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    1. What will the woman do this weekend?
    A. Look after a cat. B. Travel around town. C. Go hiking.
    2. What does the woman want to know?
    A. What sports to play. B. How to meet people. C. Where to do exercise.
    3. What are the speakers talking about?
    A. Cooking skills.
    B. Children’s education.
    C. A book.
    4. Why does Cathy go to the dance class every night?
    A. To become a dancer. B. To lose some weight. C. To kill time.
    5. What does the woman plan to do with her bad tooth?
    A. Have it pulled out. B. Have it filled. C. Have it cleaned.
    6. How did the woman get into art?
    A. By studying it at school.
    B. By seeing an art exhibition.
    C. By taking advice from a friend.
    7. Which material does the woman use for her art?
    A. Paint. B. Stone. C. Metal.
    8. For what will the man be away from home for some time?
    A. Receiving training. B. Looking for a job. C. Setting up a new company.
    9. What does Susan need to do?
    A. Hire a babysitter.
    B. Extend working hours.
    C. Spend more time with children.
    10. When will the man set off?
    A. In two days. B. In three days. C. In five days.
    11. What was the man’s childhood dream?
    A. Visiting different places.
    B. Making his hometown popular.
    C. Becoming a world-known artist.
    12. What does the man suggest the woman do?
    A. Look at his pictures. B. Solve some puzzles. C. Read his new book.
    13. Why does the man write the book for kids?
    A. To develop their imagination.
    B. To make them live a healthy life.
    C. To let them appreciate new things.
    14. Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A. At Jack’s home. B. At a studio. C. At a restaurant.
    15. What does Jack think of his life?
    A. Simple. B. Stressful. C. Colorful.
    16. What would Jack do in case of an emergency?
    A. Call his family.
    B. Inform the police by a light.
    C. Use the Internet for help.
    17. What is probably the speaker?
    A. A driver. B. A tour guide. C. A history teacher.
    18. When was the Washington Monument open to the public?
    A. In 1848. B. In 1884. C. In 1888.
    19. How long will the listeners stay at the Washington Monument?
    A. Two hours. B. Four hours. C. Six hours.
    20. How will the listeners go to the Lincoln Memorial?
    A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By subway.
    When my son joined the high-school wrestling team last fall during COVID-19, my 83-year-old dadalso asked me to ask if they needed an assistant coach. I wondered how the coach would feel about myson’s grandfather asking to help, given that it was over 60 years ago that he wrestled?“He wrestled inuniversity,” I said.
    A few days before the first practice, I e-mailed the coach to tell him that my son’s grandfather was 83.I was nervous. What if he wasn’t what they were looking for? In the e-mail, I assured the coach he was ingood health. I pointed out that his hearing aids had sat unused for over five years. He just didn’t likewearing them.
    As I dropped my dad and 16-year-old son off for their first wrestling practice, my dad turned to myson, “I am not going to embarrass you, am I?”
    “Not too much,” my son replied.
    At the first practice, Dad met the coach and told him he would do anything he needed. When he andmy son returned, they were both overjoyed. Dad made the team, but“God, I wish I could hear the coach!”he said. One day, he realized he forgot his hearing aids as I dropped him off. We turned back.“I need theseto hear what the coach is talking about,” he reminded me.
    In his free time, Dad went to the library and he borrowed the book Wrestling for Dummies. He read upon different moves and the scoring system.“It is a lot different from my university days,” he told me.
    The coach gave him a team sweatshirt with the logo of the school on the front and“Wrestling”on theback. He wears the sweatshirt to every practice.
    COVID-19 has not allowed me to watch any of the practices or meets. I rely on my father to give methe play-by-play of what is happening in the wrestling room. He is energetic. I’m proud to be a wrestlingdaughter.
    21. What do we know about the author’s dad?
    A. He still has good hearing in his 80s. B. He was a wrestler at university.
    C. He taught his grandson wrestling at home. D. He lied about his age when applying for the role.
    22. What happened after the author’s dad joined the wrestling team?
    A. The author’s son felt extremely embarrassed. B. He refused to wear his hearing aids during practice.
    C. He tried to improve his wrestling knowledge. D. He offered to design the team sweatshirt.
    23. What is the author’s attitude toward her dad joining the wrestling team?
    A. Supportive. B. Anxious. C. Opposed. D. Reserved.
    Chinese astronauts sent back a science lesson from the country’s under construction space station.Thelesson focused on physics, aiming to illustrate how the weightless environment affects buoyancy(浮力),the movement of objects and optics (光学).
