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    2021绍兴一中、效实中学、杭州高级中学等五校高三下学期5月联考英语含答案 试卷
    2021绍兴一中、效实中学、杭州高级中学等五校高三下学期5月联考英语含答案 试卷01
    2021绍兴一中、效实中学、杭州高级中学等五校高三下学期5月联考英语含答案 试卷02
    2021绍兴一中、效实中学、杭州高级中学等五校高三下学期5月联考英语含答案 试卷03
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    这是一份2021绍兴一中、效实中学、杭州高级中学等五校高三下学期5月联考英语含答案,共15页。试卷主要包含了考试结束后,只需上交答题卷, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. How will the speakers go to the movies?
    A. By taxi. B. By underground. C. By bus.
    2. How much should the woman pay?
    A. $10. B. $15. C. $25.
    3. Who is in charge of the project?
    A. Dan. B. Gary. C. Mary.
    4. What does the man say about the restaurant?
    A. The waiters were noisy.
    B. The food was not his thing.
    C. The atmosphere was friendly.
    5. What are the speakers talking about?
    A. An adventure. B. A book. C. A vacation plan.
    6. What will the speakers have to do?
    A. Send figures to Mr. Jones.
    B. Draw up the budget for next year.
    C. Organize an advertising campaign on Thursday.
    7. What does the woman ask the man to do?
    A. Wait for her in his office.
    B. Go to Mr. Jones’ workplace.
    C. Make a phone call to Mr. Jones.
    8. What is the woman?
    A. A hostess. B. A producer. C. An environmentalist.
    9. Why is the interview held?
    A. To present a study.
    B. To fill the thirty-minute opening.
    C. To increase public awareness of environmental protection.
    10. When does the conversation take place?
    A. Before the interview. B. During the interview. C. After the interview.
    11. What are the speakers discussing?
    A. The man’s house. B. The effects of global warming. C. The man’s job.
    12. What is always nice according to the man?
    A. He lives by the sea.
    B. Animals can get more food.
    C. Green can be seen all year round.
    13. What does the man have near his house?
    A. Trees. B. Vegetables. C. Grass.
    14. Where does the man most probably work?
    A. At an airport. B. At a hotel. C. At a travel agency.
    15. Which airport is the best choice for the woman?
    A. Reagan National. B. Dulles. C. Baltimore-Washington.
    16. Why is the woman going to Washington DC?
    A. To visit a friend. B. To meet the man. C. To go sightseeing.
    17. What is the show about?
    A. Experiments done by audience.
    B. Young enthusiastic experimenters.
    C. Explanations for some mysteries.
    18. What subject is the speaker most looking forward to?
    A. How to live a good life.
    B. How to meet the perfect partner.
    C. How to eat chocolate without gaining weight.
    19. What does the speaker think of the show?
    A. It’s boring. B. It’s time-wasting. C. It’s beneficial.
    20. When will the show start this week?
    A. At 9:30. B. At 9:00. C. At 8:30.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)
    My mother didn’t set out to be a civil rights activist. In fact, she had no intention of becoming a pioneer of any sort. But because of the kind of person she was, and the times she lived through, she turned out to be both. She gave a whole group of black Alabama girls opportunities they otherwise wouldn’t have had, and became a role model for all of us.
    In 1941 she bought an old Victorian house to operate as a preschool. The huge, sunny rooms and breezy porches also served as a meeting place for my mother’s first Girl Scout troop.
    Though this may seem a small thing now, at the time it was a watershed(分水岭) event. Racism was a fact of life in the 1940s, and African American girls were barred from joining white troops. My mother, who was only five feet tall but could beat you on a fast-paced hike, decided it was time for a change. Her troop was the first for African Americans in Alabama. When Mama saw a need, she filled it.
    In 1950, the Girl Scouts sent a group of women-all of them white-from headquarters in New
    York to help my mother with an overnight training camp. The women met in a wilderness area outside Birmingham where, unknown to them, the Ku Klux Klan(3K党) was active. It never occurred to the women, black and white, that they were violating the rules of segregation(种族隔离) by camping together. That night, my mother awoke to the sound of men’s voices. She stole out of her tent and saw them, dressed in their horrible uniforms. They offered what must have been a terrifying warning: Be gone by sunrise.
