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    英语人教版 (2019)Unit 4 Space Exploration多媒体教学课件ppt

    这是一份英语人教版 (2019)Unit 4 Space Exploration多媒体教学课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Ⅲ 文本梳理,promote,money,the space,work out,found out,found,out,名师点津,argue for等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    如何写正反观点的议论文【文本研读】Ⅰ. 文本整体理解: 快速浏览文章1. What’s the main idea f the text? A. Intrducing different benefits f explring space. B. Intrducing the histry f explring space.
    C. Intrducing different pinins abut space explratin. D. Intrducing the develpment f explring space. 答案: A
    2. Find ut the main idea f each paragraph. Para. 1: _____________________________________ Para. 2: ______________________________________________________________ Para. 3: ___________________________________ _______________________________________
    Different pinins abut space explratin.
    Explring space has made a difference in
    the fight against wrld hunger.
    Space explratin has already prmted
    technlgical imprvements that benefit us.  
    Para. 4 : ___________________________________ _____________________________________________ _______________________ Para. 5: __________________________________________________________________ 
    Sending astrnauts int space has helped
    peple t think abut the wrld’s prblems and even
    t find ways t slve them.
    Explring space prvides the wrld with
    many benefits, s it shuld cntinue.
    Ⅱ. 文本细节理解: 关注特色表达1. What’s the authr’s attitude t explring space? A. Supprtive.   B. Objective.   C. Neutral.   D. Negative.
    2. Which f the fllwing aspects desn’t the space explratin include? A. Farming. B. Technlgical imprvements. C. Finding ther planets t live. D. Building a healthy bdy. 答案: 1、2. AD
    【写作指导】【文体剖析】  通过摆事实, 讲道理, 直接表达作者的观点和主张的文体属于议论文。正反观点类议论文是其中的一种, 通常提出某观点或某话题, 并指出对此话题产生的两种对立观点, 对正反两方面的论点进行论证, 最后给出自己的看法。
    【话题词汇】1. result in 导致2. in clsing 最后3. be ppsed t 反对4. be in favr f 赞成, 支持5. be widely used 被广泛使用6. as far as I am cncerned 在我看来
    7. make a difference 起作用, 有影响8. take . . . int cnsideratin 把……考虑在内9. sme peple argue that. . . 一些人主张……10. n the ne hand. . . , n the ther hand. . . 一方面……, 另一方面……
    【话题句式】1. Different peple have different views n space explratin. 不同的人对太空探索有不同的看法。2. It makes us feel prud f ur natin. 它使我们为我们的国家感到自豪。3. Every cin has tw sides. 事物都有两面性。
    4. Generally speaking, its advantages can be seen as fllws. 一般来说, 它的优点如下。5. Sme peple firmly believe we benefit a lt frm the scientific advancements in many different ways. 有些人坚信, 我们从许多不同方面的科学进步中获益良多。
    6. Taking all factrs int cnsideratin, we may safely cme t the cnclusin that there are quite a few pprtunities in ur sciety. 把所有的因素加以考虑, 我们可以有把握地得出结论: 在我们的社会中存在着相当多的机会。
    【典题演练】  最近, 你班同学就“太空是否值得探索”这一话题展开了一场讨论。请你根据下表提供的信息, 用英语写一篇短文介绍讨论的情况, 并谈谈自己的看法。30%的同学认为太空不值得探索。理由: 1. 离我们及我们的日常生活太遥远。
    2. 浪费金钱。70%的同学认为太空值得探索。理由: 1. 已使用卫星进行通讯传播、天气预报。2. 有望解决人口问题。注意: 1. 词数80左右; 2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
    【遣词】1. 进行了一次热烈的讨论 _____________________ 2. 持有不同的观点__________________3离……太遥远__________________ 4. 解决人口问题__________________________ 5. 在我看来____________________ 
    have a heated discussin
    hld different ideas 
    t far away frm. . .
    slve the ppulatin prblems
    as far as I’m cncerned
    6. 值得做某事_____________ 7. 从……中受益____________8. 促进________
    be wrth ding
    benefit frm 
    【造句】1. 完成句子(1)最近我们班进行了一次热烈的讨论。_____________________________________ (2)讨论的话题是太空是否值得探索。________________________________________ 
    Recently ur class had a heated discussin.
