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    本试卷共 8 页,满分 120 分,考试用时 120 分钟。
    1.本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、试室号、座位号填写在答题卡上。用 2B 铅笔将答题卡上的相应位置填涂考生号。因听说另考,试题从第二部分的“阅读理解”开始,试题号从“21”开始。
    2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用 2B 铅笔在答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑; 如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答案写上在试卷上无效。
    3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内 相应位置上;如需要改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂 改液。不按以上要求作答无效。
    第二部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分 50 分)
    第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
    Every year a cmmunity in sme part f the wrld is destryed by flding. Indeed, flding can happen anywhere it rains.There is hpe, hwever. Architects and civil engineers have develped prmising technlgies fr fld cntrl. And yes, engineering can be beautiful.
    The Thames Barrier in England
    The Thames Barrier is the secnd largest fld defence barrier in the wrld. Made f steel, water gates n the Thames Barrier are nrmally left pen s ships can pass thrugh. Then, as needed, the water gates shut t stp water flwing thrugh and t keep the Thames River safe. The Thames Barrier has 10 steel gates. The main gates stand as high as a 5-strey building. Each main gate weighs 3,300 tnnes. The Thames Barrier gates were cnstructed between 1974 and 1984 and have been clsed t prevent flds mre than 100 times.
    Red Sluice Gate in Japan
    T prtect areas n the cast and alng Japan’s rapidly-flwing rivers, the natin’s engineers have develped a cmplex system f canals and fld-gate lcks(水闸). Red Sluice Gate was designed in 1924 by a Japanese architect wh als wrked n the Panama Canal. It is pwered by autmated "water-drive" mtrs. Such mtrs dn’t need electricity t run, s they aren’t affected by pwer failures that can ccur during strms. It cntributed greatly t preventing flds until 1982 when a new sluice gate was cmpleted. The Red Sluice Gate was n lnger used but remains an impressive sight.
    The Hagestein Weir in the Netherlands
    Cmpleted in abut 1960, the Hagestein Weir is ne f three mvable dams, alng the Rhine River in the Netherlands. The Hagestein Weir has tw enrmus arched gates t cntrl water and generate pwer. Spanning 54 meters, the gates are stred in the up psitin. Dams and water barriers like Hagestein Weir have becme mdels fr water cntrl engineers arund the wrld.
    MOSE in Venice
    With its famus canals, Venice, Italy is a well-knwn watery city. Glbal warming threatens its very existence. Since the 1980s, fficials have been puring mney int the MOSE prject, a series f 78 barriers that can rise cllectively r independently acrss the lagn pening and curtail the rising waters f the Adriatic Sea.
    What d we knw abut the Thames Barrier?
    It is the largest water barrier in the wrld.
    Its water gates are pen at a nrmal time.
    It tk mre than 10 years t cnstruct.
    Its ten water gates weigh 3,300 tnnes.
    What is a special feature f Red Sluice Gate in Japan?
    It is still in peratin.
    It still wrks with pwer cut.
    It is the mst impressive sight.
    It was designed by an architect frm Panama.
    What is cmmn functin f the 4 cnstructins?
    A. T prduce electricity.B. T advance technlgy.
    C. T prmte turism.D. T cntrl fld.
    Nrwd, a junir High Schl student, was driving three friends hme in St. Petersburg, when anther driver crashed int her frm her left and made her car hit the tree. The impact jammed shut the driver’s side dr, s Nrwd climbed ut the frnt windw. Tw f her friends managed t get ut f the car unharmed, but her 16-year-ld friend Zarria didn’t. She run back t the car nly t find Zarria was just sitting there reactinless.
    A lt f peple started t gather arund t see what was happening. Nrwd started yelling, “Back up, back up, she needs space.” Nrwd pulled Zarria ut f the back seat, aviding brken glass frm the windw. “That’s when I checked her pulse n her neck. I put my head against her chest, and I didn’t really hear nthing. S that’s when I just started ding CPR n her.” Nrwd tld the reprter. After the 30 cmpressins and tw rescue breaths, Zarria regained cnsciusness. Ambulance quickly arrived and rushed her t the hspital t receive medical help.
