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    专题02 完形填空-冲刺2022年中考英语重难题型考前突破(广东专用)
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      专题02 完形填空-冲刺2022年中考重难题型考前突破(广东专用)(原卷版).docx
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      专题02 完形填空-冲刺2022年中考重难题型考前突破(广东专用)(解析版).docx
    专题02 完形填空-冲刺2022年中考英语重难题型考前突破(广东专用)01
    专题02 完形填空-冲刺2022年中考英语重难题型考前突破(广东专用)02
    专题02 完形填空-冲刺2022年中考英语重难题型考前突破(广东专用)03
    专题02 完形填空-冲刺2022年中考英语重难题型考前突破(广东专用)01
    专题02 完形填空-冲刺2022年中考英语重难题型考前突破(广东专用)02
    专题02 完形填空-冲刺2022年中考英语重难题型考前突破(广东专用)03
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    专题02 完形填空-冲刺2022年中考英语重难题型考前突破(广东专用)

    这是一份专题02 完形填空-冲刺2022年中考英语重难题型考前突破(广东专用),文件包含专题02完形填空-冲刺2022年中考重难题型考前突破广东专用解析版docx、专题02完形填空-冲刺2022年中考重难题型考前突破广东专用原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共49页, 欢迎下载使用。

    完形填空属“综合能力应用”题型, 是中考必考题型。完形填空在中考试题中是拉开考生得分的关键题型, 该题有10个空, 分数为10分, 分数权重约占笔试总分的13.3%,因此掌握完形填空解题技巧, 对考生而言尤为重要。
    中考完形填空主要考查考生灵活运用所学词汇的能力, 尤其以考查实词为主, 着重考查考生对文章的内在逻辑和整体把握的能力。因此, 要把握句子之间和段落之间的内在逻辑关系, 并通过上下文暗示, 把握句意、段落或篇章的整体。再则, 干扰项的设置与语法结构无甚关系, 重在干扰文意。因此, 把握文意和具体语境, 对词意进行辨析, 是解答完形填空的最好方法。
    1.先跳过空格, 阅读全文, 理解文章大意。
    判断文章是说明文, 记叙文, 还是议论文, 文章的内容是什么。先把握文章的大意, 如果一遍没读懂, 那就再读一遍。填空是在理解文章的基础上进行的, 没有掌握文章的大意, 便容易选错, 一定要先至少读一遍文章。
    2.细读文章, 先不看选项, 试着把空填上。
    读懂文章之后, 可以试着猜出一些空。刚开始当然有难度, 猜不出来或是猜错, 慢慢的自己的语感就提高了。虽然有些困难, 但一定要坚持下去。
    3.再看文章, 填上选项。
    现在你可以选择选项了。如果遇到没把握或者不会的空, 可以先跳过, 或是做上标记, 等选完之后再看这些选项, 或许就会了。做完之后记得再读一遍文章, 看看是否合理。
    4.做完后记得读一读, 不要立马丢掉。
    可以把空补回去, 作为早上晨读的材料。一些错的比较多的, 可以留下来多读几遍。读得多了, 语感也就有了, 正确率也就提高了。
    比如遇到的生词, 特别是选项中遇到的, 一定要掌握, 这是重点词汇。一些没见过的用法也要记下来, 没事多看看。还要整理句型和词组, 巩固基础。
    6.多练习, 不要畏惧。
    作为英语必考题型, 躲也躲不掉, 所以还是老老实实的做题吧。完形可以一天做一篇, 做多了就会有语感, 每天练一练, 慢慢地熟悉了做题方法, 正确率也就逐渐提高了。
    Exercise 1
    The mment that Jiang Mengnan received the award f Persn Tuching China fr 2021, she said she mst wanted t express her gratitude (感激) t her parents. She was 1 alng with nine ther hnrees (领奖人) n March 3 t receive the award given annually n China Central Televisin. It selects 10 mdels natinwide every year wh spread psitive energy and prmte scial integrity (诚信).