    The tpic is whether space is wrth explring.
    (3)30%的同学认为不值得探索。_____________________________________________ (4)他们认为太空探索离我们及我们的日常生活太遥远并且浪费金钱。______________________________________________________________________________________________ 
    30% f us think space explratin is nt wrthwhile.
    They hld the belief that space explratin is t far
    away frm us and ur daily life and is a waste f
    (5)然而70%的同学认为值得探索。________________________________________ (6)我们从中受益很多, 如使用卫星进行通讯传播、天气预报。_______________________________________________ ____________________________________ 
    Hwever, 70% think space is wrth explring.
    We have benefited a lt frm it, such as using satellites
    fr cmmunicatin and weather frecast.
    (7)在我看来, 探索太空是值得的。_____________________________________________ _________ 
    As far as I am cncerned, it is wrthwhile t explre
    2. 句式升级(8)用whether引导宾语从句, 将(1)(2)句连接起来_______________________________________________ ______________________ 
    Recently ur class had a heated discussin n whether
    space is wrth explring.
    30% f us think space explratin is nt wrthwhile,
    hlding the belief that space explratin is t far
    (10)用because引导原因状语从句连接(5)(6)句_______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________________________________ 
    Hwever, 70% think space is wrth explring because
    we have benefited a lt frm it, such as using satellites
    【成篇】  Recently ur class had a heated discussin n whether space is wrth explring. Students hld different ideas abut it.   30% f us think space explratin is nt wrthwhile, hlding the belief that space explratin is t far away frm us and ur daily life and is a waste f mney.  
    Hwever, 70% think space is wrth explring because we have benefited a lt frm it, such as using satellites fr cmmunicatin and weather frecast. What’s mre, with further space research, we may slve the ppulatin prblem by mving t ther planets ne day.  
    As far as I am cncerned, it is wrthwhile t explre the space. Nt nly can it prmte the develpment f sciety but als enrich ur life.  
    1. figure ut 弄懂; 弄清楚; 弄明白*T figure ut hw much pwer these devices are using, she tracked the envirnmental csts fr each prduct thrughut its life. 为了计算出这些设备使用多少电力, 她追踪了每件产品在使用过程中的环境成本。
    *The medical students have t figure ut hw t treat the patient. 医学院的学生必须弄清是如何治疗病人。
    【语块积累】find ut     找出, 查明; 发现, 揭发wrk ut 解决; 算出; 实现; 制定出; 弄懂; 锻炼
    【即学活用】(1)I ________ at a gym r swim twice a week.  我每周两次在健身房锻炼或游泳。(2)We must ______________hw t slve the prblem.  我们必须想出如何解决这个问题。
    figure/wrk ut
    (3)We _________later that we had been at the same schl.  后来我们才弄清楚我们是校友。(4)I haven’t ______ anything ___ abut him yet. 我还没有发现有关他的什么情况。
    2. argue vt. &vi. 争论; 争辩; 论证*The by argued with his teacher abut his hmewrk. 那个男孩因为作业与老师争执了起来。*Dn’t argue abut this matter any mre. 不要再为这件事情进行争论了。
    *Peple in that city argue that their city is the mst lively city in the wrld. 那个城市的人们认为他们的城市是世界上最富有生机的城市。*But there are many peple wh argue fr changing their jbs. 但是有许多赞成换工作的人。
    *It is very difficult t argue against the use f this drug. 反对这种药物的使用十分困难。
    【语块积累】(1)argue with      和……争吵argue abut因为……争论argue that主张, 认为……argue fr赞成; 支持argue against反对; 据理反对(2)argument n. 争论
    【即学活用】用argue的相关短语填空(1)Let’s nt ___________mney.  (2)In this article I will pint ut sme further explanatins, and ________ne f them.  (3)Listen! I am nt ging t __________yu.  (4)He _____________the suggestin.  