    She never shared this story with me; people protected their children from some of the uglier sides of racism. But I over-heard my parents talking about it later that night and I realized there was something remarkable about Mama. I felt an obligation to give back, to seek solutions and create opportunities as she did.
    "It’s not something you choose to do; it’s just something you do," she would say. And what I’ve found is this: In giving to others, you get as much as you give.
    21. What made the author’s mother an advocate for civil rights?
    A. Her passion and educational background. B. Her race and financial condition.
    C. Her personality and social background. D. Her occupation and religious belief.
    22. Why does the author mention her mother’s height in the third paragraph?
    A. To indicate her deeply-rooted sympathy for her mother.
    B. To emphasize her mother’s surprising strength.
    C. To illustrate what a role model should look like.
    D. To show her mother differs from average black women.
    23. What does the author think of her mother’s meeting with the Ku Klux Klan?
    A. It proves to be dangerous and unworthy. B. It reveals the danger of racism.
    C. It violates the rules of segregation. D. It inspires her to be brave and caring.
    Our brain doesn’t know how to be happy, or even content. It simply lacks the genetic instructions to carry out that task. It knows how to do a million other less important things, from writing a letter to maintaining our balance; from appreciating the music of Bach to smelling a rose, but if you ask the brain to be happy, it simply doesn’t know how to respond.
    This is because the genetic code is only concerned with survival and reproduction, which happiness does not necessarily have anything to do with, and therefore belongs in a different realm. Nature doesn’t want us to always feel content and satisfied, let alone happy, as this would lower our guard against possible threats to our survival.
    Happiness, as the Brazilian poet Vinicius de Moraes put it, is "like a feather flying in the air. It flies light, but not for very long." It is so elusive that it has also been compared to a butterfly, which "when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you," according to 19th-century American novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne. In any case, what is clear is that happiness is, at best, fleeting(飞逝的) and inconstant.
    In this blog, we will look at the myth of happiness from many perspectives and, in the process, we will touch on topics such as happy personalities, the unhappy workings of the brain, evolution, dreams, and even fairy tales. I explore all these issues in detail in my book, which shares its title with this blog. Happiness is a crucial concept. We spend all of our lives pursuing it, so it deserves a very careful analysis.
    We are determined by our biological design to experience mixed and messy emotions. But the silver lining is the knowledge that having difficult emotions doesn’t represent a personal failure. The inevitable unhappiness that we all suffer from time to time is not a shortcoming that demands urgent repair. Far from it. This unhappiness is, in fact, what makes us human.
    24. Why does our brain lack the genetic instructions to be happy?
    A. Because being happy is less important than appreciating and creating art.
    B. Because happiness has little to do with the continuation of a species.
    C. Because we tend to be more aware of the threats when we are unhappy.
    D. Because feeling good isn’t one of our concerns in living a life.
    25. What does the underlined word in paragraph 3 most probably mean?
    A. Difficult to achieve. B. Easy to expose.
    C. Unable to explain. D. Likely to remain.
    26. What can we learn from the passage?
    A. We should make happiness our top concern no matter what.
    B. Negative emotions always require immediate attention.
    C. Social failures are more likely to be troubled by negative feelings.
    D. We should accept difficult emotions as a natural part of life.
    Loneliness is a widespread problem with complex roots.
    There has been a quiet pandemic developing while most people’s attention has been on covid-19. The lockdown has worsened a problem that has been spreading in many developed nations for decades: loneliness.
    It is a complex issue which covers not only social lives, but the way you work and the way you vote. Noreena Hertz, an academic, deals with the subject in an important new book, "The Lonely Century".
    Loneliness increases the risk of heart disease, strokes and dementia(痴呆症) . Those who say they are lonely are likelier to be depressed five years later. In addition, lonely people can become more hostile towards others and more attracted to extremist politics.
