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    1.My __________ wasn't really on the talk.I am looking forward to the football match.(  )
    A.attention B.notice C.care D.relation
    2.—I tried three times but failed.I want to give up now.
    —You should be more __________ with the task.Things will be better,dear.(  )
    A.careful B.helpful C.kind D.patient
    3.—Nobody can make me __________ my mind.I have decided what to do.
    —But don't you know your decision is wrong?(  )
    A.change B.decide C.express D.make
    4.—What do you think of the shirt?
    —It __________ soft.I want to buy it.(  )
    A.feels B.smells C.touches D.tastes
    5.—Dad,I plan to travel abroad alone next month.
    —Why did you make such a decision?You'd better __________ what I said yesterday.(  )
    A.think of B.think for C.think up D.think over
    6.I wonder______you would like to come to my birthday party.(  )
    A.that B.whether C.what D.that if
    7.—How many pounds did you __________ over Christmas?
    —Five pounds!I ate five meals a day!(  )
    A.put off B.put away C.put on D.put up
    8.—Shall I give you some advice on how to play magic tricks?
    —__________ I hope to become a magician in the future like Liu Qian.(  )
    A.It's up to you.
    B.That's all right.
    C.That couldn't be better.
    D.It's your turn.
    9.Let's have a game of tennis.The loser has to __________ the other to a hot dog.(  )
    A.invite B.treat C.offer D.serve
    10.—What's your __________ to keep healthy?
    —By eating well and exercising more.(  )
    A.ability B.secret C.note D.patter
    11.—Do you know what the English __________ "No pains,no gains" means?
    —I think it means that if you want to succeed,you have to work hard.(  )
    A.conversation B.expression
    C.knowledge D.attention
    12.—The man looks unfriendly.I'm not sure if he __________ our bags.
    —Well,he __________ be so silly.Here is a policeman on the bus,too.(  )
    A.steals,won't B.is stealing,needn't
    C.will steal,can't D.has stolen,mustn't
    13.The boy __________ on the ground said that he had seen a cock __________ an egg.(  )
    A.laying:lay B.lying:lie C.lying:lay D.lay:lay
    14.—Mom,what did you say just now?
    —Lunch is ready.Please __________ the knives and forks at the lunch﹣table.(  )
    A.put out B.lay out C.take out D.set out
    15.—Honey,I want to buy a new dress for the party.
    —It's unwise to do so.The prices for the clothes __________ by 30% in less than a year.(  )
    A.added B.raised C.increased D.repeated
    16."Yesterday is history,tomorrow is a mystery,and today is a gift and that is why it is called the present." This is one quote that I believe in.I believe that everyone who(1)   in your life,whether you like them or not,should be appreciated because they are in your life for a reason.
    I remember I was in the fourth grade and all my classmates were sitting in the classroom and suddenly the phone rang.
    After answering it,my teacher(2)   the roll (名单) and told us to(3)   our books and go downstairs so that our parents could take us home.My father met me and we walked home in(4)   .I knew something was wrong,but I was(5)    to ask.Once we got to our apartment,my mother turned on the television and showed me the towers that were on fire.That was the place where my grandmother worked.At first,I thought it was a(n) (6)   but then I noticed that the word "LIVE" was on the top right corner of the(7)   .
    My mother called my grandmother,but there was no one on the line.Another hour passed and what we could do was to pray that she was(8)   .Another three hours passed and my grandmother called us,saying she was fine.After hearing the(9)   ,my whole family felt very happy.
    Once we arrived at my grandmother's apartment,I saw something white(10)    on the balcony (阳台).It was a white dove and it(11)    there for seven days and nights without leaving.We took this as a blessing.
    I am grateful that my grandmother survived,but not every family had the same (12)   as we did.Not everyone's loved ones who(13)    at the World Trade Center came home to them.For those who never told those people that they(14)   them,they probably regretted not mending their relationships. (15)   to appreciate those who are in your life because one day you will have them and the next day you may not.

    (3)A.look for
    B.pack up
    C.look at
    D.make up
    Briefs World Express
    Bottles Join Hands
    What if a plastic bottle never ends up in the factory?Tim Carlson has come up with the idea of "Friendship Bottles".The shape of these bottles is specially designed.They are linked together and used to build a dining cabin.In April,Tim made such a structure for a restaurant in New York City.It immediately drew a lot of attention online.
    After you finish your milk,you probably throw the empty carton (硬纸盒) into the trash can.But it may be possible for that container (容器) to have a surprising second life.This bench was made from 1,380 recycled milk cartons of Bright Dairy and Food.Since 2019,the company has collected 307 million cartons.This means 142 trees have been protected in the past three years
    Sweet﹣Smelling Furniture
    More than two billion cups of coffee are sold across the world every day.This amount of coffee creates around 40,000 tons of grounds (咖啡渣).A group of professors and students from Tongji University developed a new material from recycled (回收利用的) grounds.The shelf and the table in the pictures above are both made of this material.They not only are strong but also give off a sweet smell.
