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    Tapestries fr the Bdy and Wall
    Exhibitin time: April 8~June 11, 2022
    This exhibitin highlights (强调) the wrk f Flathead Valley artist and master weaver (编织工) Jan Renne. As a native Mntanan, Renne is als a trained musician, wh will give a shrt talk abut the art f weaving and share stries abut sme f her wrks n display.
    Synthesizing Icns
    Exhibitin time: April 8~June 11, 2022
    The Hckaday Museum f Art and MACDA (Mntana Art and Gallery Directrs Assciatin) are pleased t present Synthesizing Icns: cmpsite (合成的) phtgraphs by Larry Blackwd. Please jin us t celebrate the creative wrks by Larry Blackwd n view frm April 8, 2022 t June 11, 2022.
    New Artists: High Schl Art Exhibitin
    Exhibitin time: May 3~May 28, 2022
    Students frm all-area high schls are represented by wrks selected by their art teachers. Waterclr, il paintings, drawings, mixed media creatins, phtgraphy, digital designs and jewelry are amng the chices fr yur favrite piece. T submit wrks fr the exhibitin, please cntact ur directr, Kathy Martin, at educatin @hckadaymuseum.cm.
    Between Artists: Life in Paintings and Petry
    Exhibitin time: June 17~August 20, 2022
    In this exhibit, stries and emtins are uniquely expressed thrugh bth visual arts and written wrds. Tabby Ivy is a painter wrking in the Flathead Valley, Damn Falke lives in nrthern Nrway and writes petry. Tabby and Damn first gt cnnected n scial media and sn discvered a cmmn vice that spke t us thrugh their wrks.
    1. Which exhibitin may attract peple wh like weaving?
    A. Synthesizing Icns.B. Tapestries fr the Bdy and Wall
    C. New Artists: High Schl Art Exhibitin.D. Between Artists: Life in Paintings and Petry.
    2. T whm shuld the wrks be handed in fr New Artists: High Schl Art Exhibitin?
    A. Damn Falke.B. Jan Renne.C. Kathy Martin.D. Larry Blackwd.
    3. Where did Tabby Ivy first get in tuch with Damn Falke?
    A. On scial media.B. At an exhibitin.C. In an art schl.D. In a lecture hall.
    1. 细节理解题。根据 Tapestries fr the Bdy and Wall部分中“As a native Mntanan, Renne is als a trained musician, wh will give a shrt talk abut the art f weaving and share stries abut sme f her wrks n display.(身为土生土长的蒙大拿人,雷恩也是一名训练有素的音乐家,她将会就编织的艺术做一个简短的演讲,并分享一些她正在展出的作品的故事)”可知,人们在该展览中可以了解到编织的艺术,因此该展览会吸引对此感兴趣的人。故选B。
    2. 细节理解题。根据New Artists: High Schl Art Exhibitin部分中“T submit wrks fr the exhibitin, please cntact ur directr, Kathy Martin, at educatin @hckaday museum.cm.(如欲提交作品,请联系我们的总监Kathy Martin: educatin @hckaday museum.cm)”可知,New Artists: High Schl Art Exhibitin的展览作品应交给Kathy Martin。故选C。
    3. 细节理解题。根据Between Artists: Life in Paintings and Petry部分中“Tabby and Damn first gt cnnected n scial media and sn discvered a cmmn vice that spke t us thrugh their wrks.(Tabby和Damn最初是在社交媒体上建立联系的,很快他们就发现了一个共同的声音,通过他们的作品与我们交流)”可知,二人是在社交媒体上初次取得联系的。故选A。
    In 2020, inspired by the COVID-related struggles f families in her cmmunity and her wn feeling f helplessness, Rhiannn Menn, a mm in San Dieg, set up a platfrm, Lasagna Lve, t deliver hme-cked meals t neighbrs in need. She fund that there were s many mms that she knew wh had lst childcare r jbs. They were just feeling great stress. S finally ne day, Rhiannn Menn was just like “I’m ging t make extra meals”. Befre lng, her effrt t cmfrt members f her cmmunity grew int smething much larger.
    In just tw years, Lasagna Lve, a n-prfit prgram that cnnected cmmunity members thrugh gesture f kindness, gdwill and supprt, has successfully united participatin f mre than 30,000 men and wmen frm arund the wrld. S far, mre than 200,000 meals have been delivered thrugh the platfrm, feeding ver 850,000 peple. As mre meals are delivered, the effect has becme mre striking.
    Recently Lasagna Lve has cnducted a study that prves the netwrk effect f kindness. Nearly 98 percent f recipients said they were inspired t pay it frward. Many paid it frward within days (21%), while thers decided n a specific actin in the future (45%). The rest made a general prmise t d smething kind. Lasagna Lve’s research als suggests that Lasagna Lve recipients feel mre cnnected (80%) and mre supprted (93%) by their cmmunity as a result f receiving hme-cked meals.
    “When we launched Lasagna Lve, ur aim was t prvide cmfrt during a time f uncertainty,” said Menn. “As we mve int ur third year f peratin, we recgnize that ur true pwer is much greater. We are inspiring pay-it-frward acts f kindness acrss cmmunities and increasing feelings f cnnectedness and supprt amng neighbrs.”