    Part of the problem stems from contemporary employment. Globally, two in five office workers feel lonely at work. This rises to three in five in Britain. Gig-economy(零工经济) jobs can leave people with insecure incomes and without the companionship of colleagues. The pandemic has made it more difficult to make, and maintain, friendships, particularly for new employees.
    Ms. Hertz points her finger at other recent developments. One of them is social media. The internet has led to much cyber-bullying (although it has also been a source of companionship during the lockdown). And people glued to their smartphones spend less time interacting socially.
    Some changes in behavior are caused by individual choice. Before the pandemic no one was stopping people going to church or taking part in sports. They simply preferred to do other things. American fathers spend three times as much time with their children as they did in the 1960s. That is surely a welcome development.
    So recreating a communal society may be difficult. When the pandemic ends, people may enjoy the chance to be with their neighbors and colleagues for a while. But the trend is clear. Technology means that people can get their entertainment at home, and work there, too. It is convenient but it also leads to loneliness.
    27. What does the underlined phrase “a quiet pandemic” refer to in the second paragraph?
    A. Covid-19. B. Loneliness. C. The lockdown. D. A complex issue.
    28. Why is the new book mentioned in Paragraph 3?
    A. To show the seriousness of loneliness. B. To advertise a new book.
    C. To give an example of loneliness. D. To introduce what to be discussed.
    29. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons for the trend of loneliness?
    A. Contemporary employment. B. Social media.
    C. Individual choice. D. Extremist politics.
    30. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
    A. Loneliness: Good or Not? B. A Common Disease
    C. Loneliness: A Clear Trend D. Pandemic and Loneliness
    Resolving(解决) Conflict in Friendships
    Conflict is surely a common problem in life and friendships. 31 That’s because there isn’t enough depth to guarantee all the trouble it takes to smooth over the disagreement. Unfortunately, even when the friendship reaches a deeper level, conflict continues to happen and can break apart a relationship. Here are some resolutions.
    Resolve it the day it happens. One rule my parents follow in their marriage is that they don’t go to bed angry with each other. They always attempt to resolve things the day it happens so that in the morning, it’s a fresh start with no past grudge(怨恨) . I’ve found I need a short cool down period so that I don’t act in anger. 32 Whatever you do, don’t let things ride for too long.
    33 Sometimes if you sit down and talk things over, you begin to see where the other person is coming from. Realize that everyone has been created differently with various talents, abilities, and personality traits. For example, you might be a leader while your friend is more of a follower. You may be frustrated with him or her for not being very decisive. Yet it is important to understand that each person is unique and needs to be appreciated.
    Initiate resolution. 34 Even when you think the other person is wrong, it’s not a bad thing to say "I’m sorry if I offended you in that way." If you’re honest and genuine in delivering your words, there’s a good chance your friend will respond positively.
    Most importantly, be loving in what you do. Try to focus on peacefully resolving the disagreement. It is not a most pleasant task to resolve conflict in any friendship. 35
    A. Don’t expect too much.
    B. Try to see the other person’s perspective.
    C. Be the first person in a fight to say sorry for your part.
    D. Many shallow friendships end up being ruined after an argument.
    E. To say sorry bravely when a conflict breaks out is a better resolution.
    F. However, it is worth the efforts because it results in a deeper friendship.
    G. For some, counting to one hundred before saying anything may be an option.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)
    "Going, going, gone, for $3 to the lady in the last row." The auctioneer(拍卖人) announced. I had just 36 the bidding for a 1950s cookie tin full of 37 at a house sale.
    Delighted at my victory, I 38 the lid and took a glance. Inside were hundreds of buttons, pins, and other items, all shining in the sunlight.
    Then my eye caught the 39 of an older woman who was watching the happenings in her yard, her eyes 40 over the crowd, looking for the 41 faces of friends and neighbors.
    As I went up to chat with her, she told me she was selling almost all her 42 because she was moving to a nursing home in town. Her eyes fell to the button box, and when she looked 43 , they were glittering with 44 .
