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    这是一份2021-2022学年安徽省桐城市某重点中学高二下学期月考(11)英语试题含答案,共11页。试卷主要包含了【答案】C、B、A,【答案】B、C、B、D,【答案】A、C、A,【答案】D、E、A、B、G,【答案】ramatic,【答案】mbitin,【答案】t blame,【答案】assistant等内容,欢迎下载使用。




    Although Adrian Wood had already sent her three oldest children off to White Oak Elementary School in Edenton,North Carolina,she was anxious when it was her youngest son Amos's turn to start classes.Adrian said, "Sending Amos to school was such a different path.He was 3 when he started school.He had autism(自闭症)and he didn't speak."
    Amos struggled to make friends and fit in,but there was always one person there who was very happy to see him.Raymond Brown has worked at the school as a guard for the past 15 years.All of the students know and love him,and he's truly a friend to all.He started calling Adrian's son "Famous Amos" on day one.To the mom's surprise,Amos quickly began responding with a cheerful "Hey,Brown" whenever he saw him. "He wasn't even saying 'daddy' at home,so it was really something, "Adrian said.
    "Amos is a hard friend to have," Adrian explained, "He takes a lot more than he gives and that's tough for children.But those kids saw that he was popular and loved,and they started fighting over who would get to hold Amos' hand on the way to the classroom.It meant so much to me that he was favored by the other children at school,and Mr.Brown had a big hand in that."
    About a year ago,school officials nominated Mr.Brown for North Carolina's School Hero,a ﹩ 20000 prize.When the results came out and he didn't win,Adrian was heartbroken.She couldn't let the disappointing results stand,so she took to Facebook and created an annual "Famous Amos" prize for Mr.Brown in their community.Her neighbors answered the call,donating ﹩ 35000 in just one week!Townspeople and school officials gathered in March to celebrate Mr.Brown and give him the money they'd raised.Principal Michelle handed him a giant check and thanked him for everything he does to help kids like Amos find their way.

    1. What made Adrian worried ______

    A. Her youngest son's bad behavior.
    B. Her family's heavy financial burden.
    C. Her youngest son's mental problem.
    D. Her three sons' poor performance at school.

    1. What change did Mr.Brown bring to Amos ______

    A. Amos became a top student at school.
    B. Amos got more attention from other kids.
    C. Amos learned to share and care about others.
    D. Amos had a better relationship with his family members.

    1. What did Mr.Brown get in the end ______

    A. The "Famous Amos" prize.
    B. A check from the local government.
    C. North Carolina's School Hero prize.
    D. A small donation from the community.


    Mary Lyon was a leader in women's education in the nineteenth century.It was a time when women's education was not considered important in the United States.States did require each town to provide a school for children,but there were not enough teachers.Most young women were not able to continue their education.If they did,they often were not taught much except the French language,how to sew clothing,and music.
    Mary Lyon felt that women's education was extremely important.She believed women were teachers both in the home and in the classroom.Mary opened a school for young women in the village of Buckland.She suggested new ways of teaching,including holding discussion groups for students.
    Then,Mary began to raise money for her dream school for the higher education of women.This school would own its own property (财产),guided by an independent group of direction.Its finances would be the responsibility of the directors.It would not depend on any one person to continue.And,the students would share in cleaning and cooking to keep costs down.In 1837Mary Lyon opened Mount Holyoke Seminary for Women.In 189334 years after her death,under a state law,Mount Holyoke Female Seminary became the first college to offer women the same kind of education as men.
    Mary's efforts led to the spread of higher education for women in the United States.Her influence lasted as the many students from her schools went out to teach others.

    1. What was American women's problem with education in the 19th century ______

    A. Teachers were careless about teaching.
    B. They had few choices about the subjects.
    C. The government paid no attention to education.
    D. They had no chance to continue their education.