    Brn in 1992 int an ethnic (少数民族的) Ya family in Yizhang cunty, Hunan prvince, Jiang's wrld has been 2 since she was 6 mnths ld, when she was given medicine that seriusly damaged her hearing. When she was a tddler (学步的幼儿), her parents began teaching her t read lips. They als taught her hw t prnunce wrds by putting her 3 n their thrats, s she culd feel the vibratin (震动) f their vcal crds (声带). It was a slw, difficult prcess, but her parents never 4 and Jiang finally learned t speak.
    When she was ld enugh, Jiang attended a standard primary schl. It was difficult 5 . During lessns, teachers wuld ften write n the blackbard with their 6 t the students, s Jiang missed much f the cntent. She had t cpy dwn everything n the blackbard and study alne after class t 7 her classmates.
    Her effrts made her a tp student. In 2011, she was admitted (许可进入) t Jilin University. In 2018, she was accepted as a PhD candidate (候选人) at Tsinghua University's Schl f Life Sciences. Jiang is 8 t receive her dctrate (博士学位) at the end f this year.
    "I'm always grateful fr the respect I received frm my parents, teachers and friends," she said. "They never give me special attentin fr my imperfectin, which means I've never seen myself as 9 frm anyne else." In the future, she wants t cntinue scientific research in pharmaclgy (药理学) and cntribute her 10 t slving prblems f life and health.
    () 1. A. chsen B. takenC. cnsideredD. regarded
    () 2. A. wnderfulB. clrfulC. nisyD. silent
    () 3. A. headB. handsC. armsD. feet
    () 4. A. gave awayB. gave up C. gave ffD. gave ut
    () 5. A. at firstB. at lastC. at leastD. at times
    () 6. A. faceB. frntC. backD. stmach
    () 7. A. play withB. cme up withC. keep up withD. get alng with
    () 8. A. hpedB. wishedC. wantedD. expected
    () 9. A. farB. sameC. differentD. nrmal
    () 10. A. valuesB. timeC. respectD. treasure
    Exercise 2
    Zhang Guimei, wh funded a high schl fr girls t study fr free in Lijiang, Yunnan prvince in 2008, has helped abut 1,200 girls g t cllege in the past 13 years.
    She 1 the idea f setting up a high schl especially fr girls after she visited the hmes f the girls wh gave up studying. She learned that mst f the drputs (辍学生) wuld get married. Pr families 2 pay the tuitin fees (学费). Sme girls had t 3 at hme.
    Between 2003 and 2007, Zhang spent her vacatins n the streets asking peple t 4 mney fr her girls’ schl. Many peple thught she might 5 and cheat mney frm them. S she nly raised abut 10,000 yuan.
    In 2007, after her 6 was reprted, the Yunnan gvernment invested 60 millin yuan in the prject. The Huaping High Schl fr Girls was cmpleted (完成) in 2008 with nly ne teaching building. In 2009, after seeing n 7 , nine teachers resigned, leaving just eight t teach there. In 2011, the first intake f students graduated and 8 went t universities r vcatinal clleges. By 2015, cnstructin (建设) f all the schl’s facilities (学校设备) was cmpleted.
    In 2019, she was diagnsed (诊断) with many illnesses. But she is still fighting n. She hpes that girls can 9 their fates (命运) by receiving 10 and influence their future children in a psitive way.
    () 1. A. ended up withB. caught up withC.came up withD. gt n well with
    () 2. A. shuldn’tB. culdn’tC. wuldn’tD. needn’t
    () 3. A. d chresB. d hmewrkC. d researchD. d a gd jb
    () 4. A. give utB. give awayC. give backD. give up
    () 5. A. lieB. layC. liveD. leave
    () 6. A. lieB. dreamC. successD. future
    () 7. A. mneyB. buildingC. wishD. hpe
    () 8. A. allB. nneC. neD. n ne
    () 9. A. fllw B. believeC. changeD. exchange
    () 10. A. infrmatinB. intrductinC. educatinD. cmmunicatin
    Exercise 3
    With n hands r feet, Kyle Maynard culd make lts f excuses (借口) fr ding nthing. But that's nt hw he lives his life. Instead f letting physical differences decide what he can and can't d, Kyle sets his mind t what he will d. N 1 .