    4. Why did Rhiannn Menn set up Lasagna Lve?
    A. T make friends in her cmmunity.B. T ffer meals t the needy neighbrs.
    C. T prve her special rganizing ability.D. T make mney t get ver her illness.
    5. Hw many peple have received meals frm Lasagna Lve?
    A. Abut 30,000.B. Nearly 200,000.
    C. Almst 230,000.D. Mre than 850,000.
    6. Which is a result f Rhiannn Menn’s effrt?
    A. Almst 98% f her neighbrs jined Lasagna Lve.
    B. 45% f the peple that were helped paid it frward.
    C. Mst f the recipients didn’t feel lnely any lnger.
    D. She made much mney and created her wn business.
    7. Which f the fllwing best describes Rhiannn Menn?
    A. Helpful.B. Mdest.C. Careless.D. Humrus.
    这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了圣地亚哥的一位母亲Rhiannn Menn受到社区内与疫情相关的家庭斗争和她自己无助感的启发,建立了一个名为“爱心千层面”的平台,为有需要的邻居提供家庭烹饪的食物。已有超过85万人从这一平台得到了食物。
    4. 细节理解题。根据第一段中“In 2020, inspired by the COVID-related struggles f families in her cmmunity and her wn feeling f helplessness, Rhiannn Menn, a mm in San Dieg, set up a platfrm, Lasagna Lve, t deliver hme-cked meals t neighbrs in need.(2020年,圣地亚哥的一位母亲Rhiannn Menn受到社区内家庭与疫情相关的斗争和她自己的无助感的启发,建立了一个名为“爱心千层面”的平台,为有需要的邻居提供家庭烹饪的食物)”可知,Rhiannn Menn创办这一平台是为了给需要帮助的邻居提供饭食。故选B。
    5. 细节理解题。根据第二段中“S far, mre than 200,000 meals have been delivered thrugh the platfrm, feeding ver 850,000 peple.(到目前为止,该平台已经提供了超过20万份餐食,为超过85万人提供了食物)”可知,已有超过85万人从这一平台得到了食物。故选D。
    6. 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“Lasagna Lve’s research als suggests that Lasagna Lve recipients feel mre cnnected (80%) and mre supprted (93%) by their cmmunity as a result f receiving hme-cked meals.(“爱心千层面”的研究还表明,收到“爱心千层面”的人会因为收到家里做的饭菜而感到与社区的联系更紧密(80%),得到社区的支持(93%))”可知,由于Rhiannn Menn的努力,大部分受助者不再感到孤单。故选C。
    7. 推理判断题。根据第一段中“In 2020, inspired by the COVID-related struggles f families in her cmmunity and her wn feeling f helplessness, Rhiannn Menn, a mm in San Dieg, set up a platfrm, Lasagna Lve, t deliver hme-cked meals t neighbrs in need.( 2020年,圣地亚哥的一位母亲Rhiannn Menn受到社区内家庭与疫情相关的斗争和她自己的无助感的启发,建立了一个名为“爱心千层面”的平台,为有需要的邻居提供家庭烹饪的食物)”且通读全文可知,Rhiannn Menn在看到疫情期间人们所遭受的困扰之后并没有袖手旁观,而是以己之力给受困的人提供饭食,这说明她是乐于助人的。故选A。
    Scientists attach great imprtance t identifying and tracking near-Earth bjects because sme f them culd present threats t ur planet. With this in mind. NASA launched a spacecraft last Nvember that aimed t demnstrate a pssible defensive methd against asterids that might threaten the earth.
    Histrically, the American space agency NASA used pwerful grund-based telescpes and its NEOWISE spacecraft t identify asterids and ther near-Earth bjects, NASA als used tracking systems t fllw the mvements f asterids.
    Recently, scientists have used a new tl t discver mre than 100 asterids that had nt been identified befre. The new tl used a cmplex cmputing methd, which was als called an algrithm, t search fr asterids that had nt been discvered befre. They were nt discverable because existing telescpes and image examinatin tls culd nt recgnize them.
    The discvery f 104 new asterids was annunced by the American-based nn-prfit Asterid Institute. The rganizatin hped the new asterid search tl wuld led t the discvery f mre asterids in the cming years. The Asterid Institute, which is part f the B612 Fundatin, explained n its website that it aimed t cmbine cmputer science, instrumentatin and astrnmy t find and track asterids. Ed Lu, wh is the directr f the B612 Fundatin and als a frmer NASA astrnaut, said, “Discvering and tracking asterids is key t understanding ur slar system, prmting the develpment f space and prtecting ur planet frm asterid impacts.”
    The institute called its discvery tl Asterid Discvery Analysis and Mapping, r ADAM. This system used the algrithm t link pints f light in different sky images that were cnsistent with asterid rbits. The tl was trained t find asterids based n existing data and t calculate their rbits well enugh t be recgnized by internatinal astrnmy rganizatins. Jachim Meyens, a researcher frm the University f Washingtn said the latest identificatins were just the beginning. He predicted the asterid search tl wuld result in thusands f new discveries in the future.