    (1)All the news has something to do with    .
    A.recycling resource
    B.air protection
    C.water protection
    D.ocean saving
    (2)What does "friendship bottles" mean?    
    A.The bottles are divided into different by colors
    B.The bottles are made into a famous painting
    C.The bottles are linked together to build a dining cabin
    D.The bottles are sent to a recycling factory together
    (3)According to the first news,why did the restaurant draw a lot of attention online?    
    A.Because it served the most delicious food
    B.Because it had the best service
    C.Because the walls of it were made of linked plastic bottles
    D.Because the food there was free
    (4)The best heading for the second piece of news would be    .
    A.Don't Litter Everywhere
    B.Let's Make a Bench
    C.Protect Our Planet
    D.Think Before You Throw
    (5)It's clear that    .
    A.billions of cups of coffee are sold every day
    B.grounds are put into good use
    C.the furniture made of recycled grounds smells terrible
    D.the grounds are made into plant food

    18.When I was growing up,my mother had a ring she never took off.It was the only ring I ever saw her wear during my childhood.She didn't really have any other jewelry,and,in fact I remember my father saying that he didn't even buy her a ring when they got married.
    The years passed.My father,who had come from Mexico in the 1920s to try to earn a living,worked long,long hours at the service station he ran.And my mother worked at home,keeping house for her husband and eight children.They sent their first son off to college,then another child and then another.The older children helped with the school fees of the younger ones.
    Just as the last two children were graduating from college,my father died suddenly of a heart disease,but my mother lived on for another twenty﹣three years.Their children had become lawyers,businessmen and teachers.In the last years of her life my mother was finally able to buy some jewelry that she really loved.
    A few years before she died,she told me that she wanted her jewelry to go to her granddaughters.And when she died,it was done.A diamond ring to this one,a pearl ring to that one,and so it went.
    Then I discovered it:her first ring.It had been worn so long that it became so thin and would probably break at any minute.I took the ring,polished it with a cloth and carried it to the bank to place in a safety box.To me,it was a treasure that showed the devotion my mother had made for us and the values that she lived.
    The rest of my family doesn't quite understand this,but when I look at that ring,I see the priceless jewel of my mother's strength and the deep love that she showed us every day of her life.

    (1)Why did the mother only have a ring in her early years?    
    A.She had no desire for anything else.
    B.Her husband refused to buy her other jewels.
    C.She saved every penny for her children.
    D.Her husband was too poor to afford other jewels.
    (2)What do we know about the children?    
    A.They worked hard to earn their own school fees.
    B.They struggled to earn a living when they grew up.
    C.The last two children failed to finish college because of the father's death.
    D.The first son helped support his younger brothers and sisters.
    (3)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?    
    A.The father was from Mexico.
    B.The father worked at his friend's service station
    C.The mother didn't have a ring when she got married
    D.The mother bought some jewelry in the last years of her life
    (4)Why did the author place the ring in the bank?    
    A.The ring was worth large amounts of money
    B.The rest of her family didn't want to see the ring
    C.She hoped to remember her mother's selflessness forever
    D.She was afraid the ring might be damaged by her kids
    (5)According to the passage,the ring stands for    .
    A.the mother's devotion to kids
    B.the mother's suffering in life
    C.the kids' deep love for the mother
    D.the kids' memories of the hard life
    19.About a year ago,Dave Fuss lost his job of driving a truck for a small company in west Michigan.His wife,Gerrie,was still working in the local school cafeteria,but work for Dave was hard to come by,and the price of everything was rising.The Fusses were at risk of joining the millions of Americans who have lost their homes in recent years.Then Dave and Gerrie received a timely gift—$7,000 a legacy (遗产) from their neighbors Ish and Arlene Hatch,who died in an accident. "It really made a difference when we were going under financially," says Dave.
    It surprised nearly everyone that the Hatches had so much money,more than $3 million﹣﹣they were an elderly couple who lived in an old house on what was left of the family farm.
    Children of the Great Depression,Ish and Arlene were known for their habit of saving.They preferred comparison shopping and would routinely go from store to store,checking prices before making a new purchase.
    Through the years,the Hatches paid for local children to attend summer camp when their parents couldn't afford it. "Ish and Arlene never asked if you needed anything," says their friend Sandy Van Weelden. "They could see things they could do to make you happier,and they would do them.
    Even more extraordinary was that the Hatches had their farmland distributed.It was the "Hatches' wish that their legacy﹣﹣a legacy of kindness as much as one of dollars and cents—should enrich the whole community (社区) and last for generations to come.