    argued against
    3. result in导致; 造成*(2019·北京高考)Psitive thinking and actin result in success. 积极的思想和行动导致成功。*(2019·江苏高考)Hwever, they have real impacts, as they result in misguided use f scarce resurces. 然而, 它们有实际的影响, 因为它们导致对稀缺资源的错误使用。
    【语块积累】result frm        由于, 因为as a result因此as a result f. . . 作为……的结果
    【巧学助记】图解result in与result frm
    【即学活用】用result的相关短语填空(1)Success ___________hard wrk.  成功来自努力。(2)The accident __________the death f tw passengers.  这次事故造成两名乘客死亡。
    results frm
    resulted in
    (3)(2019·江苏高考)__________, humans can perfrm very cmplex tasks with their hands.  因此, 人类可以用手完成非常复杂的任务。(4)She died ___________ her injuries.  她因受伤而死。
    As a result
    as a result f
    4. run ut 用完; 耗尽*Cnditins are getting wrse and supplies are running ut. 情况越来越糟, 补给也快耗尽了。*His mney sn ran ut. 他的钱很快就花完了。
    *(2019·北京高考)If they run ut f certain daily necessities, Wilsn will drive t the nearest stre and purchase what’s needed. 如果他们用完了某些生活必需品, 威尔逊将开车到最近的商店去购买所需要的东西。
    【语块积累】run ut f      用完wear ut用旧, 穿破; 使疲乏
    【名师点津】区别run ut与run ut frun ut是不及物短语动词, 其主语通常为时间、食物、金钱等名词; run ut f 是及物短语动词, 表示主动含义, 主语一般是人。
    【熟词生义】*When the lease ran ut, the family mved t Cleveland. 租赁合同到期后, 这家人搬到了克利夫兰。( )
    【即学活用】(1)Her mney has been _________and her patience is als running ut.  她的钱已经用完了, 她的耐心也要耗尽了。(2)He’s leaving this psitin, because his term f ffice __________.  他就要离开这个工作岗位了, 因为他的任期已满。
    (3)(句型转换)We ran ut f time befre the party. →_______________befre the party.  翻译句子(4)(2019·天津高考)We’ve all knwn peple wh run ut f steam befre they reach life’s halfway mark. 译: ____________________________________________________
    Our time ran ut
    5. attach vt. 系; 绑; 贴*Please attach these labels t yur hand luggage. 请把这些标签系在您的手提行李上。*I will attach a dcument t the letter . 我将把文件附在信上。*He is deeply attached t the ld camera. 他非常爱惜那个旧相机。
    *This middle schl is attached t a nrmal cllege. 这所中学附属于一所师范学院。*Parents attach much imprtance t educatin. 父母认为教育很重要。
    【语块积累】attach. . . t. . .  把……系到/贴到/附在某物上be attached t喜欢, 依恋, 附属于attach(much) imprtance t. . . 认为……(很)重要
    【易混辨析】attach, add, fasten三者异同相同点: 三者都含有“把一件东西或一件事添加于另一件东西或事上”的意义。不同点: attach表示“多为外形上的结合, 可以连得上去, 也可拆得下来, 还可表示比喻的含义。add, 可用于有形的和无形的东西fasten结牢, 拴住, 有形的东西, 有时可与attach互换
    【即学活用】(1)D yu ______________________________English well?  你认为学好英语重要吗? (2)The little girl ____________her English teacher.  这个小女孩非常喜欢她的英语老师。
    attach any imprtance t learning
    is attached t
    (3)Yu had better ______ a recent phtgraph __ yur applicatin frm. 你最好在申请表上贴一张近照。
    6. Firstly, explring space has already made a difference in the fight against wrld hunger.  首先, 探索太空已经在与世界饥饿的斗争中发挥了作用。
