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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1.What des the wman want t be?
    A. A teacher. B. A librarian. C. A website designer.
    2.Hw des the wman feel?
    A. Lst. B. Angry. C. Cnfused.
    3.What type f bk des the wman enjy nw?
    A. Rmance. B. Mystery. C. Histrical fictin.
    4.What des the wman ask the by t d?
    A. Help set the table. B. Fld the laundry C. Take ut the rubbish.
    5.What is Mary busy ding?
    A Taking a break. B. Ging utside at nce. C. Preparing materials fr a paper.
    6.What is made n the prductin line?
    A.Batteries fr cars. B.Cupbards. C.She bxes.
    7.Where are the speakers talking nw?
    A.In a car. B.In a factry. C.In a shwrm.
    8.Where des the man want t g this afternn?
    A.The schl. B.The tennis club. C.Jerry’s huse.
    9.Hw many times did Jerry hit the dg?
    A.Once. B.Twice. C.Fur times.
    10.When des the cnversatin take place?
    A.At abut the nn. B.In the evening. C.At night.
    11.Hw will the man g t New Zealand?
    A.By ship. B.By train. C.By plane.
    12.What des the wman advise the man t d?
    A.G t visit ther places. B.Bk his ticket as sn as pssible.
    C.Buy the ticket right befre he leaves.
    13.What will the listeners d frm 9 am until 10:30 am?
    A.English studies. B.Sme tests. C.Sme listening.
    14.Wh will give them bks?
    A.Steve. B.Carl. C.Rebecca.
    15.When will an intrductin be given?
    A.At 10:30. B.At 11:00. C.At 11:30.
    16.What will yu d if yu want t knw abut yur classes?
    A.Read the timetable. B.Jin a cnversatin. C.Listen t a lecture.
    17.Why des the man have nly a few minutes t talk with the wman?
    A.He’ll sleep fr a while. B.He’s waiting fr a phne call. C.He’ll attend an imprtant meeting.
    18.What des a student usually have t d befre taking the evening curse?
    A.Take a test. B.Meet the headmaster. C.Take a physical examinatin.
    19.Wh is the wman?
    A.A secretary. B.A freign teacher. C.A cllege student.
    20.When will the man give the wman a reply?
    A.Tmrrw. B.This evening. C.The day after tmrrw.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    The fur theme parks belw ffer the mst thrilling (刺激的) rides and attractins in the wrld.
    Busch Gardens Williamsburg
    Lcated(坐落) in Virginia,USA,this theme park has sme f the highestrated thrill rides in the wrld. The park’s famus rller casters include Apll’s Charit,Alpengeist,Griffn,the Lch Ness Mnster and Verblten. The park als has thrilling water rides,rides fr kids,ther rides,shws,turs,animal exhibits and mre. Divided int nine areas representing Eurpean cuntries,the park has wn an award fr the quality f its fd.
    As ne f the wrld’s mst ppular theme parks,Everland is lcated in Yngin,Gyenggid Prvince,Suth Krea. The park has 40 thrill rides,including a wrld-famus wden rller caster,and many ther attractins such as an African hunting ride,a z,indr and utdr water parks,shws and mre.
    Blackpl Pleasure Beach
    This Lancashire amusement park is ne f the mst visited theme parks in the United Kingdm. Amng the park’s 125 rides and attractins are the tallest and fastest rller caster in the UK,a classic wden rller caster,a steel twer ride,the biggest indr dark ride in the wrld,a hst f rides fr kids and mre.
    Prt Aventura Wrld
    Lcated n Spain’s Csta Daurada,this park is divided int six theme areas. Five areas represent different lcatins including Plynesia,Mexic,America,China and the Mediterranean. The sixth and newest area has a Sesame Street theme. The park has many rides and attractins suitable fr visitrs f all ages.