    Neighbors helping neighbors that was Ish and Arlene Hatch's story.

    (1)According to the passage,the Fusses    .
    A.were employed by a truck company
    B.were in financial difficulty
    C.worked in a school cafeteria
    D.lost their home
    (2)Which of the following is TRUE about the Hatches?    
    A.They had their children during the Great Depression.
    B.They left the family farm to live in an old house.
    C.They gave away their possessions to their neighbors.
    D.They helped their neighbors to find jobs.
    (3)Why would the Hatches routinely go from store to store?    
    A.They decided to open a store.
    B.They wanted to save money.
    C.They couldn't afford expensive things.
    D.They wanted to buy gifts for local kids.
    (4)According to Sandy Van Weelden,the Hatches were    .
    (5)What can we learn from the passage?    
    A.The community of Alto was poor.
    B.The summer camp was attractive to the parents.
    C.Sandy Van Weelden got a legacy form the Hatches.
    D.The Hatches would like the neighbors to follow their example.
    secret /look up / connect / look for / pronunciation / pronounce / join
    (1)But because I wanted to understand the story,I     the words in a dictionary.
    (2)I discovered that listening to something interesting is the     to language learning.
    (3)The best way to improve your English is to     an English club.
    (4)Good learners often     what they need to learn with something interesting.
    (5)I was afraid to ask question because of my poor    .
    21.A man noticed a woman in the grocery store with a three﹣year﹣old girl in her shopping cart.
    As they passed the cookie section,the little girl asked for some cookies but her mother (1)r     her.The little girl cried out at once.However,the mother said (2)q     , "Now Monica,we just have several passages to go through.Don't be upset.It won't be (3)l     ."
    Soon they came to the candy section,and the little girl began to shout for candy.When she was told she couldn't have any,she cried (4)l     again.The mother said. "There,there,Monica,don't cry﹣﹣only two more passages to go and then we'll (5)c     out."
    When they went to the cashier desk,the little girl once again began to ask for gum and burst into a terrible (6)a     when she found out that there had been no gum to buy.The mother said patiently, "Monica we'll be through this counter in 5 minutes and then you can go home and have a bath before having a (7)s     sleep."
    The man (8)f     them out and stopped the woman to praise her. "I couldn't help (9)n     how kind you were with little Monica.You're such a good mother!" he said with an(10)a     voice.
    "However," the mother replied, "I'm Monica﹣﹣my little girl's name is Tammy."
    22.请根据下列提示,介绍下你的好朋友李明Li Ming。要点如下:
    参考词汇:grammar n.语法;conversation n.对话;improve v.提高

    1.My __________ wasn't really on the talk.I am looking forward to the football match.(  )
    A.attention B.notice C.care D.relation
    【解答】attention关注;notice注意;care在乎;relation关系。根据I am looking forward to the football match."我期待着足球比赛"可知,此处是"我的注意力没有真正集中在谈话上"。
    2.—I tried three times but failed.I want to give up now.
    —You should be more __________ with the task.Things will be better,dear.(  )
    A.careful B.helpful C.kind D.patient
    【解答】careful仔细的;helpful有用的;kind好心的;patient有耐心的;根据答语"Things will be better,dear.事情会好起来的,亲爱的。"可知,此处是在鼓励对方,结合"I tried three times but failed.I want to give up now.我试了三次,都失败了。我现在就想放弃。 "可推断,此处鼓励对方对待工作要有耐心符合语境。be patient with对……有耐心。
    3.—Nobody can make me __________ my mind.I have decided what to do.
    —But don't you know your decision is wrong?(  )
    A.change B.decide C.express D.make
    【解答】change改变;decide决定;express表达;make使,制作。根据I have decided what to do."我已经决定做什么了"可知,此处是"没有人能让我改变主意"。
    4.—What do you think of the shirt?
    —It __________ soft.I want to buy it.(  )
    A.feels B.smells C.touches D.tastes
    【解答】A感觉;B闻起来;C摸起来;D尝起来;由题干内容"It ______ soft.I want to buy it"(______很柔软。我想买它)可知,A项符合题意。这里注意feel是感觉上的,touch是触觉上的。
    5.—Dad,I plan to travel abroad alone next month.
    —Why did you make such a decision?You'd better __________ what I said yesterday.(  )
    A.think of B.think for C.think up D.think over
    【解答】A想起;B为……想;C想出;D仔细考虑;由题干内容"Why did you make such a decision?You'd better __________ what I said yesterday"(你为什么会做这样一个决定?你最好_______我昨天说的话)可知,D项符合题意。
    6.I wonder______you would like to come to my birthday party.(  )
    A.that B.whether C.what D.that if
    【解答】that那;whether是否;what什么;that if不搭配。根据"我想知道......你愿意来参加我的生日聚会。"可知,应该是"是否",用whether引导宾语从句。
    7.—How many pounds did you __________ over Christmas?