    【句式解构】(1)本句中划线部分explring space是动名词短语在句中作主语。动名词作主语时, 它已经将动作名词化了, 已把某个动作视为某种活动或是某件事情了, 动作意义很弱, 比较抽象。*Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。
    *Reading simplified English nvels is an easy and enjyable way f enlarging ur vcabulary. 阅读简写的英文小说是扩大我们词汇量的一种轻松愉快的方法。*Cheating in an exam ruins ne’s character . 考试作弊毁坏人的品格。
    (2)动名词作主语时, 也常用“It is. . . ”和“There is. . . ”两种句型。其中“It is. . . ”的句型常用于说明“某种活动或是某件事情是如何的”, 强调事物的性质、特征等。常用于It is后面的词有: n gd, n use, useless, a waste, wrthwhile, dangerus等等。而句型“There is. . . ”往往用于说明“不允许、禁止某种活动或是某件事情发生或存在”, 类似一种建议或命令。
    *It is n use waiting fr him any lnger . 再等他也没有用。 *It is wrthwhile cnsulting yur tutr abut it again . 很值得再向你的指导老师咨询一下这个问题。 *There is n jking abut such matters . 这种事开不得玩笑。
    *There is n denying the fact that China has made a rapid prgress in every aspect since it was funded . 毋庸置疑, 中国自它成立以来已在各个方面都取得了飞速的发展。 *There is n littering abut. 不许乱扔杂物。
    【名师点津】(1)当不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或从句在某个句子中作主语时, 为保持句子结构前后平衡, 避免头重脚轻, 因此常用it作形式主语置于句首, 而将真正的主语放在句尾。此时it只起先行引导作用, 本身无词义。
    (2)不定式作主语的动作意义较强, 这种动作往往是“要发生的一次性动作”, 较具体; 动名词短语作主语往往是经常性、习惯性的动作, 此时谓语动词用单数。*Wrking with yu is a pleasure. 和你一起工作是一件乐事。
    *He realized that t g n like this was wrng. 他意识到继续这样下去是错误的。*It takes me ten minutes t get hme frm my ffice . 我从办公室回家要花十分钟。
    【即学活用】(1)_________ (cllect) stamps is his hbby. (2)It’s a waste f time __________(quarrel)with him. (3)Is it wrthwhile _______ (argue)with her?
    (4)(句型转换)Ging t bed early is cnsidered t be a gd habit. →It is cnsidered t be a gd habit ________________.  
    【要点拾遗】limited adj. 有限的*It is a waste f limited resurces. 这是对有限资源的一种浪费。*My life is limited, but learning is limitless. 吾生也有涯, 而知也无涯。
    *Dn’t take it fr granted that natural resurces can be used withut limit. 不要理所当然地以为自然资源是取之不尽, 用之不竭的!
    【语块积累】(1)limitless adj.      无限制的; 无界限的limit v. & n. 限制limitatin n. 限制, 能力上的不足(2)set a limit t. . . 为……设置一个限制/极限withut limit没有限制, 无极限(3)limit sth. t将某物限制在……范围内
    【即学活用】(1)单句语法填空①There is _______ (limit) time t finish the task. ②The rganizatin cmmittee set a limit __ the number f each delegatin. ③I knw my __________(limit), s I wn’t d the things beynd my ability.
    (2) (2019·北京高考)With her talent and determinatin, it appears that the sky culd be the limit fr Alice Mre. 世纪金榜导学号译: ____________________________________________
    凭借她的才华和决心, 爱丽丝·摩尔似乎前途无量。
    【导语】鲁滨逊生活在18世纪的英国, 他为了追求财富, 冒险出海, 最后漂流到一个荒岛上, 在那里他用劳动战胜自然, 用才智克服困难, 征服了一个土人“星期五”, 成为荒岛的主人。这部作品的作者是丹尼尔·笛福, 这部作品是18世纪英国现实主义小说的奠基之作。
    Man Friday(Chapter 7)  Fr tw years I never went anywhere withut my gun. I felt lnely and afraid, and had many sleepless nights. One night there was a very bad strm, and I thught I heard the sund f guns ut at sea.