    8. What is the purpse f identifying and tracking near Earth bjects?
    A. T prve the pwer f telescpes.B. T make existing data mre accurate.
    C. T prevent pssible threats t the earth.D. T fllw the mvements f new asterids.
    9. Hw were 104 new asterids fund?
    A. By using ADAM.B. By using satellites.
    C. By using NEOWISE spacecraft.D. By using grund-based telescpes.
    10. What is Jachim Meyens’s attitude t the asterid search tl?
    A. Dubtful.B. Hpeful.C. Carefree.D. Unclear.
    11. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. The Methds f Astrnmy Being Further Develped
    B. Fewer Than One Hundred Asterids Have Been Fund
    C. Scientists Used a Technlgy Tl t Discver New Asterids
    D. The Imprtance f Prtecting Our Planet Frm Asterid Impacts
    8. 细节理解题。根据第一段“Scientists attach great imprtance t identifying and tracking near-Earth bjects because sme f them culd present threats t ur planet. With this in mind. NASA launched a spacecraft last Nvember that aimed t demnstrate a pssible defensive methd against asterids that might threaten the earth.(科学家们非常重视识别和跟踪近地天体,因为其中一些可能会对我们的地球构成威胁。记住这一点。去年11月,美国宇航局发射了一艘航天器,旨在展示一种可能的防御方法,以对抗可能威胁地球的小行星)”可知,识别和跟踪近地天体的目的是为了防止近地天体可能会对地球造成的威胁。故选C。
    9. 细节理解题。根据第三段中“The new tl used a cmplex cmputing methd, which was als called an algrithm, t search fr asterids that had nt been discvered befre.(这个新工具使用了一种复杂的计算方法,也被称为算法,来搜索以前没有发现的小行星)”和最后一段中“The institute called its discvery tl Asterid Discvery Analysis and Mapping, r ADAM.(该研究所称其发现工具为小行星发现分析和测绘,简称ADAM)”可知,104颗新的小行星是通过小行星发现分析和测绘工具,即ADAM发现的。故选A。
    10. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Jachim Meyens, a researcher frm the University f Washingtn said the latest identificatins were just the beginning. He predicted the asterid search tl wuld result in thusands f new discveries in the future.(华盛顿大学的研究人员Jachim Meyens表示,最新的鉴定只是一个开始。他预测,这款小行星搜索工具将在未来带来数千个新发现)”可推断,Jachim Meyens对小行星搜索工具的态度是抱有希望的。故选B。
    11. 主旨大意题。根据第二段“Histrically, the American space agency NASA used pwerful grund-based telescpes and its NEOWISE spacecraft t identify asterids and ther near-Earth bjects, NASA als used tracking systems t fllw the mvements f asterids.(历史上,美国航天局NASA使用强大的地面望远镜和NEOWISE航天器来识别小行星和其他近地物体,NASA还使用跟踪系统来跟踪小行星的运动)”及下文陈述可知,文章主要介绍了科学家利用科技工具发现新的小行星,以及这些工具的工作原理和优势。由此可知,C选项“科学家使用技术工具发现新的小行星”最符合文章标题。故选C。
    Australia’s Great Barrier Reef (大堡礁) has been hit by cntinuus heat. T ht cean temperatures, as high as 7 degrees Fahrenheit abve average, have attacked the reef in recent weeks even thugh autumn nrmally means cler cnditins. Scientists with Australian gvernment agencies said sme parts f the reef were turning white as a result.
    When temperatures rise, crals lse their imprtant rmmates: the symbitic algae (共生藻) that live inside crals and prduce their primary surce f fd. Thse algae give crals their clrs but get expelled (排出) during perids f heat stress, causing the crals t turn white. “If the water temperature decreases, crals that are affected can recver frm this stress,” said David Wachenfeld, chief scientist f Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authrity. “Hwever, weather frecasts shw cean temperatures will likely remain abve average in the next few weeks.”
    The reef has been experiencing warm temperatures. The cnsequence was severe. After a number f crals turned white in 2016 and 2017, large parts f the Great Barrier Reef lst half f their live crals. Reefs arund the wrld are experiencing similar climate — related damage. A wrldwide research fund that between 2009 and 2021, 14 percent f the wrld’s crals died. And anther similar event raided many places, which wrsened the situatin in 2022.
    Scientists are trying t find ways t give crals a fighting chance, like searching fr reefs that culd act as shelters because they experience naturally cl water. Others are raising heat resistant crals. Of curse, cuntries must reduce fssil fuel emissins (燃料排放) ver the next decade. Even if the wrld can limit warming t 1.5℃, 70 t 90 percent f cral reefs are likely t die ff. “We need t really learn frm these events,” Emily Darling, directr f cral reef cnservatin at the Wildlife Cnservatin Sciety, said. “We need t change the current businesses. We need t take actin n climate change.”