    When Miller, Nrwd’s high schl teacher, learned that Nrwd saved a friend just ne day after cmpleting CPR training, she was at a lss f wrds and s prud. Nrwd participates in the schl’s Athletic Lifestyle Management Academy (ALMA). The prgram prepares students fr varius careers in health science. “We d vital signs and they learn hw t take bld pressure and check pulse.” Miller intrduced. And anther ne f the skills learned is CPR. “There are tw cmpnents, a hands-n skills cmpnent where they have t demnstrate that they’re able t d CPR well, and then there’s a written test cmpnent, shwing that they remember that knwledge.”
    Thanks t Nrwd’s quick thinking, Zarria is recvering well. She als isn’t surprised by her friend’s actins. “She will always help any way she can, s I wasn’t really shcked abut that.”
    What happened t Nrwd and her friends n their way hme?
    A. They lst their way.B. They suffered a car accident.
    C. They crashed int anther car.D. They were stuck in a traffic jam.
    What did Nrwd d first when finding Zarria reactinless?
    A. T give her first aid.B. T ask peple fr help.
    C. T call ambulance at nce.D. T send her t hspital immediately.
    What can we infer abut the ALMA?
    It nrmally lasts fr ne day.
    It is fr medical students nly.
    It fcuses n bth thery and practice.
    It trains students t live a healthy lifestyle.
    Which f the fllwing can best describe Nrwd?
    A. Cnsiderate and flexible.B. Kind and ambitius.
    C. Hardwrking and clever.D. Brave and calm.
    Masks that helped save lives during the crnavirus pandemic are prving a deadly threat fr wildlife.
    Macaques (猕猴) have been sptted chewing the straps ff ld and tssed-aside masks in the hills utside Malaysia’s capital Kuala Lumpur — a ptential chking threat fr the diminutive mnkeys. And in an incident that captured headlines in Britain, a gull (海鸥) was rescued by the RSPCA in the city f Chelmsfrd after its legs became tangled ( 缠 绕 ) in the straps f a dispsable(一次性的) mask fr up t a week. The animal welfare charity was alerted after the bird was sptted, mtinless but still alive, and they tk it t a wildlife hspital fr treatment befre its release.
    The biggest impact may be in the water, with green grups alarmed at the fld f used masks, latex(乳胶)glves and ther prtective gear finding their way int already plluted seas and rivers. Cnservatinists in Brazil fund ne inside the stmach f a penguin after its bdy washed up n a beach, while a dead pufferfish was discvered caught inside anther ff the cast f Miami. French campaigners Operatin Mer Prpre fund a dead crab trapped in a mask in a saltwater lagn near the Mediterranean in September.
    Masks and glves are “ particularly prblematic” fr sea creatures, says Gerge Lenard, chief scientist frm US-based NGO Ocean Cnservancy.“When thse plastics break dwn in the envirnment, they frm smaller and smaller particles. Thse particles then enter the fd chain and impact entire ecsystems,” he added.
    There has been a shift twards greater use f reusable clth masks, but many are still chsing the lighter single-use varieties. Campaigners have urged peple t thrw them away prperly and cut the straps t reduce the risk f animals becming trapped. Oceans Asia has als called n gvernments t increase fines fr littering and encurage the use f washable masks.
    What is paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    Serius incidents f wildlife hunting.
    Scientific research int wildlife living habits.
    Hw wildlife is affected by dispsable masks.
    Hw human beings prtect endangered wildlife.
    Hw d masks endanger sea animals?
    Sea animals may get twisted by masks.
    Sea animals can’t find their way hme.
    Sea animals have difficulties in finding fd.
    C. Sea animals are frced t leave their habitats.
    What is suggested in the last paragraph?
    Putting bans n single-use masks.
    Getting rid f used masks prperly.
    Giving mask prducers heavy fines.