    Kyle was brn n March 24, 1986 in the USA. Althugh he came int the wrld with n hands r feet, his parents didn't lve him 2 . When he was abut three years ld, his parents made a big 3 . They knew by ding everything fr him, they were actually hlding him back. 4 they pushed their sn t learn hw t take care f himself. With lts f 5 , Kyle learned t feed himself, stand n his wn, walk, etc.
    Like many ther schlbys, Kyle 6 becming a star athlete. It seemed like an impssible dream, but he didn't 7 . He jined the ftball team, he trained in weightlifting and he went t wrestling (摔跤) cmpetitins. His wrld cmpletely changed when he gt int sprts. He grew 8 and felt hpeful abut the future. Later, Kyle tk up muntain climbing. On January 15, 2012, he reached the tp f Munt Kilimanjar, crawling (爬) all 19, 340 feet in just ten days. It is the tallest muntain in Africa.
    Kyle has never 9 pushing himself. He nw is nt nly an athlete, but als a writer and entrepreneur (企业家) . “Smetimes yu can't see any light at the end f the tunnel (隧道) , but yu have t keep fighting. Wrk 10 . N excuses. Then yu will find success, " said Kyle.
    () 1. A. way B. dubtC. prblemD. excuses
    () 2. A. betterB. wrseC. mreD. less
    () 3. A. decisinB. planC. differenceD. mistake
    () 4. A. BecauseB. S C. ButD. Thugh
    () 5. A. practiceB. care C. helpD. lve
    () 6. A. was busyB. was afraid fC. dreamed fD. gt used t
    () 7. A. give inB. give upC. give utD. give away
    () 8. A. strngB. ldC. cnfidentD. impatient
    () 9. A. preferredB. enjyedC. cnsideredD. stpped
    () 10. A. hardlyB. hardC. wellD. tgether
    Exercise 4
    Because f COVID-19, many peple had t stay at hme. Sme peple baked bread, sme played cmputer games and sme read. What abut 17-year-ld Mariella Satw? She nt nly learned American Sign Language (ASL), but als created an app that 1 n-screen sign language fr Disney mvies. 2 the app, nw deaf Disney fans can enjy Disney mvies fully.
    Mariella started learning ASL in 2020. She wanted t use televisin shws as learning materials, but she fund that 3 f them ffered n-screen sign language. After further research, she 4 that deaf peple, especially deaf children, were nt able t fully enjy mvies. Then she decided t change it. Using the mney she made frm dg-walking, she wrked with ASL experts and the deaf cmmunity t create SignUp.
    Users can dwnlad the free app by 5 “SignUp” in the Ggle Chrme Extensin stre. 6 it came ut, a great many peple have visited the website. Many parents f deaf children have used it and shared their lve f the app. They are 7 t see that their children can nw fully enjy Disney mvies. Teachers have als used it in their classrms and arranged mvie nights fr their students.
    SignUp is a big deal fr kids wh 8 read r wh have ther 9 with traditinal captins (说明文字), r wh maybe just prefer signing. It is really a wnderful 10 . Thank yu, Mariella!
    () 1. A. ffers B. prvidesC. givesD. shws
    () 2. A. Accrding tB. As frC. Thanks tD. Thanks fr
    () 3. A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little
    () 4. A. guessedB. wndered C. decidedD. discvered
    () 5. A. lkingB. searching C. spellingD. surfing
    () 6. A. WhenB. WhileC. AsD. Since
    () 7. A. happyB. sadC. surprisedD. afraid
    () 8. A. shuldn’tB. can’tC. mustn’tD. needn’t
    () 9. A. dubtsB. thingsC. questinsD. prblems
    () 10. A. inventinB. invitatinC. infrmatin D. intrductin
    Exercise 5
    Firefighters (消防员) always help peple in need with their curage and wisdm. Recently, a firefighter named Ryan Bentn 1 many peple's hearts with his gentleness and lve as he read a bk t a little girl after a car accident.