    Students from five cities asked the astronauts about living conditions in space and were treated to avirtual tour of the station. Wang Yaping, the only woman aboard the station, served as the main instructor,while Ye Guangfu assisted and commander-in-chiefZhaiZhigang worked the camera.
    The three arrived at the station in October, 2021 for about a six-month stay, mainly aimed to preparethe main Tianhe module(舱) for the arrival of two additional modules named Mengtian and Wentian aheadof completion by the end of 2022. The crew is assessing living conditions in the Tianhe module andconducting experiments in space medicine and other areas.
    Wang became the first Chinese woman to conduct a spacewalk when she and Zhai spent six hoursoutside the module fixing equipment and carrying out tests alongside the station’s robotic service arm.
    The mission of Shenzhou-13 is China’s longest one since it first put a human in space in 2003,becoming only the third county to do so after Russia and the US. China has also pushed ahead withunmanned missions, and is lunar exploration program generated media buzz when its Yutu 2 rover sent back pictures of what was described by some as a “mystery hut”, but most likely only was a rock of somesort. The rover is the first to be placed on the little-explored far side of the moon, while China’s Chang’e 5 probe returned lunar rocks to Earth for the first time since the 1970s. A Chinese rover, meanwhile, issearching for evidence of life on Mars.
    24. What is the main task of the three crew in China’s space station?
    A. To give lessons about physical principles. B. To prepare for the station’s expansion.
    C. To test the station’s robotic service arm. D. To do a spacewalk outside the module.
    25. Which of the following can best replace the underlined word“assessing” in Paragraph 3?
    A. judging B. updating C. adjusting D. repairing
    26. What can be implied in the last paragraph?
    A. China has found some strange huts on the moon.
    B. China has found evidence of life on Mars.
    C. China is preparing to find a living place on Mars.
    D. China has made great achievements in space exploration.
    27. What might be the best title for the text?
    A. Chinese astronauts test new technology to explore space
    B. Chinese female astronauts prepares for walking outside in space
    C. Chinese astronauts give a science lesson from the space station
    D. Chinese astronauts expand the module into a big station
    Listening to music while studying or doing homework is a very common habit among students.
    The research in 1972 showed that there was an increase in the performance of workers when listeningto music. However, this research was limited, and was only used to study a very specific and representativeworking environment at the time-factories. Workforce tasks were repetitive, predictable and boring.
    But what about the complex(复杂的) and creative jobs? What about studying complex academicprograms?
    It seems that when the work at hand forces us to really focus on what we are doing, the presence of themusic is a burden that we must avoid. For example, the research published in Psychological Reports foundthat when some volunteers had to choose a piece of music and listen to it while studying or doinghomework, they performed worse than those who did not choose and simply accomplished the task withoutlistening to music.
    In other words, even though music is used for studying, it may just be because you like the music, not because it improves memorization and learning outcomes.
    Why is it not good to listen to music while studying? The answer lies in two concepts: multitasking(多任务化) and attentional concentration. Multitasking is the ability to perform more than one task at the sametime and is closely related to working memory. This type of memory is responsible for keeping in mind theelements with which we work in real time.
    Attentional concentration is how the brain directs mental processes toward solving some problems andnot others. When we focus on something, we are using a large part of our nervous system to fix it. For this,you have to pay the price for neglecting other functions.
    28. What was the disadvantage of the research in 1972?
    A. A short length of time. B. A shortage of researchers.
    C. A single working environment. D. A small number of participants.
    29. What did the research published in Psychological Reports prove about listening to music?
    A. It didn’t make any difference. B. It improved participants’ efficiency.
    C. It helped participants to concentrate. D. It affected participants’ performance.
    30. What’s the purpose of the last two paragraphs?
    A. To make comments. B. To explain reasons.
    C. To draw conclusions. D. To make suggestions.
    Do you know the big rock experiment? You get a bucket(水桶) and fill it half full of small stones. Youthen try to put several big rocks in the bucket, on top of the small stones. 31. ______So you empty thebucket and start over. This time you put the big rocks in the bucket first, followed by the small stones. Thesmall stones perfectly fill in the spaces around the big rocks. This time it all fits!