    —Five pounds!I ate five meals a day!(  )
    A.put off B.put away C.put on D.put up
    【解答】A推迟;B整理;C增加(体重);D张贴;由题干答句"Five pounds!I ate five meals a day!"(五磅!我一天吃了五顿!)可知,C项符合题意,注意put on还有穿上的意思。
    8.—Shall I give you some advice on how to play magic tricks?
    —__________ I hope to become a magician in the future like Liu Qian.(  )
    A.It's up to you.
    B.That's all right.
    C.That couldn't be better.
    D.It's your turn.
    【解答】It's up to you. "由你决定";That's all right. "没关系";That couldn't be better."那再好不过了。";It's your turn. "该你了"。根据"Shall I give you some advice on how to play magic tricks?(要我给你一些如何玩魔术的建议吗?)"和"(我希望将来能像刘谦一样成为一名魔术师。)"可知为"那再好不过了"。
    9.Let's have a game of tennis.The loser has to __________ the other to a hot dog.(  )
    A.invite B.treat C.offer D.serve
    【解答】A邀请;B款待;C提供;D服务;由题干内容"The loser has to _____ the other to a hot dog"(输的一方要_____另一方吃热狗)可知,B项符合题意。
    10.—What's your __________ to keep healthy?
    —By eating well and exercising more.(  )
    A.ability B.secret C.note D.patter
    【解答】能力;secret秘密;note笔记;patter模式。根据By eating well and exercising moreability"通过吃得好,多锻炼",可知,此处是问保持健康的秘诀。
    11.—Do you know what the English __________ "No pains,no gains" means?
    —I think it means that if you want to succeed,you have to work hard.(  )
    A.conversation B.expression
    C.knowledge D.attention
    【解答】conversation交流;expression表达;knowledge知识;attention关注。根据"No pains,no gains"可知,此处是"这句话的英文表达"。
    12.—The man looks unfriendly.I'm not sure if he __________ our bags.
    —Well,he __________ be so silly.Here is a policeman on the bus,too.(  )
    A.steals,won't B.is stealing,needn't
    C.will steal,can't D.has stolen,mustn't
    【解答】I'm not sure if我不确定是否,后接宾语从句,要用一般将来时,助动词will后接动词原形;根据后面Here is a policeman on the bus,too.公共汽车上也有一名警察。由此可知,他不可能傻得偷我们的包。won't不会,将来时态;needn't不必要,can't不能,不可能;mustn't千万不要。
    13.The boy __________ on the ground said that he had seen a cock __________ an egg.(  )
    A.laying:lay B.lying:lie C.lying:lay D.lay:lay
    【解答】第一个空,lie躺,现在分词是lying;lay下蛋,现在分词是laying。这里用现在分词lying作后置定语,修饰名词boy,表示"躺在地上的男孩"。第二个空,see sb do sth"看见某人做某事",填动词原形lay"下蛋"。
    14.—Mom,what did you say just now?
    —Lunch is ready.Please __________ the knives and forks at the lunch﹣table.(  )
    A.put out B.lay out C.take out D.set out
    【解答】A扑灭;B放置;C取出;D出发;由题干内容"Lunch is ready.Please ______the knives and forks at the lunch﹣table"(午饭准备好了。请把刀叉_______餐桌上)可知,B项符合题意。
    15.—Honey,I want to buy a new dress for the party.
    —It's unwise to do so.The prices for the clothes __________ by 30% in less than a year.(  )
    A.added B.raised C.increased D.repeated
    【解答】A添加;B提升;C增长;D重复;由题干内容"The prices for the clothes __________ by 30% in less than a year"(这些衣服的价格在不到一年的时间里_______30%)可知,C项符合题意。
    16."Yesterday is history,tomorrow is a mystery,and today is a gift and that is why it is called the present." This is one quote that I believe in.I believe that everyone who(1) A in your life,whether you like them or not,should be appreciated because they are in your life for a reason.
    I remember I was in the fourth grade and all my classmates were sitting in the classroom and suddenly the phone rang.
    After answering it,my teacher(2) C the roll (名单) and told us to(3) B our books and go downstairs so that our parents could take us home.My father met me and we walked home in(4) D .I knew something was wrong,but I was(5) B  to ask.Once we got to our apartment,my mother turned on the television and showed me the towers that were on fire.That was the place where my grandmother worked.At first,I thought it was a(n) (6) C but then I noticed that the word "LIVE" was on the top right corner of the(7) D .
    My mother called my grandmother,but there was no one on the line.Another hour passed and what we could do was to pray that she was(8) D .Another three hours passed and my grandmother called us,saying she was fine.After hearing the(9) C ,my whole family felt very happy.