    Ryan and his clleagues (同事) were n the scene (到场) t 2 this car accident in Billings, Mntana, USA. The cars were damaged (毁坏) but 3 , all f the passengers were safe. 4 the passengers, there was a little girl. She lked shcked and scared. 26-year-ld Ryan nticed the small child. He thught a traumatic (创伤的) experience like this culd make a little girl very fearful. Wanting t make sure she was kay and calm her dwn, Ryan 5 with her n the side f the rad and began reading her a stry. He made 6 t take her mind ff the accident. This als gave her parents 7 time t deal with the fllwing steps.
    A nearby witness (目击者) at the accident tk a picture f this tuching mment, and she shared it nline. She said, "This firefighter is amazing 8 he was able t get the girl's attentin!"
    Lve and gentleness are 9 peple need mst in the darkest mments in life. Ryan was really helpful. His small effrt was heartwarming. He was the 10 n that cld, scary night.
    () 1. A. tuched B. hurtC. lstD. brke
    () 2. A. help withB. deal withC. agree withD. end up with
    () 3. A. sadlyB. unfrtunatelyC. luckilyD. unluckily
    () 4. A. InB. On C. betweenD. Amng
    () 5. A. sat dwnB.set dwn C. went dwnD. walked dwn
    () 6. A. a faceB. an effrtC. a changeD. a mistake
    () 7. A. nB. littleC. fewD. enugh
    () 8. A. whenB. whileC. asD. but
    () 9. A. whatB. whyC. whichD. that
    () 10. A. darknessB. sadnessC. silence D. light
    Exercise 6
    Lewis Carrll was brn in England in the 1800s. He was part f a large family. They lived in a small village. In thse days, there was n TV. Children made up ther things t d. Frm the time he was 1 , he liked t create stries f make-believe things. He made up new 2 fr everyne t play. Lewis als liked t read. He was 3 math and knew a lt abut numbers. He was very smart as child.
    When he grew up, Lewis became a teacher. He liked children, 4 he never had any f his wn. S the children f his friends were very imprtant t this gentleman. He wuld tell them stries. While he was telling his stries, the children wuld listen 5 and nt budge (挪动). They were really dedicated (专注的) because they didn’t want t miss a wrd.
    One day, Lewis tk a friend and his three 6 n a bating trip. One child was named Alice. As they went dwn the river, Lewis 7 a new stry. In the stry, a girl named Alice fell dwn int a rabbit hle. She fund strange and wnderful things beynd the rabbit hle. She discvered that she culd change her size. She became as 8 as a fly and as big as a giant (巨人).
    Alice liked the stry, and the stry she liked s much 9 the bk Alice’s Adventures in Wnderland. Children and their parents wuld lk frward t 10 his bks fr ages t cme. It was a big hit.
    () 1. A. ld B. littleC. sickD. pr
    () 2. A. gamesB. striesC. ideasD. decisins
    () 3. A. pr atB. gd atC. angry withD. busy with
    () 4. A. becauseB. s C. butD. and
    () 5. A. quicklyB. slwly C. carelesslyD. carefully
    () 6. A. wrkmatesB. teachersC. childrenD. relatives
    () 7. A. gave upB. made upC. wrked frD. waited fr
    () 8. A. bigB. smallC. uglyD. beautiful
    () 9. A. sldB. wrteC. becameD. changed
    () 10. A. lkingB. findingC. reading D. selling
    Exercise 7
    (2022·重庆·模拟预测改编)Chinese delivery (传送) driver named Ga Zhixia is ur pride. His pht was n the cver f Time magazine in March because f his great sense f cmmitment (使命感). Alng with five thers, he 1 by the magazine as ne f the heres during the perid f the nvel crnavirus utbreak.