    1. What can we learn from Paragraph 2 ______

    A. Mary thought little of women's education.
    B. Mary preferred women to be educated at home.
    C. Mary attached importance to women's education.
    D. Group discussions were not held in Mary's school.

    1. What was Mary's dream school like ______

    A. It would have very strict rules.
    B. It would be independent in finance.
    C. It would be owned by the government.
    D. It would depend on some important person.

    1. Why is Mary still remembered by Americans ______

    A. She set up the first college.
    B. She made women equal to men.
    C. She helped to pass American education law.
    D. She improved American women's education.


    When the explorers first set foot upon the continent of North America,the skies and lands werealive with an astonishing variety of wildlife.NativeAmericans had taken care of these precious natural resources wisely.Unfortunately,it took the explorers and the settlers who followed only a fewdecades to a large part of these resources.Millions of waterfowl (水禽) were killed at the hands of market hunters and a handful of overlyambitious sportsmen.Millions of acres of wetlands were dried to feed andhouse the ever-increasing populations,greatly reducing waterfowl habitat (栖息地).
    In 1934with the passage of the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act Act),an increasingly concerned nation took firm action to stop the destruction of migratory (迁徙的) waterfowl and the wetlands so vital totheir survival.Under this Act,all waterfowl hunters 16 years of age and over must annually purchase and carry a Federal Duck Stamp.The very firstFederalDuck Stamp was designed by J.N."Ding" Darlinga political cartoonist from Des Moines,lowa,who at that time was appointed byPresident Franklin Roosevelt as Director of the Bureau of Biological Survey.Hunters willingly pay the stamp price to ensure the survival of our naturalresources.
    About 98 cents of every duck stamp dollar goes directly into the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund to purchase wetlands and wildlifehabitat for inclusion into the National Wildlife Refuge System a fact tha tensures this land will be protected and available for all generations to come.Since 1934better than half a billion dollars has gone into that Fund to purchase more than 5 million acres of habitat.Little wonder the FederalDuck Stamp Program has been called one of the most successful conservation programs ever initiated.

    1. What was a cause of the waterfowl population decline in North America ______

    A. Loss of wetlands.
    B. Popularity of water sports.
    C. Pollution of rivers.
    D. Arrival of other wild animals.

    1. What does the underlined word "decimate" mean in the first paragraph ______

    A. Acquire. B. Export. C. Destroy. D. Distribute.

    1. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text ______

    A. The Federal Duck Stamp Story
    B. The National Wildlife Refuge System
    C. The Benefits of Saving Waterfowl
    D. The History of Migratory Bird Hunting

    Do you know what makes you happyWrite a list of all the things that make you happy.How many of them are funMost of themSo,if you spend your time doing all these fun things,you'll be really happy,won't you
    Well,maybe not.For most people,fun isn't enough for real happiness.Paul Dolan wrote a book called Happiness by Design (1) .If most of the things on your list are about pleasure,that is what you think makes you happy.But you also need activities with purpose. (2) It's easy to do well in subjects you like,but subjects you don't like are less motivating.They're not fun for you,but you have to study them so you need to find purpose.An "A" in a subject you hate won't help the world. (3) Each person can study one part until they understand it and then teach it to the rest of the group.The purpose becomes helping the team.
    Go back to your list of things that make you happy. (4) Can you add anyRemember,some activities might bring both pleasure and purpose.
    Now you need to design a happy life.Paul Dolan believes people should "decide,design,do".First decide what brings you pleasure and/or purpose -that means your two lists. (5) For example,you might love riding a bike but never have time to do it.So,ride to school or the library or the shops.Some parts of our lives are good or bad luck,but we can still design the rest to make more happiness.

    A.But can you be part of a study team with friends
    B.How many of them are activities that bring purpose
    C.There are different ways we can find pleasure in things.
    D.He thinks happiness comes from both pleasure and purpose.
    E.If you're a student,your "job" is studying and passing exams.
    F.If you think something makes you happy,then it makes you happy.
    G.Then,don't just think about these activities,fill your life with them.