    Reducing the risk f washable masks.
    Which sectins f the newspaper can this passage be fund?
    A. Business.B. Educatin.C. Lifestyle.D. Envirnment.
    In 1973, Mark Granvetter, a scilgy prfessr at Stanfrd University, published a paper entitled The Strength f Weak Ties. It went n t becme ne f the mst influential scilgy papers f all time. Until then schlars had assumed that an individual’s well-being depended mainly n the quality f relatinships with clse friends and family. Granvetter shwed that quantity matters, t. He categries a persn’s scial wrld as “strng ties” and “weak ties”. His central insight was that fr new messages and ideas, weak ties are mre imprtant t us than strng nes. As Granvetter pinted ut, the peple whm we ften talk t swim in the same pl f infrmatin as we d. We depend n acquaintances whm we see infrequently t bring us news f pprtunities.
    This was the idea behind the Pixar building, the design f which was made by Steve Jbs. The building has a large central hall thrugh which all emplyees have t pass several times a day. Jbs wanted clleagues t run int each ther, grab cffee and have a chat. He believed in the pwer f these seemingly randm cnversatins t fire up creativity.
    Encunters with weak ties can be gd fr ur mental wellbeing, t. Gillian Sandstrm, a senir lecturer in psychlgy at the University f Essex, investigated the extent t which peple get happiness frm weak-tie relatinships. She fund that n days when a participant had a greater number f casual interactins with weak ties – say, a neighbur, a member f yga class
    – they experienced mre happiness and a greater sense f belnging.
    Fr all these reasns, we shuld cntinue t try and find ways t cultivate weak-tie relatinships. Sandstrm adds that we can als engage in mre weak-tie-style interactins with ur strng ties. The gal is t let thers knw yu are thinking f them withut asking fr a great deal f time, energy r attentin.
    Why des Granvetter think weak ties are mre imprtant?
    They are smaller in number.
    They frm same circle f friends.
    They are surces f new infrmatin .
    They are related t clse friends and family.
    Which f the fllwing can be categrized as weak ties?
    A.Neighbrs .B. Best friends.C. Parents.D. Husband r wife.
    What is the functin f the central hall in Pixar building?
    It helps staff build friendship.
    It allws staff t have a break.
    It encurages staff t meet and chat.
    It helps Jbs cmmunicate with staff.
    What des Sandstrm want t cnvey in the last paragraph?
    We can develp weak ties int strng ties.
    We shuld spend mre time with strng ties.
    We shuld balance weak ties with strng ties.
    We can apply casual interactins t strng ties.
    第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
    I'm terrible at giving myself grace. I'm a perfectinist, and I have unrealistic expectatins fr myself at times. I can remember simple errrs I made. S ften, we let perfectin dminate ur lives withut even realizing it. 36 And I hpe yu'll cnsider ding that, t.
    Realize that being burnt ut desn't mean that yu're nt gd at what yu d. I want t d my best in everything. The truble starts when we verwrk urselves. 37 That's OK.
    Taking a break. Mst f all, I hpe yu priritize yur mental health. Take care f yurself. Be gentle with yurself.
    N ne is asking yu t be perfect. We're all messy humans with strengths and weaknesses. Embrace yurs, even when it isn't perfect. When yu make mistakes, take respnsibility and learn frm them. Remember that this isn't the first r the last mistake that yu've made. Give in t grace. Smething might be a huge issue fr me, ther peple prbably wn't ntice r care.
    Write it n yur heart that whatever yu d tday is enugh. It is easy t emphasize what we've yet t d instead f what we've already dne. Yes, there is always rm fr grwth and imprvement. 39Maybe yu made yur bed. Maybe yu made it t wrk n time. Thse things might nt seem big, but they're still victries.
    40If yu messed up tday, yu can try again tmrrw. If yu succeeded tday, yu can try again tmrrw. Yu have t keep mving n int the rest f yur stry r yu'll miss the train t bigger things than this. Start in yur wrry r yur fear r yur jy. Start wherever yu are and keep ging. Start with grace.