    12. What directly causes crals in Australia t change their clr?
    A. The increase f their fd.B. Wrsening climate change.
    C. T cl temperature in the cean.D. The lss f algae inside their bdies.
    13. What des David Wachenfeld seem t agree with?
    A. Crals’ recvery is hard because f ht weather.
    B. The repeated high temperatures will kill all crals.
    C. The stress fr crals will never disappear in future.
    D. Frecasts abut cean temperatures are nt reliable.
    14. What des the underlined wrd “raided” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. Represented.B. Struck.C. Plluted.D. Occupied.
    15. What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The imprtance f scientific wrk.
    B. The terrible impact f climate change.
    C. Varius reasns fr reducing fssil fuels.
    D. Pssible slutins t prtecting crals.
    12. 细节理解题。根据第二段“When temperatures rise, crals lse their imprtant rmmates: the symbitic algae (共生藻) that live inside crals and prduce their primary surce f fd. Thse algae give crals their clrs but get expelled (排出) during perids f heat stress, causing the crals t turn white. (当温度上升时,珊瑚失去了它们重要的室友:生活在珊瑚内部的共生藻类,它们生产珊瑚的主要食物来源。这些藻类赋予珊瑚颜色,但在高温胁迫期间被驱逐,导致珊瑚变白。)”可知,体内藻类的流失是澳大利亚珊瑚变色的直接原因。故选D。
    13. 推理判断题。根据第二段““If the water temperature decreases, crals that are affected can recver frm this stress,” said David Wachenfeld, chief scientist f Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authrity. “Hwever, weather frecasts shw cean temperatures will likely remain abve average in the next few weeks.”(澳大利亚大堡礁海洋公园管理局首席科学家大卫·瓦肯菲尔德说:“如果水温下降,受影响的珊瑚可以从这种压力中恢复过来。”“然而,天气预报显示,未来几周海洋温度可能仍将高于平均水平。”)”可推断,由于炎热的天气,珊瑚的恢复是困难的。故选A。
    14. 词句猜测题。根据划线单词前一句“A wrldwide research fund that between 2009 and 2021, 14 percent f the wrld’s crals died.(一项全球研究发现,在2009年至2021年间,世界上14%的珊瑚死亡。)”可知,2009年至2021之间,世界上有很多珊瑚死亡。而划线单词前“And anther similar event (另一次类似的事件)”和其后的宾语“many places (很多地方)”,以及结果状语“which wrsened the situatin in 2022.(使情况恶化)”可知,类似的事件发生在很多地方。所以划线单词和“发生、袭击”相关。选项A“Represented (代表)”;选项B“Struck (袭击)”;选项C“Plluted (污染)”;选项D“Occupied (占据)”。故选B。
    15. 主旨大意题。根据最后一段“Scientists are trying t find ways t give crals a fighting chance, like searching fr reefs that culd act as shelters because they experience naturally cl water. Others are raising heat resistant crals. Of curse, cuntries must reduce fssil fuel emissins (燃料排放) ver the next decade. (科学家们正在试图找到给珊瑚一个战斗的机会,比如寻找可以作为庇护所的珊瑚礁,因为它们经历了天然的冷水。其他人则培育耐热珊瑚。当然,各国必须在未来十年减少化石燃料的燃料排放。)”可知,最后一段主要介绍了保护珊瑚礁的方法。故选D。
    Bdy Language Cmmunicatin: What It Shws
    We use bdy language whenever we cmmunicate face t face. It’s a nnverbal language that emphasizes the meaning f the direct language we use. The fllwing bdy language examples are cmmn. ____16____.
    Smiles can mean different things, depending n the exact facial expressins. ____17____. Have yu ever heard f the term “smiling eyes”? Sme peple are really gd at sending a smile thrugh direct eye cntact. When yu display an authentic smile, yu let peple knw yu’re apprachable and friendly.
    When tuching yur nse with yur index finger, yu appear dishnest. If yu d it in a cnversatin that requires penness and hnesty, yu’ll have truble accmplishing yur gals. And, if yu see smene else rubbing his r her nse, it’s a gd indicatin that yu need t be careful nt t believe everything he r she tells yu autmatically.
    Crss yur arms acrss the chest
    Yur arms are perhaps ne f the first types f nnverbal cmmunicatin that peple ntice when they see yu. Universally, peple view a persn that crsses arms as insecure, annyed r clsed ff. ____19____. Hwever, if yu see smene with their arms crssed fr a lng perid f time, it culd indicate that the temperature is t cld.
    Crss yur legs
    ____20____. If yu crss them at the knee but pint yur knees away frm ther peple, yu shw yu’re uncmfrtable with them. In mst cases, the best ptin is t plant yur feet firmly n the flr.