    Once we arrived at my grandmother's apartment,I saw something white(10) D  on the balcony (阳台).It was a white dove and it(11) C  there for seven days and nights without leaving.We took this as a blessing.
    I am grateful that my grandmother survived,but not every family had the same (12) A as we did.Not everyone's loved ones who(13) B  at the World Trade Center came home to them.For those who never told those people that they(14) D them,they probably regretted not mending their relationships. (15) C to appreciate those who are in your life because one day you will have them and the next day you may not.

    (3)A.look for
    B.pack up
    C.look at
    D.make up
    (2)动词辨析。A询问,B告诉,C呼叫,D写。根据the roll (名单)(名单)可知是固定短语call the roll点名。故选C。
    (3)动词短语辨析。A寻找,B收拾,C看,D编造。根据句意,接电话后,老师点名,告诉我们收拾好书本下楼,让父母带我们回家。可知是用pack up符合句意。故选B。
    (4)名词辨析。A惊讶,B生气,C激动、兴奋,D寂静、沉默。根据I knew something was wrong,but I was…to ask.(我知道出了什么事,但我…问。)可知是父亲接了我,我们默默地走回家。用silence符合句意。故选D。
    (6)名词辨析。A借口,B机会,C玩笑,D课。根据Once we got to our apartment,my mother turned on the television and showed me the towers that were on fire.That was the place where my grandmother worked.(我们一回到公寓,母亲就打开电视,给我看那些着火的塔楼。那是我祖母工作的地方。)以及but then I noticed that the word "LIVE" was on the top right corner of the…(但后来我注意到"直播"这个词在…的右上角。)可知一开始,我以为这是一个玩笑。故选C。
    (9)名词辨析。A主意,B建议,C消息,D故事。根据Another three hours passed and my grandmother called us,saying she was fine.(又过了三个小时,祖母打电话给我们,说她很好。)可知是听到这个消息后,我们全家都感到非常高兴。故选C。
    (10)动词辨析。A消失,B哭泣,C跳舞,D着落。根据固定短语land on the balcony落在阳台上,可知是用land。故选D。
    (12)名词辨析。A幸运、运气,B勇气,C决定,D地点。根据I am grateful that my grandmother survived(我很感激我的祖母能活下来)可知是但并不是每个家庭都像我们一样幸运。故选A。
    Briefs World Express
    Bottles Join Hands
    What if a plastic bottle never ends up in the factory?Tim Carlson has come up with the idea of "Friendship Bottles".The shape of these bottles is specially designed.They are linked together and used to build a dining cabin.In April,Tim made such a structure for a restaurant in New York City.It immediately drew a lot of attention online.
    After you finish your milk,you probably throw the empty carton (硬纸盒) into the trash can.But it may be possible for that container (容器) to have a surprising second life.This bench was made from 1,380 recycled milk cartons of Bright Dairy and Food.Since 2019,the company has collected 307 million cartons.This means 142 trees have been protected in the past three years
    Sweet﹣Smelling Furniture
    More than two billion cups of coffee are sold across the world every day.This amount of coffee creates around 40,000 tons of grounds (咖啡渣).A group of professors and students from Tongji University developed a new material from recycled (回收利用的) grounds.The shelf and the table in the pictures above are both made of this material.They not only are strong but also give off a sweet smell.
    (1)All the news has something to do with  A .
    A.recycling resource
    B.air protection
    C.water protection
    D.ocean saving
    (2)What does "friendship bottles" mean?  C 
    A.The bottles are divided into different by colors
    B.The bottles are made into a famous painting
    C.The bottles are linked together to build a dining cabin
    D.The bottles are sent to a recycling factory together
    (3)According to the first news,why did the restaurant draw a lot of attention online?  C 
    A.Because it served the most delicious food
    B.Because it had the best service
    C.Because the walls of it were made of linked plastic bottles
    D.Because the food there was free
    (4)The best heading for the second piece of news would be  B .
    A.Don't Litter Everywhere
    B.Let's Make a Bench
    C.Protect Our Planet
    D.Think Before You Throw
    (5)It's clear that  B .