    Yur stry isn't finished just yet.
    That is meant much f ur struggle is internal.
    Then I've realized I need a little bit mre rest.
    Yu are suppsed t aim high and wrk fr it.
    But there is rm t celebrate the little victries.
    I've decided t change that and give myself grace.
    Remember that yu can be perfect thrugh yur effrts.
    第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节 完形填空 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    After getting married, I mved t an abslutely new twn. 41 as I was t be in a new city, with varius new things t explre, I was still lnely. I was desperate t make friends and establish 42 .
    This culd explain my enthusiastic “Cunt me in!” when 43 t participate in a half marathn. Reflecting n my usual 3 miles, I must have been 44 — a half marathn, 13 miles seemed a(n) 45 task.
    After the initial shck wre ff, I fund cmfrt in burying myself in 46 . I tk it slw, ne mile, and then tw, three, fur and five miles. Seven straight miles felt like t climb Everest in my eyes, and sn I became used t that 47 .
    Mile after mile, I managed t step beside my running partners. We talked abut ur favrite music and 48 funny stries abut ur children. At abut mile 10, the
    cnversatins 49 . We shared ur past and hpes fr ur future, ur fears and disappintments. By the time we were running 12-mile legs, I knw that I’d made 50 friends.
    51 , the day f the race arrived. At the start line, armed with my friends, I already felt like a champin. My time training had 52 . I managed t hld a steady pace and kept up with my 53 . Legs shaking and knees buckling, we crssed the finish line tgether.
    I have participated in multiple races since. Althugh running started as a 54 f building scial ties, it nt nly prvided me with friendships, but with a skill that wuld benefit me the rest f my life. Thugh the first pair f shes is lng frgtten, running will never be 55 .
    第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,总分 15 分)
    阅读下面材料,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词,或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Paul Grisham returned hme frm his 13-mnth assignment in Antarctica in 1968,
    56 his wallet didn’t. Grisham, 91, jined the Navy in 1948 as a weather technician befre being shipped t the frzen cntinent 57 (wrk) as a meterlgist.
    After five decades, Grisham was reunited with his wallet — which he frgt all abut. Inside the wallet 58 (be) Grisham’s navy ID, driving license, a recipe, a tax withhlding statement, and receipts fr mney rders sent t his wife. He was surprised by
    59 yung he lked at his ld ID card that was put inside. “It brught back 60 (memry). Oh yeah, I had dark brwn hair at that time,” the 91-year-ld said 61 a laugh.
    The recvered wallet 62 (find) by Stephen. Stephen saw the wallet in a shp and bught it. With the help f McKee’s rganizatin, he saw 63 nline pst t help find the wner. 64 (lucky), Grisham and his wallet were tgether again. Grisham said that his time in Antarctica was “ 65 (usual) and memrable.” The temperature in the winter mnths wuld drp as lw as -65 degrees.
    A. Relaxed
    B. Excited
    C. Embarrassed
    D. Cnfused
    A. reputatin
    B. identity
    C. cnnectins
    D. rutines
    A. allwed
    B. asked
    C. reminded
    D. required
    A. grateful
    B. cnfident
    C. awkward
    D. crazy
    A. impssible
    B. urgent
    C. rewarding
    D. pleasant
    A. scializing
    B. studying
    C. training
    D. sharing
    A. high
    B. climate
    C. view
    D. race
    A. listened t
    B. made up
    C. spread
    D. exchanged
    A. stpped
    B. deepened
    C. returned
    D. cncluded
    A. new
    B. mre
    C. lifelng
    D. demanding
    A. Unfrtunately
    B. Obviusly
    C. Naturally
    D. Finally
    A. failed
    B. cntinued
    C. paid ff
    D. caught n
    A. cmpanins
    B. ppnents
    C. caches
    D. judges
    A. series
    B. means
    C. habit
    D. traditin
    A. chsen
    B. frbidden
    C. spread
    D. replaced
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分 40 分)
    第一节应用文写作 (满分 15 分)
    假设你是李华,你校留学生 Jack 计划回国,他想给妈妈送一份有中国特色的礼物,请给他一封邮件,向他推荐礼物,内容包括:
    注意:1.写作词数应为 80 左右;
    第二节读后续写 (满分 25 分)
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为 150 左右。
    If yu ask me whether yu shuld say yes t walk yur neighbr’s dg, my answer
    wuld be a definite “Yes”,as lng yu d ne thing I didn’t d when I helped ut with my neighbr’s dg. Here’s what I meant. Yu dn’t need t ask yur neighbr lts f questins abut that particular dg, but just be patient t ask ne very imprtant questin. Here is why.
