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    初中英语牛津版 (深圳&广州)八年级上册(2013秋审查)Module2 Science and technologyUnit 3 Computers单元测试习题

    这是一份初中英语牛津版 (深圳&广州)八年级上册(2013秋审查)Module2 Science and technologyUnit 3 Computers单元测试习题,文件包含深圳牛津八年级上册Unit3单元测试卷答案doc、深圳牛津八年级上册Unit3单元测试卷docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共11页, 欢迎下载使用。

    阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。
    When I was a little by, my mther ften asked me what the mst imprtant part f the bdy is. I thught sund was the mst imprtant t us, s I said, “My 1 , Mummy.” She said, “N. Many peple can’t hear but they live nrmal (正常的) lives.”
    Several years later, she asked me again. This time I tld her, “Mummy, 2 is very imprtant t everybdy, s it must be ur eyes.” She lked at me and tld me, “Yu are learning fast, 3 the answer is nt right. Because there are many peple wh are 4 but happy and healthy.”
    Then, last year, my grandpa died. Everybdy was 5 . My mum lked at me when it was ur turn t say final gd-bye t Grandpa. She asked me, “D yu knw the mst imprtant bdy part nw, my dear?” I was 6 when she asked me this then because I always thught it was a game between her and me. I saw
    her eyes full f tears. She said, “The mst imprtant bdy part is yur 7 .”
    “Is it because it hlds up yur head?” I asked. “N, it is because it can hld the head f a friend r a lved ne when they cry,” she answered 8 .
    “ 9 needs a shulder t cry n smetimes in life. I nly hpe that yu have enugh lve and friends that yu will 10 have a shulder t cry n when yu need it.”
    ( ) 1. A. eyes B. ears C. nses D. shulder
    ( ) 2. A. sight B. sund C. taste D. smell
    ( ) 3. A. and B. but C. s D. if
    ( ) 4. A. pr B. blind C. deaf D. disabled
    ( ) 5. A. talking B. fighting C. crying D. shuting
    ( ) 6. A. happy B. sad C. angry D. surprised
    ( ) 7. A. shulder B. arm C. leg D. head
    ( ) 8. A. quietly B. quickly C. excitedly D. prudly
    ( ) 9. A. Everybdy B. Nbdy C. Smebdy D. Anybdy
    ( ) 10. A. never B. seldm C. smetimes D. always
    Ⅱ. 阅读理解(40分)
    第一节(30 分)
    Pandas are frm China. They’re ne f China’s symbls. Yu can see them in many zs f the wrld nw. They lk very cute and they’re my favurite animals. They like eating bamb. But they’re in danger nw, because peple cut dwn a lt f bamb. We must plant mre bamb.
    Tigers cme frm Asia. They eat meat and lk scary, but I like them best. They are big and strng. And they’re gd at running. These years, peple kill them fr fur r medicine, s they are in danger. I want t help them.
    Elephants are friendly animals. They live in Asia and Africa. I like them best, because they are really smart. They’re gd at finding the way. And they can use their lng nses t carry many things. Hwever, peple always kill them fr ivry, s they are in great danger nw.
    ( ) 11. Jane likes pandas because they are very ________________.
    A. lvely B. smart
    C. funny D. friendly
    ( ) 12. Which f the fllwing is TRUE abut tigers accrding t the passage?
    A. They cme frm China.
    B. They’re small and strng.
    C. They are killed fr fur.
    D. They are Eric’s favurite animals.
    ( ) 13. The underlined wrd “scary” means “________” in Chinese?
    A. 庞大的
    B. 可怕的
    C. 紧张的
    D. 强壮的
    ( ) 14. Why are elephants in danger?
    A. Because peple kill them fr fur.
    B. Because peple kill them fr meat.
    C. Because peple kill them fr ivry.
    D. Because peple kill them fr medicine.
    ( ) 15. What des this passage want t talk abut?
    A. Tigers are big and strng.
    B. We shuld help animals.
    C. Elephants are friendly animals.
    D. We need t plant bamb.
    2021 is a year f the x. D yu knw why the cat is nt in the Chinese zdiac (生肖)? There is a famus Chinese flk (神话) stry abut this. The Jade Emperr (玉皇大帝) asks all animals t take part in a race. The first 12 animals t finish the race will becme parts f the zdiac. At that time, the cat and the rat are gd friends. When they hear abut the race, the cat says t the rat, “We shuld get up early fr the race, but I usually wake up late.” The rat says he will make his friend get up early and they can g tgether.
    Hwever, n the mrning f the race, the rat is s happy that he desn’t wake the cat up. He ges t the gathering area himself fr the race and wins the first place in the race. An x cmes next, and then a tiger. The cat wakes up late and he finds that the race is already ver. The cat desn’t like the rat at all after that. Of curse, it is nly a stry.
    ( ) 16. 2022 is the year f the _______.
    A. rat B. tiger
    C. cat D. x
    ( ) 17. _______, s he wrried abut the race.
    A. The cat desn’t knw the way
    B. The cat can’t get up early
    C. The cat can’t run very fast
    D. The cat desn’t like the race at all
    ( ) 18. Which f the fllwing is TRUE accrding t the passage?
    A The rat als ges t the race late.
    B. The cat gets t the gathering area n time.
    C. The rat asks the cat t wake up early n that day.
    D. The cat and the rat bth want t take part in the race.
    ( ) 19. After the race, the cat may feel _______ when he knws the rat was the winner.
    ( ) 20. We can mst prbably read the text in the _________.
    A. science magazine
    B. cartn bk
    C. stry bk
    D. sprts bk
    Shirley, an elephant, has smething t say. She pens her muth and speaks. The nearby elephants understand the sund, but it is just nise t me.