    1.  A. A  B. B  C. C  D. D  E. E  F. F  G. G
    2.  A. A  B. B  C. C  D. D  E. E  F. F  G. G
    3.  A. A  B. B  C. C  D. D  E. E  F. F  G. G
    4.  A. A  B. B  C. C  D. D  E. E  F. F  G. G
    5.  A. A  B. B  C. C  D. D  E. E  F. F  G. G

    A woman was walking along the beach on a damp day,lost in thought.Suddenly she was(16) back to reality by a sound of someone shouting.It was from a man.just visible through the(17).His arms wide,he shouted "Come,blessings!" He took a (18) in one direction and then another,shouting constantly, "Come,blessings,come!"
    The woman stopped (19) the scene.Here was a man she thought calling blessings into his life (20) and eagerly.It was such a pure,direct spiritual call for something he(21).She started walking toward the man,hoping to speak to him and express her (22) to him for the inspiration she had got from his calling.As she walked,the wind continued to(23) his voice. "Comeblessings!Comeblessings,come!" She started to speak the simple yet 9 ______ words along with him feeling(24) inspired each time.
    Just then,a big floppy-eared(耳朵松软的) dog suddenly jumped toward the man from the mist with (25).The woman now was(26) enough to hear him crying to the dog "Blessings!There you are!I thought I had (27) you!"
    At first the woman felt(28) for making such a ridiculous mistake.She(29) a dog named Blessings for a wonderful moment of communication with God.But(30) she continued her walkshe smiled contentedly.She had received the inspiration to ask clearly and plainly for the(31) and other blessings she longed for.It was(32)even if the bearer of the message had four legs and a tail.
    Perhaps,she thought it was not a(33) that the man had named his dog Blessings.And perhaps the dog had not been lost(34).
    How do you call blessings like hope and peace into your life

    1.  A. forced B. moved C. brought D. transformed
    2.  A. rain B. mist C. darkness D. sunshine
    3.  A. glance B. risk C. sigh D. step
    4.  A. adapting to B. calling up
      C. dealing with D. thinking about
    5.  A. angrily B. bitterly C. loudly D. gently
    6.  A. desired B. forgot C. selected D. ordered
    7.  A. doubt B. love C. regret D. thanks
    8.  A. change B. carry C. clear D. collect
    9.  A. familiar B. popular C. powerful D. stressful
    10.  A. directly B. secretly C. occasionally D. increasingly
    11.  A. joy B. anxiety C. courage D. sorrow
    12.  A. cautious B. close C. cool D. diver
    13.  A. found B. left C. hurt D. lost
    14.  A. good B. right C. silly D. wrong
    15.  A. confused B. exchanged C. saved D. trained
    16.  A. if B. as C. before D. though
    17.  A. answer B. challenge C. goodness D. truth
    18.  A. complete B. strange C. false D. real
    19.  A. burden B. coincidence C. joke D. disadvantage
    20.  A. at all B. after all C. for ever D. as ever
    21. Some time after 10000 BCpeople made the first real attempt to control the world they lived 1 ______ through agriculture.Over thousands of years,they began to depend less on2 ______ could be hunted or gathered from the wild,and more on animals they had raised and crops they had sown.
      Farming produced more food per person3 ______ hunting and gathering,so people were able to raise more children.And,as more children were born,more food4 ______ need.Agriculture gave people their first experience of the power of technology5 ______ changelives.
      By about 6000 BCpeople 6 ______ discoverthe best crops to grow and animals to raise.Later,they learned to work with the7 ______ season),planting at the right time and,in dry areas,8 ______ makeuse of annual floods to irrigate(灌溉)their fields.
      This style of farming lasted for quite a long time.Then,with 9 ______ rise of science,changes began.New methods10 ______ meanthat fewer people worked in farming.In the last century or so,these changes have accelerated. New power machinery and artificial fertilizers(化肥)have now totally transformed a way of life that started in the Stone Age.
    22. I keep getting c ______ advice---some people tell me to keep it warm while others tell me to put ice on it.
    23. As we all know,computers have brought d ______ changes to the workplace.
    24. It seems that nothing can stop him from achieving his a ______ to make his mark in the world.
    25. America g ______ its independence on July Fourth 1776.
    26. This information confirms me in the belief that he is ______ blame).
    27. I'll ask my personal ______ assist to deal with this.
    28. This is the first time that he ______see such an thrilling/exciting film.
    29. I think he suspected us ______ some improper purpose.
    30. The government must maintain a strong sense of responsibility to the people and take forceful measures to solve the problems in order to live up to the ______ expect of the people.
    31. Jack has obtained a medical ______qualify.
    32. Everyone was a bit puzzled by her sudden ______depart.
    33. When you are ______ depress),the last thing you likely want to do is get up and go for a run.
    34. If a student lacks the______motivate to study,he will quickly become tired of studying.
    35. ______ is known to all is that effective measures should be taken to deal with the problem of the over-exploiting of our resources.
    36. 他一定是感冒了,因为他嗓子痛。
      He must ______ a bad cold,for he has got a sore throat.
    37. 无论发生什么,我都支持你。
      I will______you no matter what happens.
    38. 昨晚大楼里发生了大火。
      A terrible fire ______ in the building last night.
    39. 不可否认在科研领域钱学森获得了巨大的成功。
      ______ the fact that Qian Xuesen was a great success.
    40. 正是我们该彻底地处理空气污染这个问题的时候了。
      It' s high time that we dealt with the problem of air pollution ______.
    41. 假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友Terry正在学习汉语,他来信说有些人建议他到中国来学习汉语,他父母却希望他在新西兰学习汉语。请你给他回信,内容包括:
      Dear Terry,
      Li Hua