    Ever 2 COVID-19 brke ut, many restaurants have shut dwn r changed t takeut-nly services. 3 f peple have been staying at hme t avid getting infected (感染). “Peple chse t rder fd nline r buy fruit and vegetables t ck at hme,” Ga tld Time. As a 4 , delivery rders increased a lt.
    Brn int a 5 family in Ningxia, Ga started t make a living in Beijing at age 16. After the nvel crnavirus brke ut, Ga hesitated (犹豫) fr a secnd t cntinue wrking, but then he picked up rders 6 he thught custmers might be in need.
    Because f the danger, Ga must be careful, including taking a regular health test and 7 twenty minutes disinfecting (消毒) his mtrbike and clthes each mrning. 8 delivering fd, Ga nce warm-heartedly cked fr an ld custmer 9 was living alne at her hme. It is the rdinary peple like Ga that have made the 10 cntributins (奉献) in the fight against COVTD-19.
    () 1.A.was takenB.was brughtC.was chsenD.was reprted
    () 2.A.befreB.afterC.whenD.since
    () 3.A.millinsB.ThusandC.hundredD.Billin
    () 4.A.reasnB.resultC.wrdD.rule
    () 5.A.richB.healthyC.prD.wealthy
    () 6.A.sB.becauseC.rD.althugh
    () 7.A.spendingB.takingC.payingD.csting
    () 8.A.exceptB.besideC.withD.besides
    () 9.A.whB.whmC.whichD.what
    () 10.A.tallestB.smallestC.biggestD.least
    Exercise 8
    (2022·广东·惠州一中九年级开学考试)Chinese astrnauts n bard the Tiangng space statin have a real-time vide dialgue with Hng Kng students n Sept 3, 2021.
    During the dialgue, the three astrnauts f the Shenzhu XII answered questins abut their 1 in space. They shwed the students hw they cnduct experiments, d physical exercise and drink water in a weightless 2 .
    Organizers started t cllect questins frm the public in late August. They 3 20 frm 1,000 questins received. The mst ppular questin was “Hw can Hng Kng teenagers becme astrnauts?” The astrnauts listened carefully, thught fr a mment, and then answered the questins 4 . They hped friends frm Hng Kng wuld 5 them. “Chinese dream, space dream, yu have me!” said them. It’s such a 6 event that it inspired (激发) space dreams f Hng Kng yuths. They fund that China’s space science and technlgy has 7 develped Western cuntries and reached a wrld-class level in a shrt time. They felt s 8 that they’re ne step clser t the space, and the Universe is n lnger ut f reach. “We 9 the develpment f ur cuntry.” said the yuths, “We lve China.”
    We are pleased t learn that bth f the astrnauts’ spacewalks have been 10 cmpleted by nw. They returned t the Earth in mid-September.
    () 1.A.exerciseB.experienceC.fdD.wrk
    () 2.A.labB.areaC.fficeD.envirnment
    () 3.A.brughtB.fundC.chseD.gt
    () 4.A.directlyB.quicklyC.seriuslyD.nervusly
    () 5.A.jinB.helpC.rememberD.encurage
    () 6.A.beautifulB.meaningfulC.peacefulD.skillful
    () 7.A.caught up withB.cme up withC.gt n well withD.kept in tuch with
    () 8.A.bredB.excitedC.relaxedD.wrried
    () 9.A.are interested inB.are mad atC.are prud fD.are srry fr
    () 10.A.hardlyB.nearlyC.prbablyD.successfully
    Exercise 9
    (2022·安徽·安庆市教育教学研究室一模)Have yu heard f a headdress(头饰)made f dried carrts? We all knw dried carrts are ppular ingredients(配料)fr cking. But they were turned int a beautiful “flwer”
    headdresses by a man named Wang Ping, a phtgrapher and designer. Is it 1 ?
