展开中考英语时事热点专题:阅读理解(1)An 18-year-old boy called Oliver Daemen recently became the youngest person in space, flying on a rocket with a space man who has become the oldest at age 82.Oliver Daemen took the final seat on the space capsule(太空舱) for flight on July 20 this year by Blue Origin, the space company founded by Amazon boss Jeff Bezos.“This is so unbelievably cool,” Oliver said. “The flight to and into space only took 10 minutes, but I already know that it has become the most special 10 minutes of my life.”Oliver, the son of a businessman who was also interested in space travel, joined 82-year-old woman pilot Wally Funk, Bezos and his brother Mark Bezos.Ms Funk is a longtime pilot who trained to be an astronaut under a space program for women in the 1960s, but she never made it into space because only men were allowed.They took off from West Texas on a New Shepard rocket for a 10-minute flight. Bezos became the second person to ride his own rocket into space, following Virgin Galactic’s Sir Richard Branson by nine days.The company said taking his seat on the space flight would “achieve a lifelong dream for Oliver, who has been fascinated by space, the Moon, and rockets since he was four”. Oliver had been working hard to get his private pilot’s licence since graduating from high school a year before.Soviet(前苏联) astronaut Ghermon Titov ever held the record for the youngest person to fly in space. He was 25 when he rushed into spacet in 1961. US astronaut John Glenn became the oldest person in space on the space shuttle Discovery in 1998 at the age of 77.How many people took the flight into space? 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5About Oliver, which of the following is true?His father also travelled into space long time ago.He doesn’t own a pilot’s licence.He became interested in space when was young.The flight took lots of money.Who holds the record for the oldest person to fly in space now?John Glenn B. Oliver Daemen C. Ghermon Titov D. Ms Funk What does the underlined word “fascinated” mean in the seventh paragraph?痴迷的 B. 疑惑的 C. 骄傲的 D. 博学的Which could be the best title for the passage?Dream of space flightOliver and his fatherYoungest person in spaceAmazon boss Jeff Bezos(2)Professional diver(潜水者)Michael Packard was swallowed(吞下) up whole by a whale. He was trapped inside its mouth for nearly a minute.The whale, swimming off the coast of Provincetown, Massachusetts, US, then coughed Mr Packard back up, according to a report.Mr Packard, 56, was about 14m below the surface of the water near Herring Cove Beach at 8am on Friday when the huge animal tried to turn him into breakfast, the Cape Cod Times reported.“All of a sudden, I felt it was completely black,” Mr Packard said. “I could sense I was moving, and I could feel the whale squeezing(挤)my body with his mouth.” His first thought was that he’d been eaten by a great white shark. Mr Packard said he thought to himself “This is it, I’m gonna die.” “I was completely inside (the whale),” Mr Packard said. “I thought to myself, ‘there’s no way I’m getting out of here. I’m done. All I could think of was my boys, they’re 12 and 15 years old.”But when he realized he could feel no teeth, he began to struggle and felt the whale shaking his head in discomfort. Within 40 seconds the whale spat(吐) him back out into the ocean.“I saw light, and he started throwing his head side-to-side and the next thing I knew I was outside (in the water),” Mr Packard said. “My first thought was I can’t believe I got out of that situation. My second thought was whether I was hurt.” His boating pal, Josiah Mayo, pulled Mr Packard out of the sea, and rushed him to a hospital. Amazingly, Mr Packard said he feels just fine after his terrible getaway. An expert said the whale may have swallowed Mr Packard accidentally, not seeing the diver while his mouth was open wide to catch little fish. Which of the statements is true about Michael Packard?He is a young Professional diver.He was swimming when the accident happened.He is a brave man.He was badly hurt by the whale.Paragraph 4 mainly tells us _______.how he felt in the whale’s mouthhow he got out of the whalewhat he thought in the whale’s mouthWhy the accident happenedFrom the last paragraph we know ______.his friend pulled him out of the whale’s mouththe whale wanted to eat him for its breakfasthe was luckyhe believed he could got outThe underlined word “struggle” in the fifth paragraph probably means______. 呼吸 B. 挣扎 C. 担心 D. 放弃“I’m done” in Paragraph 4 means ______.I’m dead B. I feel afraid C. I hurt badly D. I will get away 答案与解析:(1)这篇文章主要讲述的是奥利弗·戴门(OliverDamen)今年7月20日乘坐太空飞船(太空舱)进行了一次太空旅行。与他同行的还有其他三人,包括年龄最大的女飞行员Wally Funk。文章最后还介绍曾经进入太空的最年轻和年龄最大的世界纪录保持者。C细节理解题。由第四自然“joined 82-year-old woman pilot Wally Funk, Bezos and his brother Mark Bezos.”可知是四人同行。C 也是细节理解题。从第七自然段可知,在他四岁时他就对太空充满了好奇和痴迷。D 细节理解题。第一段“with a space man who has become the oldest at age 82.”和第四自然段“joined 82-year-old woman pilot Wally Funk...joined 82-year-old woman pilot Wally Funk...”判断Wally Funk是当今年龄最大的纪录保持者。A 词意猜测题。根据上文,本段主要讲述OliverDamen从小痴迷太空,并为实现太空梦做出了自己的努力。B 主旨大意归纳题。本文不但介绍了18岁男孩Oliver的太空梦,而且也向我们讲述课了其他人追逐太空梦想的故事,例如82岁老人Wally Funk等,所以只有B选项才能全面概括本文的大意。 (2)这篇文章讲述了美国潜水员Michael Packard被一只鲸鱼吞进口中,然后又成功鲸口脱险的故事。C 细节理解题。通过下文可知,Michael Packard在鲸鱼口中镇定勇敢,奋力挣扎,所以最后得以鲸口脱险。文章最后提到他在被送往医院检查,结果是状况良好,故D不对。A 段落大意归纳题。通读这一自然段,可知作者在这里讲述的是Michael Packard被鲸鱼吞进口中的瞬间感受。C 归纳推理题。下文提到鲸鱼是无意把他吞进口中,最后又把他吐了出来,所以,从某种意义上讲,这也是不幸中的万幸。B 词意猜测题。当他没有触碰到牙齿的时候,他就奋力挣扎,然后鲸鱼不舒服地摇头,最后把他吐了出来。A 句意猜测题。本段最后提到Michael Packard觉得无法逃脱,只能想到自己的两个孩子,可以猜测他当时是绝望的,认为自己没有生还的肯能了。