    1. What did Busch Gardens Williamsburg win an award fr?
    A. The highest thrill rides.B. A Sesame Street theme area.
    C. Gd quality f its fd.D. A hst f thrilling water rides.
    2. Which park will a visitr lving thrill and hunting rides prbably chse?
    A. Busch Gardens Williamsburg.B. Everland.
    C. Blackpl Pleasure Beach.D. Prt Aventura Wrld.
    3. Where is the theme park including a China area lcated in?
    A. In Virginia.B. In Yngin.
    C. In Lancashire.D. On Csta Daurada.
    A 76-year-ld grandmther, dressed in Hanfu, the traditinal clthing f China, attracted hundreds f thusands f peple's attentin with her beauty and passin fr life. The first shrt vide was filmed by her grandsn Liu Hachen in early Octber, and received 1.76 millin likes n shrt vide platfrm Duyin within a mnth.
    Nw knwn as “Grandma f Chenchen” with 200,000 fans, she has tried n many different Chinese traditinal clthing. Beautiful headwear and fans with traditinal Chinese paintings are sme f her favrite parts in dressing. Liu, als a lver f Hanfu, said he wanted t share happy memries with his grandma and t recrd her life at ld age. And he fund she was quite suitable fr the clthing.
    The grandma learned Peking Opera at 13, entered an pera schl at 19 and then became an actress at Hunan Peking Opera in Hunan prvince. Nw at the age f 76, she is still teaching pera.
    She said she agreed the mment Liu invited her t sht a vide. “I didn't really knw what it was abut at the time. I thught it wuld be gd t spend sme time with Chenchen,”she said, as Liu had been busy wrking far frm hme.
    In Octber, she participated in a catwalk shw in Changzhu, with perfrmers much yunger than her. Althugh the shw went n in the rain, all the audience enjyed the shw. “When I was n the stage, the audience kept shuting my name. I was very cheerful,” she said.
    Alng with vides abut Hanfu, she als shares her daily life, which is full f happiness and smile- shpping, chatting with friends and playing with cats. She said she felt as yung as a yung persn.
    4. What d we learn abut “Grandma f Chenchen”?
    A. Her grandsn dressed in Hanfu attracted many peple's attentin.
    B. Her grandsn is als a lver f Hanfu.
    C. She has learned Peking pera fr 57 years.
    D. She knew Duyin when she first sht a vide.
    5. Hw did the grandma feel when she was n the stage?
    A. Painful.B. Dubtful.C. Hpeless.D. Cheerful.
    6. What can we cnclude frm the stry f “Grandma f Chenchen”?
    A. Be psitive, and yuth is always there.B. Where there is a will, there is a way.
    C. Save a penny fr the rainy days.D. Life lies in mvement.
    7. In which sectin f a newspaper can yu read the text?
    A. Sprts.B. Music.C. Fashin.D. Science.
    My yunger daughter, Lauren, has a new car and she has managed t keep it sptlessly clean since she bught it in July.
    Lauren’s ld car was messy. It was essentially a large garbage dump n wheels. I must admit that the apple desn’t fall far frm the tree because until I gt my present car, all f my many autmbiles had been messy t.
    The wrst thing abut her car was that it tk n water every time it rained. N ne culd ever find the surce f the leak (漏洞), which created a pl n the flr f the frnt passenger side.
    Fur years ag, I gt a new car. I turned ver a new leaf and, fr the first time since I gt my driver’s license, cleaned up my act. I gave my ld car, which cntained ld leaves, t my wife, wh in turn gave her car t Lauren. It’s the ne Lauren was driving – and filling with s much stuff that there was barely enugh rm in the back seat fr her little dg, Maggie – until she gt her new car.
    A few weeks ag, Lauren decided t g car shpping. She went t a Vlkswagen dealership because she had her eye n a Jetta. She had her ther eye n my wallet.
    Anyway, she saw a 2005 mdel, which was shwn t her by an autmtive assciate named Anthny. He spent a lt f time with Lauren each f the three r fur times she visited the dealership, let me test-drive the car when I went t see it, and didn’t put any pressure n any f us. In shrt, Anthny gave used car salesmen a gd name.