    Mrs. Gnzales and her adrable dg Rascal, live at the end f my street. My friend Ollie and I have played with Rascal since he was a puppy, s when Mrs. Gnzales asked if we’d like t take him t the park nce in a while, we can’t wait t says,“ When can we start?”“Hw abut this Saturday at 3: 00?”she suggested.
    When Saturday rlled arund, Ollie and I were there t pick up Rascal at 3: 00 n time. “Rascal will be s happy t play in the park with yu! ” Mrs Gnzales said. “If I’m still ut grcery shpping when yu return, just let yurselves in with this spare key. I’ll be hme a little while later.”
    “Als, why d yu think I named him Rascal? If there’s truble, such as puddles, this guy is guaranteed t find it. And als the cmmands that yu shuld ” When we realized
    that Mrs Gnzales had lts f “alss”, we interrupted her and ran away in the blink f an eye.
    Nt lng after we arrived at the park, Rascal fund a giant puddle and jumped int it and rlled arund until every square inch f his furry bdy was dripping with mud. “Ugh! silly puppy, yu’re the muddiest dg in the universes!” I said. Ollie said we shuld take him back hme s he can get washed up.
    But when we gt t Mrs. Gnzales’s huse, she didn’t answer the drbell. “ She must still be ut grcery shpping, ” I said. “ Hw abut we use the garden tube t clean him? ” Ollie suggested. “ Gd idea!” I said, putting Mrs. Gnzales’s key int the lck.“I’ll g inside and get a twel t dry him ff.”
    Paragraph 1:
    But the secnd I pened the dr, Rascal raced inside the huse.
    Paragraph 2:
    Mrs. Gnzales came in with her grceries.
    顺德区 2021 届高三仿真题
    英 语参考答案
    第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分 50 分)
    第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
    第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
    36. F37. C38. B39. E40. A
    第三部分语言知识及应用 (共两节 满分 30 分)
    第一节 完型填空(15 小题,每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分)
    41. B 42. C 43. B 44. D 45. A46. C 47. A 48. D 49. B 50. C
    51. D 52. C 53. A 54. B 55. D
    第二节:语法填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分, 满分 15 分)
    第四部分写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分 15 分)
    Dear Peter,
    I am glad t hear that yu want t buy sme gifts fr yur mther that featured the Chinese culture and I’m happy t share sme advice.
    Persnally, yu can chse t buy an elegant traditinal Chinese dress — Qipa fr yur mther. It was traditinally made f silk. I am sure yur mther will like it. They are available fr purchase at high-end butique stres r can be persnally tailred at clthing markets. If yu dn’t bther t d that, simpler, inexpensive designs may be purchased nline. Als, it’s a gd chice fr yu t buy a Chinese knt, which represents gd luck.
    Wish yu a happy vacatin. Please give my best wishes t yur family.
    Yurs, Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分 25 分)
    But the secnd I pened the dr, Rascal raced inside the huse. He started mving arund in the living rm. “Stp!” I rdered. But instead f stpping, he jumped up n the cuches. “N, Rascal!” Ollie shuted. “Sit!” But Rascal didn’t sit. He rlled all ver the cuch. “This dg is nt gd at fllwing cmmands,” said Ollie, frustrated. It turned ut he was right. Rascal didn’t pay any attentin t ur wrds. Luckily fr us, we heard a car cming. It must be Mrs. Gnzales.