    The 26-year-ld man, having tw phtgraphy wrkrms, tk a (an) 2 in making headdresses in 2020. He said that he culdn’t find a headdress in the clthing stre t 3 his wrkrms’ clthes. S he decided t make them by himself. As a designer, Wang is 4 drawing. He tld us there are three steps t 5 a headdress. “First, I design a drawing. Then, I prepare all the materials I need and 6 the shape f the headdress,” Wang said. “The last step is t put all the materials tgether and paint.”
    The main materials include many 7 things, such as plastic, cttn and s n. Surprisingly, almst all f them are “waste” as they cme frm ld clthes. Wang cllects the useful things frm the 8 . “I try my best t design and make the headdresses in an envirnmentally friendly way,” Wang said. He usually shws vides abut 9 he makes headdresses n Duyin. In a year, he has ver 150,000 fans. “I’ll stick t 10 Chinese traditinal culture with fashin t make mre beautiful headdresses,” Wang said.
    () 1.A.friendlyB.sillyC.bringD.amazing
    () 2.A.rleB.rderC.methdD.interest
    () 3.A.matchB.describeC.guideD.prduce
    () 4.A.afraid fB.gd atC.weak inD.far frm
    () 5.A.divideB.sellC.makeD.brrw
    () 6.A.frmB.cutC.hitD.write
    () 7.A.strangeB.mdernC.cmmnD.ancient
    () 8.A.wasteB.bttmC.tpD.cttn
    () 9.A.whatB.whereC.whenD.hw
    () 10.A.cmparingB.cnnectingC.agreeingD.dealing
    Exercise 10
    (2022·广东·珠海市九洲中学一模)Accrding t the latest study in the United States, 14% f children reprted nt having any f physical activity at least nce a week, while 27% f children reprted having been physically active fr at least 60 minutes every day. The results f this study suggest that 1 sprts is an especially gd idea.
    Being n a sprts team 2 children with a new scial circle and an pprtunity fr building up new friendships, sme f which may last a lifetime. They win tgether, they cmpete with each ther, and they lse and deal with defeat tgether. Being invlved in a sprt teaches valuable lessns in teamwrk, such as putting yurself in the 3 place fr the benefit f the whle team.
    Learning t 4 and cpe with defeat is an imprtant lessn in life. The nature f sprt is that there is always a 5 and a lser, and the experience f being ne r the ther is valuable. After all, life brings many bstacles (障碍) and learning t behave in a calm and 6 way, even in a difficult situatin, and learning t stand up when yu’re dwn are lessns sprts can teach us early n.
    By wrking hard at every practice and staying fcused n their 7 , children learn the imprtance f patience and persistence (坚持) and in the end, realize that hard wrk 8 .
    Taking part in sprts can be gd fr children’s cnfidence 9 they might nt necessarily be gd at it.
    Finally, playing sprts can have a psitive influence n bne health, 10 amng girls. And physically active children usually grw up t be physically active adults.
    () 1.A.giving upB.taking upC.staying upD.cming up
    () 2.A.ffersB.prtectsC.prvidesD.educates
    () 3.A.bestB.secndC.lastD.first
    () 4.A.refuseB.acceptC.AvidD.delete
    () 5.A.keeperB.CachC.winnerD.guest
    () 6.A.funnyB.seriusC.silentD.wild
    () 7.A.styleB.secretC.galD.pride
    () 8.A.pays frB.pays ffC.pays backD.pays t
    () 9.A.even thughB.butC.ifD.befre
    () 10.A.suddenlyB.successfullyC.speciallyD.especially
    Exercise 11
    When I was yung, I was s interested in Chinese mvies that I wanted t knw mre abut Chinese culture like kung fu and xiqu. I ften 1 t g t China ne day.
    Luckily, when I was leaning theater at university, I was prvided with a chance t study 2 . There was a prgram t study Asian theater arts either in China r in India. I 3 t g t China and learn Beijing Opera in a Chinese theater schl. The schl ffered me a place t practice. It was gd 4 I culd practice whenever I wanted. Als I had 5 lessns-the teacher wuld give me ne-t-ne class fr three hurs.That was the best part f my study in China. I d appreciate (感激) this chance t 6 the beautiful art!