    A. Yu may appear angry
    B. Rub r tuch yur nse
    C. Tuch yur face frequently
    D. It’s usually easy t get their meanings nce yu learn them
    E. There are happy smiles, shy smiles, warm smiles and s n
    F. If yu crss them acrss the chest, it may shw yu’re trying t hide smething
    G. The way yu crss yur legs can tell thers hw yu’re feeling at any given mment
    16. 根据上文“We use bdy language whenever we cmmunicate face t face. It’s a nnverbal language that emphasizes the meaning f the direct language we use. The fllwing bdy language examples are cmmn.(每当我们面对面交流时,我们都会使用肢体语言。它是一种非语言,强调我们使用的直接语言的意义。下面是一些常见的肢体语言例子)”结合后文列举了一些肢体语言,可知空处应该承上启下,指出学会这些肢体语言的好处。故D选项“一旦你学会了它们,通常很容易理解它们的意思”符合语境,故选D。
    17. 根据上文“Smiles can mean different things, depending n the exact facial expressins.(微笑可以意味着不同的事情,这取决于具体的面部表情)”可知,微笑的意义不同,这取决于面部表情,空处承接上文举例说明微笑的类型。故E选项“有快乐的微笑,害羞的微笑,温暖的微笑等等”符合语境,故选E。
    18. 空处是本段小标题,根据后文“When tuching yur nse with yur index finger, yu appear dishnest. If yu d it in a cnversatin that requires penness and hnesty, yu’ll have truble accmplishing yur gals. And, if yu see smene else rubbing his r her nse, it’s a gd indicatin that yu need t be careful nt t believe everything he r she tells yu autmatically.(当你用食指碰鼻子的时候,你显得不诚实。如果你在一个需要开放和诚实的对话中这样做,你将很难实现你的目标。而且,如果你看到别人在揉鼻子,这是一个很好的迹象,表明你需要小心,不要轻信他或她自动告诉你的一切)”可知,本段主要是关于触摸鼻子这种肢体语言所代表的含义。故B选项“揉擦或触摸你的鼻子”符合语境,故选B。
    19. 根据上文“Universally, peple view a persn that crsses arms as insecure, annyed r clsed ff.(人们普遍认为交叉双臂的人缺乏安全感、易怒或封闭)”可知,人们认为交叉双臂的人缺乏安全感、易怒或封闭,由此可知,空处承接上文说明交叉双臂所代表的含义,故F选项“如果你把它们交叉在胸前,这可能表明你在试图隐藏什么”符合语境,故选F。
    20. 根据后文“If yu crss them at the knee but pint yur knees away frm ther peple, yu shw yu’re uncmfrtable with them.(如果你在膝盖处交叉,但膝盖指向远离其他人,这表示你对他们感到不舒服)”可知,如果你在膝盖处交叉,但膝盖指向远离其他人,这表示你对他们感到不舒服,这说明交叉双腿的方式可以告诉别人你的感受,所以空处引起下文,故G选项“你交叉双腿的方式可以告诉别人你在任何时候的感受”符合语境,故选G。
    During the Tky Olympic Games, Sunisa Lee wn her first gld medal as the yungest member f the 2020 US wmen’s Olympics gymnastics team. ____21____ she finished the Games, Lee cntinued t perfect her ____22____ as a member f Auburn University’s gymnastics team. Like mst Olympic athletes, this 18-year-ld was ____23____ trying t challenge herself.
    Fr Lee, that included ____24____ a surprisingly difficult mve called The Nabieva. It was ____25____ after the wman, Tatiana Olegvna Nabieva, wh intrduced the mve. It ____26____ “laying ut vertically ver the high bar, swinging arund, and then passing ver the bar backwards befre grabbing (抓住) it again”. It was ____27____ a “G”, which was the ____28____ rating (等级) n the difficulty scale.
    In fact, The Nabieva had nly been ____29____ by the NCAA Cde f Pints fr cllege cmpetitins just three days befre Lee gave it a _____30_____. Frtunately, this gymnastics superstar didn’t need much _____31_____ t decide whether r nt t include it in her _____32_____. Befre the mve gt apprved at the cllege level, she had already _____33_____ it three times a day! Hwever, there was still a lt f _____34_____ when it came time fr Lee t perfrm because the _____35_____ between Auburn and the cmpeting team, Kentucky, were very clse.
    Excitedly, Lee _____36_____ all 10 scres n the beam (平衡木). Sn after, the mment that she had been _____37_____ t perfrm The Nabieva finally arrival. As sn as Lee safely landed n the grund, the crwd went wild knwing that they had just _____38_____ gymnasium histry! And these _____39_____ perfrmance pat Auburn ver the tp with a 197. 925-197. 150 win ver Kentucky.
    Lee has already prven she’s a frce that shuldn’t be _____40_____, and we can’t wait t watch as she cntinues t grw!