    Mrs. Gnzales came in with her grceries. When she saw her muddy puppy and muddy carpet and muddy cuch, that picture left her speechless. “We’re s srry! He ignred ur cmmands,” Ollie and I explain. Hearing the wrds, Gnzales burst ut laughing. “I shuld have made sure yu knew which cmmands he respnds t befre leaving yu alne with him.” It turned ut we shuld have tld Rascal t “stay”befre we pened the dr. And instead f telling him t“sit”, we shuld have said “ff !”
    It tk a while, but we all wrked tgether t get the mud ff everyne and everything. And nw when
    A 篇 21. B22. B23.D
    B 篇24. B25. A
    26 . C
    27. D
    C 篇 28. C29. A 30. B31. D
    D 篇32. C33. A
    34. C
    35. D
    56. but
    57. t wrk
    58. were
    59. hw
    60. memries
    61. with
    62. was fund
    63. an
    64. Luckily
    65. unusual
    we take Rascal fr walks, Ollie and I use all the right cmmands and stay very, very far away frm puddles.
    **书面表达各档次的给分范围和要求第一节:应用文写作(满分 15 分) 一、评分原则
    本题总分为 15 分,按五个档次进行评分。
    词数少于 60 的,酌情扣分。
    单词拼写和标点符号是写作规范的重要方面,评分时应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼 写及词汇用法均可接受。
    - 覆盖了所有内容要点,表述清楚、合理。
    - 使用了多样并且恰当的词汇和语法结构,可能有个别小错,但完全不影响理解。
    (13-15 分)
    - 有效地使用了语句间衔接手段,全文结构清晰,意义连贯。
    - 完全达到了预期的写作目的。
    - 覆盖了所有内容要点,表述比较清楚、合理。
    - 使用了比较多样并且恰当的词汇和语法结构,可能有些许错误,但不影响理解。
    (10-12 分)
    - 比较有效地使用了语句间衔接手段,全文结构比较清晰,意义比较连贯。
    - 达到了预期的写作目的。
    - 覆盖了大部分内容要点,有个别地方表述不够清楚、合理。
    - 使用了简单的词汇和语法结构,有一些错误或不恰当之处,但基本不影响理解。
    (7-9 分)
    - 基本有效地使用了语句间衔接手段,全文结构基本清晰,意义基本连贯。
    - 基本达到了预期的写作目的。
    - 遗漏或未清楚表述一些内容要点,或一些内容与写作目的不相关。
    - 所使用的词汇有限,语法结构单调,错误较多,影响理解。
    (4-6 分)
    - 几乎不能有效地使用语句间衔接手段,全文结构不够清晰,意义不够连贯。
    - 未能达到预期的写作目的。
    第一档(1-3 分)
    第二节 读后续写(满分 25 分) 一、评分原则
    本题总分为 25 分,按五个档次进行评分。
    词数少于 120 的,酌情扣分。
    单词拼写和标点符号是写作规范的重要方面,评分时应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼 写及词汇用法均可接受。
    第五档(21-25 分)
    第四档(16-20 分)
    第三档(11-15 分)
    第二档(6-10 分)
    第一档(1-5 分)
    - 未作答;所写内容太少或无法看清以致无法评判;所写内容全部抄自原文或与题目要求完全
    - 未作答;所写内容太少或无法看清以致无法评判;所写内容与题目要求完全不相关。

    2023届广东省佛山市顺德区高三下学期5月模拟英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023届广东省佛山市顺德区高三下学期5月模拟英语试题含答案,共11页。

    2023届广东省佛山市顺德区高三5月模拟英语试题: 这是一份2023届广东省佛山市顺德区高三5月模拟英语试题,共9页。

    2021佛山顺德区高三第三次教学质量检测英语试题PDF版含答案: 这是一份2021佛山顺德区高三第三次教学质量检测英语试题PDF版含答案






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