    But he was n match fr Lauren when it came t negtiating the price, which he lwered t what she said she culd affrd and nt a penny mre.
    S nw, at 25, which is half the age I was when I cleaned up my act, Lauren has dne the same. Her car has been clean fr almst three mnths. Even the dg is impressed.
    The dwnside is that my wife’s car is messy. And she wants a new ne, t.
    8 Which f the fllwing best explains the saying “the apple desn’t fall far frm the tree” underlined in paragraph 2?
    A. An apple fell smewhere near frm the tree, making Lauren’s car dirty.
    B. Until 50, the authr treated his cars the way Lauren treated her ld car.
    C. The authr didn’t knw why Lauren’s car was always s messy.
    D. It’s cmmn fr many peple nt t keep their cars tidy and clean.
    9. What d we knw abut Lauren’s ld car?
    A. Prblems wuld be created by the leak in the car n rainy days.
    B. There was smething wrng with the frnt passenger side.
    C. It was given t her by the authr when he was 50 years ld.
    D. It was always ver-packed and had n rm fr her little dg.
    10. What des this passage imply (暗含)?
    A. Lauren bught her new car with her wn mney.
    B. Anthny was a gd autmtive assciate wh sells new cars.
    C. Anthny didn’t put any pressure n Lauren when she visited the dealership.
    D. In the end, Lauren picked up her new car fr a gd price.
    11. What is the main idea f this passage?
    A The authr’s daughter resembled him in all aspects f life.
    B. The authr taught his daughter hw t keep her car clean.
    C. The authr’s family’s attitudes tward their ld and new cars.
    D. Hw the authr’s family hungered fr new cars.
    Many f us knw abut Russia’s Lake Baikal frm ur textbks, r by listening t Chinese singer Li Jian’s hit sng, Lake Baika. But ver the past decade, the wrld’s deepest freshwater lake has been in the sptlight fr an extreme sprt.
    Each March since 2005, abut 150 peple frm arund the wrld sign up fr the Baikal Ice Marathn. They cme t explre the lake’s breathtaking beauty and challenge themselves in unpredictable cnditins. The 26-mile (41.84-kilmeters) jurney starts n the lake’s eastern shre. In March, the ice is a meter thick and irn-hard. Runners crss this frzen surface, finishing n the western side f the lake.
    Knwn as the “blue eye f Siberia”, Lake Baikal has exceptinally clear waters. This means its ice is almst perfectly transparent (透明的). “Seen frm abve, a runner n the ice lks as if he r she were jgging thrugh space.” The New Yrk Times nted.
    The landscape might be beautiful, but it’s als harsh. Strng winds blast (侵袭) acrss the lake and frstbite can ccur within half an hur. Runners say the cld climate is what draws them. They want t test their limits.
    “When yu are in such an envirnment, yu dn’t have cars arund yu, and yu dn’t have the nise arund. I think these extreme races allw yu t be alne with nature.” Alicja Barahna, a 64-year-ld runner frm the US, tld ABC news.
    The lcatin ffers sme strange and unique characteristics fr this marathn. The finishing line is visible frm the start, but the endless white ffers n prgress markers. The race als ends with little fanfare (隆重的欢迎). Turists crwding the ice are mstly addicted t snapping selfies (自拍) and just ignre the runners.
    Fr sme runners, the absence f spectatrs makes the race mre challenging, because it’s lnely. They must fight with themselves. “Yu are alne n Baikal. It is yur race. Yu are alne with yurself. All yu need t d is t defeat yurself.” Vernique Messina, a French runner, tld the Telegraph.