    A.billions of cups of coffee are sold every day
    B.grounds are put into good use
    C.the furniture made of recycled grounds smells terrible
    D.the grounds are made into plant food

    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一则What if a plastic bottle never ends up in the factory(怎样一个塑料瓶永远不会出现在工厂里呢?)第二则This bench was made from 1,380 recycled milk cartons of Bright Dairy and Food.(这个长凳是由1380个回收的牛奶盒制成的,这些牛奶盒是由乳制品和食品制成的。)第三则A group of professors and students from Tongji University developed a new material from recycled grounds.(同济大学的一组教授和学生开发了一种新材料,这种材料来自回收的材料。)可知所有的新闻都与循环利用资源有关。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第一则They are linked together and used to build a dining cabin.(它们连接在一起,用来建造一个餐厅。)可知这些瓶子连在一起构成了一个餐厅。故选C。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第一则They are linked together and used to build a dining cabin.In April,Tim made such a structure for a restaurant in New York City.It immediately drew a lot of attention online.(它们连接在一起,用来建造一个餐厅。今年4月,蒂姆为纽约市的一家餐馆建造了这样一座建筑。它立即在网上引起了很多关注。)可知因为它的墙壁是由相连的塑料瓶制成的。故选C。
    (4)最佳标题题。根据第二则This bench was made from 1,380 recycled milk cartons of Bright Dairy and Food.(这个长凳是由1380个回收的牛奶盒制成的,这些牛奶盒是由亮乳制品和食品制成的。)可知最佳标题为"我们做一张长凳吧"。故选B。
    18.When I was growing up,my mother had a ring she never took off.It was the only ring I ever saw her wear during my childhood.She didn't really have any other jewelry,and,in fact I remember my father saying that he didn't even buy her a ring when they got married.
    The years passed.My father,who had come from Mexico in the 1920s to try to earn a living,worked long,long hours at the service station he ran.And my mother worked at home,keeping house for her husband and eight children.They sent their first son off to college,then another child and then another.The older children helped with the school fees of the younger ones.
    Just as the last two children were graduating from college,my father died suddenly of a heart disease,but my mother lived on for another twenty﹣three years.Their children had become lawyers,businessmen and teachers.In the last years of her life my mother was finally able to buy some jewelry that she really loved.
    A few years before she died,she told me that she wanted her jewelry to go to her granddaughters.And when she died,it was done.A diamond ring to this one,a pearl ring to that one,and so it went.
    Then I discovered it:her first ring.It had been worn so long that it became so thin and would probably break at any minute.I took the ring,polished it with a cloth and carried it to the bank to place in a safety box.To me,it was a treasure that showed the devotion my mother had made for us and the values that she lived.
    The rest of my family doesn't quite understand this,but when I look at that ring,I see the priceless jewel of my mother's strength and the deep love that she showed us every day of her life.

    (1)Why did the mother only have a ring in her early years?  C 
    A.She had no desire for anything else.
    B.Her husband refused to buy her other jewels.
    C.She saved every penny for her children.
    D.Her husband was too poor to afford other jewels.
    (2)What do we know about the children?  D 
    A.They worked hard to earn their own school fees.
    B.They struggled to earn a living when they grew up.
    C.The last two children failed to finish college because of the father's death.
    D.The first son helped support his younger brothers and sisters.
    (3)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?  B 
    A.The father was from Mexico.
    B.The father worked at his friend's service station
    C.The mother didn't have a ring when she got married
    D.The mother bought some jewelry in the last years of her life
    (4)Why did the author place the ring in the bank?  C 
    A.The ring was worth large amounts of money
    B.The rest of her family didn't want to see the ring
    C.She hoped to remember her mother's selflessness forever
    D.She was afraid the ring might be damaged by her kids
    (5)According to the passage,the ring stands for  A .
    A.the mother's devotion to kids
    B.the mother's suffering in life
    C.the kids' deep love for the mother
    D.the kids' memories of the hard life
    【解答】(1)推理判断题。根据And my mother worked at home,keeping house for her husband and eight children.They sent their first son off to college,then another child and then another.The older children helped with the school fees of the younger ones.(我的母亲在家里工作,为她的丈夫和八个孩子打理家务。他们把第一个儿子送去上大学,然后又送了一个又一个。年长的孩子帮助年幼的孩子支付学费。)以及Their children had become lawyers,businessmen and teachers.In the last years of her life my mother was finally able to buy some jewelry that she really loved.(他们的孩子成为了律师、商人和教师。在母亲生命的最后几年里,她终于能够买一些她真正喜欢的珠宝了。)可推知,母亲早年只有一个戒指是因为她把每一分钱都省下来,留给孩子们了。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据The older children helped with the school fees of the younger ones.(年长的孩子帮助年幼的孩子支付学费。)可知,孩子们中第一个儿子会帮助抚养他的弟弟妹妹。故选D。
    (3)推理判断题。根据My father,who had come from Mexico in the 1920s to try to earn a living,worked long,long hours at the service station he ran.(我的父亲在20世纪20年代从墨西哥来到这里谋生,他在自己经营的加油站工作了很长很长时间。)可知,B:父亲在他朋友的服务站工作,表述不正确。故选B。
    (4)推理判断题。根据I took the ring,polished it with a cloth and carried it to the bank to place in a safety box.To me,it was a treasure that showed the devotion my mother had made for us and the values that she lived.(我拿起戒指,用一块布擦拭,把它送到银行,放到一个保险箱里。对我来说,这是一笔财富,体现了我母亲为我们所做的奉献和她生活的价值观。)可知,作者把戒指放在银行里,因为她希望永远记住她母亲的无私。故选C。
    (5)推理判断题。根据To me,it was a treasure that showed the devotion my mother had made for us and the values that she lived.(对我来说,这是一笔财富,体现了我母亲为我们所做的奉献和她生活的价值观。)可知,戒指代表了母亲对孩子的奉献。故选A。
    19.About a year ago,Dave Fuss lost his job of driving a truck for a small company in west Michigan.His wife,Gerrie,was still working in the local school cafeteria,but work for Dave was hard to come by,and the price of everything was rising.The Fusses were at risk of joining the millions of Americans who have lost their homes in recent years.Then Dave and Gerrie received a timely gift—$7,000 a legacy (遗产) from their neighbors Ish and Arlene Hatch,who died in an accident. "It really made a difference when we were going under financially," says Dave.
