressure systems bring rain and cooler temperatures due to air from the north, with high pressure systems

    following behind.

    However, Clements notes that these weather patterns are becoming more pronounced and lastinglonger. They're also becoming less “natural”.

    “At this stage,the 'natural cycle' no longer applies." said Chris E.Forest,professor atPennsylvania State University.“Across the globe,the likelihood of breaking weather extremes is directlyrelated to the impact of climate change related to multiple causes, but primarily, increasing heat-trapping gases like CO2 and changes in landscape and landcover.”

    Brian Hoskins,professor at the University of Reading in the U. K. , echoed the point. “ We knowof no natural cycles that would lead to such records," he said. “I consider that it is virtually impossiblethat they would have happened without human-caused climate change.”

    In the long term, even if we got to net zero emissions today, it will take the next 30 to 50 yearsuntil we start to see 'stabilized' global temperatures and the future extremes will be worsened by eachdegree of warming.

    28.What do we know about the mechanisms behind heatwaves?

    A. They show little regional differences.   B. The heat dome in 2021 created them.

    C.They were controlled by the sun's input.   D. Air pressure systems are critical to them.

    29. What does the underlined phrase “these weather patterns” in paragraph 6 refer to?

    A. The weather patterns unique to the U.S.

    B. The weather patterns following nature's rules.

    C.The weather patterns contributing to heatwaves.

    D. The weather patterns with low pressure systems.

    30. What do Chris E. Forest and Brian Hoskins both agree with?

    A. More extreme weathers are to come.   B. Climate problems are hard to address.

    C. Humans are to blame for the heatwaves.   D.Causes of heatwaves are to be determined.

    31. What is the text mainly about?

    A. The arrival of an unnatural cycle.    B. The role of human activities.

    C. The unpredictability of a natural disaster.   D. The effects of extreme heatwaves.


    The word paradigm comes from the Greek. It was originally a scientific term, and is morecommonly used today to mean a model or theory. In the more general sense, it's the way we“see” theworld - not in terms of our visual sense of sight, but in terms of perceiving, understanding, andinterpreting.

    A simple way to understand paradigms is to see them as maps. We all know that “the map is not the

    territory.” A map is simply an explanation of certain aspects of the territory. That's exactly what aparadigm is. It is a theory, an explanation, or model of something else. You can never arrive at aspecific location in a new city with a wrong map.

    Each of us has many maps in our head, which can be divided into two main categories:maps of theway things are, or realities, and maps of the way things should be, or values. We interpret everythingweexperience through these mental maps. We seldom question their accuracy; we're usually evenunaware that we have them. We simply assume that the way we see things is the way they really are orthe way they should be. And our attitudes and behaviors grow out of those assumptions. The way we seethings is the source of the way we think and the way we act.

    We see the world, not as it is, but as we are -or, as we are conditioned to see it. Clearheadedpeople see things differently, each looking through the unique lens of experience. But this does notmean that there are no facts. Instead,each person's interpretation of these facts represents priorexperiences.

    The more aware we are of our basic paradigms, maps, or assumptions,and the extent to which wehave been influenced by our experience,the more we can take responsibility for those paradigms,examine them, test them against reality, listen to others and be open to their perceptions,therebygetting a larger picture and a far more objective view.

    32. How does the author illustrate the concept of “paradigm”

    A. By comparing it to an everyday object.   B. By sorting it into different categories.

    C. By presenting personal examples.    D. By highlighting a sharp contrast.

    33. What can be concluded about the mental maps mentioned in paragraph 3?

    A.They fail to escape our attention.    B. They may be lacking in accuracy.

    C. They prove wrong and unreliable.    D. They have little influence on behavior.

    34. Which of the following echoes the main idea of paragraph 4?

    A. Great minds think alike.     B.All men have opinions, but few think.

    C. Where we stand depends on where we sit.   D. The fewer the facts, the stronger the opinions.

    35. What does the author advocate in the last paragraph?

    A. A better understanding of our paradigms.   B. A stronger sense of responsibility for others.

    C. A more objective view of others' perceptions.  D. A more positive attitude toward life experience.



    Games like Pump It Up are enjoyable because it takes things that make games addictive - points,levels and challenges, for example-and puts them and physical movement together.___36___You canapply these techniques to your everyday fitness routines to make exercise feel as fun as a video game.

    Have an objective.

    When you're playing a game, there's always an objective. ___37___Exercise should be no different.Create a clear fitness goal. Aim to walk 10,000 steps a day, for example, or try to run a total of 6 milesevery week.

    Compete against others.

    Research suggests that adding an element of competition to your exercise routine can actually helpyou work out harder. ___38___ Competing against others will help you walk more steps. You can also lookinto fitness programs that encourage friendly competition.


    Researchers found that collaboration-getting a group to work together toward a common goal---was also an effective way to increase physical activity. So grab a close friend or family member and bringthem to the gym with you - there's a reason why the “gym buddy” exists.

    Add an element of novelty.

    Some people love video games because there's a lot of unpredictability and surprise. You canrecreate this sense of wonder in your own exercises. ___40___ Ride your bike from one friend's house toanother. Beat your personal record to the peak of a trail run.

    A. Look for opponents.

    B. Team up with partners.

    C. It needs to be both specific and challenging.

    D. You can participate in a step-tracking challenge.

    E. Take photos of at least 5 different flowers on your neighborhood walk.

    F: It helps you focus and motivates you to keep playing until you win the game.