    32. ______If you put the small stones in first, the big rocks don’t all fit. But if you put the big rocksin first, everything fits, big rocks and small stones. Big rocks refer to your most important things. Smallstones represent all the little everyday things that take up your time, such as housework, texting, andinterruptions, etc. The moral(寓意) of the story? 33. ______
    During your weekly planning, arrange(安排) time for your big rocks by putting them in your calendar.For example, you might decide that the best time to get started on your history report is Tuesday night andthe best time to call your grandma is Sunday afternoon. 34. ______ It’s like making a reservation.
    If your big rock such as“give out three compliments each day this week” doesn’t have a specific time,write it somewhere in your planner where it can be seen. If you arrange time for your big rocks first, theother everyday activities will fit in as well. And if they don’t, who cares? 35. ______ Take care of themnext week.
    A. But they don’t all fit.
    B. Now make a plan of those times.
    C. Then try your best to follow your plan.
    D. Planning ahead each week will help you do more.
    E. You’d rather push aside small stones than big rocks.
    F. Ifyou don’t schedule your big rocks first, they won’t get done.
    G. The difference is the order in which the big rocks and small stones were placed in the bucket.
    Days after Argentina(阿根廷) canceled all international flights to protect the country from COVID-19,Manuel Ballestero36hisjourney home the only way possible. He stepped aboard his small37for an 85-day journey back.
    The 47-year-old sailor could have stayed on the tiny Portuguese island ofPorto Santo,to 38 thetime of lockdowns in a scenic place largely free ofthe 39 . But the40of living away fromhis family, especially his father who was soon to turn 90, was 41 . So he loaded his 29-foot boat withcanned food and42in mid-March.
    Avery 43 part of this terrible period was the inability of a great number of people to rush hometo see loved ones. Friends tried to 44Mr. Ballestero from starting the risky journey and the 45in Portugal warned him he might not be allowed to re-enter the country if he ran into trouble and had to46. But he was determined.
    Sailing across the Atlantic is challenging. The increasing47of doing it during a pandemic(流行病) became 48 three weeks into the trip. On April 12, the authorities(当局) in Cape Verde 49him to dock(靠岸) at the island nation to get a new supply of food and fuel. He was experienced in spendinglong time at sea, but being 50on the open ocean is frightening to even the most experienced sailor.
    Learning about his 51 , people bored at home were impressed. He 52created anInstagram account(账号) to 53 the final leg of the trip.“I see it as my 54to accomplish,”Manuel said.
    55Mr. Ballestero didn’t get to celebrate his father’s 90th birthday in May, he did make it homein time for Father’s Day.
    36. A. stopped B. expected C. started D. changed
    37. A. train B. truck C. helicopter D. sailboat
    38. A. shift B. share C. survive D. reflect
    39. A. poison B. virus C. gene D. cell
    40. A. thought B. sight C. memory D. image
    41. A. invisible B. unbearable C. incomparable D. unbelievable
    42. A. went on B. took of C. settled down D. set out
    43. A. painful B. dangerous C. delighted D. important
    44. A. save B. protect C. discourage D. stop
    45. A. reporters B. relatives C. citizens D. government
    46. A. tum away B. turn back C. go ahead D. give in
    47. A. difficulties B. benefits C. costs D. effects
    48. A. common B. different C. obvious D. minor
    49. A. urged B. forced C. threatened D. banned
    50. A. awake B. alone C. forgotten D. deserted
    51. A. arrival B. search C. voyage D. project
    52. A. even B. just C. yet D. still
    53. A. instruct B. afford C. serve D. record
    54. A. skill B. mission C. experiment D. exploration
    55. A. Though B.As C. Unless D. Since
    Lin Qiaozhi is a great Chinese doctor whose life is full of difficult choices. 56. ______ ( deep)affected by her mother’s death, when she was 18, she insisted 57.______ studying medicine rather thanstep into a 58. ______ (tradition) marriage. After graduating from PUMC, Lin became the first woman59. ______(hire) as a resident physician. In 1939, she studied in the US 60. ______ she wasinvited to stay because of her outstanding performance. However, Lin chose to come back to serve hermotherland. Unfortunately, in 1941, the hospital closed due to the outbreak of the war.61. ______(consider) the people in trouble, she chose to open a private clinic and charged very lowfees. Lin 62.______(prefer) to tend patients and write essays rather than retire and she took63. ______(responsible) for all her patients. She played 64.______important role in thedevelopment of Chinese OB-GYN. She chose to be single all her life and devoted all her time to the career.It is Lin Qiaozhi 65.______deserves the title-Mother ofTen Thousand Babies.