    What is Shirley exactly saying? Scientists are nt sure, but they are trying t find ut hw elephants cmmunicate.
    A nisy grup
    Nt all the elephants speak like Shirley. Tarra speaks like a sea lin when she is happy. Bunny squeaks (吱吱叫) ften. I sn get used t hearing the different vices f the elephants. When ne gray giant cmes clse t me, I knw which elephant it is.
    Elephants als cmmunicate in a way that peple can’t hear. Scientists believe that elephant’s sund can travel fr miles. Elephants in a grup use it t keep in tuch when they are alne.
    There are tw kinds f elephants—Asian elephants and African elephants. In the wild, bth kinds are endangered. In 1970, almst 2 millin Asian elephants lived in the wild in Sutheast Asia. Nw there are nly 25, 600 t 32, 750 elephants living there. Their hme is being gradually destryed. As the ppulatin grws, humans are building n mre f the land. In Africa, many wild elephants lived there 20 years ag. But tday, nly half f them still live there.
    ( ) 21. What des the writer mainly describe in the first half f the passage?
    A. Different sunds made by elephants.
    B. What it is like t be an elephant.
    C. Ways t save the elephants’ hme.
    D. Hw t plan a visit t an elephant’s hme.
    ( ) 22. Which f the fllwing can be put back int the blank?
    A. The wild elephants. B. African elephants.
    C. Asian elephants. D. Elephants in danger.
    ( ) 23. If there were 2 thusand wild elephants living in Africa 20 years ag, hw many f them are still there nw?
    A. 25, 600. B. 32, 750. C. 1, 000. D. 10, 000.
    ( ) 24. What can we infer frm the passage?
    A. Elephants als cmmunicate with peple.
    B. Elephant’s sund can travel t a faraway place.
    C. Sme elephants like t make nise.
    D. Many elephants live alne.
    ( ) 25. The passage is mst prbably frm ________________.
    A. a stry bk B. a travel guide
    C. a cmic strips D. an animal magazine
    第二节(5 分)
    A. The best dgs fr the jb are clever and fit.
    B. Nw let me tell yu smething abut guide dgs.
    C. When he came ut, he saw an amazing thing.
    D. Guide dgs are strictly trained dgs and are a kind f wrking dg.
    E. When she came back t the United States, she wrte it fr a magazine.
    F. Here is sme infrmatin abut dgs.
    Welcme t Guide Dgs Training Center,bys and girls! Dgs, as gd friends f humans, ften help us. __26__
    Mst guide dgs are Labradr and Glden Retriever. 27 Trained guide dgs can lead blind peple t anywhere they want t g.
    In 1918, a dctr and his pet dg walked with a sldier (士兵). The sldier was blind. The dctr went int the hspital fr a shrt time. 28 With his pet dg’s help, the sldier culd g safely n the ther side f the hspital yard. S he taught the dg t guide a persn and it wrked ut well! Germany helped start a prgram t teach dgs t be guides.
    Lra, an American wman, went t Germany t find ut the prgram f teaching dgs t be guide dgs. 29 Sn mre peple knew abut the helpful guide dgs. 30 It takes mre than tw years t train a little dg t be a guide dg.
    第三节(5 分)
    A. Fr eating
    B. At schl
    C. Fr riding n the escalatr (自动扶梯)
    D. On yur trip
    E. When there’s a fire.
    F. On yur way hme r t schl
    ( ) 31. Wait fr the green traffic light, and lk left and right befre yu crss the rad. If yu see a car cming, dn’t crss until it really stps. Wear bright clurs s the drivers can see yu easily. All these can help yu get t schl safely.
    ( ) 32. When students arund yu begin t push, try t hld nt smething, r stay in a safer crner. If yu fall dwn in a crwded place, cver yur head with bth hands.
    ( ) 33. Stay calm and leave quickly. Use a piece f wet clth t cver yur muth and nse s that yu dn’t breathe in (吸入) smke.
    ( ) 34. Wash fruits like apples r pears carefully befre yu eat them. Check the expiratin dates (保质期) and if yur fd lks r smells bad, dn’t eat it.
    ( ) 35. Hld nt the handrails (扶手) and stand n the right side f the escalatr because right arms are strnger. It is dangerus t run up and dwn n them.
    Ⅲ. 语法填空(10分)
    One day, Jhnny Miller was walking in the muntains with his dg, Rnd. (36)_________(sudden), Jhnny Miller fell (37)________a deep dark hle and kncked his head. When he wke up, he culd see (38)________(smething) in the dark hle but he heard Rnd’s barking utside. “G and get help, Rnd! ” he (39)________(shut). Rnd barked. Rnd ran fast dwn the muntain t the Rescue Centre. He barked at the dr until smebdy came ut. (40)________ man understd that smene was (41)________ truble. They fllwed Rnd up the muntain. Rnd arrived (42)________ the hle and barked at the rescue team. One man climbed dwn int the hle with a lng rpe (绳子). He tied the rpe arund Jhnny and ther (43)________(man) pulled him up. They were sn back at the Rescue Centre. (44)________(late), Rnd received the medal (奖牌) fr “Rescue Dg f the Year.” Jhnny Miller said Rnd was his (45) ________(gd) and frever friend.
    Ⅳ. 书面表达(15分)
    根据中文提示,写一篇60 词左右的小故事。
    提示: 在美国佛罗里达州(Flrida) 曾经发生过这样一个故事。一天清晨,Allen还在熟睡。突然,他被宠物狗Rrie的叫声吵醒了。原来房子失火了,烟已经从门下面进来了。于是,他用湿毛巾捂住(cver)口鼻,蹲在地上,等待救援。最后,消防车及时赶到,Allen获救。
    This stry happened in Flrida, America.
    _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Allen thught his helpful dg Rrie was a her and Allen thanked him very much.

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