    I gt a lt frm my study in China.It has greatly 7 me and helped me develp int a mre skilful 8 . This Chinese art gives me plenty f 9 , s I can use them when I perfrm (表演) ther shws in Eurpe. I have 10 an art center t teach Beijing Opera. Nw there are mre fans f Beijing Opera in my cuntry.
    () B.managedC.frgt D.dreamed
    () B.insideC.abradD.nline
    () B.decided C.regretted D.cntinued
    () B.thugh C.unless D.because
    () B.private C.bringD.scial
    () B.expectC.testD.celebrate
    () B.trubled C.guardedD.cntrlled
    () B.dctrC.actrD.pilt
    () B.clthesC.tlsD.pems
    () ffB.brken int C.pinted ut D.set up
    Exercise 12
    Many years ag, I wned a service statin and a radhuse n the main rad between Melburne and Adelaide. One very cld and wet night at abut 3:30 am, there was a 1 n the frnt dr f my huse. A yung man, wet frm head t te, 2 that he had run ut f petrl (汽油) and left his wife and tw children 3 in the car. He said that he wuld hitchhike (搭顺风车) back.
    After I had 4 a can with petrl, I tk him back t his car. When we gt there, his 2-year-ld and 4-year-ld children were bth crying. I had turned the heater n in the radhuse 5 I left, s when we went in, it was nice and 6 . And then I prepared bread and butter (给…抹上黄油) fr the children, and ht chclate fr the 7 .
    It was abut 5 a.m. when they left. The yung man asked me hw much he wed me and I tld him that it was $15.
    Abut a mnth later, I 8 a letter frm Interstate, a large bus cmpany. I had been trying t get the cmpany's buses t stp ff at my radhuse fr a lng time. It 9 that the yung man was its general manager.
    In his letter, he 10 me again and tld me that, frm then n, all their buses wuld stp ff at my service statin. In this case, a little bit f kindness paid ff with large benefit (益处).
    () 1. A. shutB. beatC. knckD. kick
    () 2. A. repliedB. explainedC.askedD. expected
    () 3. A. awayB. behindC. utD. ff
    () 4. A. chargedB. sharedC. filledD.cvered
    () 5. A. untilB.sinceC.afterD. befre
    () 6. A. wetB. warmC. cldD.dry
    () 7. A. strangersB. friendsC. adultsD. wmen
    () 8. A. pstedB. wrteC. acceptedD.received
    () 9. A. turned utB. turned upC. turned dwnD. turned n
    () 10. A. answeredB. believedC. thankedD. refused
    Exercise 13
    Belinda lved ballet (芭蕾舞). She went t a dancing schl every day and practiced very hard. But Belinda had very big feet.
    Every year there was a ballet 1 in her city. Belinda wanted t take part in it. When the day f her auditin (试演) came, the judges 2 her feet and said, "G hme. Yu will 3 be a dancer-nt with yur big feet."
    "Maybe they are 4 . My feet are t big fr a dancer, "Belinda thught. Later she gave up ballet. Since she n lnger danced, she needed smething else t d. She fund a 5 at Fred's Fine Fd. One day a band came here t play music. Fred asked Belinda whether she wuld 6 fr the custmers. Belinda smiled and said, "Oh, yes!" The custmers lved her perfrmance s much that they tld their friends t cme. Sn lts f peple came t the restaurant t see Belinda dance. Wrd 7 reached the cnductr (指挥) f the Grand Metrplitan Ballet (大都会芭蕾舞团). He said t Belinda, "Yu shuld perfrm at Grand Metrplitan Hall!Please say yu will!" Belinda laughed and said, "Oh, yes!" The custmers 8 . S Belinda went t Grand Metrplitan Hall and danced t the sweet music f a band. "Great!" the judges cried. "We have discvered a swallw (燕子) !" They didn't even ntice the 9 f her feet. As fr Belinda, she was 10 , because she culd dance again.