    It surprised nearly everyone that the Hatches had so much money,more than $3 million﹣﹣they were an elderly couple who lived in an old house on what was left of the family farm.
    Children of the Great Depression,Ish and Arlene were known for their habit of saving.They preferred comparison shopping and would routinely go from store to store,checking prices before making a new purchase.
    Through the years,the Hatches paid for local children to attend summer camp when their parents couldn't afford it. "Ish and Arlene never asked if you needed anything," says their friend Sandy Van Weelden. "They could see things they could do to make you happier,and they would do them.
    Even more extraordinary was that the Hatches had their farmland distributed.It was the "Hatches' wish that their legacy﹣﹣a legacy of kindness as much as one of dollars and cents—should enrich the whole community (社区) and last for generations to come.
    Neighbors helping neighbors that was Ish and Arlene Hatch's story.

    (1)According to the passage,the Fusses  B .
    A.were employed by a truck company
    B.were in financial difficulty
    C.worked in a school cafeteria
    D.lost their home
    (2)Which of the following is TRUE about the Hatches?  C 
    A.They had their children during the Great Depression.
    B.They left the family farm to live in an old house.
    C.They gave away their possessions to their neighbors.
    D.They helped their neighbors to find jobs.
    (3)Why would the Hatches routinely go from store to store?  B 
    A.They decided to open a store.
    B.They wanted to save money.
    C.They couldn't afford expensive things.
    D.They wanted to buy gifts for local kids.
    (4)According to Sandy Van Weelden,the Hatches were  A .
    (5)What can we learn from the passage?  D 
    A.The community of Alto was poor.
    B.The summer camp was attractive to the parents.
    C.Sandy Van Weelden got a legacy form the Hatches.
    D.The Hatches would like the neighbors to follow their example.
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据The Fusses were at risk of joining the millions of Americans who have lost their homes in recent years.(近几年来,数百万失去家园的美国人面临着与福塞斯一家一起生活的危险。)及It really made a difference when we were going under financially,(当我们陷入财务困境的时候,这真的有很大的不同,)可知炒作是在财政困难的规律。故选B。
    (2)推理判断题。根据Then Dave and Gerrie received a timely gift—$7,000 a legacy (遗产) from their neighbors Ish and Arlene Hatch,who died in an accident.(然后戴夫和格里收到了一份及时的礼物﹣7,000美元,这是他们的邻居ISH和Arlene Hatch的遗产,他们在一起事故中丧生。)可知Hatch夫妇把他们的钱全都赠给了他们的邻居们。故选C。
    (3)细节理解题。根据They preferred comparison shopping and would routinely go from store to store,checking prices before making a new purchase.(他们更喜欢比较购物,并且会经常从一个商店到另一个商店,在进行新的购买之前检查价格。)可知经常会从一家商店转到另一家商店是因为他们想省钱。故选B。
    (4)推理判断题。根据"Ish and Arlene never asked if you needed anything," says their friend Sandy Van Weelden. "They could see things they could do to make you happier,and they would do them.("伊什和阿琳从未问过你是否需要什么,"他们的朋友桑迪•范•韦尔登说。"他们可以看到他们可以做的事情,让你更快乐,他们会去做。)可知,他们善于理解他人。根据Sandy Van Weelden的说法,Hatch夫妇是理解的。故选A。
    (5)推理判断题。根据It was the "Hatches' wish that their legacy﹣﹣a legacy of kindness as much as one of dollars and cents—should enrich the whole community (社区) and last for generations to come.Neighbors helping neighbors that was Ish and Arlene Hatch's story.( 哈奇一家希望他们的遗产﹣﹣一笔善举就像一分钱一样﹣﹣应该丰富整个社区,并持续到下一代。邻居帮助邻居这是伊什和阿琳•哈奇的故事。)可知他们想让邻居们以他们为榜样。故选D。
    secret /look up / connect / look for / pronunciation / pronounce / join
    (1)But because I wanted to understand the story,I  looked up  the words in a dictionary.