    21. A. IfB. UnlessC. BefreD. After
    22. A. theriesB. trialsC. killsD. effrts
    23. A. finallyB. cnstantlyC. sincerelyD. shrtly
    24. A. perfectingB. cntrllingC. balancingD. cmmandeering
    25. A. lkedB. takenC. runD. named
    26. A. annuncedB. invlvedC. cllectedD. ppsed
    27. A. lentB. leftC. givenD. brught
    28. A. slwestB. easiestC. sharpestD. highest
    29. A. apprvedB. abusedC. tuchedD. refused
    30. A. smileB. tryC. hugD. hand
    31. A. timeB. faithC. teamwrkD. frtune
    32. A. hpeB. educatinC. achievementD. rutine
    33. A. testedB. cnsumedC. practicedD. jiner
    34. A. inequalityB. pressureC. trubleD. disagreement
    35. A. chicesB. giftsC. targetsD. scres
    36. A. earnedB. remvedC. nticedD. delayed
    37. A. depending nB. wiping utC. waiting frD. putting frward
    38. A. witnessedB. madeC. startedD. acknwledged
    39. A. ryalB. excellentC. uncnsciusD. traditinal
    40. A. supprtedB. prmtedC. ignredD. admired
    本文是一篇记说明文。文章主要介绍了奥运会金牌获得者Sunisa Lee创造了体操历史,完成了一个极其困难的动作。
    21. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:比赛结束后,作为奥本大学体操队的一员,她继续完善自己的绝杀能力。A. If如果;B. Unless除非;C. Befre在……之前;D. After在……之后。根据“During the Tky Olympic Games, Sunisa Lee wn her first gld medal as the yungest member f the 2020 US wmen’s Olympics gymnastics team.”可知,Sunisa Lee在奥运会比赛之后,仍然继续完善她的技能。故选D。
    22. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:比赛结束后,作为奥本大学体操队的一员,她继续完善自己的绝杀能力。A. theries理论;B. trials试验;C. kills技能;D. effrts努力。根据“Fr Lee, that included ____4____ a surprisingly difficult mve called The Nabieva.”可知,Sunisa Lee继续完善她的技能。故选C。
    23. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:像大多数奥运会运动员一样,这个18岁的女孩一直在尝试挑战自己。A. finally最终;B. cnstantly不断地;C. sincerely真诚地;D. shrtly立刻。根据“Like mst Olympic athletes”和常识可知,运动员都在不断地挑战自己。故选B。
    24. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:对Lee来说,这包括完善一个出乎意料的困难的动作,称为Nabieva。A. perfecting完善;B. cntrlling控制;C. balancing平衡;D. cmmandeering征募。根据“It was ____5____ after the wman, Tatiana Olegvna Nabieva, wh intrduced the mve.”可知,Lee完善了Tatiana Olegvna Nabieva所创造的动作。故选A。
    25. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:它是以一位名叫Tatiana Olegvna Nabieva的妇女的名字命名的,正是引入了这一动作。A. lked看;B. taken带走;C. run跑;D. named命名。name after以……命名。根据“Tatiana Olegvna Nabieva, wh intrduced the mve.”可知,这套体操以Tatiana Olegvna Nabieva的命名。故选D。
    26. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:它包括“在高杆上垂直躺下,荡来荡去,然后向后越过高杆,然后再抓住它”。A. annunced宣布;B. invlved包括;C. cllected收集;D. ppsed反对。根据“laying ut vertically ver the high bar, swinging arund, and then passing ver the bar backwards befre grabbing (抓住) it again”可知,这里说明这套体操所包括的动作。故选B。
    27. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:它被赋予了“G”,这是难度等级中的最高等级。A. lent借出;B. left离开;C. given给予;D. brught带来。根据“which was the ____8____ rating (等级) n the difficulty scale.”可知,这套体操动作被赋予了难度等级“G”级。故选C。
    28. 考查形容词最高级词义辨析。句意:它被赋予了“G”,这是难度等级中的最高等级。A. slwest最慢的;B. easiest最早的;C. sharpest最锋利的;D. highest最高的。根据“n the difficulty scale.”可知,“G”级是难度等级中的最高等级。故选D。
    29. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实上,在Lee尝试之前的三天,Nabieva才被NCAA批准作为大学比赛的项目。A. apprved批准;B. abused滥用;C. tuched接触;D. refused拒绝。根据“by the NCAA Cde f Pints fr cllege cmpetitins just three days”可知,Nabieva这套动作被NCAA批准作为大学比赛的项目。故选A。
    30. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实上,在Lee尝试之前的三天,Nabieva才通过NCAA的大学比赛积分规则。A. smile微笑;B. try尝试;C. hug拥抱;D. hand递交。give a try试一试。这里指Lee尝试Nabieva这套体操动作。故选B。
    31. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,这位体操巨星不需要太多时间就决定是否把它列入她的常规动作。A. time时间;B. faith信念;C. teamwrk合作;D. frtune运气。根据“Befre the mve gt apprved at the cllege level, she had already ____13____ it three times a day!”可知,Lee在这套体操动作不需要太多时间来练习。故选A。