    I took the lid off the tin, and her fist closed around a delicate pearl button, now yellow with 45 . She smiled as she told me about the 46 of her first child and the special pearl-buttoned christening outfit(洗礼服) that would be worn by five more babies before time 47 the garment thin.
    I 48 a large, dark military button and asked her about it. "From my late husband’s uniform," she said. "It’s one of the few things I had to 49 me of him when he didn’t return home 50 ." They had been married seven months before he left to 51 his country in World War II.
    Wooden nickels, snaps, and ruby buttons took her further down memory lane. I learned about her father being a faithful churchgoer, her mother dying of cancer and much more of the 52 she’d led for 89 years. After our chat, I 53 the woman’s box of memories and 54 my hands into hers. I knew we would 55 again, when I went to visit her at her new home.
    36. A. discovered B. won C. lost D. achieved
    37. A. love B. memories C. happiness D. sadness
    38. A. removed B. seized C. shook D. moved
    39. A. voice B. gesture C. emotion D. figure
    40. A. rolling B. searching C. wandering D. flashing
    41. A. same B. new C. familiar D. unknown
    42. A. goods B. possessions C. furniture D. clothes
    43. A. down B. back C. about D. up
    44. A. tears B. excitement C. anger D. fear
    45. A. age B. damage C. history D. use
    46. A. death B. growth C. birth D. talent
    47. A. destroyed B. changed C. wore D. allowed
    48. A. made B. noticed C. recognized D. searched
    49. A. convince B. inform C. warn D. remind
    50. A. alive B. lively C. healthy D. timely
    51. A. admire B. betray C. serve D. attack
    52. A. life B. way C. team D. family
    53. A. turned down B. put away C. picked up D. handed over
    54. A. pulled B. squeezed C. pushed D. slid
    55. A. reflect B. play C. argue D. talk
    We need to lower the Green Premiums (绿色溢价). The term 56 (refer) to the difference in cost between a product that involves emitting carbon and an alternative that doesn’t. 57 (lower)these premiums is the only way to zero out emissions without making things significantly 58 (expensive). There are two levers (杠杆)that governments can pull: reduce the cost of zero-carbon alternatives or charge for the hidden costs of pollution. 59 (ideal), any plan 60 (address)climate change does both. Governments must take the lead if we’re going to lower the Green Premiums, but as 61 individual, there are things you can do to help too. You can use your purchasing power as a consumer to buy green 62 (alternative), 63 sends a signal to companies that there is a market for these products. You can also use your voice as a citizen to urge your 64 (elect) officials to take the steps I outlined above. The next time someone asks you 65 they can do to fight climate change, I hope you tell them: Do whatever you can to lower the Green Premiums.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文(满分15分)
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    It was August, the peak season for tourism. Olav Hylland, the owner of a local restaurant, was expecting as many as 500 tourists to visit and eat there. With a joyful heart, he jumped into a van, which he had just bought to transport cargo(货物) for his restaurant, and set off.
    Leaving his home, he turned onto the main road with a tunnel(隧道) 300 meters ahead. The 11.4 kilometer tunnel was the only way to access the local scenic spot, where his restaurant was located. Two years earlier a truck caught fire inside it and the tunnel’s closure for repairs was a disastrous blow to Olav’s business. The road to his restaurant was blocked and the stream of tourists halted(停止). Although it was difficult, he managed to keep their staff on.
    "And today will be a perfect day." Olav thought.
    Inside the tunnel everything went normal. But when he was near the end, Olav spotted an unusual light 50 meters ahead. Then he saw something burning.
    Horrified, he stopped dead in his tracks. A tour bus was on fire! At the back where the engine was, dozens of tourists were stumbling(跌跌撞撞地走) towards him, getting away from the flames. "They’re going the wrong way." Olav thought, knowing the tunnel exit was just 500 meters ahead round a bend ahead of him. Then he realized the bus was now burning so fiercely that it was impossible for them to get around it.