    (2)I discovered that listening to something interesting is the  secret  to language learning.
    (3)The best way to improve your English is to  join  an English club.
    (4)Good learners often  connect  what they need to learn with something interesting.
    (5)I was afraid to ask question because of my poor  pronunciation .
    【解答】(1)考查动词短语。结合空缺处及其方框里提供的单词,可知需要填入一个动词短语,表示"查阅 ",用look up;look up sth.in a dictionary表示在字典中查阅某物,结合上文谓语动词wanted可知要用一般过去时。故答案为:looked up。
    (2)考查名词。结合空缺处及其方框里提供的单词,可知需要填入一个名词,表示"秘诀",用secret;the secret to sth.某物的秘诀,由空前的is可知,用单数形式。故答案为:secret。
    (3)考查动词。结合空缺处及其方框里提供的单词,可知需要填入一个动词,表示"参加 ",用join;这里用to join an English club这个不定式短语作目的状语。故答案为:join。
    (4)考查动词。结合空缺处及其方框里提供的单词,可知需要填入一个动词,表示"联系",用connect;原句为一般现在时,主语为Good learners,所以填入动词原形,connect...with...把……与……联系起来。故答案为:connect。
    21.A man noticed a woman in the grocery store with a three﹣year﹣old girl in her shopping cart.
    As they passed the cookie section,the little girl asked for some cookies but her mother (1)r  efused  her.The little girl cried out at once.However,the mother said (2)q  uietly  , "Now Monica,we just have several passages to go through.Don't be upset.It won't be (3)l  ong  ."
    Soon they came to the candy section,and the little girl began to shout for candy.When she was told she couldn't have any,she cried (4)l  oudly  again.The mother said. "There,there,Monica,don't cry﹣﹣only two more passages to go and then we'll (5)c  heck  out."
    When they went to the cashier desk,the little girl once again began to ask for gum and burst into a terrible (6)a  nger  when she found out that there had been no gum to buy.The mother said patiently, "Monica we'll be through this counter in 5 minutes and then you can go home and have a bath before having a (7)s  ound  sleep."
    The man (8)f  ollowed  them out and stopped the woman to praise her. "I couldn't help (9)n  noticing  how kind you were with little Monica.You're such a good mother!" he said with an(10)a  dmiring  voice.
    "However," the mother replied, "I'm Monica﹣﹣my little girl's name is Tammy."
    (2)考查副词。句意:小女孩立刻叫了起来。然而,母亲平静地说。结合语境可知,小女孩大喊大叫,母亲为了避免尴尬,会平静地劝女儿,此时需要填入一个副词,用来修饰动词said,即,said quietly。故填quietly。
    (5)考查动词。句意:别哭—我们再走两个通道就可以结账离开了。结合语境可知,此时需要填入的是短语:结账离开,即,check out。故填check。
    (9)考查非谓语动词。句意:我不禁注意到你对小莫妮卡有多好。此时的句型:couldn't help+doing sth.意思是"情不自禁做某事",再结合首字母和句意,需要用动词notice(注意到)。故填noticing。
    22.请根据下列提示,介绍下你的好朋友李明Li Ming。要点如下:
    参考词汇:grammar n.语法;conversation n.对话;improve v.提高
    He also always asks teachers and classmates for advice,which helps him a lot.他也总是向老师和同学请教,这对他的帮助很大。定语从句。
    I suggest that he should watch English TV programs as well.我建议他还应该我看英语的电视节目。宾语从句。
    【解答】He is a ninth grade student and has studied English for five years. (他是一名九年级学生,学习英语已经五年了)He thinks that grammar is difficult for him,but he will work hard to learn it well because grammar is very important.(他认为语法对他来说比较难,但他还是会努力学好,因为语法很重要) He often practices dialogue with his friends to improve his English.(他经常和朋友进行对话练习来提高英语) He also always asks teachers and classmates for advice,which helps him a lot.【高分句型一】(他也总是向老师和同学请教,这对他的帮助很大) I suggest that he should watch English TV programs as well.【高分句型二】(建议)

    湖北省武汉市汉阳区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期中考试英语试卷: 这是一份湖北省武汉市汉阳区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期中考试英语试卷,共10页。试卷主要包含了 11, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    湖北省武汉市汉阳区2022-2023学年八年级下学期期末英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份湖北省武汉市汉阳区2022-2023学年八年级下学期期末英语试卷(含答案),共21页。

    湖北省武汉市汉阳区2022-2023学年七年级下学期期末英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份湖北省武汉市汉阳区2022-2023学年七年级下学期期末英语试卷(含答案),共35页。试卷主要包含了听下面4段大对话或独白,选择填空,从各题所给的A,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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