    The next mrning I lked ut, and saw a ship. It was lying n its side nt far frm the shre. Quickly, I put my little bat in the water and sailed ut t it. There were tw dead men n the ship, but n ne alive. The bdies f the ther sailrs were lst in the sea. I tk sme clthes and tls, and als a bx f Spanish
    gld and silver mney. I was a rich man nw, but what use was mney t me? I culd nt buy anything with it. I wanted peple, a friend, smebdy t talk t. . . smebdy wh culd help me escape frm my island.
    One mrning I wke up and made a plan. “I’ll try t catch ne f the prisners f the wild men, ”I said t myself. “He’ll be happy t be alive and perhaps he’ll help me t escape. ”I watched day and night, but fr a year and a half there were n bats.
    Then ne day five bats came. There were abut thirty men and they had tw prisners. They made their fire n the sand and danced rund it. Then they killed ne f the prisners and began t ck their terrible meal. The secnd prisner waited under the trees, with tw men t watch him. Suddenly, the
    prisner turned and ran. The tw men ran after him, but the ther wild men were busy rund the fire and did nt see what was happening.
    The prisner ran like a wild gat, and sn I saw that he was cming near the bttm f my hill. As fast as I culd, I ran dwn the hill and jumped ut f the trees between the prisner and the tw wild men. I hit the first man with the wden end f my gun and he fell dwn, but I had t sht the secnd man. The pr prisner did nt mve. He was afraid f the nise f my gun.
    I called t him and tried t shw him that I was friendly. Slwly, he mved nearer t me, but just then the first wild man began t get up frm the grund. Then the prisner spke and I understd that he wanted my swrd.
    Hw happy I was t hear wrds again! I gave him my swrd, and at nce he cut ff the head f his enemy. Hurriedly, we hid the dead bdies under sme leaves, and then left quickly. I tk my prisner t my secret cave n the ther side f the island and gave him fd and drink. After that, he went t sleep.
    He was a fine yung man, abut twenty-five years ld, tall and well-built, with a kind face and a nice smile. He had a brwn skin, black hair, bright eyes and strng white teeth. I decided t give him the name f ‘Man Friday’, because I first saw him n a Friday. When he wke up in the mrning, he ran ut t me. I
    was milking my gats in the field, and he gt dwn n the grund and put his head near my ft. I understd that he was thanking me, and I tried t shw him that I was his friend. I began t teach him t speak English, and sn he culd say his name, ‘Master’, and ‘Yes’ and ‘N’. Hw gd it was t hear
    a man’s vice again! Later that day we went back t my first huse. We went carefully alng the beach, but there were n bats and n wild men. Just bld and bnes all ver the sand. I felt ill, but Friday wanted t eat the pieces f men’s bdies which were still n the grund. I shwed him that this was terrible fr me,
    and he understd. When we gt t my huse, I gave Man Friday sme trusers, and I made him a cat and a hat. He liked his new clthes very much. Then I made him a little tent t sleep in, but fr a few weeks I always tk my gun t bed with me. Perhaps Friday was still a wild man and wuld try t kill me in the night.

    人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration评课课件ppt: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration评课课件ppt,文件包含核心素养人教版小学数学五年级下册416练习十六课件pptx、核心素养人教版小学数学五年级下册416练习十八教案docx、核心素养人教版小学数学五年级下册416练习十八导学案docx等3份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共22页, 欢迎下载使用。

    高中人教版 (2019)Unit 4 Space Exploration优质ppt课件: 这是一份高中人教版 (2019)Unit 4 Space Exploration优质ppt课件,共44页。PPT课件主要包含了Mind map,argue with,argue that,result in,resource,limit,limited,unlimited,尾段表达个人的观点,体裁话题等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration备课课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration备课课件ppt,共35页。PPT课件主要包含了work out,found out,found,out,argue for,argue with,run out of,去动力,attach,Collecting等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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