    As a former volunteer firefighter, Olav first had to raise the alarm. Grabbing his cell phone, he entered the codes with shaking hands. "A bus is on fire! Close the tunnel gates!" Both gates were shut to avoid the entry of more vehicles, but the thick smoke was pouring out of the bus in his direction under the influence of the strong wind. In no time it would black out the tunnel, choking and blinding anyone inside it.
    There was no way the poor tourists could outrun the toxic(有毒的) fumes.
    Every minute counted.
    Paragraph 1
    Immediately, Olav turned the van round, jumped out and opened the sliding doors to the empty cargo space.
    Paragraph 2
    After a 20 minutes’ desperate drive, finally there they arrived - the exit of the tunnel!

    1- 5 B CCAB 6- 10 BCACA
    11- 15 BAABA 16- 20 CCBCA
    21-23 CBD 24-26 BAD 27-30 BADC
    七选五 31-35 DGBCF
    36-40 BBADC 41-45 CBDAA 46-50 CCBDA 51-55 CABDD
    56 refers 57 Lowering 58 more expensive 59 Ideally 60 to address
    61 an 62 alternatives 63 which 64 elected 65 what

    Dear Leo,
    Delighted to know that you are coming to study in China, I am writing this to discuss with you on how to learn Chinese.
    First, it’s essential to enlarge your vocabulary to overcome your reading difficulties. You should also take any opportunity to communicate in Chinese. Plus, getting to know the culture and history of China will help you learn Chinese better and increase your interest in learning this language.
    I hope my suggestions are helpful to you and feel free to drop me a line if you have any other questions.
    Li Hua
    Possible Version
    Immediately, Olav turned the van round, jumped out and opened the sliding doors to the empty cargo space. “Everyone, get in here!” He shouted at the top of his lungs, pointing to the van and waving at the panicked crowd. At this, the frightened tourists started to pile in. The deadly fumes were preying on them ruthlessly, contaminating all the air in its path. Olav knew if they didn’t leave soon, the smoke would choke and blind them all. “We are leaving!” shouted Olav. He sprinted to the driver’s seat after making sure no one was left behind. He had barely stepped on the accelerator when the dense smoke devoured the area. Everyone held their breath.
    After a 20 minutes’ desperate drive, finally there they arrived—the exit of the tunnel! Everyone’s tension released, they cheered to celebrate their survival and gave thanks to Olav, whose eyebrows, however, knitted into a deep frown. How could his restaurant survive this time if the tunnel was to close again? But that was not going to happen—One good turn deserves another—the fire brigade arrived just in time to put the fire out and the tunnel was reopened for use in a week. Moreover, as the rescue has made Olav a popular attraction among tourists, he now has something new to worry about: how could his small restaurant seat so many guests?

    (Text 1)
    M: We should discuss our plans for the movie. Since it starts so soon after work, getting there might be a problem.
    W: I’m not really familiar with the underground. Why don’t we take a taxi or bus?
    M: No, we might be late if we run into traffic. Don’t worry. I know well about the underground.
    (Text 2)
    W: Hello, I want to order two large pizzas. I’d like them for delivery. My address is 14 Walnut Drive.
    M: The pizza is 10 dollars each and you need to pay 5 dollars for delivery. It should take about forty-five minutes to get to your place.
    (Text 3)
    M: I heard you were going to attend the meeting on Wednesday, Mary. I didn’t know you would go.
    W: Yes, Gary. I am responsible for the project now. I took Dan’s place since he had to be on sick leave.
    (Text 4)
    W: Are you satisfied with the restaurant?
    M: Well, I have to say it’s not my thing. The food was fine, but the restaurant was too crowded and the waiters kept shouting all the time. I thought they should be working in a quieter and friendlier way.
    (Text 5)
    W: Have you read this new best-seller by Mike Brooklyn?
    M: No, I haven’t. I don’t really enjoy fiction.
    W: I think you’d like this one — it’s a very fast paced adventure, and Brooklyn has a really wild imagination.
    M: Really? Maybe I’ll try to read it when I’m on vacation.
    (Text 6)
    W: Has Mr. Jones sent you the figures for next year’s advertising campaign yet?