    12. What can we knw abut the Baikal Ice Marathn frm the article?
    A. It takes runners frm the nrthern end t the suthern end f the lake.
    B. It invlves extreme weather and beautiful scenery.
    C. It attracts mre and mre participants each year.
    D. It is abut 26 kilmeters in length.
    13. Hw des the Baikal Ice Marathn differ frm ther marathns?
    A. Only men are allwed t run in this race.
    B. The runners are ften distracted by turists.
    C. There are many prgress markers n the ice.
    D. The runners can see the finishing line frm the start.
    14. What is the mst challenging part f the race fr Messina?
    A. The cld climate.B. The lng distance.
    C. Nisy surrundings.D. Lneliness.
    15. Hw many reasns are listed t shw the lneliness?
    A. 5.B. 4.
    C. 3.D. 2.
    Hw t prtect a hme frm a hurricane
    A hurricane is ne f Mther Nature’s mst deadly creatins. It takes place all ver the wrld and can easily destry unprtected hmes.____16____ Sme shuld be dne well befre hurricane seasn, while ther measures can be taken after a hurricane alarm is issued (发布).
    Prtect yur hme frm falling trees and branches. At the beginning f each hurricane seasn, examine all f the trees surrunding yur huse carefully. ____17____ If a tree is weakened, remve the tree cmpletely. Yu may chse t remve small branches yurself r hire a prfessinal tree care service.
    ___18___ Windws and drs breaking r pening during a hurricane can lead t great damage inside the hme and pssibly threaten the hme’s structure. Yu can buy specially designed hurricane shutters fr each f the windws and drs in yur huse, r yu can make yur wn.
    Secure (缚牢) yur garage dr. One f the fastest ways fr a hme t receive damage is frm an unsecured r weak garage dr. Check yur dr t see whether it meets lcal requirements. ____19____
    Remve unsecured items frm arund yur huse quickly. ____20____ G arund yur yard and secure, stre r thrw away any bjects fund. Yu can stre furniture in yur yard in a pl r place it indrs r ther safe strage.
    A. If nt, replace the dr r hire a prfessinal service t strengthen it.
    B. There are several things yu can d t defend yur hme against this threat.
    C. This can be dne after a hurricane is predicted.
    D. Other cmmn items t lk fr include trash cans and yard tls.
    E. Measure the exact size f each windw and dr.
    F. Cver yur hme’s windws and drs.
    G. Remve all dead r diseased branches.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    A hmeless man, wh received a reward he had never expected after he spent his last $20 helping a wman, nw says he wants t tuch ther peple’s lives the way his was___21___.
    Jhnny Bbbitt, 34, wrte n the GFundMe page, a charity___22___created by the wman he helped, Kate McClure, “The feeling is beynd wrds and I we thanks t the supprt and___23___that each and every ne f yu has shwn. I have t___24___the favr. I can’t___25___take but never give back.”
    McClure started the GFundMe page last mnth with the___26___gal f $10,000 after Bbbitt helped her when she ran ut f___27___n her way t a meeting in Philadelphia. “Bbbitt sits n the side f the rad every day, hlding a___28___. It was then clse l midnight and I was driving___29___. He saw me pull ver and knew smething was____30____,” McClure wrte. “He tld me t get back in the car and lck the____31____. “ McClure culdn’t____32____what happened next. Bbbitt used $20 he had____33____frm panhandling(行乞)that day t buy her gas. He even filled her car up.
    After the chance encunter(遇见),McClure and her byfriend visited Bbbitt several times t____34____gift cards, cash and snacks. The cuple decided t create the GFundMe page____35____he wuldnf t have t spend the hlidays____36____n the street.
    The plan____37____. In less than a mnth, Bbbitt’s GFundMe page had raised $400,000. A bank accunt was____38____fr Bbbitt with funds fr his everyday needs. He will als be____39____t rganizatins and peple wh are____40____the tugh perids in their life.