    () B.meeting C.match D.trip
    () at B.listened t C.shwed ff D.heard frm
    () B.still C.nly D.never
    () B.crrect C.stupid D.cute
    () B.bk C.task D.rule
    () B.draw C.swimD.dance
    () B.plitely C.finallyD.badly
    () B.refused C.wke D.mved
    () B.sizeC.clrD.number
    () B.angry C.nervus D.sad
    Exercise 14
    One winter mrning, I wke up early, and std beside the windw. The 1 decrated the land and Avn River in white. I std 2 and watched what the nature had painted ver the night.
    I std clse t the 3 . Suddenly, I cried ut, "There is a gse ut there." It std there quite still. Its wings flded t its sides, 4 its feet were frzen t the ice. Then frm the dark sky, I saw a line f swans (天鹅) . They 5 dwn frm the tp f the sky and at last landed n the ice. As the swans std arund the frzen gse, I 6 that it might be killed by thse great swan beaks (鸟喙) .
    Surprisingly instead, thse beaks began t wrk n the ice. Their lng necks went up and dwn, again and again. It went n fr a lng time.At last, the gse was 7 and standing n the ice. Hwever, the gse didn't mve. It seemed as if it was crying, "I can't fly." Then fur f the swans came dwn arund it. Their pwerful beaks 8 the gse's bdy frm tp t bttm. The ice fell ff frm the feathers. When at last the gse's wings were free, the fur swans 9 and jined the grup again.
    I watched them until they 10 . Only then did I realize that my eyes were wet. This is a true stry. I just think f it in the bad mment, and frm it cmes nly ne hpeful questin: If s fr birds, why nt fr man?
    () B.snw C.flwer D.picture
    () B.simply C.happily D.nervusly
    () B.river C.feather D.windw
    () B.fr C.and D.r
    () B.flew C.turned D.fell
    () B.feared C.hped D.knew
    () B.sad C.free D.lucky
    () B.fixed C.mved D.cleaned
    () ff B.tk up C.gt back D.gt up
    () B.stppedC.landedD.disappeared
    Exercise 15
    Amy and Susan are friends. They bth live a cmmn life. There is really 1 special abut their lives, but there is als nthing really negative (负面的) abut their lives. 2 , when they feel happy, it seems that Amy is always happier than Susan. It lks like nthing can truble Amy. She is the life f the party and always has a big 3 n her face.
    Susan can't 4 thinking abut this. Hw is Amy s happy when they bth lead such similar lives? They g t the same 5 t g shpping, watch the same mvies, even have similar timetables! Hw can Amy be s carefree (无忧无虑的) when life is s stressful?
    Between ne's daily life and persnal dreams, there is n way ne can be s 6 all the time. There are always a millin things ging n. When Susan asks Amy abut this, Amy says," I just take life as it cmes. It seems pretty easy then."
    What is the 7 between the tw friends? Hw is it that Amy's life seems much better mst f the time? The prblem with Susan is that she spreads herself t thin. She tries t d everything at nce and think abut everything at nce. 8 fr Amy, it's different. Amy is a careful girl. While Amy wants t d smething, she des it 9 at nce. Amy des everything ne step at a time. She tries her best t finish her wrk and never 10 . When yu live each mment t the fullest and when yu deal with where yu are, mst f yur stress will g away. Dn't yu think s?
    () 1. A. nthingB. smethingC. anythingD.everything
    () 2. A. InsteadB. HweverC. AgainD. Still
    () 3. A. surpriseB.regretC. smileD. dubt
    () 4. A. keepB. finishC.stpD.enjy
    () 5. A. parksB.zsC. schlsD.stres
    () 6. A. happyB. funnyC. strangeD. perfect
    () 7. A. prblemB.prmiseC.secretD. difference
    () 8. A. AndB.OrC. ButD. S
    () 9. A. carelesslyB. carefullyC. busilyD. suddenly
    () 10. A. gives upB.takes upC. stands upD. gets up

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