    M: No, I haven’t received anything from him. If we don’t get those figures by tomorrow morning, we won’t be able to draw up next year’s budget on time.
    W: We have to set the budget until Thursday, so maybe you should call him and find out what happened.
    M: I think I will. If I don’t hear from him by four, I’ll try calling his office.
    (Text 7)
    W: Thank you for meeting me, Dr. Freeman.
    M: It’s my pleasure. I’m glad to be here.
    W: Sorry for the short notice, but we’re hoping to air this story on tonight’s evening news. The producer already briefed you about our interview, right?
    M: Yes, she told me we’re going to discuss the research results of our study.
    W: Yes, hopefully the results will encourage more people to recycle and care for the environment. The interview should take about thirty minutes. Are you ready to begin?
    M: Sure, let’s start.
    W: Good evening. Today with me is Dr. Freeman. And you know he is …
    (Text 8)
    W: So, Eric, how is life in Greenland these days?
    M: Oh, you know. Winters are long. I live on the coast, though, so I get to see the ocean every day. That’s always nice.
    W: I heard that winters in Greenland are somewhat shorter than they used to be — global warming, I guess?
    M: Yes, that’s true. They’re calling it “the greening of Greenland”.
    W: The “greening”? What does that mean?
    M: Well, the average temperature in Greenland is rising twice as fast as in other places. So, now I have a few trees near my house. Trees didn’t use to exist in Greenland, you know! And we, um, people are growing some vegetables now — cabbage, potatoes, and things like that. And farmers can grow more grass for their animals.
    (Text 9)
    W: Hello, this is Tina. I haven’t booked my flight to DC yet, but I was wondering if you have any advice on how to best get to you from the airport?
    M: Yes, well, if you’re flying, Reagan National is the closest. You can take the underground right in from there. Dulles is further away and a taxi is probably the easiest. And then Baltimore-Washington Airport connects to a train that you can take right into the main train station in town.
    W: OK, cool, I think Reagan should be the best. And do you pretty centrally lie in DC? Like, next to all the sights and everything? My friend asked me to stay in her house, but I don’t think it would be very convenient.
    M: Yep. We’re in the Dupont Circle area, pretty central to DC. You can walk down to the White House. The underground is right around the corner.
    W: Do you include breakfast?
    M: Yes, madam, and we also offer dinner if you like.
    W: OK. That sounds good. Thank you. I’m going to think about it and once I’ve got everything booked, I’ll give you a call.
    M: OK. Have a good day.
    (Text 10)
    W: I’ve just discovered a fantastic new show called How Do They Do That?. The idea is simple. Take a topic — like travel, for example and then think of lots of little mysteries that could be explained. How do planes take off and land? That sort of thing. Then get two young, enthusiastic hosts in a lab to do lots of exciting experiments. Add some pictures to explain the process to the audience and that’s the show. Get the idea?
    Each edition looks at a different subject. As well as travel, topics that have already been covered include education, the body, things around the house and magic — my favorite so far. Still to come are personal finances, the natural world, sports, and life and how to live it. The one I’m personally looking forward to the most is how to meet the perfect partner. But some of my friends would like to know how to eat chocolate without putting on weight.
    What I like most about the show is that it’s fun and you learn something at the same time, so you don’t feel so guilty about spending 60 minutes in front of the TV each week. So if you aren’t already watching How Do They Do That?, I strongly recommend that you make the time. You’ll never think it boring. It’s on every Tuesday at 9 p.m. but this week’s edition won’t be shown until half an hour later because of the live international soccer game. Get watching and start learning!


    2021届浙江省五校(杭州二中、学军中学、杭州高级中学、效实中学、绍兴一中)高三上学期联考英语 Word版含答案: 这是一份2021届浙江省五校(杭州二中、学军中学、杭州高级中学、效实中学、绍兴一中)高三上学期联考英语 Word版含答案,文件包含浙江省五校杭州二中学军中学杭州高级中学效实中学绍兴一中2021届高三上学期联考英语试题docx、英语答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共15页, 欢迎下载使用。

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