    It was my twelfth birthday, and what I really wanted was a new bicycle. But I knew my familycouldn’t afford one.
    A new bike was just a dream, so I wanted a nightstand(床头柜). I figured that at least I would have asafe place to keep my private things. So I asked my parents for a nightstand with lockable drawer(抽屉).
    We went to the secondhand furniture store and found an old, dark brown nightstand. It didn’t look toocool, but at least it had drawers that I could keep locked. I decided that I would paint it to make it lookbetter.
    After we took it home, I was getting ready to paint it. When I pulled the drawers out, I felt somethingstuck(卡住) at the back of the bottom drawer. I reached in all the way to the back and was surprised to finda bag.
    When opening the bag, I realized that there were some papers in it which were some kind ofofficial-looking documents(文件). And beneath were a bunch of dollar bills! Talk about finding a treasure!And on my birthday!
    I went ahead and read the papers, which turned out to be a will(遗嘱). Some old lady was leaving hersavings to her son and grandchildren. The old lady must have died and nobody knew the money. Her familydonated the nightstand to the secondhand furniture store and it was now in my hands.
    I counted the money, over 1,000 dollars in total. I was going crazy. With this money I could buy thecoolest bicycle. I could even buy bicycles for my younger brothers. Maybe I could also get my parents acar.
    What a dilemma! I could keep it and get all kinds of things for myself and my family. Or I could giveit all back. “Somebody helps me with this!”I begged. But I really didn’t need anyone else to give me theanswer. Ialready knew right from wrong. I decided not to fail this test. It was a test of honor-my honor.
    Paragraph 1:
    I called my, family into my bedroom and showed them what I had found. ________________________________
    Paragraph 2:
    Several days later, the old lady’s son and his wife came to my house. ___________________________________

    1-5 ABCBA 6-10 BCACC 11-15 ACCBA 16-20 BBCAA
    21-23 BCA 24 -27 BADC 28-30 CDB
    31-35 AGFBE
    36-40 CDCBA 41-45 BDACD 46-50 BACDB 51-55 CADBA
    56. Deeply 57.on 58.traditional 59. to be hired 60.where
    61. Considering 62.preferred 63.responsibility 64.an 65.who/that
    To celebrate and make us better understand the Mid-Autumn Festival, our classis to hold a series of activities. The activities are expected to begin on September 8and end on September 10. First, knowledge about how the festival came into being,what the customs are and what food people traditionally eat on that day will be shared.This activity is scheduled on September 8. What’s more, there will be a poetry conteston September 9, where participants will recite poems about the festival. On the lastday we’ll learn to make mooncakes— a symbol of reunion, enjoy the fruits of ourlabors and share them with each other. Looking forward to your participation.
    I called I called my family into my bedroom and showed them what I had found.Eyes caught by the incredible bunch of dollar bills at once, they held their breathuncontrollably, frozen with shock. I told them I wanted to give them all back, andundoubtedly, I got their support. So we turned to the secondhand furniture store ownerfor help. Looking through the donation records, the owner found the son’s telephonenumber. We got in touch with him right away, told him about the will and the moneyand made an appointment with him.
    Paragraph 2:
    Several days later, the old lady’s son and his wife came to my house. Tears welledup in the man’s eyes when he saw the money and the papers, which apparentlybrought back his memories about his dead mother. Then the couple expressed theirsincere gratitude to us. They said they were in big financial trouble now and my act ofhonesty was a timely help, not only giving them hope but also strengthening theirfaith. I had never felt better. No new bicycle could make me feel as good about myselfas I felt that day. I passed an extremely important test of my honor.
    Text 1
    M: Do you have any plans for the weekend?
    W: Well, I did have plans to go hiking. But my friend asked me to cat-sit, so I guessI’m just staying around town.
    M: Aren’t you allergic to cats? How do you cope with that?
    W: I don’t know. I just can’t say no to this friend.
    Text 2
    W: I’m having trouble meeting people here in the city. Any ideas?
    M: The gym is a good place to meet people. Or play in a team sport, baseball, tennisor volleyball?
    W: That sounds fine. I’m good at playing tennis.
    Text 3
    M: What are you reading?
    W: Julia Child’s biography.
    M: Is the book any good?