    G. This powerful combination motivates people to keep on playing and exercising.

    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)



    Veteran(老兵)Willenbring has always been a fighter. She grew up with her parents on the WestCoast during an adolescence she describes as sometimes ___41___ . But the military struck Willenbring asa way to ___42___ the aggression she says built up during an unstable upbringing. In 1998, she joined thearmy and was ___43___ to a foreign country.

    “We were actually part of the initial ___44___to go into the country," she says. “And I can't evendescribe the ___45___.” In the scenes of destruction, Willenbring recalled some ordinary sights thatbriefly woke her from the stress of the war every night. As her mission came to an end, her luck ran out.She ended up severely ___46___ and had to be taken away in an air ambulance.

    She ___47___ returned to her home country, and spent three years living in her hometown, a citycalled Salem. She ___48___ to adjust to civilian life. Fireworks would ___49___ particularly difficultepisodes. “I had PTSD(创伤后应激障碍) so badly that I could not ___50___living in a city anymore,”she says.

    Instead,in 2010 Willenbring ___51___ on a plot with sheep in rural Oregon. The sheep, she says,have helped her manage her trauma symptoms. She's surrounded by animals that ___52___ her emotionsand can tell her own mood.

    The __53__ rural life is an apparent contrast to the chaos of battle. Willenbring hasn't had a major__54__related to her PTSD for eight years. Farming has its dramas, she says,“but it is also somethingthat is about creation,about__55__over death rather than death over life.”

    41. A. violent   B.graceful   C.cheerful   D.sad

    42.A. encourage  B.channel   C.resist   D.ignore

    43.A.sent   B.delivered   C.brought   D.led

    44.A.government  B.police   C.force    D.organization

    45. A. situation  B.scenery   C. background   D.chaos

    46.A.punished   B. neglected   C.embarrassed   D.injured

    47.A.hardly   B.temporarily   C.immediately   D.cautiously

    48.A.struggled   B.managed   C.hesitated   D.pretended

    49.A.extend   B.trigger   C.pause   D.shrink

    50. A.go with   B.begin with   C. deal with   D. negotiate with

    51.A.settled   B.went    C.relied   D.lay

    52.A.control   B. mirror   C.express   D.hide

    53. A.tough   B.uneasy   C.peaceful   D.challenging

    54.A.element   B.reason   C.method   D. episode

    55. A.kindness   B. gratitude   C.victory   D.life



    Liangzhu Museum displays various burial objects found in the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu

    City,a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The ruins have gained worldwide recognition __56__evidence for

    the existence of at least 5,000 years of Chinese civilization.

    When Zhang Han set foot inside Liangzhu Museum, the 10-year-old embarked on a tour that took

    him back more than 5,000 years. Wearing the smart glasses,Zhang  __57__(present) with virtualimages of relics. Augmented reality glasses feature among a string of measures taken by the museum togive visitors a more vivid experience of Liangzhu civilization, while __58__ (help) them gain a betterappreciation of Chinese culture.

    Tourists can also visit the official website of Liangzhu Museum to enjoy a virtual tour. With __59__click of the mouse, they can gain access to exhibition halls that they may never be able to visit __60__physical).

    __61__ (advance) technologies are increasingly playing a major role in Chinese museums. In the

    northwestern Chinese city of Dunhuang, __62__ is known for the UNESCO World Heritage Site MogaoGrottoes, the “digital Dunhuang project” has made extensive use of digitalization. By the end of 2021,it__63__(complete) the digital collection of 268 grottoes, the image processing of 164 grottoes, andso on.

    The protection and __64__ (revive) of Dunhuang's ancient culture is not an isolated case in China.The Yungang Grottoes in Shanxi province also have 3D “digital archives”which allow precious culturalrelics and historical archives __65__preserve) permanently.

    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)







    Save the Forest





    I am very delighted to enter my ideal school. For most freshmen, August is the month for militarytraining, which serves as a good chance to get familiar with new classmates and adapt to campus life.

    Our school's training took place from Aug 23 to 29. One of the challenges was to make a blackboardpresentation in the new classroom. When I found out that I was in charge of this project, I hadbutterflies in my stomach. Afterall, this was the first activity in our school life.

    “Would other top students alienate(疏远) me? Could I manage to both complete this project andrehearse for the closing concert? What if my classmates wouldn't follow instructions under my leadership?I was thinking of these tricky questions by myself.

    The project began on Aug 24. The group of blackboard presentation was composed of four girls. Thethree other girls in the group were flexible. We gave up our lunch break hour and returned to thedormitory later at night so as to work longer on the project. One girl questioned my design, saying thatwe should abridge (删减) the text and leave more space for pictures. The disagreements between usupset me from time to time, but whenever there was a conflict, I tried to stay calm, decide whether totake her suggestions and then make adjustments accordingly. Gradually, I found her to be a person ofstrong opinion and organizational capabilities. Sometimes I was absent for a rehearsal, and I felt relievedto leave the project in her care. Other classmates turned out to be amazingly warm-hearted. Every day,five or six students came to ask me if they could help out with the decorations. Then came the big day.



    Two hours before our presentation, we were in need of paper flowers.



    Eventually, the school leaders announced the result ofthe competition.




    重庆市巴蜀中学2023-2024学年高三上学期适应性月考(五)英语试卷(Word版附答案): 这是一份重庆市巴蜀中学2023-2024学年高三上学期适应性月考(五)英语试卷(Word版附答案),共12页。试卷主要包含了 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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