    32. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,这位体操巨星不需要太多时间就决定是否把它列入她的常规动作。A. hpe希望;B. educatin教育;C. achievement成就;D. rutine常规。根据“Befre the mve gt apprved at the cllege level, she had already ____13____ it three times a day!”可知,Lee不需要太多时间就决定是否把它列入她的常规动作。故选D。
    33. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在这个动作获得大学级别的批准之前,她已经每天练习三次了!A. tested测试;B. cnsumed消耗;C. practiced练习;D. jiner木匠。根据“Befre the mve gt apprved at the cllege level”可知,Lee每天练习三次。故选C。
    34. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,当Lee上场的时候仍然有很大的压力,因为奥本大学和竞争对手肯塔基州的比分非常接近。A. inequality不平等的;B. pressure压力;C. truble麻烦;D. disagreement不合。根据“when it came time fr Lee t perfrm because the ____15____ between Auburn and the cmpeting team, Kentucky, were very clse.”可知,Lee上场表演的时候压力很大。故选B。
    35. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,当Lee上场的时候仍然有很大的压力,因为奥本大学和竞争对手肯塔基州的比分非常接近。A. chices选择;B. gifts礼物;C. targets目标;D. scres比分。根据“Excitedly, Lee ____16____ all 10 scres n the beam (平衡木).”可知,Lee自己的队与对手的比分非常接近。故选D。
    36. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:令人兴奋的是,Lee在平衡木项目上获得了全部10分。A. earned获得;B. remved消除;C. nticed注意到;D. delayed延迟。根据“all 10 scres n the beam (平衡木).”可知,Lee在平衡木项目上获得了满分10分。故选A。
    37. 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:不久之后,她等待已久的表演Nabieva的时刻终于到来了。A. depending n依靠;B. wiping ut消灭;C. waiting fr期待;D. putting frward提出。根据“perfrm The Nabieva finally arrival.”可知,期待已久的展示Nabieva的时刻终于到来了。故选C。
    38. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当Lee安全地降落在地面上时,观众们欣喜若狂,因为他们刚刚见证了体操的历史! A. witnessed目睹;B. made使得;C. started开始;D. acknwledged承认。根据“As sn as Lee safely landed n the grund, the crwd went wild knwing”可知,观众们见证了体操的历史。故选A。
    39. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这些出色的表现让奥本以197.925:197.150的比分战胜了肯塔基。A. ryal高贵的;B. excellent出色的;C. uncnscius无意识的;D. traditinal传统的。根据“Auburn ver the tp with a 197. 925-197. 150 win ver Kentucky.”可知,因为Lee出色的表现,Lee所在的队战胜了对手。故选B。
    40. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Lee已经证明了她是一股不容忽视的力量,我们迫不及待地想看她继续成长! A. supprted支持;B. prmted提升;C. ignred忽略;D. admired 承认。根据“and we can’t wait t watch as she cntinues t grw!”及全文可知,Lee已经证明了她是一股不容忽视的力量。故选C。
    Researcher Sabrina Helm frm the University f Arizna wanted t see ____41____ shppers really felt abut the situatin that ____42____ number f brick-and-mrtar (实体的)stres was n the decrease while nline sales rse surprisingly. Fr Helm’s study, published in the Jurnal f Retailing (零售) and Cnsumer Services, she and her clleagues surveyed 400 cnsumers abut their shpping preferences, habits and attitudes twards ____43____ (tday) retail industry. Many peple said physical stres were vital t their quality f life and the lss f physical stres wuld lead t jb lsses and ____44____ (threat) scializatin pprtunities. Others added that they feared scial skills amng a cmmunity wuld decline. As a whle, althugh nline shpping was ____45____ (cnvenient) than ging t physical stres, the grup f participants largely agreed that the ____46____ (disappear) f brick-and-mrtar establishments wuld be harmful t sciety.
    Helm said, “Physical stres are part ____47____ the scial structure f ur sciety. If they disappear, many are cncerned abut the ecnmy and what influence this will have n jbs,” Helm added that it was imprtant fr brick-and-mrtar stres ____48____ (understand) cnsumers, Imprving custmer service and reducing wait time culd help physical stres stay away frm the threat f nline retailers.
    Of curse, bth frms f retail shpping have advantages and disadvantages. Many prefer the ease f nline shpping t physical in-stre shpping. Others like being able t tuch and try the prducts befre ____49____ (purchase) them. And in recent years cnsumers _____50_____ (realize) that their preferences hld pwer in changing the retail industry.