    W: Yes. What I really love about Julia Child is that she wasn’t successful as a cookingexpert until later in life.
    M: Cathy, why do you go to the dance class every night? Do you want to become adancer in the future?
    W: No. I gained some weight earlier this year. I want to become slimmer.
    M: You already look great!
    Text 5
    W: I have a bad tooth. It’s really annoying.
    M: Why not have it filled?
    W: It’s too bad to be filled anymore. There is just one option left. I’ll make anappointment with my dentist to pull it out. I really can no longer stand it.
    M: So how did you get into art? Did you study it at school?
    W: No, I hated it at school. ⑥Later in life, my friend took me to a museum. Theyhad an exhibition and the art inspired me to make something of my own.
    M: How did you decide to make what type of art?
    W: Well, the art I saw was a stone work, but I wanted to make something that had amessage about climate change.
    M:⑦Is that why you use small metal to make your art?
    W:⑦Yes, I only use recycled materials that have been used before. Paint is oftenpoisonous and expensive.
    Text 7
    M: Do you like my plan?
    W:⑧It’s going to be hard on us while you’re in training. I’ll have to work longerhours at home, and the children will need a babysitter.
    M: You won’t have to change your hours or hire anyone, Susan.
    W: How will we be able to pay for our expenses?
    M:⑧I get training pay from the new company. It’s not quite as much as I’ll bemaking when I start the job, but it will be enough for you to get by while I’m away forthe three months.⑨You can even work less during this time.
    W:⑨That’s good, because the children will need me more. So, when do you haveto leave?
    M: I have a flight on Sunday night.
    W: (10)That’s only five days from now!
    M: I’m sorry, dear. I’ll be able to visit you in two weeks, though.
    Text 8
    W: So what did you dream of doing when you were a little child?
    M: I was born in rural Japan. (11)When I was a kid, I often dreamed of visitingplaces in other cities and countries. Sadly, I couldn’t leave my hometown.Eventually, I started drawing. I tried my best to draw interesting scenes that no onehas ever seen.
    W: Can I have a look at the pictures you drew?
    M: Well, (12)you can read my new book titled Pierre the Maze Detective: TheCurious Case of the Castle in the Sky. Readers can adventure through imaginarylandscapes in it. Along the way, they walk in mazes and solve puzzles.
    W: So why did you want to write such a book?
    M: (13)I wanted to inspire kids to appreciate people, places, and lifestyles thatare unfamiliar to them. I think the world is more interesting because of all thedifferent people who live in it together.
    W: Well, I really look forward to reading your book.
    Text 9
    W: (14)Welcome, viewers. Tonight we are going to meet someone who knows verylittle about the pressures of a modern lifestyle. Jack Mason lives on a farm in asmall village. What is that like, Jack?
    M: It is certainly different from the way other people live. There are no shops orrestaurants or doctors near where I live, so I have to stock up with food and know howto look after myself. (15)But it is a peaceful and simple life.
    W: What is your home like?
    M: Well, it isn’t very big and the furniture is basic, but I manage to keep it warm andcomfortable.
    W: What would happen if you fell down and couldn’t get up? How would you gethelp?
    M: I didn’t worry about that when I was younger, but without the Internet or a phone Icould get into difficulty nowadays.
    W: So, what can you do?
    M: (16)I bought a special light which I can leave flashing outside. It also gives outa signal which can be picked up by the police.
    W: Well Jack, I hope you never have to use it.
    Text 10
    M: (17)Ladies and gentlemen, the bus will stop next at the WashingtonMonument, which honors the first president of the United States. It is one of thetallest stone buildings in the world, standing about 170 meters tall. The first stone ofthe monument was laid in 1 848, but because of a variety of problems, the work wasdelayed. (18)So it was not until 1884 that the monument was completed. Imaginethat it took 36 years! And then it was another four years before it was open to thepublic. Now, if you like, you can go to the top of the monument. On the way up,you’ll have to take the lift. You can take the lift down, too, or you can walk—if youdon’t mind climbing down 898 steps. The monument is made of marble, except forthe tip. Before the tip was put on the monument, it was shown around the country.Some young people jumped over the tip so that later, they could truthfully say thatthey had jumped over the top of the Washington Monument. (19)We will stay herefor 2 hours, and I believe you’ll have a great time here. (17)(20)After visiting theWashington Monument, we’ll be walking over to the Lincoln Memorial. Watchyour step as you get off the bus, please.


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