    21. A. shakenB. tuchedC. prmtedD. required
    22. A. fantasyB. criterinC. cautinD. campaign
    23. A. curageB. humrC. wisdmD. genersity
    24. A. acceptB. returnC. absrbD. replace
    25. A. cnstantlyB. smthlyC. persnallyD. fficially
    26. A. tughB. averageC. riginalD. regular
    27. A. gasB. fdC. mneyD. water
    28 A. signB. ticketC. flagD. stick
    29. A. hmeB. alneC. dwntwnD. straight
    30. A. wrngB. strangeC. bviusD. dangerus
    31. A. rmsB. drsC. engineD. garage
    32. A. standB. dreamC. believeD. remember
    33. A. brrwedB. spentC. hiddenD. cllected
    34. A. fetchB. packC. deliverD. demand
    35. A. in caseB. as thughC. s thatD. even if
    36. A. marchingB. dancingC. sleepingD. trading
    37. A. wrkedB. drppedC. maturedD. failed
    38. A. put upB. set upC. made upD. split up
    39. A. explainingB. reprtingC. applyingD. cntributing
    40. A. turning verB. carrying nC. filling utD. getting thrugh
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Yu prbably have a lcal library, ___41___ yu can walk t. Other kids aren’t s lucky. In sme places, peple either dn’t have any libraries, r even ___42___ (bad), must face dangers t get there.
    In Kabul, the capital city f Afghanistan, decades f war and ___43___ (vilent) have made visiting the library t ___44___ (danger) fr children. This prblem has n slutins, but smene is trying t fix it.
    Freshta Karim, a yung Oxfrd graduate, ___45___ (buy) a bus and turned it int a mbile library. She calls it Charmaghz. It has mre than 600 bks in Dari (达里语), Pasht(普什图语) and English. This allws lcal children t have access ___46___ their wn culture. In additin t ___47___ (read) bks n many tpics, children can als play bard games and listen t music in this library.
    Karim brings Charmaghz t parks, schls and rphanages arund Kabul fr a few hurs at___48___ time, making tw r three ___49___ (stp) each day. Karim makes every effrt___50___ (reach) as many children as pssible.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    51. 下面文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    Last term, my parents prmised when I did well in my exams, they wuld give me the special prize. After that I wrked hardly and finally gt very gd marks. Knwing my dream was t see sme real snw, my parents tk me a lcal ski resrt during my winter hliday. As we climb the muntains, we saw the snw n the tree. N ne in my family had ever been tuched snw befre. We were all exciting like little children but delighted t play with the snw! We picked the snw up, made snwballs and threw it at each ther! Hw happy we were!
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    52. 假定你是李华,一名高二学生。你的英语外教Mr. Brwn准备寒假去游览三峡,在校报刊登了一则招聘一名英语导游的广告。请用英语给他写一封邮件应聘,内容包括:
    1. 求职意愿;
    2. 你的优势;
    3. 希望被录用。
    注意:1. 词数:100左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    3. 信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Mr. Brwn,
    Li Hua
    听力答案:1-5:BBAAC 6-10:ABBCA 11-15:CBBCB 16-20:ACAAA
    16. B 17. G 18. F 19. A 20. C
    21. B 22. D 23. D 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. A 31. B 32. C 33. D 34. C 35. C 36. C 37. A 38. B 39. D 40. D
    41. which
    42. wrse 43. vilence
    44. dangerus
    45. bught 46. t
    47. reading
    48. a 49. stps
    50. t reach
    书面表达【答案】Dear Mr. Brwn,
    I’m Li Hua, a student f yurs frm Senir Tw. I’m writing in respnse t the advertisement fr yur tur guide n the trip alng the Three Grges.
    As yu knw, I am s gd at English that I will have n truble in cmmunicating with yu fluently. Mre imprtantly, I have a gd knwledge f the Three Grges, where I have travelled several times. Therefre, I can give yu a vivid descriptin abut every sight alng the way.
    I am sure that I can perfectly live up t yur expectatins. I wuld appreciate it if yu can take me int cnsideratin.
    Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua


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