    45.mre cnvenient
    48.t understand
    50.have realized
    41. 考查名词性从句。句意:来自亚利桑那大学的研究人员Sabrina Helm想了解消费者对实体店数量减少而网上销售额惊人增长的情况的真实感受。分析句子结构可知,本句为宾语从句,从句中缺少方式状语,用hw引导。故填hw。
    42. 考查冠词。句意:来自亚利桑那大学的研究人员Sabrina Helm想了解消费者对实体店数量减少而网上销售额惊人增长的情况的真实感受。短语:the number f……的数量。故填the。
    43. 考查所有格。句意:Helm的研究发表在《零售与消费者服务杂志》上,她和她的同事调查了400名消费者的购物偏好、习惯和对当今零售业的态度。根据空后的的“retail industry”可知,空处为名词所有格,表示“当今的、现在的”。故填tday’s。
    44. 考查谓语动词。句意:许多人表示,实体店对他们的生活质量至关重要,失去实体店将导致失业,并威胁到社交机会。本句为并列谓语动词,and之后和wuld之后动词lead为并列谓语,所以空处用动词原形。故填threaten。
    45. 考查比较级。句意:总的来说,虽然网上购物比实体店更方便,但大部分参与者都认为,实体店的消失将对社会有害。根据空后的than可知,空处为比较级,故填mre cnvenient。
    46. 考查名词。句意:总的来说,虽然网上购物比实体店更方便,但大部分参与者都认为,实体店的消失将对社会有害。根据空前的the和空后的f可知,空处为名词。故填disappearance。
    47. 考查介词。句意:实体店是我们社会结构的一部分。短语:part f……的一部分。故填f。
    48. 考查非谓语动词。句意:Helm补充说,对实体店来说,了解消费者是很重要的。句型:it is adj fr…t d sth.其中it是形式主语,不定式为真正的主语。故填t understand。
    49. 考查非谓语动词。句意:另一些人则喜欢在购买之前能够触摸和试用产品。介词befre之后用动名词形式担当宾语。故填purchasing。
    50. 考查时态。句意:近年来,消费者已经意识到,他们的偏好在改变零售业方面发挥着重要作用。根据时间状语in recent years可知,本句时态为现在完成时;主语为cnsumers,复数,所以助动词用have。故填have realized。
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    The stry happened when I am still a cllege student. Dressed like a shp assistant, I was wandering arund the stre lking fr a birthday present fr his brther. I was lking randmly while suddenly a custmer called behind, “Hey, yu!” Since his face was unfamiliar t me, I ignred him. Then, I felt my shulder catching by him. He shuted, “Can’t yu hear frm me? I’ll have yu fired fr that!” I tried my best keep calm but his wrd really annyed me. Lucky, the manager f the shp shwed up and dealt with the whle thing, what gave me the time t g n with my shpping.
    【答案】1. am→was
    2. the→a
    3. his→my
    4. while→when
    5. catching→caught
    6. 删除frm
    7. best后添加t
    8. wrd→wrds
    9. Lucky→Luckily
    10. what→which
    1. 考查时态。句意:故事发生在我还在上大学的时候。根据上文happened可知为一般过去时。故am改为was。
    2. 考查冠词。句意:我穿得像个店员,在店里闲逛,想给我弟弟买件生日礼物。stre此处为泛指且是发音以辅音音素开头的单词,故应用不定冠词a,故the改为a。
    3. 考查代词。句意:我穿得像个店员,在店里闲逛,想给我弟弟买件生日礼物。此处指“我弟弟”应用代词my。故his改为my。
    4. 考查固定句型。句意:我随便看了一眼,突然一个顾客在后面叫道:“嘿,你!”此处为句型sb. be ding sth. when…表示“某人正在做某事,这时……”。故while改为when。
    5. 考查非谓语动词。句意:然后,我感到自己的肩膀被他抓住了。shulder与catch为被动关系,应用过去分词。故catching改为caught。
    6. 考查动词用法。句意:他喊道:“你听不到我说话吗?我要让你被炒了!”hear为及物动词,可直接跟宾语,故删除frm。
    7. 考查固定短语。句意:我尽力保持镇静,但他的话实在使我恼火。短语try ne’s best t d sth.表示“尽力做某事”。故best后添加t。
    8. 考查名词的数。句意:我尽力保持镇静,但他的话实在使我恼火。wrd为可数名词,结合上文“Can’t yu hear me? I’ll have yu fired fr that!”可知数量大于一应用复数形式。故wrd改为wrds。
    9. 考查副词。句意:幸运的是,商店的经理出现了,处理了整个事情,这让我有时间继续我的购物。修饰后文整个句子应用副词luckily,故Lucky改为Luckily。
    10. 考查定语从句。句意:幸运的是,商店的经理出现了,处理了整个事情,这让我有时间继续我的购物。非限制性定语从句修饰上文整个句子,从句缺少主语,故用which。故what改为which。
    52.假定你是牛津中学(Oxfrd Academy)的交换生李华,近期当地政府拟决定停办你校附近的公办养老院。请你给当地主管部门写一封投诉信,希望取消该决定。内容包括:
    1. 陈述面临的问题;
    2. 强调养老院的重要性;
    3. 提出自己的希望。
    注意:1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    【答案】Dear Sir/ Madam,
    I’m LI Hua, an exchange student frm Oxfrd Academy. It’s said that a state-run nursing hme near my schl is abut t be clsed.
    As is knwn t all, the nursing hme is essential fr sme ld peple whse children can’t spare time t take care f them. Therefre, t stp running it will undubtedly bring incnvenience t their lives, ding harm t their mental and physical health.
    In a wrd, I sincerely hpe the department cncerned can cancel the decisin and ensure a stable living envirnment fr the elderly.
    Li Hua
    1. 词汇积累
    重要的:essential→ imprtant/significant
    照顾:take care f → lk after
    因此:therefre → thus
    总而言之:in a wrd→ in brief
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:Therefre, t stp running it will undubtedly bring incnvenience t their lives, ding harm t their mental and physical health.
    拓展句:Therefre, t stp running it will undubtedly bring incnvenience t their lives, which des harm t their mental and physical health.
    [高分句型1]It’s said that a state-run nursing hme near my schl is abut t be clsed.(运用了that引导的主语从句)
    [高分句型2]As is knwn t all, the nursing hme is essential fr sme ld peple whse children can’t spare time t take care f them.(运用了as引导的定语从句以及whse引导的定语从句)

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