    4was needed.
    5to change.
    6had discovered
    41.【答案】to blame
    43.【答案】has seen
    51.【答案】come down with
    52.【答案】side with
    53.【答案】broke out
    54.【答案】No one can deny
    55.【答案】once and for all
    56.【答案】【小题1Dear Terry,
    I am very glad to know that you are learning Chinese.【高分句型一】(对他学汉语表示高兴)
    Indeed,there are many ways to learn Chinese well.If you come to China to learn Chinese,the perfect language environment will make you learn faster and better.【高分句型二】Many people hold this view,me included.As to your parents,they want you to study Chinese in New Zealand,maybe because they don't want you to leave them too far.(情况分析)
    My opinion is that you come to China to learn Chinese,so that you can not only learn authentic Chinese,but also experience the unique Chinese culture.I hope you can persuade your parents to let you come to China.In that case,I will help you learn Chinese.(你的观点)
    Li Hua



    安徽省桐城市某中学2022-2023学年高二下学期月考英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份安徽省桐城市某中学2022-2023学年高二下学期月考英语试卷(含答案),共18页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,语法填空,短文改错,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2021-2022学年安徽省桐城市桐城中学高二下学期月考(7)英语试题含答案: 这是一份2021-2022学年安徽省桐城市桐城中学高二下学期月考(7)英语试题含答案,共12页。试卷主要包含了只允许修改10 处,多者不计分,【答案】A、D、A,【答案】B、D、D、A,【答案】C、B、B、D等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2021-2022学年安徽省桐城市桐城中学高二下学期月考(4)英语试题含答案: 这是一份2021-2022学年安徽省桐城市桐城中学高二下学期月考(4)英语试题含答案,共12页。试卷主要包含了每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2,喜欢的原因及感受;,你何时何地听音乐,【答案】B、A、B、D,【答案】B、B、A、C,【答案】A、B、G、C、E,ndle改为ndles,bat改为bating等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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